EVERY RANGED DPS RANKED! | Mythic+ Class Picking Guide

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ladies and gentlemen we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming with an urgent and mind-boggling Revelation it appears that shadow priests are back at it again you might recall our previous reports where they were caught utilizing their mind controlling powers to influence endless reworks to their class design but hold on to your tinfoil hats folks because our trusted sources have uncovered and even more astonishing development now it appear priests are using their mind-altering abilities to infiltrate the very fabric of group dynamics and secure invites to Mythic plus dungeons but fear not we here at skill cap have reached out to some of the best MDI experienced players in the world including those from both Echo and Method All with the aim to shatter the illusion that shadow priests are the only viable range DPS out there right now in order to rank our range DPS we will be doing so by taking each one and assigning score at a 10 across three distinct metrics the first of which being damage this is mostly weighted towards good AOE damage however we will also take into account both single Target damage and priority damage as these are equally significant factors in determining overall damage output the second metric is survivability this aspect holds significant importance particularly in season 2 where certain mechanics and bosses can inflict very sustained high damage therefore specs that are naturally durable and well kitted to handle such mechanics are valued very highly lastly we have the third metric utility this is quite comprehensive and includes several factors mob control which comprises of crowd control slows interrupts and general AOE crowd control options available to the spec and general party-wide utility encompassing beneficial Buffs cooldowns off healing capabilities battle resses dispels and any other elements that contribute to enhancing the specialization's overall usefulness inside of dungeons coming to absolutely no surprise to anybody our first and highest ranked range DPS is of course Shadow priest in terms of damage Shadow priest is the gold standard of what a m plus DPS should bring to the table for standard AOE Shadow priest is up there with the best of them with the majority of their damaging coming from their two key damage over time effects which can be applied with ease thanks to Shadow crash allowing you to get them active immediately and consistently thanks to its very short cooldown what truly solidifies Shadow priest dominance is that despite delivering some of the highest AOE damage possible they achieved this primarily through their standard single Target rotation this is made possible by psychic link which spreads the damage from their single Target damage to any Targets they have empiric touch on so not not only are they competing for the top spot on single Target but they're also incredibly adapted doing priority damage inside of pulls as they can choose whichever Target they want to focus furthermore Shadow priests compared to other specs isn't heavily reliant on the need for cooldowns or specific pulling patterns to cater to their need that being said on June 28th we did end up seeing some class balancing implemented to specifically tone down Shadow's AOE damage despite those targeted changes the overall effect of the Nerf was relatively small resulting in only around a slight three percent reduction to Shadow's overall damaging keys so even after the Nerfs they continue to be one of the best range dps's out there so we'll be rewarding them a 9 out of 10 score for damage moving on to survivability Shadow priest proves to be equally Adept it boasts a wide array of defensive cooldowns each varying in strength dispersion serves as a perfect tool for handling any level of incoming damage desperate prayer offers a valuable buffer enabling you to avoid One-Shot mechanics or providing an additional bit of Health for your healer or tank to save you notably when combined with the Angel's Mercy Talent desperate prayers cooldown can be remarkably short making it particularly effective in certain encounters such as the third boss in Halls of infusion the safety net of angelic bulwark and even just power word Shields here and there also act as a great buffer to either help survive or deal with incoming damage then of course they've also got both protective light which can be easily maintained as well as the damage reduction provided by fade thanks to translucent image which has next to no cooldown both offering further damage reduction the only true weakness of Shadow is that they can sometimes struggle into purely physical based damage and lack no complete immunity so we'll be rewarding them another high score of 9 out of 10. when it comes to utility Shadow priest certainly does not disappoint boasting various different utility tools such as power infusion which depending on who you ask may not even belong to the shadow priests themselves you got Mass to spell which depending on the dungeon and what affixes are active that week can be crucial for the success of the key making it single-handedly one of the best utility spells in the game then the ability to purge and also remove diseases can and again be important in dungeons like brackenhyde or when dealing with The Afflicted effects also you can't mention priest utility without covering mindsoothe which is proven to be an integral tool for a lot of common dungeon rounds power word fortitude holds immense value as you progress into higher level keys while the additional off healing provided by vampiric Embrace