Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader Review - Is it Worth It? Should You Play it?

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in this Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader review I'm going to be talking about my experience with the game I've played about 20 or 30 hours so far I haven't played all the way through it is quite a long game and there is a lot to this game but I kind of wanted to give you guys my impressions of the full version of the game let you know what I think so far and whether I think it's worth picking up or not if you are a crpg fan so first let's talk about some of the things I like about the game before we talk about some of the things that I don't like and the first thing that I really love about Rogue Trader is the World building the Fantastic lore and the the sense that they really make you feel immersed in the 40K Universe they have done an outstanding job here and this is something that I mentioned in our preview video back months and months ago but they've just absolutely nailed this aspect everything really feels like 40K and if you are a 40K fan or a 40K nerd you are going to love this game they have so many references and you know they have like so much background Exposition on things that but they basically have like pop out text that gives you background lore in case you don't know things about 40K I am a 40K fan but I am by no means a hardcore nerd and I was really glad to have those you know explanations of things and definitions of things at hand because it made understanding the story and what was happening a bit more palatable if you are not a 40K fan it can be a little bit much to chew into the overall lore and story of this game but I think alcat has done a great job of making it easier for those of you that are not the next thing I want to talkit about is combat I love the turn-based combat in this game alcat has moved away from Real Time with pause they've been adding turn-based combat you know they added it to Pathfinder uh in Wrath of the righteous and now they've moved completely away from Real Time with pause to turn-based in Rogue Trader and it just makes total sense when you see the combat of the game there's absolutely no way that it could be tactical to the way that it is if you don't do a turn based and the combat feels a little bit like a combination of maybe turn-based Pathfinder and something like XCOM or uh Phoenix points something like that where you have a cover system you're you're using half and full cover to protect yourself from ranged attacks while you're also moving up melee units to attack and you're you know kind of using positioning on the battlefield to based on where enemy units are try and not get surrounded and flanked and there's a lot of tactical positioning one thing that I really love that they've done in combat unless you've been ambushed you get to place your characters at the beginning of combat this is kind of a sore point with isometric RPGs in my opinion especially ones that are turn-based and you know party based is that sometimes you know when you go into combat even if it's real time like if you're formation is not perfect and depending on who aggro is what first you can kind of be out of formation and you know you have a bad start to a combat that doesn't happen hardly ever in this game again like I said unless you've been ambushed in that's a particular case cuz you really get to set up your characters where it makes most sense for them to be you don't have to worry about your formation and stuff like that another thing that I really love about Rogue Trader is the character progression it feels really good in this game coming from Boulders gate where the progression felt kind of slow and you really didn't have too many decisions to make in the upgrade process and sometimes you'd find gear and it would benefit you and not I really like the way they've done it here you you level up much more frequently and there are more choices to be made in the level up process kind of like Pathfinder to be frank and it just feels better like you feel like you have more control of your character and you're more engaged with the development of your character and ultimately this leads to characters that feel very unique in my opinion because there are things like being a psycher that's not attached to the class of the character you can have all different types of psychers in the game and you can have all different sorts of combat based on the weapons that you're using even the weapon type that you're using and the weapon skills that a character is using can really change their strategy and combat and then you mix and match that with the different classes and advanced classes of the game it's very very fun and I think players who are you know fans of having more control over their character like you know historic traditional RPGs will really appreciate that in this game next the companions are also really well done in this game anyone who's played an alcat game will know their companions are phenomenal this shouldn't be like a big surprise to anyone but the story lines are good their personalities are good their voice acting is fantastic actually wished more of the game was voice acted probably one of my pet peeves about this game is that it's not fully voice acted a dep absolutely doesn't have to be but I feel like if Al cat's really going to take it to the next level and really push for that AAA quality at some point they're going to have to voice everything and that's tough to do admittedly there is a lot of dialogue in this game there's a lot of reading in this game it would be very hard for them to kind of weave the narratives that they do in their games fully voice acting all of them but if they could ever do that it would be a Monumental phenomenal feat another thing about the game is its size this should not be shocking to people the game is probably 100 plus hours long from what I've seen so far and this is kind of part for the course with the Pathfinder games were about the same size as this you are not going to have a very short experience in this game it's very very long so you're going to get a lot of bang for your buck in terms of like gameplay hours out of itly if you replay it with you know different alignments like if you went dogmatic or heretical you know and see different outcomes Etc and then last thing another thing that I really love is the co-op this game is up to six player co-op I have not messed around much with the co-op admittedly I've only done it two player and that was pretty fun but the fact that you can play this game up to six players is incredible there are no games out there that support this many players playing Co-op and just the fact that you can play a crpg co-op the only people that have done it to date are pretty much larian so that's really really nice and if you want to get some extra mileage out of your game even that Co-op is going to push you even further so now let's talk about some of the things I don't like about the game you're almost too immersed in the game if if you're not a 40K nerd if you're not somebody who's like up on your 40K lore and like me like for instance I I am a fan but I am not like I don't know all the definitions and all the