MIhawk's Origins & Shanks' Strategy?! | ONE PIECE VOLUME 108 SBS

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hello and welcome in you guys today we are here to go over one piece volume 108's s SPS corner just in case you guys do not know what the S SPS corner is it is the section of the manga where Oda takes in reader questions and he answers them half of the time we get a lot of jokes out of Oda but there are also times where we learn some extra details about the series of one piece that are actually Canon uh so yeah with that being said let's hop into volume 108's SPS also real quick though major shout outs to Library of Ohara and PW pce because they are the main people who have provided these SPS questions and answers uh so the first one we have from New World art tour says that OD reveals the Hobbies of Sword members we learn that Drake really likes reptiles believe it or not and he also likes astrophysics kujaku which I believe is sud's granddaughter is a big fan of taming others which relates to her devil fruit and she also likes to make sweets on the side Gru likes solo camping and dancing Kobe likes sea fishing and training hiari likes photography and pouch collecting and helppo loves fashion and to walk and eat what a maniac this right here is a perfect example of a standard SPS question you get a goofy question we get a fun answer uh so the next one let's see what it says here uh we learn that Marine headquarters has an elite group of chefs known as the Yon Cooks which translates to the four head chefs among them is winter Cuisine kov who was selected as the chef for Saint Saturn and kizu during their adventure to Egghead Island see that's pretty big wait a minute yo Sanji might have some competition Luffy became a yonko maybe Sanji needs to go around and defeat the Y Cooks I kind of like that we have this random backstory and also I love how ourour pairs this information with the picture of Saturn guzzling down a Gizzy uh yeah this is really fun and I wonder if we'll ever meet the rest of the young Cooks before the series ends and as goofy as it sounds I do wonder if Sanji will ever acknowledge them he never has to right it's not like this is a prime aspect of the story but now I am really curious about the three other young Cooks based on koma's epithet I wouldn't be surprised if the other young cooks are the spring Cuisine the Autumn Cuisine and the summer Cuisine I think this could be a lot of fun in the future but uh going on to the next SPS question it turns out that the name of the Cross Guild chip is the Big Top Blaster okay that's a pretty good name wait a minute yeah it's kind of crazy because we didn't get the name of buggy ship when we had the cross Guild chapters but here in an S SPS we finally learned the name of it huh since it has the name Big Top Blaster I wonder if it has a Blaster Cannon like the Thousand Sunny and how they have the the GW Cannon right I mean if you look at buggy ship it does have the figure head so maybe the mouth does open and it shoots out a muggy ball hey you know I'm going call it right here muggy balls are going to make a comeback in 2024 so the next SBS question we have is about Ohara and Oda confirms that it was indeed hudan GTH and Goldberg the current New Giant Warrior Pirates Who rescued the library of oar's books in the river which is a pretty nice thing to have be confirmed here uh when the chapter came out everybody was like 99% on board that it was them but it looks like Oda right here just threw in that last 1% for us to make it a perfect 100 uh this does make me wonder though like it brings back the question of why didn't hoden mention this to Robin back and dress Rosa because the main reason why robin is wanted by the world government is because she is the devil of ohhara so you can't exactly Fain ignorance like oh I didn't know Robin had a connection there no no no hden knew and hon was there at Ohara weeks later so I do wonder if maybe this will come back up later down the road especially since it looks like we will be going to elb after anad Island uh so the next little SPS question we have has somebody asking Oda what is it that kinderel saw and wapple that made her want to marry him and oda's answer is money which is something people already suspected right kinderel is a little bit of a gold digger if you look like you don't exactly get kinderel out there I mean it's possible because not everything revolves around looks and appearances but wapple doesn't exactly have a great personality behind that right so yes kinderel is only with him for the money and we don't know where kinderel is right now uh last we saw wapple left her in the dust back during the Ry so she's kind of Mia maybe she's back at evil drum Kingdom and maybe she'll make a reappearance pretty soon I I have no idea I have no idea it's always really really hard to predict where Oda is going with the story I mean hey wapple is a key character in 2024 who would have guessed this I have no clue so in the next s SPS comment Oda reveals that the be likee ear things that comes out of Kuma's head are actually just his bed head yes it turns out that his bare ears have nothing