Heir & Spare: Charles & Anne (2023) FULL DOCUMENTARY | HD

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thank you [Music] heavy is the heads that wears the crown but heavier is the burden of being next in line the British royal family is built on the traditional duty until death for every heir to the throne there is a spare I think that probably the shock of the mother's very sudden death and him being becoming King when these things happen you go into slight shocks so you act quite mechanically it sort of protects you in a way so I think he he wouldn't have been overwhelmed at that moment he would have been very emotional but he would have kept it all in check so I think he dealt with it on a very professional level which would be really the only way to deal with something of that enormity happening to you [Music] Charles knew he'd become king following in his mother's footsteps leaving his sister Anne behind despite their close childhood Bond becoming the reigning monarch would definitely divide the pair I too now solemnly pledge myself throughout the remaining time God grants me to uphold the constitutional principles at the heart of our nation [Music] when one steps up the other must step back unlike his mother Queen Elizabeth II Charles always knew he would one day become king becoming Heir Apparent at just three years old Charles has become the oldest and longest surviving Heir Apparent in British history and the longest-serving prince of Wales having held the title since 1958 in his own way he has defined the role of The Heir Apparent he has been called a Visionary in his creative and forward-thinking ideas with his passions for the environment architecture and alternative medicine Charles is president or Patron to over 400 Charities and organizations and is known as one of the most hard-working Royals alongside his sister Anne Princess Royal the Prince of Wales has had a life with challenges well he was a very studious child I mean he was somebody who's quite unlike Prince Philip he was much more boisterous character he was unlike his mother as well who his mother from somebody who's very serious from a very young age and Charles I think inherited his seriousness but what he had was she didn't have was a real interest in learning and a real interest in books of things like that is quite anomalous because members of a royal family are not traditionally seen as intellectuals but Charles I think was seen as somebody who had intellectual ideas and interests possibly inculcated in him from his nannies a very young age but Queen Elizabeth was a very beautiful mother and if you think that she she became Queen age 25 she had you know Prince Charles was I think he was four Nelly and Princess Anne was only well she was born in 1950 so she was only just three when she when the queen was crowned so basically her children were taken away from her she just didn't have time to be with them uh so she would see them in the morning you know for 15 minutes and she would see them at night for half an hour but again you have to judge it by the Moors of the time that was how aristocratic families worked when the coronation took place in 1953 it was quite interesting because Charles was obviously just about old enough to be out for coronation and to have an understanding of what was going on in a way with none of his siblings who are currently born did and lastly for a very young boy it would have been an overwhelming experience I mean the pageantry even noise the sheer number of people there had also been probably by available back of his mind this fought percolating about it's going to be me one day this is all going to happen for me it was a three-hour ceremony it was everybody recalls the coldest June day that had ever happened and it was boring with rain and people you know that there was if you go back this is 1953 so the ceremony itself was very very serious and very religious and very dramatic and it's impossible to speculate exactly how he would have felt because we have no record of his thoughts of a time and I've dealt very much he remembers exactly how it was but certainly it must have been a sense of absolutely terrifying pressure being put on news as a young child to see all this at such a young age and to think one day and that's something horrible happens or unexpected this will all be for me as well well obviously he was the eldest sibling of form and I think it's fair to say that because he was the first sibling and because he was going to be Prince of Wales and then eventually he's going to become Kenny there was always a sense that he was the one who was given the most attention and the most Focus so I think there is a song about he on the one hand he thrived on because who wouldn't thrive in a situation where you're always told that you're the most important one the Young Prince suffered from bullying at school and bouts of homesickness as he was sent to Gordon's down in Scotland the alma mater of his father Prince Philip a school his father had hoped would make a man out of Charles and instill in him the qualities required in a young man who would one day be king [Music] while Charles was sent to public school in Scotland at gordonston which is an infamously tough school where essentially the attitude has spare the Royalton Spore of a child it may Charles embittered it made him I think somebody quite closed in terms of his emotions because he had to keep so much to himself and he actually thought that gordonston would be good for Charles because it was up in the north of Scotland away from the press and it was you know it was meant to be wonderful outdoor life and and you know great emphasis was placed upon the training of the mind as well as the training of the brain and Philip