I HATE That I LOVE Assassin's Creed Origins

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And many more incoming...this game has it...

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/iamharshul007 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh, they found a sand-drawing that I haven't seen. Kudos!

I wonder if the PS4 version is bugged in that sense, I should maybe go back to PC to try and find those elusive drawings.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/compulsive_looter 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Good. May they flourish

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/0ZeroSleep0 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
these videos take a really long time to make so if you want to support me on patreon you can by clicking the link in the description but with that being said after years of avoiding assassin's creed origins and after years of putting it off i finally got around to it and my god do i feel strongly about it i often listen to what you guys and gals in the comments say and based off your words i was going into this game expecting it to blow me away as you had all stated it was by far the best in the new trilogy well not all of you but a majority of you got my hopes up and as it turns out i am head over yields for this game everything about it from the combat the stealth the exploration the architecture of egypt the mythos of egypt and bayek's story were all so much fun that i ruined my sleep schedule purely due to the absurd number of times i said i should really go to bed but i'll just do one more thing i think it goes without saying that i believe this game is miles ahead of odyssey and kilometers ahead of valhalla the entire time i played i was having so much fun and yet by the end of the 25 hour campaign i felt this wave of sadness wash over me i realized that the reasons i love this game don't necessarily line up with what everybody else likely loved about it before i can dive way too deep into that though i need to start at the beginning assassin's creed syndicate was released in 2015 just one year after the colossal failure of assassin's creed unity in the year prior unity suffered from the internet's obsession with negativity and while the game is not perfect it wasn't as bad as many people were saying i of course expand on that mindset in my unity video even though i don't think it's a very good one but regardless there was a lot riding on syndicate while syndicate was released with a better coat of polish and decent sales a criticism that plagued the series up to that point was encroaching more and more on the series lack of innovation the assassin's creed series had been criticized for repetitive gameplay and a lack of innovation for years by that point and while each game had a new coat of paint and maybe a new mechanic or two as a whole there was little that was different at the core of the game that's not to say that some games didn't break the mold as both black flag and rogue saw naval combat that expanded greatly upon the system introduced in assassin's creed 3. but a lot of critics and a lot of fans felt that the series needed a true overhaul and well here it is [Music] [Music] surprisingly origins began development just after the release of black flag and began with the strict intentions of making use of the greater hardware of the eighth generation consoles as well as completely overhauling the series while ancient egypt along with world war ii and feudal japan were settings a team had explicitly stated were off the table egypt was finally chosen as it was a highly requested setting and because the hardware now allowed for it the team took a historically accurate approach but because there's a lot of undocumented history within ancient egypt they decided to fill in the blanks with what the romanticized version of egypt would look like using films and pop culture for reference the team also decided that gameplay would come first and that if any historical accuracy impacted gameplay then changes would be made to accommodate it there was a specific quest structure used to emphasize player enjoyment quest guidelines that were clearly not followed in future entries the release of assassin's creed origin saw praise from critics as they cited its innovation and story as high points and fans shared this sentiment or at least those who played it there were many people like myself at the time and some friends who just didn't purchase origins because it felt too different of course i am far more open-minded now but i just felt that i wouldn't like the game before i get too deep into my opinions on the game i should warn you that there will be spoilers for the entire game past this point and i'd also like to remind you that this video is strictly an opinion piece i know that the assassin's creed fanbase is more divided than ever and i understand that these games are controversial and volatile so while it may seem as though this goes without saying if you enjoy a part of this game that i don't and vice versa that is okay i think we will all benefit greatly if we hear each other out and show some respect to one another so with that being said welcome to ancient egypt this time around you'll be running around in the memories of bayek of siwa as he loses his identity while on a quest to avenge his fallen son and along the way reluctantly obtains a new one from medjay to master assassin bayek's journey is compelling from start to finish but before we sink further into this let's establish our setting and look at the overhauls to the world and presentation [Music] [Music] something that really surprised me about origins was just how much i enjoyed its world as far as aesthetics go i have no interest in deserts egypt pharaoh's tombs the whole nine yards but damn if i didn't love exploring the world here even the edges of the map which are just filled with hills upon hills of sand were beautiful due to how awe-inducing the visuals are something that unfortunately broke my immersion a fair bit was the game's performance on pc the game runs overall great but there were more than a few occasions especially in cutscenes where my system which is relatively good enough to run most games on high just chugged even on the lowest settings in fact no matter what my settings were the game dropped frames in some areas and i haven't seen much of this online so i believe it could be my technology curse striking me down yet again but do note that is why the cut scenes here are brought to you by [ __ ] powerpoint performance wells aside you may notice that there is a new set of animations here for the most part and this is most clearly seen in the climbing rather than climbing a building realistically where you methodically move from hand hold to handhold you just jump up walls like an ancient spiderman grabbing onto just about everything even a random cliff face this never got in the way though because you have to climb these mountains somehow and i think this decision benefits gameplay which has already established was top priority the climbing system itself is a point of contention that i will talk about more later but for now the climbing looks good and allows you to get immersed in this dynamic world and when i say dynamic i mean it as the weather changes throughout your adventure and nothing is worse than trying to hunt a target and losing them in a sandstorm it really sells the idea of being in a desert landscape just as much as the distortions of the horizons do you'll even see different hallucinations when roaming around the desert for too long you might see a floating scarf a burning bush even a meteor shower or a meteor crashing to the earth one of the hallucinations you'll see are different images in the sands themselves which depict events that have happened in the game or more hauntingly events that are yet to come you'll see ghostly apparitions flowers in the middle of the desert and i appreciate that this not only reinforces this mysterious theme that permeates throughout assassin's creed origins but it also keeps the player entertained and stimulated while moving through the desert getting from one objective to another is never too long but with these hallucinations the trip is never boring it gives the world an air of mystery and allows you as the player to feel so small in comparison to the many temples around the world that look like they were constructed by aliens but they don't even come close to the feeling you get when stargazing and seeing the on inducing image of bayek staring up with the gods which on a side note serves as a great wallpaper coming back to earth we can look at how you discover these different mysteries and to give a quick example let's look at the red crown desert and the ancient tomb within i was just strolling into this desert and in the distance i saw this strange hole and as i approached i noticed that it seemed the world became more blue and aggressive and before i could investigate any further a ghost literally appeared from the sand and took me out there's more to this quote-unquote whole but we'll get to that later because the point of all this is that these events make you feel so small in comparison to the rest of the world i even had this feeling of being a small fish in a large ocean when looking at the map you start off in siwa and i thought to myself huh this is pretty big but then i zoomed out and thought oh oh that's a lot hell even the enemies that bayek fights are often taller and more muscular than him but that doesn't even compare to the lethality of the world around him as journeying across egypt will have you encountering wild animals bandits felakes and the entire game truly reflects a david and goliath theme where bike is david and the world is goliath even though a lot of the endless waves of sand and greens look amazing don't think that the cities in which a lot of the action takes place aren't massive and well designed the different buildings have variety and the landmarks around here are fantastic ranging from the aqueduct to the borderline castle like acropolis there's variety in the buildings based on their wealth as the slums of sea wall will be nowhere near as vibrant or pretty as the bustling streets of crocodilus a lot of buildings have interiors and there's always some sort of eye candy for you to feast your eyes on people have schedules and dialogue and the amount of things going on at once allows you to really get immersed in the world and feel like you are in the heart of a major city discovering yet another landmark and viewpoint every time you synchronize a viewpoint there's a feeling of discovery and scale and this takes place before you even get there thanks to the game's excellent soundtrack which has memorable music that while not better or more memorable than the music scene in games like assassin's creed 2 and brotherhood definitely gives it a run for its money as you approach the synchronization point the music begins to swell and with each step closer another instrument chimes in and by the time you get right on the post the music is in near full swing with the last step being left to you pressing the button and allowing the camera to along with the music show all of its glory [Music] bike himself looks great too with his many outfits ranging from iconic to downright godlike i really wish i could go through all of them but just take my word that there's a lot of cool ones to choose from here i also appreciated that there were options to toggle his hair beard and his hood though the option to toggle his weapons would have been nice as by the time you get to the end game bike will be a walking barrack with two swords two bows a shield and a bunch of arrows which by the way have physics that's so unnecessary but i love it underneath his exterior bike is one of the most expressive characters we've seen in a while and not like alexios or cassandra where it seemed that they did most of their talking with their hands in fact bayek's personality had shown through on so many occasions that despite preferring the stealthiest clothing in these games i opted to keep the hood off for cutscenes because of how radiant bike and his voice actor is i did eventually stop showing bike's face because the isu armor is just too good to not put on and no i'm not gonna shut up about this armor and with that being said listen it even modifies bayek's voice to sound all hollow and cyber-like i will find your champion and your trophy the voice acting for a majority of the cast is amazing and they make the likes of ivor and my eye sound like cardboard in comparison bayek and i as anger feared loss and so much more shines through in every cutscene and it makes the game a lot more fun to go through the world here is truly beautiful and if my excessive explanations of why didn't convince you then the rest of the footage certainly will assassin's creed has never lacked in visual fidelity and expertly crafted worlds gameplay on the other hand as mentioned needed some overhauls and thankfully the bounds and leaps the overhauls made here were for the most part in the right direction [Music] while bayek of siwa has new abilities and functions differently than his successors he certainly shares the core traits of what would eventually become the assassins his weakest aspect is of course his parkour abilities not because he can't climb things as efficiently but rather the controls themselves prevent