to do with this PA panoi and it's just Kuma's hair which is something a lot of people came to realize with the last couple of Kuma flashback chapters because after eats the devil fruit he doesn't get the Paw ears until much later and it's like wait if it was related to his devil fruit then he would have got it right then and there when he ate it at God's Valley it does make me wonder since it is confirmed to be bedhead why Kuma doesn't just simply mat down his hair but maybe he would have been too cool for all of us uh so the next SPS comment Oda mentions how there are no traditional civilians on hosu instead the people who live there are former criminals who run the local establishments though the island may be Lawless its criminals still follow some rules and yeah that makes a lot of sense because whenever we cut over to haachi noou whether it's in the anime or the manga the haosu residents don't exactly look like standup people they all look like Pirates SOA confirms it here and I like what he adds at the end where he says that even the criminals follow some sort of rules because it reminds me of what big mom said back on onigashima how even in the world of pirates there are some rules that must follow and yeah it looks like Oda really wants to hammer that down here as well all right so on to the next s SPS piece we learn about vice admiral hototogisu who works under sudo's Squad just like other several female Marines she is named after a bird the Lesser cuckoo Oda confirms that she is indeed a member of sudu Squad and we see her in Lost flashback and later in present dress Rosa and the reason it looks like somebody asked this question is because back during the gar versus KU on fight we saw a female marine slap GARP in the back of the head some people were actually up in arms at this saying wait who has the authority to attack GARP like that right even if it's a gag it's like wait nobody should be able to hit GARP so it looks like that's why people asked and here we got an answer I also like how Oda makes her a vice admiral as if we didn't already have a bajillion Vice Admirals in the story love to see it you know I love the vice Admirals keep on giving us more Oda keep on giving us more so in the next one Oda mentions that he added named attacks to one piece so that children could replicate them and simulate when playing together Oda encourages adults to try it at their jobs as well so that is why we have the classic gug gumo pistol Gatling whip all that good stuff and hey pretty much every other anime and manga follows this trend as well I'd actually be hardress to think of any series that doesn't have their main characters shout out whatever ability they're doing and and I do agree you know as a kid you know I I might have thrown a couple of gatlings here and there it never really turned out too well my arms didn't exactly stretch like Luffy so the next one is from Pew pce and somebody asked Oda from which pirate crew does the name of the beautiful girl who hugged Shanks belong to I want to be hugged by her too and Otis says oh she's Laria from the butterfly Pirates she was saved by Shanks when she was a child from then on she idolized Shanks and became a pirate wow where have we heard that story before right shil Loki sounds like the female version of Luffy right saved by Shanks wanted to be a pirate idolizes him and also same could be said for the kid at elb or the bar at elb because that kid also idolized Shanks and wanted to join his crew how does Shanks keep on finding these random kids and saving them I have no clue man there should be a Shanks saves kid counter on the screen or something it it's just sounds like a common story at this point shank is such a good guy so moving on though somebody asked Oda is Morgan's a flightless bird from The Mink race and Otis says right there are no bird species Among The Mink race The Mink race is composed of animal humanoids with fluffy hair with that being said Morgan's ate the bird bird fruit model Albatross and he is always in his human bird form I wonder what he really looks like in his human form which is something we learned back when we got Morgan's Vivy card but Oda wanted to repeat the answer again but also he does bring back up the giant mystery of who is big news Morgans really because this guy whoever he is he is quite old I would consider big news Morgans an OG pirateer because he was present during God's Valley well he wasn't at God's Valley but Morgan's printed the newspaper about God Valley so it's like yo like this guy has been around for a long long long time so I feel like once we get his identity revealed to us or his human form revealed he might actually be a key character I mean hey he could be the man marked by Flames he could have been a crew mate on rogers's crew I have no idea but I do believe that the big news Morgan stock goes up with every chapter so the next thing we have is about mihawk and somebody says hello Oda sensei in chapter 1058 crocodile mentioned that mihawk was once called The Marine Hunter in the past is it somehow related to the reason why mihawk joined the shiuk kai and Otis says mihawk is a person who holds a