The 6 Powerups Zoro Could Get Before The Mihawk Fight

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all right you guys welcome back into another one piece discussion video today we are here to talk about ranoa Zoro and the six potential powerups he could get by the end of story so a couple weeks ago I made this exact same video but for Usopp and a lot of people seem to like it so that is why we're here today to talk about the rest of the straw hats starting with Zoro all right so the way this is going to work is that I'm going to start with the most likely upgrades that Zoro is going to get and then we're going to work our way down to the least likely upgrades so yeah the first one is going to be pretty plausible number six might not be as plausible pretty much so number one the first PowerUp that I think Zoro can get by the end of story would be a Black Blade I feel like the idea of Zoro having a blackened blade by the end of the series isn't such a crazy idea considering the fact that the other two world's strongest Swordsmen being mihawk and ryuma are also the only characters in the entire series who have black blades with ryuma having sh and mihawk having yodu so yeah in my opinion once Zoro beats mihawk and becomes the world's strongest swordsman I feel like he will have at least one Black Blade I'm not too sure if he's going to turn all three of his blades into black blades but I think at the very least W ichimonji Kina sword will become blackened as far as how Zoro is going to do this I have no clue um we don't know how blackened blades are made I mean even the strongest people in the world like Goldie Roger and Whitebeard do not have blackened blades despite both of their blades being Supreme grade blades I've seen people say that just by using your blade a lot and by infusing it with Hony it will turn black but that's not the case whatsoever because in the road to Lil Oda actually touches on blackened blades a little bit so Oda himself poses a question that says can any blade really become a Black Blade and oda's vague response is that many questions still remain unanswered when it comes to blades like yodu and shui is haky alone really enough I feel like by Oda asking that question is hockey alone really it in my opinion denounces that route uh so yeah I feel like Zoro is going to need something extra to turn W ichimonji into a Black Blade whether it's love whether it's victory whether it's death I have no clue you guys let me know but either way I think we can all come together and agree that Zoro will have at least one black blade before we go on to number two though I just got to say if I was in the world of one piece I would be a menace I just thought of this but you know how there's a joke where it's like hey you want a blacken blade just paint it black I would no joke do that you know just imagine you could be a swordsmith in a village you could try selling your swords in the marketplace and all you do is paint your sword black like hey buddy you want to buy my legendary sword I feel like you could make some hot bucks out of that I don't know but anyways on to number two I feel like the second power up that Zoro could get by the end of story would be unique Advanced hockey I know it sounds a little bit crazy at first glance but hear me out so in volume 4 billion which is the data book that Odo wrote alongside film red he said that Shanks has a very unique type of hockey that allows him to cancel out other people's observation hockey OD to revealing this in a mini datab book is pretty insane when you really think about it because after we got this data book what happened after words in the manga is that shank showed up to wano and sent conqueror hockey all the way to greenbull which was so powerful greenbull decided to retreat this is the first instance of conquer's hockey that we have seen where you can just shoot it out like a signal and then we cut over to elb where Shanks fights kid and he displays future sight hockey so powerful that he can see up to 10 seconds into the future Shanks time and time again has shown us that hockey has no real ceiling and you can kind of do whatever you want with it right I mean hey crazy future sight crazy conquer's Wi-Fi hockey and then he has observation cancelling like that is crazy and here's the thing I could see Zoro at least getting observation cancelling or at least some variation of it and the reason why I believe this is because Shanks and mihawk were once Rivals they used to fight like every other Sunday according to Legend right according to what Whitebeard told us they used the fight pretty damn often so with that notion in mind I feel like the reason why Shanks has the ability to cancel observation hockey is solely to combat mihawk his former rival which makes a lot of sense right mihawk is nicknamed Hawkeye he has very unique eyes so I wouldn't be surprised if his observation hockey is very very powerful and to combat that Shanks was like hey I got to shut this man