Americans taught the Australian Way 😂

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these Americans are getting educated [Music] [Music] and then we will be heading up to the Sunshine Coast where we are going to spend the night for two nights with another friend 10 is good 15 was too fast we entered and there was a really friendly lady that was here just waved and she waved to us like she was still obviously welcome to the Sunshine Coast we were told to look for a red card this is obviously not red so but this is the right number so we'll see if we're at the right place she just took me to the front to the street out there that's what it was but for Google it just pulls up out there so then she described where it was I just put a pin so you put three three one deep ow that wasn't her number okay that's a red card cuz not same time Becky nope okay that's fine not them Oh another great car ah this must be him right now for us Ron hey are you doing that sounds very American [Music] I like Doritos taco ballade Peter likes himself cookies it's often sure he's got fruit it's got oats it's healthy yeah a healthy cookie uh-huh oh those look good the waiter asked if we wanted any tomatoes awesome Peter said no I asked for ketchup we're realizing how American we are Zig zagged you're trying to take them we're trying to design the weather just right great dinner from back here and Ron is teaching us Australian football which I thought was soccer no it is not soccer so we just watched rugby yeah and it's not rugby either yeah it's not American football no there's nothing else market these Americans are getting educated this is a custard apple looks really soft whoa that's a really soft those you don't eat the skin probably either or do you know Katie's team today are they grown here in Australia yep [Music] Wow that's a really unique taste nothing else tastes like that yeah I do that's only in Australia and I probably have them in other tropical areas okay but you have to be something that's sweet like I'm really say what it's similar to but I can't think of anything that's really good like in toughing really it's pretty sweet I really I really like that that's really good it tastes like a dessert you are the bird caller you can go slowly slowly do you do this every morning with the food no wonder they're here all righty you want seven there you go haven't seen ya doesn't know what to think about me you're you have to be shy my all right this morning church and then this afternoon doing a little bit exploring where did you park what did you call this that is just a Posie shady posi shitty position for position parking spot everything's abbreviated I love it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I like to I really liked it with those fruit in there okay we're trying to see the glasshouse mountains but unfortunately we have some clouds and rain so we'll see what we can Peter guess your name do these the glasshouse just take a guess cook yep yes all right that's a bit cloudy we can hardly see a but we can still see them unlike when we were in the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland these are the mountains we actually were looking at yesterday when we were at the Wild Horse Mountain Lookout but then they were like really bright because they were backlit with the Sun nice walk away there see the rain forest but since it's raining I don't really want to look the rain forest enjoying your chat probably not well I tried Peter is fine without an umbrella this isn't that heavy I need to be umbrella MARY POPPINS that's right [Music] we just got back home get a cup of tea in the cuckoo bear came back out here and because it heard cease voice so so close to see with his mouth wide open oh my goodness that bird is trained now what is that that you're feeding it some kangaroo meat where do you get kangaroo me that there you go Sunday afternoons are made for naps so after our little afternoon nap we are on our way to dinner and where are we going to the Capri belong to [Music] [Music] I didn't have my ID yeah he had his ID looks like a Thanksgiving meal and then um this is the small yep that's right so many vegetables do you want and then this is the roast roast beef what's the pork play what's it called again crackling crackling so he asked me if I wanted crackling and I'm like what and he's like you try to describe it to me Ben look at the top of the pork and basically what we would have is like pork rinds but Bryce I was like yeah let's try it then he asked are you American no I was like what because my accent he's like no cuz you guys about crackling those like oh that's the only reason look at that tasty crackling as dangerously good I see what you mean now that if I didn't want it yeah first time crying crackling right it's a greasy fatty goodness I know I'm hagen hardy probably a beautiful night business oh my goodness it is it's gorgeous on the beach in Australia on the beach and you guys used to live here we live here they're fishing oh yeah yeah yeah fishing bachelor [Music] we gotta educate this book in in Ozzy lingo yeah he's teaching us so we got to talk way and Darren and Kappa this morning which was awesome and now sue is busy feeding the birds eating the kangaroo meat beautiful birds oh we're about to wrap up our time here with Ryan suits but awesome just taking a little walk before we have to head out and then the granddaughters are here today you're the new filmer for right now yeah go for it back oh there's blood [Music] I'm not filming and heaters not something who's filming the camera is about to die so he wants anything any last words no yeah oh man that was so much fun with him that's great and now on to lone tree koala sanctuary where Peter can finally see is kangaroos what it's koalas I need they're gonna happen in the meantime and kookaburra is that what I say cuckoo cuckoo bear nanny Lee kookaburra kookaburra berra berra yeah that's give it better you're saying kookaburra berra berra bah bara bara [Music]
Channel: Happy Hoppe
Views: 57,524
Rating: 4.8472223 out of 5
Keywords: husband and wife travel vlogs, budget travel, travel the world for $50 a day, world travel for $50/day, travel for $50 a day, america vs australia, america vs australian slang, australians teach americans slang, australians teach americans how to talk, feeding kookaburras, happy hoppe, americans first time in australia, australia vs america, americans learn about australian football, making friends around the world, one year around the world, sunshine coast australia vlog
Id: oLFnJ7Ojb9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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