NM100 Thorns Barbarian Build Guide

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all right hey guys this is kagalt again with another video just to kind of show you the build that I used to clear that nightmare dungeon uh definitely enough interest in YouTube and Reddit so thank you for uh you know show me support and on YouTube here please don't forget to hit that sub button so I can try to grow the channel a little bit and maybe come out with some builds in the future as well um but I'm gonna make this short and sweet just kind of go through everything here with you first I'm going to basically show you the gear and why I chose what I chose so on your helmet of course you're looking for stats of strength cooldown reduction life is a huge one you can see that my roles on all this stuff isn't even the best right imprints we're going with the the damage reduction because we're using flurry all the time so basically have a 20 damage reduction flat all the time all right we're jamming all of our Gear with life because the entire build on Thorns is built around your health pool chest armor we're going for massive damage deduction here um bleeding close and fortified we don't really care about distant because we're going to be using our abilities to bring things to us so the last damage reduction you're looking for is going to be an armor percentage or you can even go with a uh I think you can get strength or all stats on it as well now the imprint you have iron skin honestly I I don't it's not that necessary it is necessary for some of the super difficult dungeons out there but um really just for extra survivability and really the Unstoppable portion you for some reason when you get stunned you are basically just dead meat so between the shout and iron skin you can always make sure you don't get stunned in the middle of you know 20 mobs or whatever it is and again you can see my roles on this are not perfect by any means so you can absolutely squeeze out a little bit better damage reduction from it on the gloves here again terrible on the attack speed and the stats and the strength but that's what you're looking for um damage to Injured it's the only reason I use is our this builds specifically because we're we're Thorns it doesn't benefit at all from Critical Strike Critical Strike damage our flurry does but our Fleur is really just to keep up our fortify and damage deduction so we are stacking stacking strength all stats attack speed and extra damage buckets as we can uh pants here oh sorry and the imprint on this we're doing a berserking we want to get that bleeding damage to every mob right because that's going to affect the damage reduction that you receive from that mob it increases the energy due to that does a lot of different things and I'll explain how that works as well to make sure that's 100 uptime so pants here again massive damage deduction you can get four super high rolls and because we are a health pool build once you have enough damage reduction basically not to be one shot then you can trigger your damage reduction while injured and these are massive roles so once your health pool is below 35 health you get an extra damage reduction bucket and mine right now for injured is 64.2 percent so you see the damage in the the health dropping but once it drops to here I get another 64.2 damage reduction on that damage and that's why you'll also notice me not take potions and I'll just kind of hover in that sweet spot there so again close fortified and bleeding is what we're looking for for damage reduction here and injured um most important in print are these right here on the pants so the 35 chance to gain 1259.45 whenever you deal direct damage this is massive so fortify was 52 and a half percent damage reduction bucket huge huge huge and you need to keep it up 100 of the time now a lot of people think that when you use that shout that increases your health you lose your fortify that's not really the case what it's doing is maximum it's giving you more life another 20 or 30 life but it doesn't give you any extra fortify and you have to be 100 fortified life to your life to be fortified so with this you know one-third of my tax with frenzy is giving me 1259.45 which is massive that's why you'll see around my barrier when I'm in combat I always have that fortified barrier even if I'm 100 Health 20 Health doesn't matter I'm 100 fortified and that's why is that imprint right there so boots now this is strictly for pushing right because there's no movement speed or anything on it but again damage reduction while injures the most important thing here with stats I chose four to five generation just because that improves this 1259 here by 30 just makes it easier to keep that uptime on fortitude uh the imprint on it I have that mainly for bosses as well as triggering mobs Dr when you pull them with chains two times they can't be stunned again or it can't be pulled again and it actually makes them Unstoppable which causes you to basically uh do a ton more damage to them make sure your boots have evade charges especially if you don't have movement speed otherwise it's just terrible so we'll go to the neck here armor you want to put that on your neck always because basically The Sweet Spot here is 8 500 with this being 75 uptime as long as you have 100 stack of it you're basically adding 80 damage reduction from armor which is the max and that's what is the the most important thing you need to be between like 75 and 80 damage reduction from armor now I went for cooldown reduction just because I want to keep those shouts up as much as possible damage reduction from fortified and close and you can also get damage reduction from injured on your neck but the problem is once you go above 50 damage reduction your damage reduction gets a diminishing return itself so you only get about half of the credit so if it says 20 it's only going to give you between like nine and ten but once you get above 60 you