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hey guys it's Ella and welcome back to my channel welcome back to another unsolved mystery video it has been a hot minute since I've uploaded wannabe and honestly like I just needed some time off to like gather myself and gather some information on like a few different cases get the ball rolling on a few different ones so I actually had like information and like cases ready so that I didn't get stressed out because one of these videos is so much acid it's like so much research it's like uploading an assignment basically every single week which don't get me wrong I absolutely love doing these in my favorite I love researching which is kind of the problem is like I love researching so much that I get carried away with it and I want to keep researching done like [ __ ] I can't because I need to have this up by Monday because if I don't then people getting it mad at me because every time I wear one of these even an ala late I have people on my back on all social media I literally have people threaten to start a petition to get my channel shut down because I didn't upload a mystery Monday which is insane to me and I've just had the most stressful day today as well honestly but my dongle breaks I have one of those new dumb ass laptops that don't take anything except USBC so my dongle broke I was meant to upload a video this morning but I couldn't because I couldn't get all of the clips onto my laptop then my laptop breaks and then my camera broke so I'm now filming on my blogging camera and it's just it's been a ride there anywhere with that being said let's just go ahead and get into today's case we're going to be talking about the death of Chris Kramer's and Lisa and fruit so Chris and we San web Earth Dutch students they decided to take a six-week trip in Panama which if you guys don't know where Panama is I do because of Prison Break it is in Central America they saved up like six months to this trip and they essentially were there for a few reasons of that being and they wanted to learn Spanish I don't know if they already knew some Spanish I wanted to just like touch out this Spanish and like get better at it like really fully loaded earth they went then just to learn it for the first time they also want to go there to a volunteer with the children there and that they went there kind of as a reward because we said had just graduated and she graduated with a degree in Applied Sciences so it's kind of like a celebration of that as well so that should begin on the 15th of March in 2014 and for the first two weeks of the six-week trip they were kind of just hanging out doing that earth being exploring the city themselves and I guess that was kind of like this celebration time they're like reward time for graduating and then after that two weeks they went to a burg petty I believe it's pronounced which is where they stayed with a host family and when they were going to be staying up for the next four weeks on the 1st of April the girls decided to go for a hike they left the Hearst family's house at like 11 a.m. and this is like weird in itself the fact that they decided to go on this hike because the next day on April 2nd they'd actually planned to meet up with that tow guy names Lucy honor so that he could take them on a hike at 8 a.m. so it's like weird that they decide to go by themselves the day before when they literally already had it planned to go the next day with someone who's more experienced and someone who knows the area and speaks the language of it better so I don't know it's kind of like a strange from start to finish the whole story anyway on the first when they did decide to go on the hike they were seen having lunch with two Dutch guys which I'm pretty sure they hung out in these guys before and they had like partied with them they have photos with them and stuff like partying and they hadn't gone to like a beach together or something and have photos with starfish like they were wearing out they knew each other and this is kind of like not really that relevant to the story it depends how you want to take it whether you want to take it and kind of make a theory with it or if you just think it has nothing to do with it I just thought I would include it anyway is that the point they decided to go and they hide after they had lunch and they went to a cloud of forest which is basically like a rainforest or like a jungle and they went to the Beru volcano I believe it is pronounced which wasn't too far from where they were staying everything they took blue with them and blue was the host family dog the weird thing is a blue returned that night on the same night on the 1st of April but the two girls didn't return with him which is weird right like that would worry you if you were the host family and it did worry them because imagine if you had like two people staying with you and they took it over a high and then your dog came back and they didn't come back with the dog that they took with them like it was be alarming so they messaged or coldly Stan's mom and asked her if they had her firmly said and her mom ended up messaging her but she didn't have a reply and while they were worried they couldn't really do anything about it they didn't go to police or report them missing or anything because they did go for a hype so it's possible that they were still out there in some dog home or whatever it may be they may not have had reception so yes they were worried but they didn't do anything which is fair enough and there's a whole like reason of like they're not their parents they can't do anything abit like they have to be home tonight you know what I mean so they were obviously giving them a little bit of time and then the next day April 2nd 8 a.m. when they were meant to meet up with Metro gradually sea otter they didn't show up so he was a bit worried and he went to the host family and so that all of their stuff was there aside from the things that they had taken with them like the Salford one as the Hearst family's house for example and he was like what the hell so then he also talked to us and it was like do you know where your daughter is and she she just responded and said she's in Panama and he was like well [ __ ] we don't know we're in Panama she's like she's meant to be with us right now after that they ended up going to the police about 7:30 p.m. they reported the girls missing and then a.m. the