The BEST Food at Tokyo Disneyland for Christmas 2023!

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thank you to boxu for sponsoring this video more of them later we're going to be doing the mobile ordering for Grandma Sarah I'm excited to eat food today this is not photogenic how cute is that [Music] seriously we're here at Tokyo Disneyland for their Christmas event which is on from November 8th until December 25th and we're going to be trying all the different food today so you know what to eat when you come for your visit so let's just get get right into it we waited 70 minutes for this delicious waffle the line is always long for the waffle there's just no way around it unless you're here instead of going to be in the Beast you come get a waffle it is worth it the the waffles are so good and I've said many times in many of my videos the best waffles at any Disney park and I will stand by that this is the Christmas Version and they put some strawberry whipped cream on here some strawberry candies and a little mistletoe [Music] that is strawberry the whipped cream is very light not very sweet has a nice subtle soft strawberry flavor if that makes sense and the strawberry candies are very tart M this is better than the Halloween one that we had last month it's light and fluffy I'm pretty sure it tastes like chestnuts I'm trying to get the mistl toe M worth the wait honestly [Music] Pro chip don't try and do it all in one bite we're going to finish up here then we're going to head on to the next food place I don't know where that is yet I'm not really good at planning am I speaking of delicious food I want to tell you about my friends over at boxu bxu is a premium Japanese snack box that works with family businesses all over Japan to deliver a new theme of authentic treats every month if you're giving boxo as a gift this season which I think you should this is the first snack box your loved one will receive called Seasons of Japan a few of my favorite snacks from this box include this one bite Sesame Mochi has a nice nutty flavor some sweetness and nice and crunchy a personal favorite this white strawberry infused with chocolate it's Perfection what can I say my mom is always delighted when I bring home Japanese snacks during my visits so I thought I'd send her box this year as a surprise it's an easy way to show my love when I live so far away from home if you want to give the gift of authentic Japanese snacks and support my channel click the link in the description and use my code explore 15 to get $15 off your first box suit order we're going to check out the decorations I want to show you some of the decorations around the park we're we're heading to the front here the floral arrangement is Santa [Music] Mickey this always makes me so happy it's nice that we have some seasonal decorations back it's been a while and you can see Tinkerbell up there she's wearing a little hat a little Christmas [Music] hat Christmas 2023 Minnie and Mickey over here and we got Christmas trees but there's a bigger Christmas tree that I want to show [Music] you I like the little gingerbread Mickey and Mini that's cute they're nice and subtle I do like that but you know what's not subtle this this gigantic Christmas tree I am so happy that this is back this has been gone for the last what 34 years and just look at it it's gigantic oh and they have the 40th logo on there this just makes me very happy to see and then they have a lot of little details down here [Music] too are Chip and Dale in here hello no oh how cute would that have been if they had little hidden Chip and Dale up here in front of the castle here they have some banners up there's no decorations there cuz usually there's decorations I see some snowflakes over there at least we got Banner I guess that's cool I do like these banners though they're cute I like the artwork the question remains though where are my boys I'm find Chi and Dale you haven't seen them yet oh Well I will look later as you can see behind me here that is the waterfall I thought the sign was behind me over here the sign we're in critter country we're going to be eating at Grandma SAS and we're going to try the new mobile ordering I haven't done it yet so we're going to do that so you know how to use it I guess I don't need to we're going to be doing the mobile ordering for Grandma SAS I've never done this before this is brand new and it's not for all the restaurants I'll put a link in the description so you can go check out what restaurants they're at so we're doing it in the app here Disney mobile order and it's in English which is good so Disneyland is only Grandma SAS and plasma Rays it's not all the restaurants oh 12:30 okay we can eat at 12:30 so it is 12: right now we we'll do that 12:30 to 12:45 is our pickup window okay so they have the full menu here in English that's actually pretty good because usually the menu is just in Japanese interesting so we're going to get the special