What DPS Guides WON'T teach you in M+

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who's responsible for keeping the group alive and Mythic dungeons is it the DPS the tank or the Healer most people would probably answer the Healer or even the tank but this mentality leads to some big problems especially if you're trying to push higher Keys here's what usually happens players will Breeze through Keystone hero thinking to themselves hey I do big damage and know every dungeon mechanic so I must be ready for high Keys unfortunately there is one crucial concept that Keystone hero fails to teach in fact this gap of knowledge is a massive brick wall that prevents many capable players from pushing the highest keys and today we will explain that a simple change in mindset is all it takes to break this barrier but first for those of you that don't know for over a decade we here at skullcaps have been working with the absolute best players in all of wow including world champions and those who have been at the top of the game for multiple expansions during that time we've produced thousands of Epic guides and helped over half a million players just like you achieve their goals in WoW PVP and starting today we'll be doing the same in PVE teaching you how to improve as a player and hit your personal goals in order to bring you guides just like this one we've spent the last few weeks working with some of the best MDI players on Earth from Echo and method to learn what it truly takes to push yourself in Mythic plus stay tuned because today we'll explain how a few simple adjustments is all it takes to break through rating barriers and Mythic plus when we spoke to MDI teams from Echo and Method there was one clear message if you want to push High Keys it is everyone's shared responsibility to keep the group alive the silent killer and high Mythic Keys is DPS treating survivability as a Healer only problem when instead everyone should be willing to sacrifice a bit of damage to help out the group of course we all want our name to be on top of details maybe because of ego or Pride but sometimes it's okay to set the meters aside if it means preventing lethal damage we don't want to suggest that DPS doesn't matter it most certainly does but more often than not being able to avoid avoid damage as equally as important so for the second section of this video we will explain what this implies for the group as a whole whether you play DPS tank or healer focusing on a few core mechanics including cooldown management interrupts and utility and how to build game knowledge to make better decisions for your team we will start by talking about cooldown management because this is arguably the biggest execution test in high keys there is a tendency to think of dungeons as a linear path where the goal is to advance as quickly as possible from one pack to the next and from boss to boss but along this path there is Cadence where specific mobs and boss mechanics create pressure points that need to be powered through with cooldowns interrupts and utility the higher the key the more extreme this Cadence becomes if a DPS pops every offensive on cooldown they might be topping The Meters but at the same time we'll be making the run harder since their cooldown windows won't always line up with the toughest moments of the run while there is an explicit goal of finishing the dungeon fast there is an implicit goal of being efficient in order to power power through pressure points in order to be as efficient as possible we need to pre-plan our cooldowns in order to power through the toughest moments of the run and then find clever ways to navigate other pressure points when cooldowns are more limited the first pressure point of any run is almost always the initial pull of each dungeon which is where everyone can afford to be aggressive since every player will have all of their cooldowns here we don't have to put much thought into using our CDs since we know that this is a pressure point but once this initial pull is over there will be some downtime where our goal is to plan around the next pressure point when planning routes and timing poles we need to keep in mind that clowns won't be available for every pack or even every mob and lower key is this concept is far less important since Pax die much faster which means the pressure points are less extreme and cooldowns aren't necessarily needed for these smaller Peaks but in higher keys because the pressure points are more deadly we're forced to think more about our team's cooldown budget here at the end of notherian's Lair we have to fight two moderately difficult mobs and then immediately transition to the to handle this efficiently we need to think of our cooldown Cadence using them on the Dominator while ccing the Trapper that way we can power through a difficult mob with our CDs then have a slightly easier mob that we can micro CC which then allows our cooldowns to be ready again during the boss sometimes these pressure points happen mid-boss fight and offensives need to be saved to push through them and avoid unhealable damage the last boss in brackenhyde Holo is a perfect example here we have a DPS check but it's not on the boss itself instead it's on the rotburst totems that will spawn periodically throughout the fight DPS need to be willing to save their offensives in order to kill each totem quickly which obviously means sacrificing some damage on the boss itself the success on this boss fight is determined by the DPS player's willingness to grief themselves on scoreboard damage for the sake of keeping the group alive in higher Keys tracking party cooldowns is vital no