thought it would be perfect I think the queen and the Queen Mother probably thought that he would be a being such a sensitive young man he probably would have been better to go to Eaton Prince Philip wanted his son to be an image of himself he wanted him to be macho and he wanted him to be sporty and he wanted him to have a sort of very strong personality well Charles wasn't like that at all he was very timid he wasn't particularly sporty he he he you know he was a little awkward and he wasn't really the son that Philip hoped he'd have so as Charles grew their relationship was just didn't work it was quite common but before Charles for monarchs to go up to like him which mean Edward Ed V8 from his Prince of Wales went to Modern College Oxford but most people went to University simply to acquire a tick box whereas Charles actually went to Cambridge with the intention of studying he was the first member for royal family to actually gone to University with the attention to doing a three-year course and having a degree but he had a very good time at Cambridge because I think after the privations of prep school and boarding school he found people he was comfortable with he found an academic environment that he enjoyed he managed to act a lot as well something you can say that Cambridge was the name of Spence the making of of Prince Charles and then of course when he became King Charles he's still been met somebody is there a very strong links to his old University and he got a 2-2 in history in the end which actually for somebody who came from doing background was quite an achievement uh I'm busy out a little slackhead a little slack now yes taking up the strain taking up the strength she's most exciting most exciting ladies and gentlemen I didn't see anything quite like it before I think I got quite a large one here it's very very large indeed I I [Music] challenges have also Arisen from the media reporting focused on the ups and downs of Charles's personal and romantic life his days as the most eligible bachelor Prince saw great speculation about his future wife the eventual marriage to Lady Diana Spencer was just the fairy tale the world had been waiting for a dashing Prince with his Blushing Bride although Charles had been Prince of Wales for some years it wasn't until the 1st of July 1969 that the queen officially invested in him before the ceremony Charles had left Cambridge University to spend a term at the University College of Wales at aberystwyth during his tenure in Wales he spent his time learning about Welsh history and culture and learning to speak the language [Music] foreign [Music] the Princess Royal is one of the hardest working members of the British royal family known for her no-nonsense attitude the princess has a very well deserved reputation the hard work commitment to her work and charitable causes her brother's role was predestined but hers was not and she has spent many decades finding that role and redefining the meaning in her work although Princess Anne plays a vital part in the most famous family in the world her story is less often told in the media she may be the most hard-working member of the British royal family which isn't necessarily the most well-known in recent years however a wave of popularity for the princess has developed following the Netflix series The Crown airing Erin Doherty who plays the princess revealed her enthusiastic and genuine appreciation and Fascination for Princess Anne and her work as it chains your perceptions of the Royals your perception of Princess yeah I mean I honestly honestly I didn't really know anything about her so I kind of got the call and I was like okay cool turn away I'm like oh wow this is she's a real deal she's this kind of Royal rock star I love her I think she's brilliant I just think she's honest and she's just just has no time for she just just doesn't want to waste any time like lying or pretending that she feels a certain way especially when I think there's so many there's such a kind of politeness that you have to abide by within her family that I think when it comes to her personal life she's so strictly the opposite because she has no time for it which is brilliant I just think this is great Princess Anne is the only daughter of the queen and Prince Philip born only a couple of years after her brother Prince Charles on the 15th of August 1950. as her two younger brothers princess Andrew and Edward were born several years later Charles and Anne shared a close Bond growing up foreign [Music] at that time the Royal Family's life was blessed with summer and Christmas holidays spent in Balmoral and Sandringham laying the foundations for princess Anne's love of horseback riding [Music] many idyllic times were spent playing with her older brother and roaming free in the Country Estates the princess had a secure and happy childhood [Music] Princess Anne is said to have had an incredibly close emotional bond with her father Prince Philip he admired her for her challenging and resilient nature [Music] some reporters have even said Princess Anne was Philip's favorite son they had a lot in common similar in their pragmatic approach to life and their strength of character whilst not being adverse to expressing a strong opinion [Music] Charles and Ern shared a governess Catherine Peebles for their Early Education still by 1963 Anne was Keen to move on to the outside world to a boarding school and she was enrolled at benedin school a historic house in the beautiful Kent Countryside The Garden of England I'm not sure of your your personal reaction to having the princess come here I think it is a very great honor for us and I hope a great opportunity may I ask you finally about your own feelings on discipline suppose a girl does