What Happened To The Monarchy After Diana's Divorce From Charles? | Diana's Legacy | Real Royalty

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this channel is part of the history hit network stick around to find out more [Music] diana princess of wales is now divorced and all but discarded by the royal family yet she remains one of the most popular and admired women in the world seemingly intended to take the royal family into the 21st century she looked destined to follow in the footsteps of the queen mother as queen consort of britain and the commonwealth but diana was unable to cope with the turbulence of royal life and she temporarily withdrew from her public duties over the next few months i will be seeking a more suitable way of combining a meaningful public role with hopefully a more private life equally unable to stay in the shadows diana's retirement was brief public adulation had become a powerful substitute for the warmth and affection she found lacking in her marriage refusing to go quietly diana still deploys her beauty and glamour to devastating effect she is a limelight stealer of legendary proportion diana's charisma has ensured that she will not be a footnote in history as her enemies intended once our future queen she will be remembered for her special appeal to many she is a princess in her own right one whose charm eclipsed the family who finally rejected her as a non-starter for queen a princess alone she rarely meets her former in-laws and even more rarely does she appear relaxed with them disillusioned by her experience of royalty diana has turned away from their traditional style at vi count linlea's wedding to the heiress serena stanhope diana's individuality underlined her difficult position neither totally in nor out of the royal family on such occasions she and they must tolerate each other then diana must go her separate way and withdraw once more into the seclusion of her three-story apartment at kensington palace here in the echoing emptiness of a palace that was never truly a family home she tries to dispel her loneliness one of diana's problems has been that she has tended to not be able to take being alone at all i mean solitude is not something that diana has found easy to deal with the minute there's a quietness she has to get on the phone she has to make contact with people has to talk about how she feels and it is incredibly difficult for her to be in that place of solitude diana's future rests on her position as mother of the royal air and spare her sons william and harry her power base amid the uncertainties of her future and diana's status and lifestyle at present still depend on the support of her ex-husband the prince of wales he gave her many solemn assurances that she wouldn't lose her status even in the very early stages back in the 80s when it was aired a couple of times the possibility of divorce he was very concerned that she didn't lose any of her privileges [Music] in stripping diana of the title her royal highness royalty lost one of its star performers diana's combination of regal dignity in hollywood allure outshone the stade and formal house of windsor this was the last occasion she would join the royal family at a state banquet [Music] her power to outshine a glittering array of tiara and titled heads created undercurrents of rivalry and jealousy which marred diana's short reign as queen in waiting [Music] diana rebelled against her husband and his family which resulted in her eventual divorce deprived of the life she should have had diana rejected queen elizabeth the second style of monarchy and created for herself a symbolic role i'd like to be a queen of people's hearts in people's hearts but i don't see myself being queen this country but she could actually be a very powerful um figure behind the throne when william becomes king she's lost out i suppose on being at buckingham palace but you know they say that's quite drafty and the queen's very thrifty so there isn't a lot of heat there and i think she's got all the things she wants in a way and you know possessions and houses might not be as important to her because she's quite rich in her own right she's not like zsa gabor who said i am a very good housekeeper every time i divorce i get to keep the house but i don't think that this was diana's worry you know she was quite well healed in her own right if you love history then you'll love history hit we have tons of exclusive documentaries about the most important people in history that you will not find anywhere else we've got unrivaled access to the world's leading historians with hundreds of documentaries featuring everything from boudicca to the british royal family not only that but we have a huge podcast network releasing new episodes every day so you'll always have something to listen to sign up now for a 14 day free trial and real royalty fans get 50 off their first three months just be sure to use code realroyalty at checkout [Music] how is it possible to compensate a princess for the life that was snatched away [Music] charles made a generous divorce settlement worth today around 17 million pounds diana amassed so many sumptuous gowns as princess of wales that recently she decided to auction some for charity each breathtaking dress was valued for being worn by the woman who was once wife of the heir to the british throne [Music] diana's wardrobe was vast when stored her dresses apparently spanned the width of 10 average terraced houses and she had a seven foot rack just for her blouses [Music] but diana kept the aladdin's cave of jewels that marked every public triumph and private tragedy of her 15 years as princess of wales [Music] [Music] daughter of an aristocratic english girl diana is wealthy in her own right with her spencer family trust fund and her private collections of memorabilia diana may be worth 40 million pounds [Music] whether they cost two or ten thousand pounds her gowns were not chosen for their price but for their bewitching effect [Music] diana's beauty and glamour was a constant reminder to charles of the wife he cast aside for another woman to quote someone with ivan trump who said don't get even get everything diana followed the pattern of other rich and under-loved wives her response to her husband's treatment was to spend spend spend and he like other dissatisfied husbands grudgingly paid the price [Music] diana joined the ladies who lunch frequenting smart restaurants in an effort to fill the lonely hours while charles was busy elsewhere [Music] because she's a rich rich girl in her own right and comes from this sort of wealthy wealthy background i don't think that um the money was that important it was the loss of prestige it was the awful humiliation of the thing going wrong because remember what a fairytale marriage it all was disillusioning for us and above all for her starting out with her fiance in 1981 lady diana spencer could never have guessed the treacherous road ahead her naivety matched her readiness to please hidden was the magic that would turn her from a shy teenager to a global enchantress she was a child a sloan ranger of 19 not terribly well educated i mean she always herself would admit that the best prize she had at school was for having the finest groomed guinea pig but she's actually very very smart but she was very fragile i think then um and she was 20 when she married the earth to the throne 21 when she produced you know first child it was an awful lot to to cope with [Music] as we now know it was almost a sort of medieval arranged marriage and this girl from the shires just developed and grew out of control they thought she was going to be a sort of biddable creature wearing slightly frumpy but acceptable clothes and smiling and bowing and accepting flowers but really not doing anything else and bearing an air and despair but instead of course she was this stunning success and it was very difficult prince charles because the whole thing had got completely out of control and you know i think he regretted it terribly i mean had she stayed behind the scenes maybe they'd be married still today in looks diana is like her mother francis chandkid who was divorced acrimoniously by diana's father and then lived in virtual exile with her second husband the loss of her mother from the family home was one of the early causes of diana's troubled personality diana's destiny was shaped by a sense of abandonment mothering her younger brother charles developed diana's caring side her eating disorder bulimia began while diana was a teenager in imitation of her older sister sarah's problem with anorexia later as prince charles's fiancee she succumbed secretly to her old eating habits when pressures began to mount as she faced the most intensive public scrutiny she's always been disturbed i think she's been plagued by demons since she was a child and if you look back into her childhood and you see the the difficult upbringing she had and and the problems that she had as a teenager long before she came into the royal family she was she was ugh just right made to be a royal in a crisis charles's lack of understanding of diana 12 years his junior sharpened the divisions between them she wanted a romantic marriage his needs were more pragmatic he'd reached an advanced age he should have been married 10 years earlier really and whether or not there would be an air in a spare was in some doubt for some time all they were concerned about was that he marry and marry quickly and that she be a child bearing woman diana quickly learned to pretend even on her honeymoon she covered up her doubts and private fears diana was i'm still very young she married charles with very very little experience and it come from a very shaky background where the main nurturers in her life had abandoned her one way or the other so she was enormously emotionally needy well she doesn't get her own way her behavior in the past has been to stamp her foot and uh and shout and scream that an awful lot of rounds go on behind palace walls what used to happen was when she felt charles was drifting away and not connecting you know when she was perhaps unhappy or she needed to talk to him about something instead of doing it and letting perhaps a little bit of breathing space to come between them she over demanded she demanded his attention she wanted him and wanted him and the more she grabbed his attention and the the worse the stunts became the emotional stunts to get his attention became the further he went away he wasn't used to people answering him back he wasn't used to in particular the women telling him what they thought and he just turned his back on it and got out of the place he just moved on and i don't think he ever tried he was just perplexed he couldn't understand someone who having been told what to do didn't do it diana's obstinacy meant that she lost out to her rival in camilla parker-bowles charles had found the perfect confidant who shared his interests towed the royal line and never upstaged him i think camilla is a very strong strong lady she was brought up in a different way she has different interests um and i think she's had a relationship with charles that was very um unthreatening in many ways i mean it was charles himself seems to be better able to conduct a relationship when he doesn't have to make a huge commitment and there is something about the glamour and the romance of it all that tends to appeal to charles very much um whereas i think um with diana maybe the same thing could have happened and he'd had a wonderful glorious affair with diana for years and years and years and she would have become that confidante you know the tables will be turned however i don't think camilla would have behaved the same as diana i can see donna fitting into camilla's role very very well but i can't see the reverse happening with camilla getting very upset at charles's perhaps interest in other women she's a much more she has a less romantic view of marriage diana still has a romantic view of marriage camilla doesn't the volcanic private relationship between the prince and princess of wales finally erupted in 1992. on their last joint tour they embarrassed their korean hosts by their negative and hostile conduct with each other nicknamed the glums they were never allowed to repeat this pantomime performance which prompted private foreign office apologies to korea the couple separated but still diana feared leaving the royal house of windsor to which he had given so much i don't want a divorce but obviously we need clarity on a situation that has been of enormous discussion over the last three years in particular so all i say to that is that i await my husband's decision or which way we are all going to go there are just so many things that contribute to the breakdown of a marriage you simply can't say it was one thing it was the jealousy and remember two people make a contribution to a marriage splitting and diana made a lot of attempts to talk to charles to try to make their relationship work even suggesting that they did things together at one point she did a lot of work to try to make the marriage look better than it was and it was charles's feeling that it was hypocritical to appear in public or to do these little gestures that would make it seem all right his belief that he should remain true to him true to what was going on was actually also part of the reason it kind of gathered momentum and it may be again when we look at the intense media interest i mean any of us having a relationship difficulties if we read about it every day i think we'd all go galloping towards the courts a lot faster than if we were left you know to get on with how we might try to make a relationship better diana's shameful friend her bulimia was a constant presence during these years on an official visit to canada diana lived on a diet of chocolate bars and needed medical attention when she fainted during a visit to expo 86 charles failed to recognize his wife's condition forcing her to keep up royal appearances when she needed rest recuperation and understanding during their gatherings at royal residences such as sandringham family tensions made diana's illness worse resulting in cries for help so you have so much pain inside yourself that you try and hurt yourself on the outside because you want help but it's the wrong help you're asking for people see it as crying wolf or attention seeking and they think because you're in the media all the time you've got enough attention inverted comments but i was actually crying out i wanted to get better in order to go forward and continue my duty and my role as wife rather princess at wells [Music] [Applause] the vows she had made on her wedding day were sincere to charles and his family she gave her youth but doubts over her husband's loyalty ate away at her causing destructive jealousy i was writing my first book in 1981 and i actually used charles and diana as an example of a relationship and how you would judge that relationship astrologically it was a textbook for young astrologers and i found the more i looked at these two charts the more incompatible they were and i voiced a lot of concerns in this book i suggested that there would be marathon ic silences in the halls of highgrove and i talked about diana making a bid for freedom and saying well divorce at one time would be unthinkable for a member of the royal family but perhaps not you know i i definitely thought divorce was a real possibility with these two in 1986 the year of these posed holiday photos the royal marriage entered its terminal phase diana asked astrologer penny thornton for advice one morning out of the blue the telephone rang and this boys just said hello it's the princess of wales she just wanted to know if there was a light at the end of the tunnel so it was when i realized that she was in trouble that this wasn't just someone who was just wanted to have a look at the horoscope which a lot of people do is kind of self-indulgent trip i thought right she's in trouble well i'll drop everything and i did i dropped everything and saw her a couple of days later when i arrived at kensington palace and i sat down and i started to talk about the charts and looked at charles and everything when she finally told me those dire straits they were in it was an extraordinary thing because at one time on one level she knew i predicted it or and yet i was surprised to hear my own prediction you know it was it was the reality of it was was quite something and it was she was in a very severe state of distress at that particular time herself the product of a broken home diana wanted to protect her young children from the emotional turmoil she had suffered she felt threatened by the royal establishment which she described as the enemy diana leaned very heavily on her astrologer for guidance one of the difficult jobs you have as an astrologer is communicating the information that you can see and you really do have to judge what you should say and how you should say it so it was i was capable of judging at that time that diana wanted to know that her marriage would work and that she would live happily ever after so it wasn't at that time i felt appropriate for me to say i don't think this marriage has got a hope in hell but really to give her suggestions as how to manage her relationship better with charles because she was doing certain things that were guaranteed to send him skedaddling off in the opposite direction so i spent a lot of time talking about how they could make it work and how things could improve and giving her a lot of a feeling that she could handle things what one of the things that happens and was certainly happening to diana is when people feel helpless powerless it's a terrible what do you do when you feel you have no power over a situation it's a terrible spiral to get into so what you have to do is turn that around so that the person aidana can feel as though she does have power she can do something there's actually something she can physically do with the situation and the minute she had some guidelines as to how to start to check herself out or get herself out of this spiral she recovered quite i mean by the time i said goodbye i was i was dealing