14 Celebrities Before And After Plastic Surgery ft. Doctor Youn

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from the red carpet to social media we've witnessed Stars undergo remarkable Transformations but of major celebrities like Dolly Parton Chrissy Tegan and Howard Stern had plastic surgery I'm joined by Dr Anthony Yun and we're going to explore the captivating journey of some well-known personalities so our first celebrity is Michael Jackson so we see him here at uh age 21 in his 40s and to me what really sticks out is the nose I think you he's had many many had many rhinoplasties many different nose procedures and you can see how much more narrow it got to the point of most likely affecting his breathing you know I'm thinking just that that to me is the most obvious there's so many changes that have occurred but but right there in the center of the face that's that's what really pops out to me yeah you know it's funny I did some training out in Beverly Hills and one of my uh receptionist actually used to work in an office where he would come in and get reportedly plastic surgery and they said said that every month or two they would get a check in the mail from mjp Michael Jackson Productions to the plastic surgeon now I don't know exactly what they did specifically I think the nose is the obvious part of it uh I think the thing that's really interesting is what happened with the skin color uh because there are a lot of ways now to lighten the skin that I'm not sure were available even back then yeah and it's confusing because he did have Vitiligo which we know lightens the skin but usually not as uh homogeneously as he has and so so surely there was something other than the condition but then he did have that underlying condition so that just it complicates the interpretation and I've had a few of our viewers ask for analyses of celebrities where I know that they have an underlying medical condition and there are just a few people like one that comes to mind is Selena Gomez like I just I stay away from that analysis because I think the lupus and um the requirement for steroids and and I think she had maybe a kidney transplant I mean that makes it so difficult to interpret what's actually happening on like the Cosmetic aesthetic side of things and so that I think is also what makes it interesting with MJ's case you know what what yeah like you said what really happened with the skin color yeah there is uh actually IV glutathione is being used uh in Asia quite often for overall skin lightening I've heard a few people using it here in the States now I've never seen it I'm not a big fan of that type of thing but supposedly that's one way systemically basically with not using creams that people can actually lighten their skin so gwenth paltro is is the head of goop and she's out there promoting natural beauty and natural treatments obviously she's controversial because some of her treatment some people disagree with but I think one thing we can all agree with is that she looks fantastic now I don't think she's had that much work done it's possible she may have had a rhinoplasty uh her nose does look maybe a little bit thinner maybe she's had some other minor tweaks but overall I think she looks pretty natural to me yeah I agree I think she looks great like to me what slightly jumps out is the upper eyelid area just looks like maybe there's a little bit more hollowing there which we know can happen with the aging process but then also possibly from like a brow lift and or like an upper Bluff but it it's definitely hard to tell in her case so Tyra Banks when I see her here at age 25 and then compared to her 40s um overall I think she looks great I think she looks quite natural to me what jumps out is that the cheeks are quite prominent and so I don't know perhaps she had some cheek augmentation whether it was with filler or maybe like a CH imp plant but it just looks like they're much Fuller than they were even in her 20s yeah I would agree with that I think it definitely looks like she may have had some filler there the other things I see possibly a thinning of the nose so maybe a rhinoplasty at some point and then maybe even her upper eyelids now as you mentioned earlier though the eyelids can lose volume as we get older is that a consequence of just getting older or maybe has she had a Bop plasty uh either way really she has had plastic surgery it's been very well done it's you know it's that it's that whole sign of what's good plastic surgery it's plastic surgery that's so good you can't quite tell it's been done the person just looks fantastic so Joe Jonas is one of the few men on our list and I think he's a great choice I'm glad you brought him up because he's also one of the few males who has admitted to getting work done so my understanding is that he has admitted I think in the past to having neurotoxin whether it was Botox or zamin I don't recall um but he looks fantastic if I look at his photos I'm not seeing anything real obvious other than maybe a touch of Botox here and there I'm not seeing anything major surgical here in my opinion yeah I think he was in a zoman commercial so we did a video on yeah I remember covering him in I think we did a longer form video or maybe it was like a shorts clip or something and uh I remember watching that commercial it was quite funny cuz like it was just so staged but uh but yeah but I think that's really cool that you know he U was was public about that uh and I agree I think he looks great and he looks pretty similar like you know 15 10 to 15 years later so that's uh that's impressive so next up we have