Will Kate Middleton Become Queen Of England? | William and Kate: Into The Future | Timeline

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[Music] the royal wedding marked the beginning of william and kate's life as the duke and duchess of cambridge the future for the royal couple is a life very different from their university romance William and Kate are set to change the face of the British monarchy it's very survival may depend on them no other girlfriend but Kate was ever seen in public with William it took a long time for him to be certain that Kate was the right one for him engaged after an eight year courtship the couple began their official duties before their wedding William was sure that Kate was now ready to embrace her new life as his princess and a member of the Royal House of Windsor did take a bit of time for us to get to know each other but we did become you know very close friends from from quite early on the traumas of William's childhood helped to move his character everything about William you can trace back to what happened to his parents he lived through the bitter breakup of their marriage he knows how much what happened to them destroyed their marriage he's very concerned not to make the same mistakes four years before their wedding William split from Kate but he soon returned it wasn't only Kate he missed it was also her happy home life in a quiet English village and her loving parents Carol and Michael [Music] hit salmon she's got very very close family and I get on really well with him I'm very lucky they've been so supportive Mike and Carol have been you know really sort of loving and caring and really fun and I've been really welcoming towards me so I felt really part of the family and I hope Kate's felt the same with my family she's been very laws and very supportive and for a kid from a broken home which is after all what William is he's always yearned towards the stable and towards a steady and it's not just Kate that he is is in love with really he's the family he's definitely found a maternal bond with with her and I think provided that laughs and he feels cosseted and adored and he has that kind of wonderful connectedness with her the marriage will be long happy faithful all those things unlike other girls who have married future Kings Kate was just a commoner from humble beginnings William will have to introduce her gently to the demands of royal life I think William will be incredibly supportive with Kate and ensure that she's looked after we've seen it already they very much set their own agenda the Middleton family have made a remarkable rise to social prominence officially called Catherine Kate Middleton has brought a modern friendly touch to the royal family she is now a princess and a future Queen of Great Britain as the Duchess of Cambridge she is starting an amazing journey in life with the man she loves we're hugely excited and it's you know we're looking forward to spend the rest of times in the rest of our lives together this young couple will have to ensure that the monarchy stays popular and relevant in an era of continuing social change for their first public event as a married couple the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were the guests of honor at the dazzling gala dinner for arc children's charity wearing a shimmering pink dress Kate was the main attraction amid the wealthy and famous who raised over seventeen million pounds that night for disadvantaged children it is in this spirit that my brother Catherine and I hope to use our philanthropy as a long-term catalyst for meaningful change just like William's mother Diana they will help charitable causes charity is very important both to William and Kate obviously William strongly resembles his mother and would want his wife to be a humanitarian too the first affair of State attended by Kate after her wedding was the annual trooping of the color ceremony William took part wearing full military dress Kate watched her husband riding in the parade this is her new environment surrounded by members of the royal family all celebrating the Queen's official birthday in June it was the Queen's big day but inevitably all eyes were on the newly weds William wearing his ceremonial bearskin and uniform and on Kate it was the first time she had stood on the palace balcony since her wedding she will have to join the royal family for events like this for the rest of her life William is a modern prince he does not enjoy unnecessary protocol but accepts that traditional displays like this a part of the royal world two months before their wedding william and kate's first public engagement together was in Anglesey the welsh island where they have made a home Royal National Lifeboat institution asked them to launch a new lifeboat a newspaper front page summed up the occasion it was a great success Kate joined in the singing in both Welsh and English in February the couple returned to st. Andrews University where their love story began this is a very special moment for Catherine to me it feels like coming home despite being one of Europe's leading research institutions the third oldest university in the english-speaking world they were first filmed together in 2003 when they were housemates a year later the truth was out when they holiday together on the ski slopes William wanted to protect his love from media attention and he was too young to be sure about marriage when he started sin Andrews University in 2001 William wants it to be an ordinary student shut away from the press and enjoying a normal life while he had the chance it's always been so by the time I was 19 he was very kind of