set that's what I I want to try we're going to get that what drink do I want do they have apple tea soda is it here no that is a you know how I feel about that uh we're going to get the oong iced tea and we're going to get the do we want the souvenir lunch mat no we're not going to do that we'll do that at Disney SE adding that to the cart and there's one other item I want to try ah the praline and pistachio cake yes with the moving your plate cool and we're going through this whole process here okay no we're good we're good arrival time 12:30 to 12:45 we're not going to show my credit card information we're not doing that now for reference the card that I'm using is a Japanese card um on my account so I don't I'm not sure if overseas credit cards will work so if you are someone watching and you've tried this with your overseas credit card please let me know in the comments if it worked for you oh there we go order received cool so we get to come back at 12:30 okay I haven't paid yet I pay once I get there I don't know what else to do this is not this wasn't in the plan guys maybe we'll go get some pre-lunch even though it's 24° C outside still we're going to have a nice hot drink the hot apple Ginger drink it's really hot the drink temperature yeah it's 24° there's big is that that must be apples I'm assuming that is Apples there's a lot of apples in here and we got the little Mickey little Mickey apples that's come on that's cute she said to mix it really well oh we can spell the ginger and the C cinnamon and the Apple oo this would be perfect if it was freezing outside but it's not it's been unseasonably warm it's usually not this warm tastes as advertise it's very potent on the apple and the ginger is subtle which I like because I don't like things with ginger that really overpowers everything thing I think it kind of takes away from the drink in my opinion I hot it's very chewy too that's very much apple M Apple's very bitter I'm not mad about that and the packaging on this is really adorable too I really like that look at the packaging here that's nice nice and cute we love to see it you know what this this is a winner absolute winner I just wish it was colder so far I think mobile order is worth it because there's actually a line out the door for Grandma Sarah but because we did mobile order we were told we can bypass the line and come in get a spot first then press the we are here button so they can start making our order then we go pick it up at a different window so we're going to do that right now so Grandma Sarah's [Music] kitchen my mobile order window has arrived I'm here yep confirm perfect oh it tells me there's 10 people ahead of me now we just wait for it to notify us and then we pick up our food perfect if you want a hearty meal you come to Grandma Sarah's this is heavy this is like the weight of a small baby there's a lot there's a lot of food here so we have omelette rice which is a comfort food in Japan if you want something to warm your insides when it's cold out outside even though it's not cold out today you get omelette rice and this one has deep fried shrimp with some tartar sauce and some vegetables because you know what grandma's going to make sure that you get your vegetables eat your vegetables little Mickey gnome on here it says do not eat on the back please don't eat it it's plastic do not eat the plastic and this also comes with a little chocolate cake as well which we will be eating and it comes with a drink I like the little stars on here I think that's really cute look inside here there you go that's The Omelette rice I think the saw the tomato sauce oh trains going by it's going to Goot everyone's waving but I can't wave hi wave with with my food ah yes this is very Seafood forward uh the top the creamy sauce is uh like a seafood cream I'm not a big fan of seafood but I want to try this I actually haven't tried the seafood version before so I want I want to give it a go wanted to try something different for once the rice is nice and buttery m m the seafood cream is very Seafood forward not my favorite but it's not bad if you like seafood I think you'll enjoy this I do love tartar sauce M the deep fried shrimp is where it's at with the tartar sauce oh that's delicious and I'm going to have some vegetables so Grandma Sarah doesn't come out here and get mad at me I'm sure she's watching overall this is pretty good The Omelette rice nice and buttery is like how omelette rice should be I wish it was ketchup rice cuz they usually they'll do ketchup rice it's just plain butter Rice inside I wish there was more tomato on I think that would have made it a lot better but maybe they're trying to focus mostly on the seafood I'm not sure but this de fried shrimp delicious we're going to do the chocolate cake here what is the sauce straw oh strawberry sauce it's like a CH it's a it's a pretty dense chocolate cake the strawberry compost is very sweet very sticky the chocolate