20 Minutes of Useless Information about TotK

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hi watching this video will take 20 minutes of your time and leave you with a bunch of useless information about tears of the Kingdom because I was only going to do 15 but I figured me 20 sounds better let's go since about 5 to 6 years have passed since the events of breath of the wild and Link was 17 or 18 years old at that time that means he's between 22 and 24 years old for this game that puts him solidly past the legal drinking age and yes link can drink now as you may remember the noble can is a bar in gudo town that serves a beverage called the noble Pursuit and now link can order them and even learn the recipe the game specifically calls this drink a fruit juice but it also states that its tropical flavor will cheer you right up suggesting link is a happy drunk but don't worry there's no residual effects from knocking back a few of these akin to what happens in games like the Grand Theft Auto series or anything like that so this drink may be a non-alcoholic beverage with reput that precedes it if you fuse one of Hudson's cutouts from Terry Town onto your shield and then pose in front of NPCs to start a conversation they'll either play along or straight up think you're Hudson even his own daughter my favorite response is from Beetle who comments on the haircut is similar to his and while Hudson himself thinks it looks pretty okay I've always thought it looked pretty ridiculous also the cutout temporarily disappears during cutcenes and while fast travel warping for some reason Nintendo must not have expected anyone to actually fuse it to a shield and only use it as a wind gust weapon gato the Zora is so deep in thought about the broken Stone tablet that he can't see what's happening right in front of him if you repair the tablet he's ruminating on before ever conversing with him he'll be entirely caught off guard he even admits he wasn't paying attention and then still doesn't see it until link finally fills him in it's like come on dude I walked right past you floating this gigantic Stone through the air in front of your face and glued it in place with magic how'd you miss it likewise over in heno Village there's a woman named Coen who stands on the dock night and day 24/7 staring out at the water lamenting the fact that her grandfather's Message in a Bottle is floating in the middle of the pond where she can't get to it you can quickly help her out by fetching it with ultra hand and although she's facing straight in your direction watching the whole Rescue Mission take place she'll still have no idea idea that you've done it what's even funnier is that when you do retrieve the bottle you can wave it in front of her and she even looks up at it a little bit you can then place it behind her where she shouldn't be able to see it and yet after a moment she will realize what you've done it's as if she has eyes behind her head so she doesn't always use the ones in front while walking towards the edge of any building or Cliff link does a subtle head turn towards the ground to see how close he is to Stepping Over however despite his awareness of his surroundings he will still walk clear off the edge without any attempt to grab on for safety if you're a creative and you want to make some cool tears of the Kingdom videos like me then this one will be super useful there's a simple glitch you can take advantage of to make some beautiful cinematic Dolly shots and it's really easy to do just stand where you want the camera to move towards and save then go to any other location within view I use one of the beacons to be sure that the location is Within Reach once you've made your way over to the Target camera starting location activate Ascend and let link look all the way up to the sky pause and reload your hard save file this causes the camera to stay where it was held while you had Ascend activated and sweep through the Overworld back to link and it looks so stinking cool if you select the amiibo run during any of these Dolly shots the camera will stop or slow slow down and give you a chance to pan around for even more customizable creative [Music] freedom going into bullet time doesn't deplete your stamina like it did in breath of the wild but rather only when you fire off arrows so you can jump from however High you want and fall in slow motion the whole way from a sky island down through a Chasm if you want to link has a mean determined expression on his face while in this state and of course physics still apply so he will take damage upon Landing the vertical units and horizontal units of the coordinate system built into the purad are unequal instead they're based on the amount of space link occupies so one vertical unit is about one Link's height and one horizontal unit is about one pace of Link moving at his average speed the highest altitude coordinate you can reach during intended game play is at 3,00 9 on top of the pillars of this tiny star-shaped Sky Island located above Lookout Landing the highest you can possibly go before you get one of those you can't go any further boundary messages is 3,293 vertical units the moment I reached that height link got knocked off his hover bike the lowest point in all of Hyrule is gloom's origin while fighting the Demon King's Army at - 2525 when I reached this spot link fell off the wall voided out and respawned back at the fights the lowest you can go using glitches to clip out of the Overworld and find a place to stand was shared in my Discord with this screenshot showing link at380 but the deepest you can travel seems unlimited because there's no ground around the outer edges of the map to stop you and at neg 8,15 the camera stops following link all together the farthest I've seen anyone go before giving up and warping back to the surface was 10,978 done by fellow YouTuber girl boss her video is linked in the description we learned from the lore of this game that the tyo ruins were not in fact built by the zonai which was always thought to be the case throughout the adventures of breath of the wild but this game confirms by reading these plaques that this place was built by hyuan as a monument of loyalty to King raru for sacrificing his life to save the kingdom of Hyrule from The Demon King they're even written in modern hyuan and not zonai text so researchers can read them logically this makes sense because King raru and his sister minu were the last two surviving zonai at the time or at least the last two who hadn't left for somewhere else whether that be the skies or another dimension or whatever so although we've learned a lot about the zonai from tears of the Kingdom