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James here and if you're wondering why those videos upside down well that's because I'm in Australia and as you know everything Australia is upside down I was a lot funnier anyway today I'm gonna be asking that what Australians think about Americans / America now I'm doing this video in Adelaide South Australia the best city in Australia so let's go hunt down some Aussies and find out what they think about Americans so the first question is have you ever been to America yep four times yes I was like in my sunshine and me the yeah we're nice 50 yeah I did no no no no no so it's a collective note when they're in 2015 no what are your general thoughts on America well I think it's a lovely place I love the beaches i watch lots of programs and it sounds different wild wild flies hello plus lots of different things well I absolutely love it like yeah and like lots of sports and that's really okay there's like a lot of fast food places and I think of theme parks cuz there's a lot of them there right and it's very fun I like it it's a fun place to go food the people the sports I love American football yeah it's it's great it's a it's a great place I love snow when I come home my husband said to me you don't darling if I wasn't married to you and I had this many children I wouldn't a can bake yeah sorry from what I've seen of it I like it um just expensive and Donna knows something defensive country what you see is very busy like very like um I know a bit fun as well use a lot of things to do there that's sort of fun yep it sounds like very nice country lots of nice people around there very nice country very big good president Donald Trump I'd much rather be there than here depending on the pie that are even gone happy or they love their own wives I probably be more inclined to motorbikes because that's what I do when I've got time to do I'll go riding if you're from a blade look us up on Facebook it's just Freedom Riders fat people and all my friends with a guy that their food proportions are just massive and everything's fried well when I went there were lots of homeless people all over the streets which I thought was a lot so I don't know it was quite crazy to see the amount of people that were homeless there but I don't know it was I just didn't feel really safe like being out here by myself like I could don't think I could be able to walk down the street like I could hear but yeah what do you think about Americans the people themselves love like absolutely fine more upfront yeah they're pretty show people just so the same as lost just different actually yeah I think they're nice some some of them have a bit of an attitude really friendly and yep they really nice really nice people open-handed they always I think they just they meet you and you do best friends and they just love people from other countries and they make it feel so welcome overwhelmingly welcome then they and all that kind of thing and when we were over there they were pretty good yeah they're serving us ok and stuff oh I think some could be nicer I feel like they kind of like at light they're like so like special or something yeah like snobby or something I like the accent yes yeah yeah they're pretty cool because I have a coach that's American I've got like a really strong accent it depends on the neighborhood I've met a few over the years and they've either been real snobby like they don't want anything to do once they know that you're from Australia or they just I like Iceland just take you for who you are and then go from there they cool they got they've got a good accent which is always good right they always they're very trendy they're very they know what's going on I don't know I feel like they kind of treat it just Raelians like we're so different like they say like oh I love your accents or like well you're the one with accent like we don't have an accent but yeah people oricon nice very friendly oricon from what what is something you like about America perhaps I like the way they are just always part of the rest of the world music music all the music that comes out of there yes I sound like all their sporting arenas like they're really being they're just really cool I like the way America feels it feels like a very happy place kind they're just family they make you part of their families they always never forget you they keep in contact with you I made lifelong friends over there I like the way that they make their hamburgers I make they use proper meats there's in Australia they use they use all sorts probably the theme park like Disneyland I like how like they make all the movies there I reckon that's like pretty good in general because but there's lovely people there there's lots of things to do it's just good in general like the people because they're like really nice and there's a lot of big houses over there laid-back cops and laid-back traffic laws you can customize your vehicles to whatever extent you want over there over here you can't the mute the movie studios like Warner Bros and all that because I make some of the better movies out there like how diverse it is but there are so many different people in America that it's really cool to see like music and like the youtubers like that All American like the ones I watch anyway and like I don't know they're just so inspiring yeah now something you do not like about America I don't like the idea of that wall to Mexico I don't like the idea of shutting country stuff because we're all human beings we're all people and we should all just care about each other I couldn't say anything I don't like I've never been there so something I don't like there's like fast food places everywhere it's really hard to find somewhere actually nice to eat like there's a McDonald's in every suit I swear it's too far away it's got to be closer do something about the gun control right yeah because yeah there's too many shootings over there so it'll be good if they could limit it a little bit yeah exactly and so they don't like probably I don't know it seems very crowded politics feminist just a toxicity of it to be honest kids yeah let's face it there's no such thing as a good feminist in America would probably be Donald Trump because if he keeps going the way that he's going we're gonna end up the mobile free and that's not gonna be pretty food hurt again everything's so fattening big they don't calm down relating back to that like how every time you go somewhere you have to tip and then like it's so annoying like that was so annoying when we went away but I don't know it probably just how I'm like you so nervous to go out in the street because it's so dangerous but I don't know sure it's like that heats places but it's so safe in Australia so anything goes politics that's a big one and the last thing I have for you is could you give me your best American accent hello I'm from Adelaide and my name is June and whoa I love all sorts of things hey my name is Breton and I like basketball and football and I like to eat McDonald's alright I like shopping and I saw a star is it okay is that you my name is Jed and I run the rinse down head down there now I hope you're going alright fine because I'm gonna we're gonna treat you just fine while you're over here hi I'm know I can't do it hi I'm chilla and I'm American I'm Jenna Trump and I'm a bit of wall across America I legitimately need to talk to an American for a minute something hard to do in an accent but you know pretty easy that's pretty good my name's Paul and I'm from Adelaide my name is Tay I'm from North Carolina and I love meat casserole beautiful okay Bernie that's pretty hey howdy neighbor yeah so in conclusion that is what some Australians think about American / American America in general now the reason I picked Adelaide is because there's not a whole lot of tourists here so I felt like I would get I got more authentic answers so that's it this video is finished [Music] [Music]
Channel: James Prime
Views: 274,772
Rating: 4.8628798 out of 5
Keywords: What Australians think, about america, Australians on America, Australia street interview, Australians, Australian people, Adelaide, Adelaide Australia, glenelg, American accent, australian accent, things you like, gun laws, donald trump, Aussie america, Australia Day, JamesPrime, solotravel, united states of america (country), what australians think of americans, what do australians think of americans, australian street interview, James Prime, jameskii, americans, travel
Id: mceI45XBKCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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