Why William & Harry Grew Apart | William & Harry: Princes at War? | Real Royalty

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this channel is part of the history hit network [Music] they are two of the most popular members of the british royal family the world has watched princess william and harry grow up they were a solid unit as kids because no one could understand apart from them what they had been through get this on camera their relationship is characterized by a deep brotherly bond he is the one person on this earth we can talk about anything and give each other support but they also share a competitive streak harry wanted to win oh my goodness he wanted to rid and a unique royal rivalry did you just have a dig at their corners it's pretty rich coming from a ginger but now the boys have grown up have they also grown apart as family do you ever have disagreements about things oh yes there were reports of a rift between the duchesses of cambridge and sussex but is the rift really between william and harry the girls weren't as close as perhaps they might have been but actually the real issue wasn't between megan and kate it was between william and harry i never thought that those boys would ever fall out but it seems to me there's been a seismic shift within the house of wales and prince harry himself appeared to confirm that shift on his recent trip to africa so what's behind the tension and fallouts as i was told it by a number of sources he went ballistic just two guys growing up and going their separate ways they're going to have different ideas the last thing you disagreed on how do you resolve it is it resolved we don't know things got actually so bad between them that there was a period of time when they actually weren't talking to each other and what would a royal rift mean for the british monarchy the future of the monarchy rests on the shoulders of william and harry if there actually was a real rift it would cause severe embarrassment it would cause no end of trouble [Music] the guy who was christened in this looks remarkably well despite it ever since prince harry was born in 1984 the children of prince charles and princess diana have had a strong bond when harry was born i think william embraced it he loved his little brother i remember him taking great pride in being there with his little brother and having someone to play with prince william led the way down the long corridors to the chapel it was a lonely world before harry came along prince harry dozed behaving impeccably harry really complimented the whale's household mother knelt on the carpet to show the baby to the children but by now a tearful prince harry had had enough prince william on the other hand still had a fair amount of energy left those who looked after the young princes saw their different characters emerge from an early age playtime in the royal nursery was always william in charge and and harry told what to do since the early days william has always been the general and harry the foot soldier in their imaginations the children were already off to a fire [Music] harry was a bit of a rebel when he was a little boy and um would goad william william was always i think trying to be the good boy he was always trying to be the one that would tell towels on his little brother but you know harry used to be quite quite a handful they were always dressed up as paratroopers or in combat uniforms they had great fun visiting the army and going on board britannia they loved all of that camaraderie with lots of people they're very gregarious boys you saw them always together and often together with their mum they were obviously firm friends but like all siblings probably had their moments when they were firm enemies brothers fight don't they all the time i think william might have been crossed that harry was freer than him and he could do a bit more what he liked and harry was crossed that william got privileges in many ways the prince's relationship as children was like other brothers across the country but there was one crucial difference harry always knew that his brother was destined to be king in fact one day in the nursery they had a huge row and william stamped his feet and said i don't want to be king and harry said well if you don't do it then i'll do it instead of you his mother thought that was very amusing she said that's a good idea harry you make a great king she used to refer to harry as gkh good king harry because she thought he'd be probably better equipped for the role in the future then william william always got preferential treatment because he was the heir to the heir and diana made it always very clear that she wanted the two boys to be treated equally while princess diana tried to make sure there was no preferential treatment between her boys some say other members of the royal family were not always so sensitive when they would go to see the queen mother at clarence house the best sandwiches and the chocolatiest biscuits were always kept aside and offered first to william harry would have to wait and you know diana was aware of this and i think that was why she always made a point of of petting harry of just giving him that little bit of extra attention because harry knew that william was the number one son but william and harry's parents had difficulties of their own by the time the boys were old enough to kind of get a feeling of what was going on the household was pretty fraught between charles and diana they would have heard raised voices children are very acutely aware of atmospheres it would have been crazy if they hadn't guessed there were difficulties and daddy was away a lot and then mommy was not they would have known that they would have sensed that every effort was made particularly to protect harry from the problems in his parents marriage william obviously being that much older um was more aware of of the arguments harry and william were thrown together to protect each other and look out for each other certainly william i think felt very protective towards harry i saw the boys grow up and their bomb was very tight it was held together of course by the glue of their mother um diana never treated one differently to the other they were always the same they were her boys [Music] in 1997 disaster struck the wales household when princess diana died in a car crash william was 15 and harry 12. the two princes whose heart can cannot go out to