THE CHILD.. | Fan Choice FRIGHTday

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so guys i just finished recording this video and i decided i better put a warning at the beginning because it does get a little goryographic at the end it is cartoon violence but it it does get a little bit disturbing so that is not your sort of thing i got thousands of other videos for you to watch and if it is what's wrong with you [Music] want to play oh really like hey everyone it's your friend thick noodles and welcome back to fan choice of friday well actually today is friday because you've chosen a scary game the child as you can see on screen right now all your comments guys uh so before we get to it guys uh please do like the video if you like this series where i play games that you suggested i've never played before trying to do this every week uh and also subscribe so you can post your comment on the community post okay relax i think that's the child so you can make suggestions and get your your comment on my video so uh this one's called the child it's an indie game i'll leave a link to it in the description sport developer if you guys want to try this yourselves here we go whoa all right oh oh my goodness i'm getting like just the sound the undertale vibes okay gotta do the gotta do the voice or uh voice so did you visit the facility i referred finding the place was hard enough then my wife we're not doing it those children our daughter isn't like that i see well i've given you all the information i can the rest falls upon you i can only add this if your daughter does not spend her formative years in that facility things will not end well for your family did you fart what happened she farted i wish you the best of luck now if you don't mind i must be on to my next appointment okay so that is whoa slow down dude that was the doctor what does he know about our daughter well what are we gonna do we can't send her a normal school she doesn't need school i can give her everything she needs at home is that why is darling oh shut it and please don't drag me in to any more doctors okay so so dad let me out let me out oh that's the child not until you learn did you lock her up i think mom's abusive daddy please there's spiders in here oh don't get her out oh oh apparently we're in on this thing listen to your mother darling eat the spiders messing with the house did you forget why oh [Music] you guys should just send her to hogwarts she'll get that under control uh whoops see see you don't mess with witches oh she's getting stronger don't you think i see that all right darling you've learned your lesson right i can't live like this do you hear that it's not real you idiot she's playing with your head there's a knife there she's gonna make the knife fly and hit one of them it's real i can feel it that's it oh wait wha what are you doing this ends now wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no well aren't you gonna oh i see it's kind of like a i'm being dramatic hold me back um dot dot you got a knife i don't know what's right anymore we gotta get out of this house and leave the kid behind those kids are something else okay this is another person so cute though okay oh oh all right oh okay wait wait so we need a key or use give why am i so slow wait was there a oh shift shift to run okay sort of oh i love the giant pixels all right can we go through here what's here where did i put my key uh well is it use okay so wait we're the we're a girl oh is that a dog he's at last oh hey it's copy pet the dog oh kobe's good boy good boy good boy good boy all right let's go um let's go check my check my email here i like the music dude wait no keep it going all right no i guess it only does that when you're oh wait what is this on the wall here oh someone drew her like fan art oh no that actually is just a photo supposed to be a photo what's this okay turn off the lights gonna go to bed holds you to sleep okay totally getting undertale by the music and like the graphics like man whatever happened to deltarune i'd like to see like chapter two wait why is my neck so long oh no it's just wait oh this is my dream right because the room wasn't this big before what what am i supposed to do am i supposed to just go back to bed or oh oh okay wait what i'm outside the room like oh oh great we're at freddy's oh wait oh oh this is like okay should i follow the girl i'm gonna follow the girl what is this so wait we were at school and now we're at like like i don't know like a casino or an arcade oh we're back at the room what if i go up can i go up oh this is weird man oh my phone wow you get cell reception in your dreams oh oh like literally whose birthday party was that get up shut up wow she's got a pink case on her phone hello right now supposed to be my day off i'll see what i can do oh yeah oh okay okay yeah yeah yeah okay you're late oh she's gonna lock you in with the spiders i'm sorry i came as soon as i could don't let my age fool you i have loads of experience be back soon don't touch anything wait emergency contacts rules the rule is you don't go upstairs i i meant for your daughter shouldn't i meet her by the way if you're lucky you never will uh you gonna kill me i have to say this is the strangest gig i've ever had oh cramming kid good luck wow they just bumped her shoulders like that they didn't go around rude all right so hey there she is that's it wait what wait did she do this what is this the knobs are busted so annoying so we need knobs to shut that off wait what is it what's this oh is that violin wait oh the light