you from getting much out of it he can climb things arguably faster than others but there isn't much freedom here and i think that's okay because there isn't a ton of architecture to climb here and it certainly gets the job done but i would have preferred a deeper system here it fortunately doesn't stop climbing things like the massive pyramids for being an awe-inspiring climb that has the camera pulled back to let you understand the full scope and size of what you are doing and in the case of the pyramids you have to scramble from one handhold to another but other structures like the aforementioned random cliff faces see you grabbing onto basically nothing and while it never took me right out of the experience the amount of times i thought to myself huh he's grabbing on nothing isn't he was consistently high throughout my playthrough fortunately you can still stalk your prey through the use of rooftops and the slinking and sneaking done from above feels just as assassin like as any of the other games but when it comes to taking out your enemies with a blade in the dark things continue to get dodgy let's begin with the most controversial issue which is that you no longer have the ability to assassinate anyone regardless of level level being another new feature bike and his enemies have levels that dictate nothing more than damage taken and damage given you level up at a reasonable pace at first but by the time you get to the end game you'll be scrounging around for experience and unfortunately there's at least one point where you'll have to grind side quests for a few hours before becoming a high enough level regardless your level and the level of the enemy you want to take down will decide if they can be assassinated i understand that a lot of you feel that this goes against what assassin's creed is all about and i completely understand and actually agree with it to an extent but i've always looked at the games from the perspective of what they were trying to do and i won't get hung up on the fact that i prefer to one shot every enemy i can assume they made this decision to have assassinations tied to your level for the sake of balance and it actually works a lot of games have areas that can be cheesed entirely with stealth look no further than assassin's creed syndicate and while the stealth here takes some amount of effort and skill you can't just run through a castle 5 levels above you without a lot of hard work and craftiness if you are the same level as the base you are attacking you'll be able to assassinate most people without an issue though the base commanders are typically going to take a pinch from your blade and a few slashes on the side the reason i can appreciate this is because it gives you a variable to play around i know i can't take out the captain without making a hell of a lot of noise and without alerting a majority of the camp so i'll have to take down the lackey surrounding him and once the coast is clear go in for the kill if you really want to stick to stealth the entire time you can just poke the captain run away until you lose him and then rinse and repeat until he's dead but that's of course not as glamorous as dropping from 30 feet onto them unfortunately the reason that this is possible is because the ai here has a pretty big weakness which is that they stop looking for you near immediately which is strange because the ai here is actually really smart and they detect you very quickly the ai will find dead bodies and look around the area if you miss an arrow they can tell where it came from and if you think you'll be able to pull off the same slip pass or 15 degree vision cone strategy from odyssey and valhalla you'll be sorely mistaken you'll have to make ample use of your new abilities like senu your eagle that can track and mark enemies when an enemy is marked you can see what level they are and the kind of enemy that they are which is pretty useful i like this idea for marking enemies though i didn't mind eagle vision something i liked about senu is that her ability to detect enemies is dictated and increased through her perception senu's perception increases with each viewpoint you synchronize with which is even more incentive to visit all the landmarks and viewpoints an interesting thing about senu is that she can mark enemies exclusively from above meaning that stealth sections within a cave or inside a building are not a simple task because you have to rely on audio and your limited vision to mark and track enemies apart from bayek's vast array of sleep darts and throwing knives he can also make use of the environment with all the usual suspects being present you can of course hide behind some cover in a closet in some bushes in a haystack and so on while also having the ability to whistle attracting the enemies to your location i think the stealthier overall is great and i don't really want to say too much on it because i've already gone at length about it in my valhalla and odyssey videos not much here is different though the chain assassination here is a little wonky the chain assassination much like the one seen in odyssey is unlocked through abilities except here despite mashing the triangle button it is one of the most inconsistent abilities when you assassinate one enemy you can throw a knife at one within close proximity as you assassinate the first one the second guard will likely be alerted and if the glitch occurs where you don't throw your knife for no reason then you'll have a bunch of guards on your ass realistically it's not a big deal but damn if it didn't annoy me enough to at least mention it here if getting up close and personal is too risky for you then you can snipe some guards from afar with the many selections of bows there are different types of bows with some functioning like a rapid fire machine gun some like a shotgun firing multiple arrows at once and some functioning like a normal hunting bow in the case of stealth you'll be looking for the predator bows which have a scope on them allowing you to hit targets from a considerable distance all the bows and weapons have different stats and one that is commonly found on predator bows is a stealth bonus meaning that as long as you aren't visible to the enemies then the shot will do significantly more damage of course outside of stealth the bose serve a purpose in combat too as do the melee weapons and shields the melee weapons range from swords which are pretty standard and cover all your bases spears which allow you to keep your distance and do some good crowd control twin daggers that are good for getting in quick chip damage and heavy weapons like axes and hammers that are good for focusing one or two enemies trading speed for power i think most of the weapons here are viable though i feel the basic sword is far better than any of the other weapons and especially the daggers and heavy weapons which lean so far into either damage or speed that they quickly turn into crafting fodder since the swords are more well-rounded and are far better for your everyday magi activities fortunately choosing your weapons is simplified as its exact dps numbers are shown on screen sure there are different strengths and weaknesses to each weapon which will complicate things but if you're simply looking for what weapon is the best and the quality level of it is clearly stated with the accompanying arrows and if that's not enough then just pick the shiny weapons and you'll be fine the aforementioned strengths and weaknesses are what allowed things like the predator bows to do more damage and stealth on some of the high tier weapons you'll find a blessing which is just a really good buff things like extra health upon a critical hit or even having a sword that is constantly on fire however there are also curses that are present on some weapons which have the same effect your health will be capped at one third of its total but you receive a 200 percent bonus to the weapons damage this particular curse was applied to this knockoff siwon kopech and this thing turned me into a glass cannon it flipped my place out completely and i played far more defensively on normal difficulties and especially harder difficulties encounters can be complicated as a straight arrow that strikes you in the back can lead to death just as easily as a well-placed stomped from an elephant's leg the upside to this is that the enemies just kneel to this thing and i found myself capable of taking down foes multiple levels above me with general ease despite obtaining the weapon at an early level i used it throughout my entire playthrough more or less and that was only possible throughout upgrading my weapons which can be done at a blacksmith for a solid chunk of change of course these swords only cover the offensive approach as shields cover your defense a lot of the shields here function the exact same and that's perfectly fine because they all get the job done though as mentioned before there are blessings that allow the shields to do some extraordinary things for example one of the shields i used a ton was called compendium and it was really valuable because it inflicted bleeding upon anyone whose attack was blocked by the shield bleeding is typically a status effect only inflicted by swords and will cause the enemy to lose some health over time and is especially on the tougher enemies like the falak is this chip damage is invaluable there are other status effects like the aforementioned burning that function much the same though using flames can backfire very quickly leading to a few hilarious deaths where you set the entire camp on fire your defensive abilities are pretty basic as you can block most attacks except those that are highlighted in red which must be dodged if you dodge an attack properly and get behind the enemy you can land a critical strike which will do extra damage this can be achieved through using a heavy attack on a shielded enemy or by parrying an enemy's attack if you dodge an attack with perfect timing you'll achieve some extra speed and damage too these mechanics are present in odyssey but something important to note here is that the parry and perfect dodge timing windows are far more limited here making them more challenging and subsequently more rewarding as for your attacking abilities you have your light attack strong attacks which by now are self-explanatory and your overpower attacks which can be activated upon filling your adrenaline bar i like the adrenaline bar concept a lot and the overpower attacks on some of these weapons are a really interesting way of turning the tides of the battle however some of them specifically the damage buff ones are um a little overpowered they boost your damage and speed to an insane amount and if you pair this with the cobash from before that already has a damage boost then you'll be able to absolutely fly through enemies in an easier fashion than brotherhood the hammer's heavy attack also begins with a parry so properly timing this move allows you to parry get a critical heavy hit and usually one shot the basic enemies i understand that breaking the combat like this could be seen as boring and i don't want to criticize this aspect of it too much because i had to actively work for it but i at least wanted to mention how busted the combat can become because i really enjoy mid-maxing stats and games like these the combat in motion is very similar to odyssey but with the added challenge and a pseudo stamina bar in the future entries there were full on stamina bars to prevent constant rolling attacking and yada yada but here you just have a hard limit on the amount of times you can roll or attack in a row they don't outright limit it but your second dodge will be a bit slower than your third and your third will be even slower and less efficient your attacks on the other hand keep their consistency and speed but eventually bike will force himself to stop for a moment to catch his breath to further enforce this and to prevent the player from being punished on bayek's final attack the enemies will be staggered and knocked back a distance this gap however can be closed by dodging towards the enemy and the time this takes will allow you to reset your combo meaning that if you have the proper timing and if you play aggressively enough you can pummel most enemies which rewards precise aggression on top of being able to upgrade your weapons and shields you can upgrade your outfits to an extent to increase melee damage hidden blade damage health and so on i really appreciate that i never once had to grind for these upgrades as i naturally had the materials required from just playing the game and if for some reason you are struggling with a hard fight you can just go hunting for more health and if you need more stealth damage then you can upgrade your hidden blade a lot of these materials that are required can be obtained from dismantling your gear which gives a greater use to the many weaker weapons you'll pick up along the way and with how much loot the game throws at you you'll have plenty in no time if loot is at all hard to find then you can press a button to show you all the interactable objects within your vicinity i love this feature for allowing me to better clear a room of loot and to find any hidden passageways that may not be easily visible in the dark tombs of the ones before of course you wouldn't be able to get from one place to another in any reasonable amount of time without your trusty steed which is