Chrissy Teegan and Chrissy tan is another celebrity who has admitted to plastic surgery including a procedure that I do fairly often uh which is an eyebrow hair transplant which I thought was really cool uh we we covered her going public with that in in a prior video uh but that's uh you know not the most common plastic surgeries so and I think she also said that she did get a buckle fat uh removal so those are two and and and maybe even she spoken about others but um to me and look I think one of the things to remember is that our weight does fluctuate of course you know and so maybe when these photos were taken in her like mid-30s possibly there were some weight changes so it's hard to say if it's you know just the the weight fluctuation or say like filler injections and it could be like a fat transfer but there there's something that's causing just more like overall volume to her face you know and and we know that ha filler can migrate and so maybe that's what's going on but also sometimes I feel like fat transfer if it's if it's overdone it can just give you a fuller appearance and it's hard to get rid of that yeah and I'm sure you've had patients I have where they get fat fat grafting fat transfer and then they gain weight and the fat gets Fuller as well I actually had one patient who I did Fat grafting to her face when she was fairly uh on on the Lower Side Weight Wise and then she got pregnant and she told me it was so funny because her lips got so big when she was pregnant and then it all settled down afterwards now I agree with you I think you know Chrissy has been upfront that she's had some things done uh admitting that she had a buckle fat removal uh that I think was part of the of what caused this kind of huge um I don't know social media Firestorm or frenzy of buckle fat removal and everybody getting it as you and I know this is not a new procedure I started doing it way back in 2004 um but the key with Buckle fat removal is to choose your patient wisely you know you don't want to do it on somebody with a narrow face like you or I that would actually be aging to us but on somebody like Chrissy where she's got a rounder face and just wants to Contour it a bit uh it could be a really nice procedure and and so I enjoy doing that operation but once again patient selection is totally key here like you I horrible cidis for Buckle fat removal well here's another guy Steven Tyler and he's the lead singer of Aerosmith and H ly I've never really thought much about what Steven has had done U but looking at these photos I think he may have gone under the knife and had a little bit of tweaks here and there so what I'm seeing first is his upper eyelids and upper eyelid surgery called Bop plasty definitely has to be done differently in a man than in a woman uh because if too much skin is removed you can get into a situation where the person looks very very different so when I look here at Stephen Tyler's eyelids before and after it does look to me like he may have had his upper eyelids uh done where skin was removed from the upper eyelids caus him to look a bit more open now this is how we're used to seeing him but my guess is that if he hadn't had his eyelids done he would look quite a bit different today than he actually does yeah it's a great point also I'm seeing that the eyebrows though haven't really changed a whole lot and I think that's one of the keys I think a brow lift in a man is very tricky cuz it's generally a feminizing procedure has to be done very carefully when it comes to brow lifting and I don't necessarily think that Stephen Tyler had that so an isolated upper Bluff yeah can still give a natural look but when you start adding you know brow lifting it can be quite tricky to get that right in in a guy yeah the hard thing too as you know is the hair of all people you would know is that the hair does change uh as you get older and men have to be concerned you know if you do a brow lift you get scars in the scalp and if your hairline recedes or if you go bald those scars can be visible uh and so I'm very cautious doing brow lists in men I do very few of them in men just because I worry that what may look good today 10 years from now may not be as um uh desirable okay next up we have a Iggy aelia and looking at Iggy so this is like 10 years apart and I'm seeing that first of all her eyebrows are Fuller and it looks like it's mostly makeup but it's just interesting that she's choosing to go with Fuller brows I think that's uh sort of in Vogue you know now and uh her lips also when you look at especially her upper lip it just looks not sure if it's overlined or if there's some filler in there but she's just choosing to go with a much Fuller upper lip and her nose to me does look more narrow so again maybe that's the effect of makeup it's it's she's wearing a lot of makeup at least in this photo it's possible to give the nose a much more narrow appearance with makeup but she also looks like the the tip has been narrowed I mean that that is a real possibility here yeah I totally agree I mean I do hand it to igy aelia and that she's been very open that she's had plastic surgery uh and so what we're seeing here I think we can kind of assume in some cases I try to give the benefit of a doubt that maybe somebody hasn't had work done in this case it would almost be the opposite because she has been so open that she's had work done and I do think she's most likely had a decent amount of filler injected uh I agree with you I think that the nose does look like she may have had a rhino although yes aggressive contouring is pretty impressive what that can do