and occasional Shields cannot be neglected either mob control is where Shadow priests slightly lacks though only really having psychic scream which even then though is still very strong as an AOE stop the weak point is their interrupt though as Silence has a much longer cooldown than some of the other ranged interrupts bearing that in mind we're going to be giving Shadow priests another 9 out of 10 primarily attributed to just how strong both Mass dispel and power infusion can be with an impressive total score of 27 out of 30 Shadow priests truly stand out as a force to be reckoned with excelling across all three metrics the strength of Shadow priest lies in their straightforward play style allowing them to consistently deliver High overall damage without heavy Reliance on cooldowns or specific pulling strategies this versatility makes them a formidable choice for any level of Mythic plus content while Shadow priests do face certain limitations such as a lack of Mobility their weaknesses are relatively minor but as key levels increase players will need to meet higher expectations in terms of correctly utilizing their utility survivability tools and fulfilling specific spec requirements overall Shadow priests have proven themselves to be a dominant and sought after specialization being the strongest and most represented range spec right now balanced Druids are our second highest performing range DPS I mean really did you expect anything less damage wise balance Druids look like they might struggle this season after losing their Giga strong season 1 tier set however balance has surprised everybody with some of the highest sustained AOE DPS possible primarily coming of course from their Moon fire and Sunfire coupled with Starfall which can be incredibly beneficial especially in higher Keys when mobs start to live a little bit longer on single Target they're equally as well kitted with very high single Target damage if played well even beating out Shadow priests on bosses however their only real weak point is when it comes the AOE priority damage and their decline in strength on 2-3 Target cleave these limitations can come into play on certain boss encounters nevertheless balanced Druids remain unmatched in terms of the overall damage they can dish out across the majority of dungeons only truly rivaled by Shadow priests considering their overall performance we will award them a score of 9 out of 10. survivability wise Druids stand out as one of the most resilient range specializations they possess several tools to enhance their survivability such as the relatively short cooldown of bark skin and renewal to mitigate or heal through incoming damage however the bulk of their survivability especially in higher end Keys relies on the use of bear form whereby shifting inside prior to mechanics can allow them to survive due to their increased health and durability the trade-off however is of course you'll be losing a ton of potential damage output which can occasionally present some challenges as a whole though balanced Druids will be getting an 8 out of 10 for survivability when it comes to utility balanced Roots surpass the competition possessing the most extensive toolkit among ranged DPS specializations in terms of mob control they are unrivaled offering multiple AOE crowd control options such as incapacitating Roar typhoon and solar beam balanced Druids also bring a plethora of party utility abilities like stampeding Roar soothe Nature's vigil innervate and the battle res provided by rebirth all of which can be valuable additions to any group composition additionally they possess both a poison and a de-curse removal ability which can prove highly useful in specific dungeons one of the most significant aspects of their utility kit is the party-wide buff provided by Mark of the wild this buff is arguably the best raid buff in Mythic plus content as it offers both damage and damage reduction for the entire party considering the extensive range of utility tools available to balance Druids we will reward them a well-deserved score of 10 out of 10 for utility they bring an array of crowd control party support and valuable Buffs that greatly contribute to the success of any group in Mythic plus dungeons with an impressive score of 27 out of 30 balanced Druids emerge as strong contenders for the top spot alongside Shadow priests similar to Shadow priest balance Druids are relatively easy to pick up and perform well on making them an excellent choice for ranged players looking to venture into Mythic plus content but in order to excel you're going to need a vast knowledge of the spec itself as in order to min max there's a ton of different variables you're going to have to master for playing around arcanic pulsar and Incarnation as well as mastering how and when to best use your extensive utility kit the next range DPS spiraling towards the top of our tier list is the devastation evoker Devastation evokers have seen a surge in popularity this season thanks in large part to the power of their tier set where the set bonus alone can contribute to over 10 percent of their total damage output with their straightforward rotation and Powerful effects of their Mastery Devastation of oakers have become known for their exceptional single Target and AOE damage in fact their upfront burst damage is arguably the highest in the game especially in lower level keys where such a damage profile can be incredibly valuable of course there is one catch you need to stay alive when it comes to play style the devastation of ocher's strength lies in their ability to capitalize on a short cooldowns like fire breath eternity Surge and deep breath for