came on for a second there oh come on okay so we gotta go quickly so we don't get squished all right okay so this kid is crazy um oh this is where this fight locked yeah we gotta get his unlocked she's in there with the spiders but i saw her okay wait oh there she is wait what oh oh they said not to go upstairs i'm going upstairs following the kid okay i wonder which way she went this is oh this is kind of giving me like oh oh wait can i oh no okay this is gonna be like wait oh these are doors this is giving mr hot vibes too you know oh here we go oh we got a note here on the bathroom a doodle fragment all right noodles in the toilet well doodle is in the bathroom i think it means a drawing not a bathroom doodle if you if you know what i mean um okay oh do we really i mean okay yeah yeah no neither actually i have a okay you guys wanna see something creamy okay so my doll that when i was a kid like it was my favorite toy i was like you know you know you had your favorite like stuffy or whatever like plushie toy yeah this was mine this was herbie i i i like i i slept like it was my favorite plushy toy and like i slept with him every night and like his eyes fell off and stuff he became he became very very scary clown oh oh no this one's cute look at this little bunny bear okay cute bear okay there she is oh geez hello little girl i'm kiki your new babysitter what's your name who cares you'll be gone soon she has red eyes i'm not going anywhere i'm here to play with you while your parents are busy busy they're scared scared i'm sure that's not true just leave me alone i'm sick of stupid babysitters that's not very nice i know why don't we play a game i know again great what is it you go hide and i'll come and you'll come find me no teddy will what teddy like like you're a little bear okay how high can teddy count he already started oh my goodness i did not expect him to get so big dude teddy teddy let me know teddy teddy teddy no teddy teddy teddy now teddy holy cow how do i get out of here i don't even oh my oh wait that book is gonna get me is it i don't know is it okay what do i do now yeah this is definitely mr hop's ask i love hey you guys came back hey by the way i survived your stupid kid in our dumb game wait why aren't you guys talking to me talk to me oh you're alive and insane not bad how about we make a little arrangement how about i never come back here she sent a giant bear after me could you watch on oh her name's anna from time to time if it's not too much trouble anna will make it worth your while er yeah we gotta keep playing of course i'll help she's sweet and her bear is so cute a haunted house is no place for a little girl to be alone yes oh haunted thanks again young lady i will be seeing you soon oh my goodness [Music] is she asleep it's quiet [Music] a lot more than the others maybe i can consider moving gonna get a nice new house so okay where did i put my key i know where the key is it's right there bam who would i give the key to hey buffs how you doing you hungry or anything um oh let's listen to that good music from that tv okay done all right let's sleep i guess z oh so we're so i think we like every night it's maybe it's like a night at freddy's or whatever and then every time you sleep there's a dream so last time that they were up here or there was like a birthday party up here but i couldn't figure it out maybe we just ran out of time oh no this is okay oh hey hey hey oh what are you doing i was so cute oh that's her that is a derpy snowman okay let's say she's remembering stuff from her past no we don't want to go back to sleep let's go this way so is the snowman again oh no it's raining nothing going on there oh it's the beach it's the beach oh hey puppy good boy hey me hi how you doing why are you wandering around oh look i'm wandering around the grass hello oh yo here's the birthday party this is what we were trying to figure out before such a memorable birthday oh it's her birthday okay so it's me in the middle such a memorable birthday okay and then do i blow the candles no okay so i think what's this uh what is that thing ah oh yo that's my cloud that's my plushie clown i'm talking about my phone again this game is awesome i love it all right i'm on my way late again is this gonna be a thing isn't it lady you literally just called me i've done some cleaning and stocked the fridge please help your cell phone that we'll be back soon good luck i did all right last time where's the kitchen man i want some snacks hey what's this on the tv oh choppa potatoes where's the control oh are we supposed to be finding things like i'm not oh oh i don't know oh please tell me no wait what get get the knife get the knife it's pretty marble what about the knife oh my goodness what the bear oh my goodness you can die so wait a second the bear is still active the next night i was just trying to get some snacks okay so we're back okay okay okay wait let's okay so all right chopping pickles now all right so i gotta so i'm gonna go i'm gonna ignore that oh wait so open the fridge bread milk treat come on got treat okay so i'm gonna go give it to the kid so wait the bear is gone now okay so her room was it was this one right i think yeah hey one treat just leave me alone how about i give you that oops i ate it hold on i get you one i'm sorry don't kill me let's try it again here we go am i allowed i won't tell if you won't it's good really good yeah okay get ready to run okay wait oh you want more or something what do you want kid let's play some music or something maybe i don't know should i go to a