HE'S ENDING IT ALL?! | Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 253

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we might as well start bidding sua A Farewell because let me tell you when kusakabe shows up at the very end of this chapter I felt pretty good about that so we start off the chapter with Gojo Nomi and mayay all discussing who is the strongest first grade Sorcerer And unanimously they say it's kusakabe and kusakabe who just so happens to be in this conversation for some reason says hey leave me out of this and also leave us me out of this as well so of course we are not reading the official translations of jjk right now which I would argue is a good thing because the official translations are pretty damn bad but this is one of the few times where I wish we had something to reference more than one translator because I'm not going to lie when kusakabe said pick someone other than myself or usami I said who the hell is usami I went to Google you know I I read the spoiler point I saw the chapter I went to Google I typed in jjk usami because I have bad memory I I will admit I forget things pretty damn often so I said maybe I just forgot who usami is look up usami did not find any character with that name whatsoever in this entire Series so it does have me wondering if there's a new character that's going to be introduced quite soon or if usami is going to be a part of kusak kab's backstory in usami is currently dead I feel like that's going to be the more likely option that gaygay is going to with here because obviously at the end of this chapter kusakabe I feel like is going to get some development in the coming weeks so after we get that bewildering opening page we cut over and we go back to the Maki versus sua fight and Maki in the beginning seems to be holding up pretty well she's dodging and blocking as slashes she's retaliating she's dodging slashes that are hidden behind cars Maki is looking really good here and not to mention we have backup in the form of Eno and kusakabe not going to lie when I saw Eno show up I was really excited man you guys might know me as someone who loves to Hype up fodder because I see potential in fod and Eno is one of those characters that I just see so much damn potential out of because he has I I'm must sound so I always sound so stupid whenever I hype up you know but he has the four auspicious beasts we haven't exactly seen what all four of these guys can do in tandem we actually just straight up don't know what one of his four beasts even does yet so it's like yo Eno has the potential to be absolutely broken but of course every time he shows up he just gets absolutely mopped so yeah he shows up he tries to use his technique against sua sua just slashes him and then he notices that Eno does not currently have nmy 73 blade that's when kusakabe comes out from the rooftop tries to hit him but since zuka saw it coming he managed to save off the damage quite well and then he kicks kusakabe to the curb just like Eno I hate to see it right but it is what it is uh we cut back to Maki she's ready to attack suo once more and then she starts talking about UT saying hey even if UT is still alive right now this battle will only get worse rather than better you would think that through Suk running this Gauntlet he would just get weaker and weaker as time goes on but it doesn't seem to be the case yes his stamina is draining but his battle prowess just keeps on going up and even Ura um last chapter said that suuk has not quite peaked yet in this battle which is uh you know a pretty crazy thing to say right now uh but yeah mock shows back up and she's like hey we got to end this battle as soon as possible she cuts a chunk off of a pillar kicks it his way but sua just easily Dodges that attack he kind of disappears like the boogeyman right you blink you open your eyes and he's right in front of you so that's what he does to Maki here he shows up in front of her grabs her face and sends her flying out of the building and of course since suca did touch maki's face he ends up nicking her in the process which you can't really tell how deep the wound is but uh it looks like Maki is missing a sof a chunk of her face right like if you have a pizza and that pizza was maki's face imagine you just take a slice out of it that's what sua did here and after he does that he just ends up praising Maki over and over I think he does it like three different times in this chapter which it's pretty funny but he's kind of like on this battle hide right now he's like hey Maki you're like the opposite of me I specialize in sorcery you don't you know like you are the Pinnacle of strength you have trained your body to tremendous levels I mean he doesn't like say that verbatim but he's pretty much saying that right so it's pretty cool but it's it's kind of funny too that while he's praising Maki he also puts Yuji down and Yuji isn't even in this chapter like you know I'm not like a big time scaler but sua no joke hasn't seen Yuji for like a chapter and three quarters so the fact that he's bringing Yuji back up in this context saying hey Maki you're way better than that loser Yuji Maki you can just drop everything and become nothing you are strength unlike that loser brat Yuji it's like damn man like dude's not even here man like we we don't even see him here dude it's crazy you know I love that sua is consistent in his slander sua will just forever be Yugi's number one hater which it does make me wonder where Yuji is in this chapter as well as choso right I mean even kusakabe at the end of this chapter is like hey Eno choso Yuji where are you guys right so like okay like I I I feel like Yuji should be stepping in pretty damn soon because he wasn't super far off last chapter