with someone who felt back in charge again she was definitely felt she had something to grip onto diana turned to a series of male companions the art dealer oliver hall offered guidance but became embroiled in a scandal involving unsolicited calls to his home james gilby an old friend was the man in the infamous squidgy tape scandal and england's rugby captain will carling allowed his friendship with diana to create a rift with his wife they later divorced diana's most notorious affair was with guards officer james hewitt who came to enjoy his reputation as diana's lover she started seeing hewitt around about the same time as charles got back with camilla now obviously that was convenient all round especially as far as the so-called enemy were concerned and um it's obvious that the palace knew she was seeing hearing for five years james hewitt made diana's broken marriage bearable did your relationship go beyond a close friendship yes it did yes were you unfaithful yes i adored him yes i was in love with him [Music] when their personal life had failed charles and diana were obliged to play their part in royal pageantry their coldness now scarcely concealed [Music] resigned to the fact that his marriage to diana had been a disaster charles turned his back on his young wife [Music] the sad thing is that he was so indifferent to diana that i don't think um he would have minded if it had been a road sweeper because i think that uh or perhaps he would have given him more ammunition to be critical of her i don't i don't think he cared and of course indifference is one of the worst things in a relationship it was at the time of prince andrew's wedding in 1986 that charles and diana's marriage had in charles's own words irretrievably broken down although fergie's wedding day seemed perfect the new duchess of york an old friend of diana's was unsuited to royal life and would make many mistakes [Applause] oblivious to her new sister-in-law's shortcomings diana had maneuvered her friend into the royal life as her ally and to divert attention away from herself diana is the most manipulative woman i think any of us have seen in in all our lifetimes she has very carefully worked out exactly what her own role is how far she can go and she's used fergie to an enormous extent to to go in and test the waters foolish and feckless the duchess of york was the subject of scandals her reckless disregard for royal convention had a cumulative damaging effect upon the monarchy she had a love affair with her flashy american financial advisor john bryan infamously caught sucking her toes by a riviera pool and another with his friend the handsome texan oil man steve wyatt fergie's antics merely acted as a smoke screen for diana's unhappy marriage diana went away to spend a weekend in a country mansion with a young man when no one else was staying in the house long before fergie went away with steve wyatt diana was in there testing the waters she knew what she was going to do fergie misbehaved in public before diana did but diana had already done it this pattern of behavior that we saw come from fergie i don't think we'd have seen if diane hadn't been around friendly rivals fergie and diana kicked against palace restrictions engaging in behavior which led to their downfall and expulsion by divorce from their privileged positions there was a close relationship between sarah and diana they were chums and they really were close they had each other but then that relationship soured as sarah seemed to be getting on better and the queen was much more affectionate towards sarah then i think that caused a certain split between the two and i think a lot of things went on that weren't terribly terribly good news for a friendship we put it that way um but then they came back together again towards the about the time of 1992 when sarah was wanting to end her marriage to andrew and there was this kind of the two of them together had this great scenario that maybe they would do it at the same time and make their bid for freedom so they would boy each other up during this time and you know that's so they came together again so it's like that it's a convenient friendship but probably the only close one in the royal family the divorced wives of windsor mothers of the queen's grandchildren are inextricably linked by their past present and future they know how much the other suffered at the hands of a dynasty which ultimately expelled them as rebellious failures away from the relaxed atmosphere of a caribbean holiday diana's willful and uncooperative side known so well to charles is often on display when she faces the press [Music] her truculence and unwillingness to pose or smile on occasions that do not suit her has led to unseemly clashes trying to live too conflicting lives diana strives to attain maximum publicity for her limited public role and virtual obscurity for her private life even on holiday the cameras follow oh her getting lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] diana feels a victim persecuted and harassed but she loves the limelight only one thing is worse than being constantly photographed not being photographed at all the greatest trick diana ever pulled was convincing the world that she is the victim because now everybody believes it diana's determination to give paparazzi photographers a hard time can lead to farcical situations such as this incident at the end of a holiday in spain suddenly all seemed to get silly when diana got hold of this tennis racquet and put it up in front of her face i was walking backwards and at one point i was trying to focus the tennis racket had prince extender written across the front of it and i thought this was a really funny picture so i was trying to focus on the prints bit and i didn't realize that i'd stopped to focus and this prince extender was getting closer and closer and closer and suddenly my lens just went black when she just bumped into me and i said something like oh sorry which seemed really silly uh you know considering the situation we was in so i carried on walking backwards um i was aware that there was a door behind me i suddenly realized it was a lift that we were going into a lift i was walking backwards into a lift and this hand just grabbed my shoulder and i knew it was diana and she just pulled me out of the lift and i immediately jumped in after her and then this ba official just sped out which i thought was really really funny because when we were kids my dad used to say out o u double t out and i i remember feeling very endeared to this guy wow [Music] sometimes diana's sullen attitude is evident on her way to engagement where she can expect to be photographed but refuses to cooperate diana uses the press if you see a decent picture of camilla parker bowles in the paper then as sure as god made apple's green the following day you'll get an even better one of diana diana stole charles's thunder the day he appeared in a television documentary admitting his adultery with mrs camilla parker-bowles this startling tv revelation had made headline news until he was upstaged by his glamorous wife and everybody remembers the night of um the dim will be interview when prince charles admitted um an affair with camilla parker polls look how diana turned up at a serpentine gallery i mean my god that was just brilliant i applauded her for it i thought it was great but that's just you know that's what diana does she she she manipulates and she's very good at it diana stunned onlookers with her low-cut cinderella style dress clearly enjoying her celebrity status however there are times when diana shares fears common to ordinary women particularly when she's out on her own i'd found her car parked near beach in place and i was walking kind of fast on the other side of the street and she kept glancing over her shoulder at me and she increased her pace this wasn't the princess whales being harassed by the paparazzi this was a lone woman in a dark backstreet in london being followed by a man dressed in black but i realized that it was quite frightening for her so i said mom and she turned around and she went oh god it's you it was the only time i've ever had a decent conversation with diana and my god she can turn it on like you you've never seen i've never seen i've never been face to face with such beauty at that close range i've never seen such such eyes and the way diana talks when she talks to you she she's not as tall as me she's slightly smaller than me but she sort of moves her right hip and puts her head down and it literally pulls you into her and you feel like you're being pulled in and she just said um i said look i'll see you around and she said not if i see you first [Music] posing alone in front of the taj mahal was one of her cleverest tricks sending out a message of frustration at her husband's absences and at his private disregard for her [Music] however she did treat her foreign tours with a solemn purpose remembering the importance of representing britain abroad she often did this against a background of sniping criticism from faceless enemies at home who feared that her glamorous style raised her profile higher than her husband [Music] diana could be courteous and respectful of other cultures yet always allowing her own mesmerizing qualities to come through because of this diana was received with genuine warmth in places where other members of her husband's family might not have been it is little wonder that diana wanted to be an ambassador for britain to use well the acclaim she received as princess of wales she showed skill and diplomacy many politicians would envy building bridges and cementing international friendships along the way she has traveled far from her first tentative public speech to the people of wales in 1981 when she was already expecting her first child prince william i look forward to returning many times in the future and also i'd like to just add how proud i am to be princess of such a wonderful place years later with great maternal pride diana took william to wales on some david's day presenting him as the future king [Music] william's role provides diana with her greatest expectations and he may be the best hope for the future of the british monarchy [Applause] [Music] prince william and his brother harry have given diana the emotional support to carry her through her worst years they are the real source of her strength she has strived to bring them up differently from the formal manner of earlier royal generations [Music] by providing a series of adventurous thrills diana has tried to give them exposure to people and situations far removed from charles's own upbringing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] however diana's obsession with press intrusion has affected william finding the paparazzi's coverage of their ski trips overwhelming william has now refused to return to the scenes of his mother's battles with photographers [Music] excuse me could i ask you to respect my children's space because i brought the children out here for a holiday we've had 15 cameras following us today as a parent i want to protect children a lot of the time diana shouts and screams at the press when her children are there for for no reason and she actually draws attention to herself a school boy at eaton college william is deeply sympathetic to his mother's difficulties diana's interview on television revealed a lot about her private life being caught in a war between his parents is the fate william shares with many children of split homes diana's turbulent public dramas are something the teenage prince has come to dread i was in the high street and i saw diana's car pull in to um the schoolyard where williams houses and it was odd because she didn't get out of the car that all the kids were at church church ended and william came out of the church he walked past diana's car and she called out to him she got out the car and said william william it was an incredible scene because william was visibly upset and she was trying to explain to him and it was if he couldn't grasp it um and i was taking pictures of them and and i really was amazed by what i was seeing and then afterwards william just walked away a detective once said to me at eton college that william dreads here and his mom's car on the gravel because it just means more trouble and that she races up there every time every time there's another disaster is coming in the news of the world you know a will carlin an oliver a james hewitt style disaster up she goes straight up the m4 see the kids tell him before the papers tell him [Music] by giving her son's lovish holidays an exotic locations diana could be accused of sometimes spoiling her children [Music] perhaps diana is overcompensating her sons for the distress of their parents bitter separation and divorce [Music] i think that prince william has understood it for a great number of years too long in a way because he was very disturbed and unhappy at the time of the breakup and the divorce and became very protective of her and this is going to be interesting because that bond is probably just going to be stronger and stronger diana's compulsive need to be the most important influence in her boys lives has led to jealousy of anyone she thought trying to supplant her maternal role diana was furious when charles's friend tiggy leg burke formed a close but short-lived attachment to her sons prince harry appears to be a more easy-going little fellow but he too has suffered another loss in the sense that first of all his mother is ousted and then prince charles moves in tiggy leg burke to be a sort of substitute nanny mother figure and now capriciously she's been fired she's out of his life so he's lost well he sees his mother of course but he's lost two sort of stable presences in his life and i think very disturbing for those little boys diana's lack of direction in life and her unfulfilled emotional needs could place a burden on her sons at times when they will need a more solid foundation for maturity i actually think the children find it much more comfortable if mommy or daddy remarry because as they grow older these boys um they want their mother to be happy but they don't want her to be too dependent and that is very it's a dangerous syndrome as as they get older um so it would be ideal if she met um prince charming number two uh be a weight off their minds and somebody that they liked rather than this lonely beautiful shadowy figure wanting to share their life rather too much enjoying a holiday in the sun with her family diana will try to avoid her mother's pitfall of a second failed marriage which would be disastrous for her and disappointing for her sons diner is not destined for a life in the shadows unlike her mother diana's enemies long forecast that she would copy her mother francis nicknamed the bolter when she left diana's father for another man i think she's a sad lady i think that she needs a bit of attention i think she needs a lot of love uh things haven't gone well for francis shane kidd while diana and her mother may have shared similar destructive experiences diana will hopefully not be destined to share her fate my mother like daughter except diana is so much more powerful so much stronger diana is able to cope with it mrs shankid is not he's not a good copa in recent times diana has looked to another good copa her former stepmother reign now divorced from her third husband she used to call her stepmother you know the stepmother from hell but somehow now that she herself is divorced and a woman on her those two meet in a very cozy giggly lunches in the ritz despite virtual isolation in her remote scottish home frances keeps in regular contact with her children and grandchildren diana now understands both her mother and stepmother better well i think both relationships are on the mend i mean that's what's quite interesting but again this comes with growing up oneself by the time you've had children and you're going through perhaps some difficult times with your own growing children you start to have more sympathy and understanding for the mother who may have had all her own problems and at the time that you were growing up or diana was growing up so i think as she grows older the difficulties that there were in the early stages of the relationships with both her mother and with reign will be eased i think with age comes understanding and forgiveness and all those good things diana's circle of staff and women friends has changed rapidly some former close friends have gone and a more recent addition to diana's diminishing circle is jemima khan the young wife of cricketer turned politician imran khan i don't think she has formed much in the way of relationships with other women since since the divorce i think that her circle of friends has just shrunk and shrunk and other women do have a problem identifying with her and knowing how to handle her i would think diana needs friends more than anyone else on this planet that i can think of right now pursuing her queen of hearts role diana identifies with needy people projecting her caring image and a need for physical contact hugging has no harmful side effects if we all play our part in making our children feel valued the result will be tremendous there are potential huggers in every household it's this tactile style that has marked diana out from the more reserved royal family she married into him giving love is still her trademark the plight of starving children does not go unnoticed by diana like so many celebrities she has used her fame to attract attention to their desperate state diana has always done it her way in zimbabwe she ladled out some of the food herself earning the nickname die the dinner lady this compassionate touch contrasts with charles's worthy but unimaginative campaign this is simply not the style of the house of windsor while her enemies regard her as uneducated and her efforts to help others as stunts to upstage charles diana continues her mission to spread love and peace before divorce removed the title her royal highness diana enjoyed some government support now cut off from organizational help which smooths her progress diana battles on [Music] by visiting the killing fields