those boys today who can avoid a choke in the throat at the sight of them they they began the week as boys they've ended it as men we've seen them almost visibly mature in front of our eyes when the princess died we as a nation watched their hearts break and william and harry were never the same again [Music] courage of these two boys for everybody in the uk those images are kind of burned on the national consciousness one of the reasons that that many people moaned diana apart from just the tragedy of her death itself was that these boys were going to lose something [Music] at a very important stage of their lives the two princes bonded over the death of their mother turning to each other for support i think without any doubt that that would have brought the brothers together because they both understood and also boys at that time and probably still embarrassed about showing emotion but they could to one another now one could understand apart from them what they had been through they lost their mom at a very early age it is our problem that we've expected them to stay that tight because because they're they're people they're just people and people change and relationships change depending on what's happening in your life diana's death left charles with sole responsibility for the boys something he felt keenly charles had to step up to the plate and become the sole parent whilst being an incredibly busy prince of wales with all of the raw duties to carry out it must have been very very difficult for charles he was painted as the bogeyman by by the press all the while charles was trying to be a single down to his two boys he tried to show them as much love and involvement as much as possible there's lots of footage of them almost kind of the three of them against the world that infamous piece of footage when they were skiing at clusters charles was miked up and nick witchell from the bbc headed to merity to ask a perfectly innocuous question and charles said oh my god awful man the boys were kind of tittering in the background and obviously kind of supporting dad it was like them against the rest of the world and that was fine that's actually how it should be that felt right to me they were a proper unit but the unit of three would split when william left home for a gap year followed by university and harry was left to follow his own path leading to reports of the prince's first feud that was the first time the brothers really fell out harry refused to speak to his brother or forgive him for some time [Music] growing up princes william and harry were a tight unit but when william went off to university the dynamic changed i think william was a very good influence on him and for the first time they were living in different places that was a difficult time for harry because his dad of course prince willis is a bit of a workaholic and was doing all his duties his head to the throne william had gone away and so harry sort of had the run of high grove and was involved in drinking too much the brothers at that particular time were going in separate ways and so william wasn't really there to sort of put his hand on his shoulder and say are you going the wrong way here you're not doing yourself any favors at this point there were fears william and harry could fall into that old royal trap of the more sensible stable heir to the throne and the wayward younger prince something many saw a generation earlier in the relationship between their father prince charles and his brother prince andrew the air and the spare has always been a thing in the royal family harry liked to party um and there was a period where harry was drinking he was experimenting with drugs you know there was a point where he was a bad boy and he was partying all the time and everybody was going my god you know this is this is what happens to the spear but behind the tabloid headlines some say the coverage itself was causing tension between the brothers harry has obviously got into some scrapes which have landed him on the front pages of the newspapers but plenty of those parties particularly the teenage parties william was there harry served as a really useful decoy that was the first time the brothers really fell out because harry resented the fact that he'd taken all the blame but of course william was the heir harry took the flag and he was very cross about that and that he refused to speak to his brother or forgive him for some time left alone by the press william was able to enjoy a relatively normal university life he was very good-looking looked like his mum had that amazing mop of blonde hair all men wanted to be mates with him all girls wanted to date him and uh yeah he enjoyed himself he had a good time it was also at university that william would meet another big influence in his life his future wife kate middleton that's another difference in their life that from pretty early on william was with one woman that he ended up marrying and harry wasn't [Music] but how would kate's arrival affect the brothers relationship would william and harry restore their close bond or drift further apart i'm going to television get this on camera you forgot your boots oh my god that's another classic yeah use what are my ones that marco's got that's just about the stupidest thing i could've done by their late teens early 20s princes william and harry had gone their separate ways with william finding love at university and harry finding it difficult to stay out of the newspapers the younger prince would ultimately find discipline and structure by fulfilling his childhood dream of joining the army i think the army was really the making of harry he made it his thing and he was incredibly good at it going into the army was an escape and of course for the first time he could just be kept in wales and i think he rather loved that but he sort of needed that so as it were grow up and grow into who he wants to be he became a hero overnight i remember one documentary where he was talking to a reporter and suddenly they got the call to go somewhere and off he went then you think oh wow he's actually kind of honest william followed his younger brother into the military but their experiences would be very different william was perceived as a future king and an officer and harry as in childhood was always perceived as a soldier and so the two followed very different paths while william always had a clearly defined future