either a camel a horse or a chariot the camels and horses function the same but i swear the horses feel faster but i'm sure that's just a me thing the chariots are easily the fastest mode to transport and even have the ability to drift which is hilarious and brings me back to the assassin's creed syndicate days i might as well mention that there are a few races you can do with your chariot which see you just drawing circles and the only real difference is the ability to ram your opponents off the track and the boost ability simple stuff but nothing extra is really needed when we do take to the seas occasionally which doesn't happen often because look around we get a simplified version of the mechanic seen in black flag you can shoot arrows cannons firebombs at close range ram your enemies brace for cover and what you see is what you get honestly i've never enjoyed naval combat the same way i did in black flag so i don't have much to say on this it's fine and it isn't certainly used enough to overstate its welcome but i didn't care much for it when traversing the rivers you can jump on a boat and if you are stranded in the few lakes of egypt the game's ai will conveniently make sure someone who has a boat will make a slight detour and park themselves within your range outside of the animes we get a miniature sandbox to play around in as layla and i just couldn't not bring this next part up and i know it's a total nitpick but when looking around on layla's laptop we can find tons of interesting emails and audio logs i explain leila's backstory a bit more and to add to this we could find these horrible looking photos of layla which just see her face that came straight from the uncanny valley superimposed on a picture of someone else and they are [ __ ] hysterical anyways back to the abilities they're all well and good but the real glue that holds all of these features together is the activities you perform in the world and the way you make use of those abilities and while there are plenty of interesting quests and caverns to explore there are also enough bandit camps to cause some serious fatigue by the end of the game the level design here has a good mix of old-school assassins stalking and a borderline tiring amount of bases to clear let's begin by looking at the landmarks and events that you can encounter within the open world the most prominent of which i've already gone off about is the bandit camps which became a staple of the rpg games there's almost always a bandit camp within 500 meters of each other and at their core i like it a lot it's a great way to level up and try out new abilities i think the biggest issue with these is the lack of variety there's variety in the locales and the actual designs of each camp with some being borderline flat and others having multiple layers of verticality but your objective is always the same kill a few high-level targets loot some chests and there's an optional objective of freeing anyone captured there i think the biggest reason i had an issue with these is because i'm a completionist i don't writing off a criticism by saying it's optional just don't do it it's pretty lame and in my eyes a cop-out but what i'm trying to say is if i wasn't making a video on this game and wasn't trying to look at these with a critical lens i wouldn't care to do all the camps nor would i really grow tired of them this feels like something i would have fun doing if i watched a tv show or shot the [ __ ] with some friends at the same time i don't really feel comfortable doing that in a review like this though because i think if i want to justify making such a long video on a game and if i want to have my opinion taken seriously i should give the game my full attention at all times unfortunately the issue provided here also applies to the animal dens in the open world as you approach a random cave river or any part of the world for that matter you'll see an objective in the bottom right telling you to kill the animal you will typically come across a pack of animals with the ringleader of sorts being a significantly higher level than the others you just slice them up and that's it it's pretty boring but again i feel like busy work in the proper context can be a lot of fun i mean just look at the lego games unfortunately this won't stimulate you completely though and while we're on the topic i just want to mention that killing the crocodiles is a huge pain in the ass their tails do damage as well as those big ass chompers and i appreciate that i couldn't stick to the same tried and true strategy that bloodborne taught me which is just hugging the ass of any enemy in this case i found bows to be most useful for these animals especially if you just get on a rock or a high place that they can't reach and they just sit there staring at you like well [ __ ] of course we can't talk about the open world activities without mentioning the monolithic pyramids that constantly hang over the horizon approaching these things feels like it's right out of shadow of the colossus once you're up close your job's to look for a crack or a hole that could potentially lead you into the tomb once inside you'll have to move through a series of hallways cracks in the walls and some puzzles to get to the treasure buried deep inside the puzzles here are often few and far between with almost all of them being left to placing weights on a platform so that the opposite platform is raised these never stumped me too hard and my biggest issue with them was that the solution to the puzzle was clear as day from the moment you see these things and yet the process of placing the weights in the right place still took a fair bit of time and it made these puzzles feel more like speed bumps than actual puzzles but there was one where you had two platforms which both needed weights and you have to toss some weight off to lift yourself up which took me a fair bit to figure out so not all these puzzles are brain dead easy but a lot of them are regardless once you do get to the treasure you can pick up some high level gear and of course some drachma but the real treasure here is the ancient tablet which gives bayek an ability point though while you are in these pyramids and tombs make sure you grab the glowing golden silica scattered around because these little fluorescent flower looking things activate ancient mechanisms which revealed messages from a mysterious narrator i initially had my own interpretations of what was being said here but in my research i found a pretty lengthy theory about the entire assassin's creed universe being a simulation supported by the evidence gathered from these audio logs and while i could include the details of this theory it doesn't totally feel right to do so so instead i'll give you the short tl dw and link the post in the description essentially the assassin's creed universe is a simulation and the issue were aware of this and knew that their data would be wiped as part of a reset that was the great catastrophe and in order to stop this they have to tamper with the simulations code there are a ton of points that reddit user drake rome explains in their post such as explaining that the pieces of eden are able to manipulate the code of the simulation which is why they glitch out whenever they are used regardless going back to these ancient mechanisms there is a final temple of sorts hidden under the great sphinx which costs a hell of a lot more silica to activate than any of the other ones and it unlocks what just might be the best looking armor in any assassin's creed game the isu armor is just god i love it the final temple under the great sphinx isn't unlocked until you finish all of the stone circles around the map these are nothing special gameplay wise you're just given a consolation and have to place it on a map but you aren't here for the gameplay though as the real appeal is the conversations that biak has with kamu they talk about love life death and it really makes you feel for bayek's tragic tale and he even explains what all of the gods are and what they do for the world i mentioned that there are some races you can complete to receive gold and experience and the same can be done in combat at the crocodiopolis arena you can fight through some waves of enemies and eventually you can take on two arena champions the gaelic brothers and the slaver the waves leading up to the champions are not very difficult and i thought it was just okay decent enough for farming cash the champions though the gaelic brothers is the first of the champions with one brother carrying a scythe allowing him to pull you in from a long range and allowing him to sweep the area around him quite easily the other brother takes a more hands-on approach to combat sticking with his fists and pummeling you with combos and quick flurries of fisticuffs defeating these two is a daunting task and the best way to deal with them was to separate them running around the map getting some shots in on one of them and when the other catches up rinsing and repeating once one of the brothers is taken down the other will get a buff ornstein and smoke style which means you can strategize a bit and decide who you want to take down first overall this fight is relatively interesting and a solid challenge but unfortunately the same cannot be said about the slaver the slaver uses a really large axe and unfortunately if you can close the gap this guy can be stun locked to infinity and the attacks that he does get in on you are easily dodged i don't have much else to say because aside from his weapon most of the fights is just like any other fight against the fallacies there is another arena in cyrene that houses many more enemies and ones of a higher level too i can't talk about all of these fights but they are all fun in their own right however i do want to spend some time talking about the final champion adequately titled the duelist the duelist moves quickly and hits like a truck comboing you into infinity and not leaving much room for error the fight takes skill timing stamina and just about everything else you can use to your advantage in the combat and it was a really great final test i can also appreciate that upon defeating a champion you can choose to show mercy or not show mercy and not showing mercy is brutal especially the one where senu lends a hand but not showing mercy is just [ __ ] hysterical like look at this there are a few other menial tasks to complete in the open world such as destroying statues of king ptolemy which takes seconds and results in a relatively large amount of experience and you can also kick back in an oasis and rest for a free ability point and that is something i appreciate about the borderline bloated nature of origin's world if i was ever under leveled which to be fair i was a lot i could very easily find some quick experience be that a camp animal statue or just a side quest which are great not only do the sidequests contain a bountiful amount of experience and usually reward you with higher level gear they have really compelling stories this is a major difference that origins has between the other two rpg games as the sidequests and odyssey while in some cases fun didn't have much in terms of memorability or at least not for the right reasons and valhalla was such a long ass game that i never want to think about it again hence why i remember a few of the side quests from that game in origins most side quests are connected directly with the main story and even when they aren't connected they still have compelling stories which is a pleasant surprise take one quest where bike is tasked with killing someone proclaiming themselves as the son of ra there's a group of bandits causing fires across a local village and upon locating and assassinating this son of ra who has been claiming himself a god bayek and raw have a pretty solid conversation that not only harken back to the hypocrisy of the creed and its ideals that we don't really see much of these days but it was also just a really fun quest as a whole their conversation is unfortunately near exclusive to this quest and i harped on this a bit in my valhalla video so i'll spare the details here but i feel these discussions of who was right and who was wrong when both assassins and templars kill thousands is really interesting but the games almost never go anywhere with it aside from just stating the hypocrisy regardless i can appreciate the attempt another awesome quest involves that hole i mentioned earlier i mentioned that when i first discovered it i got my ass kicked and when i did come back i further ventured in taking down these apparitions and when i got to the temple in the center i found a man with one foot in the grave asking me to find an orb that his camel is carrying and bring it back to its place within the temple as we approach this orb which is a ways away from the tomb we see its light shimmering out of a camel's long rotted corpse with people worshiping it as we grab the orb those around us start swarming and after making an escape through the desert shooting these ghostly soldiers following us on paranormal steeds we return to the temple to find the man long gone and upon returning the orb to its place we are attacked once again by the ethereal enemies and just before we escape we collapse in the desert only to be awoken by a friendly woman who claimed that we were wandering aimlessly through the desert mumbling about ancient tombs and if you go back you'll