nowadays um but with as open as she had been has been with plastic surgery I wouldn't be surprised if she's had a decent amount of facial plastic surgery mostly injections but maybe even a few operations yeah and you know she's still quite young and and this brings up the notion of you know surgery at a younger age and I think this has been a trend that I don't know maybe started within the last decade and you know you've been in the field longer than I have but it just seems like people are getting more surgeries younger than than they used to U and maybe because we're talking about it more through forums like such as this and just in general it seems a little bit more accepted to get the surgeries uh but and that goes even for some slightly more aggressive procedures like like a facelift that has bigger risks than certain other surgeries and U you know I think some drawbacks to starting very young so I don't know if you want us just speak to that yeah I agree with you I mean the problem that we're seeing now is we're seeing people who are in their 20s and early 30s and they look like people who are in their 50s who've had a bunch of work done uh because things are so overfilled overtightened and they don't look like they're just naturally getting older so I do agree with you I think that it really comes down to how much you have done I think if you do little tweaks that's one thing I saw a video today about a woman who was I think 35 who had a facelift and I don't know for me I feel like that's just too young you've get scars from it and I also believe if you're doing facelifts at that young of of an age I believe that you can really only have up to three in a lifetime before that scar tissue really becomes visible on the surface uh and becomes potentially problematic and if that's the case do you want to start that young I don't know so I'm not a big fan of of early interventions like this um and and so in general I do take the more conservative side well Dolly Parton is a legend both in music and in fashion and in plastic surgery I think that she of all celebrities probably is the most open of the work that she's had done so I think Dolly looks fantastic I mean dolly is Dolly you know there's some people that have ton of plastic surgery and we look at him go oh we feel bad but dolly is Dolly and she looks amazing she's had a ton of work done I don't know how many fa of she's had done with Dolly it's more what hasn't she had done than what has she had done and you know what all the more power to her she's just she's just doing great and I think she's such a a great force in the global Community for overall just goodness when I look at the photos I think the teeth are playing a really big just overall kind of role and impact on her looks you know what I don't talk about veneers as often as maybe I should in my videos the truth is I don't feel like I'm an expert in that at all um I have friends you know who do cosmetic dentistry I just refer to them and I know sort of the basics of that but but you can tell that from 30 to 77 her teeth are just shining and they're looking fantastic and and that really can change the face quite a bit more than I you know even normally think you know because I'm just looking at other features but teeth definitely play a huge role yeah and you know honestly anytime you see somebody in Hollywood and their teeth are just blindingly white they're porcelain the most common cosmetic treatment other than botas and filler out in Hollywood are veneers like the majority of Hollywood celebrities have them I feel like it's almost the exception when they don't and it's those blindingly white Perfect Teeth those are not real next up is uh Cindy Crawford so when I look at her here overall I think she looks very natural for 57 she looks amazing u a few features that stand out to me um are that the eyebrows do look lifted you know they look almost a little bit higher than how they looked at in her 20s so to me that is probably you know the result of surgery when I look at her nose right in the middle she has almost like a a bit of an inverted V deformity a little bit of a collapse right at the midvault and it just stands out to me and it's something where you know people go in for a rhinoplasty and they don't think too much about it they just want something that looks more narrow but if you don't support the midv as we know there tends to be a collapse over time that can affect breathing and it can also affect the appearance of the nose but you know back in the day rhinoplasties were just like let's just remove remove remove it was a reductionist type of approach and now we think about it as more as like building like how do we how do we build a solid structure um but you know many people still still get this today so um I think that it's it's good that at least it's on our minds now as surgeons to try to avoid this type of uh um feature of of some rhinoplasties Jessica Simpson was kind of the darling in the early 2000s I was actually I was actually one of the dancers at Dick Clark's New Year's Rock and Eve when she was actually one of theost of the show so I saw her very up close and personal but this was back in 2003 or 2004 when she was young and I don't think she'd had a whole lot done uh now that she's gotten a little bit older I do see that I I think she's getting a good amount of injections specifically filler if you look at her lips if you look at her cheeks they do look quite plump and to me a pretty obvious sign that she's had some filler I also think she's probably had some Botox also in her forehead uh in between her eyebrows and the