What Happened To Pyro? Why It's No Longer The Best Element | Genshin Impact

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back in my ranking elements video the order I settled on from worst to best was geopyrotentro and Electro interchangeably cryohydro than animal though in retrospect I might put cryo in between dendro and Electro since dendro is way more broken than any of us likely anticipated having made a dedicated video talking about bulk Geo and dendro I thought it would be fun to make an episode on every element for the sacred continuity bringing me to this video the first year of Kenshin was characterized by one element virtually dominating all aspects of the game through a multitude of circumstances with the game's limited selection of characters prevailing wisdom designated pyro as one of if not the strongest element in the game a sentiment that continued all throughout version 1 and even early version 2. by version 3 as the game's roster was flesh and more characters players began to explore more teams and strategies that employed other elements leading to extremely powerful combinations that didn't make use of pyro whatsoever what exactly happened to the Pyro element did we overeat how good it was is it still worthy of its previously held rank or has the fallen off in value significantly let's find out without a doubt the elements that received it the most attention early on in gentian was pyro not only were three of its four initial units dulu Bennett and shangling really strong relatively speaking but the element in tandem with cryo took a Monster version 1's release lineup version 1.0 had clear 1.1 oversaw child and Iona as well as Jong Li and shinyan 1.2 feature ganyu and Albedo 1.3 had a little tall and Xiao 1.4 had Rosaria 1.5 at yanfei and Eula 1.6 at kosoha and even version 2 had sayu yoemiya and ayaka five out of the first 16 new units consisted of pyro adding onto the four existing ones for a total of nine before we were even one year into Genji impacts pyro was far outstripping the other elements in size for comparison prior to version 2 Hydro still only had chincho child Mona and Barbara less than half of pyro while she only had zhongli Noel ninguang and Albedo experience wise it wasn't a poor design decision the effective strength of elements like Electro and Animo weren't as conspicuous as that of pyro on account of their reactions being less effective at the time and the increased demand for certain characters to actually tap into that strength power on the other hand was very straightforward still is today seeing as fire often represents power in video games its units were designed to run inflicting and or supplementing huge amounts of damage to their party most of the casts are designated as on-field damage deals like Hotel yomiya T Luke yanfei and technically senior insignia's case the two people who actually use serfielder as a support purely because she's so inefficient as a novel damage dealer the focus on damage is further exemplified through pyrosystem mechanics mainly its resonance and reactions having two power units passively boosts the attack of the entire Party by 25 considering our primitive understanding of the game at that time it seemed like pyro was a no-brainer in terms of maximizing DPS a sentiment that was reinforced by the element's Premier reactions vaporized and melt chaining the two elements together depending on the order would result in the triggering attacks damage being multiplied by 1.5 times or outright doubled and if you remember that pyro units were already specialized in dealing huge amounts of damage the answer was clear as day another major contributor to pyrozole dominance was how eco was to reach their maximum strike mind you players were quick to figure out more sophisticated team compositions from day one but looking at the average casual or a semi-hardcore player pyro seemed like once again a no-brainer all you needed was pyro and hydro or pyro and cryo and those two elements were also very accessible Kyle was the second most stacked roster in the game between Rosaria Diana ganyukaya chomyun and situ chances are you are guaranteed to have at least one of them if not multiple allowing you to pull off a melt or reverse spelled combo very easily as for hydro although its selection was far less varied everyone had Barbara and singtel the latter being one of the most overpowered units in the game Shinto's rain cutter essentially allowed for any pyro unveil did to achieve vaporize without ever having to swap out instantly making units like hutal diluk yoemia clian yanfei deal tons of damage only two units were needed requiring less upfront investment than early meta teams like freeze or taser so in a way Pyro's initial success was purely circumstantial it was and is the simplest element in the game to understand and was given the most early on that alongside her narrow understanding of the game causing us to prioritize big dick damage made a lot of players believe pyro was the best element in the game that wasn't entirely false though transformative reactions like electrocharged overload and swirl were noticeably weaker back then it wasn't until the tail end of version 1 when they were substantially buffed additionally knowing that Elemental reactions come with an internal cooldown implicitly suggested that at least for amplifying reactions a single powerful blow was better than Death By A Thousand Cuts because not all of those Thousand Cuts would be powered up lastly while this isn't really tied with the element three of the game's most powerful units are not only pyro but were also available to us at the start of the game which is very significant most players pursue Comfort over Maximum efficiency especially in games that don't pressure them to innovate or seek out better options I know this is anecdotal and not reflective of everyone's experience but even though we now have so many ways to Nuke the entire screen