find the long dead army is gone and returned to their mummified state the mystery surrounding this quest and just about everything about it was amazing and it was one of the most memorable quests for sure sure some quests like those in crocodilis where you just have to kill some crocodiles isn't innovative but these basic go here and do x quests are balanced out by some high quality stories for a final example look no further than the champion as we approach the arena of crocodilis we came across a fellow named hilaris maximus who is in a fight with another individual bike steps in to help the beaten man and side note i was way too under leveled for this quest and because i died in one hit i spent upwards of 45 minutes trying to nail this guy but anyways we helped the man and he reveals that he is a retired champion who is doing street fights for cash and with bayek as his new partner not by bike's choice we accompany him on his next few fights getting into street fights and brothel brawls it's an example of equesta isn't too serious or even connected to the main story but it serves as a solid distraction and the xp reward is an incentive on its own there are some overarching quests that you'll be chipping away at throughout the entire game with the most notable being the felakes the felakes are a group of mercenaries that are also brothers that hunt you down throughout the game though their presence isn't as large as it was in future entries they often use unique weapons and were always challenging they all attacked in different ways and some rode on their chariots leading to difficult takedowns and some were tough through brute force alone when you take them down all you get is this black hood and that looks pretty good but the isu armor trumps it easily i actually think this quest serves as a good time to highlight a slight issue i have with a side quest that wasn't too prevalent but showed up enough to at least mention it here sometimes a quest will just put a tedious roadblock in front of you and it serves as quite annoying most of the time for example when you kill all the filakes something you've been chipping away at for a solid 25 maybe 30 hours you come to a woman who is the sister of the falakes she has the final key to unlock a buried treasure but won't give it to her brothers now that they are all dead and since bayek already has three of the four keys needed he asked her for it she needs to make sure that he is a true protector and in order to prove this she tasks him with slaying some crocodiles near the village it just felt like so unnecessary i'd essentially already completed the quest but the game puts that final task that is puny compared to what you've already done and it made me feel like the game was saying wow you finished the quest oh you wanted your reward not yet just do one more little thing the main quests are really where this game shines as they see bayek and plot twist his wife aya in many different locations doing interesting things outside of the normal gameplay loop playing as aya is no different from bayek with the main difference being you can't customize ai as a loadout and you only play as her in very specific story missions unfortunately you can't place her in free roam for obvious reasons but i enjoyed the switch up regardless i think the biggest factor in my enjoyment and likely your enjoyment too with these story missions is obviously the story i know that's implied but the point i'm making is that the level design is fantastic for most of the time and when it isn't it falls back on an emotionally gripping story for example there is a late game boss fight against septimus that is really good but as bike in a scripted sequence you aren't able to finish the job as aya a few hours later you fight septimus again and his moveset and boss fight as a whole is largely the same aside from some new issue powers and of course with a new backdrop despite this it's one of the most memorable moments in the game because of the emotional weight behind it something i found quite funny is that bike in these main story missions gets drugged on multiple occasions and it's back to back and the fact that he keeps just drinking random [ __ ] people give him is made even funnier but either way these trip levels are a ton of fun with one of them seeing him destroying a giant serpent one of the many boss fights in the game this serpent slinks and slithers around different columns around bayek's hallucination and we use a light infused bow assumingly one infused with the power of raw to take down this serpent named a pep who in egyptian mythology is a deity of death and destruction and is constantly at war with raw laura aside this fight was a ton of fun as it transitions into a phase where a pet begins taking out the very platforms you stand on and falling into the poisonous black water will surely spell death within seconds this isn't the only fun boss fight in the game and while i could talk about all of them a lot of them function in similar ways with you dodging attacks and countering with your own and while the locals and plot significance usually leads to an entertaining fight i don't have enough interesting thoughts to justify talking about all of them so i'll just mention a few the fight against septimus as mentioned was really fun aspic septimus uses a mace with a long reach forcing you to play just as aggressively as he does fortunately for me i had a shield so i could block a fair number of his attacks but on the second time around fighting him as aya leaves no defensive options which to me was a lot more fun because even though i played both fights equally aggressively a player who plays defensively could be challenged by taking an offensive approach even for me fighting septimus again was actually better the second time because i had a really good understanding of the combat and how to just pummel this guy despite his expanded moveset within the same breath is the fight against flavius who uses the apple of eden to try and defeat you as far as mechanics it's the same dance of dodging and attacking but the added eden attacks make it a great spectacle fight to end off the game there is also a fight against khaliset where she turns our best tactics against us and uses the ensuing sandstorm and her animals to allow her to fight from afar and in the darkness we had to track her down get a few hits in and avoid the coyotes all at the same time and while this fight was memorable and a ton of fun it came a little too close to being tedious as kalista would consistently run when you just wanted to get some solid damage in while the bosses mentioned take place pretty far into the game the first boss is actually also the first time we take control of bayek and i just wanted to take a moment to commend the opening of this game we get an immediate introduction to the overhauled melee combat which is arguably the most overhauled facet of the game proper tutorial prompts appear and the game holds your hand well enough when transitioning into the parkour directly after finishing the combat tutorial the game is a little more hands-off since chances are you already know what the series is about and how to properly climb things then we are introduced to the stealth which is largely the same and peppered in between are little setups for the story and some basic gear and loot tutorials i found that picking everything up here was exceptionally easy and intuitive though this is my third rpg like game from this series so i might just be familiar with the gameplay loop i just love a game that throws you into the deep end a little allowing new players to understand what's going on and allowing experienced players like myself to get right into the action once you do complete all the main story missions you'll have a pretty solid set of end game activities and goals ahead of you outside of finishing some high level quests like taking down the filakes completing stone circles and cleaning up any other side quests you can start hunting elephants i think the best part about these guys is that there's a good chance you won't know about one until it's far too late at most there's one note which will tell you to kill the elephants which doesn't spoil much i discovered the elephants when tracking down the stone circles which are usually indicated by a fluorescent question mark on the compass and map after finishing a stone circle i saw another glowing question mark quite close to me so i decided to head to it and just found a pit with an elephant in there intrigued i jumped on in and saw this cut scene and was thrusted into a fight against the colossal elephant which was level 40. and uh yeah i wasn't quite there yet fortunately i had the imitation kapesh which did enough damage to give me a fighting chance but because i died in one hit i needed to have a perfect fight and while i came close a few times i figured it was best to just come back later and i did as i continued exploring i found that there are a total of four elephant fights around the world and they were all relatively fun but the fight where you have to take down two at more or less the same time was significantly more fun each elephant has a rider at the top who will shoot arrows at you throw fire bombs poison bombs and so on when fighting one of the elephants there are two separate phases one where the elephant attacks in another where the rider attacks while the elephant just kind of runs around avoiding your attacks this isn't too difficult but when there are two elephants it gets far more complicated at first the elephants take turns attacking but as you chip away at their massive health bars you'll find that the two elephants start working in tandem with one another attacking you head on and the other firing projectiles from afar when having a fight against two large enemies it can be easy to overwhelm the player and i feel that this fight struck a great balance of being fun and challenging without being too overwhelming if you want to take the elephants down you'll need to be relatively close to if not at max level the same is true for the animus glitches which also have a great sense of discovery as you roam through the world you'll come across a glowing light that leads to an open area approaching the light further leads to a glitch in the animus causing the different egyptian gods to spawn and start attacking bayek these guys are essentially raid bosses and it was always fun to fight these guys only if the way you fought them was a little more enjoyable every god functions the same when it comes to your offensive approach they have a big glowing orb in the middle of their chest that when shot with an arrow will do some damage after doing enough damage the boss will transition into their next phase where they summon some enemies all of which upon being defeated will damage the boss sending them into their first phase again but with a different attack the issue i mainly have is as far as attacking goes you're just dodging attacks from the god and shooting arrows or dodging attacks and swinging your sword this isn't a major issue because each boss has a unique set of attacks and the attacks escalate in damage and difficulty as you work through each phase but i do think it would have been beneficial to throw some mix-ups in there like having orbs that surround the boss and you have to destroy them before attacking the god ender dragon style it could have been cool to have different rewards based on how quickly you defeat the boss and then each boss could have a particular weakness to fire or predator bows yadda yadda and it could further incentivize the player to min max their stats and weapons before the fight i always appreciate a game that gives you some tough as nails enemies to fight upon maxing out your stats and gear and furthermore if you wear the isu armor while fighting these gods it feels like a david and goliath battle of the gods which from a strictly badass perspective is perfect especially with the perspective of how far we've come across our near 30-hour journey getting to the point of fighting literal gods would not feel as sweet as it does if we didn't have our humble beginnings in siwa all of which is part of bayek's journey and story which is one of acceptance rejection and it's where we can look to next the story here in my opinion is one of the best of the series as it takes a story that has been seemingly told a million times by now and takes a different approach to it with enjoyable characters that have enough chemistry to make me look forward to every scene with them set pieces and lure to instill me with the mythical nature of the desert but certain decisions like the overabundance of fan service pulled me out of it and left me feeling like the culprit for this story's good reception might be something other than the fantastic characters [Music] the story taking place in 49 bc sees bayek tracking down and killing a mass figure bayek then returns to his hometown of siwa after meeting with an old friend hepseva through conversation we discovered that bayek's child kamu was killed by some mass figures and since the event he exiled himself from siwa to track down those masked figures thankfully hepseva has information that one of the masked men is named madunamun and thanks to king ptolemy is overseeing siwa as we assassinate meduna moon we are given the full details of kamu's death the full story is that bayek was out with camus while the mass