wary of the outside world deeply suspicious and obviously given what happened to his father being eviscerated by the press giving one out to his mother he's got a very jaundiced view of the world shortly before Charles's wedding to Camilla William then 22 was asked about his marriage could that be another wedding perhaps on the card sometimes you know after university Cate was still waiting for William's commitment they needed to decide where they were going to go from here clearly it's a little bit different for them conducting a relationship in the full glare of the media and with all of the trappings that Williams lifeĆ­s second in line to the throne has and we understand that he may have had doubts was Cate the one for him clearly he doesn't want to make any mistakes like his father did before him there's pressure on him from the Queen and Prince Phillip because they don't want any more divorces in the royal family I think there were lots of question marks hanging over their relationship which they needed to just take some time out and get a hold of it and really make up their minds that they wanted to be together on Kate's 25th birthday in 2006 she was burst by the paparazzi who considered her fair game but despite the pressures Kate and her family remained discreet if you look at Kate and the whole history of the time they've been together we've not had one kiss until we've not had any form of boyfriend's coming out of the woodwork we've had nothing from the Middletons now that has got to earn them huge favors not only with Prince William and Harry who value loyalty and discretion over everything but also with people like the Queen and Prince Philip and Prince Charles who again don't want anyone speaking out of turn after University William undertook a specially tailored training scheme in each of the three armed forces as king he will be commander in chief of all branches of the British military after long stints away in the army he spent a short period with the Navy [Music] it was his Royal Air Force training that he liked best that determined his choice of career as a search and rescue pilot flying fixed-wing aircraft and later helicopters became a passion he described flying solo as an amazing feeling William and Kate had been together for eight years when they announced their engagement they were both 28 years old his parents hardly knew each other when they became engaged diana was 19 Charles 31 and I'm amazed that she's been brave enough to take me on and I suppose in that course whatever in love me there were no embarrassing hesitations with William and Kate on the day of their engagement you look back to the photographs of Charles and Diana and and that dreadful comment he made which when he was nervous about whatever love means I mean you can imagine if William had said that to Kate she did them give him a smart tap on the shoulder and so it did take a bit of time for us to get to know each other but we did become you know very close friends from from quite early on William had kept Diana's engagement ring after her death and he gave it to Kate when he proposed to her it's my mother's engagement ring so I thought it was quite nice because I'm obviously she's not be around to sharing near the the fun excitements with all this this is my way of keeping her sort of close to it all I guess we better we better have a look at it what what kind of ring is it are you an expert on words I'm not an expert on that's all I've been reliably informed it's the sapphires and diamonds but I'm sure everyone recognizes it from from previous times it was a poignant reference to his parents lives everything about William you can trace back to what happened to his parents he lived through the bitter breakup of their marriage he knows how much what happened to them destroyed their marriage he's very concerned not to make the same mistakes I suspect there are all sorts of things running through his mind about all this what happened to his parents particularly what happened to his father who clearly made a terrible choice when he was a young man and he doesn't want to do that thank you in 2007 singer Joss Stone helped William and Harry organize a concert in Diana's memory amid the big names from the entertainment world William still had the star quality that has impressed many people I remember seeing him at us and Mary's Hospital he returned to the birthing unit where he was born and nurses were literally swooning in the corridors because he was around he has got that x-factor but whether he's comfortable with that is another matter and I don't think we'll see him doing the kind of performing perhaps that whose mother was famously waiting time next time what we also know about Prince William is Wally is very much his own man and certainly won't be told what to do he likes to decide it for himself he's also been very clever in surrounding himself by an extremely tight knit group of friends the so called circle of trust who friends from Eton for instance who really he now trust implicitly and caters at the center of that often we will see Kate go out without him being chaperoned by one of his very old friends from Eton days and I think by doing that Williams almost cocooned himself from the outside world in that he knows who he can trust and he knows that these people are going to be leaking stories William was an usher at the wedding of his old pal edward van Kotzen and the Duke of Westminster's daughter tomorrow some of his social set was slow to accept Kate when Catherine met William she was really punching above her social weight she was after all a girl from a middle-class home dealing with the upper