something that's against the rules but what happens to her it depends what the the misdemeanor happens to be we deal with such misdemeanors ad hoc usually talking to in the right ways all that is necessary otherwise we deal with it according to what it is have you ever expelled a girl never so far the princess has been vocal about the benefits of aborting school education and whilst acknowledging that some students may not enjoy the experience she felt it was the right thing for her [Music] in June 1987 the queen bestowed the title upon her daughter Anne the princess rile foreign [Music] and that requires an awful lot of concentration [Music] um there are certain advantages in being lost in a classroom where you're nervous were you nervous about going to public school no I think I did actually rather look quite look forwarded in many ways how did they treat you is there any bullying down I imagine that wasn't really knowing you thank you being aware of you I wasn't that bigger girl [Music] although the title is honorary it is the highest honor that may be given to a female member of the Royal Family so it was a very significant moment for the queen to publicly recognize the immense dedication Anne had been applying to her role as a working member of the Royal Family thank you [Music] foreign [Music] beautiful princess and daughter to the queen made Princess Anne a very eligible young lady as with her brother Prince Charles there was great speculation as to whom she would marry although the pressure was relatively low as her children in all likelihood would not end up as the future king or queen [Music] a shared interest in equestrian Sports brought Anne together with her first husband Captain Mark Phillips the engagement was announced on the 29th of May 1973. in a peak behind the curtain the royal couple sat down for an interview why have you kept obey in the wedding service and for that reason I think it's in the service and perhaps because I'm another known fashion girl [Music] this is [Music] the consensus it says today and I hope to say worship so there's money takes a choice it was even um well I suppose after badminton some and you can speak for him or me really interested that we decided it really is has he been a great strain in keeping its secret and indeed keeping it away from people like ourselves you seem on the surface to be a very shy person it's not everyday one proposes to a princess did it require a lot of courage to propose I'm not sure I mean I think the fact that um the garden questions the princess but it makes any difference at all it was and if you get married or something it's a very personal thing the two of you to just feed it and it's a completely natural I think you've got to be brave to propose to anybody sure yes it probably becomes relatively more important but I rather hope that I mean every time he spoke to me or took me out so he didn't actually think of his princess do you think he'll make a good housewife I mean can you cook for example well that's hardly helped me to say that uh I should recommend this would you like to cook Captain Phillips breakfast before he goes off to work for example Implement is that it's easy especially when it's venting because you're not going to get more than a cup of coffee when you were a teenager did you have any idea of the sort of girl that you would like to marry no I would no I didn't know I I I wasn't very clever with the girls as a teenager and it definitely was a victim not very good it's not very successful interesting well if you have not met a man whom you wanted to marry do you think you would have married out of a sense of Duty no way um no I don't think enough tones no Princess Anne married Captain Mark Phillips on the 14th of November 1973 at Westminster Abbey it is thought that the Crawford Mark a royal title but he turned it down preferring to keep Captain as his title [Music] Mark Anthony Peter will thou have this woman to die with his wife to live together after God's ordinance in the holiest state of matter will thou love her comfort her honor and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all other keep the only unto her as long as he both shall live I will and Elizabeth Ellis Ruiz will thou have this man to thy witted husband to live together after God's ordinance in the holiest state of matrimony will thou obey him and serve him love honor and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all other keep the only unto him so long as he both shall live I will I pronounce the day be man and wife together in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost amen as she was the first of the Queen's children to marry it was indeed a very special day around 500 million viewers were estimated to have watched it on television it also happened to be the 25th birthday of her brother Prince Charles last coach on the last stage of its Journey Through the four corners this really is coming home for the moment tell us Reddit must be home to them all and it comes into that Central Courtyard we are looking at it through the glass window of the grand entrance that entrance which must be so familiar to many people who attended the gardening particles took Australians first now the coach itself four grade there's the red carpet leading up the fight of staircase into the Marvel form the shallow Reigns in carefully at the Mark Phillips Phillips and now welcome home princess [Music] thank you [Music] the couple's first child beta Mark Phillips was born on the 15th of November 1977 and young Peter was the first grandchild for the queen so an extraordinary moment for her majesty and Prince Philip as it was for Princess Anne and Captain Phillips foreign just above freezing Princess Anne came out but instead of