harry found his calling in the army the younger prince had found his purpose harry he created this world for himself which was a lot more interesting and on many levels a lot more fun than william's beautiful room when harry came back from afghanistan the two brothers were reunited when they began helicopter training at the same time they shared a house for six months and gave the odd interview to the press in the interview you get nice digs where harry has a go at william for losing his hair although he's lost a lot more since then he's definitely got more brains than me i think we've established that from school but when it comes to all that i think i'm much better hands-on sorry william has a go at harry for being ginger and they're just nice little digs that happen in all families did you just have a dig at your corners it's pretty rich coming from a ginger so i'm quite happy to see what i love in the royal family there's always a banter about which service is the best how much inter-service rivalry is there between you two none at all no not really everyone everyone knows the army has a recovery boy anyway so it's uh it's fine there's a good fan of tsunami pirates in the toilets obviously as well the naval pilots just you know the background they didn't do anything so william at this stage is training to become a seeking uh pilot for search and rescue harry is upgrading to apache training the helicopter course is a very strenuous course but he's managed to get through it so i reckon i can yeah i just have something nice you consider something nice and it's the last time they lived together they lived uh together in a farmhouse first and last time we've been living together sure it's been it's been a fairly emotional experience so there is that kind of ribbing jesting that i think is a real kind of cornerstone of their relationship bear in mind i cook him and feed him basically every day i think he's uh he's done all the world is the other week though he did all the washing out he does do a bit of the washing up then he leaves most of it in the sink and then it comes back in the morning and i have to wash it out other lies he snores a lot as well he keeps me out all night long i think we're showing a bed i think that's very important while william went on to an admirable career as a search and rescue pilot he was increasingly focused on royal duties and his home life on the 29th of april 2011 he would marry his long-term girlfriend kate middleton in westminster abbey with his brother harry by his side all was well in the house of wales harry was delighted to be best man but then again william couldn't really have asked anyone else you know he was always going to ask his younger brother and harry did a sterling job these two young men who were emerging obviously at this very very special moment looking so great and so proud i was actually at that wedding and i remember them walking towards the abbey together and they were kind of laughing and talking earnestly and yeah they were very close we saw those two boys stood so proudly without their mother stuck together like glue as that beautiful vision kate walked down the aisle it couldn't have been more perfect [Applause] harry had known kate for a number of years harry would joke about kate's killer legs and in fact he wanted to reference them in his best man's speech but he was told to take it out he was delighted his big bro was getting married and i think the two brothers were very close at that stage [Music] after the wedding two turned into three and the dynamics changed just a little bit we forget how long they were a little threesome we got used to seeing kate and her two princes really and obviously got on very well kate was like harry's big sister you know he had talked about getting advice from her she always kind of looked after him the three of them spent a lot of time together they were always laughing the three of them were like this little close-knit trio those three did get on very well they did a lot of engagements together harry would even joke about being the spare wheel when you know he did engagements with the three of them and he'd be like oh yeah you know i'm just lagging behind those two you know the lovebirds and we know that harry wanted his own wife to go and do engagements with and have a kind of a wingman effectively harry saw the happiness his brother had and he wanted some of that too as william harry and kate grew closer there was still a clear rivalry between the brothers both boys are very competitive i mean there's there's lots and lots of footage of them playing football and shoving each other out the way rugby trying to rugby tackle each other to the ground i remember seeing william harry and kate doing 100 meter race harry wanted to win oh my goodness he wanted to win he didn't care about kate he just wanted to beat his brother and he did harry has always been driven because he wanted to beat his brother because his brother seemed to have all the goals he had all the accolades and so harry dug his feet in and wanted to be as good as his brother [Music] but does harry and william's relationship have echoes of the recent royal past there's definitely similarities between andrew and charles's relationship and and harry and williams as charles was just three years old when his mother became queen it was said she was able to have more time for her younger sons sparking rumors of favoritism among royal observers yeah there's a lot of talk that andrew's the queen's favorite and perhaps that may be true her eyes light up when he enters the room and i think that there's not the awkwardness that perhaps there was in the earlier days between the prince of wales and his parents as charles and andrew grew up some say their different characters became more apparent oh yes charles is more uh reserved andrew is more flamboyant i think that's partly down to the weight of destiny on charles's shoulders and there's something he's seen in william as well so yeah the younger brother the kid brother gets more latitude to be themselves than the older brother does questions were even put to prince charles about his brother's reputation what repetition how dare you impugn my brother's honor yeah he was the playboy prince then and then 20 years later it was his nephew harry for prince harry another big change was about to take place that would further test his relationship with his brother