Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Hollywood!

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everybody welcome back to ordinary Adventures today we're at the soft opening of Super Nintendo World here at Universal Studios Hollywood we're going to explore the land eat seafood ride the ride and act like little kids in a Super Nintendo World game it's gonna be awesome come with us on this adventure [Music] oh my God how excited are you oh this is cool this is different than Japan [Applause] this is what it's like to go through a warp pipe oh my God it's kind of incredible yeah yeah all right wow we just came out of Peach's castle wow how awesome is this this is so cool yeah I'm fighting back tears wow it is so amazing finally being in here everything just being this close to all these moving Parts you really feel like you like walked into a video game piranha plant behind you I know it's kind of scary this is so damn cool oh my God first things first I think we need to go buy ourselves a power-up band so we went in the one-up factory and we have found the power bands yeah the question is which one are we gonna get which one do you want I know all six do I want Luigi or do I want Yoshi I think you want Yoshi I think you want Yoshi and I want toad okay let's do it this store is actually pretty cool called the one up Factory and here's where you can get all your Super Mario Brothers merch yeah she's so cute these are a lot bigger than I thought they were going to be right like they're thick when you open up the Universal Studios Hollywood app there's actually an entire section for Super Nintendo World right on the home page so you use these power-up bands to collect stamps view your rank and see how many coins you've collected and you use the map to track your adventure so let's scan the QR code to get started I'm team towed oh that's cool I didn't realize by picking toad I was going to be team toad but I think you could change your name and then oh you could pick your character oh I'm totally picking that one and then the character backgrounds by the way how good is the music in here amazing I thought the music was going to be going to be deleting but it's just like perfect and it it makes me want to cry like I literally feel like I'm in a video game I don't know how many times I'm gonna say that today all right I'm all set wow that was incredibly easy so it wasn't like the magic man wow oh my God how cute is that team-toed let's do this I think the best feature of this whole thing is it's a slap bracelet all right what is it how's it looks great team Yoshi and team toad yes now we're gonna get some uh coins yeah right if you're wondering what the trash cans look like in Super Nintendo World yeah they look pretty normal I think it's time for the challenge to begin who's gonna get more coins me or Peter we know it's me it's kind of funny how like these are so low but I guess it's so little kids could yeah hahaha [Music] come on oh not working I don't know I got two at least see you should have kept like oh no what the heck I played Mario I know how it's done so I just got a lot of coins with the question blocks but I forgot to link my band to my account and I did so after and the coins were on the band already it knows So Pro tip I thought when you hit the Box you actually had to hit it with this but I think you could just use your hands yeah [Music] oh [Music] there's something so satisfying about doing that oh my God look at yochi up there there's so much to look at I don't think you can jump that high couldn't quite reach those ones I love how they have these mushrooms that you can sit down in the shade I know I thought of everything here so Super Nintendo World you can go around the land collect coins there's different fun missions but there's also the mission to beat Bowser Jr and you need three keys you got to collect three keys to get to Bowser Jr and Ketch is going to try to collect one of the keys right now wish me luck good luck the objective of this one is you want to line it up perfectly with that green shell and that's how you get the key so you scan this key here first to start all right I did it she said you get free tries and then I think you have to start over so I got on my third try one key down uh two to go two to go kitra just saw a guy doing this so I'm gonna try it some of the walls are some secret Mario symbols like this it Blends into the wall ah wow how cool is that and I'm pretty sure all those stickers end up in your app so you got to collect them all yeah you do you got to collect every single one of them so we're going to be coming to this land a lot until we get them all so right here at Mount Bean pole this is where you enter the Mario Kart Bowser challenge attraction we're gonna go in right now so I don't want to brag or anything but I'm the best player at Mario Kart that has ever lived is that right Peter that is right so I think I'm gonna enjoy this ride I'm really afraid I'm not gonna fit on this ride it's made for Japan made for smaller people but they have a test vehicle right here Universal you never know if you're gonna fit on a ride so just so you know if you're a bigger guy you can fit on this ride so this is like Yoshi's Island it's so cute I love the theming in here and it smells like fresh paint which is exciting look at a cute little star foreign [Music] now we're entering Bowser's Castle that is a huge statue of Bowser it's pretty incredible that is officially the biggest butt check we've ever done on our Channel if you listen to the