The Grain Leg Is SLUGGED!! #7

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hello hello ha it's plugged it's really plugged [Applause] you're late that goes late it sprinkling out oh [Music] so long and the short of it is we got rained out yesterday afternoon got maybe i don't know half inch of rain here well it came down like that quick and we're dumping trucks here so we're using the cross auger right up there dumping into that bend right there and when the big rain came that belt started slipping on the pulley up there and everything started backing up all the way up to the leg and that started plugging and everything started plugging and now everything's plugged i'm going to show you something here quick so here's the pits where we dump grain into it comes up this auger and then it goes into the what we call the pit drag and that's not supposed to look like that she's full like full full like so full and it's 40 feet long so i don't think we've ever we've plugged this before that's how we know you need that you need evacuator but i don't think we've ever done it this good what we get to do is we get to pull the doors on the bottom of the grain leg and also the belts on the motor up there yeah they're burned off so we get to go up there it's sprinkling right now so we might wait a little bit put new belts on vaculate out the bottom of the leg and fire that up and see if this one starts the pit drag starts if this don't start i don't know what we're going to do take the top of this off and back it out i hope not but we'll see we will see does not slip which maybe that's good or i don't know but are you excited for this you want to climb up there and throw the rope down before the wind gets going what no no if it's these if it's the bucket belt i'm i'll just be like don't don't even say that back don't even say that i got a guy's phone number that'll be called to fix the bucket belt i know some guys that better not be the case oh lord how's god you look like rambo just got your rope tied all around you look at this throw up my knife you're gonna throw down your knife what please don't so if i just tie this to my belt and climb up can we just pull the bucket up through the ladder well these ocean things are getting in the way again good to go i'll show it up to you you just keep going pull off the bucket after the first platform oh my gosh that's heavy backing up climbing why is there so much talking how come i'm pulling the bucket tip it over my arms are shot shaking [Music] if you fall i'll hold you by your underwear well that surprised me okay we're here and it's so windy and it's cold so we gotta remove the shield and get at the belt here's what we got they're gone gandhi [Music] i would agree there's a good chance of it do we have the right number of course it burnt off the number on this belt 183 because i got a 180 zero there we go okay perfect we need bigger wrenches we got to drop the bucket again because my internet corner is i was talking up there now they're hollering they need wrenches bigger wrenches gonna get some communication you know better knowing that my life was gonna turn into what we have going on i would have wished that i'd have been born with three arms because i was not intended to carry a camera it's just not working okay there's the pail but the rope's too short tying another rope on i was told to get some more wrenches bigger stuff yeah that's all we own i don't know it's grandpa's how you doing guess they don't know how to tie a knot that's safe oh man oh here we go and we're gonna give them a radio that don't look so good that must be the new improved why hey yeah stay tuned i'm gonna talk to him on the way up casting copy i hope that knot holds getting away from there got a copy it's getting windier and colder i think we're getting knocks here boy don't drop me be careful where's that sound coming from if you drop me it'll hurt be careful i didn't know what that sound was coming from it goes in the bucket yeah why didn't we bring them up the first time my voice is strained now it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't 14 degrees up here hands are numb yeah we're good for a while okay we're setting up the grain back here yeah 1086 is back in the driveway remember last time i do too okay we got to set up all the hoses and get over to here and suck all the beans that have plugged up inside the trunk because last night when the rain shower came through we were dumping into the what we call the west souven with a cross auger and the belts up there got wet and it started slipping and then that slowed down so the beans backed up in all of the downspouting and then started backlighting we got a project to do i gotta go get some more piping for the grain vac to reach the grain lake obstacle that i'm hiding going to get the pipes for the back some might wonder why i carry this here well it's because i got an itch no not really i don't like it down on my waist because it always gets hooked and breaks clips off of course there'd be a sweep lane on top of my pipes i gotta set you down good morning nicole you want to come help sitting inside an air-conditioned climate-controlled home doing all your editing come on out enjoy [Music] life that's not going to work that is definitely not going to work going to get tape just what you like to see a hole in your pipe [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning everyone when i'm out here today uh yesterday we picked a few hundred acres of beans we're gonna try to get what we harvested yesterday done today and i'm having a lot more fun than the other guys because they're fixing some stuff at the bim site [Music] [Applause] paper common a little bit more yeah okay you're gonna have to turn the spout yep too far yeah you ready to hear this thing down here again not really not really at least this wasn't a self-inflicted one or was it no no we're just running it and then the rain it's the rain's fault rainfall but i think our sensor is shot on the bottom of the grain lake well that could be a possibility also which is why this has escalated into such a big project but we have nothing else to do because it rained might as well fix something that shouldn't have happened let's do this fire up that spout's not gonna wiggle water out of the truck that'll be the next problem here we go so we got this door open shove this in here and we're gonna suck it out like a big giant vacuum cleaner [Music] what happened you couldn't hear that it was sounding