KEEP GOING MEGUMI!!! | Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 251

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welcome in guys to jiujitsu kaisen chapter 251 oh man we we got some things to talk about here first up megumi is a loser that dude man holy crap so coming off of the last couple of chapters I was like yo you know I was like I was like megumi is going to fight from the inside and hear me out I I knew that megumi went through the bathing process right he's been steeped in evil we killed his sister right he he's like Yugi and Boya he he's laying waste to Gojo he's destroying all the sorcerers yeah yeah yeah megumi his mental state is not looking good I knew that coming into this chapter but I had a feeling that the minute he would see Yuji he would flip you know he would know that there's hope at the end of the tunnel and this buffoon this guy Yuji shows up in the middle of the chapter he sees megumi he is he is hopeful he's like yo we're going to do it we're going to separate megumi from sukuna he's going to wear sua down from inside it's going to be game over he stands in front of megumi and megumi says that he doesn't have the will to live he does not have the will to go on he repeats that line over and over and when we cut away from that UTA ra Yuji get hit with the world cutting slash if meum I would argue if megumi fought back in that one moment I think sua would not be able to pull off the world cutting slash right like if megumi like held back sua a little bit yeah I I I think they would have survived that attack I still think UT and Yuji are alive obviously I don't think that they're dead quite yet and I have a couple of reasons for that as well but I I I am a little bit disappointed in megumi uh but hey I I do like it because it did subvert my expectations you know I I've been with Shonen manga for a long time now and normally when we have a scene like this you know the the deist is like oh yes Yugi ah there is hope after all right like that's usually how these scenes go in most manga so the fact that we didn't get that and the fact that megumi is such a loser right here I really like it I I like it uh of course I am disappointed in him but I do like this plot progression a lot so before we dial it back and I talk about the rest of the chapter uh last thing I want to say about meab and why I am disappointed like like I said I know that he was steeped and evil I I know that you know sua used his body to do a lot of bad things but I do feel like Yuji should be the one character that should be able to break him out of this spell because yuji's been in that exact same spot well technically Yuji didn't kill his own sister but you know what I mean like Yuji did shabuya Yuji felt bad about murdering a bunch of innocent civilians so I was like Yoo if Yuji just steps in front of megumi megumi is going to be like well if Yuji got out of it I can get out of it too right like the minute Yuji saw one of his Naka which was Nom me Yuji snapped out of it he got out of the rut this time around though megumi does not have that same mental fortitude and I I do like that cuz like I said it shows the disparity between the two characters they're they're all different and I'm like yo if Yuji can't break him out of this who can I I don't I really don't know like unless his sister getss reanimated I don't know how megumi is going to get the willpower to fight back uh this is going to sound hairbrain but maybe no bar is alive you know maybe no bar is going to be the one who slaps meami out of it I don't know I don't know uh yeah yeah yeah it's crazy it's crazy but going back to the beginning of the chapter uh we see that UTA ra and Yuji are still clashing against suca and we get a little bit of insight as to what their plan is every time Yuji hits Uka obviously he's trying to separate the soul and they just eventually want to Whittle him down through this fight we actually see that Yuji has learned another cursed technique he has the exploding blood technique and I am completely sold now that a couple chapters ago it was Yuji who used piercing blood on suca because we didn't see Yuji fire it off and I thought that was a little bit odd so I was on the boat that it could have been choso but since we see Yuji use the exploding blood in this chapter I am pretty much sold that Yuji has all of the blood curse techniques which makes sense because it is a part of his lineage and I really like that you know Yuji went from a straight brawler to a guy who can use blood bending essentially that is so awesome and I also love how dirty Yuji is fighting as well because unlike his Step Brothers who can actively like shoot blood out of their bodies and you know uh have blood come out of them Yuji has to find a different way to get his blood out there so the way he gets his blood out is by simply like coughing it up or using the parts of his body that are already bleeding and just throw it at Suite it's actually actually pretty cool I I love how creative these fights are I love how gritty they are and yeah Yugi in my