glabella area and this could be causing some of her uh shape of her brows to change a bit too I'm not seeing a ton of actual surgery with her other than possibly a rhinoplasty her nose does look a little bit thinner but honestly I think if I had to pick one operation that has the most celebrities who've undergone it it would be rhinoplasty uh and you can spot these in celebrities that you would not think has had it done people who you think oh they're totally natural and you look at their nose like no that's an operated nose uh so I think she may be one of those her sister Ashley definitely had a rhinoplasty done and that completely changed how she looked like way back in the day yeah I agree with all of that uh the lips really do stick out to me I mean I think that there's this um attempt you know that people make to try to get back to the original lips you know because sure there's some deflation in the lip volume as we age but it's very easy to overdo it next up we have Mickey roor I mean I think look at 70 he overall looks fine you know I think it's just when you compare back to his earlier images you can really see that there's been a major change and what sticks out is that kind of upper third of the face it just looks like it's been over lifted this is U you know one of those cases where you you really say that you know maybe they just lifted too much and I think this could have been the specific type of brow lift that he had you know nowadays I feel like the community has moved more towards lateral brow lifting where it can still look natural and we know that over time it's really that lateral aspect that tends to droop more than the rest of the brow but classically brow lifts were done just collectively throughout the entire brow complex through some larger incisions even with endoscopic approaches and when you lifted up that entire brow it just didn't look natural you weren't bringing them back like look at him at 32 I mean his brows were never too high up and so now you you've created this on natural appearance yeah I think it's important for uh people to realize that plastic surgery in general 90% of our patients are women and so these techniques in general are based off of the female face not the male face and so if you're getting work done as a male unless you are you know wanting to look more feminine those procedures are going to go in that direction so Christy Brinkley I think is a great example of somebody who people say is aging gracefully but plastic surgeons an experts would tell you that she definitely has had some help from a plastic surgeon so in addition to having some filler in of having some Botox to smooth out some lines I do believe she's had at least one facelift you cannot be the age of 69 and have a jawline like that without having work done I mean obviously I don't I've not treated her so this is my opinion but man that's a great looking facelift result for her uh I also think it's possible she may have had a brow lift at some point I think it has settled nicely because her brows are always on the fairly low side and they don't seem to have changed where they are when you look at the age 24 and age 69 so to me that's a sign that she most likely has had a brow lift I also think she's probably had an upper bfop plasty she's kind of in a situation in my opinion kind of like Dolly where it's not what she's had done but what hasn't she had done but I do think the work that she's had done has been very tasteful conservatively done and overall I think she looks fantastic yeah I think she's definitely maintained that heart-shaped face you know out into her late 60s which is impressive and I think it it is with the help of of surgical proced procedures uh in my opinion as well I think also maybe a cantop plasty here in addition to the other uh ocular work it just looks like especially that right eye both eyes just look more sort of lifted and pulled and uh sometimes you know that's just done right at the level of the canthus and sometimes it's just a result of that lateral Sweep with the facelift but um yeah it definitely looks like it this is not just completely natural uh aging yeah she also does not have any under eye Hollows and so most likely I would think she's had either a significant amount of filler injected under there um or maybe fat grafting it's hard to say but really overall you would think somebody her age would have some definite under eye Hollows and some puffiness of the lower eyelids but that whole area I mean there's no lid cheek Junction you know normally we've got a junction where the eyelid meets the cheek you don't really see it with her it's just all filled in like she is 18 I don't think that volume is natural but it does look like it's very been very well done in our you you whether it's teenagers or even younger we have certain facial features and um surely they get you know the aging process will will change them um things get more Amplified um but you know there that that base feature is still there and then now it's a good segue into Jam Lee Curtis where those very natural features of of Aging I think are what we're seeing with her in her 60s um I don't know perhaps she had something done along the way but honestly I don't really see uh too many obvious signs I mean her her eyelids have gotten heavier her brows maybe are in a similar position but that could that could be natural maybe um you can see all the wrinkles of aging and it's honestly quite beautiful and refreshing you know especially with all the the modifications that we see in many of the celebrities um I think she looks great you can see like