Madonna Plastic Surgeries - Surgeon Reacts

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hey guys dr gary linkov here so let's discuss madonna and see what facial procedures she may have had over time stay tuned till the end we'll go over the summary of the surgical procedures and their costs and i think you're going to be shocked at the total amount that may have been spent on keeping madonna as beautiful as she is we are super grateful to all of you who watch our content we're gonna give away a hundred dollars again to another lucky winner here's the winner of the last game look at the bottom right of your screen there's going to be a letter that pops up throughout the video there's going to be four letters you put that together into a code you go to my instagram at dr gary nyc and you just send us a message and then we pick a random winner to announce during the next letters game so in 1982 she was 24 years old and i'm looking at this photo and i just love the hair i mean it's absolutely amazing keep an eye on the height of the hairline by the way more on that later she just has these like beautiful full eyebrows and look at like those eyes they're just like piercing at you really just so nice she's got this great nose i think it matches her face perfectly she has very nice cheek volume in this image and it just looks very natural right this is what natural looks like this is someone who hasn't had fillers placed and hasn't kind of had any major surgeries or anything really at this point so the lips for example also just look natural you have that nice pillowy look the bottom lip is bigger than the top lip which is actually a very classic normal aesthetic look how sharp her cupid's bow definition is just looks really good she has a nice strong mandible clean jawline and the neck looks perfect that is her at 24 that's madonna 1983 note how youthful the eyelid area is the upper eyelids see how full the infra brow area is under the eyebrow that is a hallmark of youthfulness and that's something that as we age it becomes more and more hollow and we lose that fat pad in that area so she has no hollowness there she has a nice clean transition between her lower eyelid into the cheek and you don't see any kind of tear trough that we all get over time because she's only 25 years old in this image 1984 not seeing any major changes compared to prior 1985 about the same things are still looking very youthful i don't see any signs of any major procedures being done 1986 age 28 and you're starting to see here the early signs of mid-face aging and that basically is caused by two primary factors one is that over time there's a descent from gravity of the tissues they start to fall and number two is that there's some atrophy going on there's some loss of volume so you're starting to see like this increase in the nasolabial folds right they're just becoming a bit more visible and that's because the lateral cheek is starting to fold inwards 1987 again the eyebrows are back and they're better than ever so look at that fullness there and you are again seeing the mid face starting to kind of slowly fold inwards in and down that's that's what happens as we age and so when we do any kind of surgical procedure for example we're trying to reposition it up and lateral as opposed to in and down 1988 age 30 she's looking great i'm not really seeing any major changes from prior 1989 same thing 1990 this is where it starts to change take a close look here she's 32 years old the hairline to me looks higher compare it back look at the difference uh compared to how it is now it's higher now maybe it naturally progressed backwards and that's possible though unlikely it's much more likely in my opinion that at this point or maybe a year before or some sometime within that last year from 89 to 90 she had had a brow lift i think at that time endoscopic brow lifts weren't really a thing even though endoscopic brow lifts can also raise up your hairline probably she had some sort of a coronal coronal approach behind the hairline big incision to kind of lift things up as you do that as you lift these brows the hairline comes up so that's like a telltale sign so i think it's elevated her brows and it's kind of fixed the eyebrows in position but it's also raised her hairline so that's what i'm noticing there 1991 again note the higher hairline relative to her earlier photos 1992 this image is a little bit difficult to interpret but it doesn't look like a whole lot has changed 1993 age 35 not too much has changed from prior 1994 it looks to me like she may have more of a fill-in in the midface in this section out here and there's less of this medial bunching so how is that possible how did that happen in 1994. here's a clue on this next image in 1995 at age 37 take a look at the left tragus so that's this part of the ear right here the front part of the ear it doesn't look normal it looks like it's expanded in a vertical dimension and it's lost a lot of its character it just looks out of place compared to the rest of the ear and to me that's a sign that you probably had had a facelift right so you can see that change of the tragus it's bigger the shape has changed this is a sign of a facelift so i think that can explain the anatomical changes that we're seeing on that last slide that i just showed you and because it looks to me like she may have had our first facelift around this time we'll talk about this briefly when people should get a facelift for the first time the issue with starting young like in your mid-30s is that you're just going to need more of them over time because we know that facelifts they generally don't last more than 10 years you pretty much just are then subjected to probably needing more to keep up with the aging