weird but no one started running until all right started yelling everything is plugged up we need evaculator to unplug the vacuum later now i think we ruined this thing with the big bean debacle it's not trapped here it's got about half a gallon a minute hydraulic flow i think is the problem they didn't have hydraulics back in the 70s that were strong two remotes two levers that's all that guy ever should have had we got a pipe wrench or are we just going to try to just dump why am i hollered there bumper out for lord almighty lock the bag okay everyone it's time for a survey should i wear suspenders or overalls trying to decide suspenders or overalls let me know what is wrong with this thing i think we ruined it just don't feed it so fast yeah all right i'm gonna go to the shop and get the shot back then that'll get her done i'm back up here by myself i don't know if dad's coming up or not eric left to go spread fertilizer steve is driving the truck for him and hauling to him it rained enough to keep us from combining but not enough to stop fertilizer tillage breathe jesus i apologize if the audio is terrible but it is so windy up here and there's nothing i can do about it so i'm bringing you guys with sorry about the audio i don't know i'd take it easy if you're thinking you're gonna stroke out no stroke and just heavy breathing maybe we should do this every day so you stay in shape you're on the last stretch that would be awesome a zip line from here to the shop look how fast you'd get going you made it oh gosh i think i'm foaming up like that old boar pick that used to have so frothy 120 foot climb oh at least there's platforms everywhere 40 feet too old for this we're getting closer yeah it should i got it right you know what let's shut the power off so no one can kill us here holy thunder [Music] we got a tight fiddle string right play guitar with that okay let's uh put the shield that weighs about a minute i don't know we're gonna we're gonna run it we're gonna run it oh okay let me get out of here try sauger is running so whenever you want to start the leg gonna be going into that bend shortly there i can see it coming out right now you guys probably can't he's unblocked [Music] i thought i stepped on a raccoon well that was just my head that rope ain't right no it's all twisted it's junk so for how windy it is on top of the leg it sure isn't very windy around here this is nice nice working so now we get to attempt to get this that's literally ram packed full of beans running which i'm not too excited about you ready to try that conveyor or where are you at we can try this from here batteries are dead what's going on trucks we're ready huh well we're not ready we're not ready everybody's like he wants us to be ready look out now yeah fire uh it's slowly moving like i mean really slowly it's gonna blow the breaker it's so jammed yep it's moving it's moving uh it stopped yeah it seems like it's not as plucked maybe so we're moving the vac over here because that is so plugged we don't want to wreck anything more or wreck anything at all so we're gonna get the back same dang deal because these are full and it's gonna just keep filling it and so we're just gonna back out as much as we can in this spot yeah it's right raining now so that's that's a positive this is going actually everyone's attitudes is better remember you went mad westfield augers yeah the stuff like this never happened oh yeah that gearbox failure yeah gearbox fails underneath full load flight and they had to separate the auger and oh that was a bad night that's as bad as this is uh that was maybe worse you run in that big outfit can you handle the horsepower there's two levers i know okay i'm ready fire her up because there is soon yeah well yeah you don't even fit in this coat climbed 120 foot [Music] it'll suck your glove right off your hand won't it i wouldn't do that yeah if anybody knows i've heard stories about people trying to take evaculator tubes made out of pvc that goes long distance doesn't that turn into like static and it if you stand close to it or hold on to it it will fry your guts microwave you or something like that kill you that's what i've been told anyway so don't do that don't do that no pvc only later hoses yeah there we go should we get a bar and cry if we got a bar here as slow as that moves we could pry on the back of the paddles anything will help we're getting there this is how it works supposed to fill the bottom and drag it this top tap is not supposed to be [Music] so the top side of that's not supposed to be full that's why it's supplied [Music] i suppose suck some more out it's wanting to go yeah i think it's wanting to go fired up here we go she's going to the bend fired up oh i'm glad that's over that was stressful green light should we dump some trucks no let's regroup here i don't want to go once a fall is good enough yeah but if we had an alarm that would just blast so loud you'd run for your life yeah so we have safety safety on the grain leg for so that this don't happen and whatever reason that feature did not work yeah we gotta go check that switch time for dinner again yeah [Laughter] time to eat break time we got it unplugged it's unplugged hey i gotta tell everybody we're ready to go what she's got a walrus hang out for this here's this just for warmth douglas this is the two big teeth and you know how that big walrus face their little walrus oh gosh here comes the beating again there's another situation developing at the bend side here just got called down here for help did you get run over no situation never seen that sort of happens when you load a truck in the rain oh my how are you gonna get it unplugged there we go they swelled up all the water ran to the bottom of the gate they swelled up look how big they are oh my god we need a new trailer jeepers [Music] well all systems are go again ready for tomorrow hopefully the weather is better tomorrow not less cloudy and wind which it's obviously windy today but it's been raining on and off so maybe late afternoon we can get back to harvesting tomorrow what a nightmare today was wow you never know what that next day on the farm is gonna bring you surprises every day stay running little buddy stay running thanks for watching this video guys i'll see you next time you
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 248,252
Rating: 4.9794164 out of 5
Id: QzppIZ7Bcjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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