the platis band in in her neck and some jowling but she looks just natural and and beautiful yeah I think she's been very outspoken of saying that she's done having work done and she wants to put a natural face out there I do think it's possible way back when she's had some procedures done um you know it's is it possible she had her nose done at some point maybe uh maybe even potentially had some type of a lifting procedure but I agree with you I think that now she's definitely going to from here on I'll go on the completely natural route and it's nice to see somebody feel very comfortable with that the only thing for her is I also it almost gets to a point that you wonder whether it's I don't think she's doing that but you don't want to also shame people who have had worked done and there's so many of her contemporaries who've had plas surgery they look great um but really I agree it's it's refreshing but at the same time as long as it's not judging the others who who who have done some little tweaks here and there yeah I think ideally in our society we a point where it's like it's all good you know whatever whatever it is whether you're doing you know you're getting procedures done you're not getting procedes done like that's okay you know let's just like talk about it and people can decide U what they choose to do I think it's important in Jam Lee Curtis's situation too to mention that she probably is eating a very healthy diet she's probably using a lot of really high quality skincare products she probably wears her sunscreen religiously uh and all these things can really um result in that glowing skin and stuff that she's showing off uh in these photos so yes you can say yeah I'm going to grow older gradually I'm not going to get work done but she's doing a lot of things I bet noninvasively that are helping her to continue look as to look as great as she does and then for people who are you know costc conscious which is majority of people um what would you say are some good bang for your buck cosmetic treatments if I were to recommend the best bang for your buck as far as at home treatments if you don't have access to a MedSpa dermatologist plastic surgeon then I think red light therapy is something that people don't talk enough about red light therapy is a natural way basically to use red light to ideally the belief is that it helps to power the mitochondria in your cells and there are studies actually split face studies that have been done on red light therapy where you treat one side of the face with red light therapy and a sham laser on the other side and I found an improvement in wrinkles in hydration of the skin and even in collagen and elastin in the skin so red red light therapy there's many ways to do it you can do a tabletop device there's kind of creepy looking masks that you can wear that look like Hannibal Lector masks that's I think great bang for your buck if you want a simple DIY at home option if you're looking to go into a med spa or plastic surgeons office I'm a big fan of micro needling as a really inexpensive treatment and then IPL also if you want to get rid of dark spots Great way not that expensive and really works well and those the laser light therapy some of my patients are using for post-operative healing to improve the healing process speed it up um and then also for some hair restoration we know that they're like the low level laser light which is I guess somewhere within that same family um and uh it's promoting hair growth you know to a degree so yeah that's some nice treatment options yeah I use that on my head 30 minutes every other day cuz I don't want to come see you but if I needed somebody you'd be the one I would go to that's for sure thank you I appreciate that let's stop for a moment and uh talk about your new book younger for life so you've written a number of books I believe right before this one as well I just wanted you know to get your thoughts on like like what was the motivation for for writing this one yeah thank you so yeah I've been a plastic surgeon in private practice for almost 20 years and I've realized that I do believe a very high percentage of people if they want to look and feel their best don't have to go under the knife or even the needle and so it's a concept that I have come up with the idea is called Auto juvenation and it's the fact that your body has regenerative abilities and and the regenerative ability to rejuvenate itself if you give if you give the body the tools to do so and so really it focuses on five main things uh what you eat when you eat nutritional supplements skincare products and non-invasive treatments now you and I we do a lot of surgery we treat a lot of people with invasive treatments but I do believe that there is so much that we can do short of that to help people look and feel their best and the vast majority of people I feel can feel great about how they look without having to let's say go under the knife with you or ey there's like a psychological component to all this you know and it's sometimes you might have a person who looks you know like they maybe have started to feel the effects of aging and they have more wrinkles and things are drooping but you know they they feel great and and they're confident in their shoes and they're not looking for any treatment so I think there's there's also that you know it's like how how we view ourselves that seems to be relevant as well yeah and I feel really in the end what is beauty and I think it starts with health you know being healthy that is beautiful uh and so really what I'm trying to do with the book and with a lot of