down I got to stop him from seeing in the future and hey if that ends up being the case and Zoro has to face off against Supreme observation hockey then Zoro is going to need something to combat that and what better thing to combat observation hockey than observation cancellation hockey which I think could definitely use a better name as silly as it sounds though I feel like this type of hockey would actually fit Zoro really well because he is the king of hell because he's met the Grim Reaper because Zoro is always willing to throw his life down in a battle I feel like this could be the mindset you need to cancel out observation hockey how can you view the future of someone who is willing to throw away their future to win a battle uh sounds a little bit cheesy but I think it could work and here's the thing too it doesn't have to be this Advanced observation cancellation technique because I do think there's a possibility where this can go a different route and Zoro could just get Advanced conquerors or super Advanced Armament hockey uh there's a lot of ways Oda can spin it but yeah Zoro expanding his hockey skill set I feel like it's pretty much in the cards so yeah that's another safe bet coming in at number two and now coming in at number three this is where we start to get a little bit wacky but I do believe that there is a chance that Zoro could Master ashida ashida is a really strange technique that Zoro has and I'm hardpressed to even call it a technique it's more of a form than anything else because he spawns two other heads he spawns six other swords and then he just goes to town on his opponents with a single attack it's a really strange thing and I've seen some people saying that this is all in zoro's head but that's not the case like multiple characters have commented about how Zoro has a demonic aura about him when he uses asida how they can actually see his extra heads Zoro himself says nine sword style this is by far one of the strangest techniques in one piece that has just never been explained but now that we're in the final Saga I feel like it's about time for Oda to flesh this out a little bit more especially now that we are meeting the goray especially now that all of the goray have these crazy demonic forms I feel like it's about time for zoro's demonic form to be talked about a little bit more and VAP Punk earlier on in egat Island mentioned that the power of imagination is what fuels devil fruits and I wouldn't be surprised if ASA could be easily chocked up to zoro's insane imagination maybe Zoro imagines himself as a demon and that's why he can bring out ashida I feel like that's the only plausible explanation to it but yes I feel like Zoro could Master this form he might even have a form that's greater than ashida and the near future future but yeah I feel like this is not the end of asida we're definitely going to see it more as time goes on and if you guys have any ideas as to how Zoro can expand his king of Hell demon Arsenal let me know down below and just bouncing off of zoro's Asa for a second I feel like his king of Hell Aura could also be expanded as well but whenever he activates it his swords get this ghastly green aura around them which is somewhat reminiscent of Brooke whenever he uses his devil fruit to separate his soul from his body so I wouldn't be surprised if this is alluding to the notion that Zoro can now attack people's souls or their Spirits perhaps which I think would be pretty cool because outside of the straw hats one of the people that Zoro is actually quite close to would be perona and perona is known for breaking people's Wills for breaking their Spirits so if Zoro were to get some sort of ability in that realm such as cutting people's Spirits or their will to live I think that would be quite awesome and hey who knows how crazy this ability can actually end up being since hockey is directly related to willpower and Spirits then I feel like Zoro being able to cut that in general could be a good way of him canceling out other people's hockey like the point we mentioned previously and just going back to Brooke for a second but when Brooke Taps into his devil fruit he's able to summon the chill of the underworld so I do wonder if Zoro will get a play on that where his blades will get really Frosty or maybe Zoro will go the opposite route where he can bring out Hellfire instead but of course this whole thing is just a giant stretch we're not too sure what the king of Hell Aura actually does yet we're just kind of spitballing based on the very vague information we have thus far so before we talk about the fourth PowerUp that Zoro can get let me tell you guys how you can improve your skills on a day-to-day basis by using skillshare skillshare is the largest online learning community for creatives with thousands of classes led by industry Pros across film illustrations designs freelance productivity and more it's never too late to learn something new so why not Journey over to skillshare to take your