What Can You Eat at Universal Studios Japan for 10,000 Japanese Yen?

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this is so good this is nice I just wish there was more we're doing it again explorers today I'm going to see how much food we can get for 10,000 Japanese Yen and this time we're at Universal Studios Japan we arrived late it's about 10:00 in the morning and there's no line to get inside and also we're here in the middle of April middle of April is typically not very busy first things first we're going to get a timed entry for Super Nintendo World area time entry get an e ticket Super Nintendo World goodness they have some left that's good and you don't need one for whizzing World of Harry Potter I know people get really confused I've honestly I think I've done this maybe once and that was like 7 years ago like they rarely turn this on Super Nintendo World here we go and make sure you have everyone's tickets scanned you can do it ahead of time too the day before you visit okay so 1:00 p.m. 1:30 that's actually pretty good we're getting here late it's also a Tuesday mid April so there you go beautiful 130 that's when we're going into Super Nintendo World the first food item we're going to do we're going to do the Pikachu steamed bun because they still have it and I have not had that in probably about a year let's do it the food stand for the Pokémon food that they have is right in front of Hollywood dream the ride so they still have the Bulbasaur sipper which is fantastic and they have the Squirtle churro and also the Pikachu steam bun I have a video that cover all of this stuff so you can go and watch that once you're done watching this one okay for a point of reference 10,000 Japanese yen is rough oh this hurts me to say at the current exchange rate about $65 but just keep in mind that you know it it does fluctuate but I just wanted to give you a point of reference just so you know it's it's easier to understand really quickly the Pikachu steam bun is so adorable I've had this before and I highly recommend it it's just so cute how it his bum it's his butt as a steamed bun packaging is fantastic I feel sorry sorry I don't know how to do this sorry Pikachu we're going to look inside your butt so inside is pizza look at that there's sausage in there and cheese and sauce delicious M this is so good I love the sausage in there I love the cheese and I love all the sauce and the seam bun I mean it's more of a vessel it's a cute vessel this is perfection also remember with the Pikachu steam bun there's two variations you can see here this is the boy Pikachu there's also the girl Pikachu cuz she has the heart shaped tail so they give it to you randomly five out of five easily so the Pikachu butt cost us 700 Yen so we have 9,300 Yen left so here's 9,000 and then we have 300 Yen we still have a lot of food to eat before we continue eating uh there's a new kudi show that I want to see called kudi live haven't seen it yet so we're going to watch that while I digest uh Pikachu's butt [Music] [Music] infinity infinity infinity my infinity infinity infinity this is my [Music] [Applause] [Music] I get [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm going to show you my love and [Music] passion so I got my food Sun got the right now the Le and the BL me up the black color ler If I Had [Music] [Music] You 1 2 [Applause] be let's go back to Simplicity I feel like i' been missing me not who I'm supposed to be I felt the darkness over we all get there eventually never knew where I belong but I was right and you were WR telling all along don't so hard on yourself for to let go [Music] adorable that's all I can say is adorable Kudo me my melody that show unhinged we love an unhinged show and back there you probably heard it turn off it sound like lawnmower they're sucking up all the confetti that went everywhere it's called the billy goat that's what the machine is called and I love that that is like the perfect name for it yeah this show is new and definitely worth watching check the app for the times and everything okay we're going to go and get more food you know what I've never actually had Costa Coffee from here before so you know what we're going to we're going to change that they have a wide variety I'll be honest I didn't know that they had so much coffee okay I'm going to get one yeah I ended up getting a iced flat white just because it is a little warm today I didn't really want a hot coffee no thank you I'm already I'm actually kind of sweating flat whites they're starting to become a little more common in Japan you can't get it at places like Starbucks to my knowledge but there's a lot of places that are starting to carry flat whites cuz before you could not find one to save your life and with this I got a gum syrup which is just liquid sugar going to put it in here and doing this all on handed oh no can I do it ahuh oh I you're not now that is Talent I'm really scared I'm going to drop [Music] this Tada oh maybe I shouldn't put the whole thing in there that's very sweet that's not a bad FL FL white I'm not a connoisseur flat white so I don't know what constitutes as an excellent flat white but for theme park flat white it's actually pretty good I would have put half the syrup though I think that's too much for the size anyway I'm going to give this a 3 and 1/2 so this cost 600 Yen which means we have 8,700 left we got a ways to go and it's quarter