cake is very faint I don't really taste the chocolate but the icing on the top oh you definitely taste that icing Mark Twain that icing is delicious it's super sweet but you know what Christmas food it could be sweet all at wants I don't care it's Christmas time I didn't think I would like this because I don't typically like chocolate cuz you know if you've been watching the channel for a while I don't particularly care for things that just straight up chocolate but I think there's enough going on with this that it all just balances itself out it's nice and moist too there's nothing worse than a dry cake it is not a food video without a souvenir plate and look at the souvenir plate it's ceramic it is beautiful it is perfect they are singing Whatever Christmas song Britney Spear is singing that is what I imagining they are singing I love Britney Spears so there you [Laughter] go and the dessert that it comes with is a praline and pistachio dessert I'll be honest I've never had praline before so I have no idea what to expect and it looks like a wreath it's cute it's it's pretty dense too I'm assuming the bitter flavor is Prine please some someone tell me in the comments I looked this up before and I still don't quite get it but the this pistachio on the top is very delicious it's dense but light kind of like me I guess it is good though I really like that get the pran and pistachio dessert and the pastry is very nice too nice and moist delicious tastes like Christmas and remember they do give you this paper wrap stuff so you can wrap this up and you don't break it don't you worry we still have more food to go we're here at the Sweetheart Cafe having their special set we have a sandwich here the packaging is so cute that is very lovely oh the SS Columbia is on here and it's a small world world oh that's really nice I didn't even notice that own cape cods on here everyone's having a party the sandwich is prudo with broccoli and cheese not sure what the cheese is we'll find out it just says cheese on the menu some veggies on a bun this is really chewy there's walnuts on the here too there's a lot going on I'm not sure how I feel about this what is this cheese cottage cheese I guess yeah the Pudo is very prominent I'm not the biggest fan of the broccoli on here I'm not I like my broccoli to be hot this is not a hot sandwich it's a cold sandwich but the Puda was really nice and the the cottage cheese is a salty and the bread it looks like there's herbs in the bread but you don't really taste much you know what I'm just going to go for the cheese in the Pudo you know what this is not my favorite it's a little Bland I'm going to be honest I'm yeah it's not for me these sandwiches are usually Hit or Miss sometimes they're really good sometimes they're kind of Eh this one is kind of eh in my opinion can't win them all the sandwich may have been a Miss but this lunch case absolutely does not so you can buy this with the special set it's an extra 12200 Yen and this is at both Disneyland and Disney CA so some of the items are between both parks here nice little souvenir lunch case and it opens up this one opens pretty wide actually huh it's a lot wider than most of them most of them just open like a little bit on the top but I like these little cases for holding stuff not just like I don't really use it for food I'm going to be honest I'll put like my camera in here without having to put it back in my bag things like that that's what I like about this or my water bottle I do like the design I think the design is really nice Christmas 2023 it's not a Chris Explorer video without a moose so we have the souvenir cup here really cute souvenir cup ceramic and this is available at both Disneyland and Disney C I do like the design on this I think it is super elegant very Christmas then we have this coffee and chocolate mous and we have the little Mickey gnome as a marshmallow on the top I think that is adorable look at that look at them it is a MSE so we'll see I'm going to have the marshmallow first the top looks like it's chocolate no it's C oh no the top was coffee I lied ooh it's like a very bitter coffee it just going to be a mousse that I like the middle is a cream it's not vanilla it's cream oh the bottom might be chocolate oh yeah the bottom is chocolate I don't I don't care for the chocolate at the bottom but the bitter coffee with the cream is delicious this would be perfect if we didn't have the chocolate you know what I'm just not going to eat the chocolate going to have the top part ice cream at ice cream cones what a concept we got the Christmas Sunday and this looks like it has a lot going on just like myself that joke is never going to get old ever there is strawberry bits on here there looks like there's chocolate bits and strawberry compo com compot strawberry sauce now I know I say I don't really like chocolate ch chocolate soft serve is different I'm usually good with chocolate soft serve and strawberry