process that's one of the issues with starting early you know i understand that there are definitely signs of aging that happen in their late 20s early 30s and people are seeing that and they get frustrated and they want a fix sometimes they want something more than just injectables you know it's one of the downsides of starting early because as you'll see she had additional procedures additional facelifts now 1996 i don't see a whole lot that's changed 97 also not much has changed 1998 age 40. notice the the lengthening of her face compared to age 25 and she went from a rounder face to like a longer face and even the philtrum under the nose has started to lengthen as well we know that that's something that happens and that's why people come to me for lipless the midface lateral cheek volume is declining and it's starting to to droop again in 1999 what i'm noticing especially in this image here is that to me it looks like she has some ptosis of her left upper eyelid and ptosis is something that happens sometimes from birth and sometimes just from wear and tear on the body and other times just from surgery in that area but it's the actual muscle that helps lift the eyelid that that gets impacted when that happens it's not enough to just do a blepharoplasty which is just oftentimes removing skin you have to go in and and fix that muscle fix those ligaments that have caused that descent of the eyelid and so as you'll see later the ptosis actually gets repaired with a subsequent surgery so you can see how the left eye the eyelid is down a bit and her eyes looking a bit more closed on that left side compared to the right so it's just an observation the year 2000 she was 42 years old and she just looks more volumized to me this suggests that maybe she had fat transfer performed maybe there was some filler place but in the year 2000 the only fda approved filler product was actually collagen and the first ha filler hyaluronic acid filler was actually approved in 2003 it was restylane for the nasolabial folds in 2001 age 43 take a look at the upper eyelid hollowing and and that goes back to what i was saying previously where when she was younger that was filled in and it looked more youthful as we get older there's that hollowing that occurs and part of the reason why you get that hollowing isn't just because you lose some fat uh in that area it's also because the bone is starting to resorb our bone health is the greatest at around age 25 and then as we get older it starts to decline and so the the eye socket changes as well so the underlying skeleton of our faces is changing with time as well the lateral canthus which is this portion of the eyelid all the way on the side here and the lower eyelid to me starts to look like it's loosening and it's starting to to descend down you'll see in in later images that gets corrected and gets tightened up so then notice the change in the cant of the of the eye it goes from kind of swooping up to being a lot more leveled as you can see in this image and she has continued mid-face descent and i'm starting to see some early jowling as well 2002 not much has changed 2003 age 45 i think she at this point she's continuing to get neuromodulator such as botox i think the volume overall is partially restored again so maybe she's had more filler i think she's continuing to do the non-surgical stuff throughout these years some of those years are punctuated by actual surgeries but the rest of the time she's doing non-surgical treatments on her skin neuromodulators fillers that sort of thing 2004 age 46 not much change 2005 age 47 so now it's been about 10 years since her last facelift like we talked about earlier um 10 years is about the upper limit of how long a good facelift will last so it appears to me like she's gotten another facelift at this time 2005 2006 age 48 you can really see that the midface shift is there and the jawline has been tightened from that second facelift and i think she's looking really nice it's likely that she's also had that coupled with upper and lower blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery and maybe by this time most likely a revision brow lift as well 2007 not too much has changed 2008 she's now 50 years old i think her brows are at a great height and she has nice shape preservation to the brows they're not over plucked at this point she has nice cheek volume and has that heart-shaped preserved face and that's really nice 2009 take a look at the upper lip to me it looks like the cupid's bow area has lost some definition which occurs with time there's a flattening to the cupid's bow and also in the neck you're starting to see some neck banding and it's unclear if she's had a platysmalplasty to go along with her facelifts and that's what allows for that medial tightening of the platysma muscle to reduce that banding it can also sometimes be addressed non-surgically with botox but it's not as effective 2010 this is where she has this like puffy look starting to develop i think that she's starting to just look over filled here throughout the cheeks throughout the lips everything just looks really filled in to the point of not looking as natural anymore in my opinion 2011 age 53 take a look at left eye notice how how that ptosis that upper eyelid slight droop has been addressed it now looks a lot more open which is interesting 2012 not too much change 2013 continued use of neuromodulation and maintenance filler 2014 to me she's starting to show some sequelae of having had facelifts in the past and so you can see this line forming it's going from the oral commissure which is the side of the mouth here all the way under the cheeks all the way back and that has been described by some as the joker line and it is basically because as you