MR. HOPP IS TERRIFYING!! | Mr Hopps Playhouse | Fan Choice FRIGHTday

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all right guys another week another warning this game is got some jump scares in it some scary disturbing stuff and also a lot of screaming from it yours truly now that's not your sort of thing I've got plenty of other videos for you to watch and if it is guys turn down your headphones a little bit right now hey noodles and welcome back to fan jokes right day where I play scary games chosen by you and the month of October at least and guys as you can see with the comments on screen right now we are playing a mr. hops play house so I've chosen a bunny because there was a bunny on the screen I saw him it was a what's empty now but but there was a bunny there now before we get to the game I do want to remind you please do subscribe right now so that you can be notified when I post the community post on Monday for selecting this video to get your comment on screen all right let's go to a new game dad can you take mr. Hoff tonight it scares me he's coming don't be silly Ruby what would Nanna think are you saying that she made him just for you I'll leave your nightlight on try and get some sleep yeah you look kind of cute oh that's like a UK plug that's not how ours look here dude his eyes fell out and then mom oh yeah look at his British dad the developer must be from the UK oh look at these graphics alright head to parents room oh okay and what was it run and oh my stamina goes down and jumped okay cool toys make noise the only Ruby listen her parents and tidied her toys away be sure to jump over the toy scout around the house setting them off could attract unwanted attention okay and there's also quicky floors apparently he'll be kidding oh wow that's not that easy like the oh okay she's got another one wait why does it oh if you're in front of a doorway you're visible okay so ah there we go well family photos nice what steps can be deafening make sure it's completely safe before coming out of hiding okay okay all right so I should be careful in the doorway I ran right past that one ooh what's this is this my parents room mm-hmm aw dude I should have been more careful okay listen this is like our attic or something I what Oh nope nope okay nope nope nope nope we're go up okay I don't hear anything we're going back all right let's jump over the little ninja dude use headphones and listen carefully to your surroundings I am I am and I'm hearing a lot of wow this kid is ah this kid is spoiled okay it's this danger that's bad okay nothing came out so oh okay oh I should be following these oh this this must be a bad dream what happened my parents make your way back to bed good idea okay let's get over the car okay let's just be careful here oh no man that was hard I think you have to run and jump over that one mr. Rob leave the house okay let's yeah okay well oh it makes them walk faster okay okay so wait let it's said to go back to bed so let's let's go do that and then oh geez aha got it all right the end ending sleep tight Ruby and sisters all bedroom went back to bed maybe those must stay so we didn't win or did we he doesn't he look well I can't see who does he have like murderous teeth his eyes could go either way wait what actually oh okay so that's not really I didn't mean it alright if that's fair okay so I think we're supposed to good go this way okay okay okay okay he didn't give me no thank goodness all right is this my parents room yeah no we don't want to be in here can we go this way Oh press two duck by furniture okay uh ooh wait a minute I just noticed like ah okay so you can actually hear which side he is so like I can hear him on my right hip oh okay and then he's like both ears and then left okay go go ha ha ha okay and it's actually louder it did say that footsteps are deafening thing oh dude come on what am I supposed to do now like okay document okay oh I see nope oh jeez I almost I almost hit that thing so you can you can sprint in the air okay mm-hmm his breathing is a suspect for a rabbit oh he's getting far okay don't okay gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go no danger Oh nope okay okay I don't have to do that okay okay alright here we go here we go here we go wait creaking floor okay there's like a lab coat what do we got here mom mom oh wow you're still alive whoa fine Ruby's mom okay so some some doors require a key so whatever we thought happened maybe didn't happen after all maybe maybe mr. Hobbs didn't well do what do you think we think he did to our parents oh oh oh okay okay oh he didn't even come I thought he oh there he is okay so okay so we got to go through here oh dude oh it's kitchen wait so she wait what happened I heard her oh dude this reminds me a slanderer with this with the kid or whatever cuz that you know I thought we were a kid in slender but some people said maybe we aren't but anyway running out of stamina oh dude what's going on with the calendar anniversary 18th of April cool okay that is locked are there any there's nothing to do on any of these oh so that so okay so that's the side of our house all right so okay we're gonna go nope nope good it out now oh I should have gone wait no wait can i I feel like there's a oh hey okay yeah I thought I saw that I thought it was with the coat but okay we've got a key now all right let's go and put it away afraid of this guy man like he doesn't even chase me that much I here we go boom we're in okay it's really dark in this whatever this is this is our pantry what why is this connected kitchen why do we have a dungeon connected to our