in september 2017 he introduced his new girlfriend to the world my goodness megan changed all the dynamics when she came into the royal family she really did shake the bag up with megan and harry now an item the three musketeers would become the fab four catherine harry and i are delighted to be here this morning and we're particularly happy to be our first royal foundation event with megan but how long would that relationship last some really really serious stuff had to happen to break that asunder [Music] for years prince harry was one of the most eligible bachelors in the world [Music] his love life under constant scrutiny [Music] harry didn't ever seem to settle i mean we went out with chelsea davey fantastically glamorous then he went out with president bonus who was beautiful and in both those girls i think he had great relationships but he was looking for something else he'd seen his brother's relationship which is very very close very happy his brother become a dad very special and i think he was thinking i like a bit of this but first i've got to find the right woman so harry met megan in the summer of 2016. she's great she's vibrant she's fun and harry's over the moon my goodness megan changed all the dynamics when she came into the royal family as a breath of fresh air as a divorced woman as an american as a mixed race lady she really did shake the bag up well obviously megan and harry is a total love story i mean they met and about 16 months later they got engaged most of us were thinking oh yeah that's pretty good time but of course in royal circles it's a fairly short time prince william congratulated the newly engaged couple in typical brotherly fashion delighted for the boat wishing them all the happiness in this very exciting time and for me personally i hope it means he stays out of my fridge and something scrounging off all my food he's done over the last few years but rumors were beginning to circulate in the press about william and harry's relationship were the brothers as tight as people thought the biggest cause of their so-called rift was wills tried to warn harry when he met megan not to rush into it you know he'd only known her for less than a year when they got engaged he sat him down and just told him to take it a bit slow not to run adam it was all so quick that william and kate didn't have a moment to get to know megan because harry hardly knew megan and of course quite naturally william and kate would have thought no she's been married before she's older than harry i hope she's gonna make him happy anyone would think that as i was told it by a number of sources he went ballistic and said you're trying to wreck this relationship before it's even started and that was the moment i was told by sources very close to the brothers that the dynamic changed that there was a shift and it was largely down to harry resenting his brother harry supported william from the outset of his relationship with kate and he felt very let down that he wasn't getting his brother's full 100 support with the relationship with megan and things changed [Music] in may 2018 prince harry married meghan markle in windsor best man prince william was by his side despite the rumors about the state of their relationship there was no sign of any rift between the brothers on the big day itself harry megan's wedding was just a picture-perfect day in windsor it was never going to be as big as william and kate's of westminster abbey he's not the heir but it was a great occasion when he realized that harry and megan were going to get married i think william did what he knew was the right thing to do which was to throw himself behind it wholeheartedly i mean of course he was harry's best man he organized the stag do the night before the wedding and he was incredibly supportive and you could see how happy he was who knows what he was thinking privately they looked like their old selves on that day because he was making harry laugh in the church and it was like just two brothers together the only thing that marred it of course was the markle debacle was her dad gonna show up and this bizarre few days leading up to the wedding when he was effectively issuing press releases through a website in la william told friends when he married it was going to be for life you know having gone through a broken marriage he never wanted to go through that himself and i think harry feels very much the same way and you know megan of course also comes from a broken home that's something that harry and megan do have in common so after the royal wedding certainly harry and megan were enjoying an all-time high they were sort of riding this wave of positive publicity megan had launched herself into royal duties admirably and incredibly capably i mean i think she blew us all away with how quickly she adapted to what is actually an incredibly hard new role but there was press speculation about the state of the relationship between the two duchesses kate and megan i think more was made of the rift between megan and kate in the beginning because there were lots of stories about how megan hadn't felt welcomed by kate when she first came to live in this country there were stories about megan's high-handedness there were stories about how megan had made kate cry in the lead-up to the wedding there was a an altercation about little charlotte's dress so there was all of that and that was kind of put down to this simmering feud between and also i suspect there was a bit of competition between the parents and i i think that probably masked the real problem which was a rift between the boys suggestions that there have been some cat fights between kate and megan kind of clawing each other's eyes out are ridiculous frankly and i think what happened was that william and harry weren't getting on particularly well so then inevitably the two women kind of took their husband's side as you would there is never smoke without fire and i certainly had been told by very reliable sources that the girls weren't the best of friends weren't as close as perhaps they might have been but actually the real issue wasn't between megan and kate it was between william and harry the houses of cambridge and sussex joined forces for the royal foundation set up to champion charitable causes in the press the two couples were dubbed the fab four there was a projection by the media to sort of create this fab four these four glamorous