What Happened To Ms. Chalice?

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all right the boys of the car this is Miss chalice a cup whose morale was skewed thanks to her successful tactic of using charm and dance to get whatever she wants she left a mark on the cup Duo and fans worldwide as season one or season 1A for all of you sicklers out there ended with the Cliffhanger of her leaving to let cuphead and mugman take the heat for breaking into a cookie factory we would learn that she has ghostly abilities as she leaves a Duo high and dry but we never learned why why is she able to have a mortal and Immortal form what if I told you that the reason is actually quite entertaining [Music] this is inkwell City orphanage where the children aren't to make a sound and fun is not allowed relative to its contemporaries the cuphead show is meaner and even with this reputation nothing could have prepared me for the unnamed penguins that run the orphanage a young Miss chalice is narrating her hard upbringing in this orphanage claiming to have the worst chores each time however she never gives us a reason as to why hey [Music] the episode really goes out of its way to show you that the orphanage is not a Place full of Happiness however as grueling as the chores are it hasn't seemed to break Miss chalice's Spirit unfortunately because of the time restraints we don't really get to learn much in depth about the orphanage her reputation the Penguins leading it the other children or even how long she's been there much less her true parents why she enjoys dancing in the first place where she even got her tap dancing shoes or even what cuphead and mugman were doing at this time which as a big fan of the show those things while not necessary for this episode were on my mind throughout this when you look at the other children their Spirits seem to be broken and they seem to be quite obedient so while it makes Miss chalice look stronger in comparison it does make me wonder why she's tap dancing despite being given the hardest chores in classic rubber host fashion everyone's actions fall into this catchy rhythmic pattern that Miss chalice can't seem to avoid vibing to [Applause] Miss chalice what's our number one rule whoa whoa wait what's your name it doesn't matter she asks Miss chalice not all of you geez no wonder you guys are doing manual labor you guys don't understand the concept of names you know what this reminds me of the inmates of Summer from SpongeBob in that episode SpongeBob erroneously thinks a prison is a summer camp and there's a hilarious dissonance between what's going on and how SpongeBob perceives it via the interactions between SpongeBob and the warden this has some of the same themes with the penguins trying to break Miss chalice's spirit and maintain obedience over the children at the orphanage to no avail with Nothing Left to Lose Miss chalice determines she must risk it all even if there was a sliver of hope that the grass is greener on the other side so remember when I said that the episode doesn't really explain much because of its time constraints well one of the side effects of this is that the next scene isn't as impactful as it should be we have Miss chalice taking all of these rulers to craft her own makeshift wingsuit foreign [Music] was delivered perfectly by the way however getting back to my point this scene should have had more weight and time given to it she's taking these rulers that I would imagine are not just for intimidation yet this seems like a task that anyone could have done if they had half a mind to do it that's one thing about season 3 or season 1C for all you sicklers out there that I consider a negative all of these plot elements are squished into like four of the 11 episodes and because of the plot that they wanted to tell it meant that all of these parts of the story had to be told like two times speed I know that behind the scenes there was a lot of struggle to get more episodes and that the season itself was partitioned in a way to make it seem like there were three full seasons personally my opinion is a bit more nuanced than that I would want three full seasons and by that I mean three separate 36 episode Seasons but I would be more than happy to split them up and not have Netflix drop all 36 episodes at once had these Seasons not been split in three ways if that were the case there would be a moderate chance that no one would care about the cuphead show up to this point because they would have seen all 36 episodes early 2022. getting back to this however we get to see the incessant squawking and Goofy walk cycle that these penguin Authority members have as they chase a disobedient chalice to the end of the hallway with seemingly nowhere left to go Miss chalice takes a leap of faith out of the orphanage to start her new chapter of life as fun as the idea starts it is met with a crushing reality that she's now on her own and must find a way to survive somehow and that's how she found it foreign little dance and just like that everything changed Mitch chalice always knew that she had something within her heart that she felt instinctually she had this intuitive sense of Rhythm and now the world is her oyster her charm actually ramps up to be used just for the thrill of swindling people out of their stuff quickly again this is one of those things that had there been more time this could have been explained a lot more and a lot more in depth and just explain Miss chalice's morality and why she had to go down this route she goes around scamming the town and they are none the wiser just seeing a winking face and tapping feet and giving up anything and everything that she desires the episode also shows a clever transition from the younger version of chalice that we see at the beginning of the episode to the Chalice that we know of now however Miss chalice would be hit with a sobering sense of realism [Music] genuinely did not expect that at all it was just so blatant in its portrayal of depth now for those viewing hopefully you're watching this after watching my first video on cuphead season 3 or even my first video on Miss chalice because it's both very important to understand what I'm saying here to not repeat myself in short I thought the devil just became a regular guy in Season three and I didn't really care much for that aspect this is the one episode in this season that I felt like the devil actually earned the right to be called so miss chalice is Dazed and Confused in her newly acquired afterlife as she meets the Devil he's seen as incredibly composed and confident while not changing much about the devil that we know and love or even the devil that we've seen in season three so far he feels like a character to take seriously because the story takes him seriously Miss chalice is seen shaking in her boots just at the sight of him even henchman retains his bumbling attitude while not taking away from this scene mind you again the devil is still as charismatic and cartoony as he always is this is the devil that we needed in season three this is a devil that I was talking about in my first video because what this episode builds up to this is the guy that I want to see the devil gives Miss chalice an offer that she can't refuse I could offer you a second chance to be normal again well you'd still be a ghost but you'd have the ability to turn into your living form anytime you want there is one more thing you'd owe me a favor to be named at a later date deal I guess the reason it's such a big deal for me is that when looking at episodes like special delivery and Joyride apparently part one and part two to this entire deal these episodes were supposed to help build up what is to come I personally think Joyride is a bunch of filler filler that could have been used a lot more efficiently like jump starting earlier and to dance with danger and extend out the origin story to build up Miss chalice or build up her deal these two characters are so vital to the season 3 finale that it would have been only a net positive to include more development with them leading up to the season 3 finale and build the weight of this deal and the characters and the Dynamics however that isn't to say that what we got was the worst thing ever far from it Miss chalice with their Newfound life bound to a favor to the devil goes back to her normal Shenanigans except this time she meets The Duo who she would have her first friendships with granted if there is one thing that this episode leaned into that chalice does explain is that these friendships really shaped her life for the better which makes the favor she owes to level all the more heartbreaking it's time to cash in on that favor you owe me sure I need you to betray the ding dongs [Music] this leads into the season finale the devil and this chalice an episode I plan to get around to soon but for the time being I do enjoy the story of Miss chalice this episode dance with danger I enjoyed it so much that it made me realize how much time within the show could have went to building all of this up more I'm not sure if cuphead is going to be approved for another season but in the meantime please support it if you can and let me know what you think about Miss chalice's origin story in the comments down below and until next time take care Alpha
Channel: Alpha Jay Show
Views: 98,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cuphead ms chalice, cuphead dlc ms chalice, ms chalice, the cuphead show, dance with danger, the cuphead show dance with danger, the cuphead show ms chalice, the cuphead show season 3, the cuphead show reaction, cuphead show reaction, the cuphead show review, the cuphead show!, the cuphead show 2022, the cuphead show season 3 clips, cuphead show, cuphead show review, netflix the cuphead show, cuphead show season 3 review, cuphead show season 3 reaction, cuphead
Id: CL6wxdzn6L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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