kitchen okay he had some creepy teeths was that was this tape recorder a sticky note attached reads what sure mirror oh he doke find the tapes great great this is like finding the pages so under the mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror whoa whoa hold on I almost hit that tray because I ran out of stamina at the last second oh he's right yep okay dope dude wait he can see me I I thought see I thought if he was facing away Oh nope okay I thought if he was facing away how do i what am I supposed to go how do I get back how did I even get here because I thought that if he okay maybe there's something here is there a mirror here so I think if I go okay if I come out at all and he's near he can turn around he can like smell me or sense me or something I think but he under the mirror the mirror this mirror this is a mirror there's nothing here oh no oh wait whoa what just happened wait what actually just happened what did I oh okay wait ah okay so you tap the mirror wait but is there actually anything underneath it no but that's how we get back okay good one of his eyes man his eyes looking different to it hey kids you wait fine tapes okay oh I'm in the oh no it puts you all the way back here oh okay all right so we've got a head back oh dude this guy don't make things easy you know all right we're gonna go this way oh that was not a good time to run out of sprint right there okay back at it okay let's check my parents room are there any tapes I feel like there might be tapes in there claw hey wait what oh it's a lot anything in the drawers okay there ain't no tapes here there's a that was not there just stay still kiddo so this is under the mirror right also Oh September 8th Jenna Ruby and I went to see Esther yesterday Ruby loves seen her grandma Nana she calls her she's not been doing so well in recent months we went around the other weekend and she was just staring at the wall I really had to shake her to snap her out of it and then she was just filing nothing had happened God knows how long she'd been doing that for we've booked her for a doctor's appointment I'm supposed to be recording ideas for a new novel huh okay so Nana has been staring at the walls I mean that's fine right I wouldn't say that she's okay wait okay okay okay at least we get to keep the one way my dad dude what I heard him he was well he was kind of close but no dude his eyes are missing now so does he get scarier and worse every tape you find or something okay but it didn't give us a hint this time okay let's check my room we can also check the Attic but let's check my room first because these things sort of appear and oh and there we go got it September 14th so like a week later or so Jenna and I stopped to see Esther again today that's Nana this oh and this is my dad I think right Jenna's my mom the place was filthy I'm not sure how to have gotten bad so quickly Esther doesn't seem to be keeping herself clean either and it's almost like she didn't recognize us her appointment is tomorrow Jenna's worried she might have to go into care I'll keep this documented I hope Ruby doesn't have to see her like this no but she's reading or listening to your tapes now wait a minute weren't we supposed to find my mom like we're finding all the tapes but like we got distracted or like we were supposed to find my mom cuz she's like help me and then we're like mom I got some tapes to find dude wait I just I was literally about to say that okay this is okay alright whose arm was that okay I'm going for it I'm going up dude I was just gonna say I do not hear him walking around he's poking holes through the walls now you know my dad is gonna be so mad when he finds out he's gonna blame me dude alright wait where's that what is that okay that is right at my head dude okay let's try that again but yeah my dad ain't gonna like that and then what am I gonna say no dad mr. Hobbs did it yeah sure Ruby so let's see like a the Christmas oh dude it's just it's a dead end it's no tape all right we're so we've been I mean unless there's like a new area yeah is there another area we yeah dude stop it with that you know that there's like a I'm trying to remember which poptropica Island had that but there was like a little jump scare like that that is like the identical jump scare and I know like yeah there are different games completely but you you get what I'm saying man because that does that that's annoying not annoying it's just it just gives me a little a little flutter in my heart yeah there's definitely something here cuz that doesn't appear otherwise we just gotta let him like get far away and then we'll figure out what it is something on the couch behind the couch in the couch I'm not sure it's so weird though yeah it is right it's right here am i pressing the right button I am hey what there's a tape here now September 15th as of recording this Esther's in the hospital her neighbors called the police in the early hours of the morning because they could see her hear her screaming she'll be there for a few days we told Ruby that she had a fallen that she's okay we're waiting on a diagnosis so it's it's obviously dementia I mean that seems fairly obvious Baghdad wait okay good good I got like three feet before he jumped on me don't know okay I gotta be more careful here oh look he's like crying yeah he's getting like he's getting like worse and worse as we find tapes oh there's a this was not here before what's why are there eyeballs in our attic dude they're all staring at me this is weird okay but we're hitting the whole time what is going on man what no what hang on there huh and then we