Every Plot Twist in Harry Potter Ranked From Worst to Best

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the Harry Potter series has a lot of plot twists and for some reason I feel like people never talk about them I put together a list of 30 plot twists and in this video we are going to rank them from worst to best Honestly though I feel like I shouldn't say worst instead we'll say from the least interesting to the most interesting make sure you stay till the end of the video to find out what I think is the best plot twist in the seven novel also if you enjoy this video hit that like button it will greatly help the Channel with the algorithm and if you like what you see hit that subscribe button and you can also follow me on all of my other social medias all of which are linked down below and all of which has similar content that I make here on this channel now that I've said that let's get into it at number 30 I have the plotwist that Dobby belong to the Maloy family this one had to be last because it was the most obvious by far the book literally says that this might be the case the chapter right after Dobby's appearance so finding this out was pretty underwhelming at number 29 I have the plot twist that Mrs fig is a squib we simply heard about Mrs fig in the first book but never met her the first time we actually meet her character is when the plot twist that she was a squib is dropped on us to me it was an oh moment because it had very little buildup compared to others on this list number 28 I of the plot twist that bilda bagshot was not really bilda bagshot like the one before it this had very little buildup because it happened so quickly the only reason it's above the Mrs fig plot twist is because it was more shocking due to how terrifying it was at number 27 I have the plot twist that cibil trani was the one who told the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort considering she's literally the only seer in the series this wasn't much of a stretch to be honest I think the bigger twist was that she wasn't actually a fraud which this prophecy confirmed after we had a little bit of Suspicion from the one she for told in the prisoner of asban at number 26 I have the plot twist of why nymphadora ton was depressed throughout book six we saw ton be depressed for pretty much the whole novel but we weren't told why until the very end the reason being because she was in love with Lupin and he refused to be with her one of the reasons why this is lower on the list is because it's not super important to the main plot this was like the fifth Side Story in the Half Blood Prince so it just doesn't take much priority for number 25 I chose the plot twist that Hagrid was a giant I mean we kind of assumed this from the beginning in a world with trolls goblins elves Centaur and so many other mythical creatures there was bound to Be Giants and Hagrid being 8 ft and 6 in in the novels there was no way he was fully human with that being said though getting the confirmation of this and in the way that we got it with the scandalous article it made it be above the five that came before it in my list at number 24 I have the plot twist that Snape told Voldemort the prophecy getting this information was very upsetting especially for Harry to be honest I think this would have been higher on the list if we were looking at it from Harry's point of view because for him it came out of nowhere however the readers at the time had the information that Snape had been working for Voldemort the whole time or so we thought and we'll touch on that later to me though this was more of a moment that was like it makes sense but dang that's really disappointing rather than being a huge shocker that changes everything at number 2 3 I have the plot twist that the eye in the mirror was aberforth throughout the seventh book Harry looks in the broken two-way mirror and sees what he thinks is Dumbledore's eye looking back at him Dumbledore being dead at this point it obviously wasn't him but to be fair I didn't expect it to be his brother which is why it's ranked above everything that came before it it surprised me a bit more than those did at number 22 I have the plot twist that Alis Dumbledore had a relationship with Gallard grindal this was a secondary plot and honestly maybe even less than that with how much was going on in the final book but because it was so minor it had to be ranked lower but I definitely think it was a bigger twist than the eye in the mirror which I obviously ranked behind this one number 21 for this one I have the plot twist that patuna dersley wanted to be a witch this was a shocking one for sure but the reason why it missed out on the top 20 is because well it makes sense there is a reason petunia despises her sister The Wizarding World and anything to do with with magic she's jealous I remember the first time I read this twist in the Deathly Hallows I was like it makes sense so yeah as I said that made it miss out on the top 20 for me reaching the top 20 I have the plot twist that Remis Lupin is a werewolf this was a major twist for sure and it absolutely belongs above everything that came before it but there was a lot of evidence for this plot twist for my own personal experience I remember reading this book for the first time with my grandmother as we switched off for each page age and she spoke Latin and she told me that Lupin was derived from lupus in Latin which means wolf and also that Remis was the name of one of the two children that was raised by a wolf then as soon as we got to the part where Snape taught a lesson on werewolves we put it together so I guess I kind of got spoiled but not really because going past the name it was pretty laid out if you really paid attention there's the mysterious