iconic royals i think the press wanted this solid unit of the new team windsor to take the royal family forward into the next century but that wasn't to be we could make a real impact someone actually asked them have there been fights and disagreements working together as family do you ever have disagreements about things oh yes everyone looked so awkward and uncomfortable and kate was fitting over here and megan looked it was kind of quite embarrassing because clearly there had been a lot of arguments okay the last thing you disagreed on how do you resolve it uh i kind of become so freaking friendly is it resolved we don't know oh we don't know well you're putting on a great show if it's not and i thought then it is never going to work we start together for the rest of our lives so if there were doubts about whether there was actually a rift between the brothers harry's now confirmed that their relationship is not as close william has come to terms with the fact that his brother is now married he he's very much his own person and basically stepped back and let harry do his own thing was there a rift absolutely [Music] tensions between royal siblings run through the family's history growing up the queen and her sister princess margaret were very close but a romance was to cause a rift between the sisters of course when they were young kids lilybet and margot were really really close i mean you know it's almost as close as william and harry and age and relationship the rift of course happened when margaret fell in love with a divorcee peter townsend who had been right hand man to the king her father so those two aspects really threw a spanner in the works because elizabeth as queen was head of the church of england and she couldn't condone that marriage and of course it never happened you could draw a parallel between the queen and princess margaret and william and harry in the sense that one was the heir and the other you could call the spare in the days of margaret she hadn't got any defined role and couldn't really pick one up at least not one that the public recognized and respected yeah you see it time and time again with the younger sister or the younger brother what do they do they really do have to create a role for themselves i think in many ways the queen can relate to william and harry's relationship she had an incredibly close relationship with her sister margaret they were just as tight as william and harry but that closeness also came under scrutiny that was also tested by royal parameters royal responsibility don't think margaret ever really forgave her sister for not allowing her to marry peter townsend and that caused a massive fracture in their relationship it did cause a rift for a while so the queen can probably have some empathy and understanding of some of the tensions between william and harry so how will william and harry's relationship move forwards and just how independent will harry and megan choose to be i can see megan and harry saying we've had enough i can see them living in another [Music] country shortly after the wedding of prince harry and meghan markle rumors began to emerge about a rift between the duchesses stories of feuding filled the press but some royal sources thought that the real rift could be between princes william and harry things got so bad between them that i was told by a very senior source close to both of the brothers that there was a period of time when they actually weren't talking to each other whilst on tour in australia the duke and duchess of sussex announced megan was expecting a baby it was quickly followed by the news that they would be moving from kensington palace which had been home to the fab four choosing frogmore cottage a quieter and more private location on the windsor estate away from the glare of london but was harry and megan's decision to move motivated by impending parenthood or a rift between the brothers harry lived in a relatively small house around the back of kensington palace called nottingham cottage it wasn't big enough for a young growing family there were options to stay at kensington palace in a different apartment there but the idea that they were all living together in one big apartment like characters from friends is is ridiculous both megan and harry felt that they wanted to just be their own people establish their own court establish their own household and have a sense of freedom from the cambridges of course that move away from kensington palace to frogmore cottage only fueled the rumors of a rift of a fallout of the fact that clearly they didn't get on and the sussexes just wanted to be out of kensington palace and therefore wasn't this conclusive evidence i was told that after the royal wedding megan and harry and kate and william despite living on the same complex at kensington palace didn't see each other privately for a number of months they just didn't see each other the queen offered them frogmore cottage which is on the private windsor state there are conflicting accounts as to why megan and harry have gone to fraud muay thai some of them say wills and kate wanted them out of the way because they were getting all the publicity but then there's the other school of thought that megan and harry wanted to go the word is there's worry in the palace now that now they're there they will start creating their own thing that will become very difficult to control harry and megan moved into their new home the world's press eagerly awaited news of their first child's imminent arrival details had been heavily guarded a clear departure from the cambridge's approach when bengal and harry had their baby everything was totally different to the way that kate and william had done it because william and kate did it in a public way they shared their joy with the and it's such a special public i think any any parents i think will probably sort of um know what this feeling feels like so it's very special harry and megan didn't want to do that he wanted to keep it totally private i understand that to a certain degree but the world wants to see and the world wants to know and they are public figures there was a lot of upset in the media that harry and megan were snubbing tradition that they were snubbing protocol which they weren't they were just doing things differently it wasn't done in a very royal way or the way we'd come to expect but then harry's excuse was well i'm a private