chocolate and strawberry just go together they are uous yeah nice and velvety smooth chocolate the strawberry bits are very tart very strawberry love it looks like chocolate cake and little Oreo bits yep it works then we got the strawberry down here this is delicious so this tastes exactly like the strawberry syrup or strawberries that you would get like from McDonald's you know you get a strawberry sunde and they put the strawberries on top that's exactly what it tastes like but better this is amptp this is fantastic I'm very happy right now how cute is that seriously how how cute is that I I I need to catch my breath I can't with this it's a little Mickey gnome now they've had them around for a while but they just keep bringing them back and you know what I cannot be mad at that because he is this is just cute so for a while they used to do just the snowmen like the snow snow then they stopped doing that then they started doing the gnome thing I'm not mad I am not mad at all this is adorable how could you not love this so this is a little candy case and it's available at Disneyland and Disney seat at various locations like ice cream cones get a little gnome with your ice cream cone why not it comes with little candies and this one in particular comes with little chocolates which are basically Smarties that's what they are they are Smarties in my opinion and they have a little Hidden Mickey on them them too so some of them will have Mickey's and they're all nice and colorful look at that beautiful I put too much in my mouth the back also opens up that's where you can put the candies in but you know what I never put the candies in because they don't last that long I usually just eat them all in one sitting before I talk about my lovely hot dog I want to talk about the crowds cuz I know I get asked that a lot the crowds have been unpredictable lately usually this is a like tends to be a little bit of a slower time I honestly have not seen a slow time since probably the spring I think with just tourism and everything getting back to what it used to be I think everyone just wants to come to not only the parks here in Japan but just Japan as a whole so yeah it's really hard to predict the crowds right now I do have a video though I'll pop it on the screen for you that I talk about you know what to expect for different months throughout the year temperature wise crowd level wise so yeah go and give that a watch we're also going to be doing a video on the food at Disney sea as well so if you're not subscribed make sure you are so you don't miss that video we're going to be popping over to Disney C to try the Christmas food out there too not just here with cuz there's more food to enjoy like this red hot dog with cheese and [Laughter] bamel it okay this is not photogenic whatsoever this looks ridiculous but it has all the right components that I think is going to be delicious so bemel cheese bacon and a red bun they call it a hot dog dog it is not a hot dog it is a sausage but I'm not mad at that because it's nice and juicy and very flavorful the bamel nice and creamy M this has a ton of flavor the bacon on it beautiful it's a it's a little chewy but whatever I'm not going to complain cheese is cheese how could you not love cheese this is a wonderful thing I can't think of any other words if you are someone who is not very adventurous and they're eating but wants to have something with a little bit of flavor maybe a little bit of flare get this and grabbed their mustard and ketchup packet to give it even more flavor oh yeah oh that's too much you know what whatever we're going to roll with it I know and then I told her I can't go today because I have things to do wait what was that oh you want to know what my favorite things are oh I misheard you well I definitely have to go with the hot dog the hot dog was definitely up there the Mickey waffle delicious I could eat those I honestly I can eat those every every single day the praline dessert was a surprise hit I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not but I really did the chocolate and strawberry sunde again that was a sleeper hit I didn't think I was going to like it to be quite honest with you last but not least the hot apple Ginger drink brilliant you have to get that maybe wait a little bit till it's a bit colder the temperature is actually going to be dropping in the next week or two a little bit so just check the weather I love the little Mickey apples I think those are adorable all right explores I'll see you in the next one
Channel: TDR Explorer
Views: 40,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea, Tokyo, Japan, Travel, Theme Park, Disneyland, tokyo disneyland food, tokyo disney resort, tokyo disney, tokyo disneyland christmas 2023, tokyo disney food, disneyland food, tokyo disney christmas, disneyland christmas
Id: Lsbw63XJJeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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