classes where everybody who came for dinner was lured or made to this the van cut some family for example great friends of the walls especially of Prince Charles you know mixing in those kinds of circles she would have felt in early on quite intimidated about it and I remember one of those friends telling me that that Catherine didn't like the fact that you know she'd be cooking in the kitchen and being treated a bit like a skivvy and we'll it would be chatting away to some you know lady who was a student at the college so he did that social divide did create tensions are early on in the relationship now Catherine is friendly with most of William's friends there is some snobbery towards Kate Middleton whose very cruelly I think and unfairly become known as Kate middle class she is a middle-class girl essentially from Berkshire but it seems to be Williams friends some of Williams friends that have a problem with it like his father before him William loves polo a game for rich players that attracts the higher echelons of society kate has learned to mix with the Polo playing set who form Williams Friendship Circle this has not been easy they are known as the glassy posse they're the set that come from Gloucestershire they mix with William at Highgrove and they are essentially the sons and daughters of wealthy blue blooded aristocrats and they are the ones that can be terribly snobby when William began San Andres University at 19 he was one of the world's most eligible bachelors inevitably his choice of bride became a source of media speculation Kate was just one of a number of girls linked with him before her the student Prince had an adorning circle of rich and well-connected admirers but which one would become his princess the guessing game continued for years among early suitors and possible contenders was his childhood friend jeka Craig the palace even denied reports of romance just before he dated Kate he had a six-week fling with fellow student Carly Massey Burch with all these very pretty girls you know Carly Matthew Bertie was still a friend Olivia hunt other girls they're all you know fabulous looking socialites and so on but she has triumphed over all of them so she will be able to take a degree of comfort from that and quite frankly you know she's a very good-looking girl herself when William and Kate separated for a while the split was blamed on his army life but that was only part of the story he just wasn't ready to make Kate his bride when he had years of military training ahead I think Kate pushed him into a corner I think she wanted some more commitment William was very hard at work at the military very busy he had exams training he was very involved with his with his military commitments and I think at the same time it had been increasingly difficult for them to spend time together William would spend Monday to fridays at the barracks in Buffington so his time was completely taken up with military commitments and at the weekends he ended up staying up with his new friends his new army pals he didn't want to come back down to London every weekend it's pretty simple really principally oh I could do better thought the grass was greener on the other side I mean and as a prince you walk into a room and you get used to the fact that every single woman in the room is looking at you and thinking I've had too much answers there and Catherine she wanted more commitment from him he wouldn't give it they split up she did what girls who've been jilted for centuries have done she put on a brave face went out and had fun and seemed like she's never care in the world she put on something that was short high and tight look great and he was there watching the newspapers and thinking hmm I don't want something having a roll of the hay with my girl after a brief spell apart William realized what he had lost and that he might never find anyone as good as Kate he was soon on his motorbike romancing Kate again at her home in the village of buckle Bree it wasn't only Kate he missed it was also her happy comfortable home life but self-made Middleton's became the role models for his future the family joined Kate when William finished his army training at Sandhurst Military Academy with the traditional ceremony watched by the Queen their presence was taken as a sign that Kate had become the official girlfriend of the Prince and her very ordinary family were important to him her mother carol was an air hostess her father Michael a flight dispatcher before they started a party Goods business that made the millionaire's enabling them to send their children to expensive schools some of William's snootier friends poked fun at Kate's mother because of her working-class roots but he's been very loyal to the family the Middleton's will share in the upbringing of William and Kate's children the next generation in line to the throne I I think William is incredibly close to Kate's family he spends a lot of time with them and he's very fond of them he is attracted to the stable upbringing and background she's had and I'm sure that he and Kate will want to replicate her childhood for their own children Kate enjoyed normal childhood activities like joining the brownies at all rather pale and shy girl who blossomed into a beauty when she grew up she was always secure in her parents love one of the things which attracted him to Catherine also to the Middleton family is the fact that there are safe steady stable family and he's and much of their courtship was spent a bottle break the family home having a quiet pint in the local pub away from prying eyes away from long lenses but just enjoying casual normal life with the