potion that snate makes him there's the fact that Lupin leaves for being ill while no professors bad deny it his absence and a few others as well but you get the point I know a lot of people might rank it higher but to me it definitely deserves to be in the top 20 but because there were so many Clues to it not any higher than that at number 19 I have the plot twist that James Potter Remis Lupin Sirius Black and Peter pedigree were the Marauders the Marauders were mentioned a ton in the third book so there was a lot of mystery and Intrigue behind them we had heard them be called the manufacturers and got the clue that Lop knew them personally it was a tiny bit transparent when you look at that moment with Lupin which is why it isn't ranked higher than it is but it still deserves to be ranked above everything that came before it because it was a really great reveal at number 18 I have the plot twist that James Potter was a bully we had heard nothing but good things about James for four and a half books but all of that changed when we got to the chapter snap's worst memory it really was a surprise to learn that the James we thought we knew the James that both we and Harry had pictured for years was not the man we thought he was the reason it's not higher though is because well snake told us obviously we just brushed his insults about James off but with the amount it came up it definitely stuck in the back of our brains there was one moment in the prisoner of asan where I was like huh that's not a great look for James I'm of course talking about when Snape told Harry the reason why James saved his life which was not as heroic as Dumbledore made it seem to be number 17 I have the plot twist that Sirius Black was innocent throughout the third book we heard about how dangerous Sirius Black was so it was a revelation when the truth came out about his innocence he went from a despised character to one you immediately latch on to at number 16 I have the plot twist that the voice Harry was hearing was a basilisk I feel like we're now moving toward the plot twist that I just didn't see coming and the voice Harry was hearing was one of those things I had no idea what the voice was until the very every second it was revealed and boy oh boy did that deliver reaching the top 15 I of the plotwist that Hermione was time traveling throughout the whole third book Ron and Harry constantly see Hermione disappear and Ron is super hung up on how Hermione was getting to her classes I had no idea how they were going to explain this the first time I read the book and time travel was the last thing I expected this twist definitely deserves to be in the top 15 at number 14 I have the plot twist that the tri wizard cup was a port key this is one of those twists that happens and then it's immediately revealed which I took points off of for a few others on this list but this one led to so much confusion that it deserves to be this high on the list I had no idea where they ended up after touching the cup with the lack of a crowd and the fact that they were in a graveyard the first time I read this I was like oh my God it's another part of the tri wizard tournament but then when it's revealed that the cup was a port key my heart dropped knowing the danger was coming it went from Harry and Cedric winning together to the plot was that no they're about to die number 13 for this one I have the plot twist that RB is sirius's brother I had no clue who ribb was going to end up being and when the trio figured it out I was so surprised to find out that regulus was a hero who defected from the Death Eaters rather than a coward who had chickened out and been killed for it was a shock in itself but then to find out that on top of that he had learned about vort torros something only Dumbledore had been able to do it pushed this up on the list because this plot twist was a huge game changer at number 12 I have the plot twist that Tom Riddle is Lord Voldemort first of all the way this was revealed with Tom switching the letters of his name to write out I Am Lord Voldemort it was iconic but backtracking a bit throughout the second book we learned that Tom Riddle was the saint of a student top of his class head boy beloved by most professors and with this resume this was the last person you would expect to be the evil Lord Voldemort this made it a truly shocking twist the first time I read this book at number 11 I have the plot twist that Harry was the owner of the Elder Wand there were so many twists and turns with the most powerful one in the world people dying to get it Dumbledore being the previous owner the fact that it went all the way to the previous book with Draco on the astronomy Tower and the fact that Draco Malfoy was the owner of the most powerful wand in the world without even knowing it the plot brilliantly had us driven off course with Voldemort's Conquest for the wand which of course makes for an even better plot twist because everything we thought we knew became pointless instead being replaced by something we never saw coming reaching the top 10 I have the plot twist that Jenny Weasley opened the Chamber of Secrets to be honest honest the first time I read this book I had no clue who was opening the chamber especially after the trio ruled out Maloy so finding out that it was jinny had me shook at number nine I of the plotwist that Snape not only loved Lily but was really good friends with her obviously before the princess tale chapter the only thing we knew about Snape and Lily's relationship was that Snape called her a mudblood when she tried to stand up for him so learning their entire timeline and the fact that they were super close was a real shot ER and then to find out even decades later that snake still loved Lily it was another