news like the Bowser music oh it's so good oh my god wow I love that they have all the different Awards on display here oh my God I like the banana peel the best walking through Bowser's Castle you are presented with a bunch of the Mario Kart trophies I guess he might have won over the years but my favorite has to do this Universal cup special for this attraction on the wall over here they have all the different like courses that you could choose from when you play Mario Kart I love that the attention to detail I love that he has a painting of himself on the wall of course of course and we'll do this hey Mario I challenge you to a race come to my castle and don't chicken out nobody calls me chicken there's so many different Easter eggs hidden in this area I'm not sure if you can see this on camera but those fire things are like in 3D yeah it's like a 3d effect this has got to be the most like intricate ride cue I've ever seen we even got a boo up there oh that's nice of Bowser he made a throne for peach if she becomes his queen look at how big his throne is that's kind of crazy oh is that his throne it's not the throne no he just has the picture Peach yes is this how Bowser designs the courses for Mario Kart it's like all done in like cardboard I would buy this 3D pop-up book it almost reminds me of like paper Mario back in the day oh this is where the bombs are made oh no this is where all the bad guys are made laughs wow there's Bullet Bill too oh my God they got all their outfits holy cow and their helmets and stuff too Princess Peach is always my go-to it's the best it's funny the directions in there you could tell they copy that straight from the ride in Japan because there's like no talking it's all just Visual and you really got to pay attention it feels like it was made by Nintendo yeah it feels like it was made by Nintendo it's really cute but you really have to pay attention because there's no like verbal thing telling you what to do here's the deal once you get into your Mario Kart you can steer the wheel you aim your head around to aim at bad guys and you press the buttons on the Wheel to shoot it's all done through this augmented reality system which is unlike anything I've seen at any theme park it's pretty cool here's the little visor that you wear and you pull this down and then it straps on your head and you just put it right on your forehead and then you strap it back here to make sure it's nice and tight all right all right thank you I'm ready man I'm gonna smoke you how cool is it this like snaps on with Megan yeah I was I thought it was going to be more complicated but it's very easy and I was worried about wearing glasses you have nothing to worry about because it's like not right on it oh here we go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] got it man oh no get him sir oh my God that was so much fun it was totally different than I thought it was going to be I've seen some ride-throughs and it seemed kind of underwhelming but it's definitely something you need to experience for yourself yeah I don't think video can capture it exactly because you wear this AR headset and there's all these bad guys and stuff flying around there's so much going on you literally go through the Mario levels there were so many times where I was screaming at Peter like I've played the this one it was really reminiscent of Mario Kart 8 and I think the coolest thing about it was at the very end you like hit the Rainbow Road and it's it's just so good I am a little bit nauseous so if you suffer from motion sickness be aware I'm fine but I could just like I could feel it a little bit towards the end I was kind of just like there's a lot a lot of movement yeah and uh I can't right wait to ride that like a million more times let's go again yeah look at her hair that's cool and she actually talks too hello hello awesome so nice to meet you you're my favorite character in Mario Kart talks that's insane I am just in disbelief of how big this land feels on the inside being like the same size as a vendor's campus it feels so much bigger so much like energy in here with everything moving and all the noises and stuff it just feels so alive wow I've somehow collected 10 stamps oh I got a gold stamp for my stamp book I have 333 coins and I have one of the keys I gotta say I like the gamification of this land way more than Galaxy's Edge it really makes me want to get all the stamps and get all the coins and yeah win everything I mean it's Nintendo so I learned from one of the team members that these reset after every 30 seconds and get as many coins as you want you just gotta wait 30 seconds and then you can get more coins oh see this thing keeps on falling off oh no we decided to get in the line for Mario and Luigi because we got to meet them they're famous [Music] whoa Mario yay yes [Applause] there you go perfect just like that come on up yay Luigi [Applause] I'm doing good Mario yes there is nothing like meeting Mario and Luigi inside of the Mushroom Kingdom it is so cool that they talk I don't know if you're gonna be able to hear what they said but when we were taking the photo he's like all right everybody say Luigi Luigi I said bye tomorrow and he was like bye-bye it was awesome in our last video we showed you this light up star popcorn bucket well we're giving one away to one of you just comment in the comments below what are you most excited about for Super Nintendo World and why let us know and we'll pick one winner in one week to win this popcorn bucket it lights up it's awesome we ran into our