the bulk of their damage however it's worth noting they may lack specific AOE priority damage but when you're dealing with such immense damage to everything around you it hardly seems to matter so overall we'll be rewarding them a very high 9 out of 10. as far as survivability is concerned Devastation of ocher does very well which may come as a surprise to most people the combination of having male armor combined with two charges of their damage reduction obsidian scales makes handling most mechanics easily doable then in addition to having the extra self-sustained from abilities like renewing Blaze Rescue and even Emerald Blossom adds that extra bit of survivability making them quite durable as a whole so we'll be giving a score of eight when it comes to utility Devastation can compete with the best possessing powerful AOE stops in the form of their racial skills Wing buffet and tail swipe additionally they bring abundant party utility that greatly benefits the team for example their ability Zephyr provides a 20 damage reduction against area of effect attacks proving invaluable against certain bosses the devastation of oakers also offer valuable support in the form of dispelling poisons with expunge and removing bleed curse and disease effects through cauterizing flame these abilities make it much easier to handle bosses like chargath and nilferas who inflict physical debuffs let's not forget the added benefit of off healing provided by skills such as rescue verdant Embrace and emerald Blossom moreover Devastation of oakers possess Niche utility with skills like oppressing Roar combined with the overall Talent these can provide huge value especially during raging weeks where enraging effects can be removed with a single press furthermore Fury of the aspects of course grants the highly sought after bloodlust effect making them a particularly desirable Caster considering these factors it seems fitting to a war Devastation voker a solid rating of 9 out of 10 for their overall utility with a total score of 26 Devastation is great for those that enjoy dealing High upfront burst damage all while still being able to assist your party in a multitude of ways the only real weaknesses of Devastation are their low range inherent aggro issues coupled with the fact that they can often be quite cool down Reliant meaning if tanks are not generating adequate threat as well as pulling around you you're at risk of losing a ton of damage and as a lot of specs out there with great power comes great responsibility as you have an abundance of situational utility as well as defensive cooldowns that all need to be proactively used it's going to involve a certain level of dungeon knowledge to meet demands especially when pushing those higher Keys the last hybrid class we will discuss on this list is the elemental shaman unfortunately Elemental shamans while still strong have become somewhat of a rarity compared to their melee counterpart in terms of damage Elemental primarily excels at AOE damage having very high upfront damage from abilities like storm keeper coupled with the passive effects of lightning rod alongside the sustained AOE pressure from both liquid magma totem and storm Elemental for those more challenging packs but this can in turn make them very cool down Reliant as their damage from just chain Lightnings and earthquakes alone isn't as strong as some of the other specs where Elemental falls behind some of the higher specs on this list is when it comes to both priority and single Target damage where they're slightly lack so because of this we will be giving them a respectable score of 8 out of 10. the weak point of Elemental and with all Shaman specs as a whole is their survivability outside of Astral shift Nature's guardian and the extra Health gained from Earth Elemental you have no real way of mitigating damage especially High sustained damage and as we all know survivability has become a huge Factor this season with healing requirements being at an all-time high this makes Elemental as a spec far less desirable the higher you climbing key levels so we'll be giving a rather low score of 5 out of 10. where Elemental shamans truly Excel is utility they possess unparalleled mob control abilities including a ranged kick with a short cooldown a knock-up effect from thunderstorm and AOE stun from capacitor totem slows from earthbine totem and the valuable RNG stuns from earthquake in terms of group wide utility shamans are equally equipped with abilities such as poison cleansing totem which remains incredibly useful this season ancestral guidance to Aid with specific healer checks Stone skin totem for mitigating physical damage and Windrush totem for Swift maneuvering around dungeons or dealing with certain boss mechanics additionally having access to both bloodlust and Purge greatly enhances the value they bring to any group while Elemental Shaman's reign supreme and MOB control among the ranged classes they fall slightly behind balanced Druids and overall utility consequently we'll give them a solid score of nine tallying up the scores this gives elemental shaman a total of 22 out of 30. having a heavy focus on AOE damage as well as providing any group with strong utility options with their primary weaknesses being their lack of priority damage and inherently weak survivability but this is only really an issue if you're looking to push into that upper echelon of key levels nonetheless when it comes to General Keys Elemental shamans prove to be one of the best carry specs as our last three classes are Mage Warlock and Hunter will primarily focus on the most dominant spec that being said we'll still make sure to discuss