Middleton family Williams girlfriend became public property with every aspect of her childhood and schooling examined in the press journalists went in search of the schoolgirls who tormented a teenage Kate Middleton and unearthed memories of bullying even distant members of her family were victims of media exposure her student brother was caught wearing fancy dress the most damaging criticism was about Kate's lack of a proper career a graduate in art history she worked part-time for her parents business and for a fashion company called jigsaw I think Kate's in an invidious position she has been with William for a long time eight years and to have to go into work every morning not be able to talk about what you did the night before it is very difficult she's had to trust people and she's worked with her family saying that many people in this country work for the family business it's not that unusual of all all backgrounds and she's been working quietly behind the scenes and helping them earn a living in 2008 William and his fellow RAF cadets were presented with their wings by Prince Charles waiting inside was Kate sitting next to Diana's sister Lady Sarah mccorkadale as William stepped up to receive his award from his proud father Kate was watching note how William turns to see Kate's reaction before leaving the platform and how Kate noticed his attention William was happy and relaxed starting out in the branch of the military that he loved best he joined the group photo with Charles and his stepmother Camilla he has long accepted Charles's second marriage and welcomed Camilla as a companion for his father as another royal wife Camilla will prove a good advisor for Kate in choosing a career in the Air Force William was departing from traditional royal service usually in the Army or Navy William would do things his way and Kate would wait for William until the time was right for marriage I I think Kate has taken on the role and knows what is expected of her there are benefits and there are downfalls to to any job and she has signed up for it and is welcoming it with open arms as Princess Elizabeth the Queen married Prince Philip in 1947 after seeing so many royal divorces she now welcomes girls from less elevated backgrounds into her family the Queen particularly is quite in favor of someone rather unattractively termed a commoner marrying the younger members of the royal family because she sees middle-class girls with a good university education as a better bet than perhaps the kind of aristocratic prima donnas that might have been singled out for princes in the days gone by her experience with people who are less common say Fergie who was a commoner of sorts but yet she was the story of an army officer and so she probably was from the higher echelons than somebody like Kate Middleton they've gone disastrously wrong so maybe she's quite happy for people who are just stable common or garden middle-class girls when the Queen was crowned in 1953 she was the 26 year old mother of two young children Charles and Anne huge responsibilities were placed on her William and Kate's marriage will be completely different from from the Queen's and in terms of having children and and producing an heir that the Queen was the monarch and a mother and had to juggle two very difficult roles at a time when she came to the throne Prince William is is going to spend his early married years out of the limelight to a certain extent he's not working as a working royal as such and and his father has yet to a sentence right and so William and Kate will probably be able to bring up their family before he even has to think of ruling the country among the guests at the Royal Wedding the William's uncle Prince Edward and his wife Sophie like Kate she came from an ordinary background they married in 1999 and there's had proved to be one of the most successful royal marriages Sophie two-faced media scrutiny but as a successful public relations executive running her own company she was well prepared sophie rease-jones Prince Edward's wife is a perfect example of somebody who slotted into the royal family brilliantly and this let's face it is the daughter of a tire salesman but because she's very level-headed and she's very together and she's led a so-called normal life she's fitted him perfectly and now she's extremely close to the Queen thirty years ago Lady Diana Spencer brought youth and glamour to the royal family since her tragic death in 1997 no one has taken her place so far in the nation's heart there's going to be anyone that's going to be replacing Diana then it's going to be Prince William's wife and I think if she's got that dazzled factor which Kate does appear to have she appears to be able to sell newspapers and intrigue cameramen then clearly she's a very good bet for the royal family as Princess Elizabeth the Queen spent the first five years of her marriage with Prince Philip in Malta where she was on naval duty Kate's early married life is going to be very similar to that of the Queen's when she lived in Malta Kate will be spending her first years as a newlywed living in a cottage in Anglesey and the Queen obviously spent her life as a military wife to flight leftenant William Wales as he's known in the Royal Air Force pilots Sea King helicopters sometimes flying over the mountains of North Wales in treacherous weather after a long day or night with his colleagues he goes back home to Kate at their cottage near his base at RAF Valley in Anglesey it's the life he much prefers to his royal duties he's only done a handful of royal engagements he's done a couple of short royal tours on his own he's not he's not really