grudge against the Marines in the past and has experienced a great betrayal in the sense of solitude he is just like crocodile who doesn't trust people and there's even a part of him that's getting tired of life being a member of the Shish shukai means he won't have to be chased by marines that way he can find peace so that's why he became a member I think I like how Oda says I think as if he doesn't know uh but now that position has vanished so the idea now is to hide behind Buggy's Shadow which is nothing new right mihawk is just a peaceful guy he wants to drink wine he wants to read the newspaper and chill but since now he can't do that as a shichibukai he's doing it as buggy Yono Commander which is pretty funny um I do think it's really interesting how Oda is starting to tease a little bit of mihawk's backstory because that's something I was always curious about right I was like okay was he a former Holy Knight does he have some Royal lineage does he have some connection with muggy Kingdom like like what made mihawk become the man he is today turns out that he was at once betrayed by the Marines and that's why he started slaughtering them so I actually think there is a chance that he himself might have been a marine and if anything that could run parallel to Zoro because Zoro started off as a bounty hunter and then he became a pirate known as pirate Hunter Zoro Maybe mihawk started off as a marine and then he ended up killing Marines became a pirate and then got the title Marine Hunter mihawk which I guess isn't too crazy of a theory but yeah I do love the mihawk lore we're getting here and for me at least he's a character whose backstory I'm really really looking forward to so now on to the next one Odis Sensei I have a request I'm very moved that in his Viv card it's written that Roger named his sword Ace so can I ask you to draw the anthromorph isation of Rogers Oda says huh I received this request many times you guys are unfair now I really don't have a choice but to draw the anthromorph isation of Ace well then I want to draw a really cool one so here it is the anthromorph isation of Roger's beloved sword Ace it's quite a big service for me truly and we we have um a beautiful looking man and he is performing the iconic kamadi Divine departure uh yeah this guy looks absolutely crazy and if anything this might be one of the best anthromorph iations that Oda has ever done because nine out of 10 times they always look pretty dang goofy but this guy right here looks like somebody I wouldn't want to mess with and hey this is a perfect example right here of something that starts off as a gag in an SP SPS and later becomes Canon because a long time ago in one of the SS's some some asked Oda to do this exact same thing with zoro's sword but that design that we got actually ended up becoming shimotsuki Kabuto many years later so yeah you never really know what oda's going to do with these SP SPS answers is this design a one-off thing or will Oda take this cursed Ace image and make it Canon one day never know you never know uh so onto the next one and I think this might be the last one somebody says Hey Oda what would evaan look like if Eva ate the fish fish fruit model azer dragon in God's Valley Otis says I see fate is indeed paper thin this is going to be a spoiler for those of you who only read the volume I'm sorry but after entering that story I didn't want to include this ridiculous page in between and we have the iconic dragony vov by Oda and I say iconic because back when the god Valley Chapter came out where Eva almost ate this devil fruit people were making fan art of this all day long so it looks like Oda wanted to hop in on the fun and boom we have the cursed timeline of Ivanov or maybe the best timeline hm I wonder you know and now that I think about it if Ivanov actually ate this devil fruit maybe Dragon would have already won the war because hey the azer dragon is quite powerful uh so now on to the official last one somebody says Hey about St garlings hairstyle what would it look like if he kept growing his hair and beard and noce says it will look like this and we get a really cursed image of Garling hair coming full circle probably to symbolize the full moon because all of his hairstyles do resemble the moon in some way uh but yes that is it for today's SPS Corner guys thank you so much for joining me on this little Adventure uh let me know what was your favorite part about this s SPS personally mine was the young Cooks I just finished rewatching Shoku Yaki nooma so I in a very food mood uh and yeah I think it's such a goofy and cool idea but let me know what your guys' opinions are about thiss down below and I will catch you guys next time Sai signing out
Channel: Syv | Retcon
Views: 32,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Syv, Syvduck, one piece, one piece theory, theory, sbs 108, one piece volume 108, mihawk backstory, zoro, kaido, devil fruit, yonko, one piece sbs 108, one piece chapter 1109, one piece chapter 1109 review, one piece volume 108 sbs, awakening
Id: QOA19QUgdA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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