of angola diana is able to draw the world's attention to the millions of unexploded landmines still taking their toll on the young and innocent in a country trying to pick itself up from a long and bloody civil war [Music] her efforts were criticized she was called a loose cannon i'm really trying to highlight a problem that's going on all around the world public success takes its personal toll diana constantly seeks new horizons new projects new people to help while neglecting her private happiness simply because she is an impossible lady to deal with it was described to me that she is never relaxed she never lets go she never can go out and enjoy herself she's always thinking is this the should i be making this move should i be doing that should i be being photographed should i be in a hospital she very rarely goes out to eat these days she eats most of her meals in the palace she hasn't been on a shopping spree that we know for some time she's not even been to the caribbean for weeks loneliest woman in london i would think without any shadow of dad the loneliest woman in london i think that she spends a lot of time behind palace walls looking at what she can do in the future and i think she's quite desperate to find a role for herself other wilderness years ahead for diana or will she find a new role and new happiness before her son william becomes king [Music] princess diana last visited sydney in 1988 with her husband for the bicentenary celebrations this is her first visit to australia as the divorced wife of the heir to the throne and there's an air of expectancy about the place [Music] lord archer who has advised her at some of the most critical moments of her public life believes her appeal is undiminished by her altered status we're talking about a superstar here she's immensely popular worldwide she's a highly attractive woman and comes over to the man in the woman in the street as a caring decent person and there's no getting away from this you can't suddenly invent her the next day and say nobody loves her we don't care any longer i think the problem is that princess diana will live to 90 and this isn't going to go away today that level of interest has not changed the crowd still turn out to see her talk to her touch her she's returned to the country she once toured in triumph as future queen when she came in 1983 with prince charles her appeal was one of the strongest weapons in the palace armory the house of windsor did not hesitate to show off the young princess to the former dominions australia new zealand and canada where the queen is head of state in her panorama interview diana said of the 1983 visit we had a six-week tour four weeks in australia and two in new zealand by the end when we flew back to britain i was a different person i realized the sense of duty the level of intensity of interest and the demanding role i now found myself in that demanding role was already taking its toll on the young princess she was suffering from postnatal depression after the birth of william and from bulimia and eating disorder [Music] [Applause] thirteen years later and now fully recovered diana princess of wales is a woman in her prime elegant glamorous and unequaled wearer of fabulous gowns composed in control and very popular come on [Music] oh [Music] despite her divorce from charles diana still hopes to become a roving ambassador for britain what she wanted what she has striven to achieve over the last year is to be allowed to go around the world and represent britain in the way she has represented britain in the past but with the support knowing that there would be the support of the government to help organize trips and so on that hasn't been forthcoming it's been a consequence of the divorce therefore that she's done her trips on her own privately individually back in 1983 the wales were immensely popular who could have guessed that their marriage had been anything other than a love match it was a message that the royal family and their courtiers were keen to convey [Music] [Applause] the warmth which greeted the princess enhanced her husband's image together charles and diana were a dynamic partnership underneath diana was learning to cope with insuperable pressures while still full of doubt and lacking self-esteem the root cause of bulimia which blighted the marriage had william been left in britain diana may have been unable to cope with this long separation from her newborn son however malcolm fraser the australian premier arranged a temporary base for william so that diana could be close to her baby but on a trip to canada later that year diana was compelled to leave william behind the pressure on her was mounting her suffering kept undercover asked on panorama if she had felt she had to perform diana said i was compelled to go out and do my engagements and not let people down in turn the public supported her carrying her through the difficult times but bulimia had taken over her life on a tour of expo 1986 in canada diana fainted in public she'd been surviving on a diet of mars bars charles was embarrassed by her failure to maintain royal decorum diana's bulimia had its roots in an unhappy childhood as a child diana had grown up next door to the royal family at park house on the sandringham estate [Music] she was the girl much above the ordinary the youngest daughter of the eighth earl spencer she was the flower of british aristocracy it seemed a protected charmed life but the family split after parental rouse when diana was six her mother francis left home the children remained in their father's custody [Music] diana went to boarding school where she excelled at sport and music coming home for events such as her sister jane's wedding to the queen's assistant private secretary robert fellowes a crucial link to diana's future [Music] she'd take it all in her stride i think she'd always be like that she's very practical down there very down to earth very practical very good housewife and incidentally when she was a baby she was a superb physical specimen she'd won any baby price that was going the spencer's left park house in 1975 when diana's grandfather the seventh girl died her father inherited the title and a hundred roomed ancestral mansion althrop house in northamptonshire [Music] the spencer line can be traced back to the normans and beyond there are links to charles ii diana's family can boast more english blood than the germanic house of windsor the honorable diana spencer became lady diana spencer entering adult life fully aware of her aristocratic background i called my daughter donna after her because she's one of the old family names of the middle of the 18th century there have been links with the monarchy and with the nation as a whole since the 17th century really because one of my ancestors was virtually prime minister to three kings charles ii james ii and william and mary and ever since then there'll be very close links with the royal family i mean queen mary was one of my godmothers prince of wales those days was one of my godfathers and my mother was a lady in waiting and now my daughter has married prince of wales [Music] becoming princess of wales was a dynastic prize when diana won it her father's pride and delight was without bounds on that glorious july morning almost none of the world's 750 million television viewers had any idea of the truth behind the wedding of the century front row privilege in saint paul's cathedral was given to diana's closest friend sarah ferguson who knew many of her secrets with diana's maternal grandmother lady famous were her sisters jane and sarah they knew of diana's fears the day before the wedding and had comforted her joking your face is on the tea towel so you're too late to chicken out now as mother of the bride france's shunned kids still strikingly attractive returned in triumph to the court which had virtually exiled her after her bitter divorce from diana's father diana's grandmother lady famous a close confidant of the royal family had serious doubts about diana's suitability as a royal wife well she certainly said so to people yes but i think that that's the nature of being a courtier that unfortunately you don't tell your employers what they don't want to hear ever the consummate courtier lady famous loyalty to the royal family and particularly to her friend the queen mother was absolute in their minds diana was the right choice for charles i think it's perhaps wrong to say it wasn't arranged marriage and just because everybody wanted it doesn't mean to say it was arranged i think the prince of wales convinced himself that he loved her and i think she certainly was in love with him whether she was actually really in love with him as a person or whether she was in love with the whole mystique of him being prince of wales i don't know she certainly went into it willingly she was absolutely determined to marry him i mean she didn't know about camilla but i think she thought she could win him over i don't i really don't think anybody would have deterred her and i think although he did have his doubts he thought it was his duty and that really she was ideal and he must go ahead with it i mean i think she's changed a great deal and i think it was a great shock for her to discover she couldn't really make her husband love her and they were actually completely unsuited i don't know if you remember that interview they gave and um you know prince charles saying oh that she was absolutely perfect and loved the country and all this kind of thing and i mean it turned out of course she wasn't like that at all and so they didn't have a single interest in common some of the central participants knew all was not as it seemed the bride and groom his parents and robert runcie archbishop of canterbury who married them claimed the wedding was the stuff that fairy tales are made of later he told his biographer that he believed it was an arranged marriage that the couple were ill-matched that charles was marrying primarily to produce an heir to the throne but he hoped diana would grow into the role both families had achieved an excellent piece of dynastic family planning the queen had satisfactionally married off her 32-year-old son and the divided spencers had seen their daughter marry into royalty but saying goodbye to him on a trip to australia the sad truth was beginning to intrude on her romantic dreams the warning signals had been ignored diana was left sobbing charles had just taken a goodbye call from his mistress camilla parker-bowles from the start diana was the focus of much public attention a foretaste of greater pressures to come diana later accused of manipulating the press was a recent convert to the game all that mattered to her then was being part of the dynamic duo the good team for charles the media was there to serve his interests for years that the camera is poking at you from every culture and recording every twitch you make so you can get used to a certain extent and on those occasions you accept that that's part of it i think if you don't try to work out in your own mind some kind of method for existing and surviving this kind of thing you you would go mad i think and so in the end you do get yourself but i don't you find that now six months you'll be getting to get used to it just it is i suppose one of the most important things you're going to have to adjust to really isn't it of course yeah and prince charles has been a great help too in that moment so tara strength whatever support charles gave was clearly insufficient one person who might have guided her through the times she now calls the dark ages was princess grace of monaco based on her own experience of a life under the microscope grace took the nervous girl aside and gently warned her don't worry dear it will get worse when grace died tragically after a stroke which caused fatal injuries in a car crash in september 1982 diana personally asked the queen for permission to represent her at the funeral privately diana was unable to bear the pressures of her life a few months after her wedding she threw herself down the stairs at sandringham so you have so much pain inside yourself that you try and hurt yourself on the outside because you want help but it's the wrong help you're asking for people see it as crying wolf or attention seeking and they think because you're in the media all the time you've got enough attention inverted comments but i was actually crying out i wanted to get better in order to go forward and continue my duty and my role as wife rather princess at wells diana wanted to re-mold herself into a visible queen in the making at the state opening of parliament in 1984 she appeared with her hair in an upswept shinyok but the publicity eclipsed the serious nature of the occasion princess margaret scolded her saying don't ever upstage the queen again charles's friends criticized her appearance columnist jean rook accused diana of becoming a living daily recycled barbie doll diana is still nicknamed barbie by some of the enemy camp charles spent more time hunting and playing polo diana suspected that this was an excuse to see more of camilla as these occasions were written into his diary before any public engagements were added diana and charles still put on a show of affection in public privately they behaved with the politeness of strangers queen alexandra put up with what king edward vii did we are living in a different age and women have different expectations and so i think it was rather difficult for somebody who wasn't brought up in royal circles to cope with this situation uh very probably if he'd married a foreign princess she would have just you know looked away turned a blind eye to what was going on and just regarded as her duty to keep the whole thing going these were turbulent years for diana she turned for help to a series of friends advisers and astrologers sarah ferguson the duchess of york recalls in her book my story that at balmoral diana was teary and reclusive and out of sorts diana's father was a vital prop in these difficult times when her marriage was disintegrating sadly he died in march 1992 his funeral was a harrowing occasion for all his family prince charles arrived just in time by helicopter following an alleged private meeting with camilla earl spencer had lived on borrowed time after a brain hemorrhage and seeing william the air in line growing up was precious to him as he recalled in a television interview william was five yesterday i thought of that i might not have been there but i was there i'm able to ring him up and talk to him on his fifth birthday which was great fun great day for him great day of him cinema it's a lovely present and everybody has a happy day and hope to hear all about it from him later on diana's family history had been marred by feuds she her sisters and brother disliked rain their stepmother although today she is one of diana's circle of strong women friends charles did not add his name to diana's touching floral tribute his message was attached to a wreath sent by the queen and prince philip charles attended earl spencer's memorial service with his wife and sons the show of togetherness was deceptive charles had felt obliged to join diana for appearances say could other spencer family gatherings in the past [Music] on his father's death diana's brother charles became earl spencer he took control at althrop and later married the model victoria lockwood prince charles accompanied diana to their wedding in 1989. [Music] their marriage ended in separation after the fragile victoria became unable to cope with her problems they too fell prey to the spencer family curse of unhappy marriages on holiday with king juan carlos of spain and his family diana's frailties left her struggling to hide her unhappiness and her bulimia whilst projecting a happy family image out of duty unloved by her husband diana found comfort in the arms of a young officer james hewitt his looks are strikingly reminiscent of her father as a young man diana's love affair with james hewitt lasted on and off for five years when she addressed the wives of the gulf war soldiers in 1991 dinah was thinking of her lover hewitt then a tank commander in the gulf often in the line of fire there is nothing of course that i can say which will fill that gap in your lives and to say that i along with so many others at home understand and sympathize with you at this time sounds very inadequate and rather too easy but it is the least i can do and i do feel for you with all my heart diana admitted her affair with hewitt did your relationship go beyond a close friendship yes it did yes were you unfaithful yes i adored him yes i was in love with him despite what was going on privately in their lives diana still obeyed the whims of palace and government accompanying charles on foreign tours to fly the flag for britain and the monarchy she admitted she had suffered from rampant bulimia in these years eating in public especially a large number of lavish courses at a banquet put her under particular pressures but friction in the marriage grew over diana's escalating popularity diana claimed that charles was a proud man he found her ascendants too hard to bear and he ended the double act anxious to protect the public from the truth a propaganda campaign was mounted to discount stories of serious problems the palace insisted that a marriage which charles now admits had irretrievably broken down by 1986 was happy and wholesome sarah bradford believes the deception was unwise it was much more of a shock once everything came out wasn't it but i think that whatever happened it would have been very bad because after we all had this fairytale image didn't we and then when the facts came out i think everybody was really pretty shocked it was at a polo match in india that diana stopped pretending expecting to kiss his wife she deftly turned her head away the big lie was being exposed diana had an ally in her friend the duchess of york they had shared many confidences before marrying into the house of windsor and her sisters-in-law understood each other's distress unknown to the public they had made a pact to leave their husbands that spring both deeply unhappy diana and fergie had