with damage I still find myself going riding National in spiral Abyss because of how easy it is to use is it the most efficient not necessarily but it doesn't have to be I can still all perfect clear while turning my brain off case in point I'm lazy as I'm sure the majority of players are Bhutan kanyu were the first two universally employed five-star main DPS units in genshin Impact it also helps that they're very autopilotable characters in hotel's case pairing her with singtel makes her a very easy one-two combination by extension Bennett and sounding are also very easy to use applied to a lot of situations and don't cost a lot to invest in obviously there's a subset of players who really enjoy pushing characters to their absolute limit theorizing all the best builds combinations rotations what have you and I'm like that too just not in this game unlike other games Kenshin doesn't challenge you enough to go down that path who tell Bennett and shanglin have still maintained an iron grip on The Meta to this day for how effective and more importantly familiar they are to use for players who like to wear without to pull for every character in the game that made pyro a very appealing Choice compared to other teams or elements that mandated several five stars fast forward till a 2022 and the playing field was drastically altered aside from yoemia version 2 featured no other pyro characters understandably choosing to add more to the other elements particularly Hydro Geo and Electrode three elements that were in desperate need of more representation The increased Variety in selection granted more opportunities for players to explore other options due to this we've had greater improvements to teams like the national swapping autonium for Shogun freeze teams got a major boost in efficiency thanks to ayaka kokomi and shinhua taser as well even not so prevalent options like mono Geo began to surface with the Advent of Goro Ito and yunjin we are now in a position where every element says dendro has enough characters that cover a wide range of functions more importantly common knowledge of genshin has advanced while still minority information those extensively and exhaustively compiled by the aircrafters is now more readily available for public use and even casual players have gradually weaned off the notion that crit rate crit damage and big number screenshots were the be-all end-all well except for a certain player base that feverishly copes on their waifu one day claiming her rifle placed on the draw no but seriously in a manner of speaking genshin has experienced a paradigm shift new characters being released for the other elements allowed us to figure out want more set elements had to offer and as Genji's combat continued to evolve so too did The Meta all of this however came at the expense of the general Public's declining opinion of pyro for those of you who were patient enough to still be watching to this point let me clarify something the video thumbnail has the word overrated on it a term that's often used to imply something is not as good as everyone makes it out to be for something to be overrated though it has to already be held in high regard for example we can't say Geo is an overrated element when it was never good to begin with likewise I'm not saying pyro is a bad element merely that a community's initial perceptions of it may have been too generous though that's not in any way our fault once again Pirate's early success had a lot to do with circumstance such as a lack of competition and conventional wisdom on what is effective in video games specifically gotchas we basically had a honeymoon phase of pyro while pyro still employs many strong units the element itself has been placed in question on whether it's better or worse than what we have now it's still portrayed as the big damage element but we now know there are more ways to deal damage than just one giant number the decline of pyrostatus as the number one element began shortly after version 2's release namely because outside of the big three and maybe yoemia the others were really starting to fall off in relevance deal Luke and Klee were very strong at the start but their selfish move set and lackluster scaling led to them getting power creeps to some degree furthermore pyro went from being the element with the most growth to the elements with the least yoy Mia was brought to us on August 10 2021 it's been over a year since we got a new pyro character meanwhile electrodes ironically become the fastest growing element and also has the largest roster at 12. not saying that all of its new units are super broken but more characters means more attention then again much of that attention has to do idential not so much Electro I'm aware we have Dia who's expected to become playable at some point or another seeing that she's a character with a unique model and not a generic NPC but as they're making the cydio know whatever announcement is scheduled to us yet and even then she's a four-star pirate character not a 5 Star which brings me to the biggest problem with pyro as an element I talked about this in Thomas lino in Place episode but mihoya sort of shot themselves in the foot with how they went about Pyro's characters in that they set the bar for pyro so unreasonably high from day one Benedict comprise two out of the Holy Trinity of four stars Bennett shanglinessinto three characters who by all accounts should have been 5 Stars if we go by how ridiculously overpowered they are then who taught was released a tanky Brewster who is honestly way over tuned for her time this means that every new pirate you know who comes out will be automatically compared to them if they're a pyro on-field DPS they'll have to somehow be able to match or outperform who Tau get their pyro all field DPS they'll have to do with sending pirate supports may have a chance to shine since Bennett despite being a support isn't really a pirate's support unless