stopping on the steps for a moment for the large crowd as she had promised she just had a few quick words with the hospital staff [Music] nurse Zora akhoff held Paddington Bear a hospital mascot two-day-old Master Phillips was carried out by Sister Delphine Stevens the Midwife who was present at the birth [Music] well wrapped up against the code he was handed to the princess who ignoring normal advice sat with her son in the front seat of the car and off the couple went to Buckingham Palace for lunch they'll be staying there until they moved their new home in gloucestershire as Mark did not take a title when he married Princess Anne it was also decided that their children would not receive any Royal titles Anne has said she wished they could have as normal a childhood as possible foreign settled into family life with their newborn son and for the next four years they did their duty but focused on family their second child Zara Phillips was born on the 15th of May 1981. [Music] after the birth of Zara trouble was slowly brewing in the marriage between Anne and Mark they were reportedly rarely seen together the initial Spa could worn off and both were thought to be engaged in extramarital affairs subsequently reports and accusations emerged that Phillips had fathered a love child with a New Zealand art teacher Heather Tonkin the couple separated in 1989 and divorced in 1992 [Music] Princess Anne went on to marry sir Timothy Lawrence who happened to be a query to the queen from 1986 to 1989. they remain contentedly married sharing their passions and hobbies but with a Keen Eye on their Royal duties and responsibilities [Music] I think we have a family generally fought with Charles if he shouldn't marry before he was 30 but he should date as many people as he could and see what came of that and on the one hand he wasn't necessarily the most outgoing of men he wasn't necessarily somebody who was going to be a lady killer but he was a prince of Wales there was no shortage of people who would have married him 1977 because he'd actually been dating her elder sister Sarah for a while when he first met Diana she was 16. and it was an unequal relationship because she was still a girl but there was obviously a spark between from the spark of interest and of course at this stage Charles was still seeing Camilla Shan who later became in a park of balls so I think it's fair to say that on the one hand for relationship with Diana was not necessarily an obvious love match at the beginning probably of a hand was very much an interest on both sides and she was somebody perhaps because of her youth who was not phased by responsibilities that she'd have to take on if she became Princess of Wales in February 1981 Charles and Diana announced their engagement and appeared in an interview they would go down in history when the reporter asked if the couple were in Love Diana replied of course Charles added whatever in love means and there he planted the seed of doubt difficult to find not so weird isn't it really just delighted and unhappy and I I'm amazed that she's been brave enough to take me on and I suppose in love what else whatever you love me yes obviously means two very happy people from us congratulations [Music] Charles is whatever love means is I think an attempt on his part to try and say that's a ridiculous question why you ask me that I'm not interested in responding to it however it was the worst possible thing he could have said because for decades afterwards that has been taken to mean he doesn't love Diana he's doing this because he feels he has to he's been forced into it he couldn't care less she could be anyone and I think there's lots of a public ill will towards Charles comes about because it was felt he wasn't enough of Diana and that response I think has led to a lot of it as we now know Charles and Diana's marriage was unsuccessful they built a family unit together with sons William and Harry the relationship between Charles and Diana was not destined to last [Music] later rekindled an old spark with former girlfriend Camilla Parker Bowles much to the dismay and disapproval of royal courtiers but they went on to marry and the public accepted their partnership well Charles is married to Camilla in 2005 was it was a civil ceremony rather than a religious ceremony and it was very much felt I think by everybody in the country that they'd finally managed to make each other happy and I think that if it had been allowed to marry 25 years before the world would be a much better place for it but I think that what had been done so cleverly was that Camilla had been seen during Diana's lifetime as a rather villainous figure which she really isn't she's a very Charming very lovely woman and what happened was this the pr campaign a year or so after Diana's death but Camilla and Charles was seen together in public she pretty much acknowledged as His companion and eventually after us I mean it was quite a long time I mean it was eight years between Diana's death and their marriage I mean he could not be accused of rushing into it the the queen saw the change in Camilla and she saw her dedication to duty and she also saw her dedication to Charles because she she so helps him and he wants her at his side and she will be at his side so she's got she's almost in a queen mother type of role you know Queen Mother was there for her husband in his weaker moments and I think Camilla will be there for Charles when it came to his own family Diana was well known to be a very Hands-On mother but Charles was a supportive parent too William and Harry have praised their father publicly and he has clearly set a strong example of the importance of hard work and generosity to others [Music] after Diana's death Charles had to