after 11 we're going to have one of my favorite meals in the park here at the Dragon [Music] Pearl Universal Studio Japan has been introducing more mobile ordering first it was M's Diner now it looks like they've expanded it to the Dragon Pearl so we're going to do that you scan the QR code in the restaurant and then it'll bring up this page for you so I'm going to do my favorite meal the Dragon Pearl combo with fried rice and you can add different things to it I'm not going to do that add some cart and then you actually pay in the store there we go done now I just wait I don't get to eat here often because they close early they open at I believe it's at 10:00 and then they close at 3:00 that's early I think the timing's changed but it's never open late so I never remember to come and get one of my favorite meals I love this meal so much if you watched my video on the best things to eat at Universal studos Japan this is in it so if you haven't watched that video make sure you do once you're done watching all this so we have sweet sour chicken and mauu which is spicy tofu essentially and fried rice and then we also have some corn soup so good delicious the fried chicken is where it's [Music] at it's nice and juicy and the Sweden sour sauce on isn't overly sweet which is really nice cuz you know sometimes sweet sour sauce can be overtly sweet and I don't care for that this is nice and balanced and the Mao tofu I mean this isn't anything special it's just spicy tofu with minc I believe it's pork if I was to rate it in terms of spicy this level this is maybe just under a jalapeno in terms of spice level try of get your head around the spice what I like about the fried rice is they put edamame in here not Peas I don't like peas and stuff but I like edamame it's more of a texture thing mushy peas not my thing M my mother watching this knows how much I disliked peas especially when we were at Grandma's no thank you I wish I grew up eating edamam it wasn't really common in the middle of Canada in the frozen tundra there's the corn soup you can tell there's egg in there too actually's hot and there's some sort of seasoning in here I'm not too sure what it is but it gives it a nice seasoned flavor it's not just water with corn and egg overall this meal I'm not going to give it a five I don't think it's quite up there I'm going to give it a four I think probably would would put it over to a five if there was maybe some sort of other seasoning with the Sween sour sauce on the chicken I think maybe give it a little bit of spice that would have been nice the meal was 1,600 Yen so that puts us at 7100 Yen left out of the 10,000 we're doing pretty good and I'm pretty full we still got a long ways to go as you saw we did the mobile ordering with this right and to do mobile ordering you're going to need data on your phone Wi-Fi in Japan is tough to find It's oddly enough not very common in a lot of places even here at Universal Street of Japan the Wi-Fi is only at the front of the park so data is essential for your trip just to make things easier otherwise it's going to be really tough and I have a solution for you with today's sponsor cluke cluke has been my go-to platform for booking incredible travel experiences since 2016 cluke is easy to use and with its app and website you'll be able to find everything you need from theme parks to Wi-Fi and even hotels everything is available in your own currency and language they also offer a variety of discounts to help your money go even further as I mentioned having access to the internet while traveling in Japan is pretty important from making bookings for your favorite experiences visiting various theme parks or just staying in contact with family and friends back home you'll need a reliable internet connection on your mobile device with eims from clug you're able to easily purchase them through their app and website install it on your phone and be up and run with internet access when you arrive in Japan also the great thing with eims you don't have to worry about renting or returning any physical cards or have to swap anything out it's all done securely in the settings of your phone I Rely quite heavily on eims when I travel myself it's just so convenient I don't think I can go back to physical cards give eims from cluk a try today by following the link in the description down below or by scanning the QR code you see on the screen it'll give you that peace of mind just to get everything done in one place and thank you so much to cluke for sponsoring this video now let's get back to eating we're going to take a break from eating and check out the new Conan 40 live show which replaced Terminator I haven't seen this yet it's new it just started so we're going to check it out this looks so weird though seeing this sign all right let's head [Music] inside [Music] [Music] fore [Music] for for [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] speee [Music] [Applause] for foreign spee foreign speech [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're a fan of Detective Conan you definitely need to see this show it is a lot of fun if you're not a fan or you're not familiar with the Detective Conan it's very dialog heavy so you probably will get lost because there's no subtitles everything is in Japanese but the pre-show itself does have English subtitles so you can get some sort of context as to what is going on if you do decide to