being a fully fledged member of the royal family firm so in a way he's learning the ropes just as she is and he's not used to being the star of the show he's left that to his dad for a boy who likes to be out of the limelight you know likes to be watching soccer on TV watching a movie he'll that he'll be thrilled if the burden of taking on public juices is left to Katharine her official job will be providing support to her husband they will be expected to make foreign tours like their first destinations to Canada and California at home in North Wales she's a real housewife of Anglesey shopping and cooking for her husband and running their cottage without full-time staff she's an all guys girl she's she's always been that way she's the kind of girl who enjoys things like sewing and knitting and she was taught to do that by her grandmother and I always find interesting that the sewing that was so beautiful on the wedding dress again that's an influence of Catherine's Jessica was organized in a very feminine way in 1983 Diana and Charles took baby William on tour to Australia and New Zealand it was a very arduous trip later diana said i realised the sense of duty the level of intensity of interest and the demanding role I now found myself in she was frazzled poor kid I mean I remember meeting her for the first time in Australia in 1983 April she was suntan's she was red she was hot she was bothered she was nervous she started that tour as a very nervy cult shelter that she always say and she emerged at the end of it after six weeks of being on the road a seasoned royal performer and I think that with Katherine you're gonna see the same things but kate has had a longer time to prepare than Diana she was well groomed by the time she began royal duties in Belfast on Shrove Tuesday as William's fiance she happily entered into the spirit of pancake tossing she may fare much better than Diana the first few years just was overwhelmed she was pregnant it's either all family within three months she was suffering from in eating disorder bulimia nervosa she was very suspicious of the Prince Charles relationship with Camilla parker-bowles on top of that she was decorating a new house and that's something else that Katherine's going to think about in 1969 20 year-old Charles was invested as Prince of Wales William might also become a Prince of Wales one day when Charles our seeds to the throne William automatically becomes Duke of Cornwall benefiting from the duchies rich estates and revenues the Duchess income is over seventeen million pounds a year William comes from an extremely wealthy family with palatial private homes like Balmoral in Scotland Sandringham in Norfolk Charles's country home is Highgrove in Gloucestershire one day all this will be William's then there's Clarence house where William and Kate lived for a while now the couple are moving into an apartment in Kensington Palace very near to Diana's old home with its memories of where William and Harry grew up William is a countryman at heart like the rest of the royal family he enjoys country pursuits such as hunting [Music] can he and Kate with her ordinary background really be compatible their charts are sort of mirror image of each other which means that they really come from the same place they view the world in the same way through the same lens so as a tremendous amount of sharing and caring and connection and all those kind of really really good things make a marriage work on royal wedding day television cameras recorded the Royal guests arriving at Westminster Abbey then came Tara Palmer Tomkinson a reformed drug addict her stunning wedding outfit was deployed to divert attention from her new nose treatment undertaken to combat the ravages of her cocaine abuse in the past and William may have to be wary of people who use their royal connections as Tara has frequently done [Music] the Parma Tomkinson a rich landowners and part of the court that surrounds Charles and Camilla Terra's proximity to Charles and his sons has raised concern in the past William will have to choose his own court carefully his social circle should reflect a wider Britain than his father's does Prince William's polo playing set still form the nucleus of his sporting circle he still enjoys the company of an exotic set of the very rich and privileged Charles also played polo as a young man he met Camilla at a polo match in the early 1970s she became his secret married mistress the third person in his marriage to Diana many years later Charles confessed their long affair now some wonder if history will repeat itself with William during that long courtship Kate was aware that other girls were attracted to him but William has shown her total commitment since they're short separation although women may still find him attractive hopefully he will remain faithful and not take a mistress like his father did mistress until they discover it and have to confront it I think that catherine has proved herself to be very loyal very patient I'm also very forgiving but I don't think this is a relationship where they go into it thinking he's gonna fall apart they made their vows in front of the world not just the art specific cancer brain Charles married his mistress Camilla in 2005 she is now the Duchess of Cornwall but she has not found her royal role easy Charles and Camilla have an understanding that she needs her own space with her family of her first marriage Camilla retreats more and more to her old home reign Millhouse which she kept after marrying Charles very wisely as a bolt-hole it is one of the few places where she really feels she can sort of kick off her shoes and sort of