step up and take more responsibility for William and Harry [Music] though the young princes were growing up and becoming more independent it was undoubtedly challenging for them both thank you as the Prince of Wales Charles undertook official duties on behalf of the queen he sponsors the prince's Charities and is a patron president or member of over 400 other Charities and organizations Anne entered public life at 18 and continued serving as a working Royal involved in upwards of 300 different charity organizations and is considered the busiest royal family member the hardest working Royal is a title she often receives battling it out with her brother Charles who has always attended the most engagements [Music] I mean people nowadays are much more questioning I think about where their money goes when they're giving to charities which seems to me perfectly fair and then if and to some extent that through these visits and what they see on on reports helps to show them exactly what's going on so much the better I mean that would probably be its main advantage the Monarch is the head of the Armed Forces and it has always been a great tradition of the royal family that every member should engage in active service and lead by example playing more than just a symbolic role the queen was the first female member of the royal family to serve full time on active Service as a member of the ATS during World War II he's being treated just like any other trainee now visited by her parents and Sister Margaret Rose at a training station in Southern England she shows them she knows a fan belt from a spark plug all right and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty her father gave her an officer's commission early in March Papa and Mama seem to approve too daughter is the first woman member of the royal family to join the services full time Prince Philip II was an active member of the royal Navy during World War II so for Charles it was an essential next step for him as heir to the throne and future head of the Armed Forces while studying at Cambridge University Charles received flying lessons from the RAF he went on to RAF Cranwell in Lincolnshire to train as a Jet Pilot with his passing out parade in September 1971. like his great-grandfathers his grandfather and his father he pursued a naval career taking a six-week course at the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth Charles served on the guided missile destroyer HMS Norfolk and then on two frigates the HMS Minerva from 1972 to 1973 and the HMS Jupiter in 1974. in steaming heat Prince Charles's frigate HMS Minerva edged her way into Nassau Harbor a few minutes before he had formally ended his duties as one of the ship's navigation officers and taken on the role again of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales with his personal standard broken from the mast in the months that he's been with Minerva in the Caribbean he several times visited the Bahamas Islands but this was the first time he'd made an official visit to get to rawson's place where the welcome speeches would be made the prince walked at speed through an Isle of shouting yelling bahamians the security men running in front to clear a path for him if it was all a bit confused the prince showed no sign of being put out by it the speeches were from a diss placed in front of the old Nassau Landmark the statue of the prince's great great grandmother and were brief to the relief of those in full dress with the temperature in the 90s everybody looking forward it will be five days of ceremonial engagements before Prince Charles rejoins Minerva next Wednesday for two more months of Caribbean Patrol as a naval lieutenant [Music] one of Princess Anne's great passions just like her mother is horses but the ambitious princess furthered her passion taking on an equestrian career alongside her royal duties [Music] influenced by her father who excelled at Polo and had a keen appetite for competition it was in the Royal Blood to succeed at equine Sports [Music] at a farm near Windsor today as with almost every other day since she came back from the Far East Princess Anne has been riding with Dublin preparing for the badminton horse trials in April and in the long term if that goes well selection for the Munich Olympics in the summer the princess is a specialist in the tough three-day event that takes in a dressage with its 30 carefully prepared movements 18 miles of cross-country riding and on the last day arena show jumping after a layoff through the Royal tour in Thailand and Malaysia the princess is working back to Fitness and accepting no more official engagements other than those already agreed to the young princess began competing at 11 years old winning a jumping event held at Windsor Park she continued to ride during her school years at benedin her fearless approach to riding and the wild side of her character saw her succeed and take several Falls leaving her with more broken bones than most people see in a lifetime [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] foreign Princess Anne has a reputation of being a good competitor with a lot of endurance and a dislike of not winning this is Oliver feels that she's managed to help boost her confidence for Princess Anne to get to the Olympics she has to do well at badminton get on the team shortlist and then hold her form through the summer to the final trials only three weeks before the games start could we um the chairman of the selectors points out that she is by no means an automatic choice in an event in which Britain is traditionally strong but as European Champion if she holds her form this year she stands more than a good chance of getting into the team of four [Music] by Olympic standards the princess