WHAT DID HE DO TO MY MOM?! | Duck Season VR | Fan Choice FRIGHTday

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guys just a warning here as you can see top scorer I have a score here just through it and does get really scary at the end if that's not your sort of thing I got thousands of other videos for you to watch I suggest you watch one of those and if it is thanks guys I love scary games - fan choice Friday when I play games chosen by you and today as you can see on screen or right now a ton of you guys chose duck season V R which I remember when I came out I actually didn't have a VR setup so I couldn't play it and also I was told it was scary all right so I'm we're just gonna go straight into it oh okay so this thing looks oh dude it's weird it's like my controller but then also the gun okay oh so normal hunter here for the game can i oh casual hunter here for fun auto reload quick rounds less demand or hardcore hunter looking for a chat okay let's let's go in between there Oh oh I wish I had that oh hey kiddo he's got nothing he looks bored oh so this is like a story like I think mom helped me carrying these groceries cool oh it's like duck hunt that is such a cool way to tell a story so looks like the kid came home from the store he went to a video rental place and rented a game for 24 hours myself when I was a kid the first goal is it it's duck season is that the first rule of safety we've got my cut looks mad wait is that the game cuz the graphics okay the graphics are all whoa yeah guess he'll die all right oh dude you actually play it on the TV oh so much like duck hunt and that's blockbuster logo and I swear I've done this although it didn't come in this case it used to come in like uh like a user coming like a VHS case there's another game here uh triple tiger whoa we could try that later maybe we own that game anyway I have done this before and you would rent a game whoo VHS camcorder can I do it can I record stuff wait get out of here I don't want it yeah it's stuck to my hand this stupid thing dude I'm a vlogger hey guys I'm here playing duck season VR no just like right okay let's pick this thing up yeah that is cool yeah you would get to you get the game you would usually get it for like two days and you would try your best to get as much through the game as you could because you had to give the game back so you like seriously just sit there for like eight ten hours to try and beat the game oh my goodness wait the kid wait what this weird okay I don't know all right ah the dog is creepy that is not how I remember the dog and duck hunt okay hang on aligned controllers oh okay what does that mean whoa okay pull trigger pump this leg wait I need I'm trying to stop laughing at me get in there oh I don't know am i ready I don't sure okay okay yeah yeah okay you could you go get the Ducks okay there's one and wait no I can't on there okay here we go I missed okay I am really mad at these can oh geez I didn't okay okay let's try like this and ah stop it okay now I've got a loaded I think I'm ready oh I got it you gotta go like this wait like got it yeah uh-huh okay we yeah we're ready all ready here we go here we go where is it nope okay coming back and what all right ah there we go got him ready where's the next one got it there we go Hey all right red is actually good bad but red is actually good all right now I understand what yeah dude do their guitar okay probably oh whoa wait ah those are the Ducks I killed that was not in the original duck hunt here we go dead Oh another one and dad whoo all right got it great well thank you hold on I'm ready I'm ready for the next one around two ready yeah let's go wait okay oh Jesus to it once oh no you got it right got it there we go okay and yeah here we go here we go we got to load shot okay okay come on okay it's already I know it's already come on here we go there load it here we go you come back and coming back and Wow there we go four out of four baby let's go all right I'm getting a hang of this I think oh it's gonna try and get both at the same time cuz you can do that in the old duck hunt where if they cross you could like nail em go at the same time all right should I reload but try to do that what it doesn't need it that's what I was doing and it was a little far got it it takes a little bit of getting used to like the aiming but now it's yeah pretty obvious come on back and there we go all right look at 15 oh really come on I want it to at once oh boo boo that's what I'm talking about boom I missed that one okay I always loved it because in the original hunt you had like limited ammo so like that was the way you do it and you would get extra ammo you know you'd like it's like getting cold wait hold on it was like getting extra ammo when you hit them at the same time yeah look at that look at that perfection it's right buddy you better duck pointing this thing right at you ah come on what let's go I missed No oh my goodness it's like my first missing ages ah I don't think I haven't eaten okay No ah I'm this one no not good I did so well there okay oh my goodness I'm doing poorly now what's going on with my aim here what okay something's happening what how could I hit every single one and then mr. I feel like a loser whoa sorry did I just shoot the dog oh it's one o'clock duck season oh there's a commercial for the game it was mobbed out wait wait wait wait wait whoa we gave a real shot good yeah yeah oh that's that's safe mom looks pleased cool oh [Music] wait oh all right let's grab my gun play level two all right now I I have yet to see how this thing is scary I mean the dogs a little weird I'm not gonna lie see there we go I'm back on target I don't know what was going on at the end of the last round