friend Nick here from most Vibes just by accident I just happened to have this so much to take in right now it's so vibrant I actually feel like a real life video game character the ride is much better than I anticipated it's so interactive the AI technology is so good I loved it so fun so fun I got to go back on rainbow road again though it's like a lot of fun I'm feeling a little bit hungry let's go to toadstools Cafe let's take a look at the menu Toadstool cheesy garlic knots the piranha plant Caprese salad looks really good then we have Yoshi's favorite fruit and veggie salad and the Superstar chicken salad I gotta admit this stuff looks more cute and more of the stuff from Japan than I thought they were going to have yeah and then of course we have some burgers down here we have Mario burger and then Luigi burger or the Luigi chicken sandwich yeah in Japan it's actually a burger and the fire flower spaghetti and meatballs oh my God look at the desserts they're so cute yeah we have the question box tiramisu Mountain Bean pole cake and of course A Princess Peach cupcake and then Superstar lemon squash wow finally we're finally a toadstool Cafe I've been waiting for this moment I don't know what I'm gonna order everything looks so cute what's this oh awesome do you go for the little present or the big present catcher went for the big I did I'm gonna go for the little oh you got a what is that called like a Tanuki Leaf the leaf yeah yeah it's probably not what it's called look at the kids meal you get a little Mario figure on top of your burger and then you get the flag on top of the Corn that's so funny or what is the coin is the coin a cookie while you wait to order your food you actually get to see Chef toad in the kitchen whipping up your food it's hard to hear him but when you get close and you hear him talking it's so funny he's like I can't wait for you to try [Laughter] Jeff toad I've heard I am and Chef here can I just eat them preparing wonderful deals for our guests I sure do hope you are having a wonderful time visiting us here in a Mushroom Kingdom now it's time for you to take a break relax and enjoy some great food that I have hopefully prepared for you why I love that the cups are even super cute Super Nintendo World Cups super cute Super Nintendo World Cup cute cute cute it finally hit me that we're inside Toad's house I know it's Toadstool Cafe and it's a restaurant but it's kind of like in Mario when you go into the toad house and you get like the presents that's why there was the presents at the door and you get a prize and if you look in the center of the house here you have all the different like things you could get the fire flower The Bell the one up you got it all Toadstool Cafe is super cute even the chairs and the tables are themed and it fits a lot of people so I'm guessing a lot of people are going to be eating yeah it's a lot bigger in here than I thought it was going to be yeah I ended up getting the fire flower spaghetti and meatballs the spaghetti with mushroom marinara sauce meatballs fire flour parmesan crisp cheese parmesan and chopped parsley you know Mario's Italian so I had to get the sauce yeah good call right so uh and I'm Italian too so me me and Mario are are you guys related or the secret Super Mario Bros others I'm actually impressed that like this food looks like the menu it does look at the plate with a little toad down there oh cool yeah surprisingly a little spicy it doesn't say that on the menu right I don't know I think they might need to add the spicy on there because Taurus especially in Florida when this opens an epic Universe they're going to I know it's spicy but it's not that spicy I'd say like a three out of ten this is surprisingly good for like a Universal Studio I'm sorry Universal but the sauce is surprisingly zesty and there's actually some mushrooms in there so it is also extra themed for Super Mario Brothers I would give us like a four out of five Peter wow this is cool and I like this little uh if I eat this will I be able to throw like Fireballs yeah it tastes like cheese is it made out of no fireballs and I ordered the Superstar chicken salad this has romaine and cabbage grape tomatoes mushrooms tossing and creamy mushroom truffle dressing with a Parmesan Superstar star croutons and grilled chickens the smell of this is so overwhelmingly truffle smelling I've never had like a truffle dressing before and I think like they have truffle fries here like they're really going for the the mushroom theme here which I appreciate well what is going on the spouse are coming oh oh no I like this one oh no look at him can you see him oh no oh I didn't think our meal is going to be interrupted by Bowser crashing the party oh no there it is there's Bowser's ship up there you see it yeah oh you know what maybe he's just hungry like let's cut him some slack here you might just want the fire flower spaghetti oh there's Luigi wow this is so overpoweringly truffly if you are not a fan of truffles do not order this salad I however love Truffles and I think it's so tasty the chicken tastes nice and I don't know it's there's not really a lot going on once you like get past the chicken and stuff it's just really tastes like truffle that's pretty much the dominant flavor there but I'm not mad at it I think it's like a three out of five I got the piranha plant Caprese salad this is actually a carried over menu item from Japan so it's a staple here it looked much better like four minutes ago before I killed it that's a dead piranha plant now but much better