crazy plot twist at number eight I have the plot twist that Rita sker was an animes this is one of the few times I'm going to elevate a semi- minor plot line because this twist surprised me more than almost anything else in the series we obviously knew that Dumbledore banned Rita from the grounds yet she was still somehow listening in on private conversations between Hermione and crumb Hagrid and Maxim and was even in a classroom when Harry fell over in his divination class this was a plotline that I latched on to so hard the first time reading this book I put so much thought into how she was doing it and the last thing I expected was that she was an illegal anime like that is just so out there at number seven I have the plot twist that seus Snape was the halfblood prince who the Half Blood Prince really was was up there as one of the biggest questions I had in the series just narrowly beating out how Rita was getting her stories in the fourth book The Prince turned into this person that Harry became obsessed with who he trusted more than anyone and who we thought was a great wizard to find out that this person that Harry idolized was one of his worst enemies it was a dagger stuck right in Harry's back especially because he found this out moments after he murdered Dumbledore at number six I have the plot twist that quis quirrel had Voldemort on the back of his head and that he was the one after the philosopher stone this this is the OG plot twist and to this day is still one of the best everything pointed to the fact that Snape was behind everything from his leg injury from fluffy to him muttering jinxes when Harry's broom was going crazy and even to Harry hearing quirl be threatened which he thought was by Snape when it was really by Voldemort for readers to be that misled which I think almost every firsttime reader was it shows just how good this plot twist really was reaching the top five I over the plot twist that Snape was actually good after seeing Snape kill Dumbledore finding out that he was the one who took George's ear off learning that he served Voldemort for many years and getting pretty much all of the evidence in the world pointing to the fact that he was a bad guy finding out that he was really good all along and one of the most complicated ways I might add it made this be one of the greatest plot twists on this list for that it deserves to be placed in the top five reaching the top four I of the plot twist that scabbers the rat was really a man named Peter Pedic real scabbers was Ron's pet for three whole books and why would you think he was anything other than an ordinary rap that's why this plot twist is so high up it is the most ridiculous the most Wild and the most out there thing I have ever read in a book no one would ever see this coming and looking back at every interaction with scabbers before finding this out it makes it so creepy and uncomfortable knowing that Ron is cuddling up with a grown man there was a towards that line from Ron where he was like ew I let you sleep in my bed reaching the top three I have the plot twist that M Moody was really B Crouch Jr like the scabbers reveal this was something that would never even cross my mind like you would never see this coming which makes it even more shocking this plot twist also came with several other smaller plot twists like how B Crouch senior died who cast the dark mark in the sky at the Quidditch World Cup how the dark mark was cast by Harry's wand where Bera jorkins went and honestly so much more looking at how large and how important this twist was it makes it deserve to be in the top three at number two I have the plot twist of Snape killing Alba's Dumbledore this is one of if not the most shocking moment in the entirety of the seven books we knew that Snape was a Death Eater or at least we thought we knew but we never thought he would do something as bad as killing Dumbledore himself and getting past just snap's part in this just the fact that the all powerful the Untouchable Headmaster the greatest wizard in the world was actually dead it was a moment that made my mouth Hit the Floor the first time I read this novel as shocking as that was though we still have one more above it finally at number one I live the plot twist that outdoes all of the other plot twists and that is finding out that Harry is a hor Crux this like dmod door's death was a shattering Revelation but even more so here because this was the end of the main character's life the boy that we had been following for 7 years seeing him grow up when Harry was actually struck with the killing curse by Voldemort it was one of the most shocking thrilling and questioning moments for that it deserves to be the number one plot twist in Harry Potter that's my opinion though let me know in the comments below what you think of all of my picks and my rankings and if you disagree comment your own I'm excited to see what you have to say start some conversations guys reply to people and just have fun with it that's all I have for you guys today though so I will see you when in the next video
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 121,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, details you missed, hidden details, top 10, countdown, easter egg, easter eggs, behind the scenes, facts, explained, life of, review, theory, breakdown, analysis, mad eye, quirrell, quirinus, wormtail, pettigrew, ron, hermione, snape, dumbledore, mcgonagall, scabbers, rita, skeeter, dobby, voldemort, severus, horcrux, tonks, lupin, remus, marauders, hagrid, dursley, sirius, black, ginny, weasley, fred, george, wizarding world, lockhart, filch, arthur, molly
Id: bmg8IxOVes0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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