of course last chapter Yuji was injured but he also healed in that same chapter so you know I I feel like yuji's cooking in the background same with choso we just don't see it right here especially since this battle is really high paced I'm assuming but yeah going back to the Maki fight the boys just can't show up quick enough because let me tell you sua ends this battle off pretty quick he hits Maki with a black Flash and we don't see her after that dude like he hits her with the black flash she's gone cool suca at the end of the chapter is just walking away casually strolling away from the crime scene which is pretty insane when you think about it because just three pages ago Maki was like Hey we got to end this battle as soon as possible and then three pages later maki's gone yeah we hate to see it uh at least Maki has not been eaten by suca I remember that was a big contentious debate uh because there is is like that whole question corner with gaygay where he alludes to the fact that suo will eat someone in the series so I'm just happy it's not Maki right I'd rather have Maki take a black flash and get ko'ed than Maki becoming suk's dinner uh so after Maki kicks the curb the only person left standing in this vicinity is kusakabe and kusakabe I'm I'm going read it right here he says what are you kidding me I'm the last one standing where is eori choso if there was a 0% chance of Victory I could have retreated already but I've come this far I kind of have to fight him now right and then kusakabe finishes off the chapter by saying am I really going to do it me kill sukuna and then even the editor's comment jumps in and says what for real dude it's crazy but as someone like I said earlier as someone who loves a hype up fodder I'm feeling pretty good about this man he hey nobody saw the takaba fight coming nobody thought he had any gas in him takaba achieved his mission uh I'm not saying kusakabe is going to defeat sukuna but I feel like next chapter we're going to get some kusakabe respect I I I feel we started this chapter off with Gojo mayay anomy putting respect on kusak Cab's name yes he is only a first grade Sorcerer And that's what they were debating right if they were talking about special grade Sorcerers kusak kabi would not be uttered in that conversation but hey out of all the first grade Sorcerers kusakabe is the Pinnacle of strength if you don't include the three big families or whoever the hell usami is uh but yeah I I feel like kusakabe is going to whip out something crazy next chapter he doesn't have an innate curse technique if I recall correctly so you know in terms of that I don't think there's going to be any surpris is he really just has a katana anti-d doain techniques a new Shadow style and I'm not going to lie while those would be really nice against other sorcerers I'm not too sure how well it's going to Faire against suca but I just can't imagine sua destroying this guy next chapter I I I I don't know what it is I I feel like this eery feeling when I see kusakabe here and honestly I wouldn't be super surprised if this was also a part of the jjk sorcerer plan because there's no way that itadori or choso or anyone else would just leave kusakabe by himself I feel like they're doing this on purpose so that kusakabe has to fight so that kusakabe has to go all out because kusakabe loves hiding behind people but if there's nobody around to hide behind then he has to fight he has to go all out he has to give 120% of his potential so I feel like maybe this is their plan just like how in the takaba fight their whole plan was to not tell takaba what his curse technique is I feel like they're doing the same thing here with kusakabe but of course spun a little bit differently uh but yeah let me know what you guys think about this chapter down below are you sad that Maki got done dirty uh do you think she went out respectably how do you feel about kusakabe when you saw Eno in this chapter did you start immediately praying for suk's safety let me know all your thoughts comments down below and also I forgot to mention one thing but suca he stopped using his RCT uh sorry like I said these videos are not scripted I'm really bad at them I'm not like well versed than jjk by any means but I I forgot to mention it but Maki notices that Suk has stopped using RCT we do not know the reason why this could go back to the whole thing with like sukna running the Goin he's getting tired but he also hasn't shown us everything he's had yet so I I I don't know how to infer that one is he purposefully not using RCT or does he just not have any RCT in the bucket left because that is something that they mentioned I think two chapters ago where sua talks about his RCT and how it's only at half power but he's kind of a beast I I just have no clue last chapter the ending of it just threw a wrench in so many things right when AA um says yeah sua he hasn't shown us everything he has yet you have no Sorcerers like Gojo it's like okay all right cool cool cool yeah like how do we take that does Suna have another transformation does he have like suo 2.0 you tell me but uh yeah let me know what you guys think about this down below uh there is no chapter next week There's a break week uh so yeah we have a lot of time to let the kutak cab train ride so with that being said I'll catch you guys later peace out
Channel: Syv | Retcon
Views: 17,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Syv, Syvduck, jjk, jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen chapter 253, jujutsu kaisen chapter 253 leaks, jujutsu kaisen chapter 253 spoilers, jujutsu kaisen chapter 253 review, maki, sukuna
Id: dyJwg2exCAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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