figures tracked them down because they assumed that bayek knew how to open a vault in siwa with the pieces of eden after trying to kill one of the masked men bayek's blade thrusts into kamu's heart i'll talk about it more later but please just listen to the voice acting here my god they nailed it now bike is tasked with meeting his wife aya who he hasn't seen in some time so they can track down and kill the snake the last of the mass figures on their list after they have a romantic reunion and ayah introduces bayek to some of her accomplices and even equips him with a brand new hidden blade aya reveals that she has taken out a few of her own targets and allows bayek to do the honors with the snake while he resides in a bath house unfortunately bike didn't chop off his ring finger or at least in the usual manner so his final kill is a bit of a painful one regardless upon returning to aya bayak is encouraged to meet with the fabled cleopatra cleopatra reveals that the snake is not one man but rather a collective more specifically the order of the ancients a group which would eventually turn into the templars more or less due to their ideology of wanting to control the world cleopatra and aya believe that with ptolemy gone and cleopatra in his place egypt would be a far greater region and in order to help her secure her position in the throne and subsequently take out more members of the order she hands bayek a list of mass figures for him to hunt down and we continue our quest further taking down the lizard the crocodile the hyena and the scarab before bayek leaves however cleopatra re-instills his title of megi this time in cleopatra's honor the hyena was killed in the great pyramid attempting to resurrect her daughter who had passed away the crocodile was assassinated after bayek discovered her as a major sponsor for the gaelic brothers in the crocodilis arena partially in revenge for killing a little girl named shadia who the crocodile didn't even remember the lizard is a priest who sabotaged memphis by poisoning gods driving crocodile's rabbit and causing miscarriages all in a quest for more power and was promptly killed by bayek the scarab had the nile delta in the palm of his hands and in order to help us find him we get the assistance of taharka as we defend the nile and help taharuka we share a dinner with him but we are drugged and wake up stripped of our gear and buried in the sand only with our head exposed allowing us to bake in the heat and wait for the duat we fortunately escape and assassinate the scarab while bike is taking care of the list ayah is heading to speak with pompe the great sinking many ships along the way and eventually gains his alliance with cleopatra after the group reconvenes they discuss the locations and identities of the remaining two members of the order and we find that they are both very close to ptolemy and are difficult to reach with war on the horizons things get even more complicated as pompe is found dead and cleopatra has to settle with aligning with julius caesar instead and is snuck into his quarters within a rug thanks to bayek and aya ptolemy leaves as caesar decides to marry cleopatra however ptolemy and the greeks decide to attack this leaves the scorpion vulnerable and bayek is able to kill him and bike even comes close to killing the now final member of the order septimus but caesar intervenes saving him a few weeks go by and we see that cleopatra after using bayek and especially aya to secure a seat on the throne has excommunicated them and has kept septimus within their inner circle meaning that they are just as bad as those before them bike forms an alliance with others who were wronged by cleopatra and they discover that there is yet another member of the order who rules over all of egypt named the lion or more accurately flavius and they confirmed that he was in fact the one who killed kamu within the tomb of king alexander lies a particular staff and when the lion gets his hands on it it opens a vault in seabog as he sieges the vault in siwa he unfortunately slays hebzeva in the process with these pieces of eden he can bend anyone to his will and we see this change in the world with many people praising him blindly like a bunch of zombies after killing him we meet with aya one last time to have an emotional recollection of the events and thanks to hindsight aya decides that her and bayek need to leave their old lives behind and fully commit to working in the dark to serve the light officially forming the ideology of the creed and azbaya creates the bureau of the hidden ones in memphis aya leaves to create one in rome aya then defeats septimus and kills caesar with a funny little line that may be familiar to some of you that is unfortunately where our story for bayek ends aya's story does continue to an extent within the previous games as it stated in this game that she took up the mantle of amunet and actually has a tomb in assassin's creed 2 which contained one of the seals needed to unlock altair's armor pretty cool detail if you ask me but that's also not where the story ends as there is a modern day plot and it's sorry we play as layla who has designed a brand new animus that is a hybrid of the assassin's animus and abstergos the assassin's version of the animus let you live out memories as if you yourself were there but you had to be a direct descendant of whatever person you are trying to memory surf through the abstergo version lets you experience anyone's memories but it was presented more like a video game and thus there wasn't a bleeding effect leila's version does both and she is living through the memories of both bike and aya with the help from her woman in the chair d as the story progresses we find out that absurd goes after them and when they finally do catch up dee is killed in possibly the funniest fashion they must have found out about oh [ __ ] [ __ ] see layla then completes her time in the animus and is met by william miles who unofficially recruits her into the modern day assassin's brotherhood and that finally is where the story concludes as for my personal thoughts i really liked bayek and ayah's story to the point where i might consider bayek my new favorite character and the modern day stuff was just so laughable that i'd rather not talk about it further but for the sake of housekeeping let's quickly go over why i didn't care for it much lore wise there isn't much here aside from confirming that the age-old war between the hidden ones and the order of the ancients is still raging in the modern day shadows the delivery on some of the voice lines were downright hilarious as exemplified best by dee's yelp of the word [ __ ] i normally sit in silence when playing a game and this genuinely made me bust out laughing with that being said like usual the modern day story was of no interest to me but at least bayek didn't show up in a three-piece as for my story as mentioned i fell in love with him and aya and most painful of all kamu the first thing i appreciated throughout the story was the different approach the writers took to the revenge plot keep in mind we've seen way too many revenge plots assassin's creed 2 avenging your family not that big of a deal because it was the first one of the series to do that brotherhood avenging your family again three avenging your village unity avenging your father and stepfather and i'm not saying that this type of story is good or bad and i enjoy almost all of the stories listed here but my eyes rolled hard enough to give me motion sickness when i realized that we were going to get another revenge plot where the moral of the story is revenge is bad smile instead bayek and i are lust over vengeance and spend a majority of the game allowing revenge to tear themselves apart and to tear their marriage apart while it's painful to watch the two of them more or less accept that this is where their vengeance has taken them and they decide to embrace it fully sacrificing their otherwise normal lives for the greater good it still gives you the moral of revenge being a bad thing but it shows a different side to that coin and we see throughout the game that bayek doesn't get any satisfaction no matter how many masked ones he kills and that's actually something i didn't enjoy as much in the story which was the amount of times that we are led to believe that bayek has finally found his son's murderer the amount of people he says directly killed his son got tiring at points and i understand that it isn't always clear who killed kamu because they were all wearing masks but the first time he shouted at someone for killing kamu i was totally on board and the delivery the line sold me on that but by the fourth time it happened it lost its luster a bit it makes me wonder if perhaps the story was originally going in a direction where bike has to accept the fact that he himself drove the knife into his son's chest hence why he blames everyone else so much i think i would have liked to have seen something like that in the game where bike questions if perhaps he was at fault for camus death but maybe bayek was already going through enough while the amount of times we're given a new list of targets was on the high end don't confuse that with poor pacing because i think the pacing here was actually great a lot of the targets we kill have an impact on the story an interesting concept and i can only think of a few that aren't really up to snuff one of which was the anubis mask wearing priest who was poisoning gods and sabotaging the city of memphis we just sort of discover his identity and kill him it was pretty forgettable compare this to the scarab on top of getting drugged buried in the desert and finding out that taharka's entire life is a lie the target was generally really memorable some had a perfect mixture of all of them like khaleeset or the hyena who was actually pretty distant from the order by the time bayat comes around we discovered that she hides within one of the great pyramids and we find that she has been tinkering with an ancient mechanism using silica to resurrect her deceased daughter esha and not only was this a great set piece and the following boss fight pretty fun but this is a direct parallel to bayek while bayek seemingly accepted kemmeh's death and dedicated his life to bringing justice to the boy's death khalaset couldn't accept her daughter's death and spent her life attempting to bring her back and when bayek is trying to convince her that her daughter just isn't coming back it's like he's reminding himself of that i felt as zobiak was continuously accepting camus death and accepting his life without kamu vicariously through the many people he meets across egypt take shadia who's killed by the crocodile by tying her foot to a heavy object and drowning her shadya's mother is so distraught with her daughter's death that she barely speaks for a majority of the questline and we see the way a child's death tears the parents apart the same way i assume it must have done to aya and bayek but in a far less glamorous manner bayek's journey is as much about accepting his son's death as it is about accepting his own the pre-death bike the one that emits this radiant smile and has nothing but good in his heart is gone the masked men took that bike away and executed him the moment camus died at the beginning of the game we see bayek dropping his guard down occasionally when speaking with rabia at the beginning of the game and even with hebseva as if for just a moment he forgets about that camus-sized cloud over his head i have a white about you ah you know me you should be wedded but as he meets all of his old friends across his journey there's a running theme they're often moving forward the friend he meets in the arena kensa is a friend who is on to new things fighting in the arena and the other friend claridus has basically shed his previous identity to become a greek and hedge his bets at the racetrack and something that struck me about these people is that they're all moving forward while bayek is still trying to cling on to what his life was before his goal has always been to get back to a quiet life in siwa with his wife but he continually has to grapple with the fact that a life like that isn't possible anymore and this is cemented in the final encounter he has with aya bayek meets with aya one last time and they stand next to one another looking at the shore and ayah explains that they must go their separate ways they have to stop trying to go back to their own idealized peaceful life and instead work in the dark to benefit everyone else bike then takes the skull that he wore around his neck and places it on the sand the mark that is left on the sand is the symbol which would come to define the creed and the ideology i actually hated this scene a lot when i first played through it bayek and i have such an intense chemistry throughout the game and they both light up when seeing each other adding to the fact that these two had to suffer the death of a child and i wanted these two to get there happily ever after but after pondering for longer i realized that this is the closest they get to a happily ever after or any sort of conclusion for that matter as i has stated bayek isn't the same man he was and his new persona simply put just isn't built for a quiet life in siwa he hasn't been a husband in a while going months without seeing his wife and when he does see her it's for at most a few days he hasn't been a father