Why EVERYONE Feels Sorry For The Devil In Cuphead Season 3

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it felt like yesterday that I was clamoring at the fact that the first season of cuphead was amazing you had Adventures that could fit within 11 minute chunks within a vacuum alongside episodes that contributed to a grinder plot the show balanced the captivating plot with the devil a character who I'd grow to love spawning a subplot involving King dice the amazing henchman and even making a character who was essentially a boring auditor seem engaging and interesting alongside a plot with a Charming Cup who can't seem to keep her nose out of trouble sorry boys I like you but not enough to tangle with the cops so long fellas [Music] there was amazing animation Amazing Music amazing characters and amazing storytelling wrapped up in this rubber host package to be delivered to the front step of our Netflix home page wrapped in a bowl of one of the most engaging Cliffhangers I've ever seen I went to bet and defended this show and I still stand on the hill that the show provides substance and entertainment just like shows like the owl house and Voltron season 2 or season 1B for all of you sticklers out there comes around the corner and amazes us with a continuation of Miss chalice's storyline getting more into this flawed character alongside the continuation of the devil storyline and within that we get a running theme the theme is cuphead doesn't learn foreign [Music] it was the basis of another brother sweet Temptation say cheese lost in the woods and even the devil's Pitchfork the season finale cuphead gets into easily avoidable situations and it works out for him and again for some episodes it worked really well for others I said to question it and what I was given was that this was all building up to the devil's Pitchfork where this was supposed to Humble cuphead say goodbye to God's head mugman after watching season three I have concluded that it wasn't cuphead that was humbled at all it was the devil and obviously spoiler point from this point on cuphead season 3 is 11 episodes within those 11 episodes six of those episodes featured a devil at his lowest Peaks and I don't mean Lois Peaks as far as his worst performances of the show the lowest Peaks as far as his emotional state and success rate within the show within the devil's Revenge mugman whose scarred face marked a strong ending to season two is now shown to be completely content waiting for cuphead to save him showing no sign that he believes that he'll be down here forever and then he's proven right a lot of that episode was no one taking the devil seriously back at last my darling all right is that grape jelly ew there's a hair on it and it's bent unbelievable within cup stage the devil who now has his pitch work back and there is no incentive for him to take cuphead soul is just another character to play against cuphead's empty cup to bravado and he doesn't win there roadkill has the devil being threatened by stickler that because of his low productivity and soul Gathering he has to be pushed to work being himself he gets ran over and quote adopted by Elder Kettle under the assumption that he's a cat that works the varying results and again he loses a very devil Christmas one of two holiday themed episodes in this 11 episode season features the devil wanting a train set and learning about the naughty and nice list being forced to do nice things all for the satisfaction of doing nice things when he's the devil answer or more accurately the sickler elf says that if the devil who took the deal of trying to get on a nice list any means possible fails to deliver all of the gifts to all of the children on a nice list will will be Santa forever this episode also states that the devil hasn't done anything nice since day one kind of seems like a risk that leaves Santa and the entire world with an ungodly amount to lose and the devil to not really gain although the episode has a wholesome ending it doesn't come without the devil struggling throughout the entire run time down and now is not a devil-centric episode but features something that I do want to highlight the eighth episode in this season The Devil Makes some very poignant remarks about how it is no longer fun to do anything this place used to have style what happened to the glitz the pizzazz the Razzle Dazzle [Music] hmm he doesn't have fun being evil he's constantly being pushed around by stickler he loses here he loses there there's a boring meeting and although this is the Catalyst for the devil to reach out to well-known evil doer King Dice and use his Services after he loses the cuphead as well I do think that that was the running theme of this season and I'll explain why some of the best rivalries stem from the fact that you are interested in seeing the back and forth most of us who are watching are old enough to understand that in children's media the bad guy is nine times out of ten not going to win so what keeps us engaged when we know that the bad guy is not going to win the journey the journey could be full of laughs the journey can be full of action the journey can have some mystery lore even romance sadness however the journey makes the show it shouldn't come as a surprise that some of the best stories told within animation have an enemy that is believably a threat would spider verse be as impactful if Kingpin did not shoot uncle Aaron just moments after he realized who he was going to kill or if he won against something sillier and wackier what channel Chasers not feel like such an impactful and memorable special if Vicky had not shot future Timmy's time travel belt and caused him to phase out of existence or if you want to get even more silly and wacky would the Valiant hero ending in completing the mission from Henry sickman feel the same if we didn't get to learn along the way Charles's character and thus have wait for what is to come we can sit here and bring up anything from sokol's demise and Arcane to rob in the disaster from The Amazing World of Gumball in fact why do people care so much about the big picture show from Ed and Eddie the last episode Special whatever it's because it contextualizes a character that we've seen for so many seasons the journey makes the destination seem important within season 3 The Journey did not give me any reason to care about the destination that was just the season 3 finale and a large part of that was that the devil went from a character to care about such as another guy I try not to rely on explaining my thoughts using tropes I like to use terms that everyone uses and not rely on jargon but for this one time just bear with me there's a Trope called the wooby and just reading off of TV Tropes a wooby is a name for any type of characters who make you feel extremely sorry for them basically the first thing you think they say when you see the wooby is ah poor baby wombification of a character is a curious audience driven phenomenon sometimes divorced from the characters canonical morality when you take a deeper look at