What Happened to Malice in TotK? HYRULE COMPARISONS

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hey what's up if you've been playing through tears of the Kingdom then by now you're probably familiar with this stuff called gloom and if you already played through breath of the wild then of course you're already familiar with this stuff called malice now when I first saw Nintendo referring to this Blobby globby purplish reddish fiery Smoky stuff is Gloom on their official website pre-release I didn't think much of it other than to imagine that getting my hands on the game and playing through the story for myself would reveal more on how malice evolved into Gloom or if gloom and Malice coexist Etc but it never did so is gloom and Malice the same thing or are they different is Gloom a more intense evolution of malice or does tears of the Kingdom retconn analysis out of the picture completely to answer all these questions and more I've created a list comparing contrasting and better trying to understand and explain why Nintendo chose to change this stuff from being called malice in breath of the wild to being called gloom and tears of the Kingdom let's find out thank you of these two substances malice has a distinctly more purplish Hue whereas Gloom is significantly more red red by the way is more in line with the color that symbolizes Ganondorf and the demon king and the fire or power element of the Triforce suggesting that Gloom is a stronger force to be reckoned with both substances can be Blobby and globby and goopy in appearance but malice tends to have some weird shapes like a stringiness that stretches across some spots or sometimes small pillar-like formations malice also tends to have this webbing effect around its edges a lot of the time and it also houses creatures like the eyeball or the floating headband guys whereas Gloom does not hold shapes or house enemies but it can however become alive and spawn enemies when these Bloom spawn hands come out of nowhere yikes but maybe if the malice eyeballs are tadpoles then these guys are frogs you know what I'm saying and while Gloom doesn't take any pillar like shapes it does literally take root and grow down in the depths you can even climb on it there is no such thing as climbing on Mouse whenever you take out an enemy in either game it'll disintegrate into a cloud of malice or Gloom or whatever but they're pretty similar and in the depths it does fortify enemies or at least it makes it so their attacks will hit you with some Gloom and do a little extra damage and speaking of taking damage from Gloom it happens at a rate of about one heart for every two seconds and if you're shrouded in darkness down in the depths those hearts will break and they cannot be replenished until link is back in the light Bloom out on the surface will still take and break your hearts at the same exact rate but as soon as you step out of it they'll recharge and be usable again the malice and breath of the wild doesn't do that at all it cannot break your hearts like that it's simply not a thing but it does damage link twice as fast at about one heart every second whenever you go running through Gloom you'll hear a distinct danger sound and see an effect and then you'll see these gloomy Flames emanating off of Link the entire time you're running through it but it doesn't slow you down malice does not make a distinct danger sound or have any special effects but it slows you down because it's more of a sludge both substances can have a smokiness or a hazy fogginess in their appearance and with both you can see these little specks floating around in the air when found in light concentrations in cut scenes both are also seen in the form of these flying blobs that spew from The Source whether that be Calamity Ganon or the Demon King and they fly out into the Overworld and now malice fuses with takes over and possesses all the machines the sheikah had built to help fight against Calamity and turn these machines against them while Gloom flies out and just creates new and more powerful enemies all across the Overworld spawning the Demon King's minions out of nowhere another interesting ability the Gloom has that malice doesn't is that it's seen affecting People's Health and getting infused with the rocks at Death Mountain creating marbled Rock Rose the gorons eat it and became zombified by they weren't necessarily being evil when Under This Spell they were just shells of themselves they weren't who they are they were sick and Gloom infecting people and making them ill is the reason Zelda gives link to explain why they went down under the castle seeking out the source in the first place where we pick up at the very start of Tears of the Kingdom in breath of the wild when King Rome boss brahamas the last king of Hyrule is telling us the story of the great Calamity he also tells of a secret power that lies dormant underneath the castle to oppose it which we now know is the arm of King raru the first king of Hyrule and Zelda's secret Stone and King Rome boss dramas also talks about who demon Kingdom horn into the kingdom but transforming him to malice to produce the horror that you see well in breath of the wild Calamity Ganon again when did he turn back into gloom and when did he transform into malice a hundred years before breath of the wild was he gloomed before then but just in late concentration below the castle and hardly noticeable in the cutscenes from tears of the Kingdom that take place in ancient Hyrule thousands of years before the events of the great Calamity during King raru's time we see the reddish fiery Gloom if this is Gloom then when and how did it degrade to malice before the events of breath of the wild and then subsequently power back up to Gloom after link puts dark B scanning down could it be that after Raj sacrifices himself to seal the demon king and end the imprisoning war that somehow Gloom becomes malice sometime shortly thereafter but then why is it called gloom before dehydrated Ganon wakes up at the start of the game because now raru seal is almost gone and broken down and Ganondorf was gonna power up again anyway it's hard to tell because in tears of the Kingdom there are few references to things that actually happened in breath of the wild and as far as I've researched the word malice never even makes an appearance there was no mention of divine beasts either and the four Champions are barely acknowledged other than a statue dedicated to me funds or his domains so at least there's that and I understand that this is probably largely in part so that people could play Tears of the kingdom and understand its story without ever having played breath of the wild or even seeing any gameplay for that matter but if they're gonna change the name of this stuff and give it new properties then weaving something into the cutscenes and the dialogue to help explain what malice is or was and how it changed to Loom or whatever could have would have should have been very appreciated by myself and others like me who know a lot about breath of the wild and are curious as far as I was ever concerned this is all malice I call it malice still when I'm playing I don't mean to I just do its habit maybe one to break unless this stuff really is just a modern graphically enhanced interpretation of malice the same as what they did with diamonds for example same items same description sells for the same amount it just looks different because why not but as I've gone over Bloom and Malice have distinctly different properties not just aesthetic differences could it be that the name changed simply to reflect the theme of the game better somberness and Gloom fits better than anger and Malice malice being a physical incarnation of hatred malevolence or rage and the desire to do evil whereas Gloom would be a physical manifestation of Darkness despondence Despair and depression hence the name tears of the Kingdom another factor in this discussion is the idea that from a game design reasoning for the name change malice is a mesh while Gloom is just a texture a mesh being more taxing on the switch's processing power wouldn't have worked for the Gloom because there's just so much more of it than malice in breath of the wild so to be honest I personally lean towards the belief that these are two different substances but I am sort of torn in which Nintendo would elaborate more on this question in any potential future tiers of the Kingdom DLC if you want more videos comparing things between breath of the wild and tears of the Kingdom like this video to show me that you enjoyed it and subscribe to make sure that you catch it when it comes out and did I miss anything interesting let me know in the comments and until next time stay well stay cool and always keep punching out there aloha
Channel: The Tony Express
Views: 723,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, tears of the kingdom, totk, breath of the wild, botw, hyrule, hyrule comparisons, botw vs totk, malice, gloom, malice vs gloom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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