different room what are you doing you're looking at me what do you want you want more they don't feed you i get you one oh she here okay we gotta follow her i think that's what she wants where'd she go where'd she go i'm too slow okay i see you you want more treats seriously oh wait wait wait something by the refrigerator over here oh she's hiding behind it what are you doing back there hey you weirdo you want more treats okay i get you one geez here have another one here come here come on out come on out thank you see that's all they needed to do you want more oh yeah look at her go too much wait wait what's that mean oh wait do you want the lights back on yes yeah okay thank you all right i'm gonna go watch tv can i grab that though just in case no can i kind of get the knife oh they're here hey guys hey give him a money lady here she's still in one piece it's great to get out of the house we'll see you again soon right if you keep paying me this much that was easy that one yeah i didn't even have the well the bear was chasing me but like she's getting worse every day she's kept that babysitter intact [Music] no matter where she goes you just dude you're monster parents that's the problem okay so i'm guessing we'd be sleeping we do the sleeping and then she wakes us up in the middle of the night again yep you're gonna want the keys cause like i got the candy or whatever the treat let's see oh yeah i do okay gotta put the dog good boy all right here we go i'm gonna sleep bud okay i love how he curls up on my bed but like he never goes for a walk does he even get like she doesn't even feed him like i feel like i'm neglecting the dog like they're neglecting their kid but it was happier wait what what what am i am i changing into her [Music] oh okay what is that she's sad she's not angry monster she's just sad what happened with the jail patches what happened to patches what are you doing what are we doing in this terrible place your procedure will be good shortly remember please do not harm your hair door oh electro shock therapy for the little kid what's he gonna do to me protect yourself use your gift oh that's who's telling her to do stuff press r wait what our z to use an ability okay sure i did it wait what is this like a boss fight or what oh okay okay so wait i can't sprint though oh yeah i can okay okay so what am i doing well like i used up one so what am i using this against do i go through here or locked okay so we go through this one then locked okay who am i using it against the speaker that okay oh oh jeez jeez jeez what is this dude oh i can't get out of here okay okay this is cool wait i don't i'm not doing very well here hold on because you got to face the guy like this whoops wait a second why did that happen it said i know energy so i think you have to regen the energy but he attacks immediately and kills you oh okay well whatever that was i don't think you're supposed to win that one i know i know i'm on my way can i bring my dog next time on time you must be ill don't be so sarcastic we'll be back soon thanks for your help again young lady they didn't say good luck this time oh hey oh hello there what are you doing i waited for you did you why thank you anna what would you like to do today more treats yeah you're just gonna follow me all right oh look oh look at this this is cute interesting family [Music] it looks like your parents love you very much maybe wait where'd she go what's she doing okay wait where's she going oh she's gonna watch tv i don't know where the controller the remote control is oh don't don't get any ideas about that knife thing would you like to watch tv let's see if we can find a show you wouldn't enjoy where do your parents keep the remote okay we don't need one she is one what how did you do that oh i like this oh it's a happy sun okay cool let's we could just we could just chill okay no okay so let's go to the i do not want to do this because there's a knife in here i have a feeling she's gonna pick up the knife all right kiddo you want a tree i can get your tree you want treat [Music] here come here you hungry here there you go you're welcome um okay so you're not doing anything there all right uh oh can you play the piano do you know how to play a piano can you play it no oh can you play violin no there's violence this room is interesting your parents like music they used to make me play but not anymore they don't like the way i play what that's nonsense i'm sure you sound wonderful would you mind playing a bit for me it'll make me really happy do it all right here we go let's see uh why are you just standing in the middle okay anna you're floating that's how she plays what is going on wait a minute this house is announcing you have a gift yes get her a letter to hogwarts this is all over i feel so stupid mom and dad get really mad they say i have to be normal it's like the dursleys except it's our actual parents uh how about this when you're with me you can be however you like really of course you're not scared not when you're not trying to scare me with flick with the bear look her eyes are white instead of red okay i won't scare you anymore that's very nice of you anna i don't know man i feel like she oh her eyes is red again okay so you just gotta keep feeding this kid treats right is that locked okay oh wait what you doing hey get out from under there what are you doing i'm invisible oh no where did she go okay yeah that's haha you're so cute oh yeah can you fix this thing it's so annoying can you turn it off please fix that can you fix it the radio is so annoying