the open constellation 6. he's more of a everything's support that's another issue with pyro it's the element of power or in other words it's all about damage the problem with damage is that every element can do damage now so it comes down to what else can be provided for instance animal related comps are able to supply crowd control and team support boost team compositions are no longer solely evaluated on the basis of how much damage they do feel about how comfortably and efficiently they can do so chain freeze isn't even the highest in damage but when you're able to promise on everything what difference does it make pyro and its units currently offer nothing but damage but that's not short supply in this day and age you might be wondering why new pyro characters will be compared to Bennett who told Shannon one to one when characters like sucrose and kazuha are both widely used even though they have much of the same premise that's because pyro is an element All About Numbers remember its Premier reactions are vaporized and melt perhaps per gen but if you plan on going virgin you might as well go hyperboom at that point the only measure of how efficient a piodps is depends on how strong their burst damage is through vaporize or melt shaggling gets to play around in reaction focused comps but shinling is very much the exception She carries through sheer numbers and snapshot doing that can be difficult to pull off without outright making a stronger version of any of the three that's the issue the first wave of pyro characters was so good that the only way new prior units will be used is if they blatantly power creep those three but if you try to power creep three of the best characters in the game you're gonna power creep every this puts mihoya in a very difficult position pyro is facing a diversity crisis or lack thereof there are a bunch of quote unquote OK units and a handful of super big ones that are too strong and too general for there to be any incentive for you to use okay units for reasons other than personal attachment essentially pyro is only kept in relevance because of how good the characters are similarly to Geo but not to the same extent the element currently has no top tier power center team at the moment the only one that comes close is double Hydro combining Shinto and yelling with utau sanding or yoemia but that only works by virtuous singtel and yellow and working so well together it's funny in my exclusive supports video someone made a comment saying that Genji's biggest mistake was Bennett and I would have to agree Bennett has virtually removed all possibility of there being another good pirate support because what he does is everything a pirate support should do that the only way we can get another pirate support is if they're literally a second Bennett kinda like how they did with yellow and having an elemental burst of the same basic principle as sensor they tried Toma but even if the latter's numbers were more generous pyro is not really meant to set up reactions it's meant to trigger them Bennett's Swiss army knife Elemental bursts simultaneously takes care of offensive and defensive augmentation while shangling and huta take care of the DPS side of things mihoyo made Pyro's early characters so powerful and versatile that I genuinely believe they're holding off and releasing new power units until the other elements power creep enough to where they can release a stronger Bennett who Tower cycling without everyone losing their minds credit where credit is due they tried to make pyro more than just big damage by creating virgin allowing someone like Talma to find success in spite of being in the shadow of Bennett but that's just not enough mihoyo decided to make the most all-purpose characters in the one element where they shouldn't have done that as an event it was Hydro or sign language cryo they probably wouldn't be as ridiculously broken as they are for pyro but since pyro is such a low maintenance element they take care of everything for you preventing any Summons of Niche or specialized characters from ever being thought of as anything other than a less efficient version of Benin or shenming I know I might have made this sound a bit more pessimistic than it really should be pyro is objectively still a very powerful element and by no means are you making Mistake by choosing it as your favorite but it's interesting to see how what was once the Holy Grail of Genji impact is now arguably the second weakest element in the game although you can see this as a blessing it's nice that two of the three best pirate units happen to be really accessible to everyone so while they scoot over the element's balance at the very least we don't have to burn our walls to make the most of it that being said I still think cleared the best shot at being another good pirate support if she was designed as a support not DPS but what do you guys think do you believe there's a possibility we can see a Resurgence or pyro without power creeping or do you agree with me and that's stuck in a catch-22 feel free to share in the comments down below that's it for today so if you enjoyed the video please leave a like And subscribe I really appreciate it also don't forget to follow me on Twitter at barstream join my Discord server and check out my videos on Geo and dentro if you haven't yet until next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take care foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 170,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact game, genshin impact good, genshin impact pyro, genshin pyro overrated, genshin pyro bad, genshin pyro, genshin pyro characters, genshin pyro archon, genshin pyro team, genshin impact best element, genshin impact worst element, genshin 3.3, genshin wanderer, genshin faruzan, genshin al haitham, yaoyao
Id: Tredqq1247Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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