in a while because his son is dead and the most he can do is reminisce over stargazing with his little boy i'm not trying to say that he can't miss his son or his wife but rather those parts of him are gone now he's not a father he's not a husband he's not even a magi by the end of the game he's a hidden one and i actually really enjoyed bayek's reluctance to make this decision he knows it's the right thing but it's not exactly easy to say goodbye to what was his ideal life for one that is far less so this quest for revenge has taken everything from him his wife his friends his fatherhood and his quest to avenge his son even takes a physical piece of him with his ring finger being lost to the hidden blade beginning the tradition that would last for centuries i appreciate this game's more subtle messaging about revenge this scene was great for bayek in ayah's case she's already made the decision and is just waiting for bayek to catch on and seeing the way she basically has to spell it out for him made the scene even more heartbreaking aya is a character i haven't talked too much about throughout the story because she is mostly on her own doing things outside of bayek's story when she is on screen though it's quite a treat since as mentioned their chemistry is great and because she is a strong female character that doesn't feel forced almost unfortunately the only point in which i felt the game was putting it right in our face was when caesar asked byak to light a signal at a lighthouse and doesn't trust aya to do it because she's a woman this in and of itself is fine but then aya says something along the lines of he thinks a woman isn't good enough i'll show him and on one hand i can see how this might be an issue because aya is a strong female and that's plain to see and i feel if we called too much attention to that it undermines the statement in the first place but another way to look at this was the writers quote unquote sticking it to ubisoft in a way for those who might not know during the development of assassin's creed origins bayek was initially meant to be killed off early in the game and aya was meant to take his place but according to insider reports they were pressured by ubisoft to minimize aya's role and make bayek the playable character because they didn't believe that a woman would sell enough copies i can't confirm that this was the reason and i really hope it's not because assassin's creed syndicate by 2017 was outsold by rise of the tomb raider but perhaps this was the writer's way of subtly telling ubisoft to eat [ __ ] i don't know regardless i appreciated the scenes with aya and i would love to see a future sequel that lets us play through even more of her adventures in rome of course the tragedy between aya and bayek was a good part of the story too i love speculating about who killed kamu in the beginning of the game and then getting different context clues before finally seeing the scene and it was heart-wrenching despite kamu being dead he is with us across most of our journey and shows up in a lot of bayek's confession scenes he haunts us just as much as he haunts bayek and the only time we can come close to forgetting that he's dead is when hearing his conversations with his father gazing upon the gods these conversations put a spotlight on when bayek teaches kamu and it shows us that he had a bright future ahead of him and likely would have succeeded his father as the next megi but that'll never happen now something that i criticized in odyssey a little bit and even more so in valhalla was the pacing and i can happily say that i didn't really have an issue with it here in odyssey's case it was an 20-hour story that was stretched to like the 50 hour mark and in valhalla's case it was a solid 30 maybe 40 hour story stretched to the hundreds of hours mark here it felt right we were consistently doing things that impacted the story and moved it along and while there was at least one point where i had to spend quite a while doing side quests to get myself to the proper level there weren't any massive level gaps between missions like those seen in odyssey and valhalla right when i felt that the story should end it basically did overall i think that this might be one of my favorite stories in the series i loved all the characters the setting the story and especially that ending a lot of people have said they like bikes that's obviously not an unpopular opinion and perhaps i'm simply holding that opinion because it's fresh in my mind and i'm hot off my playthrough but i really think the story was well made and deserving of the praise that it gets unfortunately there's something about assassin's creed origins as bugged me quite a bit and that's the fact that so many people loved it i know that sounds like some irrational hipster mindset but please hear me out i was told from the get-go that odyssey was the worst assassin's creed game there was and that origins was one of the better assassin's creed games now not everyone said this but a majority of people around me and a lot of the people in the comments of my videos said so i only clarify this because no matter how popular an opinion is someone is going to have either never heard of it or never agreed with it for example i made a video called in defense of batman arkham knight where i explained that the game deserved more of praise and despite there being multi-million view videos that borderline [ __ ] on the game there were still some people in the comments of my video saying why are you defending this game everyone loved it getting back to the point odyssey was criticized most heavily for its gameplay simplified parkour no one shot stealth damage numbers min maxing stats abilities that broke lore or realism a gear system that promoted looting side quests that were either boring or disconnected from the main story and enemies that were damaged sponges if you weren't on their level the issue i have is that assassin's creed origins is hailed as being miles better than odyssey and i agree that origins is far better its side quests are better its voice acting across the board is better with the only real memorable voice from odyssey being cassandra compared to the myriad of great voices and origins the main quest is far more interesting well paced well told and had me invested from start to finish with a mostly satisfying ending the thing is i enjoyed the gameplay in odyssey which most people didn't like and yet the gameplay in origins is so similar the parkour is the same across both games with the first uncharted game from 2007 requiring more player input and thought the stealth is not a one-shot like in odyssey there's damage numbers you're encouraged to min max stats and they simplify that process for you there are abilities that break lore or realism look no further than heps of a sword which is a weapon you receive during a main story quest the gear system is borderline better in odyssey because you can add engravings to your gear to further personalize them and swap individual pieces of armor to create unique armor sets and the enemies above your level will take quite a while to go down so after thinking about all these things i can't help but feel that a major player in the hardcore fans perception of this game is the unnecessary amount of fan service in the game the game references the ezio games which as we know a lot of the hardcore fans consider the creme de la creme of this series from everything from the menu song which is a remix of the iconic theme from assassin's creed ii to aya singh the famous line when assassinating caesar which i understand serves a greater irony as it's being said to a dying roman but even aya's final speech about the creed is just as fan service as it gets and when it comes to gameplay there are plenty there too i mean south is the exact same as odyssey with the only difference being a hidden blade and they want you to know that so they include it in places where it doesn't even belong like when lifting yourself with a counterweight rope it plays a sound of the hidden blade extending and cutting but the animation doesn't even reflect that but perhaps that's just an oversight i mean one of the biggest criticisms against odyssey was that alexios knows how to do the leap of faith without properly learning it but bayek just gives this random line saying that his father knew it and taught it more or less to bayek this is also in the context of his father telling him to jump into water deep water which is pretty different from jumping into like a three foot haystack is that all it takes just a passing line saying my father taught it to me now do not get me wrong these are not bad things and in fact i enjoyed the nostalgic themes lore and hearing aya utter the now famous line but i have been feeling for a while now that a majority of fans care only about how many bits of lore hidden blades and nostalgia baits are in the game rather than caring about the gameplay itself look no further than assassin's creed valhalla a game i criticized heavily upon release and even leading up to its release i don't know if you guys remember but a ton of people were near head over heels for the game pre-release all because it had actual assassins a hidden blade an awesome location and even a home base that you could renovate people were basically shouting from the rooftop saying assassin's creed is back baby and i looked around like what the [ __ ] nobody seemed to care that the same combat lack of parkour and stealth was there but that it was just assassin's creed i'd release a full one hour critique of the game within its release and within the first month there were a lot of people being completely dismissive of my opinion but it seemed that the reception to my video grew greater and greater once people had actually finished the game this isn't me trying to pull some i told you so [ __ ] or that my video's the best valhalla review out there it's not but this was a first hand experience of mine seeing how much fans will write off as long as there's enough fan service here so the main reason i hate that i love assassin's creed origins is boiled down to loving it the same as everyone else but not for the same reasons in full transparency there is a bit of bitterness towards the hardcore fanbase on my end because they've basically dogged on me since day one because i didn't think the seo games were the second coming of christ but we're getting sidetracked and again this doesn't apply to everyone watching i know that this strays away from critiquing the game itself but we're an hour in at this point and if this is my problem it's going to be your problem too so for some of you you might think this is where our adventure in egypt ends but for bike he has two full story expansions titled the hidden ones and the curse of the pharaohs on top of a bunch of cosmetics which while we're on the topic of there is a microtransaction store in the game you can buy some of the cooler armor sets from it and even some time savers and while i could criticize it i won't bother i feel like it's just better to at least tell you that they're in the game but they've been there since black flag and i doubt they're stopping anytime soon regardless the hidden ones in the curse of the pharaohs are some great dlcs but i can't help but feel that the hidden one's dlc is a bit of a poor deal when compared to the curse of the pharaohs not by quality necessarily but just by sheer quantity curse of the pharaohs has a huge map and side quests that take you across the entirety of that map however the hidden ones is so short that i was able to see just about everything the dlc had to offer within about four hours however the curse of the pharaohs is far more in depth and the environments presented in the world were some of the few that were able to leave me in genuine awe and wonder it's been quite a while since i've seen an environment that made me say wow and yet here we are but we're getting ahead of ourselves let's instead loop back to all the dlcs and let's tackle the hidden ones first [Music] the hidden ones begins with bayek getting a letter from a hidden one in the region of sennai four years after the birth of the hidden ones at the end of the main story the letters from tahira states that the country is at war with rome and with two hidden ones being lost to the massacres it's time for bayek to step in tahira introduces bayek to the rebel leader gamalat and while bayek is out taking out roman commanders all with a laundry list of horrible acts to justify their assassination someone has discovered the location of the bureau and sets it ablaze with bayek being captured and laid on a cross jesus style fortunately a familiar face shows up to save us amunette who explains that bike's actions in the region have been so large-scale that word of the events have traveled across to her place in rome and that there may be a traitor prompting her to tag team these soon-to-be templars with bayek and the rest of the hidden ones the duo rescues the captured tahira and kashta but tahira succumbs to her wounds and is given an emotional send-off into the duat as bayek and amunet search for the traitor who revealed the location of the bureau they come across a village being burned to the ground with the rebels and innocents dying at the hands of rufio after stopping them and assassinating rufio we uncovered the immoral ways in which gameloft recruits new members to his rebellion he's been provoking