What Assassin's Creed Origins Failed to Understand - A Critique
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Channel: Alien Platypus
Views: 200,643
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Keywords: assassin's creed, whitelight, assassin's creed critique, assassin's creed analysis, assassins creed, assassin's creed origins, aco, ac origins analysis, ac origins video essay, video essay, assassin's creed essay, origins analysis, failed to understand, origins critique, origins video essay, video game analysis, game analysis, alienplatypus, video game essay, assassin's creed origins critique, ac origins essay, long form analysis, whitelight origins, whitelight ac origins
Id: HAtveVYzIi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 278min 6sec (16686 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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He had me until 4½ hours.
Anyone want to break it down to half a dozen bullet points?
Fully agree. Origins laid the groundwork for all the game design problems in the RPG trilogie and seriously botched the creation of the brotherhood. Apart from the world itself and the voice acting of Bayek this game offers exactly nothing of high quality.