matter Your Role tanks need to be aware of what offenses their teammates have in order to know how aggressive they can be with poles Healers need to be tracking their team's personal defenses so they can be prepared to use their healing cooldowns if needed DPS need to know all this information too recognizing when their tank or healer is out of cooldown so that they can adjust accordingly if you aren't using Omni CD already we highly recommend installing it as soon as possible cooldown management is one of the first places where players can start adjusting their single player mindset and by tracking everyone's CDs it becomes more apparent when you need to step up and play for your team we're not done though interrupts and utilities are next up on our list when it comes to improving Group Play Let's go over kicking first becoming better at interrupts involves two separate skill sets the first is knowing what to kick which is a test of game knowledge and the second is knowing how or when to kick which is a test of mechanics to start we need to know what is worth kicking because some casts are lethal take for instance the geomancers in uldumon these mobs cast chain lightning which in combination with rot damage is enough to cause some quick deaths in authoris there are these thamaturg mobs which cast a spell called molten core and if it goes through you can almost guarantee a wipe soon after in both of these cases group members should be willing to sacrifice a small amount of damage repositioning or stopping a cast if needed in order to land interrupts once again keeping the group alive is always going to be more valuable than doing slightly higher DPS you can count on every dungeon having cast that needs to be interrupted no matter what which is why in hierarchies it becomes extremely helpful to assign kicks to individual players this can be done automatically with marker assignments but should also be managed with effective communication and voice chat it should be clearly communicated who is kicking what and it is up to players to recognize the individual responsibility that they have there is some logic in how to assign interrupts efficiently though since melee kicks have shorter cooldowns and are often limited by range it is better to assign Mobs with smaller more frequent casts range on the other hand need to be ready to interrupt any cast that might be harder to deal with as melee take for instance the feral bloodstormer mobs in the under Rod because these mobs fixate on players they will be moving constantly and if melee becomes fixated then it becomes the ranged DPS who needs to interrupt the Sonic Screech now as far as kicking mechanics are concerned we should remember that every interrupt is off the global cooldown and includes a built-in stop casting command making the active Landing kicks very manageable no matter what your role of course fast casts will always be difficult to interrupt not because of the gcd but because of human reaction time which visually is around 200 to 300 milliseconds auditory reaction speed is slightly better on average making audio cues important for landing interrupts for the fastest casts it can be worth actually holding your gcd in order to make the interrupt more guaranteed take for instance the dark echoes cast from the grotesque horror is in the under Rod if allowed to go through in hierarchies it is almost a guaranteed white but with a sub 1 second cast time it requires very fast reaction speed to kick because of this players should consider sacrificing a small amount of damage and potentially holding their gcd in order to make interrupts more reliable utility Works hand in hand with interrupts and is equally as important for preventing unhealable damage the gust soldiers in vortex pinnacle have a cast called rushing winds and are paired with wild Vortex mobs that cast cyclon both are vital to interrupt but because so many casts are going off all at once it's important that we look for other ways to pseudo-interrupt like relying on stuns or other forms of micro CC the start of brackenhyde hollow includes some very difficult packs during these polls the Bracken War Scourge will periodically enrage with ragestorm causing massive AOE damage the moment this happens players should be instantly ready with any enraged to spell mechanic like shiv tranquilizing shot or soothe these globals despite being DPS losses are always worth the trade since the a damage is lethal while this is happening the cloth Fighters will be fixating on random players doing a huge single Target damage which can be cc'd to stop the channel causing them to go back to the tank and let's not forget the archers who will stand further away and either need to be knocked into the pack or lured with loss this is a very intense pull and requires a huge emphasis on multitasking and utility if you are unwilling to sacrifice a bit of damage and hold globals to counter these mechanics you are going to have a bad time just to recap cooldown management interrupts and utility are all important for playing as a team but at their core is one concept vital for truly breaking out of single player mode it's game knowledge in order to start pushing hierarchies this cannot be overlooked when most people think about game Knowledge from Mythic plus they're usually thinking about the knowledge of each individual dungeon like knowing different routes and memorizing mob and boss mechanics this is all valuable information but we can do better what players tend to overlook is knowledge about other classes that they don't play with soon to be 39 playable specs in World of Warcraft there is a clear reason why people