resolved to break from palace control and begin afresh in a search for happiness which had so far eluded them [Music] in march 1992 fergie unceremoniously left the royal family but diana waited she had her secret weapon already primed a group of friends had told the hidden side of her marriage to the author andrew morton whose book would be published that summer one of those friends was her former flatmate carolyn pride diana attended her wedding to william bartholomew and became godmother to their son carolyn had witnessed the personal destruction diana's exalted marriage had caused when the morton book came out so i'm told that the princess's friends talked to andrew morton because they felt that the truth should be told about this marriage that it was a sham and they all thought i'm told that the princess would then leave the royal family and to have another life but this didn't happen and i don't know whether she looked into the abyss and thought i don't know that i want to go that i i want to be separated but i don't want to go and so she backtracked diana chose to send symbolic messages to reinforce the story she knew would soon be told she visited the taj mahal where charles had posed in 1981 shortly before his wedding she called her visit a healing experience the dynastic marriage that had been presented to the world as a love story had proved disastrous for both parties after diana her true story the royal family faced an escalating drama but with hindsight could have prevented the final act i think most of us feel perhaps that they should have been told to get on with it i think there has been a problem of communication and i think that people have found it very difficult to say tell the prince of wales what they think he should do the queen's not given to probing into other people's private lives and that includes the lives of her children i think she was taken by surprised and very upset that it wasn't working out diana's grandmother lady famous had told others that diana was an actress and a schemer she died in 1993 and had been the crucial link to the royal family through her friendship with the queen mother lady for moy had fallen out with her granddaughter diana over the morton book but they were reconciled shortly before her death the old lady also patched up a long rift with her daughter francis dating from her divorce when lady famous had testified against her over the custody of the children charles genuinely grieved for ruth for moy she had given him and the royal family the kind of unquestioning loyalty he expected from his wife after exposing the sham marriage in diana her true story diana suffered reprisals a tape of an intimate conversation between diana and an old friend james gilby was made public her friendships with other men were also made public a series of phone calls made to the art dealer oliver hall were leaked to the media her relationship with rugby player will carling became front page news shortly afterwards he separated from his wife julia after the publication of the notorious camillagate tape diana found her role increasingly marginalized as charles's office orchestrated a re-launch campaign [Music] following a disastrous tour of career in november 1992 the wales would never again be sent abroad as joint representatives for britain john major brokered a deal whereby the warring couple would live separately but would preserve the official side of their union he hoped that with arrangement diana could still become queen institutional positions [Music] the princess still appeared with the royal family at important events such as the state visit of the king of malaysia [Music] look at this [Music] this is the last time diana joined the house of windsor for such an occasion her potential as a great queen consort all too sadly evident [Music] diana has said in her own words that in her marriage three was a crowd and the dominance of camilla parker bowles had grown to the extent that charles was prepared to place his affair with her in the public domain charles's cooperation with jonathan dimbleby for a candid television interview and biography took the princess and the palace by surprise did you try to be faithful and honorable to your wife when you took on the vow of marriage yes absolutely and were you yes until it became irretrievably broken down diana's decision in december 1993 to withdraw at least temporarily from public life climaxed with a dramatic speech which she planned to make at a charity function the palace and the prime minister's office maneuvered behind the scenes to make sure she was stage managed as smoothly as possible her friend lord archer's role was to steer her through this traumatic event we got her on stage at the end of the meal and i introduced her and i simply said her royal highness princess wales would like to make a statement and she was trembling and she was in she was very very very the whole thing was her royal highness the princess of wales would like to make a short statement your royal highness [Applause] ladies and gentlemen it is a great pleasure to be here with you sharing in your successes of the past year when i started my public life 12 years ago i understood the media might be interested in what i did i realized then their attention would inevitably focus on both our private and public lives but i was not aware of how overwhelming that attention would become nor the extent to which it would affect both my public duties and my personal life in a manner that's been hard to bear at the end of this year when i've completed my diary of official engagements i will be reducing the extent of the public life i've led so far obviously i attach great importance to my charity work and i intend to focus on a smaller range of areas in the future over the next few months i will be seeking a more suitable way of combining a meaningful public role with hopefully a more private life my first priority will continue to be our children william and harry who deserve as much love and care and attention as i am able to give as well as an appreciation of the tradition into which they were born i would like to add that this decision has been reached with a full understanding of the queen and the duke of edinburgh who have always shown me kindness and support i hope you can find it in your hearts to understand and to give me the time and space that has been lacking in recent years i couldn't stand here today and make this sort of statement without acknowledging the heartfelt support i've been given by the public in general your kindness and affection has carried me through some of the most difficult periods and always your love and care has eased that journey and for that i thank you from the bottom of my heart i mean this was pin dropping stuff because they hadn't been expecting it they'd come to celebrate a charity function they hadn't expected a constitutional announcement and they burst into thunderous applause and i could see her trembling your royal highness i know i speak for all of us when i say we sympathize with the decision you have taken whatever course your life now takes be assured there are many charities and individuals all over the world who will remain grateful for the dedicated service and care you have brought to everything you do on behalf of those people who cannot be with us today thank you ladies and gentlemen her royal highness the princess of wales lord archer took control of the situation follow me mom walked down into the audience and she just followed and they remained standing and cheered her all out of the room took her back to the palace and i remember leaving the palace i don't know 20 minutes later thinking god poor woman she's gone through all of that now she's on her own and no one there at all i mean no one it's not as if i mean i suppose some people who read stories about princesses think there are hundreds of people running around getting food and turning on televisions and bringing people in to meet her there was one man who i think was called the equity and he left at six so she she's in this great big house all on her own and i remember going back to my wife and saying you know wouldn't be lovely to take her to dinner of course we can't you can't ring up a princess and say would you like to come to dinner but i i remember that evening vividly thinking she must be very lonely and then i reported what happened during the day back to the prime minister and that was the end of it she and her typical good manner she's beautifully men and women sent a handwritten note round here the next day with a small present saying thank you for taking care of me during the day again typical of her beautiful manners diana returned to public life the following year the need to honor the brave and the dead of world war ii meant that she took her place with other royals on commemorative occasions seen behaving with respect and dignity at these sad remembrances alongside the queen there is a sense of loss diana is the queen that never was [Music] the queen had persuaded diana to stay within the royal family after the morton book the official separation was meant to be permanent however three years later the queen changed her view divorce was inevitable this shocked diana when it was eventually announced i don't want a divorce but obviously we need clarity on a situation that has been of enormous discussion over the last three years in particular so all i say to that is that i await my husband's decision or which way we are all going to go diana did not agree to a divorce until february 1996 when she could no longer continue defying the queen whose letter sent in december had the private force of a royal command diana told friends she felt under pressure to get out well i don't think she was removed from the royal family after all i think she removed herself although perhaps in the end she changed her mind and didn't want to get divorced and i think made it plain that she didn't over the years i think she'd given the impression certainly that she wanted out and i think as always in these divorce situations who wants to make the first move because the person who makes the most move has to pay the most usually i think that's perfectly true she didn't want a divorce she saw no need to divorce she felt that the separate state the separation status gave her a position still um it was important to the to william and harry everything charles and darn have done has been for william and harry and there was therefore no need to to rush into a divorce i mean i think that most people thought to be quite frank that the queen should have banged their heads together longer and said well you know there you are you must get on with it after we're not talking about two people who live cheek by jowl in a tower block and have no personal space plenty of room for that so the trouble was it just went on until it was poisonous as part of her divorce settlement diana received 15 million pounds at their final meeting she dissuaded charles from having a note-taker present she told him she had always loved him she had no regrets about marrying him and she was agreeing to a divorce against her wishes she was an asset we could never have dreamed would be so good and you see it when the crowds turn out and their reaction to her i think most people and i may be wrong but my reading is that most people are very sorry about the divorce they're very sad about the divorce that they would have liked that to go on they would have liked them to go on as prince and princess of wales the divorce hopes of diana becoming queen ended she had claimed that the establishment she married into saw her as a non-starter for queen her huge pulling power abroad did not secure her future at home i'd like to be a queen of people's hearts in people's hearts but i don't see myself being queen this country if she doesn't want to be queen she doesn't want to be queen say that she doesn't like the idea i personally would have thought she'd be rather good at it just as she's been extremely good at being a princess of wales in 1992 and still an official member of the royal family diana appeared on the buckingham palace balcony for the last time on her divorce the queen removed the title her royal highness it was an unpopular move as the mother of of a future king she should be accorded the title hrh her royal highness others decided that it was not to be um but it looked more and more like a an act of punishment really for the way the princesses behaved diana of course indicated at the start of the process back in february 1996 that she would be willing to give up her title because she felt she she was taking a back seat from now on but i think she always hoped that they would never come to that i think she felt that she needed to have that title principally as i say for prince william and prince harrison once you are divorced you are after all no longer a real member of the family are you in anybody's family this is true and therefore you no longer in there if you have right to that title but i think that it did appear petty and there is also the problem of her being the mother of the future king and so some people thought that it would have been better to have left their hrh [Music] when she heard that she would no longer be her royal highness diana cut over a hundred charities of which she was royal patron or president her presence will be sadly missed and her love and affection will never be replaced [Music] it meant an awful lot to the status she felt of her charities and it was because of that the removal of the title that in fact she decided to cut so severely back on all her charity work and her charity commitments the campaign for a better understanding of aids also found a sympathetic supporter very early on diana was not afraid of controversial issues public concern and confusion about the facts had been growing but pictures like this did more than a thousand reassuring words from doctors [Music] now officially out of the royal family diana's future role is uncertain on a private trip to argentina she had hoped to improve relations with britain some felt that she lacked the diplomatic training and experience for such a mission no matter how well she was received [Music] without a formal role diana's foreign trips can leave her open to political wrangling this was the case when diana accompanied her friend jemima khan to her husband imran's hospital in pakistan there are problems i mean there was that business when she went to see imran and jemima khan in pakistan and got very involved in politics which she didn't mean to but simply by the act of going to see them that was regarded as a political act in pakistan so she's not really wise enough in the ways of diplomacy to get herself along in those sort of situations diana's international acclaim is particularly evident in the united states this is one of the nicest british invasions that the white house has ever had it's because she is a woman who has had a tireless commitment to the homeless to aids cancer leprosy and other health issues hillary clinton is one of the strong women who give diana inspiration as her life changes diana has moved into a new circle of friends women with international experience one is lady elsa boca the widow of a british ambassador her diplomatic advice is invaluable to diana another discreet friend is british-born magazine editor liz tilburis a constant companion in new york divorced and stripped of her title diana is still treated in public like royalty although many close to the royal family see her as an outlaw an inconvenient woman now cast aside by the most powerful family on earth i don't think she has a great deal of contact with the royal family but of course she cannot isolate herself totally from them and she's always going to be part of them because of the mother as the mother of william and harry so she will still be seen albeit increasingly rarely i think um with the royal family on certain state occasions when william and harry are there too but there isn't a great deal of contact that there really there really doesn't need to be i don't think they want a great deal of contact with her and she doesn't want a great deal of contact with them for diana christmas and easter will mean separations from her children who spend those holidays with the queen who is grooming william for kingship i think that um he'll be properly trained and i think that well you know if you have that position have those privileges you just get on with it on his accession to the throne in years to come william might restore the title hrh taken from his mother on her divorce maybe prince william one day king william might feel differently and it's in his power so to do because the king or the queen is the founder of all on and therefore they can do what they want every man she's seen with is viewed as a potential husband diana's personal life is often the subject of conjecture had to be lord mega rich wonderful it is very difficult because how does any mum cope with being mr princess diana it's a terrific problem for her she had an unhappy first marriage she'd like to make a very happy second marriage perhaps she'd like to have another family but i don't think she's going to rush into it i mean this has been and it was an extraordinary marriage for an extraordinary experience and it took an extraordinary long time to get out of when it all went wrong so i suppose next time she's got to try and pick the right man and as she has said herself she's always been a very bad picker diana's role has been snatched away she has no husband and no official duty she is a woman alone a survivor of misfortune whose message of hope is intertwined with a renewed belief in herself following her success since divorce there is a chance that the royal family will realize the value of their lost princess and draw her back into the theatre of monarchy diana princess of wales was divorced and all but discarded by the royal family yet she remained one of the most popular and admired women in the world seemingly intended to take the royal family into the 21st century she looked destined to follow in the footsteps of the queen mother as queen consort of britain and the commonwealth