career your skill sets and 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Blade but as far as the nidi ketsu I feel like that's a sword that Zoro could trade up later on all I got to say is that V nasu Judo and Zoro are both on egad island Zoro might take some interest in nasu judo's blade and if it just so happens to be show at ketu I think we could have a pretty good Zoro match up in the future all right so now time to talk about Zoro potentially upgrading all three of his blades into Supreme grade blades which is not the same as a Black Blade mind you because there are a lot of supreme grade blades that that are not blackened like Whitebeard and like Roger for example Supreme great blades but they're not black I do think there is a chance that Zoro could take all of his swords into that Supreme grade realm which I know sounds a little bit weird considering the fact that Zoro swords are already pregrated but hear me out so the wamono in one piece actually mirrors the wamono in real life with there being 12 Supreme grade blades 21 aimono and then 50 normal graded swords the world of one piece and real life follow the same number scheme when it comes to how many graded swords there are but what's notable about this is that in real life though they actually revised the list later down the road so that at the end of the day instead of there being 12 Supreme grade blades there was actually 15 and I think the exact same thing can happen to the world of One Piece where we started off with 12 Supreme blades but after Zoro becomes the world's strongest swordsman all three of his blades whichever blades he has whether it's w chongji enma shod ketsu whatever I think they will all become Supreme grade blades as well thus mirroring the real life wono list I know that this right here isn't exactly a PowerUp but I do think it would be a nice title boost to zoro's repertoire right he could go from a swordsman who has three excellent grade blades to three SU prr blades which would be pretty dang cool so now on to the fifth PowerUp that I believe that Zoro can get by the end of story but I believe that Zoro will have the ability to see everything and see nothing sounds a little bit convoluted but I will explain it I promise um I came up with this idea thanks to my conversation with Dak sake who is another great one piece YouTuber feel free to check him out down below but we were talking about shidu versus Zoro because this matchup has been in the books for a long long time ever since shidu joined the Blackbeard Pirates people knew that shidu was most likely going to fight Zoro right swordsman versus Swordsman it's written in the stars if you have a sword in the world of One Piece you are pretty much going to be a Zoro victim at the end of the day that's just how it works you know don't blame me blame Oda but with the Zoro in Shu matchup I have been very iffy about it because while sh could be an excellent swordsman I looked at shu's invisibility devil fruit and I scoffed right shidu he could turn invisible big whoop right Sanji beat Absalom on Thriller bark invisibility wasn't exactly anything special of course shidu can be better at invisibility but let's be real how well will invisibility actually work on Zoro and this is where I started to ponder a lot just thinking about how shu's Awakening could look like thinking about how he could utilize his powers differently and I think that Shu could be pretty busted in certain scenarios right maybe he turns everything invisible maybe shu's Awakening is like toan's Bon Kai from Bleach which you know spoilers for Bleach but tosen whenever he awakens his sword he makes it to where other people can't see anything they can't hear anything they can't see anything and they're just put in this ball of nothingness and once tosen puts you in that state he starts walking around you and you know slicing you from a bunch of different angles and you can't really predict where he's coming from I feel like that sort of fighting style actually falls really well in line with how shidu was fighting GARP right he stabbed GARP from behind whenever he slices people it's when they least expected I feel like shidu could have some sort of Awakening akin to toan's bonkai but of course though I do believe that shu's ability will have some sort of Distinction from Toon's ability from Bleach mainly because shidu is the invisibility man so maybe he puts Zoro in a transparent ball maybe he turns Zoro invisible maybe turns everything around Zoro invisible and since Zoro always gets lost he'll start running into buildings maybe Zoro will trip on his own feet we don't really know what that's going to look like but either way Zoro will be in a battle where he can't really trust his own eyesight which brings up the whole eye thing in general right Zoro right now only has one eye we don't know what happened to his other eye it has a scar can he open it is there an eye underneath it we have no clue we don't even know how he lost did so here's