opinion this chapter he was a big W he was a big W and you know who else is a Big W Utah because UT also copied Angels curse technique uh so going back a little bit we learned that the reason why UTA was able to copy sua's technique is because he ingested the last of sua's fingers that the jjk sorcerers had so that is the reason why he has cleave dismantle and all that good stuff but yeah we also learned that he has Jacob's Ladder in his Arsenal which I think is a busted move I mean Jacob's lad is like the whole reason why suca had the hollow wicker basket in the first place uh but of course they planned a lot of this out already so they had a feeling that sua would let go of the Wicker Basket so that he would use the world this Manion and cleave and at that point I kind of stopped and I was like wait they knew he would have a world dismantling cleave I thought that was kind of interesting I might need to go back and reread a different translation but the way they made it sound they kind of made it sound like they expected him to have like an upgraded uh cleave or cut in his Arsenal so I wonder if Gojo's death was also scripted I I guess that would make sense right because like they're only fighting now because Gojo is dead so this might be like their plan B but yeah it did get me like questioning this a little bit I'm like damn how far ahead did these guys plan because even at the end of this chapter it turns out that Maki was ready to go which uh you know getting back to it UT in the earlier stages of this chapter does get hit by a bunch of cuts and he makes note of the fact that suk's attacks are getting weaker right they're really really wearing this guy down they said it last chapter they said it again here suk's cursed energy output is waning so with that being the case I do think that at the end of this chapter when Utah Yuji and ra get hit by the world dismantle in CLE I do think they are still alive I don't know maybe I'm coping but I still just feel like it's too early to count UTA out one thing to keep in mind though is that sua did Slash off the arm that had the ra ring uh so I don't know if he's going to be able to utilize this cursed energy anymore or if he'll have to like RCT his hand back to use the ring I I don't think he can just simply plop it off and put it on a different finger because he does have it on the wedding ring finger so I I feel like that is significant to how he uses his cursed energy so I I do think UT might be down for the count I it's hard to tell because like higuma for example I thought that the attacks that hegoda took at the very end were not lifethreatening attacks but you know people are talking as if higuma is dead and I'm like ah maybe maybe I'm just crazy maybe these Cuts just go really deep and I am just underplaying them uh I have no idea but at the end of this chapter Maki pulls another toi like stunt and stabs sua from behind I doubt it's going to be fatal you know sua does have RCT he's probably just going to heal through it even though his powers are waning uh he should be fine and next week or I mean the week after because there's a break will be the start of the Maki sua battle and I I I do think maki's going to handle herself pretty well but I mean everybody lost right like Gojo lost Yuji lost UTA lost ra lost uh while I do consider Maki up there with the great I I just don't think she could pull off a 1 V one and here's the thing I don't think it's going to be a 1 V one I I I do want to dial it back on that note I I do think that kusakabe uh I was about to say panda uh kusakabe choso Eno um other sorcerers who are just in the backline I I think there is a chance that they all hop in as well because we do have to keep in mind that the domain has shattered uta's domain is no longer up so really any sorcerer can just jump into this battle now uh it doesn't have to be just mocky so yeah I think there's a lot of possibilities here uh the sua Battle Royale is still raging onwards and I I'm just so curious man I would love to hear what you guys have to say do you think UT is dead do you think he still can utilize his cursed technique or no do you think UTA is absolutely cooked I would love to hear any and all thoughts down below and also how do you feel about meamy I forgot that was like a major part of the beginning of this video because I spent a lot of it just kind of laughing at him but yeah overall I think this was a great chapter I had a lot of fun with it and I am excited to see what happens next you guys have a great day thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you guys later s signing out
Channel: Syv | Retcon
Views: 13,665
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Keywords: Syv, Syvduck, Syvreon, Syvn, jjk, jjk 251, jujutsu kaisen chapter 251, jujutsu kaisen chapter 251 review, jujutsu kaisen chapter 251 breakdown, jujutsu kaisen chapter 251 spoilers, jujutsu kaisen chapter 251 leaks, jujutsu kaisen chapter 251 spoiler
Id: mRzvsTaZ0ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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