the knobs won't work and i can't get it off [Music] how did you do that yay happy music yeah whoa i hope we can travel soon watch the kid like send us to like oh she's gonna oh i thought she was gonna send us somewhere on the globe hey where are you you didn't come oh here she comes all right let's go upstairs now oh this door was locked i wonder if she can unlock it oh wait was it that one you could come in here with me oh no i don't need to poop let's go hold on sorry about that can you unlock this door maybe because this door was locked oh wait was it um i'm not allowed come on let's go come on come on you can do it you can do it come on let's go so this was locked before oh this is our parents room okay let's see what they've got nice wardrobe what's this got key oh hold on kiddo we're going somewhere we ain't supposed to the parents dresser i'll pretend i didn't look what did you see what did you see i could use a nap no you can't all right i got the key let's go kid uh what was locked was it i don't remember wasn't there something that was locked [Music] no because this head wait where's where'd she go this one can you go in here you want to go in here oh you want to see my playroom i'll put the clowns in here dude oh it's the bear and the clown be nice kid why do i feel like something terrible is gonna happen here yeah yeah you don't like it what no no just talking to myself i love it oh that's teddy yeah we met yeah i remember teddy you don't like him well he didn't make the best first impression it's okay we don't have to play with him that's happy over there he's really funny you know what let's play with teddy teddy's great teddy's amazing why are you shaking shaking it's freezing in here your parents are so rich can't they afford a furnace what was that what did you just do you don't like clowns what what are you talking about of course i knew you got scared by one that was the dream i told i knew it i can see it you can see it it's okay we don't have to play with them i'm sorry anna i think it's great that you have friends though i think i had a friend like this when i was your age so did i friends they're just dolls i don't have any friends don't say that anna i'm your friend anna really of course now what shall we do together hmm let's draw a picture oh i don't know what this is gonna draw all right [Music] what okay oh cute she drew a picture of me and her that's like the two of us together right anna i had the weirdest dream last night you were in it so i wanted to ask you have you ever been in a creepy place with flashing verbal lights purple lights hmm i don't think so are you sure could you try to remember nope never mind all right i suppose so wait are we good i think it don't look it's not done yet okay i think we've done our our task or whatever oh dear dude that's patches i just saw him dude where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go where's patrick's patches patrick where'd he go wait she left the lights on who's shutting them off now patches is that you wait is he behind the fridge no where is he where is he where is he where is he oh dude they're back okay hi can i get my money please looks like she made it again it was good to feel the sun we'll see you again soon right uh hey look we got pictures drawing anna what did i say about teleporting in front of guests oh don't bother shooting where are you going i gotta go but i'll be back soon mommy can she stay you heard her she's coming again daddy i promise i'll be good please just be patient dear everything's going so well oh but i like her i ate it here [Music] she ripped it uh oh i gotta go oh dear you better leave fast young lady i'm out i'm out i'm out run no oh no no no no no no i'm not so if i abandon her they're probably gonna beat her up no i'm not doing it ah okay wait there's paper i got it okay oh i gotta get the duty fragments okay i'm going a bunch of them flew okay here's three so we have to put this thing back together okay that one doesn't close okay oh dude are you kidding me are you kidding me it's mr bear what oh what's with that [Music] oh goodness gracious i was not even near it no that's the clown too ah okay this is all gone oh my g this is all going wrong just get me out of here okay oh wow so oh i understand now um just knife don't don't don't stab me okay so the things like all right oh there's nothing okay so the things like sort of like go back and forth is there a doodle fragment yep okay they sort of like okay oh come on really uh locked wait but i have a key i have oh i don't anymore oh my goodness no oh dude i'm getting crushed oh dude dude dude dude you stupid stupid stupid no okay i'm going to her room just go to her room get away from me clap whoa hey play room hannah what happened you were behaving so well i'm sorry it's no fair i want to play we'll play again soon i promise i know a place where they won't find us if icy will play extra tomorrow she's gonna kill me play now okay look at my eyes this won't hurt i promise what is wrong with you can't you have normal eyes oh dude this is a boss fight anna where are we don't worry we can play as long as we want now we're in our heads okay anna what are you gonna play huh let's stay here and play forever forever let's go back to reality please let's stay here forever back to reality i'm sorry i don't we have to go back you're just like them you don't want to play with me anymore if you don't want to play with me i'll just play with you uh great boss fight i think what is this oh wait oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh okay