person but you cannot be royal and be six in line to the throne and be a private person i would think it might bother william a little bit because he might see the way that harry and megan do things as being detrimental to the business of the monarchy as a whole just after the birth announcement was made by the palace harry came out and gave an impromptu um press call he came out and spoke to the tv cameras taking actually even his closest advisors by surprise i'm very excited to announce that megan and myself had a baby boy um earlier this morning it's been the most amazing experience i could ever possibly imagine it is very tricky that tightrope that the royals have to walk between what's private what's public just because they're funded by the taxpayer does that mean we should be entitled to all of their private lives some of their private life just the birth of their children not the birds of their children harry omega made it quite clear that they wanted to do things differently i think william because of his position in the royal family and his children's position in the royal family he accepts the public interest accepts that you have to give a little i think harry thinks i don't give a damn why should i have to give anything i want my privacy and i want to protect the privacy of my wife and my child and therefore i will do what i want to do and i think in the past when he would have listened to his brother's advice and he would have been counseled by his brother now i don't think he listens to his brother rumors of a rift were fueled by reports that it took a few days for william and kate to meet the newest member of the royal family look forward to meeting him and finding out what his name's going it's interesting that you know when archie was born wilson cage didn't actually meet him for a whole week which i think is you know that would fuel the rumors of a roof because i think that's quite odd you know because no matter how tired megan was feeling or how it went well or whatever you would still let the closest members of your family in on that because it's a it's a joyous event why wouldn't you let members of your family in yeah they maybe didn't see little archie but maybe at that time there was a problem misunderstanding between the two they weren't necessarily on the best of terms but the royal family the same as anybody else they say they're very privileged family they've got they've got their certain manners and protocol but the fact is it's just a family that's all it is and sometimes things aren't clicking they may have thought let's give them a week and by a week you'll be slowly getting back to normal we all remember those days and they may have done it because they were being kind they may also have had work to do engagements to be carried out all sorts of things in june 2019 kensington palace announced the sussexes were to leave the royal foundation they were splitting from william and kate so they could focus on causes important to them it fueled media rumors of a rift between the couples but some saw it as inevitable given the prince's differing future roles i think that if anyone has any doubts about the falling out between harry and william you only have to look at that forum back in february you know we've all got that same same passion to want to make a difference um but you know different different opinions and i think those opinions work really really well the four of them were talking about how they were gonna work together how they were going to go forward take the charitable vehicle how it was all going to be amazing all these amazing things they did together and just 16 months on it's just ashes we should have all seen it coming kate and william want to do things their way and megan and harry want to do things their way and they could not meet in the middle working as as family does have its challenges of course there's everybody here the fact everyone's laughing means everybody knows exactly what it's like when that split happened i as a commentator of nearly 30 years of on the royal fan wasn't surprised at all because it sort of was a natural break but what it was perceived to be was this huge rift a feud the whole point was to harness the four of them as a strength rather than having them all go off and do their different things which of course is now what's so what will the future hold for the royal brothers and their relationship if this continues i can see megan and harry saying we've had enough that's it we're off i can see them living in another country i could see them sat on oprah's couch telling the world about their new life the future for william is very clear he will become the prince of wales and then he will become the king he doesn't really have a choice there harry's got much more latitude to live where he and megan want to live and to do what they want to do whatever projects they want to do [Music] when william is king that's the focus will be on him and his family and i think that's the time when harry and megan and their children would not necessarily be required to do quite as much i'm not saying he's going to disappear off you know the royal beat but the focus the media focused spotlight will be on king william and it'll be on george it'll be interesting to see what happens when william becomes king and what the relationship would be like i think it may be better because william is always going to be king there's nothing going to change that and harry will have accepted that a very long time ago also william at that part will be top dog what he says goes and so whatever harry does or says will is in charge end of story i think there's a great amount of goodwill towards harry and william the brothers have always been incredibly close and yes there have been feuds and fallouts but they have i would say an unbreakable bond we want to see that bond of brotherhood but this is time now for harry to branch out and do his own thing and for william to be a king in waiting
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Views: 2,836,279
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Keywords: real royalty, real royalty channel, british royalty, royalty around the world, royal history, prince william, prince harry, prince of wales, princess of wales, kate middleton, meghan markle
Id: hyaghSL8wh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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