what I do on social media is try to encourage people to look at Beauty and anti-aging in a more natural way yes I still do surgery like you I mean I operate two three days a week I still do face lifts and eyelid lifts and all that but I try to use it as a last resort because I do believe that there's so much that we can do short of surgery to help us feel and look our best and then Anthony how does someone uh pick up your book younger for life where should they go to to buy it so we encourage people to go to um I it's everywhere you can go to Amazon and and Walmart and Costco but we encourage people if if they can to go to bookshop.org or uh this is a website where you can actually support your local book seller and if you go to bookshop.org you can actually choose your local book store an independent bookstore and the uh profit from that sale will actually go to your local independent bookstore and then we have a website called Auto juvenation tocom where if you buy the book you get a ton of free gifts including a companion recipe book uh and a $30 gift certificate to my online store unun Beauty if you want to try our skincare products or supplements sometimes I get asked about uh collagen supplements and I know very little about that but I know that you've talked about it in your book so what are your thoughts on collagen supplements especially from like the literature perspective yeah you know a couple years ago there wasn't a lot of science behind you know either plus or minus with collagen supplements um but now actually there is a lot of science to support that these actually work so the skin is composed about 70 to 80% of collagen we know and our collagen we actually lose about 1% of the thickness of our collagen every year starting maybe in our mid 20s or so and so the idea behind taking a collagen supplement and the big question is is can it actually improve the collagen of your skin and there was a metaanalysis published in 2021 they looked at over 1100 people taking collagen supplements for 90 days and found a statistic statistically significant Improvement uh in hydration of the skin in wrinkles and in elasticity so the really The Sciences out there now showing that taking a collagen supplement can definitely improve the health of your skin but it's important to realize that collagen supplements are not substitutes for protein it's not a macronutrient it's not a complete protein and so you still want to take your normal kind of if you're following your Macros you still want to eat protein as you normally would this is just as a supplemental for your skin so I've always been a big fan of Howard Stern and he the shock jock has admitted to having undergone a rhinoplasty and submental liposuction liposuction under the chin he actually said it was really that I think he said that the nose job was really painful which I don't know I find that usually when I when I did it for 10 years pain wasn't usually a big issue but maybe he had big splints or something and uh and he looks I mean he looks like Howard you know I mean I can't tell necessarily that he's had it done but uh he has said that he did undergo those procedures to me honestly I mean just from this again like we said it was just a snapshot but when I look at his nose at age 32 and then now 65 it looks more crooked now that could be just the result of natural aging but it can also be from prior surgery of the B miscon roplas that perent you know for reason plastic surgery you know gives you five 10 years but a rhinoplasty just you have it for life and that's just not true like the nose ages along with everything else and even if you fix those cartilages into position they might bend and move with time you know and I think maybe that's what what we are seeing here because it looks a little bit c-shaped that yeah I found so many times when I did rhinoplasties and somebody has a crooked nose you break the nose and then you inset it and you put a splint on their nose for a week or so but the problem is is that even though you may break the bone and reset it into a new place it there's there's memory on the other tissues that you haven't disrupted and I do believe I have seen a lot of people from my patients and other people's patients where you try to straighten the nose and eventually it kind of goes back to where it started the body has memory with this type of stuff and and sometimes is not just enough to break a nose and set it for a week I don't know if you kept a splint on for like 6 weeks or two months if that might help but who wants to wear a splint for that long Dr Anthony y thank you so much for joining me today this has been a real pleasure and uh I hope everyone goes and picks up your book younger for life it's a fantastic read and uh I really enjoy your content thank you well same here and we'll have you on my channel as well here in the near future awesome thank you
Channel: Doctor Gary Linkov
Views: 336,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 14 Celebrities Before And After Plastic Surgery ft. Doctor Youn, Celebrities Before And After Plastic Surgery, Celebrity plastic surgery, Doctor Youn, Doctor Gary Linkov, Dr. Gary Linkov, Dr. Youn, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson plastic surgery, Tyra Banks plastic surgery, Joe Jonas plastic surgery, Chrissy Teigen plastic surgery, Steven Tyler, Cindy Crawford, Jessica Simpson, Jamie Lee Curtis, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mickey Rourke, Christie Brinkley, Howard Stern
Id: 7peeugiMBxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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