so we got it oh holy cow holy cow why is he so fast how am i he's so fast all right so you gotta dodge those lights i think is that what is that the deal okay oh my god but how am i supposed to oh wow it breaks okay whoa there's mr stitches patches whatever oh thanks patches don't even okay patches so we gotta follow patches patches is a good man patch is a good man patches oh patches patches patches patches patches okay this is this is totally mr hot vibes i love it okay go here [Music] all right oh no that's bad how many of these guys are there okay so go go [Music] i don't know where i'm going next to the right to the left who oh man i don't know where i am i don't know where i'm supposed to go okay so those go like that they go up they go around and then oh dude that's bad okay come on no no no no no we don't need any more of those dudes hold on hold on okay okay go go go go where okay get oh dude mister oh patches yo no no no no no no no no no no no no no no go yes don't you just save my butt yo thank you bro oh my goodness oh dude what a good stuffed animal all right go i'm going okay uh yeah as long as you're as long as you don't get in the range they don't speed up and you can just keep hiding all right he's going he's going he's going all right oh we're still doing this fun wow all right um okay get it oh no okay but i got the doodle fragment ah wait oh yeah okay okay okay all right so this this is right after patches uh okay that was like a checkpoint patches was a checkpoint you know i'm not oh no no i'm not sure that the spotlights actually do anything like they did in the beginning where the guys spawned i think they're like [Music] let's just stay here oh oh oh that was stupid okay although this is not where i want to be at all i want to be i can't see much here all right go go go go go oh geez no he's coming back he's coming back yeah that was a good move all right he's not oh wait he's what's he doing what's he doing turn right yes yes yes yes yes okay okay go go go go go get away get away hey buddy what are you doing talk to me do something all right you want me to get behind there okay i'm going buddy what are you what are you doing what are we doing are we going buddy what are we supposed to do now bro hey do something man oh why are you fighting fighting i don't understand how could i see me do it so many times i'm sorry i just don't understand oh dear what are we doing in this terrible place where have i heard that before wait a minute yeah yeah when she was getting electroshock therapy wait was she wait what i'm anna that dream wasn't ivana that was me they must have wiped my memory in that patches is it really you i remember everything oh anna um are we are we friends anna patches no no ana don't kill me oh no no she kills you wait the power hold on hold on hold on hold on so wait if i oh oh oh i didn't you can do it too that's right i'm sorry i had to do that anna but i've been enough of this you said a swear i did not i specifically did not say that word i didn't say it oh wait oh my goodness wait oh okay what is she doing to me okay what is this dude okay so oh all right wow wow die anna okay stay here with me we can blame her hammer no no okay so i can't do that anna it's going back to reality where are you anna okay actually this room is fairly big oh wait she's got like a force field oh my goodness her lasers are ridiculous okay okay wow i cannot dodge any of this okay don't be stupid you know i can make this your worst nightmare yeah i know but like i'm not afraid anymore anna no no don't tell her that no no no whoa whoa whoa [Music] okay wait this pauses them what does it do to them does it kill any of them it freezes them oh my goodness okay i need to i need to like hold on i need to switch up my controls here real quick okay i think i think i know what i'm supposed to do okay so here we go okay so go like this okay get the kid get the kid get kid wow she is like sticking her like her tongue at me or like her evil tongue yeah okay all right she got forcefield now so let's do that okay man these guys oh wow you can't you can't even once they're frozen you can't run into them all right got some space here come on so i like what i want to do is try and like group them together as much as i can but the problem is like yeah this happens like they come from oh dude i'm running out of energy they come from all corners oh this is terrible dude okay come on stay over this way over this way give me oh here we go uh uh uh play forever uh no go back to reality this isn't reality what is this white what okay ah okay okay here we go back to reality and then what the bear comes okay can we shoot her we can't shoot her okay so the bear comes okay and there's stars and what is okay he's fast okay i don't under oh okay okay i know where i know i know what's happening at the stars okay so the stars that's not where you want to be when a star comes you do not want to be anywhere near the circle yeah there we go dude it's hitting me still now like i thought i was outside of this circle but even if oh okay all right what are we oh my goodness do i what do i do do i shoot her dude oh okay okay oh that works get her get her get her get her get her no oh that was close okay okay i think i know what to do teddy teddy don't do this teddy don't do this to me teddy i'm just trying to avoid the stars my friend okay all right we're close we're close we're close this is about how long it lasts come on yeah okay get her oh yeah come on come on ah yeah beat her oh that was hard that was tough i beat her stop stay