the roman soldiers to attack villages leaving many people without families and with too much vengeance to think straight creating these martyrs who then become rebels as amunet is telling bayek this he feels a slight conflict within himself because he considered gamalot a friend and that they more or less fought for the same thing when bike does track down kamala they have a somber duel that ends with gamala on the ground and realizing the error in his ways as bayek and amunet regroup with the remaining hidden ones they create a new rule of sorts stating that under no circumstances are the hidden ones allowed to exploit the innocence to achieve their goals because that's one of the few things separating them from the order bayek and amunet have a final painful send-off where they question if they're truly doing good work and the dlc ends with almanac returning home and by continuing to be the shadowy protector of egypt i think the story here was really short but that doesn't stop it from being really good the conflict here is a classic assassin's creed story that while not doing anything new or innovative clearly shows us that ubisoft still knows how to craft the iconic templar vs assassins war that so many other games have covered a lot of bike story from the main game was as i'm sure you can guess an origin story with the end of the game seeing him finally completing his transformation into the hidden one however this dlc actually shows us what he looks like in action and it was cool seeing bayek being treated as the father of the assassins in a similar way ezio was treated in revelations being a legendary mentor this theme is here from start to finish too as the dlc begins and ends with a bard telling the stories of bayek of siwa bike also fills his role of being a badass as he taunts the guards who crucify him and while he keeps his stoic all business attitude for most of the story he does show some pride in the work he's done with the hidden ones which was nice to see i'll kill you all [Music] something that was nice not to see was any mentions of kamu kamu's vengeance and his ghost was a huge part of the main story and i'm glad this dlc didn't try to continue that and it really instilled this idea of bayek leaving that previous life behind and dedicating himself to the hidden ones truly it isn't easy though as exemplified by his goodbye with amunet or aya aya's arrival was a pleasant surprise and it was good to see that after all this time their chemistry never faltered she's able to reassure bayek that he's doing a good job and that the creed as a whole is doing the right thing and when they finally say goodbye you can just feel the tension especially on bayek's part it just made me so tense like oh my god you two the fact that this game was able to convey this kind of emotional tension was just beautiful and maybe that's just me having spent the last 45 hours being head over heels for these two but just watch it for yourself and i think you'll see it i love that even though both of them have moved on there's still a part of them that wishes things were different and that things were easier i like the story with gamelad as he highlights how easy it is for a hidden one or an ally of their cause to lose their way and become essentially the same as the order fighting for the same thing as the hidden ones but through very different means i do wish we could see a greater conflict from bayek about not wanting to kill game a lot as they are friends but i can understand why they didn't bother fleshing that out i like that the two argue while fighting and eventually he sees where he went wrong allowing him to have somewhat of a redemption as far as the gameplay side of things go it's the standard fare and that's perfectly fine this is especially the case with the first three targets you have to assassinate as the game falls back into the classic assassin's creed loop of showing you why a target must be assassinated scoping out the area to see what parts of the environment can be used to your advantage taking down the lackeys surrounding the target and then putting the final puncture into your target or just going in guns blazing and wiping out an entire army outside of these quests there were some interesting twists such as when tomb raiding with gamelad as you have to activate different weighted mechanisms to carry him out of the temple because he can't climb like bayek can it wasn't anything to blow your socks off but it kept things fresh i also absolutely loved the assassination sandbox mission for rufio moving from boat to boat and taking down a small army of men was one of the more challenging and subsequently rewarding assassinations in a while and it ends up being one of my favorites from the entire game when you do finally take him down and enter the confession scene we see a running theme with all the templars that comes to a head where bike has to come to terms with the fact that this fight he's fighting won't end any time soon and that with every head he cuts off more will spawn this exact sentiment is shared with the shadows of the scarab that hunt you down the same way the falakis did in the main game except when you take down the whopping two of them you get to their hideout and find that the scarab's son has now grown up a bit and has decided he wants revenge notice any parallels anywho we beat up koab like the little snot-nosed brat he is and actually convince him that he doesn't have to avenge his father and we end up recruiting him into the brotherhood which felt like an interesting choice on bayek's part but regardless the quest was quite heartfelt and seeing a character like that return and bear genuine consequences for bayek was nice we also recruit another lady and even show her how to do a leap of faith which while not that big of a deal did satisfy my nostalgia these aren't the only side activities here as some see you unlocking temples hidden under massive trees and while this little light puzzle was fun i have to make a confession i was not given an option to pet the cat at the entrance and my curiosity got the best of me i'm so sorry there are also two new stone circles which do connect bike with his son for some old time's sake but they honestly feel so strange without kamu and i think that was the point you get so used to hearing bayek educate his son on the many gods of egypt that by the time he isn't there you get this unsettling feeling as you remember that he's dead the new environment doesn't feel entirely different but that's okay because it just feels like a natural continuation of egypt making you feel like you're on one hand in a new area with new points of interest and on the other still right at home bayek's new outfit on the other hand is great looking and that's all i have to say about it this is much the same for the environments of the second dlc expansion the curse of the pharaohs which sees bayek travelling to thebes after receiving a letter from amunet explaining that there are rumors of a powerful relic assumedly a piece of eden when arriving bayek encounters a red-haired fellow named sutek but is interrupted by the ghost of nefertiti who is attacking the locals upon defeating the ghostly apparition bayek meets with aya's contact murti who explains that the relic was stolen from one of the tombs of the pharaohs in the valley of kings and that we should speak to the priestess and wife of a moon isadora after journeying into the visions of the pharaoh's afterlives and putting their spirits to rest through combat bayek eventually encounters isadora arguing with tahemet by the necropolis and is instructed by tahema to investigate the tombs for clues eventually finding out that isodora saw her mother die to some tomb raiders and as a priestess had the relic in her possession the entire time we go to assassinate her but are fooled by the relic revealed to be the apple of eden and instead track her down into the afterlife where upon defeating the spirit of tutukamun she is killed bike then gives the apple to sutek asking that he bury it where nobody will find it and that's where the story ends unfortunately despite the story being more convoluted and significantly longer than the hidden ones it's far more drawn out for better or worse there are consistent advancements in the story and we are constantly exploring new environments which are a ton of fun but a lot of quests here felt padded or just like basic side quest level busy work and unfortunately that applies to the side quests themselves too there were many points where the main quest would simply read complete other quest and while gameplay wise i didn't mind this too much i did mind it in the story department because as far as pacing went the quest could be all over the place two different quests would be going on at the same time and keeping track of both of them at once just felt unnecessary i think this could have also been a sign of me showing fatigue as this was at the end of my 50-hour playthrough and i was growing tired of the normal gameplay back to the story though i liked it a fair bit but as mentioned i think the hidden ones was better there wasn't a ton of story for bayek here in the main questline as there was in the other dlc and the lack of familiar faces like amunet while not necessary to create a good story did leave me appreciating the others more that's not to say that there isn't anything to love here as the cutscenes themselves still have that same level of detail that they did in the rest of the game but i did think that with the story this long we could have seen some new personal revelations for bayek and yet we don't get any of that i'm even more disappointed that there was no mention of kamu throughout this dlc given that we spend a lot of time and four different afterlifes i understand though that it wouldn't make sense because these afterlives are mere simulations and the actual afterlife doesn't exist within assassin's creed lore so these bubbles are essentially simulations thanks to isu technology but i still would have preferred something of camus to be mentioned thankfully consistent with his character bayek only mentions kamu in passing when someone asks what he has lost the ending was also a bit of a disappointment as bike just gives the apple to sutek and that's it i would have preferred if bayek himself hid it and gave an ending speech about how the apple can never reach a human's hands as it just leads to death and destruction i also found it confusing that bike would ever trust sutek with the apple after everything he's been through overall the story was pretty good however it felt more like a side story than the hidden ones did which i guess is what it should be as mentioned the missions here split off a lot and end up feeling like side quests with one of the more frustrating being one where you have to defeat the shadow of ramisus throughout the world the random shadow of a pharaoh will spawn and start attacking civilians like they did in the beginning cut scene but when a shadow is spawned the pharaoh it projects is random so this particular quest had me waiting around for these guys to spawn in finally getting the correct shadow and when attempting to banish it and failing because these guys are built like brick [ __ ] houses i'd have to wait around for another while before the proper pharaoh popped up it wasn't too bad in the grand scheme of things but definitely a low point of the mission design in my eyes fortunately the high points when it came to the mission design were in the boss fights against the pharaohs most of these fights were a joy to play through as they had intense combos did almost too much damage and had reasonable health bars that made fighting them exceptionally fun and challenging much like the boss fights against the arena champions except for one of them being the final one this boss does an insane amount of damage and the real part of this fight that damns it is the strange hitboxes on this guy which hang around long after he has finished his attack and the boxes themselves are massive i know that his sphere is double-sided with a smaller blade on this bottom but i'll be to the side of this guy and yet i take damage and finding a pocket to get a hit in isn't very easy this boss also has an anti-cheese move that comes out near instantly which i found pretty annoying even if it is there for a good reason i've always enjoyed choosing bosses where possible fortunately the tried and true method of running away and shooting the boss with arrows to fill your adrenaline meter and using overpower attacks on them still worked like a charm so when i did get too tired of the boss i resorted to that strategy another painful thing that added to my displeasure with the boss fights was the checkpoints every time you fail which you likely will a lot you will be spawned outside of the tomb having to run down the steps crawl through a corridor skip a cutscene skip another cutscene and then you're back in the fight in some games like the soul series running back to a boss from a bonfire works as a way of icing you allowing you to clear your head before heading in for another attempt and giving you time to devise new strategies the runs to the boss are also usually filled with enemies and obstacles keeping it engaging and giving you a constant feedback loop that this particular instance doesn't hence why it annoyed me more than anything here of course i can't talk about this dlc without