WH 40K Rogue Trader Navigators Insight Tutorial - Explore Koronus Expanse ( Map exploration Guide )

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hey everybody it's ler from lero gaming and in today's Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader video we're going to teach you how to effectively chart the coronus expanse uh we're going to start by giving you a little bit more of an in-depth tutorial of the Insight system and how movement on the universe Map works but then I'm going to do a quick fast forward a little further into Act 2 where I'm going to show you kind of what my map looks like and give you some tips on how to kind of minmax the use of your very limited resources when it comes to exploration now if you find this video helpful please drop a like if you want to help me get this video out to more people the algorithm loves it when people drop comments so if you have any feedback or questions about the system make sure to drop them below and I will do my best to answer them of course if you want to see more RPG and specifically Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader content make sure to subscribe as well all right now without further Ado let's go ahead and take a look at this system without a transition so this is what you're going to look like the very first time you get access to the map a giant map I'm not going to scroll over the entire thing but it's big and it's going to basically allow you to click this button to chart new routes anytime you finish exploring new area this you're going to get this option and this is what the initial setup looks like now what do you need to know here number one is every single pathway has one of four difficulties green yellow orange and red now anytime you travel a green pathway there is no danger nothing bad will happen and an incrementally more there's a higher chance of something happening when you go on to different colors now I will point this out you utilize a system called Navigators Insight in order to make these lower difficulties so green is the best if you go ahead and click on any yellow you can spend one to get it down to the safe Zone green or you could even for example take this red one get it down to Orange and if you had more than one Navigator Insight you could drop it to yellow or green now how do you get these insights you're basically going to get them in two different ways for the most part anytime you fully explore a system so if you go to this SOS tomb area and fully explore the system you're going to get one Insight in general now there may also be events either on planets or when you travel and we'll talk about that in just a second that gain you extra Insight now exploring the systems and doing those events is one thing but here's a reason why you may not always necessarily want to have just green paths when you have a yellow path I have found from a lot of experience that more often than not your trip will be safe it can sometimes proc a mildly negative event but it will also sometimes give give you special events that if you pass a skill check you can get big boosts of insight I've had like six or eight Insight um that I've gotten in a single search so this is why yellow is not always bad now I will say orange is quite a bit bigger of a risk some negative things can definitely happen and I try to minimize my traversal on orange paths and reds are really really high risk chances are something bad is definitely going to happen you could take a lot of damage to your ship you could literally get attacked where you have to do kind of a defensive uh encounter on your ship or a variety of other events that I will not spoil now a little bonus tip stay away from this Imperium this is a red herring if you waste time coming here basically all that can happen is an event that if you don't leave it you're just going to die and um uh you have to reload so especially early on just leave this far far alone so so as an example here what you'd probably want to do is go to SOS home explore it get that extra Insight you can come back for free and then for example because this is kind of a bit of a dead end here you may want to go to trinos you could I could right now for example spend one to make it yellow but you could again if you had gotten that extra Insight from exploring sto's tomb you can get this to Green as well if you wanted to so that's the basis here now let's go ahead and fast forward and I can show you how things look like all right here we are and we are on a different save of mine quite a bit in the future and so now you're going to notice I've explored quite a bit you're going to see a lot more connections I'm going to just give you a quick preview of kind of zoning zooming up to kind of show you just how many different connections there are it's tremendous and it goes all the way to the left a bunch and also to the right some as well um this is still only act two so there's a lot more to explore later on but what do I want to to basically point out here so within the story line without going into spoilers you're going to find certain colonies and what I have found to be very efficient because you're never going to have enough insight to explore everything to Green level I have eight here eight Insight because I had an event that gave me a ton of insight again no spoilers but it is possible I think at one point I think I had 15 or 18 of this so I have a good amount of surplus right now but you're not going to be like this most of a time so you want to be careful and what I normally recommend is you're going to notice there's going to be clear paths to areas you're going to visit a lot mainly your Colony planets so for example you'll notice up north here is Janice this is what your first colony you're going to expand to and you will most likely have numerous trips between Janice potentially you might go back to footfall and other uh locations like up here is uh dgas and what I recommend commend is having the most direct path making it that green making it green so you'll notice this path here jumps up I made sure this was green up to here is green and again I have a path around the left that directly gets me to this location I made that all green also going west to another location here kiava Gama another Colony all of those are green now notice in the majority of cases not always the off the beaten path areas I keep yellow or or orange I will never Traverse to an area when it's red if I'm absolutely desperate to get a Lo to a location I will travel it via orange but normally I want yellow also be careful don't waste Insight on double dipping on pathway so to get to this location here uh let toas passage you can get there from Munos nulas or from Muro 79 this was orange and this was orange originally I only cleared One path made it orange here but again or yellow here it' be totally wasteful if you wasted insight to make this part orange Al or yellow rather also note if it's off the beaten path like this where I may only go there once I'm not going to make it green I'm not going to waste that resource now here technically if I wanted to if I find myself heading down this direction more I could start clearing a path but in this case you'll notice the majority of the path down here I only went there once really I haven't had any current reasons to go there yet so I kept it yellow but the main paths traversing between the colonies I made sure there's always a full Green Path so those are my recommendations if you get to a point where you have excess Insight can like I do you could you know use them a little bit more but again I don't know how much more it's going to be expanding so having a surplus of insight is always very helpful and so there's everything you to know when it comes to effectively traversing the cronis expanse as a quick tldd view I guess uh big things you need to know is that the Navigator's Insight is a limited resource you're going to get a small amount of it just exploring systems but there's going to be events within planets potentially and also when traversing between planets as long as there's some risk meaning at least yellow they could proc certain events that will also give you Insight so again for beaten paths are going to repeat numerous times I recommend getting them down to Green areas that maybe only situationally um visit I don't mind making them yellow and then orange is mainly if there are paths that double dip so again there's numerous ways to go here to here why would you waste making this path lower and again highly recommend recomend against going down red paths just really really bad things can happen so hope you guys found this video helpful if you did make sure to drop a like subscribe let me know your questions or comments below and I'll make sure to review those and respond as best as I can thank you for all the support guys and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 16,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k rogue trader, warhammer rogue trader, rogue trader 2023, rogue trader crpg, wh40k rogue trader, navigators insight, rogue trader navigators insight, wh 40k rogue trader navigators insight, rogue trader navigator, koronus expanse, rogue traders of the koronus expanse, rogue trader koronus expanse, map exploration, rogue trader guide, rogue trader map exploration, rogue trader tips and tricks, warhammer 40k rogue trader tips
Id: cuQ0v-o_OgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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