the differences and award each spec their own scores starting with Mage the clear standout here is of course fire fire Mage has a very clear Niche on the damage front and that's their incredibly powerful AOE damage priority how their damage profile works is that their single Target and AOE are virtually identical and the majority of your AOE damage comes from hitting one Target and then cleaving with Ignite from them this makes them incredibly Adept for dealing with certain pulls that have a high health or high priority Target but depending on how you look at it this strength can also be one of their major weaknesses as some large AOE pulls or even in lower level keys there may not be a high Health mob that remains alive long enough for you to really make the most out of your damage but even then a well-played fire Mage can easily top overall damage in dungeons for this reason we'll be giving them an 8 out of 10. in comparison to the other Mage specs Arcane is the next closest Contender on the damage front again having a very similar profile looking to focus on one Target and then cleaving around it for their AOE damage in fact the damage during cooldowns far exceeds that of fire as Arcane has arguably some of the highest burst imaginable the problem is though that it's not only way more cooldown Reliant but these cooldowns have lower up time and longer cooldown durations therefore while Arcane excels in reaching impressive highs in terms of damage it also experiences considerable lows during periods when cooldowns are not active so we'll be giving them a slightly lower 7 out of 10. in contrast Frost Mage stands out as the more user-friendly option among the three major specs it is less reliant on optimal pulls and precise cooldown usage to perform well making it a more consistent choice this can however prove beneficial in lower level dungeons or for novice players however despite its ease of play Frost's overall damage output is generally considered underwhelming so rewarding anything more than six would be a crime moving on as a whole Mages exhibit a rather high level survivability compensating for their limited passive survivability with powerful defensive cooldowns to rotate through all Mage specializations have access to mirror images ice block Ultra time greater invisibility and their respective barriers these defensive tools coupled with shifting power to get them back enables Mages to effectively manage any level of boss fight however however it is worth noting that Mages May struggle against sustained high damage due to the absence of passive damage reduction which is their main weakness right now out of the three the only noticeable difference is that fire and frost gain some additional survivability fire gains a cheat death from cauterize whereas Frost gets a second ice block from cold snap which can arguably be valued equally overall we'll be giving fire and frost an eight and Arcane a 7 out of 10 for survivability last up we've got utility again this is fairly equal across the board with all three specs having access to multiple high-valued AOE stops in the form of dragon's breath and blast wave as well as counterspell paired up with the talent quick-witted for a decently short cooldown single Target interrupt party utility wise all Mage specs of course have access to both Arcane intellect as well as time warp for that must have bloodlust effect a decurse which has only a few uses this season you also can't undervalue how important having more powerful food can be especially for your healer as a whole though utility definitely isn't a major straw Long Point as such we'll be rewarding a six for both Arcane and fire while Frost with their additional slows will be receiving a seven taking a look at the compiled Mage scores fire scores the highest with respectable 22 gaining the highest points in both damage and survivability among the three specs with its main strengths being that abundance of priority damage in AOE situations although they're still reliant on combustion talents like kindling and Sun King's blessing makes it far less punishing Frost is a close runner-up with a total of 21 losing a few points on the damage front where they're severely lacking but like we mentioned it's far easier for newer players or Mages looking to pug Keys as you're less dependent on correct pull timings where Frost excels between the specs is on the utility front where the consistent slows and control over Mobs Can often provide considerable value Arcane is the lowest scoring of the three specs scoring one point under Frost and two Under Fire having a total of 20 across all three metrics despite its very high damage during cooldowns it's just not a spec that can really thrive in Mythic plus not only due to how Reliant you are in your group to play around your cooldowns but also due to its passive damage output being comparatively low so all in all while Frost may have its niches Arcane is just a worse version of fire for dungeons right now next up we've got warlock again in the same way as we just did with Mages we'll cover all three specs and give them their individual rankings across each metric undoubtedly the strongest among the Warlock specs is destruction this specialization thrives in various damage aspects firstly when it comes to large scale pulls destruction excels due to the high sustained damage provided by Reign of Fire and immolate coupled with infernals resulting in impressive overall damage output even without the Reliance on offensive cooldowns destruction also shines in single Target encounters and particularly excels in two target cleave situations where have it can make the spec unrivaled on