back uh i'm i guess i'm following her okay wait wait no no no wait we're not doing another are we wait what what what what am i doing dude if i have to do wait do i shoot her no i can't shoot her do i talk to her what do i do to her wait go away clowns will get you i'm not afraid anymore anna final blow or spare oh bro this is like this is like the undertale decision we have to spare i have to go i have to put my undertale training no more clowns anna it's time to go back i'll find something worse what seriously wait what's this snowman oh that was in the dream too wha wha what what what what what's that's me with my snowman i know he doesn't look that great but it's the best i could do what's that my snowman not so scary well i mean it kind of sucks but how about this i didn't see her okay my vacation at the beach what are you doing i'll find something oh the casino my dog these aren't scary memories they're good ones my birthday party good memory i remember it was i went through this part of my friends i look about your age no fair why do you get the good memories i know your parents don't make things easy for you anna they think i'm a monster i heard them they're scared like i was but i know deep down they love you very much there's a whole world waiting for you out there if you bring us back we'll make happy happy memories every day i promise how we'll find a way okay a promise is a promise okay i'll be good whoa she turned completely white what are you doing i said i'll be good i'm not doing anything it hurts no make it stop did anna just die where are we wait huh what what am i doing laying on the ground here wake up oh no her mom killed her what are you doing [Music] you you're alive we thought she'd taken your mind like the others what are you doing to your daughter listen i know it looks bad but you don't understand that child was a monster disagree she wasn't a monster you two are you little run out of time oh gosh another boss fight look what i did to my own daughter what do you think i'll do to you oh jeez no no i gotta wait i didn't i did not run very fast wait why oh oh geez oh jeez let me out man let me out man get away from me dude dude you better let me out let me out let me out let me out what am i supposed to do oh wait can i shoot her hold on can i yeah that's what i forgot impossible of course no wonder she took to you so quickly you were one of them all along darling be careful she could hurt you this little run don't make me laugh it's time to teach her some manners tonight the world loses two monsters wait what is it a boss fight with their parents are you kidding me but i don't have a lot i don't have much stamina left how do i get stamina like this this is um oh jesus come on come on mom come on oh mom did mom just kill me mom just killed me didn't she oh geez okay so okay so but i think i have to shoot her wait wait wait shoot her what was that wait she can throw knives wait oh this hold on this doesn't affect my stamina at all okay okay oh my goodness she is okay okay she is she is not cool at all so you don't eat oh no no you don't no you don't come on go ahead throw it throw it throw it don't go on think i can dodge that huh should i kill your husband should i kill your husband huh huh i got my powers lady you don't want to mess him she's getting faster oh oh it works oh it does work there we go oh okay i just wasn't i wasn't hitting her enough okay oh dude i walked right into the knife let's go come on come on come on lady over here over here yep i got her i got her yeah dude okay okay i'm gonna beat her i'm gonna beat her over here yeah oh wow what is this oh dude you gotta stab me again wait what what oh what oh whoa whoa whoa getting a little what oh she's not dead anna just killed her parents whoa i think we did a warning at the beginning oh my goodness we're going to be doing the video we're going to put one we're going to put one did not realize the whole family was gonna die i think everybody like dad got decapitated mama's head blew up and anna got stabbed okay anna you hear anna oh no no no no this doesn't look good yeah it looks like you did all that oh my goodness i was right all along they didn't like me let me lift you i can get you to a hospital i have a promise to keep we're gonna make some good memories every day remember i made a real friend [Music] this is really this anna anna no no she's gonna die she used the last of her that's it she's gone isn't she dead and that was her good memory that survived after dying a billion times autumn how do i get this feeling every year that you're you're out there somewhere oh that's so sad the kid and her parents are all gone now oh man well guys um thanks for making choosing a video where i gotta put a warning at the beginning um no that was that was insane definitely gave me the um the mr hop vibe but even like there was a lot like a mixture of like mr hop and undertale like yeah just kind of like mixed well and not necessarily together but inspiration from both i loved it you guys know any more games like this please please do tell me about them because that was awesome if you guys enjoyed this and i hope that you did click the like button also if you are new here subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,270,317
Rating: 4.905293 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, family friendly, gaming, preview, trailer, gameplay, thinknoodles reacts, the child, child horror game, child horror
Id: gsMgSTMF6Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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