go back out wait same door that doesn't make sense dude I Oh what there's a tape here okay it's September 17th we took Ruby to the hospital to see her Nana Esther made a soft toy for her and for her called mr. hop a small rabbit Esther always knitted her clothes and toys Ruby is thankful but I must admit this toy does have a look to it something quite unsettling okay wait so all that stuff is in September I'm gonna check here again because it looks like even yeah this whole thing has hit it even though you've checked a plate looks exactly the same even though you've checked the place stuff like tapes reappear or like well not reappeared they just appear where they never were before come on that's horrible man don't do that huh come on now that that's ridiculous don't do that to me doll there we go tape number 5 September 19th we've just had a call Esther passed away in her sleep the doctors couldn't give us diagnosis and even said that the sudden passing is bizarre we'll have to tell Ruby when she gets home from school this isn't gonna be easy on any of us our grandma died so that that's what this is all about right this is all in her head to still find tapes it's all in her head I think like the the maybe she thinks that mr. Hobbs had something to do with her grandmother passing I think I don't know bunny spider what was that okay wait so she'll be not okay wait I got to be more careful okay wait oh there's a tape there is that thing coming though all right okay so came six six out of six September 22nd Ruby says the mister hopped a creeps her out but it's the only thing she has remember her grandmother bye I keep hearing bumps in the night like somebody's walking around and it's scaring Jenna and I I keep a handgun in the safe but I'm considering keeping it closer to me we lock that room so Ruby can't get to it Jenna keeps key under a houseplant in the hallway I think wait wait wait wait wait wait where is this headed because I'm pretty sure we just got a hint guys did you make me play a game that may not okay whoever may be all right we'll go fine I don't know what houseplant it's talking about is it on maybe it's actually wait no oh this is the door okay okay yeah there might be some something I cut out of here okay house plant this one not this one okay but what it what does it make it no oh okay the hand isn't bad okay well I got to check all the house plants yeah all right so every house plant and it said the house plant in the hallway so this is the hallway ah I found it okay it's like the last of course it is it's the last house plant in the hallway run kiddo let's go all right what is behind door number three the safe obviously we need it oh I know what it is yeah yeah I kept looking at the calendar oh four one eight right wasn't it April 18th oh my goodness come on there Bing what what just happened when that it was was it it was April 18th wasn't it I'm almost positive oh wait hold on hold on okay since it's in the UK I've wanted this out before man if I had not noticed that okay fine mr. hop mr. hop okay uh yeah this is this is mm I don't know what we're gonna do about this held on we'll see where this goes but uh yeah if I had not noticed that it was from the UK I would have been like what do you mean that I would go back all right whatever mr. hop he's not here oh there he is okay all right do it get him get him what do you can't move mr. uh ooh I can't I got him yes I killed mr. hob i won ha ha can i oh wait oh is this where I do that nope do I have like unlimited ammo cool so now why'd I have no no goal here okay Rooney come and give your Nana's a kiss what what what do you mean like outs what's it what huh what are you Nana Nana Nana what Nana I thought yeah Ruby play with me Oh Ruby no no no no no no no run run run run what happens the front Goro is gonna leave now what are these that we were supposed to do with that okay I'm running I'm running okay so we have unlimited run can I kind of shoot those hands okay what am I supposed to okay you shoot the hands okay jump jump shoot the hand okay oh it's getting close it so fast no no okay just go just go okay now I've got a good head start there we go there we go there we go just keep running just keep running don't get caught okay running across the top is oh I am so far and now I'm out I'm out yes the cops are here our blues drop the gun now oh wait no no no no whoa whoa whoa SWAT team no no no it was it goes the bunny wait wait wait wait what okay wait I'm not really sure I like where this is headed Rubeus Cates okay cuz I was worried that the kid okay whatever hey okay so I think I don't know it was all in the kids head I don't know what happened to her parents but yeah I'm glad I put a warning at the beginning of this because it's I think it's dark but who knows maybe her parents fine I mean she did say like you know mom said to come help her in the I don't remember where she was but anyway whoo all right we made it uh two different ways now guys don't forget to subscribe it so you get your comment on the next video when I ask next week for next week's fan it's Friday also if you're new you're subscribe for more videos like this and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course you live [Music]
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 3,808,249
Rating: 4.8527813 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, gaming, thinknoodles horror game, mobile, horror, game, scary, jumpscare, hopps, mr hopps, mr hopps playhouse, bunny, hopp, mr hopp
Id: 0SwfktEOBYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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