my head Cannon you know this is my guess uh everybody has their own opinions on this but I think that Zoro did that to himself so Zoro got that scar during the 2-year time skip it was a part of his training it's either that or mihawk just bodied him really badly we're not too sure yet but personally I'm leaning onto the side that Zoro losing his eye was somewhat beneficial you know what they say it's like an old Doge where they're like hey when you have two eyes you see too much maybe that's the case with Zoro maybe he just took in too much information at once so he said hey I'm going to train my observation hockey I'm going to try to focus in on one thing at a time so he scars one eye down I know this is head Cannon but we're just kind of spitballing here but I think that when shidu turns invisible instead of opening his second eye to see where shidu is at I think Zoro is going to go the opposite route I feel like Zoro might close both of his eyes and he'll just really start sensing everything around him whether it's observation hockey whether it's like his fight against Mr one where he could hear everything around him he could hear the sounds of life I I feel like it will be something like that and that's when we'll get the backstory as to why he closed his eyes it's kind of like Fuji Torah right Fuji Torah is blind but because he's blind he has this crazy colorful observation hockei going on I feel like Zoro could get something akin to that as well where he closes his eyes his observation hockey goes crazy his hearing goes in Sano style uh I don't know but yeah I I do want to go the opposite route instead of saying Zar is going to open his eye and it's some demon eye or something I think he's just going to close them and it's going to be even more badass so now onto the final potential upgrade that Zoro could get by the end of story and honestly I'm going to throw this one onto most of the straw hats top six list but I do think there is a 0.001% chance that one of zoro's Swords can eat a devil fruit devil fruits in my opinion are one of the most common powerups somebody can get it's probably the easiest anyone can get all you have to do is Camp a tree hope a devil fruit spawns eats it and then call it a day I feel like Zoro could do just that but I can't imagine Zoro himself eating it so maybe instead of Zoro eating it it's one of his swords which is actually something Oda talked about in an SPS somebody asked Oda what devil fruits the straw hats would have if they ate one and Oda talked about how he would give zoro's sword kaido's devil fruit obviously Oda is just having fun with that answer but I do think there is that 0.001% chance that his sword could eat a devil fruit it doesn't have to be kaido's devil fruit but just a devil fruit in general would be pretty awesome especially given the fact that we are here on egad Island right now and Vega Punk was the one who found out how to give inanimate objects devil fruits in the first place so yeah maybe Vega Punk will tell Zoro about how to infuse a sword with the devil fruit and then Zoro will do that in the future or if Zoro gets a new sword in the future like the Sha ketu for example maybe that sword already has a devil fruit in it and Zoro just straight up becomes its master I'm not too sure but uh Zoro having a devil fruit sword would be really interesting because since we don't have too many use cases for this right now the first thing I automatically think of is Funk freed and Funk freed is pretty cursed an elephant popping out of a sword is one of the strangest things I've seen in a minute uh but to be fair Funk freed was very powerful as well I mean when you think about fighting spandam you're not worried about fighting spandam you're worried about fighting Funk freed which is the reason why NCO Robin could not Escape spandam in the first place so yeah Zoro getting a zoen devil fruit sword would be really awesome I just hope that it would fit in with zoro's character so if he does get one hopefully it is kaido's devil fruit hopefully it is a tiger of some sort or some other crazy violent animal that fits in with zoro's fighting style uh but yeah that is it for today guys thank you so much for stopping by and checking out this video and also thank you to the sponsor of this video skillshare again make sure to check them out down below in the description and or the pinned comment and I'll catch you guys on the next Straw Hat PowerUp video uh I think I'll be tackling Brooke next uh if there's any other straw hats or any other characters you want me to talk about please let me know down below and I'll catch you guys later s signing out
Channel: Syv | Retcon
Views: 25,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Syv, Syvduck, zoro, theory, one piece, one piece zoro, one piece theory, awakening, king of hell, zoro theory, mihawk, gorosei, devil fruit, power
Id: 20VTLEAsix8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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