pull on the smaz layer and we have a whole facelift talk that we're going to be putting up soon but as you pull on that smash layer for a facelift and if you don't release that layer from the mimetic musculature which are the muscles that actually move the face you can sometimes create a pulling on those muscles and that pulling can be obvious in pictures such as these so that happens and it's also a matter of how the face is re-draped later on as well during the facelift so 2015 age 57 not much change 2016. i think she's had a significant filler boost to the mid face and the lower face maybe she's had some implants placed it's unclear but definitely a whole lot of filler 2017 age 59 pretty much looks similar 2018 similar 2019 age 61. take a look at her brows and note how the hair of the brow has really declined over time it looks like it's been replaced by makeup and microblading over the years and that heavy volumization of the mid face and the lower face continues and it's starting to you know look a little unnatural she's looking full but it's almost too full and she has this deepening of the nasolabial folds that's occurring so 2020 this is where you see another major change age 62. it looks like she's had another facelift right facelift number three and likely another brow lift and the blepharoplasty on top of the significant baseline filler she's had probably so many different types of filler placed over the years that it wasn't so easy to just dissolve it most likely prior to the facelift so you have all this fullness and then you do a lift on top of that and you really kind of create this look the cheek hollowing that you see here might be from a buccal fat removal that was done along with the facelift and this is where some people would describe this look as kind of more alien like because of that really large upper face that overfilled up her face and then the more narrow lower face it doesn't look 62 here i mean she looks more youthful than that but there are certain elements that look a bit less natural age 63 2021 the face has been lifted like we talked about there are some signs of aging though in the neck and the neck never lies and so that is something else to be careful of when a facelift is being done it's very important to thoroughly address the neck or else you know the neck starts to show your age and the face looks different and there's this mismatch so let's summarize what madonna has had in my opinion again i don't really know i'm not her treating doctor obviously so in summary i think facelifts necklace she's had three brow lifts three upper and lower blepharoplasty at least two each left ptosis repair buccal fat removal many many syringes of filler possibly fat transfer possibly some cheek or jaw implants so let's summarize the cost of what maybe that could have all been the facelift neck lifts take a range of 10 000 to 50 000 per surgery brow lifts i took a range of 5 000 to 30 000 and i basically placed her somewhere in in the middle of that she probably paid on the higher end but let's just give a range first upper and lower blepharoplasty about 10 to 30 000. left ptosis repair maybe her insurance covered that usually that's something insurance could cover or they were just maybe maybe threw it in there as a little gift with the other cosmetic work buckle fat removal three thousand to ten thousand dollars fillers anywhere from five hundred to fifteen hundred dollars per syringe and i think she's had uh over the years probably at least 30 syringes probably much more than that and i didn't include here any fat transfer implant prices just because i'm not sure if that of that was done so if you take like the middle of the road prices for each of those types of surgeries multiplied by how many of each type of surgery she's had my calculation is that the estimated total for all of madonna's surgeries and some non-surgical procedures were somewhere in the order of 215 thousand dollars now remember this is probably a gross underestimate because she's had skin resurfacing she's had a lot of other just like regular maintenance types of procedures so if you're looking at you know total amounts spent on surgical and non-surgical work to keep her face looking fresh it's probably double of what i i just said so that's just a guess but but you know one that i think is not too far from the truth so maybe even up up to you know half a million dollars but if you look at her needing her looks for her career and trying to maintain that and and being as relevant as she is you know throughout you know decades over decades of time i mean that's that's impressive and that requires some upkeep and some people might say well maybe certain things were overdone sure but you know still she has put in a lot of time a lot of work a lot of money to trying to keep herself looking as as young and youthful as she could that was her prerogative and many celebrities go through a similar course over time if you like this video please make sure to check out our video on cardi b and click on the card and i'll see you there we're going to give away another 100th out
Channel: Doctor Gary Linkov
Views: 5,548,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Madonna, Madonna Ciccone, Madonna Plastic surgery, madonna face, madonna eyes, madonna nose job, madonna rhinoplasty, madonna blepharoplasty, madonna facelift, madonna facelift 2021, madonna singer, madonna botox, madonna music, madonna cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, Dr. Gary Linkov, plastic surgeon, madonna new face, madonna's face, madonna plstic surgery 2021, madonna looks, madonna videos, madonna picture 2021
Id: 7dYl0sPXPBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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