wouldn't want to learn everything about other classes there's just way too much information to memorize but the truth is you don't have to memorize everything instead we can be selective let's go back to our core pillars cooldowns utility and interrupts our goal is to have basic knowledge of all of these categories for every class even the ones we don't play to highlight a practical example let's think of everyone's favorite cooldown Power infusion there are always good targets to Pi but at the same time there is always a best Target if you play priest and don't know how strong Pi can be for a Devastation evoker balance Druid or Enhancement Shaman you could be missing out on a substantial amount of damage if you are constantly piing someone else on top of this if you don't know the cooldowns of other classes you could easily press Pi outside of its optimal Windows this is why we highly recommend tracking party CDs with a cooldown like Omni CD and then memorizing each icon for every class that way when you see Incarnation pop up on your frame you instantly know it's probably a good time to press power infusion one of the best ways to learn about other classes is to actually play other classes or even better to play other roles if you play DPS or tank it might be useful playing a Healer as an ALT so you can understand the game from the Healer perspective and vice versa for instance playing a preservation of ocher might help you learn how to position when playing with healers that have very specific positional limitations this knowledge can then translate into making better decisions when you are grouped with holy paladins or Resto shamans on your main of course it's completely fine to specialize which most people wind up doing but even within your role you can learn a lot by just playing other classes and even if you think you know everything about your main there is always the possibility of doing more as we've mentioned throughout this guide pushing hierarchies means putting a greater emphasis on being able to avoid damage because of this you might need to make Talent adjustments being willing to sacrifice small amounts of damage for more survivability regardless of how much knowledge you are willing to learn if you can manage to learn together with same group of people it will be way more efficient than constantly pugging and playing the game solo there are a few reasons for this for one if you don't play a meta spec it might be harder to find groups in the first place if you play feral Druid we're not saying you have to re-roll but it's important to recognize that as a solo player group leaders are more likely to view as a liability if you are an off meta spec finding reliable groups can not only help avoid any class tuning based issues but also helps build group Synergy the more you play with the same player is the more you're able to understand their strengths and more importantly their limitations it's possible to push Keys entirely through pugging but the experience is going to be far more volatile if you can manage to consistently group with the same players especially with the same tank or healer then you're going to have a much easier and more meaningful experience finally if you just want to see consistent Improvement just Spam keys at the end of the day mythics are like memorizing one long dance combining a bunch of repeatable patterns into one cohesive experience even if you aren't the best dancer at the start you will eventually improve with repetition alone as you get better and more confident at mastering each step within the dungeon just left let's go there's a tendency for players to feel unmotivated while looking at their rating thinking to themselves that they've hit their limit even early into a season they might check the leaderboards and see scores Far and Beyond what is considered possible for the average player and it doesn't help that sometimes the players on the leaderboards make things look easy when tuning into their twitch streams but at the end of the day these are professional players many of which have been playing with the same team for thousands of dungeons it's like comparing yourself to the strongest person at the gym you might be on day 50 but they could be on day 5000 but unlike our bodies which can lose muscle over time our Mythic scorer can only go up so you might as well get in the Reps every week or ideally every day so that piece by piece you can get better at every part of the dance before we wrap things up we want to hear from you we're currently working alongside some of the best players in the world to develop high quality guides from Mythic plus with that in mind what topics would you like us to cover next do you have any specific pain points you would like help with let us know in the comments below and if you like this video and want to see more be sure to subscribe as always though we want to thank you all for watching see you soon foreign
Channel: Skill Capped WoW Mythic+ Guides
Views: 36,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, dragonflight, wow dragonflight, wow, mythic, mythic+, m+, mythic plus, wow 10.1.5, dragonflight wow, dragonflight 10.1.5, wow news, 10.1.5, patch 10.1.5, halls of infusion, brackenhide hollow, freehold, vortex pinnacle, neltharion's lair, uldaman, neltharus, underrot, m+ guide, m+ keys, wow m+, mythic +, asmongold, bellular, df, mmo, rpg, gaming, quazii, yumytv, guide, druid, hunter, mage, paladin, priest, rogue, shaman, warlock, warrior, death knight, monk, demon hunter, evoker
Id: L0EKyko-1bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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