see it I enjoyed the show I just thought it was very dialogue heavy I wish there was more performers in the show at one time there was three performers on the stage of I remember correctly I love the part when Kaio kid comes down from the ceiling I thought that was really fun and yeah the whole story with the the jewel getting stolen and all that stuff yeah it's good fun and then of course when you come out you go into the gift shop and there's tons and tons of Detective Conan merchandise there's always room for ice cream and we're going to get some here at am ice cream it's Baskin Robins here's all the different flavors popping shower is always a classic I think I'm going to get rocky road and cookies and cream I always get a cup so I'm going to get a Double Cup 550 this is cute but I don't really need that but if you want that this is how much it is here delicious cookies and cream and rocky road usually I don't care for you know just straight up chocolate but rocky road I don't know there's something about rocky road that I just adore I think it's must be a thing when I was a child I did eat it a lot so I think it's very sentimental to me it's Baskin Robin's ice cream doesn't throw any punches it's familiar it's delicious four out of five easy enough funny thing about Baskin Robin so if you say to someone in Japan you want Baskin Robins nine times out of 10 they're probably not going to know what you're talking about in Japanese it's called 31 because there's 31 Flavors so everyone in Japan calls it 31 31 just a fun little piece of uh Japanese language there for you this was 550 so we have 6550 left 6550 Yen left so we're going to finish this up and we're going to head over to Super Nintendo World heading into Super Nintendo World our timed entry is up so we're going to head inside to pull up your Ed entry ticket go to Ed entry e tickets and then at the bottom it says acquire timed entry ticket standby entrance ticket list and there it is you just scan the QR code [Music] boom I never grow tired of this entrance it just makes me so incredibly happy I remember the first time walking through this back in 2020 I'll will never forget that feeling makes me feel like a kid again yeah okay [Music] we're going to check out the situation with kopio Cafe I'm not sure if we need a timed entry ticket or not so we will find out we just asked and they said we don't need a time to entry ticket you just line up it's about a 60-minute wait so that's good enough for me because I still need to digest I love this restaurant so much the inside is always just so welcoming and I love toad toad is my favorite he is my go-to in everything if I'm playing Mario Kart against you you bet you I am picking toad him in that annoying voice so we waited just under an hour I think roughly 45 50 minutes so not terrible but I love that we did not need a return time to come back so now I'm going to talk about this Coke Zero for the next 25 minutes and my cameraman is shaking his head no okay fine I'll keep it to 30 seconds I got to Coke Zero because I am thirsty that's it and this is the large size the large size Coke Zero I don't know why I'm doing this I've never had this before this is the Yoshi fruit and vegetable salad and this is actually considered plant-based so when this first came out it wasn't plant-based cuz I remember asking them cuz I thought to myself oh maybe it is but actually it wasn't at the time I I think it was the dressing that wasn't plant-based but now this is fully plantbased even says right on the menu plant-based so we have we have melon we have pineapple strawberry and kiwi peas and some mushroom and dressing I'm not sure what the dressing is but we'll find out our server told us when he came to the table this is Yoshi's favorite fruits and vegetables so you might want to eat it quick because if Yoshi comes by he's going to all of it I don't see him anywhere there's also cucumber on this too we asked what the dressing was cuz I couldn't quite tell and they said it's a yogurt dressing so it would be a plant-based yogurt dressing now that they tell me I can kind of taste it it's little Tangy this is nice I just wish there was more for the price that you pay for this it it doesn't feel like a lot this should be almost double I feel but I do enjoy this salad it's nice and fresh nice change from you know burgers fries steamed buns churros french fries all that kind of stuff I'm going to give this a three out of five I just wish there was more I think if there was more it would have been nice and maybe something else like the yogurt dressing is nice I just feel like it's missing something to you know give it a four or five but I do like the all the different fruits on here I haven't had the Pizza Bowl in a very long time I think not since 2020 when I first came here I think that's the only time I ever had it so there's Pizza in the middle here and you just kind of have to I guess just stick the fork in and open it there you go sorry I'm so sorry you can see the pizza inside here look at that yum cheese tomatoes and that looks like bacon I mean it doesn't look overly appetizing but it's good if I remember it's quite nice there's also mushrooms in this too it's definitely as good as I remember delicious it's as good as I remember I'm going to give this a four four out of five I think what would made it a five would have been more again for the price I think a little bit more would