has reached the top very quickly and Alison Oliver has few doubts about her ability to stand up to the competition and the strain of the Munich stadiums if she is chosen to go let's order [Music] on the 8th of September 2022 Charles's life would change forever at the moment of his mother's death the Prince of Wales became King Charles III the extraordinary reign of Queen Elizabeth II ended and the day he had spent a lifetime preparing for had arrived a moment he would later say he had dreaded his whole life Buckingham Palace has announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II the longest reigning monarch in British history the queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon the king and the queen consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow Buckingham Palace announced that the queen was under medical supervision and one by one members of the royal family were making their way to Balmoral to see the queen Charles and Anne returned to Balmoral to be with their beloved mother as she peacefully passed away the end of the second significant Elizabethan era and a time of tremendous sadness for the family broadcasters announced her death and said the king and queen would return to London the following day there is no pause in the continuity of the monarchy and following his mother's example Charles stepped into his duties as king I think that probably this shock of the mothers his mother's very sudden death and him being becoming King when these things happen you go into slight shocks so you act quite mechanically it sort of protects you in a way so I think he he wouldn't have been overwhelmed at that moment he would have been very emotional but he would have kept it all in check so I think he dealt with it on a very professional level which would be really the only way to deal with something of that enormity happening to you on Saturday the 10th of September the accession council gathered at St James's Palace it was time to proclaim the new king for the first time in history this historic ceremony was filmed the privy Council proclaimed his majesty as King Charles III whereas it has pleased almighty God to call to his Mercy our late Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth II of blessed and glorious memory by whose decease the crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is solely and rightfully come to the Prince Charles Philip Arthur George thank you the late queen and the King were very very close the her son a wonderful relationship with him again a fun relationship which we all saw we used to see different events in London when he would suddenly call on mummy and she'd pull a face at him and you know there was a a wonderful relationship Mommy but but they respected each other I mean he really respected his mother's respect to the fact that she was Queen and everything that stood for [Music] outside the Royal Court the state trumpet sound before rolling news the role of this part of the ceremony was to spread the word to a waiting Nation the Prince Charles Philip Arthur George Is Now by The Death of our late Sovereign of happy memory become our only lawful and rightful leads Lord Charles III [Music] Charles made a personal declaration referencing his mother's reign my mother's Reign was unequaled in its duration its dedication and its devotion even as we grieve we give thanks for this most faithful life [Music] the Proclamation was quite special because the proclamation has always been well part of it is always private the actual part that you say aside on the balconies in Genesis Palace has been televised or recorded before but what goes on indoors you never see so the fact we actually got to see him um actually doing the signing and everything was quite was quite special even if there was one of two little funny moments but it was quite an important a historical important moment for him and for us Toby allowed to watch that which was actually I mean I was amazed that we got to see it and and again it's one of those memories I think the war was who always have you know it was quite special seeing that [Music] in the days following his mother's death Charles visited different nations in a time where families would ordinarily grieve together in private Charles made himself very visible just like his mother did [Music] he met with people waiting in the famous queue to see the queen lying in state and visited people across the country who were grieving too [Music] Charles along with his brothers and sisters solemnly held a vigil at Saint Charles's Cathedral and later at Westminster Hall a touching and challenging moment for the siblings [Music] on the 19th of September Charles played an essential part in the late Queen's funeral King Charles walked behind the coffin alongside his siblings and Sons a poignant moment [Music] there must be the most extraordinary experience to walk through the gates sparking Palace as a king saying you've done Untold times before as Prince of Wales and to feel this Garment of this invisible Garment of monarchy settling over your shoulders because you start to think of yourself well what am I taking on what is this responsibility I mean what does the future hold for me so Charles is somebody who knows very keenly but there are these incredibly high standards that he has to live up to and I suppose when he walked that through Buckingham Palace he thought right here we go she made sacrifices for Duty her dedication and devotion was Sovereign never wavered through times of change and progress through times of joy and celebration and through times of sadness and loss in her life of service we saw that Abiding Love of tradition together with that Fearless Embrace a progress which makes us great as Nations the