but diana was unable to cope with the turbulence of royal life and she temporarily withdrew from her public duties over the next few months i will be seeking a more suitable way of combining a meaningful public role with hopefully a more private life equally unable to stay in the shadows diana's retirement was brief public adulation had become a powerful substitute for the warmth and affection she found lacking in her marriage refusing to go quietly diana still deployed her beauty and glamour to devastating effect she was a limelight stealer of legendary proportion her charisma has ensured that she will not be a footnote in history as her enemies intended once our future queen she will be remembered for her special appeal to many she was a princess in her own right one whose charm eclipsed the family who had rejected her as a non-starter for queen a princess alone she rarely met her former in-laws and even rarer did she appear relaxed with them disillusioned by her experience of royalty diana turned away from their traditional style at vi count lindley's wedding to the heiress serena stanhope diana's individuality underlined her difficult position neither totally in nor out of the royal family on such occasion she and they tolerated each other then diana would go her separate way and withdraw once more into the seclusion of her three-story apartment at kensington palace here in the echoing emptiness of a palace that was never truly a family home she tried to dispel her loneliness she obviously wanted it to be a family home because it was very much the center of her life with the boys particularly obviously when they were back from school it was much more really like a young single woman's apartment than what you would think of as a rough and tumble family home [Music] diana's future rested on her position as mother of the royal air and spare her sons william and harry her power base amid the uncertainties of her future a year before her death the title her royal highness was taken away from her it was very interesting that her brother said at the funeral service she didn't need the royal title to go continue to go on producing her special sort of magic and i think from the outside world that was obviously the important thing i suspect it may have been very much more important to her than we on the outside realised [Music] in stripping diana of the title her royal highness royalty lost one of its star performers diana's combination of regal dignity and hollywood allure outshone the state and formal house of windsor this was the last occasion she would join the royal family at a state banquet [Music] her power to outshine a glittering array of tiarad and titled heads created undercurrents of rivalry and jealousy which marred diana's short reign as a queen in waiting [Music] diana rebelled against her husband and his family which resulted in her eventual divorce deprived of the life she should have had diana rejected queen elizabeth the second style of monarchy and created for herself a symbolic role i'd like to be a queen of people's hearts in people's hearts but i don't see myself being queen this country how was it possible to compensate a princess for the loss of her identity [Music] charles had made a generous divorce settlement worth then about 17 million pounds diana had amassed so many sumptuous gowns as princess of wales that recently she decided to auction some for charity each breathtaking dress was valued for being worn by the woman who was once wife of the heir to the british throne diana's wardrobe was vast when stored her dresses apparently spanned the width of 10 average terraced houses and she had a seven foot rack just for her blouses [Music] she kept the aladdin's cave of jewels that marked every public triumph and private tragedy of her 16 years as princess of wales [Music] [Music] daughter of an english girl diana was wealthy in her own right with her spencer family trust fund and her private collection of jewels and memorabilia diana may have been worth 40 million pounds [Music] whether they cost two or ten thousand pounds her gowns were not chosen for their price but for their bewitching effect [Music] diana's beauty and glamour was a constant reminder to charles that the crowds were casting him aside in favor of his more attractive wife as time went on after they were married it was quite clearly the crowds wanting to see diana and i think there are pieces of film where you see in a sense the crowd on the side of the road where charles was actually disappointed because it wasn't diana who was coming over to talk to them or shake their hands i think it would have been difficult for anybody to cope with but particularly somebody like the prince of wales had been brought up to believe that in in every way he was the preeminent figure as the heir to the throne and to be upstaged by somebody particularly somebody who has seemed very much the junior partner i would have thought would have been very threatening diana followed the pattern of other rich and under-loved wives her response to her husband's treatment was to spend spend spend and he like other dissatisfied husbands grudgingly paid the price diana joined the ladies who lunched frequenting smart restaurants in an effort to fill the lonely hours while charles was busy elsewhere in fact dianne's favorite shopping area kensington high street became known locally as kensington dye street i don't think that the money was important it was the loss of prestige it was the awful humiliation of the thing going wrong because remember what a fairy tale marriage it all was disillusioning for us and above all for her starting out with her fiance in 1981 lady diana spencer could never have guessed the treacherous road ahead her naivety matched her readiness to please hidden was the magic that would turn her from a shy teenager to a global enchantress she was a child a sloan ranger of 19 not terribly well educated i mean she always herself would admit that the best prize she had at school was for having the finest groomed guinea pig but she was very fragile i think then um and she was 20 when she married the earth to the throne 21 when she produced you know first child it was an awful lot to to cope with [Music] they thought she was going to be a bittable creature wearing slightly frumpy but acceptable clothes and smiling and bowing and accepting flowers but really not doing anything else and bearing an air and despair but instead of course she was this stunning success and um it was very difficult prince charles because the whole thing had got completely out of control and you know i think he regretted it terribly i mean had she stayed behind the scenes maybe they'd be married still today in looks diana was like her mother francis chandkid who was divorced acrimoniously by diana's father and then lived in virtual exile with her second husband the loss of her mother from the family home was one of the early causes of diana's troubled personality diana's destiny was shaped by a sense of abandonment mothering her younger brother charles developed diana's caring side her eating disorder bulimia began when diana was a teenager in imitation of her older sister sarah's problem with anorexia later as prince charles's fiance she succumbed secretly to her old eating habits when pressures began to mount facing the most intensive public scrutiny her brother said at the funeral that part of the problem was her own deep sense of insecurity and her deep sense of lack of self-worth and of course to those people who saw her mostly in public can hardly believe that but i'm sure he was right i'm sure it was true and i suspect that all stemmed from their very difficult childhood which was obviously was very insecure and did both make them both feel very unhappy and rather lost at times although undoubtedly the pressures which she felt in the marriage would have contributed at a later stage charles's lack of understanding of diana 12 years his junior sharpened the divisions between them she wanted a romantic marriage his needs were more pragmatic i suspect given his background and given his upbringing that he would have had a much more formal approach to the idea of marriage and the idea of a royal partnership than perhaps she did as a very romantic young girl who fell in love with somebody who she saw as her prince charming as well as the prince of wales at a very vulnerable and presumably very unformed age and she was only 19 just out of the school and i suspect she had different expectations perhaps than he did diana quickly learned to pretend even on her honeymoon she covered up her doubts and private fears diana was i'm still very young she married charles with very very little experience and it comes from a very shaky background where the main nurturers in her life had abandoned her one way or the other so she was enormously emotionally needy what used to happen was when she felt charles was drifting away and not connecting you know when she was perhaps unhappy or she needed to talk to him about something instead of doing it and letting perhaps a little bit of breathing space to come between them she over demanded she demanded his attention she wanted him and wanted him and the more she grabbed his attention and the worse the stunts became the emotional stunts to get his attention became the further he went away he wasn't used to people answering him back he wasn't used to in particular the women telling him what they thought and he just turned his back on it and got out of the place he just moved on and i don't think he ever tried he was just perplexed he couldn't understand someone who having been told what to do didn't do it the volcanic private relationship between the prince and princess of wales finally erupted in 1992 on their last joint tour they embarrassed their korean hosts by their negative and hostile conduct with each other nicknamed the glums they were never allowed to repeat this pantomime performance which prompted private foreign office apologies to korea the couple separated but still diana feared leaving the royal house of windsor to which she had given so much as she explained in a tv interview i don't want a divorce but obviously we need clarity on a situation that has been of enormous discussion over the last three years in particular so all i say to that is that i await my husband's decision or which way we are all going to go there are just so many things that contribute to the breakdown of a marriage you simply can't say it was one thing it was the jealousy and remember two people make a contribution to a marriage splitting and diana made a lot of attempts to talk to charles to try to make their relationship work even suggesting that they did things together at one point she did a lot of work to try to make the marriage look better than it was and it was charles's feeling that it was hypocritical to appear in public or to do these little gestures that would make it seem all right his belief that he should remain true to him true to what was going on was actually also part of the reason it kind of gathered momentum and it may be again when we look at the intense media interest i mean any of us having a relationship difficulties if we read about it every day i think we'd all go galloping towards the courts a lot faster than if we were left you know to get on with how we might try to make a relationship better diana's shameful friend her bulimia was a constant presence during these years on an official visit to canada she lived on a diet of chocolate bars and needed medical attention when she fainted during a visit to expo 86 charles failed to recognize his wife's condition forcing her to keep up royal appearances when she needed rest and recuperation and understanding during their gatherings at royal residences such as sandringham family tensions made diana's illness worse resulting in cries for help [Music] so you have so much pain inside yourself that you try and hurt yourself on the outside because you want help but it's the wrong help you're asking for people see it as crying wolf or attention seeking and they think because you're in the media all the time you've got enough attention inverted comments but i was actually crying out i wanted to get better in order to go forward and continue my duty and my role as wife mother princess at wells [Applause] the vows she had made on her wedding day was sincere to charles and his family she gave her youth but her husband's love for camilla parker bowles caused destructive jealousy if you read for example the biography of the prince of wales she was in a sense aware of the possibility of this other relationship even when they were engaged in 1986 the year of these posed holiday photos the royal marriage entered its terminal phase diana asked astrologer penny thornton for advice one morning out of the blue the telephone rang and this boys just said hello it's the princess of wales she just wanted to know if there was a light at the end of the tunnel so it was when i realized that she was in trouble that this wasn't just someone who was um just wanted to have a look at their horoscope which a lot of people do is kind of self-indulgent trip um i thought right she's in trouble well i'll drop everything and i did i dropped everything and saw her a couple of days later when i arrived at kensington palace and i sat down and i started to talk about the charts and looked at charles and everything when she finally told me those dire straits they were in it was an extraordinary thing because at one time on one level she knew i predicted it or and yet i was surprised to hear my own prediction you know it was it was the reality of it was was quite something and it was she was in a very severe state of distress at that particular time diana turned to a series of male companions the art dealer oliver hall offered guidance but became embroiled in a scandal involving unsolicited telephone calls to his home and england's rugby captain will carling allowed his friendship with diana to create a rift with his wife they later divorced diana's most notorious affair was with guards officer james hewitt who came to enjoy his reputation as diana's lover for five years james made diana's broken marriage bearable did your relationship go beyond a close friendship yes it did yes were you unfaithful yes i adored him yes i was in love with him [Music] when their personal life had failed charles and diana were obliged to play their part in royal pageantry their coldness now scarcely concealed resigned to the fact that his marriage to diana had been a disaster charles turned his back on his young wife the sad thing is that he was so indifferent to diana that i don't think he would have minded if it had been a road sweeping because i think that perhaps would have given him more ammunition to be critical of her i don't think he cared and of course indifference is one of the worst things in a relationship for comfort and support diana turned her attention to her charities who welcomed her with open arms hugging has no harmful side effects if we all play our part in making our children feel valued the result will be tremendous there are potential huggers in every household it was this tactile style that marked diana out from the more reserved royal family she'd married into [Music] giving love was her trademark she always cared about the disabled abroad she turned her attention to people afflicted by leprosy these people were all part of her constituency of the rejected as her brother said so movingly at her funeral diana's philosophy mirrored that of mother teresa and her nuns who worked tirelessly for the sick homeless and underprivileged [Music] sadly mother teresa died within days of diana she like millions all over the world had been touched by diana's warm and caring personality diana was using her charity work to compensate for her loveless marriage it was at the time of prince andrew's wedding in 1986 that charles and diana's marriage had in charles's own words irretrievably broken down [Music] [Applause] although fergie's wedding day seemed perfect the new duchess of york an old friend of diana's was unsuited to royal life and would make many mistakes oblivious to the shortcomings of her new sister-in-law diana maneuvered her friend into the royal life as her ally and to divert attention away from herself there was a close relationship between sarah and diana they were chums and they really were close they had each other but then that relationship soured as sarah seemed to be getting on better and the queen was much more affectionate towards sarah then i think that caused a certain split between the two with the publication of the duchess of york's life story the relationship with fergie came under considerable strain they had had some estrangement which was about the various aspects of sarah's publicity publicity about her book and so on and what she'd said in her book it wouldn't surprise me and diana was fiercely concerned about people's loyalty to her and i think again that might reflect her own insecurity at a basic level she was one of those people for whom you were either with her or against her it was very difficult i think for many people to tread a middle path or perhaps to be loyal to two people who she saw as one of them being her enemies i've known several instances of people who were good friends of hers who did feel very loyal and concerned about her but with whom she was very angry because she saw some action of theirs as being disloyal diana's truculence and unwillingness to pose or smile on occasions that did not suit her led to unseemly clashes trying to live two conflicting lives diana strove to attain maximum publicity for her limited public role and virtual obscurity for her private life but even on holidays the cameras followed her oh diana felt a victim persecuted and harassed but her use of the media was always an area of both confusion and controversy in her life at times her apparent awareness of photographers in the press was then blighted by her naivety at the eventual outcome she knew what she was doing when she rang individual columnists and told them her side of the story she knew what she was doing when she posed for