their history is still quite mysterious if you you attach a rocket to your horse's Towing harness and set it off nothing will happen your horse is anchored down pretty good well that's only true if your horse is standing still if you simultaneously startle your horse when launching the rocket it will go for a little bit of a ride oops don't worry no animals were harmed in the making of this video this game contains countless thoughtful references to previous installments of The Legend of Zelda series arguably the most practical of these is the inclusion of several iconic weapons the most recognizable are the dusk bow and dusk Claymore both modeled after powerful weapons from Twilight Princess which were known as the Twilight bow and the sword of the six sages their descriptions State these weapons were handed down to the kingdom of holl's royal family ages ago and the bow specifically was used by a princess who fought Beasts of the Twilight Nintendo did a great job of protecting players from themselves as as far as getting soft locked on the great Sky Island goes in the 10-minute video I talked about raru opening up a warp Point even if you missed it but they even set a check for the decayed Master Sword to ensure players never got locked in the room of Awakening you can slam the sword on the ground as much as you want but it's got unlimited durability power in here you can see by how it continues to have that little Sparkle of a brand new weapon even after you slash the second set of vines but once you do that the game know you're free and limits its durability and while we're on this decayed sword the game's logo alludes to something being off about the master sword in the way that it changes from busted up metal to full Zoni magic as it weaves through the Z and Zelda the logo also features this emblem which resembles an AA Boris but that's not what it is in case you're unaware an AA Boris is a circular symbol usually depicting a snake but sometimes a dragon swallowing its own tail it represents wholeness or Infinity but the tears logo has two dragons it's more likely that what this truly is is that both dragons are locked in a Divine struggle an everlasting game of cat and mouse one is constantly chasing the other and they'll both never get anywhere it symbols the eternal struggle between two opposing forces the light of hyru and the Darkness of Ganondorf making this symbol more similar to the yinyang these forces are forever cosmically interconnected they're different in every way but simultaneously a part of the same whole like two sides of a coin all this is to say that the logo is clearly a clever reference to the Everlasting curse that demise set upon Hyrule in Skyward Sword CC the fashion connoisseur is not the first fashionista the Zelda series is ever known she shares characteristics with Madame Cur from Triforce Heroes who owns a high end clothing store where link can purchase new outfits with materials and rupes some significant differences between the two are that CCE isn't outwardly a cat lover and is not a magical witch while Madame cter has no political aspirations you can startle your horses by splashing them with a blue cho cho this wasn't a thing in the previous game but it seems more realistic I mean it startled me too and if you wait a moment after the horse settles down it'll eventually shake off the extra water to help dry there's an NPC named Wharton who stands on the balcony of the heno Village Inn during the breath of the wild days he was Link's fellow traveler brother but it seems he chose to settle down and stay hanging out at the Inn for the last few years after falling in love with inkeeper Prima when we first meet up with these two they're arguing about CC's fashion trends around town and I've got a side with Wharton on this one the mushroom hats are pretty hideous stand your ground my man this fad will soon pass Ocarina of Time is perhaps the Zelda game with the most references in Easter eggs besides breath of the wild one of these references is the kakaro village well which in acarina of time after completing the water temple it drains to reveal a mini dungeon this area leads to the Royal Family's torture chamber which contains the lens of Truth this is arguably the darkest place ever created in a Zelda game and in tears of the Kingdom since we can explore down Wells quite freely we find remnants of this nasty place there's red splotches found all over the wall which some have theorized to be blood stains of enemies of the Kingdom who were violently interrogated by the shika soldiers before their deaths something else that supports this theory is that if you ascend to get out of this well you wind up on the hillside right next to a single silent princess which Princess Zelda has been known to leave around hyru to commemorate lost lives and another parallel between this game and Ocarina of Time is seen in memory number seven a show of fty where Ganondorf tries to get close to the royal family to get closer to stealing the secret Stone by swearing allegiance to Hyrule and putting an end to the conflict both Zelda and raru can sense his ill intentions here still raru chooses to play along and keep his friends close and his enemies closer in this scene we see Ganondorf kneel and bow his head the same way he does while Princess Zelda watches through the window in acarina she knows he's up to no good in both games and calls out his insincerity and further still with the connections to acarina of time is the fact that when we first find the great deu tree it's sick from being infested with Gloom the same way the deu tree is diseased with evil from Queen GMA the big difference is that we can restore the great deu tree back to health in this game whereas it dies in Ocarina and is succeeded by the deu tree sprout you can make a simple fulcrum scale to weigh objects using zonai devices and objects found around the Overworld the best design I've seen uses an upside down wagon Stak to the ground with a sheet of wood glued to the wheels on each side I like to add boards to the edges to keep objects from falling off using this contraption we can see that link weighs 10 apples and white maned liony saber horns weigh the same as apples diamonds are super heavy just one weighs about the same as link pretty crazy stuff making useless Contraptions with alter hand reminds me of an old Canadian TV program called the Red Green show specifically handyman corner for example you still can't pet dogs in this game and to unequip a weapon and reach for nothing with the proper camera angle to make it appear as though your petting Kines might not satisfy so today on handy high in corner I'm going to