have been nice and maybe a little hint of spice I think I would have really enjoyed that the ingredients in there are perfect I think the bacon in there and the tomatoes and the mushrooms I think are perfect the presentation is fantastic except for right now I kind of destroyed it definitely get this this is good I really like this all together the three items came to 3500 Yen and we have 1,000 2,000 3,000 and 50 left oh that was the most expensive part of the day so far we still got 3,50 to spend so let's go well I found out where all the Crowds Are they're here at Super Nintendo World so it's not as bad as I've seen it everyone wants to come inside Super Nintendo World so it makes sense that you know there people here they're always just very busy I always recommend though do it first thing in the morning all right we're going to head out here and uh get some more food cuz that's what we're here for there's a snack that I want to get here at amony Landing restaurant and is it the shark nuggets or is the roll cake H did you really think I was going to get the shark nuggets absolutely not I learned my lesson from my best and worst food at usj video try out the Jaws nuggets no we are never doing those again and I'm sorry neither should you I don't I don't think they're good at all absolutely not but this Swiss roll cake that's soda flavored Perfection this has been here since I'm gonna say the dawn of time it has been here ever since I've been coming to Universal and I hope they never get rid of it it is such a classic so I had to get it again today it looks like Jaws it's the Jaws Motif it is such a perfect snack oh o look on the inside there some chocolate and some cream and we got the blue soda cake and then we also have the blue fin I'm going to call it a juj it's like a jub tube or like a gummy I guess the Blue Fins right cuz didn't we get those as children there was like a barrel of blue fin candies I think so right I think I'm remembering correctly it is moist it is delicious not overly sweet which I know I say a lot but is the truth and the blue like the soda is very subtle doesn't punch you in the face which I prefer I don't want to be punched in the face with this and the chocolate compliments it very well this dessert is perfectly balanced in every way imaginable theming wise taste wise presentation all of that is perfect and I'm struggling to get this [Music] off five out of five no notes it is [Music] perfection I just noticed in the light the cream I thought it was white no it's actually like a really light blue color that is some detail so this cost 600 Yen we have 2450 Yen [Music] left still got more to eat popped into the Wizarding World I wanted to see if there's something I wanted to eat but uh not really but I have to say crowd wise it is not packed in here at all which is lovely cuz usually it's quite busy here in the wisting world they still have Easter decorations up and it is so adorable look at Snoopy and [Music] Woodstock look at these Woodstock eggs that is so cute I I I I can't look at it so good [Music] I love the outfits adorable having another item that I've never had before this is the Hello Kitty strawberry smoothie and it looks cute and it's incredibly potent and I love the little Hello Kitty ribbon juj on the top it is so adorable and when you order this when they tell you the price they say this was 700 Yen they'll say oh it's 700 apples come on how could you not love that look look at that you can see the strawberry seeds in there if I could tell you how strong the smell is it is incredibly [Music] strong that is tart that is tart my friend it is quite sweet too oh I love this it's just strawberry and I love that it's kind of one note but I'm not mad at [Music] it this is really good I was worried it was going to be Bland far from it tart and sweet perfectly Blended oh I just noticed you can see her face let me smush that up again so you can see her face this is a great snack 4 and 1/2 out of five so MoneyWise we have 1750 left so 1,000 yen 500 yen so this the new 500 yen coin actually came out a few years ago it kind of looks like a tuni from Canada all you Canadians out there watching my fellow Canadians you know exactly what I'm talking about our $2 coin back home in Canada then we have the 100 yen coin so got two of those and we still got this 50 end coin with the hole in the middle that we're still trying to get rid of so we have 1750 let's go and spend the rest of it we're going to get a meat pie that's what we're going to do uh-huh I decided I wanted something safe ay and this another item that I've never actually tried before this is a meat pie doesn't look as aesthetically pleasing as the everything else that we've had today but it smells really good it's an Angus beef meat pie in my Australian Watchers I know how much we love our meat pies down in Australia when I was down there I ate them every other day cuz they're delicious I wish I had some ketchup with this let's look on the inside here [Music] oh that is very juicy oh you can really smell the Angus beef I guess it's stew like a beef stew that is surprisingly delicious it doesn't look like much it's pretty plain Jane if you will it's just beef stew with Angus beef inside it's very Tangy and the Angus beef I was worried it was going to be really dry it's not it is quite moist and it's really good I didn't think it was going to be this good honestly I had very low