very beautiful photographs or sexy photographs in different locations where even though the newspaper photographers might not be immediately apparent she knew they were at the other end of a long lens but on the other hand i think she didn't really she wasn't really in control because she was very upset when they then said well you know you've in a sense opened the door to this why are you so incredibly miserable when we chase you around to your health club or tennis game or with the boys or whatever it may be and she didn't really understand how she couldn't play both games diana's determination to give paparazzi photographers a hard time could lead to farcical situations it suddenly all seemed to get silly when diana got hold of this tennis racquet and put it up in front of her face i was walking backwards and at one point i was trying to focus the tennis racket had prince extender written across the front of it and i thought this was a really funny picture so i was trying to focus on the prints bit and i didn't realize that i'd stopped to focus and this prince extender was getting closer and closer and closer and suddenly my lens just went black when she just bumped into me and i said something like oh sorry which seemed really silly you know considering the situation we was in so i carried on walking backwards and i was aware that there was a door behind me i suddenly realized it was a lift that we were going into a lift i was walking backwards into a lift and this hand just grabbed my shoulder and i knew it was diana and she just pulled me out of the lift and i immediately jumped in after her and then this ba official just said out out o-u-t out out now o-u-t out have a nice trip now while diana resented such intrusions into her private holidays she was acutely aware that her role on official occasions like a visit to india required a more regal image although they had a marriage in name only as princess of wales she accompanied her husband on official visits at home and abroad she was the essence of royalty [Music] on another visit to india she posed alone in front of the taj mahal her solitude sending out a message of her frustration at her husband's absence and his private disregard for her [Music] even alone she treated her foreign visits with a solemn purpose remembering the importance of representing britain abroad she often did this against a background of sniping criticism from faceless enemies at home who feared that her glamorous style raised her profile higher than her husband's [Music] man what do you think is [Music] diana would be courteous and respectful of other cultures yet she always allowed her own mesmerizing qualities to come through because of this she was received with genuine warmth in places where other members of her husband's family might not have been as princess of wales she showed skills and diplomacy many politicians would envy building bridges and cementing international friendships along the way [Music] she had traveled far from her first tentative public speech to the people of wales in 1981 when she was expecting her first child prince william i look forward to returning many times in the future and also i'd like to just add how proud i am to be princess of such a wonderful place in 1973 at the age of 12 diana followed her two sisters to west heath school in kent where the order and routine provided a sense of stability established in 1865 its small country house environment has always encouraged the development of individual talent her ties with west heath school remained strong in 1987 she returned to give a speech and open the new sports hall it was an appropriate task for someone who had excelled as an athlete and accomplished swimmer despite a naturally quick wit diana was not good at exams and she didn't stay on for the final year my years at west heath were certainly very happy once indeed i made many friends who i often see and in spite of what miss raj and my other teachers may have thought at the time i did actually learn something so you would never have known by my o level results years later with great maternal pride diana took william to wales on saint david's day presenting him as the future king [Music] my [Music] [Applause] william's role provided diana with her greatest expectations and he may be the best hope for the future of the british monarchy [Music] prince william and his brother harry gave diana the emotional support to carry her through the worst years they were the real source of her strength she strove to bring them up differently from the formal manner of earlier royal generations by providing a series of adventurous thrills diana tried to give them exposure to people and situations far removed from charles's own upbringing at her funeral diana's brother pledged that his family will do all they can to continue the imaginative way in which she was steering her two exceptional sons so that their souls are not simply immersed by duty and tradition but can sing openly as she planned [Music] diana's obsession with press intrusion affected william finding the paparazzi's coverage of their private ski trips overwhelming william later refused to return to the scenes of his mother's battles with photographers [Applause] excuse me could i ask you to respect my children's space because i brought the children out here for a holiday we've had 15 cameras following us today as a parent i want to protect the children by giving her sons lavish holidays in exotic locations diana could have been accused of sometimes spoiling her children perhaps she was just over compensating her sons for the distress of their parents bitter separation and divorce [Music] i think that prince william has understood it for a great number of years too long in a way because he was very disturbed and unhappy at the time of the breakup and the divorce and became very protective of her enjoying a holiday in the sun with her family diana tried to avoid her mother's own pitfall of a second failed marriage which could have been disastrous for her and devastating for her sons unlike her mother diana was not destined for a life in the shadows diana's enemies long forecast that she would copy her mother francis nicknamed the bolter when she left diana's father for another man despite virtual isolation in her remote scottish home france is kept in regular contact with her children and grandchildren in her final years diana understood her mother better this must have been the most awful blow to her because she's obviously had a very difficult life herself and i imagine she must feel at some level that some of the problems that have occurred go right back to the stage at which her marriage to diana's father broke up i imagine that she would want to be close to them but whether that's possible given that she lives geographically so far away in scotland i don't know diana's father was a vital prop in the difficult times when her marriage was disintegrating sadly he died in march 1992 his funeral was a harrowing occasion for all his family prince charles arrived just in time by helicopter preoccupied with other duties earl spencer had lived on borrowed time after a brain hemorrhage and seeing prince william growing up was precious to him as he recalled in a television interview william was five yesterday i thought of that i might not have been there but i was there i'm able to ring him up and talk to him on his fifth birthday which was pretty fun great day for him great day for him cinema send him a lovely present and hope he has a happy day and hope to hear all about it from him later on diana's family history had been marred by feuds she her sisters and brother disliked rain their stepmother although later she became one of diana's strong circle of women friends charles didn't add his name to diana's touching floral tribute his message was attached to a wreath sent by the queen and prince philip charles attended al spencer's memorial service with his wife and sons the show of togetherness was deceptive charles had felt obliged to join diana for appearances sake at other spencer family gatherings in the past on his father's death diana's brother became the new world spencer the princess of wales continued with her royal commitment but not for long diana's decision in december 1993 to withdraw at least temporarily from public life climaxed with a dramatic speech which she had planned to make at a charity function her friend lord archer's role was to steer her through this traumatic event we got her on stage at the end of the meal and i introduced her and i simply said her royal highness princess of wales would like to make a statement and she was trembling and she was in she was very very very the whole thing was her royal highness the princess of wales would like to make a short statement your royal highness [Applause] ladies and gentlemen it is a great pleasure to be here with you sharing in your successes of the past year when i started my public life twelve years ago i understood the media might be interested in what i did i realized then their attention would inevitably focus on both our private and public lives but i was not aware of how overwhelming that attention would become nor the extent to which it would affect both my public duties and my personal life in a manner that's been hard to bear at the end of this year when i've completed my diary of official engagements i will be reducing the extent of the public life i've led so far obviously i attach great importance to my charity work and i intend to focus on a smaller range of areas in the future over the next few months i will be seeking a more suitable way of combining a meaningful public role with hopefully a more private life my first priority will continue to be our children william and harry who deserve as much love and care and attention as i am able to give as well as an appreciation of the tradition into which they were born i would like to add that this decision has been reached with a full understanding of the queen and the duke of edinburgh who have always shown me kindness and support i hope you can find it in your hearts to understand and to give me the time and space that has been lacking in recent years i couldn't stand here today and make this sort of statement without acknowledging the heartfelt support i've been given by the public in general your kindness and affection has carried me through some of the most difficult periods and always your love and care has eased that journey and for that i thank you from the bottom of my heart i mean this was pin dropping stuff because they hadn't been expecting it they'd come to celebrate a charity function they hadn't expected a constitutional announcement and they burst into thunderous applause and i could see her trembling [Applause] your royal highness i know i speak for all of us when i say we sympathize with the decision you have taken whatever course your life now takes be assured there are many charities and individuals all over the world who will remain grateful for the dedicated service and care you have brought to everything you do on behalf of those people who cannot be with us today thank you ladies and gentlemen her royal highness the princess of wales follow me mom walk down into the audience and cheetahs follow and they remain standing and cheered all out of the room [Applause] diana's retirement was brief unable to return to an ordinary life she began to create her own role against a backdrop of charity work and good causes through her association with the red cross for instance she successfully raised their profile over many important campaigns here she was making a visit to nepal in the himalayas as an ambassador for britain she was unequaled she was an extraordinary ambassador for us to the third world what we used to call the third world to people in countries who were suffering from one thing or another which she identified with at home but which she picked up very strongly when she was abroad whether again it was aids in africa or the plight of children which she who she visited with mother teresa in india or the whole landmines issue where she was so important and identifying and drawing attention to something which governments have been talking about for a long time but no one in general was had remote interest in by visiting the killing fields of angola diana was able to draw the world's attention to the millions of unexploded landmines still taking their toll on the young and innocent in a country trying to pick itself up from a long and bloody civil war [Music] her efforts were criticized she was called a loose cannon yeah i'm only trying to highlight a problem that's going on all around the world a year after her divorce diana was full of hope for a happy future she took her boys on a holiday to the french riviera with the businessman muhammad al-fayed and his family including his son by his first marriage the handsome bachelor dodi the happy group cruised on his luxurious yacht the jonacle diana ignored dodi's reputation as a playboy and was impressed by his gentle considerate nature they spent further time together and their friendship rapidly developed into love he gave her the attention and tenderness she craved diana's brother said she had found joy in her life and days before her death she told a friend that her time with dodie was pure bliss she certainly looked very radiant and very happy even in the smudgy long-distance photographs we saw of her on holiday i think the fact that she was prepared slightly later to be photographed with dodiel fired in a way which she certainly hadn't been with some of the other supposed male friends in her life did indicate that she felt confident about the relationship and therefore presumably felt very happy but whether it was the kind of relationship would have developed i don't know we hear all the rumors in the press that they were going to be engaged but i think that's just in the realms of speculation death came suddenly and terribly after a crash in paris charles brought his ex-wife home to a country in mourning half the world watch by television and millions lined the streets of london for a funeral unlike any other the public grief for the death of the people's princess dictated the nature of a unique funeral for a unique person and asked the monarchy to reconsider its position i think it would be impossible at this stage to gauge what will happen over the long term but i think what has been fascinating is to watch the way in which perhaps the country felt differently about something than the queen and those who immediately surrounded her not so probably so much in personal feelings but in terms of the way of expressing those personal feelings and she responded she responded to what she must have heard either through the media through her advisors through the prime minister whoever it may have been who advised her that she was out of step with the country's feelings on this and she of course responded magnificently and did a wonderful broadcast and i think most people felt that that in a sense restored the position [Music] [Applause] diana princess of wales died when she had at last found the happiness that had eluded her for most of her 36 years she had spent her summer of love with dodie fired a handsome and affectionate man who gave her the attention and tenderness she craved just as their future looked bright and promising death came suddenly and tragically [Music] now the world will remember diana the irreplaceable princess who became as she had wished a queen in people's hearts [Music] spring 1998 a visit to canada and a time to laugh again [Applause] this was the first appearance of the wales trio they had found light after the awful darkness of diana's death [Music] it was a time for relaxation as they skied the canadian rocky mountains charles and sons were the latest family firm [Music] william who once hated photo calls now bantered with [Music] reporters at balmoral in august 1997 on another photo call just prior to their mother's death the differences between the two boys personalities were emerging harry was the more impulsive william already a cautious young man [Music] the living image of his mother he faces a lifetime of duty for william whatever happens to the monarchy life is always going to be like it is for his mother hounded harassed pursued privately as well as publicly his misfortune as well as his good fortune being that he looks rather like her and he's her legacy made flesh william was already on the threshold of manhood but diana's death has brought out qualities of leadership and responsibility in him he has become a very strong young man he was always strong much stronger than his father who is rather weak and who tends to blame other people for things that go wrong in his life william strong of mind when he was a boy perhaps even a bit willful since his mother died and particularly with harry to look after to oversee he's assumed an importance which he wears very well i mean he happens to be you know tall he's a good-looking chap very bright but he changed in becoming a more independent boy in taking control in a sense of the situation and he was crucial of course to harry stability [Music] shortly after diana's death charles took prince harry to south africa in johannesburg they attended a spice girls concert harry relished the attention they gave him it was a time to laugh and smile again and to let his father join in the fun south africa was a long way from britain in climate and culture the trip was an opportunity for father and son to relax in a different atmosphere the tour helped harry create a geographical and emotional distance from the traumatic event since his mother's death he's become far more reflective there are long periods i understand where he is very sort of contemplative in a way that he wasn't before well he's only a young boy i think you know all of us who have families and maybe have lost someone close can understand what may be going through his thoughts disappointments he must have periods of unhappiness but he is quieter and more contemplative than he was before she died like william harry can never forget the good times they had with their mother she introduced them to