give this dog all the pets by building an automatic dog petting machine I attached a zonai wheel to a zonai stake with a rod sticking out and put a bobblin arm at the end for a hand to pet the dog so even though it's not link who's petting the dog it's link who built the dog petting machine so remember if the vi don't find you handsome they should at least find you handy King raru is significantly taller than link so it stands to reason that the right arm transplant he receives at the start of the game must have included an unspoken of Step where the arm was condensed down to fit Link's body otherwise this enormous appendage would just about be dragging around on the ground as link moves and yeah there's room for a dirty joke in there on May 30th 2023 just 18 days after its release Japanese speedrunner zdi was the first person on planet Earth to beat this game in under 1 hour 59 minutes and 22 seconds to be ex exact now many of the strats he used are considered primitive by today's standards but it was a humongous achievement for the Zelda speedrunning community and he did it using a digital copy of version 1.1.1 as of the making of this video the preferred method of speedrunning this game is to use digital version 1.0 because digital games load faster than physical copies and 1.0 is the game in its most glitchy form played the same way it was available to be experienced the day it came out well sort of see on May 11th 2023 the day before the game's release version 1.1 was created this means that all physical copies were manufactured and shipped to retailers to prepare for the launch with version 1.0 and that digital 1.0 was never commercially available the only way to play digital 1.0 has always been to home bre your switch which is controversial to say the least this has led to extensive discussions debates and Community voting to determine what's legal and what's not and how to categorize new submissions to the boards when players speedrun this game and speaking of different versions there have been five patches since version 1.0 I've just mentioned 1.1 and 1.1.1 there's also 1.1.2 1.2.0 and the current as of the making of this video 1.2.1 these patches rolled out rapid fire after the initial release and then abrupt stopped in August since it's been officially announced that there's no plans for any DLC it seems safe to say that Nintendo is also finished quote unquote improving the gameplay experience I put the word improving in quotes here because many of the glitches patched through these updates had no effect on regular casual gameplay and in many speedrunners opinions mainly served to stifle the speedr running experience by blocking the ability to easily duplicate weapons and items one of those early duplication glitches is named the zoule named because it's a form of item smuggling and was discovered by a player named Zevon or Zevon I consider this information useless because 99% of players are on the current version where this glitch has been long patched basically zgl overloads the game and makes for some crazy things here we see I created a link scarecrow at the expense of losing the rest of Link's body the game will remain this way through reload and must be reset entirely to return to normal or you could simply drop all your zled weapons at the base of the great Plateau is a large doorway with bombable rock blocking the entrance this doorway was covered with dirt and breath of the wild and could not be interacted with but now we can clear the way if you do so it'll drain the water filling the path above and the map changes to reflect this meaning that the purad updates in real time when entering an area of the map where temperatures reach extreme cold or heat there's now a little message that pops up next to the temperature gauge that says unbearable cold or unbearable heat as if all the other indicators we already had weren't already enough the shivering and being able to see your Frosty breath sweating and swaying around with heat exhaustion the sounds that chime when entering these areas or the needle of the gauge itself the maximum number of things you can stick together using ultrahand is 21 the reason for this has likely more to do with the fact that the Nintendo switch is not a super powerful machine like the PS5 or the Xbox series X than it does with Nintendo trying to stifle player creativity creating structures and vehicles using more items than this likely led to Performance issues within the game during development and on that note if you fuse 21 shock emitters and drop them into the water the frame rate will plummet down to about 13 frames per second anywhere you can find low gravity and an enemy is a great opportunity to practice your juggling skills or play a quick game of don't let it touch the ground you can initiate this with a slam attack to knock the enemy up into the air then Target onto them and keep poking at them with a spear to keep them up there as long as you can or until they run out of HP you cannot start a campfire on a tower Launchpad if you'd like you can light a bundle of wood on fire but it'll always remain a bundle that you can just pick back up because the fire will never burn it up completely for whatever reason if you try to fuse an item to the decayed Master Sword you'll get a message saying you can't use fuse on a damaged blade but this sword is decayed not damaged all right well it's objectively damaged as it shatters against the dehydrated Demon King's power but this message pops up even if the decayed sword hasn't been used outside of cutting the vines to escape the room of of Awakening which I already mentioned earlier that it's still got that sparkle of a brand new weapon and of course you can use fuse on damaged weapons a badly damaged weapon in fact so to be specific you can't use fuse on a decayed blade and fusing to a badly damaged one is possible but probably not worth it depending on the value of the item used because the weapon is about to break anyway and time like this video if you'd like to see 60 Minutes of useless information about tears of the kingdom and subscribe to make sure you catch it when it comes out and if you should know anything about this game that's cool and interesting yet not conducive to getting better gam playay tell me about it in the comments I'd love to know and until next time stay well stay cool and always keep punching out there aloha
Channel: The Tony Express
Views: 262,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, legend of zelda, tears of the kingdom, totk, botw, breath of the wild, useless information
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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