be a little bit more liberated I think she is finding adjusting to royal life quite demanding she's not a great fan of royal tours or royal engagements but you know she's made her bed and she's got align it with the scandals of their past behind them Charles and Camilla have made a good marriage uniting their two families Camilla is gradually being accepted by the public I think Charles his second marriage is obviously a much better match and he had to wait a very long time to get there and so it's almost like you know over the years they prove themselves a couple interesting is that how much do we change as people I mean we gain in our experience and wisdom I hope but we're always essentially the same person and so Charles is always who is and he has a kind of awkward charm he is an you know it doesn't it's not an easy fit when you start looking at love and relationships it's full of idealism and romanticism and not being very good a reality so he was going to find that an obstacle with whoever he was with I think what's curious here is that Camilla has many features in her chart that Diana did as well so in a way he's got us kind of her older version the same record only of course would come in I had a different upbringing a different life you know all those things make her different but there are some really interesting connections between Diana Camilla and Charles in 2006 a year after their own wedding Charles and Camilla attended the wedding of Laura Camilla's daughter from her first marriage the bride arrived with her father Camilla's ex-husband Andrew parker-bowles divorce and remarriage had become a fact of life for the royal family as for so many others in the land Laura who married Harry Lopez is now William and Harry stepsister her brother Tom is their stepbrother among the wedding guests was William's girlfriend Kate she was clearly at ease with Camilla's relatives for the first time kate looked like the princess she would become the press stepped up their speculation on her marriage to William [Music] Williams younger cousins Beatrice and Eugenie were at the Royal Wedding with their father Prince Andrew their mother Sarah Ferguson was banned because of her numerous scandals as the Duke and Duchess of York they had also married at Westminster Abbey but the couple separated and divorced their girls were close to William and Harry in childhood sharing holidays in both Sun and snow as royal children they had to pose for photo calls something Kate never did until her engagement to William Tiggy leg Burke was a much-loved young nanny who shared many adventures with the young princes she was brought in to help Charles with his boys after the couple's separation but Diana was jealous of the influence she had over her son's daredevil Harry flourished under her guidance and her kindness helped him to deal with the loss of his mother when he was only 12 a year after Diana's death William and Harry arrived in Canada for a brief visit with their father teenage girls treated the boys like rock stars William was overwhelmed by it but Harry lapped it up Harry became a career soldier serving on the front line in Afghanistan as a forward air controller with his regiment the Blues and Royals he is determined to return there later this year his on-off girlfriend the South African Chelsea Davy has had to cope with his passion for polo and his long absences on army duty their torrid romance has lasted several years it's a real not much I mean there's no doubt about it there's great passion between the two of them when they're together that the tension is visible there's electricity there's sparks flying everywhere you can tell they have a very volatile relationship tremendous shouting matches screaming rouse but then they get back together again I would say that of all the the raw romance is currently going on there's was the real true thing it's a real deal and I suspect unless something catastrophic happens they will marry but there are it'll be a very tempestuous marriage astrologically they're a perfect match they're like a match like Catherine and William and it's hard for me to see how he will replace her Chelsea with anyone else I think it's uh I think it's a strong bond and we'll have to wait and see what happens Harry says that Kate is like a sister to him he spoke about her before a charity Trek in Norway he's gonna weave Kate married into the House of Windsor media speculation has shifted to her younger sister Pippa also dark-haired and attractive Pippa is now Britain's most eligible girl and is tipped to marry a man with a stately home [Music] PIPA was much admired for her appearance as Kate's maid of honor shortly before her sister's marriage she attended the wedding of the Duke of Northumberland's daughter at Anik castle the setting for Hogwarts in the Harry Potter films Pippa is an old friend of the bride's brother the media have tried to much make Harry with Pippa a union of the princes and the sisters would be an extraordinary double match Chelsey Davey also attended the Northumberland wedding this group of wealthy friends move in the same social circles as William and Kate but can they connect well with ordinary people - on their last public engagement before their wedding William and Kate visited Blackburn in Lancashire one of the poorer parts of the country Kate was now a polished performer ready to take on the royal life ahead of her the couple opened a new state school clearly at ease with the pupils and happy in each other's company [Music] kate is now finding married life all she hoped it would be when Pippa arrived at Westminster Abbey she was in charge of the bridal party which