certain pools and bosses however it is worth noting that destruction's overall damage performance declines significantly on three to eight targets which unfortunately comprises a considerable portion of most pulls and for this reason we'll be giving them a 7 out of 10. demonology Falls slightly behind on overall damage but arguably as a far more desirable Niche and that's for its insane single Target damage during demonic Tyrant this alone can make the spec Excel especially on tyrannical weeks where they can absolutely destroy bosses with clever manipulation of wild imps that being said though although it's by no means competing for the top spot demonology's overall AOE damage is still relatively strong thanks to the damage of your dog's implosion and felguard's Bladestorm so weaving a score of 6 out of 10 is fair coming is no surprise to anybody the weakest of the three specs in terms of damage is Affliction Affliction just has so many issues now it's difficult to even know where to start you can either opt to focus on single Target or AOE damage with your spec and struggle to do both but even then the numbers are so low right now that it doesn't even matter as you'll be bottom of the Barrel in both hopefully we see some big improvements in the next patch as for now Affliction will get our lowest damage score of three our next metric is survivability and this is where all three specs of warlock Excel being arguably the most passively durable out of all the range DPS right now not only do they boast the largest overall health pool but also get a consistent absorb provided by Soul leech and the Damage reduction of Soul link these alone basically cover the majority of incoming sustained damage but then for uncertain bosses or pulls if this proves to not be enough then you even got potent defensive cooldowns namely dark pact which for just a 45 second cooldown allows you to survive practically all mechanics in addition to all the standard defensives you then even got health Stone mortal coil or unending resolve to rotate through undoubtedly both destruction and demonology both score 9 out of 10 here but Affliction due to its requirement on grimoire of sacrifice will drop down to an eight moving to utility all three warlock specs provide a ton of value to any group both through their extensive mob control via abilities like Shadow Fury for that AOE interrupt as well as curse of tongues mortal coil or even potentially fear spam which can all be used to prevent important casts going through party utility wise warlocks also bring a lot to the table with health stone which will always provide value the ability to battle res with soulstone furthermore Gateway proves useful in specific encounters such as Watcher iridius in Halls of infusion or for skipping packs like the bridge and Freehold for instance utility does however differ slightly between the specs destruction stands out with the added benefit of a stun from its summon infernal ability along with the reliable non-diminishing return stuns from blasphemy on the other hand demonology specializations interrupt is perceived as slightly less value due to its accompanying stun effect surprisingly this can often be more of a hindrance than a benefit whereas afflictions interrupt is a lot more reliable due to not being attached to your pet which can be seen as a positive for this reason we'll be giving destruction the highest utility score of 8 Affliction a 7 and demonology a six tallying up the score's destruction Reigns Supreme with a total of 24 excelling in large AOE scenarios and two target cleave all while also not being too heavily reliant on cooldowns furthermore its innate durability adds to its appeal positioning destruction as one of the most beginner friendly specs to delve into for Mythic plus with its only real weakness being a lack of mobility and heavy requirement on casting for single Target situations demonology gets a total score of 21. overall its damage is just far too nuanced for the average player not only is it far too heavily focused around single Target for the majority of low-level dungeon groups but also in order to compete requires extensive spec and dungeon knowledge due to the mechanics and exploits behind demonic Tyrant sadly Affliction falls behind behind the other warlock specs with a relatively low score of 18. its primary and major drawback stems from its underwhelming damage output while Affliction does offer commendable utility and survivability options damage ultimately carries the majority of value a spec brings in Mythic plus and affliction really doesn't have any redeemable qualities right now and with warlock wrapped up that brings us to our final range class of Hunter bear in mind we'll be covering survival inside of our melee tier list so be on the lookout for that starting off with Beast Mastery damage the spec currently resides in the lower to Middle range of performance this season it excels in high sustained single Target damage with a particular niche in dungeons with a large number of targets thanks to its uncapped AOE potential this makes it exceptionally strong in dungeons like Freehold and brackenhyde however Beast Mastery Falls considerably short when it comes to pulling packs one at a time that being said the spec isn't without its advantages such as its high uptime on beastial wrath which ensures a steady stream of damage so you won't see those low lows or high highs other specs have making them very reliable also it has to mentioned that BM gains points for easy to play and pick up straightforward play style coupled with its damage being unhindered by movement effects overall for this reason we'll be giving them a 