What Causes Anxiety? Eileen Fisher and Byron Katie Dive into the Question

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let's look at anxiety anxiety okay yeah so so I invite all of you I'm glad I'm not anxious and I'm not go ahead so invite all of you to find a moment in time and I'll do the same that's the same where you were experiencing anxiety okay so find that situation that moment in time maybe you were backstage and you're going to walk on in doing public speaking or you're standing on the stage and you forget what what you say it can be a moment in time when you're extending your stepping out of maybe you're on a cliff and you look down and you've never been frightened of heights before and go like that okay so find your own moment in time that situation where your family and anxiety and when you find that begin to identify what you were thinking and believing what judgements were happening as you were experiencing that anxiety from assumptions or judgments hmm so really what we're doing this we're meditating on a moment in time aren't we so this word inquiry it takes stillness just really still what was like thinking and believing in that moment it doesn't matter if it was a year ago ten years ago ten minutes ago just to get still enough to identify it what were you what were you imagining thinking and believing and that in that space of anxiety I for me mm-hmm I'm not good enough okay familiar is there anyone that has not experienced the thought I'm not good enough raise your hand if you do so that's amazing okay so for those of you that have had the thought I'm not good enough so just feel what it feels like when you believe that thought in that situation and if you get really still I'm going to ask you how you react when you believe the thought okay and let's move back to the first question is it true you're not good enough you're not good enough in that situation is it true can you really know that it's true you're not good enough now we're not shooting for a no or shooting for a yes we're shooting for what's authentic so really again it takes stillness and in that stillness in that witnessing you're shown um no it's not true you know okay so then just feel it give that and get that no room just give it room it's like is it true no Nets no really calm no so just to contemplate that no not true now stay in that situation we're meditating on that moment in time and notice what happens and how the mind reacts when you think the thought I'm not good enough and you're standing there or sitting there wherever that situation is so begin to track the physical you know where the emotion specifically where does it hit it can just hit like and it can travel or maybe it's your neck and shoulders when I how do I feel when I'm not good at what I'm thinking I thought in that situation yeah clenched I feel clenched here and what images of past future do you see when you think the thought I'm not good enough that takes stillness doesn't it it was there count on it if you felt anxiety there's a cause and what is the cause mind images past future [Music]
Channel: Women Together
Views: 133,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eileen Fisher, Byron Katie, Dealing with Anxiety, Anxiety, The Work, facing challenges, 4-questions, guided inquiry, inquiry, self-development, self-awareness
Id: uh23gmYfySM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2017
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