next day on April stud there was like a small search it wasn't really anything big it was a bit of an aerial search to kind of search over the jungle and then a few locals and indigenous people went through the forest and tried to have a look for them but nobody found them or anything to do with them there was no signs of the girls there was literally nothing on the 6th of April both girls families flew out as well as police detectives Dutch special units and sniffer dogs to have a more intense search for these girls they search for 10 days and they didn't find anything they didn't find scratchings on the rock they didn't find markings they didn't find anything no leaves no pieces of information they didn't find the girls no left behind water bottles like literally nothing at all it was like they weren't there it wasn't until 10 weeks later on June 14th 2014 that an indigenous couple found Lisa and blue backpack and it was a long way from where they went for their heart but it was still along the Continental Divide which was in the same area that they were doing that hot was like along it but very very far away from where they were the woman who found it turned it into police she said that she found it while she was tending her rice paddy near the room bank in altar ramier and said it definitely hadn't been there the day before that back still has like all of their belongings in it had 83 dollars worth of cash it had lease anspaugh's board it had both of their phones in it it had lea sans camera both of their bikinis a pair of sunglasses and a water bottle and they were all in really really good conditions like they hadn't it looked like they hadn't been touched despite the humidity the heat and the rainfall that they had at that time it looked untouched which is crazy considering had been ten weeks in this weather so investigators took a look at the contents of their phones and they found that the girls had tried multiple times over multiple days to contact emergency services they were calling one one two which is like the emergency number over there as well as 911 one which I think Panama as a whole uses for their emergency number the first call was actually made only a few hours after they left for the hike and then it went on for several days it seems like none of the calls went through there was one call that went through and they got through suggest over a second before I cut out but there was no service in the area so it seems like it didn't get through for that reason I've never been in a situation like that personally but I thought that phones were able to call emergency service numbers without having any reception I'm not sure how that works I mean clearly it didn't work in this situation so I don't know I don't know I'm never in a situation like that lisanne found her Samsung died on April 5th at 5 p.m. and Chris's phone she had an iPhone she didn't make any calls after this but she did occasionally turn the phone off look we don't know if she did but the phone was turned off and on quite a few times after this probably looking to see if they had reception to be able to call someone or something like that on the 6th of April Chris's phone was turned on and a wrong passcode was put in a whole bunch of time so it obviously wasn't her that had turned her phone and was trying to get into it because after this they never got into her phone again despite it being turned on and off a whole bunch of time but they couldn't actually unlock the phone and the last time the phone was turned on with the 11th of April at 10:51 a.m. and then it was turned off about an hour later so as I mentioned that Lee sans camera was also kinda back and when police went through that there was a whole bunch of photos on it so there was normal ones like from that day and I'm exploring the city so I guess I forgot to record myself saying this but there were 98 photos found on the camera that were taken on the 8th of April between 1:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. they were flash photos and one of these photos which taken every two minutes for that time period and yeah but no one was able to properly determine what these photos were for why they were taken or what was the meaning behind them some people said that maybe they were trying to like light their way and see where they were going by using the flash photography but a lot of people like no that's not true because you know when you take a photo in the dark and then you kind of like hardly see after and it takes a while for your eyes to like gather themselves and like know what's happening and kind of adjust themselves again so if it's like pitch black a lot of people are like well they wouldn't have been taking it to be able to see because the light would have just blinded them anyway and they wouldn't have been able to see where they were going it wouldn't have helped them at all and then some people said that maybe they were taking it to scare off things maybe there was like animals in the jungle and they were trying to scare off these animals or maybe another theory is that they were trying to alert that they were there like a such team or something to me like hey anyway here and then maybe someone will see the flash and then come and help them and then another theory was of these learners is that maybe an H hook that I'm up for a reason someone said that there was some kind of like method to the photo so for example I don't actually know what the exact method is but for example they take like one close-up one and then three facing off and then one far away one you know what I mean like there was some and then they would take those five photos and then for the next set of five photos they would take it like a close-up one three up and then one far away one kind of thing they took them in a sequence so I don't remember exactly if you said it was some kind of expert and they said that it was some kind of sequence and he doesn't know what the sequence is for or why what the photos mean or why they took photos of these specific things but maybe the girls were taking these photos specifically to try and help whoever found them or whoever found their backpacks I think out of all these photos there was one photo with Chris and I don't remember if it was the back of her head on the side of her head they I read somewhere that it was the back of her head but they also said that her injury was in a temple and I'm