included the eight-year-old Tom son of TT leg Burke Williams former nanny tom is the blond boy behind the bridesmaids the great and the good the famous and the unknown politicians and potentates friends and relatives all assembled for the wedding of the century [Music] Kait whose family tree includes coal miners came to Westminster Abbey to marry her prince this was a real-life fairy tale come true for the whole Middleton family in looking at Williams need for a kind of maternal bond with his woman it's interesting to me that he may well feel a kind of attraction towards older women and need that kind of sense that he missed to a degree with his own mother dying so early and maybe it explains to why he felt that kind of strong bond with Catherine's mother Carol Middleton who would have naturally kind of you know wanted to make him feel loved as a mother can do the Middletons have already already played a great role by producing the girl as delightful as catherine who will help William lead the monarchy through into the well into the 21st century but they've also shown their metal during the royal wedding I mean you know Pippa looked fabulous James read very well Michael and Carol really were the dosing loving parents and they added to the spectacle a dose of the sense of the family so you know if the royal wedding was the renewal of the vows between the monarchy and the nation the Middletons played a very significant part in that when the Queen came to see her grandson Mary she must have recalled the wedding of Charles and Diana 30 years before unlike Kate diana was the daughter of an earl with a stately home and proud ancestral lineage people wonder what she would have made of her son's choice of bride Diane would be rather jealous actually the fact that Katherine has already got a very finished fashion sense that she's very much in control very capable with a great eye for detail the Donna always wanted a daughter always wanted to mentor a daughter through the labyrinthine world of the royal family she'd have enjoyed teaching Katherine the robes buzz would have been a twinge of jealousy that she was passing on the fashion baton from one generation to the next William's commitment and love of Kate evokes the unconditional love that Diana gave William Kate wears Diana's ring she will live in her old palace and she will devote her life to Diana's son could having a couple so popular in line to the throne have consequences for Charles and Camilla Prince Charles is the longest-serving Prince of Wales in history he's not going to give up his chance of ruling of being sovereign nor wooden Prince William want him to he wants to remain in the background for as long as he can but sadly the opinion polls have been against Prince Charles for the last 20 years for 20 years the British public have wanted William over Charles to be king and if quite frankly if the House of Windsor was a popularity contest we'll even win it hands down the world of William and Kate is closer to that of their subjects than any other members of the British royal family they are the great hope for its survival added to that rumors have been around for a long time that some people did not see Charles becoming King many years ago I was looking at Prince Charles's child and I felt he might not make it as king and I remember at the time it was very shocking and people were sort of very you know concerned about how could you see that in a horoscope well nothing's changed in my mind I still not sure he'll be king now there may be many reasons for this it may be that you know the Queen goes on for many many years she has a long life ahead of her like her mother so by the time you know there is the succession Jew Charles could be even in his mid 80s and he might not make it that long so there are all sorts of reasons why we might not see a king Charles and why we might see a King William next and I think we have to wait and see how things pan out in the fullness of time but I think we've got a while to wait William and Kate are the golden couple of the House of Windsor their wedding has won the hearts of the British public what will their future hold I think when you see William and Catherine together being married the very next thing you know it's like we had a couple get married you know when are they going to have a baby but with William and Catherine it's really Oh what kind of king and queen are they going to make is the interest of you know how they will be in the years to come presiding over a Britain that may go through all sorts of sea changes and I mean you can see straight off the bat in just the way they stand together and who they are as people this is going to be a great royal couple they are going to be the right couple for the right time for Britain [Music] William and Kate's wedding has heralded a new and exciting era in the history of the British royal family maybe the best is yet to come [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 467,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: History, Full Documentary, Documentaries, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2017 documentary, BBC documentary, Channel 4 documentary, history documentary, documentary history, kate middleton, prince william, royal family, prince charles, prince harry, royal wedding, duke of cambridge, duchess of cambridge, queen elizabeth, british royal family, buckingham palace, princess diana, free documentary, royal family documentary
Id: uy3qtSkljTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 47sec (2927 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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