absolutely gushing over the environments here specifically the afterlives which were some of the most visually stunning environments i've seen in a long time just one look at the field of reeds and i was absolutely hooked on this luscious landscape which featured a special steed and a giant scorpion and even boats barreling through the agriculture i wish there was more to do in this particular afterlife as i couldn't get enough of the visuals but fortunately the others such as the duat while being on the other end of this spectrum are still just as beautiful as the stars covering the dark skies and the bones of the massive beast covering the ground it isn't meant to be a beautiful place there are lost cough floating around snakes dead creatures and yet it instilled the same sense of wonder that heb said did wandering through deserts with megalithic monuments bobbing and weaving in and out of the sandstorms finally nothing gets brighter than the skies of a 10 as the sun just beams down on the entire afterlife allowing this eternal daylight to showcase how great the lighting in this game is i could go on for ages about these environments but i think you get the point by now it's just spectacular a lot of the side quests here were pretty bare bones compared to the hidden ones the side quests here typically see someone mentioning a close friend or family member dying we figure out why kill the person who killed them and then start another quest where we deliver a possession of theirs to them in the afterlife the quest within the afterlife however we're pretty fun as you help somebody who's having trouble settling in and upon helping them a projection of pass bike begins telling bikes some reassuring words about his choices in life and the path he is on in fact in one quest you help a woman who is a psychic and after that quest is completed a man who is also a sidekick comes up to you and describes your journeys in the afterlife to you and reassures bayek that he's going to be okay overall though the quests in the hidden ones were just better and that's not to say that these were bad but rather that the quests here just weren't as good i think the sentiment is shared for the most part across the board with curse of the pharaohs the story in the hidden ones was more concise had better objectives and told a better story about bayek's goals and how he's achieving them through the hidden ones the curse of the pharaohs told a story that to me was a little drawn out didn't do much for bayek's character and had some pretty boring quests within them not to mention a lackluster ending that goes doubly for the final boss while the curse of the pharaohs had great boss fights and some truly awe-inducing environments that completely outclass what is seen in the hidden ones i don't think that is enough to make it better than the latter both of them have their good qualities for sure and i know i don't have to pick which one i believe is better but i did feel like curse of the pharaohs was better until actually sitting down and looking at both critically the only issue i have with these two dlcs as a whole is the price both of these dlcs together are 55 canadian which is more than the price of the base game hey so this is editing aqua chiming in for a second and they actually just raised the price of the base game so the base game is now 80 dollars and the dlc season passes 50 so i had a whole section about how i was gonna say that it's [ __ ] because the season pass costs just as much as the main game but that doesn't really matter anymore and now i'm just more annoyed that they like actually raised the price from 50 to 80. so i had to cut out this entire section about the prices but just know that it comes on sale frequently so you can probably find the dlc and the base game for under 20 if you're lucky fortunately these pricing woes didn't saw me from falling in love with the overall package of assassin's creed origins so with that that's pretty much all there is to assassins creed origins sure i couldn't talk about everything like the papyrus in a lot of locations which lead you to special treasures or all the side quests but i covered a majority of this game top to bottom which i don't normally do for these games but this game was something special i think it's by far the best of the rpg games and i don't think that is an unpopular opinion the gameplay here was definitely a departure from what the series had done before and i actually can't make an argument for which i like more because both systems have their strengths and weaknesses regardless i like the combat here a lot and the same goes for the south which saw a lot of similarities to the older games except the emphasis on social stealth wasn't here at all which made sense since the series had been slowly moving away from it for some time now i think not being able to one-shot enemies was in a way bad because it forced you to suspend your disbelief but the upside is that levels can't be cheesed we could even see how this turned out in valhalla which saw me skipping a boss fight all because i snuck up on him and was able to just give the boss a poke in the neck i also feel that not letting us access certain areas because our level isn't high enough can be a bad thing since it takes what would otherwise be an rpg focused on player freedom and constricts them to a linear path which isn't anything new to the assassin's creed franchise the combat stats were new but didn't change too much in the way of how i fought and what it did change i believe was changed for the better having to actually care about what gear i was using was a fine change compared to the likes of the ezio trilogy where the different weapons you use boil down to aesthetic preference especially in brotherhood and revelations which isn't a bad thing by any means i'm just saying i can appreciate the added complexity here it also meant that trying different gear made a difference as some swords like the cobash from earlier encouraged a more defensive approach since i would die in one hit and i played like a glass cannon and yet my sword of the duot which granted health with each hit encouraged a hyper-aggressive playstyle and rewarded my knowledge of the parry and dodging mechanics and a similar sentiment is shared for the bose the entirety of egypt is massive which is a trend that has been set since assassin's creed one and i think this is one of the earliest games that made me question if it was maybe too big there are plenty of areas in the game that if only following the main story and a few side quests you just won't see and i wonder if it would be beneficial to shrink the map sizes for the next entry as odyssey and valhalla had maps that definitely were too big for their own good regardless the landscape here thanks to the fidelity some of the best in the series and the many mirages you face allow you to somehow not get bored when traversing endless waves of sand the quests were really interesting ranging from boss fights to rescue missions to drug trips and while there were still a nauseating amount of bandit camps and enough question marks to make your head spin those question marks had some interesting things within them the stone circles and of course the elephants which along with the animus errors made me more than happy to participate in an assassin's creed end game which is a sentence i never thought i'd say before pairing this with two dlc expansions that were very strong in their own right and we have a game that while coming very close to having too many things to do walks that line very well all this and i haven't even mentioned the story which to me is one of the best in the series following bike's journey from husband father and megi to hunter avenger and hidden one was compelling from start to finish and the same goes for aya seeing their transformation while badass was also heartbreaking and seeing their past lives as individuals and as a couple crumble before them with each target they took out was emotional and made me really care for the characters avenging kamu was a satisfying journey that pulled at the heartstrings and for the most part didn't fall into the same pitfalls that other games in the series did of course the chemistry between bayek and i is unforgettable and their interactions were always a joy to see i think the biggest takeaway from this game is that its size is near perfect odyssey was too big valhalla was way too big but this game felt just right when i finished the main game i felt like i wanted more i was having a great time and when i finished the dlc i felt satisfied like yeah okay that was fun i've had my fill in its run time it was able to tell a compelling story have solid gameplay that while different was still a lot of fun and it was all presented with a beautiful coat of paint so now that we've talked about all of the rpg games and since we've already talked about unity syndicate and the ezio games i think it's finally time we head back and travel from egypt all the way to america hello i don't know i started it like that hi thanks for watching this uh this video i appreciate it a lot these videos take a really really [ __ ] long time to make as i'm sure you've seen and uh to those of you who support me on patreon thank you so much like seriously and speaking of which thank you to our patrons bossian mark short pyrite william eurotovic chiefy gonzo gonzalez wolfhednar845719 ben conway and nathan figgs i really really appreciate it if you want to support me on patreon you can by clicking the link in the description it's helpful because it allows me to make these really long videos and i i appreciate a lot you guys get some good benefits too you guys get some thumbnail sessions some behind the scenes stuff and uh yeah and of course videos early like if you're a patreon member you've probably already seen this video three days before it came out uh you guys can follow my twitter too i've been using my twitter a lot more and i would appreciate a couple a couple more follows on there you can get uh updates on what videos are coming out and when uh and you can get some just like random opinions this video was really like tough to make because one it was really long and i'm doing full-time school right now and so like i have no [ __ ] time and all the time i do have was being put into editing writing and like playing the game obviously and the hardest part was actually the music because the entirety of the assassin's creed origin soundtrack is copyrighted aside from a couple of unofficial songs like songs that are like ambient songs that are in the game but they're not like official tracks so that's why i kind of had to pull from like a bunch of different games i know of that have like some sort of egyptian influence like [ __ ] age of mythology and i didn't want to just use lo-fi hip-hop because i feel like i feel like using lo-fi hip-hop kind of neglects music and i feel like music has been one of the weak points of my videos for like well not so much as of late but like especially a few months ago i felt like the music was always so boring like it was just the same like lo-fi piano beats or whatever and that works but i feel like using music that fits the aesthetic of the game and the video like the tempo of the video is is really really brings it to the next level and so that's why i use kind of like upbeat like i've used some i used some [ __ ] like nintendo songs in this video um all the songs i use will be in the description i'm gonna try and start doing that so yeah it's like it's not a uh kind of out of my wheelhouse but i think i did good and if you like this video please let me know if you don't like also let me know and yeah the next video will be on assassin's creed 3 as i kind of alluded to and i will be doing that in collaboration with another youtuber that according to my youtube analytics page you guys also watch so be on the lookout for that i'm not going to say who the collaboration's with uh just because i'm going to be 100 like it might fall through i don't know i i feel like if i commit and i announce it and i'm like oh i'm collaborating with this person then like something's gonna happen and we're not gonna be able to do it and i really wanna do it so i don't wanna jinx myself but yeah that's it i apologize that videos have taken so long to come out uh i've just been super busy with school but know that i'm busting my ass to get it out to you as soon as possible and i'm working hard i'm not overworking myself like yes i'm [ __ ] tired and like exhausted but like i'm having a lot of fun doing the the video hustle so don't worry about that but just uh you know sorry okay i love you guys thank you so much and uh bye [Music] you
Channel: That Boy Aqua
Views: 1,120,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Assassin's Creed Origins, Assassin's Creed Origins Review, Assassin's Creed Origins Critique, Assassin's Creed Origins 4 Years Later, Assassin's Creed Origins Analysis, Assassin's Creed Origins Retrospective, I HATE That I LOVE Assassin's Creed Origins, Assassin's Creed New, Assassin's Creed Origins Guide, Assassin's Creed Retrospective, Assassin's Creed Infinity, That Boy Aqua, That Boy Aqua Assassin's Creed, I hate assassins creed origins, I love assassins creed origins
Id: eCdMmastTqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 40sec (5260 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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