new people exciting places and fresh adventures a visit to watch a welsh rugby match and a chance to drive an army tank in germany were part of harry's upbringing she never wanted second born to mean second best in a conversation i had with the princess not long before she died in kensington palace she did bring up the question of her concerns for harry and that william would always be the one the center stage one who was going to be king she was worried uh for instance rather touchingly i thought that william would get all the girls all the girls would go for wills and poor harry would who's only a couple of years younger would be left out and so she was already kind of taking steps to try and make sure that they were treated equally even though in royal standing terms william was would always be number one although she would have loved a daughter diana threw herself enthusiastically into the role of mother of two lively boys [Music] she provided them with the thrills and spills that other children enjoyed this was nothing like charles's childhood they raced each other in colorado in july 1995 and shut down the slides at thorpe park another year [Music] distant summers of their past with their memories of a gentle and affectionate mother will always be in their hearts but diana was accused of upstaging her estranged husband and of spoiling her sons with too many lavish foreign holidays in a way perhaps you spoil them with with treats i don't think you can spoil children with too much love and attention i think that's that's a myth but um i found that she didn't spoil them in terms of being a sensible mother she was very good at nagging them about their manners and as a result they're both beautifully mannered boys william will be the next prince of wales and diana knew she had to prepare him for the role in march 1990 saint david's day she took him to wales to meet people from the principality he was only seven years old as a mother diana was very particular about certain things diana was fanatically tidy and so she was always reminding them to pick up things that's the sort of things that mothers do i mean that's normal to have somebody come along and nag you i think is is keeping you in touch with reality you know life is not easy and you have to learn to look after yourself and i think she gave a lot of that she was very well balanced mother in that sense diana got involved in many humanitarian causes in 1991 accompanied by her friend baroness margaret j she not only challenged prejudice views about aids but broke the mould of traditional royal speeches publicity about hiv seems to veer between sex and death horror stories at one extreme to complacency at the other but behind this confused picture lies the reality of a growing worldwide affliction and untold private suffering hiv does not make people dangerous to know so you can shake their hands and give them a hug heaven knows they need it in one handshake diana dispelled the myth that touching transfers the virus she made many visits to aid centers such as this hospice with its emphasis on living patients welcomed her on several private occasions diana took her sons along with her harry was only nine years old when he visited adrian moore jackson who was dying of aids he and william went to his flat to see him this could never have happened in previous generations they stayed you know talked and they learned from this they were being shown things they were being told things they were being introduced to people they were sitting on the beds of patients playing little games with them and they were being with aids patients and others and the wonderful legacy that diana led and if this drawbridge between the 20th century and the millennium was her through the children diana also visited hostels for the homeless such as center point in london and talked to the occupants about their problems she wanted william and harry to have a social conscience and not lose sight of real life outside palace walls they visited center point with her and william took an early interest in her work for the underprivileged she was concerned that they weren't going to grow up spoiled or sort of too much within that tradition and she used to love taking them to see you know the homeless and wear the jeans and just you know go down to brass tacks i mean she was terribly concerned that they should see that side of life she desperately wanted to get them away from the life of privilege which she knew that they were destined to lead for the rest of their lives she feared they would grow up like prince charles had grown up she didn't want to see reality through the polish windows of a passing limousine she wanted them to know it as she knew it highgrove was the wales family's country home holidays were spent at the spanish royals summer palace they watched polo matches with their mother and there was real excitement when prince charles won a trophy [Music] unlike earlier generations of royal airs william and harry were not educated by a palace governess they attended kindergarten and mixed with other children then they went to weatherbiz a london day school [Music] both boys enjoyed games [Music] and their mother joined in too [Music] the reward of a loving hug made it all worthwhile hugging has no harmful side effects if we all play our part in making our children feel valued the result will be tremendous there are potential huggers in every household displays of affection were absent in prince charles's childhood often separated for months from his mother he still had to wait his turn for a brief and cool reunion there could be no greater contrast with diana after a brief canadian tour she scooped her children into her arms charles 2 was far more tactile than his parents had been with him diana wanted william and harry to share the experiences other children enjoyed while diana believed it was essential for william and harry to sample life outside castles and palaces she was criticized for straying too far from traditional patterns of raising royal children she was determined that her boys would not grow up like that she wanted to keep their feet on the ground so she used to take them to supermarkets go shopping take them to the movies queue up at mcdonald's and at fun fair you know leisure parks all in a desperate attempt to give them some experience of the real world sometimes the real world became impossible for diana and her children they were simply too famous in 1993 a private visit to disney world in florida was ruined by other tourists who took pictures and made an amateur video of the royal group diana resented these intrusions even on public engagement she hated having to run the gauntlet of pushing photographers who closed in on her she felt hunted and hounded scenes like this seem a terrible omen of her last hours above all diana loads the media's scrum and the battles with paparazzi when she was out with her sons the constant attention upset them i remember a terrible fight in the street in austria when william and harry were caught right in the middle of it two italian paparazzi tried to um i mean really get literally right up their noses it was ridiculous trying to take pictures from this sort of distance and diana objected and got a very upset and uh her policeman rugby tackled one of the photographers to the ground well the two boys were standing there watching all this and they became very concerned and diana had to hurry them away back to their hotel incidents like that they've been so many of them have really traumatized william harry doesn't suffer so much harry's rather thick-skinned very like his mother he quite revels in the spotlight and makes jokes about it bodyguards always accompanied the boys on trips but they were unable to prevent the harassment they received from the paparazzi and sometimes from the public unlike other children william and harry were always on show lines of holidaymakers would stare as if they were exhibits in a zoo harry felt uncomfortable william grew to loathe cameras and would even hide from prying lenses williams problems with cameraman are so bad now that they've become a serious worry to the queen he doesn't like the spotlight hates publicity hates facing cameramen and i think that's largely because he saw his mother involved in so many scuffles in the street um i remember talking to diana about this once and saying uh you know she said william doesn't like being photographed and i said well i'm sorry it goes with the job if you're going to be a king you've got to be photographed oh you're very hard and i said well i think i'm just being realistic you know the sooner william gets accustomed to photographers the better it's going to be easier for william diana tried to protect her children from press intrusion sometimes by taking direct action excuse me as a parent could i ask you to respect my children's space because i brought the children out here for a holiday william doesn't like the cameras because he saw the appalling things it did to his mother you know so much has said about diana and photographers about photo opportunities being created out of nothing so that she could be photographed the reality is that she hated being pursued by cameras this incident at malaga airport in 1994 shows the type of hounding that diana resented and william hated william saw this he sympathized with this mother he even said to her once i'll be a policeman when i go up and i'll look after you so again we are talking here about the teachings of a child and when a child sees and feel something that powerful when they're young as william did it's not a surprise to me that he has grown up feeling um an antagonism towards lenses which are looking at him hopefully he'll get over it after all you know as an adolescent in moving into manhood he's going through that rather difficult period but he does head cameras he's going to have to get used to them they're always going to be there on state and ceremonial occasions william and harry accepted they would be on display they appeared on buckingham palace balcony each june to watch trooping the color with the rest of the royal family in 1990 they watched the ceremony that commemorated the battle of britain a lengthier test of endurance for the royal children [Music] honoring the brave was very important to the queen younger royals found such occasions boring six-year-old harry and his two-year-old cousin princess beatrice performed an impromptu quick step diana had to remind him that he was in public william coppered his older cousins princess anne's daughter zara and her son peter who had been drilled in royal etiquette early in life after church at eastern christmas the royal family were on parade for the crowds and the cameras diana felt under pressure to make her lively young boys conform to the standards of the senior royals [Music] as heirs to the throne she was training william and harry for public service showing them how to greet people who had waited hours in the cold to see them [Music] diana's special touch with ordinary people was a gift her sons have inherited each in his own way [Music] harry grew into an impish adorable child william grew conscious of his special destiny and was more reserved there were family examples of dedication to the monarchy all around him [Music] in october 1991 when william was nine in harry seven they accompanied their parents on a visit to canada their first official visit as a family diana had taken the lead in preparing them for this first formal introduction to representing the monarchy abroad she had no idea that this training would help them respond to public sympathy after her death despite images of unity charles was distant from his family diana and her boys were often apart from him she tried to make up for his absences diana really loved her boys some people say she almost smothered them when they were little but because her marriage wasn't working she put all her emotions and love into those two children it's a very common thing and she used to take them into bed with her and she'd hug them and kiss them and they'd sit and watch television with her and if they were ill she would go into hospital with them i mean she really was a very good mother and anyone else intruded on her space as a mother she didn't like as they sailed from canada on the royal yacht britannia the prince and princess of wales were visibly ill at ease aboard britannia six years earlier the story appeared to be a happier one when she started to speak with us about her problems in the marriage i think one of the big blow ups when prince harry uh was born because uh obviously i sent her flowers and many of the friends and then she's i said to her once how happy you must both be and she said can you believe it he he was very disappointed with when harry born and because he wanted a girl and and we all started to smell that something was going wrong and then eventually everything came out william and harry were often formal with charles and more casual with diana they learned to balance their divided lives and different lifestyles of their parents especially at the time of the separation and the divorce i think as all children do not wanting to alienate either side and okay in some respects they were slightly the go-betweens and yet um they always were very careful not to upset diana by mentioning things they knew would upset her and they always said daddy loves you william grew attuned to diana's emotions amid the turmoil of his parents disintegrating marriage as years went by he became her confidant and often comforted her in her distress on one famous occasion when she was weeping and had retreated to her bathroom after an argument with charles arguments incidentally they desperately tried to keep away from the children as all parents would and they were no different from anyone else in this respect he memorably stood at the door hurt her crying and sharp tissues under the door for her to wipe her eyes and he was about nine at the time i mean it's the most poignant thing it's it is awful uh we all know that children suffer most in these circumstances [Music] despite a painful broken arm in 1990 charles played with young harry at highgrove but he and diana were now living separate lives she had secretly cooperated with a biography that in 1992 shook the royal world she allowed her friends to take the blame but charles knew she had betrayed him diana would never be forgiven he thought it was despicable what diana did but i think in a way he understood why she did it she felt i'm surrounded by enemies i'm a lone woman fighting the establishment i've got to use every trick in the book and she did diana kept up the pretence continuing to appear with the royal family on special occasions it was three years before she admitted the truth in a controversial television interview that finally resulted in her divorce she wasn't thinking about her children particularly when she did that panorama interview that could only be damaging to the boys i think at the time she wasn't aware of what she was doing she would never have deliberately harmed them but just the same it was a mistake and it was something she said she regretted later danny didn't say sign it for a particular reason she feared that if she remained silent she would ultimately lose the children her outburst was in order to keep the children and she took a calculated risk i think the risk has been proven on all sides to have been the right one in the sense that the kids have come through it pretty well they're they're they're two fine boys and for them to be fine boys still is enormously to their credit among the royal family are several male role models for william and harry to look up to perhaps the best is princess and son peter a handsome rugby player now studying sports science at university they really look up to him as a hero as an elder brother and william in particular and took and to a certain extent harry get on very well with peter phillips and whenever they go to belmoral they like peter phillips to be there when he can be um just because he's like the big brother that they didn't have that wills didn't have and they look up to him diana was a mother to be proud of she gave her boys unquestioning love and attention whatever the problems in her personal life or the demands of her public role while there were many wonderful trips to expensive locations she also taught them about the humanitarian causes she campaigned for including aids leprosy cancer and landmine victims diana's enemies ridiculed her good intentions whether in her charity work or with her children she was frequently accused of courting the media and rivaling her husband with photo opportunities of herself as the better parent if they competed for the love of their children it was like all divorced parents when holidays come around they both try to give them great treats well for instance you know that is the fantastic advantage of having a broken home you get two lots of presents at christmas you get two lots of holidays so it's not all bad [Music] as her marriage broke up william and harry became diana's male escorts for some evening engagement [Music] she took william to wimbledon to see steffi graf become lady's single champion in 1991 [Applause] and to cardiff the welsh capital in 1993 but william was happiest in the seclusion of the royal estates she knew that the best time william had was when he was away from london away from the paparazzi on the royal estates where he could be shielded from all the publicity and she knows or she knew that he liked things like shooting and riding and all the country he-man pursuits that royal men enjoy and that she couldn't provide living in an apartment which is virtually like a flat in london with no garden to speak of so they were much better off with her father and she accepted that diana often took her boys out of london to see close friends such as lady annabelle goldsmith at her large home in nearby richmond there were various homes just using annabelle goldsmith's home as an example they would phone up and say i mean she would phone them so do we fancy coming down for a sunday lunch we've got about 10 or 12 people coming with their