how wooby is defined there are three aspects that are important frequent or continuous suffering external circumstances and powerlessness I plan to in future videos go more in depth before the time being he suffers for six episodes for a major part the circumstances are tied to sickler being on his neck or losing his Pitchfork or needing to be taken seriously to do his job and powerlessness just watch the season I am tired of being unappreciated by you cultural numbskulls I hope you all enjoyed yourselves because today's performance shall be my last [Music] I held hope and remains optimistic that maybe there would be this All Is Lost moment for the devil and he'd have an ace up his sleeve and technically while that is true it didn't have the effect that you would imagine the ace up his sleeve was Miss chalice another character who turned from an interesting Wild Card character who you can never predict as she balanced her tough upbringing hard-coding her selfish morality with finally being able to trust another being and developing friendship and all of that was taken and she was just turned into another person she only comes into play within the last three episodes and while dance with danger is a great episode for reasons we'll get into when you have one character who's losing all the time and another character that didn't matter in a grand scheme up until the very end you don't magically just get high stakes to wait at the last episode would make you believe it fell flat another part about season three that was questionable had to do with that setup from season two I had so many people and you could check my comments for my season 2 video but I had so many people told me that lost in the woods another brother say cheese these episodes weren't bad because it builds as a cuphead being humbled within what we'd come to learn is a season 3 premiere he wasn't he was the same cuphead when we start season one and literally when season three ends and also by the way when the season 3 premiere ends it ends with cuphead not learning a single thing even though he could have lost his soul on multiple occasions essentially what I'm trying to say is could it have hurt to have cuphead show more remorse throughout this season just to give weights of what the season finale was going to be could it have hurt to have Miss chalice appear more within that first part of the season to set up what the season 3 finale was going to be and I'm not saying when it comes to the remorse part that you have to go full-on adult party cartoon and have the main character walking sad for hours and hours and hours moping and crying like a lost episode Creepypasta but where is the humble well I hope you learned something from all this believe me Mugsy this guy's on the straight and narrow starting right [Music] winner with that said the season does have a lot of great aspects and I don't want this to just be full of negatives I thoroughly enjoyed henchmen as a whole throughout this entire season I think he's the MVP the way that mugman was for season two despite his clear alignment with the devil he was likable capable of Comedy wholesome moments while Towing the evil line I enjoyed Elder Kettle within roadkill I found him to be both funny incredibly wholesome with their pet goat King dice's reappearance in Down and Out makes it one of the best episodes of the season to me so far my two times of viewing each episode his comeback story was great his singing was fantastic and I enjoyed both his Dynamic with cuphead and his Dynamic with the devil I also thought dance with danger was a fantastic origin story episode from his chalice we see that a young chalice was born for dancing and I rooted for her to escape the rut of the evil orphanage I found the scene in which we learned how she became a ghost very shocking in the way that it was presented I also enjoyed the change of heart that pork right has and special delivery in addition to seeing we're being croak again another great episode was holiday tradition it was a simple story of cuphead and mugman going out to find the perfect tree we got to see pork Ryan again from episodes such as dangerous mugman there was a lot of action adventure Thrills and comedy I enjoyed introduction of well-known classical music pieces when cuphead and mugman are searching for the perfect tree them rushing downhill to rescue said Perfect Tree felt straight out of the game itself with the Sawmill scene being icing on the cake this was the closest I felt to the enjoyment I had with seasons one and two and that's unfortunate because this is a holiday themed episode I will even give the show a massive amount of credit for the way that they handled don't answer the door the second episode of season three well baby bottle has its fair share of fans and critics and by the way baby bottle is the second episode of season one they made sure not to make don't answer the door just be baby bottle 2.0 and introduce the aspect of baby bottlene to be saved Elder Kettle pulling pranks and a bear [Music] I guess that solves that problem 's a monster but we can't let it get eaten by a bear and people say I'm the obnoxious one getting around to that last episode it sets up that the devil made an offer to miss chalice that she can tap dance in the mortal world again but will owe a favor to the devil in due time I will give credit that having chalice have a change of heart and put her life on a line knowing that she could have easily given up cuphead and mukman showed a lot of guts and made her appear admirable I will give all the props in the world for an amazing dance number and that's coming from someone who doesn't really care for a musical or dance numbers within animation all that much I thought that the build up to having King dice stickler ribby and croak and the rest of the Town witnessing this Grand battle made me understand that this was to feel important this episode was written in a way where it had the journey leading up to it been handled better I would literally be rambling here for hours about how season 3 of cuphead was the best season so far this season is by no means bad but it did leave me feeling that if the team took the devil more seriously this season would have been as captivating as the seasons prior until then what did you guys think of the show let me know in the comments down below and until next time take care Alpha
Channel: Alpha Jay Show
Views: 114,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the cuphead show season 3, the cuphead show reaction, the cuphead show, cuphead show, the cuphead show season 3 trailer, cuphead show season 3, the cuphead show season 3 teaser, the cuphead show season 3 clips, the cuphead show season 3 release date, cuphead show reaction, cuphead show netflix, cuphead show review, the cuphead show review, cuphead show season 3 reaction, cuphead show season 3 review, cuphead show devil, the cuphead show 2022, netflix cuphead, cuphead netflix
Id: 60Bfa7ZMCFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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