actually only get now 30 of the stat so even if you got a 40 damage reduction while injured it's actually only giving you like an extra nine or ten percent so it's really not worth it and that's why I re-rolled this to strength percentage and that's massive right you want as much strength as possible for this build because that's what affects the base damage of thorns and I'll explain that as well resistances a lot of people say they don't mean anything now when I was trying to do nightmare builds blind Burrows is what I was doing because I'm basically unkillable because of my poison resistance this is an entirely other damage reduction bucket that affects basically every mob in that dungeon and so I just have a passive extra 23 damage reduction bucket and that's on top of all of these other things that you saw in the dungeon that I cleared or blind Burrows is that much easier I take 23 percent less damage from every mob in there and so to do that you just get the resistances to all your Amulet of course for your rings you want to make sure you have poison on both now I have a fire on one as well and a lightning just to kind of even that damage reduction out but poison is necessary right again I was pushing mainly for blind Burrows so uh ring here both Chieftains that's uh sounds like pretty common reduce the cooldowns of all your stuff you only need a 1.5 second roll or higher and that's the perfect roll on this so that's all you need now this damage to Injured enemies here I would love to get a vulnerable roll on it but I'm broke I have no materials or anything so it is what it is mainly you want life close vulnerable and then it doesn't really matter these damaged buckets are pretty useless honestly this ring here again vulnerable and close to the biggest ones in life uh now this one would my video is like on murder Ink's YouTube he said that this was no one really uses this but he hit it right in the head so the imprint on this is whenever you get a Kill it basically gives you a chance to reduce your brawling skills now with our shouts one of our shouts is a brawling skill and so it reduces that cooldown tremendously so I can keep basically 100 uptime on my shouts without uh having to use that harrogates or that unique chest or whatever it was so uh yeah that's why I use that now let's get to the weapons and how that works so most important thing here is to put the Thorns damage dealt as a chance to deal damage to All Enemies around you again you want to put a perfect 80 roll on there this is how we destroy everything as far as damage is concerned and our damages insane when you have enough mobs because of that now as far as roles on your weapons your item power really doesn't matter at all what you're really looking for is vulnerable damage close damage all sets and strength that's it I put gems as basic skill damage in there because just none of the gems work for this build uh so that's why now weapon here vulnerable strength in all stats again those are the three things that really matter and then I would prefer close on this but I got damaged all observing Soviet and again this got brought up in a lot of the comments and all was why do you use this fire damage so this is probably honestly the most important part of the build because what it does is it hits everything around you and you'll notice when I'm fighting the boss just one verse one I still have a hundred percent uptick of my armor a lot of that's becoming from this fire damage but on top of that when you pull things to you this fire damage is hitting everything around you which procs vulnerable damage for the you know first three seconds every 30 seconds so everything's vulnerable before it gets hit by your first Thorn sandwich so it's uh makes it do a massive amounts of damage all the time but it also puts bleeding on all the mobs instantly which makes it so that again our damage reduction gets triggered we want all that damage reduction to be in play every time we get take damage so that's why I use that keeps that armor Stack Up mainly but also causes my bleeding damage to uh Beyond every bot or every mob next weapon here again strength and all stats the most important things and then vulnerable uh basic skills gain the attack speed we want to do that so frenzy is just attacking super super fast to gain this four to five buff again you always want to be 100 fortified no matter what and the two-hander now again swords are not what you want to use when you benefit Zero from crit strike damage so you want to use actually a pull arm which is this is what I was using before but again the most important stats here are strength all stats vulnerable and close and this just so happened to drop for me and it's quite literally a perfect roller so close now you'll notice my Thorns damages the bare minimum this is because I did this dungeon after the Patch where they nerfed all the forwards damage this used to say 11 000 something and now it's down to 4844 and luckily enough I just got a ring here which I'm going to upgrade but again no materials to do it yet I can only do it once so that I can maximize the the Thorns damage on this I'm going to extract the aspect and I'm going to imprint it on here and that's going to give me that Max role in this making this a little bit better now another thing that some people were questioning in the video there were the consumables but what I meant by that is I the only thing that I use is this Max life potion here uh that's to increase this life pool but you can also use three incense at a time a lot of people I guess don't realize that some people may not even realize that incense or even in the game I don't know but you'll notice this says type 2 type 3 and type one I can use all three of these giving me another 500 life another 40 stats which is another 40 strength plus it helps your crit and overpower damage if you care about that and this one gives me another 25 strength so another 65 strength plus 500 life