you know with their children oh donna would love that great get in the car let's go and they had a great time there the boys fooled around uh with the other boys who all the children who were and go roughly the same sort of age and it was just a fun sunday lunch polo is the game for right-handed players like charles william is left-handed and cannot follow in his father's sporting tradition while his elder son excels at swimming as diana did charles has high hopes for harry harry is quite sporty and i think it's very likely that if he's right-handed he'll play polo perhaps because his father will like him to play polo charles is a man who likes family traditions to go on on the royal estates traditions involve blood sports william especially is like his father in liking field sports he particularly likes shooting he shoots a lot um charles shoots a lot it's something that dana was not partial to and it's one of the things that made william mother more like his father inwardly than like his mother like all the queen's grandchildren william and harry are the products of a broken home the sad breakdown of their parents marriage and subsequent divorce was played out in front of the world's press you have to remember because of their tender years that actually half their lives had been blighted by the public warfare of their parents very acrimonious divorce it's tough enough for any kids if their parents split up at that age but in the case of william and harry there was all sorts of public warfare the dirty linen being hung out a bit too much friends of prince charles friends of diana mutual insults flying in the national press the paper the schools can say that they hid the newspapers from these boys but we all know that other school children can be pretty cruel and it's not always possible to do that i think both parents in their different ways tried to nurse them through each stage and we know that diana kept going down to these schools to tell them what was going to happen next before they read it in the papers but i think it's bound to have left scars on both of them and it would be surprising if william and harry in their different ways didn't grow up without certain emotional problems that any children who'd been through that at that age would have out of school time was divided between both parents on holiday at clusters in 1995 william harry and charles made the best of their time together they were told that peace and relative privacy could be traded for an organized photo call [Music] their younger cousins beatrice sixx and eugenie iv were also holidaying at the same resort and joined them [Music] little eugenie was out of her depth and 12 year old william showed the gallantry in leadership that made both his parents so proud of him the presence of the little girls the daughters of the duke and duchess of york seemed to make william more relaxed as they faced a barrage of pressmen he answered their questions with congenial professionalism forward well improving this you're very good they're improving very good skills richard sorry could you ask around [Applause] two girls victory in japan was commemorated in 1995 one of several occasions when william and harry had to behave like adults to please the queen they joined their estranged parents in a show of royal unity harry nearly 10 found it difficult to concentrate and look to his parents and older brother for guidance william 13 had already learned to cope with the pomp and pageantry that marks so many royal occasions [Music] just two years later william and harry would have to cope with the untimely death of their mother after five years at boarding school williams started eaton college in september 1995. eaton was chosen for its close proximity to london and windsor castle charles refused to send him to the scottish school gordenstein where he himself had been very unhappy as a student eaton had educated diana's father and brother now the school will help prepare both william and harry for the challenges of a monarchy into the new millennium diana sought williams approval before sending him there she treated him like a grown-up which is what every teenager longs for she'd ask his advice say well william what do you think about this should i do this or shouldn't i now that is very flattering and she didn't tell him what to do i mean prince charles is exactly the same i've heard this for several years now that whenever they decide that they're going to go somewhere or do something or there's going to be a photo call they say well we were thinking of doing this what do you think william they also ask harry and they ask for their input diana identified in william personal qualities lacking in his father while she actively groomed her elder son to be king she also shared many private confidences with him she did drop an incredible amount of responsibility on williams very slim young shoulders he was you know barely 10 years old when she started revealing how she felt in front of him and i think as a result williams matured very fast he's much more mature than most boys of fifteen but that's also perhaps because of the daunting burden that lies ahead of him the monarchy and when you're 15 you might want to be a rock star or a nuclear physicist you don't want your life mapped out for you kids of that age want to feel free their all their school friends are talking about you know i'm going to backpack around africa or something and and he doesn't have that choice it's it's very sad i've heard prince charles talk about how awful it is to have your whole life mapped out for you and i know william's a very sensitive boy and he'll have absorbed a lot of that and think well i've got the same fate awaits me sitting around waiting for my parent to die so i can become king williams confirmation service in march 1997 was the last time the four members of the wales family were seen together in public diana and charles had agreed to act in harmony for the sake of their children who had suffered from their parents all too public divorce by this time diana had resolved to leave behind the bitterness of the past and had forged a new friendship with her former husband with her generous divorce settlement she was seeking an independent life she felt relaxed enough to kiss charles goodbye at williams speech day in may 1997. they would never be seen in public again together while holidaying in the south of france in summer 1997 diana fell in love with dodie fired it's been reported that when the first pictures of diana and dodie in that sizzling embrace in the mediterranean were appearing in the press diana rang william and warned him tipped him off that the pictures are about to appear and he his reaction was fine he just said look what mum whatever makes you happy he was called a mum and you know he was fine about it he knew dodie he'd met him on the holiday they all shared in the middle of july diana and dodie had two further holidays without her boys on the warm mediterranean sea she made plans for a bright new future perhaps even for marriage diana would have never married daddy without the consentment of the two children and prince william more than that because she always said that prince william was her anchor and she admired the boy in honesty they cruised the mediterranean aboard the luxurious yacht johnny carl william and harry witnessed diana's budding romance [Music] but the children don't forget she took them on the boat and they had a wonderful time not probably william william was not so happy but the little one was thrilled all the games all the things and it was probably to accustom them to the situation and when i asked her are you going to marry him and what's your children's reaction she said elsa i rang up william so it was the answer and he said mommy i want you to be happy my understanding is that they felt that their mother was being claimed rather too much before their very eyes it may well be that they'd never been up close with their mother and a romantic friend before in the way they were on holiday um with diana and dodie in some tropes so it may be that they were just seeing something that's because their father is still very much alive and they're very fond of their father they found rather um uncomfortable made them feel rather you know uncomfortable um but they did not like him very much that is what the people close to them say and that is what i believe on the last saturday in august diana and dodie had dinner together at the paris ritz shortly after midnight they left to make the brief journey to dodea's apartment where he had a diamond ring awaiting his princess pursued by paparazzi and driven too fast they crashed in a paris underpass diana died in hospital in the new life she was embracing she had exercised the previous one and dismissed its wiser safety precautions had she been with the boys of course she would have been completely differently protected she would have had a royal protection driver very well trained by police methods she would have had probably a follow-up car making sure that the paparazzi were at a distance but of course she one part of her deliberately didn't want that and she did very much feel liberated from many of those constraints in her private life when she gave up being her royal highness and having the trappings of royalty so as on many things she herself was ambivalent there were moments obviously when it would have been very helpful to have proper police protection but there were other moments when she really wanted to escape and i suspect that the second one when she wanted to escape were more important than the first millions of flowers were left outside kensington palace diana's london home on the evening before her funeral william and harry went there with their father to see these touching tributes [Music] they were amazingly composed and seemed to draw strength as their mother had from the love of ordinary people diana never knew how well she had prepared her courageous sons in dealing with the public at such a difficult time bravely they thank the crowd william thank you so much these brave boys won the admiration of their own family and the rest of the world diana's brother earl spencer became a prominent figure after her death he spoke from his south african home of the sister he had lost and of her grieving family good morning all those who've come into contact with diana particularly over the past 17 years will share my family's grief she was unique she understood the most precious needs of human beings particularly those that suffered and her vibrancy and sparkle combined with a very real sense of duty and now gone forever it is heartbreaking to lose such a human being especially when she was only 36. above all my thoughts are with william and harry and with my mother and two sisters who are showing tremendous bravery in the face of senseless tragedy i would ask you please at this time to respect the fact that diana was part of a family and amongst the general mourning at our death realize that we too need space to pay our final respects to our own flesh and blood for that we will need privacy finally the one consolation is that diana is now in a place where no human being can ever touch her again i pray that she rests in peace the night before diana's funeral william and harry had prayed beside her coffin with their family and with leaders of the landmine survivors network with whom she had recently visited bosnia william and harry chose to walk behind the coffin earl spencer commented my admiration for those boys is beyond bound it was the most amazing display of courage i'll ever see in his eulogy to diana from westminster abbey he swore the spencer family would protect them and the sparkle and those unforgettable eyes your boundless energy he pledged that diana's blood family would continue the way she was rearing her sons so that they were not simply immersed in duty and tradition bearing in mind what else spencer said at the abbey in that very contentious among the bitter speech about the blood family looking over the upbringing of the boys and one would have expected them to see more of william and harry they don't and one of the reasons undoubtedly is that what else spencer said upset prince charles because it called into question his abilities as a father most fathers don't need another family albeit the in-law family to say we shall be watching you know we shall be watching you and it was a very unfortunate choice of words that he used diana went home to althrop the spencer family estate she was buried on a tranquil island in a lake within the park of her ancestral home flowers were taken to her grave and scattered so that they will reseed and grow again her brother chose the island as her final resting place so that william and harry would be able to visit her graveside in privacy on mother's day they sent flowers there earl spencer opened althrop and its diana museum to the public for two months a year diana's will had given the spencer family the moral authority to help guide william and harry to maturity but the boys remain closer to their father than their uncle in her final years diana and her brother had not been close they hadn't really seen eye to eye for quite a long time they'd had their ups and downs and the families didn't really meet very frequently in a year so charles spencer's family and his children hardly knew william and harry as a result of which it is definitely known that the boys do want to be with their father on all occasions now i mean they go to highgrove to see him when they can and throughout the holidays they want to be with him also remember that charles has deliberately gone out of his way to have his diary cleared for school holidays so he can spend as much time with the boys as he can when charles is unavailable tiggy leg burke takes over often described as a nanny she is from a courtier's family and is more like a big sister to the boys diana had resented her the public was very anxious while dana was alive and i think the public sided with diana who always felt that since she didn't need to engage a man to play the role of father when the boys are with her she never quite understood while why charles needed to engage a woman to play the role of mother when they were with him however they do like tiki they like her a lot the other woman in their lives is camilla parker-bowles whom diana blamed for the breakdown of her marriage public opinion is still divided over her acceptance as charles's partner i would hope that over time whatever happens in terms of her public role or her public relationship with the prince that if she is as we all understand she is such a good and wonderful friend to him and somebody with whom he feels so sympathetic and so close that she could establish that kind of relationship with the boys she's brought up two children of her own one suspects he asks for advice from time to time about things in the recent years in the crucial recent difficult years when the boys were growing up and when it became clear even to them that they could not avoid knowing about the existence of this lady in july 1998 it emerged that william had agreed to meet camilla charles had recognized the maturity in his elder son only recently in fact has charles had any form of formal discussion about the situation with william williams attitude was whatever makes you happy papa the queen mother shares the queen's pride in diana's boys william in particular has grown close to the queen who's identified in her grandson the qualities required to make a fine king william's relationship's growing steadily closer to the queen he goes to visit her on sunday afternoons for tea and they can have great chats i mean she's invested all her hopes for the future in william he's the boy that's we hope will be the savior of the monarchy i'm sure she'll want to teach him the value of the things that she values you don't suddenly become king overnight you've got to learn the ropes whether william given that all he's been through might say in the next few years who needs this uh the people don't seem to want us anymore we're going into europe what's the monarchy's role it would be very human and people would understand if he said i don't think i want to do this cam diana's sons hope for personal happiness after their great loss let's just hope for both their sakes that those boys are given the freedom to make marriages that really work find girls that they really care about who really care about them who are prepared to put up with all the inconveniences of being royal as well as the considerable perks and home comforts of being royal but above all that these marriages don't end in divorce like their parents like so many royal marriages recently because of the strains and because of the people in the house of windsor being so cold to the people that marry into it i think dan has left enough with those boys for that not to be true of them most boys like to get a girl just like their mother was but for william is there another girl out there who's you know maybe 12 or 13 14 today who's going to grow into somebody who's not only as beautiful as diana but as compassionate as warm have that magic with ordinary people [Music] as the years go by without her diana's sons will draw on her legacy of love and her caring for others earl spencer said diana brought to their lives something quite different and wonderful with prince charles's help they will build on her foundation making a more secure monarchy for the future diana's efforts will not have been in vain [Music]
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 2,516,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coronation History, Crown Jewels, Crowned Heads, Diana Spencer, Monarchy Revealed, Palace Life, Princess of Hearts, Princess of Wales, Queen Elizabeth II, Real Royalty, Regal Authority, Royal Bloodline, Royal Command., Royal Connections, Royal Dynamics, Royal Influence, Royal Legacy, Royal Lineage, Royalty Exposed, The British Throne, The Royal Family
Id: y77wNisEpl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 18sec (11478 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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