gods and all the blah and everything like and all the factions it's can be a lot particular at the beginning when you're just overwhelmed and bombarded by all this stuff now I don't mind you know I read a lot of fantasy and a lot of sci-fi so it's not a big deal for me but a lot of players might feel that it's too much for them even players that are fans of crpgs like pillage of Eternity that have a lot of reading might feel that this might even be too much for them and I just want to throw it out there that there's a bit of a learning curve there at the beginning where and even you know on into the game that you're going to have to take the time to like really like look at the definitions of things if you really want to understand what's happening another thing about the game and this is going to sound like a silly complaint cuz it's almost not a complaint is that there is a lot of combat in this game a lot I love combat and turn based game so this isn't necessarily a complaint but there is borderline too much combat even for me like every encounter is rather large it feels like not all of them but they take time turn-based combat takes time it's probably the biggest downside of turn-based combat is the amount of time that it takes to get through a combat and a lot of combats particularly at the beginning of the game first 10 to 20 hours or so are not overly difficult but they're lengthy and so you don't feel like you're particularly being challenged necessarily but they're really drawn out so your progress in the game sometimes feels like you played an hour and you did two fights and they weren't particularly fights you were going to lose it just took you that long to get through the fights and there's maybe borderline too much combat in this game or it just could be that the way the combat is designed there's a lot of like tons of enemies on the screen that are almost cannon fodder and it would be more interesting to see more interesting combat mechanics earlier on in the game there are obviously more advanced characters later on in the game but near the beginning it can kind of get a little bit repetitive because it just feels like you're waiting through a bunch of Canon F where you're not really going to die that easily like unless you're just really really bad um you're not likely to die in these scenarios and if you do die though that's even more time you spend in combat like one combat I you know just made a mistake at the very end of like a 30 minute combat and then I had to do the whole combat over again because I didn't save mid combat and then 30 more minutes that I wasn't going to die I just made a mistake right at the end and had to do it all over again so there is a lot of combat in this game that could be a real Plus for you or minus for you depending on you know how much combat you like in your game and the next point is that there's a lot of reading in this game there is a lot and if you're coming from something like balers Gate 3 where you know you can read or you can watch the dialogue unfold because everything is voiced it can be a bit jarring and I don't mean like you know oh it's a crpg there's reading duh it's like there's a lot even for a crpg and it can kind of disrupt the flow of the game when you like have to just read a lot of stuff and this kind of piggyback off point I made earlier and I don't know how much you know everyone is really going to appreciate that some people you know a lot of people who play RPGs particularly crpgs love dialogue and Exposition and lore and all that it's not going to be a problem for a lot of people particularly a lot of fans of this series in genre um but there are some players maybe coming from balers Gate 3 that are looking for another crpg to play that might get overloaded with the amount of reading that they have to do so I just want to throw that out there so all in all I've really enjoyed my time with the game with Rogue Trader it's one of those games where it's just a great combination of Storytelling companions character progression I really dig the combat and the setting of the game they're all really fantastic and I really enjoy my time playing it but I would say that sometimes I just need to take a break like sometimes it's like reading a novel and or a combat just took two hours I need to get up and like go do something else for a little bit come back there it doesn't flow completely smoothly where I play these really long gameplay sessions of like 10 to 12 hours which I do in like other you know crpgs like I did in pellar of Eternity like I did in Pathfinder like I did Boulders Gate 3 vinity Etc where you just sit and play all day and the next thing you know it's like 4 in the morning I couldn't really do that with this game so far like I have to take breaks because there's just a lot being thrown at you and sometimes you just need to decompress from it that said I would highly recommend this game for people who like tactical combat who like sci-fi who like 40K you know those are the people that this game is really made for if you don't have a problem reading a lot of stuff and learning about stuff you might not necessarily know about it's great and if you have a couple friends to play with even better but if you're someone who you know likes a more traditional RPG that things are explained a little bit better and there isn't as much reading and you know particularly about things you may not know anything about um this might not be the game for you another thing is I've been playing this on PC I have not played this on Console but it feels like a game that would be quite difficult to play on Console I know FX played both pillars of eternities games on Console she made it through both of those which is impressive but I can't imagine you know the older consoles like PlayStation 4 and Xbox One the load times might take a really long time there's a lot of load screens in this game and I got to think that it's probably pretty frustrating so I recommend playing on PC or minimally on the newer consoles if possible so that kind of wraps up my review I definitely think if you're a crpg fan particularly one who likes sci-fi and turn based combat you'll really love this game if you're someone who likes real time combat or doesn't like a lot of reading or you know just doesn't really like the 40K Universe it's probably not for you let me know what you guys think have you guys been playing it I know I got my review out a little bit late what do you think so far did you guys play the the co-op thing earlier this year what do you think let me know in the comments [Music] [Music] below w
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 196,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k rogue trader, warhammer 40k rogue trader release date, wh40k rogue trader companions, rogue trader gameplay, rogue trader 40k, rogue trader rpg, warhammer 40k rogue trader gameplay, warhammer 40k rogue trader rpg, warhammer 40k rogue trader classes, rogue trader space battle, rogue trader combat, warhammer 40k rogue trader combat, rogue trader impressions, rogue trader review, warhammer 40k rogue trader review, rogue trader gameplay combat
Id: vZmC9a3P3YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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