on top of this pretty nice right on top of your 30 and I didn't use any of that but I do use this whenever I'm trying to push something crazy hard for your expertise we're using the two-handed weapon that's just because we're trying to increase that vulnerable damage that's really the only thing that benefits Thorns honestly so over to our abilities here uh frenzy to start it off now the major reason we use frenzy is again to stack that fortify we are stacking four to five because of the imprint on our pants to increase our four to five every third hit that we do it doesn't matter how much damage you do it just matters that you hit them so uh frenzy is the fastest attacking thing we use that it's going to give us more attack speed here once we're at Max X which is only three stacks and we're also getting 24 damage reduction pretty nice now when I don't push I actually use don't use iron shield at all and I was using both of these I was using Flay and Frenzy because filet also gives you Thorns damage makes things vulnerable and gives you more damage reduction that being said you get into the diminishing returns of damage reduction and this all shares the same bucket so even though you can get up to 12 damage reduction it's really only giving you about six when you have this so that's why I don't use that anymore uh put four points into frenzy strictly because there's nothing in core that benefits are built defensives we're going for additional Max life because again this entire build Works around our life damage Direction against Elites this is an entirely owned damage bucket which is why this is uh pretty vital to have you're getting an actual nine percent damage reduction rallying try mainly use this because we are unstoppable plus it triggers uh more cooldown reduction to our other important shouts plus it's giving us a little bit of fortify right iron shield or iron skin again this is mainly to go off the imprint to make us Unstoppable I get I just put fortify in there just because I always want to make sure I'm 100 fortified but I I don't really care about putting points in there or anything again I rarely use it it's really only if I get sun locked or if I feel like I'm about to get I'm still locked uh challenging sound we use this mainly because we want this 20 bonus maximum life but then this this is what makes this build crazy right so you get 30 of your maximum life as Thorns but when you add that without bursts this is 20 of your life so you're basically getting 50 of your life between these two whenever this shout is up right massive damage from Thorns that's when I have everything up talking you know 14 000 Thorns from these two towns alone on top of that you're increasing your Thorns by nine percent and it causes your Thorns to do bleeding but nine percent increase especially once you have over ten thousand Thorns damage it's pretty massive so then we come down here uh we're doing our wrong Stills we do War crying now we want war cry we don't really care about the damage honestly or the berserking because we can keep it up but it's it's nice right it's a nice little cushion but if it is this is what triggers off our bear clan ring because it's a wrong skill so this is up very often which helps reduce the cooldowns of these two abilities to make sure that we're never stun locked as well as having this up as for the maximum amount of time so that we're doing massive Thorn sandwich over here we're uh increases the shout skills right one lasts long want the enemies to deal less damage again this is its own damage reduction bucket because this isn't affecting your characters is actually affecting the mob itself so basically they have a curse on them or a debuff on them that's causing them to do 12 less damage not taking you to take 12 less damage so that's massive so then over here you can of course increase this but I only like one percent because I like to keep in this injured zone and if I take more than one percent it pops me up and so if you get up to like 40 health an elite can actually one shot you sometimes so that's why I like one percent uh coming on down here damage reduction against distant again and some increased damage close it's not that important but pretty nice so my internet went out sweet or maybe to kick me off for a second all right so that's going over all the shouts right now we get this here for the 90 damage reduction as well forgot to do that so we get this but here now I'm saying damage reduction while berserking pretty important as well nine percent increase damage to close enemies and gain six percent damage reduction all right versus again not that important but we take it just because there's really not too many other places to put our points at this point um steel grass but the reason we put five points into this let's get that cooled down to 7.02 if I get rid of one it's only a 0.3 second cooldown chain or a reduction but still worth it don't know what to do with points anyways uh each time you take direct damage you gain one percent base damage is fortified helps that four to five Max you can also get increased damage down here and extra damage reduction but again because the diminishing returns on damage reduction I was only getting like uh point six percent per click so I was getting like two percent from a full just wasn't worth it to me came down here and got attack speed instead and then increased uh berserker's maximum duration by five so that means your berserking duration can go up to 10 seconds which allows you to stack this which only gives you uh two seconds as well as this giving you six seconds plus all of our duration increase to observing so berserking lasts basically the maximum duration when we're using these and that's pretty huge for quality of life and damage reduction so then to our paragon so the main gist of the Paragon is to grab as much strength as possible as well as as much life as possible physical damage does nothing for the Thorns