like how could you have seen that in that furder and of the back of her head I'm not sure but apparently you can see that she has like an injury to a temple or something in one of the photos so after the backpack was found another search took place at this time because as I mentioned the backpack was found ages away from the where they were hiking so the fact they had a search where the backpack was and they did find a few more things they found Chris's shorts which weirdly enough they were like folded up neatly on the top of a rock but to a month later after they found the backpack they also found a root and the brute had a foot in it like a whole person's foot in it and a sock on the foot and then also very close to the boot there was a pelvic bone atlas found and the brute thing it kind of sounds weird right like when I first saw it I was like that's we had something definitely happened to her and someone's done this and someone's has them but actually it's apparently like a really common thing well some people think it's a really common thing like really really common and not weird at all and then some people also say like it's weird but I'm pretty sure it's like common like it's not that weird everything for her to be detached from her body for the pelvic bone I can't say is normal but to make it even more bizarre 33 more bones of Leeson and chris's was that in the same sort of area but because of like translation differences because there had to be translated into three different languages it can't be determined for sure whether or not they were found close together in the same area or if they were found like kilometers apart but most of the sources I read said that they were found kilometers apart so that's what I'm going to say they were sounds like quite a far distance from each other each of the bones was space quite far away from the other and they were say three of them found 28 of these birds were from lys and left foot and the pelvic bone by the way was Christmas what's bizarre is Leif Sam's parents all had like a bit of flesh still attachment but Christmas didn't and they had actually been bleach I'm going to put a link to have alerts in the video if you want to see it it has like the burns and like the foot in the bigger obviously I don't want to put it on hammocks I know some people are a little bit squeamish about that kind of stuff because it's gross like it's a human foot that is detached from a body it's disgusting but for those of you who do want to see it I'm going to link it down below a video where you can see it the bones also will not actually found by police they were found by indigenous people so weather was deemed too bad to search so they had one Panamanian search team looking they early search for three days and then they let the indigenous people have a look the special prosecutor deputized the indigenous people I think so that they could like be in on the case and look for the remains so that is why the indigenous people would want to actually found the bones so that bars were found in a very sparsely populated area it wasn't a lot of people and it kind of the really make any sense how the girls got that it's literally an entire day's trip from where they started the height to where their burdens were founded it's like how do these girls get there they wouldn't have known it when they were going they weren't experienced they didn't know the area and on top of that they didn't have any fruit and they didn't have any water they had like one bottle of water so it has just makes no sense how they would have made this entire trip to get to where they're both mine no one has any idea how to happen so yeah creepy and as gruesome as that was it did kind of help because it determined that at least one of the girls was deceased and it also did bring up like a lot of questions because it is really weird like where are the rest of the remains and how does it get that like the average adult human has something like 206 bars I read and there was literally 28 of Leeson's birds found where are the rest of them everything relating to the birds is just bizarre the fact that Chris is burnt with bleach is probably too weird as part of old our bones that were found from different cases and they were much much older than Chris's birth and they ton been bleached so it doesn't make sense to try and explain it as it happened because of the elements because Lisa is birds worth bleach and there was another case of an American tourist who also got lost in the jungle they found her entire skeletal remains none of which has been bleached and they found the scale to remains two years after this person went missing there was also no sign of animal scavenging on the bones as well so the bones were apparently bleached by a phosphorus or lime um which you can actually find in local soil I actually read an expert opinion on this and they said that they think this might have something to do with like a Mexican cartel because bone bleaching is something that they do they're using lime to speed up the decaying process to get rid of any evidence that they had done anything to these people a few experts say that there actually was an attacker in this situation and that is why some of the birds were bleached because it doesn't really make any sense otherwise for the birds to be bleach and like only a few specific bones to be bleached and basically the if I can use this to kind of get rid of any of the evidence and make the detain process a lot quicker but it just doesn't make sense that like it must have been like if there is an attacker in the situation of having must have happened to Chris and then not having Elise and because Lee sans burger all had tissue on them and won't bleach but Christmas burns were the police actually refused to give out the autopsy of the girls or the report on their bones and some people believe the reason that they don't give them out is because of the whole of Mexican cartel thing so that's pretty much all of the information about the burnings they are really really bizarre the bones are just like the most bizarre thing of the case but the first superior who was assigned to this case actually traveled via helicopter to Panama City and then Overland for another four hours to get to where the bones were found but on her way back from Panama she was immediately hospitalized for dehydration which apparently is not uncommon in the jungle