expectations when I came to have this I wish I had some kind of sauce with it maybe like to put on top like maybe some ketchup or something like that but overall I'm very surprised with this and it's very hearty very filling and it's nice and warm too which is really Lov we actually had to come back because they sold out before and they need to make more so I got these nice and fresh the pastry is whatever it's a vessel for everything else inside I'm going to give this a solid 3 and 1/2 just needs ketchup I think that was 800 Yen for that so all we have is change left so we have let's count with me here everyone back home what is this one that's right 500 yen what am i d the Explorer and then we got the 100 yen coins here and then the lonely 50 Yen coin that I've been holding on to all day so we have 950 Yen left let's go spend it really quickly about the mobile ordering so as you saw it works a little bit differently and they're just rolling it out it looks like to other restaurants so when we ordered at jaws and also at the Dragon we scann the QR code then we ordered but we still stood in line and then they scan the QR code and then we paid at the register so it's not like you know at the other Universal Parks espec especially in the US where you order and then you go and pick it up and you pay through the app and everything that's not how it works here you still pay in person and it looks like there's no separate line per say maybe that'll change in the future cuz this is relatively new so I'm guessing there maybe slowly rolling things out I'm not sure but for Mel's Diner Mel's dining they have the mobile ordering scan the QR code but there's a separate line for you if you did the mobile order as opposed to just ordering at the register whereas the other restaurants you were all in the same line so yeah that's pretty much it I feel like some pancakes why don't we get some Mario pancakes that's a good idea it's always a good idea I remember when this opened in 2020 I think it was October September 2020 I was here when it first opened and I tried everything here we are what am I going to get ended up getting the Luigi no- baked cheesecake and there's candied grapes on the top there that you can see you got whipped cream and I know the cheesecake is in the middle we'll get there in a second I got a little chocolate says who's cap well it's Luigi's cap the grapes are really nice I think they're candied there's sugar on on the top or not on the top like they're coated in sugar I love grapes I'm trying to get to The Cheesecake I am a cheesecake fiend so this is right up my alley I think the last time I did this when we did the best and worst food at usj I I did the Mario one the Mario one's good this one is also excellent you can't go wrong if you like strawberries get the Mario one cuz it's excellent if you like cheesecake like myself and the grapes this one is delicious the bun or the pancake itself is pretty it's just a vessel for all the rest of this deliciousness here it is really nice not overly sweet which is kind of the trend it seems with a lot of these pastries and the no baked cheesecake perfectly creamy and it is cheesecake this is easily 4 and 1/2 for this I wish the pancake was maybe flavored like maybe this was grap flavored or something I don't know something other than just being a cute vessel still this is delicious that cost 900 Yen so we got pretty close to spending all our money today we have 50 N left he lasted throughout the day we got this near the beginning of the day and uh we kept going overall that was a lot of food uh uh for one person you could probably do this with two people I kind of did do it with two people I didn't eat everything myself my cameraman also helped eating with everything helped ate everything I cannot even speak anymore I am so full of food at the moment by the way if you're planning a trip to Universal Studio Japan which if you're watching this video you probably are I want to remind you about our wonderful digital guide books on Universal Studio Japan and also Tokyo Disney Resort it has everything you need to know to plan your perfect trip to Universal series Japan deciding when to visit also all the hotels there's hotels all around us all those different things and also food talk about food a lot on what to do how to buy your tickets how to buy your Express passes how to utilize everything how to plan your day so make sure you go and check it out you do not want to visit Universal Studio Japan without our guide book trust me it helps it really does and it is the best resource out there it's on our website tx.com books I have a link in the description as well are there any other places you would like to see how far 10,000 Yen can go let me know in the comments below okay the park is closing in half an hour it closed at 7:00 closed a little bit early um this week so I'm going to walk around and uh work off all these calories thank you so much for joining me I'll see you in the next one but don't go anywhere I'll put another video up there so you can watch okay bye
Channel: TDR Explorer
Views: 50,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Travel, Theme Park, japan travel, universal studios japan food, universal studios japan jaws, universal studios japan super nintendo world, universal studios
Id: 0-0Tmg_DEKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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