affection admiration and respect she inspired became the Hallmark of her Reign Charles has great delivery I mean he's practically like a Shakespearean actor well he was a Shakespearean actor at one time so his delivery of all these speeches is completely brilliant and I think he writes most of them himself and he delivers it with with superb timing and superb emotion and so I think that a lot of people found that much more effective they're expecting to because Justice for Queen was a kind of Grandmother to the nation he was very explicitly offering himself as a substitute and I think that many people who wouldn't expect that we were going to be moved by it were moved by him Queen Elizabeth was a life well lived a promise with Destiny kept and she is mourned most deeply in her passing that promise of lifelong service I renew to all today [Music] arriving at Saint George's Chapel a minor Funeral Service commenced the chorus sang God Save the King for the first time Charles obviously so moved by the moment struggled to hold back his tears he is The Sovereign he is the king the weight of the crown is now on his shoulders on May the 6th the first coronation in 70 years will occur though said to be scaled down compared to Queen Elizabeth's ceremony the pump and tradition will still feature Charles and Camilla will be crowned king and queen the proclamation of King Charles Village thing that took place just after his announcement as king and if something was announced in every major city in every major town in Britain and so because it hadn't happened in so long it hadn't happened since 1950s there was a real interest in it because people hadn't seen a proclamation before but of course now they are seeing this man being proclaimed King which is again it's been going on for centuries but it's still got a hugely symbolic role that we are seeing before our very eyes the reassertion of our given reassertion of kingship because not a lot of people alive today are going to remember King George VI his grandfather so having a king again is really quite a novelty foreign [Music] was very much head of the family and also King of the nation and I'm sure it was quite a difficult time mainly because you know the eyes of the world are watching you it's not a private thing at all when he's aware of that everything he does every every action every tear everything has been watched and listened to and and discussed well Charles was obviously responsible for making sure that the funeral went as smoothly as it did because he was obviously the focus of attention he was a person that most people were looking at in terms of what I was going to be for him and he's somebody I think was on the day he brought behind a coffin he was very much you know the focus of public interest to focus of public attention and he did everything exceptionally well I mean the funeral was very well organized it's been of course organized it had been planned for years but it went off without a hitch and Charles's involvement vet has to be seen as Testament to the fact that everything worked well there was an extraordinary outpouring of grief amongst the nation because you know the majority of of the Queen's subjects have never known um another monarch and it was kind of the end of a year it wasn't just her death it was the end of an era it was end of the Elizabethan age as we know it and of course it was all so dramatic and so beautifully staged that that made it even more poignant the you know the soldiers the the wonderful music the people that used to work for the queen walking behind her coffin was very very moving and uh the crowd we know was was crying or they were crying or they were cheering um or they were just silent completely silent you could hear a pin drop I remember when Diana died and the day of her funeral you could you could actually you could just hear the birds you couldn't hear anything else no sound from the crowd and that is it's a real high emotion [Music] the first rendition in Saint George's Chapel of God Save the King I think he nearly lost it um because it was so emotional and the strong voices and the choir and everybody really really meant God Save The King and I think that that was extraordinary for Charles must have been a very strange experience because you hear this song you've heard that you've heard a million times before meant by your mother and God saved the queen and it's about the king and it's about you and it must have been a very extraordinarily cafask experience in a lot of regards but also an overwhelming one [Music] foreign [Music] following his mother's death Charles's life and responsibilities have changed as king he can no longer speak so freely about his passions and opinions he instead has to remain unbiased King Charles has taken on his responsibilities with ease dealing with the famous Red Box each day meeting with prime ministers presidents and state officials and attending various engagements he has taken his new role in his stride [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Royalty TV
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diana, princess diana, prince harry, prince william, king charles, charles and diana, kristin stewart, princess of wales, people's princess, royal family, british royal family, history, british history, queen elizabeth ii, queen elizabeth, king charles iii, camilla, queen camilla, duke of sussex, duchess of sussex, meghan markle, duchess meghan, prince andrew, sarah ferguson, prince edward, kate middleton, princess kate, prince of wales, princess margaret, the crown
Id: L424ehoiz38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 20sec (3320 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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