terrain where they were so I don't know if that kind of gives you some kind of insight as to what the conditions were like and how crazy it is that these girls survived for so long if they did survive so that were only because they were turning their CERN's on and off and someone go into the phone and just it's like it's a mess like it's crazy if they didn't manage to survive for as long as I friends returning all for how like how did they do that how did they get that far as well for so and like lives for so long when they had nerve food and they had a one bottle of water it just doesn't make sense so anyway the investigation begins and they look into the host family and notice that all of the girls stuff is this or obviously they were planning on coming back the rears are staying in were investigated by the National Civil Protection Agency which was kind of bust because they was not the ones who were mentioned do this it was actually the criminology technicians that women to be looking into this so it's kind of like a messed up situation from the side a lot of people weren't happy about it so that is basically most of the information but honestly based on everything I think that they just passed away from the elements that it just got too much because honestly from everything that I've read it is so likely they had one bottle of water and no food it was actually raining from the carriage house you can see that it was raining the night they disappeared and a lot of people said that the trails were really easy to follow right but on the particular one they went through there comes this place where there's like a trail and they say not to go on it like it's not a trail but it actually is a trail but are in the indigenous people gonna I don't know if that make sense it's really confusing but there's like a secret hell that tourists shouldn't go on basically especially not in the conditions that they were in at night time during rainfall even the people that say that these trails are really well marked and really really hard to get lost on those things people say that if you leave the track like at all it is so easy to get lost it's jumbled you can't find your way back everything looks the same so if you leave that trail even for a little bit to just go and look at something it's really easy to get lost so anyway this little trail that I was talking about only indigenous people take this trail and even then they only take it when it is absolutely necessary not even the indigenous people like taking this trail is crazy especially in the rain so if the girl for some reason did go on this trail it is sort of more than likely that something did happen to them which led to their death another where our fact is from the camera they were able to determine a spot that they were in so there's this thing called monkey bridge and a monkey bridge is basically like these two ropes right where you put your hands on and then a little bit love it as another word where you wrap your feet around and kind of like pull yourself like across this little busy road to get across something like if there's a stream so the whole bunch of streams in this jungle so from the turmeric they found this little marking and they went into the jungle onto the trail they found this marking and found that there was a monkey bridge right there so it is also possible that maybe someone fell off and died that way so a lot of people including me think that Chris died sighs and at least sand stay alive for a little bit longer basically because someone looked into a phone and couldn't get the password in but both phones were found in the bag so it's likely that she passed away and then Lisa and tried to get into us for an after she had already passed away and you know use her phone because we found two died to try and get some signal but she didn't have the passcode so she couldn't get into it and then that's why both phones were found in the backpack it could also be why the starter sequences were taken in my opinion I think that's pretty likely that maybe her friend died and she don't want to make the same mistake so she was kind of using the camera as a guide or to see what happened I have no idea honestly the photos are like baffling to me and even though I think this is the most likely scenario I do find the very bleaching really really weird I mean maybe someone found those who was using them to practice brain bleaching I have no idea so that's what I definitely think happened I think that Chris passed away fast and we sand this - a lot because that was no evidence that Lee sand was injured I do just find some things we had obviously but I just feel like this is rumors likely scenario I feel like the most bizarre thing of this whole case is just like why like why would they that why did they decide to go on this hike the day before they had already printed her with a tour guide and how did they end up how did that burn and when they were from where they started their height how did they survive for so long where the one bottle of water and I don't know how long a person can last without food or water but ten plus days seems like a very very long time to be able to survive without any of that and why didn't they follow the dog back like when the dog left and don't manage to get hurt so why didn't they follow the dog back if they were in trouble or they were lost why de [ __ ] with him and why are they going such a dangerous path why didn't they stick to the normal trail why did they have to go off into the part that was dangerous despite the fact that it was raining so many questions but let me know what you guys think let me know what your theory is if you think they died because of the elements or if you think that there was someone involved I would love to hear and I would also love for you to suggest pieces down below that you would like me to cover in on my future unsolved mystery of videos I hope you guys enjoyed this one if you did please make sure to give it a thumbs up for me don't forget to subscribe to my channel so that you can see more of these videos and also my other videos I do some great behaviors too and yeah hopefully I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 2,788,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mystery monday, unsolved mystery, creepy
Id: Rp1hz4Oo-cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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