yeah see much better good job oh I can move that's something I gotta keep doing it's like reload like this whoops nope hold on hold on there we go get in there get in there okay boom that was a close one that was easy all right boys look at that four in a row baby yep got it all these are far oh dude okay maybe it's when they're far away that I'm a lot worse at hitting them which doesn't make sense cuz they're hip boxes are probably smaller at that distance where's here we go got it boom yo like I eat out of ten let's go for perfect here we go here we go come on cross in the middle it's nailing at the same time oh my goodness I didn't hit either one there's one here we go and though ten out of ten baby yo I should get better than great I should get like excellent for that dude there we go Kapow and last one so if we get nine I think we're okay got it boom ah all right let's go gun let's go fill it up all right one oh so now we gotta get seven all right we gotta make these all count dude oh no wait not oh jeez Oh No hold on ah I'm all over the place here okay we got that one this one's far got it all right we got four right okay just need three more two more one more let's go dude oops all right got it I knew that shot was dead-on where's the last one got it okay and what do we got okay so wait I got two in a row wait huh wait I missed one though didn't I I thought in this one I got all ten somehow I did it whoa we beat the second level yeah Oh too cool oh jeez wait what's I don't remember that okay whoa look at that hey wait there's more games here what hang on a sec what is this one not that this this is Mario Brothers dude wait can I switch games press Start well I mean Oh what oh my goodness no way what even is this okay is that oh that hurts me I can't even tell okay wait I don't know oh dude okay this is good the other games better play a little three okey doke alright again no scary stuff so far - you level three dude wait fat duck shoot 14 fat necks before the XK escape not xscape that is not a word where's the fat ducks are they like in the pond or are they flying fat ducks camp oh my goodness wait what oh wait oh jeez okay I need to reload though how are you supposed to shoot all of these do I have like if I done them at an ammo I might be able to do it but oh no I'm out okay come on here we go these are like oh my goodness those are small okay I got this guy there we go oh jeez I'm out on that eight out of 14 fill it here we go Kapow Wow okay Wow 11 oh no fill it okay I need three more okay there we go oh I miss ah come on no they're all gone aren't they okay got two left oh so close and so rude oh it's different time attack shoot five ducks in less than 15 okay okay let's go here we go five ducks in less than 15 seconds here we go here we go ah dude I don't like these challenges oh my goodness all right I turned it down to easy because I suck at this game let's see at least with the auto reload I think is what it does I don't know if it doesn't auto auto cocking but at least oh there see it did it automatically do I have to reload oh yeah so I can just shoot shoot shoot I think oh yeah see I don't have to do that I'm already like doing it Wow come on do I shoot that one or just whack it whack it and he's coming right at me so I'll just whack him come on and kill that one kill that one kill that one yeah this is a lot easier we don't do that oh there I got him and kill it kill it yo I've already gotten I think I've gotten every single one so far yeah whoo got him dead dead oh I miss bro seriously oh I missed that one okay okay whatever I got almost all of them okay a lot easier we don't have to do that okay she 10.43 escape all right let's try this again oh sorry oh here we go yes this is much easier 102 whoa did it zero escapes baby let's go that was perfect oh no they got away okay 3410 how come I've only got like six in there okay round three here we go wait what why was there not a third round Oh three o'clock okay it took me two hours that does kind of make sense cuz I suck at this so bad oh dude look at Venice work alright wait oh goodie oh it's fired I thought yeah kill him boom alright okay I want to play the game but that was a really realistic commercial like those are what like the like GI Joe type commercials were when I was a kid hi round one ready yeah I'm ready let's go and perfect uh so it's just one round whoo that was easy all right oh maybe cuz it's oh four o'clock now see that one didn't take me that wait wait he's asleep how are we gonna Munder water or what it's so weird dude so the kids asleep there's like a giant pizza slice here okay oh I ate the peel disgusting hey thatch I don't wake up Oh wake him up oh geez did he throw up what happened oh I woke up the knife what knife I don't know mom wait a minute foreshadowing let's almost took a knife and it's gonna set mom how about that there's a samurai sword over there that I don't think I should have access to anyway there's also a lot of weapons here there's a baseball bat on the shelf there I'm gonna keep this with me hey mom okay oh dude wouldn't be cool but I can't can I reach why would it be next to the computer you want to bat there's a sword over there oh no over there oh she never listens to me all right here we go I'm not listening to you anymore mom I'm inside the game baby whoa that was a good shot wait he did not like that I don't okay shoot four of them we've done this all right let's see this might be easier now that it auto reloads I hope all right so okay as fast as we can I did it I did it I did it they split me but I'm doing it now that I switched easy baby oh no Round three so weird that sometimes there's I don't clock dad's home right mom are you still looking for the knife [Music] I