build uh we're just going here for life so life life life going up here we're putting exploit in here that's because we want vulnerable damage vulnerable is obviously the biggest multiplier in the game other than crit damage and crit image does nothing for us so we're relying on vulnerable this also is allowing that Flames to from that are shooting out around us to apply vulnerability to all the mobs before our Thorns hits them for the first time so it chunks them right away so you want to grab as much dexterity in here to increase this vulnerability damage I think I actually have all the dexterity that's possible and then again you don't care about physical damage but I was just reading one the plus 10 strength since it was right next to here uh went armor to get up here also gives me more strength don't really care about resistances of the armor just because it's not that big of a deal since I have the Rings and amulet already for when I'm running over here we're getting berserker's duration we don't care about damage this five percent bucket is basically nothing the duration is what we're looking for coming back up here we don't really care about any of these I mean this is pretty nice for quality of life especially if you're doing speed runs and stuff uh but for push builds not necessary at all again coming up here just for life it's all we care about coming down here we're doing the ire that's giving us damage reduction um as well as which is 10 to our berserking damage reduction and then of course you get damage increase while berserking for every strength note so this is where I dumped a lot of my just extra Paragon points that I didn't know what to do with to give me extra strength I just double dipped here to give me a little bit extra damage as well didn't really need any of these uh extras here mainly because we get the all stats on all of our gear so we don't really need willpower any of that stuff so we move on up get more berserking because again didn't really care about potion healing and all that stuff this Carnage stuff uh pretty nice for frenzy just increases your attack speed even more not really that necessary but honestly my build was pretty nice and I had like 15 extra points so I just put this in here to increase some attack speed because it had a lot of strength on the weight to it as well uh but coming on up here you're getting damaged more strength but you're also putting your thorns in here now that that's not as big of a deal the reason I put this in here mainly is for the 100 bonus to all rare nodes giving me that extra strength because I love strength and it's giving me a little bit of extra damage reduction for close enemies says nine percent but again from diminishing turns I'm getting like three and a half or four percent from that so still pretty nice I do come on up here because again I want this Berserker duration that's what I'm looking for basis today absorbing up 24 7. going over here you're coming up to get your damage reduction while fortified and then you're coming down here again more life and then glyph we're going with territorial that's giving us more damage reduction from close again it's not really 10 it's really I don't know four and it's also given us some extra damage to close enemies now you can come up here you can also get some damage reduction while healthy but I really care about the name of Seduction while injured and five percent is really nothing I don't even know really why I went over here other than to get this dexterity node and more strength so come on down near got some more max life physical damage doesn't matter we're putting the Marshall glyph in here this is giving us that 120 20 25 bonus all magic which is increasing all this vulnerable damage now quick thing here this board that I'm using which is I guess decimator I don't really care for any of these legendary notes they don't really affect thorns but this one if you're leveling up or if you're like a fresh 50 or whatever that level is this should be your first board because vulnerable damage is just massive but anyways going back to this Marshall so it's giving us that extra vulnerable damage which is huge and damage reduction from vulnerable enemies and we always want to keep that vulnerable going on mobs Plus what's allowing us to reduce all the cooldowns to keep up the maximum life shout to give us the max Thorns damage come on down here again more max life coming on down here for more vulnerable damage so that's the Paragon tree so that's the build that's how it all works when it's in effect uh I'll just pop this open real quick just to show you what those incense and everything does to the build and how that works but I hope you guys enjoyed seeing the the clear of the dungeon and that you know it's intrigued a lot of you into looking at this type of build I'm happy that Reddit blew up the way it did and I loved all the comments and all that it is a lot I am definitely not a streamer or a YouTuber so forgive the uh the lack of editing and all that good stuff but it is what it is so just to show you again you can use this Max life I can use all three of these incense so now I'm at 1831 strength 27 000 life so when I hit this now I'm at 32 000 life guys I'm gonna do all three of my shouts you're looking at 8600 armor 12 500 attack power and all that life right so a bunch of stuff cool things to do good luck with your grinds and thanks again for all the support don't forget to hit that sub button and show me some love and I will continue to uh bring out some more information if that's what you guys want to see thanks again
Channel: Kevin Gault
Views: 20,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thorns Build, Diablo 4, Diablo, Thorns Barb, NM100, NM100 barb, Barb build, d4 barb build, d4 thorns build, thorns, thorns guide, d4 thorns barb, kGAULT, GAULT
Id: 2hhVHxfoY44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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