than it looks how many Nicks out of five oh go ahead and give that three next easily three next it looked way better than it than um than you then you but now at the end of the day so I just tried a bite of Peter's spaghetti and it is so good and it's actually spicy like it leaves a tingling sensation on your tongue I told you that is so good I'd give that a five out of five for sure I like my salad but it's just so overwhelmingly truffly and don't you guys worry we're gonna come back here on a different day and we're gonna literally order everything on the menu try it all out let you guys know what's good and what's not good I'm excited for that then of course we had to try one of the desserts we got the question block tiramisu this is a Tiramisu flavored mystery block with a white chocolate power up inside this is so cute I love that it has a little power up I think it would be so cool like if each time you ordered it it had like a different prize inside oh so it could be like a star ah you didn't know like what you were gonna get that is a brilliant idea I know I am a genius I almost don't want to eat this because it's so cute but I'm going to I'm gonna destroy no [Music] I love that there's so many different layers in here there's like whipped cream you've got the tiramisu filling and like custard it almost feels like a pudding or something on top like a it almost tastes like a Nilla Wafer cookie like that's what these taste like the the sides of it this is good it's really sugary really flavorful what is this sauce down here raspberry I knew that toad liked raspberry this is good five out of five I recommend this one I knew toad I knew I knew he liked raspberry you did I mean I'm friends with Mario we're related that's true they have these little stations set up throughout the land where you can see your ranking let's see where I am okay so you're on team toad yeah so we're fourth place so every hour this updates oh that's cool I like that this is a big touch screen I'm 340. but I feel like that's because I haven't been we've been sitting down eating for a while you're gonna let jeffrow beat you like that I'm not even making this up we checked a few hours ago when I was number 62. okay so now that we've gotten something to eat we're going to get one of our other keys we're going to do that over here where you have to spin this crank and it's not about how fast you can spin it it's about keeping the momentum so you get the Goomba to fall behind okay let's see if I can do it I believe in you oh my God oh my God oh my God gotta keep on going thank you [Music] of course we gotta show you what the restrooms are like so if there's nobody in there and if it's okay to film I'm going to show you what it's like [Music] look at this mural so this is themed to like the underwater levels in Mario how cool and it smells like you're underwater like it smells like sea salt and ocean waves this is awesome if you don't want to wait over at the one-up factor they do have these kiosks that are kind of like ATM machines where you can actually order could get your power-up band I'm getting one for my friends here we go so the third key challenge is with this huge piranha plan as you can see the key is in her grass so you gotta touch all of the red clocks in a certain amount of time and supposedly it's like super hard if you want that key to get to Bowser Jr's Lair so we are actually here today during a soft opening a technical rehearsal the land doesn't actually open until February 17th we're going to be back many many times we didn't get to do everything today things are closing early but that just gives us even more reason to come back so if you are not subscribed subscribe right now trust me you're going to want to okay so what were your overall thoughts of Super Nintendo World it was lived up to all the hype All my expectations it was so immersive and just overwhelming almost like I'm excited to come back here many many times explore the entire land get all the points get all the stamps get all the coins get it all I'm surprised at how kinetic it is with all the moving animatronics all over the land and it's bigger than I thought it was going to be I can't wait to ride Mario Kart over and over and see what kind of score I can get which is even though I like web slingers that's not something I could say about web slingers I feel like I suck at web slingers this I feel like I want to get better and I want it like it's like a Nintendo game it's becoming nighttime here in the Mushroom Kingdom and the blocks have lit up and look at them I like how they light up in the background of them all right they're kicking us out it's time to go if you want to see our last video on the Super Nintendo World Foods put it right over there I want to say thank you to some of our patreons that includes Josh and Karine Keith Shannon and MK thank you guys so much thanks for watching everybody and we'll see you on the next adventure bye
Channel: Ordinary Adventures
Views: 1,199,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ordinary adventures, Super Nintendo world, nintendo, universal studios, Universal Studios Hollywood, Super Nintendo land, Super Nintendo world Hollywood, Super Nintendo world open, super nintnedo world Universal Studios Hollywood, Mario, luigi, Super Nintendo movie, Mario kart bowser's challenge, Mario kart, princess peach, toadstool cafe, Super Nintendo world food, new ride universal studios
Id: 6KHjjuNg4Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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