wrote this song a long time ago I guess they just realize what it's all about oh no cringe oh my god it's got the synthesizer now this is the scary part isn't it I gotta get these off oh I can't listen to this I cannot I'm done I'm done I'm done Oh mom what just happened I think mom just cut herself she's fine let's go are you okay mom just gonna make grilled cheese you put tomato on man let's go dog round one alright here we go I am ready what are we doing this again is this like the same it's like the same thing over and over yeah yeah there's only 1 out of 1 so I think that's it right yep alright now what okay what time is it now six o'clock okay now dad's home right mom where's mine I'm hungry breaking the law to bring you the story look at all the games I have now like just so many games now okay let's just keep playing them because mom said it and we only have 24 hours for this one fat duck okay here we go all right we got it 25 out of 14 I'm pleased with that and I only got to keep one sure Oh round two don't let ten dock capacity okay I can do this one too I'm just doing a little more variety in this part but I'm starting to think that the the gameplay is more like well there are those other ones too Oh hahaha and it might be about the other games but also like more about the storyline with my mom like cutting herself listen all right and we have one more or is that it nope we're good seven o'clock wait oh wait okay so the cameras like wait dude that was not cool that was the stupid dog and he took the camcorder and he was building me it was awesome oh I like that I mean it scared me but I liked it and you oh nice eh he's indestructible now round 4 of 3 what what wasn't make any sense ok got 10 not what wait round five out of three what am I supposed to do something when i hears ah hey what are you doing back there is that huh hey there kid there we go okay that was gonna be like until eternity unless I reached back what is it it's like 8:45 wait why are you standing on top of that ooh ma-maybe grilled cheese tomato sauce tomato by the knife okay come come face me [Music] oh dude mom I'm just gonna play the game a little bit more mom cuz we only have like 12 hours left don't let the TV break what is that would that happen wait I can't tell if everything's okay actually look the couch cushions you see that the couch creatures are all okay but when I was there so he was just dreaming that mom is dead right okay I'm the trucks on fire it's all glitched out oh okay I'm ready dog vs. TV what is so wait are we hunting the dog now oh yeah Wow okay and then these guys too or can I just hit them oh oh dude oh no they smack the TV okay all right nope oh no this is creepy dude where is he okay you go down okay and they're like glitchy birds true they don't even have feathers anymore where you got nope oh I see look at that so I hold on oh jeez those things go fast you cannot whack them wait okay so wait oh no dude put it down okay that's his health bar okay nope he's dead I won right only only like one bird print on the screen so we're cool we cook we good we good uh uh shoot the moon wait whoa oh dude wow there's a boss dog guy boss dog oh my goodness whoa I got a golden gun baby boom oh he's got lasers stop the lasers stop the lasers okay don't kill the kid okay no okay okay okay no no wait what oh oh geez okay so you just what do you gotta do keep shooting his eyes when they come boy he's dead not the duckling I remember this does not happen in duck hunt it's always about the duck the dog is your friend he looks a little beat up mate whoa whoa whoa oh wait oh it's midnight I know what happens we gotta get to 6:00 a.m. don't we you don't know about this wait that's the dog commercial yeah that's wait wait wait give me that I'm in the bath and also this wait okay okay I don't I don't like can I get that can I shut off the TV I don't like it wait what I need this whoa dude it's like up what is it wait oh look I lit up my family's photos okay I don't get this what a myself okay is this about like me playing too much video games are not paying attention to my family where's the samurai sword mom your mom oh wait where did that come from oh wait let's drop this drop it drop it drop I want this wait no pick it up what are you at huh all right yeah I got chop it up stupid TV shut up what am i awaiting the fan oh stop a fan oh hey you doing huh what did I fail their Heat wait dead-ending oh my goodness oh no no no what's he doing what's he oh wait I could have shot him with the gun I was trying to hack him but the sword that made more sense if I shot him with the gun oh dude I gotta say that was cool um so I would think that I would have to start up okay so that is an ending to the game but I would expect that there obviously there are six other endings if you guys want to see those and let me know in the comments below and also click the like button if you want me to play this again obviously I'd skip some parts and and go straight to the endings and try and beat things let me know in the comments below also how you get the other endings and don't forget to subscribe so that you can be notified when I do my community posts and ask for suggestions for fan choice provided for next week and I'll see you guys again soon uh thanks for watching and of course [Music]
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,199,385
Rating: 4.9221373 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, gaming, thinknoodles horror game, horror, game, scary, jumpscare, joy of creation, dog, duck hunt, duck season, duck, season, vr, pc, virtual reality, duck season vr, duck hunt vr
Id: ykJuZbxZ4Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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