6 out of 10. Marksmanship on the other hand is a polar opposite to Beast Mastery and brings an extremely burst oriented damage profile primarily revolving around a two minute window utilizing their strongest cooldown of true shot in addition to a mini burst window every 45 seconds with volley Salvo and death chakram overall especially now after the June 26 Buffs to both aimed shot kill shot and Rapid Fire Marksmanship has slightly closed the gap between the other Hunter specs on the damage front doing decently well in both single Target and small scale AOE thanks to trick shots but however due to its Target cap can drastically fall off on more than six Target pools that being said its on-demand burst damage and Target swapping capabilities definitely provide some value but as a whole we think Marksmanship despite boasting different strengths is around the same level as BM overall so we'll be rewarding a 6 out of 10 for damage while damage does carry the major majority of the value that a DPS spec brings you can't underestimate survivability or in the case of Hunter lack thereof both mm and BM are heavily lacking in this department having almost non-existent passive survivability meaning no self-healing and no passive mitigation how they look to survive is primarily via their long cooldown defensives aspect of the turtle and survival of the fittest in addition to exhilaration and possibly even forth through to the bear depending on your pet of which both are very minor especially though now season 2 Hunter's overall survivability kit is just nowhere near enough to combat the consistent Onslaught from most bosses and require extensive Focus healing and externals to survive higher end Keys as a result we'll be giving Beastmaster a score of 5 out of 10 and Marksmanship due to lacking the additional survivability from their pet a 4 out of 10. it doesn't get any better on the Utility side of things either where Hunters are notorious for bringing well nothing their main standout utility is the bloodlust effect provided by Primal Rage however this comes with certain limitations Marksman friendship Hunters need to dismiss their pet to benefit from The Lone Wolf Talent while Beast Mastery Hunters may have to re-summon their tenacity pet to benefit from fortitude to the bear aside from bloodlust Hunters have some Niche utility options freezing trap can be situationally useful for crowd control especially on the last boss in Freehold drank shot can come in handy for dispelling in rages or handling fixates binding shot can provide value in certain situations such as Corner pools or stopping retreating mobs while the slow effect from tar trap is always a welcome addition both also have misdirection for assisting tanks and pulling or maintaining threat however since most of beastmastery's damage comes from their pet misdirection is not as impactful but they do bring an added stun from intimidation overall both ranged Hunter specs lack any real significant party-based utility and their mob control options have their limitations considering these factors a score of 4 out of 10 seems fair for both Marksmanship and Beastmaster hunters in terms of utility telling the scores up Beastmaster receives a rather low score of 15. but remember especially in lower Keys the lack of utility and survivability are not as important factors and BM Still Remains to be competitive on overall damage while being one of the most consistent and easy to do well with specs out there right now after considering the recent damage Buffs Marksmanship Hunter receives a slightly lower score of 14 out of 30. however it should be noted that Marksmanship Hunter now boasts significantly higher burst damage on single Target and small scale pulls while also excelling at quickly swapping targets ultimately the choice between Beast Mastery and Marksmanship Hunter depends on personal playstyle preferences both specs have their own strengths and weaknesses offering distinct damage patterns with their survivability issues being for the most part A non-factor until you get into the highest level of keys before we conclude we have one huge disclaimer and would like to emphasize that our ranking should not discourage anyone from playing a ranged DPS spec that they enjoy the tier list provided is simply a benchmark for the performance of ranged CPS specs in higher end Mythic plus Keys it it is important to note that the rankings may not fully reflect the Spec's performance in all scenarios at lower end Keys the primary consideration is often the damage output of a spec particularly without the need for coordinated pulls and precise cooldown management ultimately the most important factor is finding a spec that aligns with your play style and brings enjoyment to your gameplay experience if you enjoyed the video and would like to see more content in the future don't forget to give it a like and drop a comment to let us know your thoughts we appreciate your support and thanks for watching see you soon
Channel: Skill Capped WoW Mythic+ Guides
Views: 16,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, dragonflight, wow dragonflight, wow, mythic, mythic+, mythic plus, wow 10.1.5, dragonflight wow, dragonflight 10.1.5, 10.1.5, patch 10.1.5, m+ guide, wow m+, asmongold, bellular, quazii, yumytv, mythic+ tier list, tier list, df, wow tier list, dragonflight tier list, m+ tier list, dragonflight caster tier list, mythic+ ranged dps tier list, best mythic+ dps dragonflight, best mythic+ classes, warlock, mage, hunter, druid, shaman, evoker, priest, m+ keys, m+
Id: BTtfJbvXM5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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