WH 40K Rogue Trader HALF of your COMPANIONS will LEAVE YOU - How to avoid being ABANDONED

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so alcad games is renowned for letting you make decisions in their games that will outright murder your companions either by accident or not so much you can also make decisions in the game that will alienate you from your companions or they just get fed up and say you know what peace out mic Dro we're out of here and with Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader this is no exception now this video minor spoilers I'm going to tell you what the point of no return is when it comes to playing as the heretical play style because if you thought you could be a heretical so and get away with it while having a bunch of Imperial loving companions well let me tell you you are very very wrong so again final minor minor spoiler alert I'm going to be telling you exactly when this happens so without further Ado let's get this spoiled in a way so first thing that people have asked me is well what level do you have to get heretical to and my thought had been that you got a hit rank four but what I found based on my playthrough is no not really uh you can actually be as early as rank three in heretical because I had not hit rank four and certain characters will most definitely leave you now your point of no return is an act four so yes you can be a total uh heretical bastard act one two three and even a good portion of four and nobody's going to leave you although in act four you will get a warning but then what's going to happen is you're going to go back to footfall and you have a mission called the Lord Inquisitor and a lord Captain it's going to have to go to legis legis residence and I'll show you I'm not going to spoil the actual full Quest but I did want to show you where this cuts off and there is a Saving Grace moment however in my save this was bugged and it did not work so I will point this out so play at your own risk uh I did talk to the developers and I think they are it's either going to be fixed soon or it may be saved on new playthroughs but on my playthrough that I started at the the beginning of the launch of the game did this did not work unfortunately so let's take a quick look at this as I load up here so you basically show up here you're with your happy gol lucky party and you go meet with the leader trying to tell me something and I'm not kind of skip through the text but I am going to show you where you have your last chance to save yourself as long as your game isn't bugged like mine so you run into this inqu [Music] Inquisitor I want to go ahead and skip this you're going to have some conversations and if you want to save yourself there is an option to save yourself and let me show you what it is in the text so we're going to continue here very important so he's going to start talking here and they're going to have an option to repent sincerely if you do anything but this it does not matter what else you say everybody's going to leave you if you repent sincerely what's going to happen is you're going to go through a little transformation a little ceremony and you're going to lose all points in heretical and iconic clast so you could have been plus 300 you're going to go down to zero on both of them so you're basically going to turn to the Imperial dogmatic ways and that's supposed to make it so people don't leave you however again for me doesn't work now if you don't do that let me show you what happens and I'm going to skip this element but for those that are interesting so I've now passed the point of no return and even if you tell them to help them here they come they come into the room and here's what happens you finish the siege holding a war council but all is not Rosy and positive HRI comes first he's like sorry peace I'm out olar pieces out as well but we're not down yet and there's going to be a slow walk animation arenta is also pieces out and what surprised me is uh your your Elite she also ditches us so uh basically you can try and talk to people and it's like why won't you you know stay with me Etc but none of it works so and you might as well just peace out yourself and so you lose all of those companion companion companions permanently so do keep that in mind the other characters the ones that are more neutral and interestingly enough Cassio stays with you as well which doesn't fully make sense to me because you'll notice she is Matic but she's the only dogmatic character does that does not leave you so in this situation I don't have a great spot I've only got uh I mean I've got these characters here and a couple other ones obviously any of the evil characters will stay with you and any of the icono class characters will also stay with you so keep that in mind as a warning to you uh it shouldn't be that surprising that if you play heretical you get ditched but there's no way to avoid it unless you back out and then of course you're no longer heretical so I hope you guys found this video helpful if you did make sure to drop a like share this subscribe uh in your comments to help me out and also to uh to help you out um let me know if you have any questions or recommendations for videos you'd like to see from me when it comes to Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader thank you for your support and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 24,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k rogue trader, warhammer 40000, warhammer rogue trader, wh40k rogue trader, how to play wh40k rogue trader, new player guide rogue trader, rogue trader tutorial, rogue trader tips & tricks, warhammer 40k rogue trader tips, rogue trader tips, rogue trader guide, rogue trader, leeroy gaming, warhammer 40k rogue trader companions, rogue trader companions, rogue trader companions guide, warhammer 40k rogue trader heretical, warhammer 40 000 rogue trader heretical
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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