BARELY Keeping Up, These Guys Are SLAYING The Acres...Is THAT Hulk Hogan?!?

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another beautiful morning got one real early  today prob I got earlier but I'm going to go   get spray trailer again got all that mixed me  on there dur loss tanks did some other upgrades   to the system we got a new app so I'm pretty  excited to try all that out but I got to get   big brute going we're not terribly worried about  the peas but the weed Acres I got to get ahead   of it let's take this VI first bin she's not  quite loaded up I got to tie those tanks down   and then a couple other things but we'll get in  there get some product get back out calibrate   the fruit go get some killing going neutralizing  let's call it neutralizing that's more appropriate [Music] neutralizing got it this is Rosie you  guys we I Shing a video on your camera   what are you doing with that you're not  allowed to have yeah are you is this [Music] all right let's get this thing going  bastard's on let's turn the intelligent   egg on we got a little switch here  for the cart let's crawl inside here oh yeah perfect good deal all right let's  let this thing warm up and then uh now before   before I do anything let's quickly do a walk  around see if there's any points or boots or   Shanks that are missing any bearings on the  Packers broken going out those kind of things   so far so good so I'm checking the bearings right  in here for these wheels there's a bunch of them   there and I'm also checking to see if these boots  are missing the shanks missing the points are   missing and if hoses are coming off just to be  on the safe side so you don't have uh problems   cuz well you don't catch it soon enough can cause  major problems but so far everything looks like   it's okay all right let's let it warm up and go  it's going to be a good day be a really good day okay he just jumped a rabbit he's way across that  fence that was fast I wasn't looking he was yes   so that's cool that uh he's got to jump a rabbit  he won't be back for probably 10 minutes um he's   an old guy but he still has the enthusiasm I'll  have to see if I can drill into that or mine it   uh that would be uh good to have uh that much  incentive to take off and run after a rabbit   well I wouldn't be running after a rabbit I  do run after rabbit Trails once in a while   all right we'll see if we can get him back he's  he's probably about a third of a mile away right [Music] now I was just hanging out in the shop doing  some work on the the new water truck that we   have and I got a call from leg arms he said hey  my AC is not doing very good I need another can   of 134a and I'm getting low on fuel so I was  like all right I'll take care of that then   shortly after that my dad's going to need seeds  so let's get the fuel truck let's fill up let's   head up there let's get him taken care of and  get back get the truck with the seed and the   inoculate and get Dad taken care of so then keep  rolling cuz we're just busting out these pacres   fast what I do need to be doing is spraying  though big Roots inside there and he's not un   winterized yet so we got to work on that too so  let's just keep working we'll keep getting things [Music] accomplished needing some fuel Nick's on his  way and actually I see him right there he's   going to pull up in a few minutes seconds  maybe like a couple days he'll pull up I   don't know he'll be here soon I hope but uh  get some fuel on this tractor so I can keep   seeding making we we're doing well we're doing  pretty well getting a lot done these past few   days but I'm getting pretty thirsty on the fuel  so it's going be nice to get a little bit more there we go get this in there perfect oh yeah I need  a little bit of fuel so these   things actually don't have a fuel  gauge they have a sight class almost empty just running out but the thing is I've  tipped like this so uh we're improvising tilt   the truck the other way and then get the rest  of that fuel out of there think maxed out there   you go there now it's all going to flow to that  corner let's see how much fuel we gain we gain   that much Nick and it's even more cuz it's sloped  so it's probably like that no no no no no no no no   it's more it's more like this that's more of what  it's like no no it's it's right here got to do no do wait a minute oh there got some hydrocarbons in  there that'll help make some food for people thanks Nick all right let's get back to seeden County's grading the road  here which is awesome but it's the   only way I get access to that field  right now while he's grading so it's   a little rough it'll be nice when it's  done though they do a good job got the   call time to go need seed let fire up it's  out of gear don't worry cuz I made sure of [Music] it Wendy it's always windy when you're dealing  with an ulent why wouldn't it but I got a mask I   got goggles it's actually not bad when you're  doing that that stuff honestly Falls inside   pretty good without blowing away so I think we're  getting it all on the seed like we should [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's about that time to get the spraying going  I went ahead and swapped out all my nozzles here   the ridge ones are on here had a I think it's a  30° spray pattern so it was 30° these are 60s 30   so the 30s we were using for spot spraying with  the weed it system cuz you want to individually   hit and focus those spots intensely the 60° which  are these 62s have a lot wider fan and they they   they uh will pulsate and they cross each other  because I'm going to be doing broadcast spray not   spot spray the reason is first time in the spring  when you first go out it looks almost like this   in some areas there's just a lot of little tiny  cheek grass start to grow out of the ground and   the weeding system might struggle on some those  little tiny tiny tiny leaves that are coming out   of the ground so we're going to spray a light  dose of gly glyphosate on which will take care   of that a broadcast spray across one thing first  operation pre spray you do that that way you get   it all cuz you don't want to take chances in your  wheat crop because you can't come back with a weed   it and spray your wheat cuz it's it's it's brown  or brown or green on brown or brown on Brown is   what I'm trying to say brown on Brown not green on  green so you can only spray chemp with this system   so once we did the pre-spray then I'll swap these  back over to the other nozzles and then start   doing the spot and spray so got her all greased  got her all calibrated I believe there's some   cool new systems we put on the sprayer again  so it's ready to roll let's go to the mix m   let's put a dummy load in it let's go test  the nozzle spray a little bit in the field   text the GPS make sure everything's not leaking  and then I'll get to work cuz it's going to blow   today windy 25 mph they're saying up to 30 gusts  you know 35 I don't know and then tonight it's   going to freeze for the next 4 days and we're  running out of Acres because uh we're basically   done with peas as of today and we're going  to be need do to Spring weight and we need   to spray ahead so the pressure is kind of on me  to get this thing going and get it done so let's move all righty oh well that's interesting  that monitor is gone and we've got the [Music] Viper all right going over to  Adventure Land uh heading down the hill   last day of EAS yeah so this uh next Hill uh  going up this coming Hill is really steep um   be interesting to know the degrees on it but  uh I'll put it in a lower gear and and uh we   will make it up at uh it's quite an adventure  over here it's uh little ways from the farm   not by some Farm standards but for us but  uh I'll get it into a gear that I won't   have to worry about it uh powering down  which it shouldn't anyway but there we go get a little cold out we're talking some  snow and maybe a little bit rain later today   but we got about 200 how many acres do you  think we have left about 260 260 of peas so   260 Acres of peas and uh we're going to  put some in this cart to really figure   it out it's going to be close but we'll  only put two tanks full two TS full and   then whatever else we have in it we should  be able to be uh get it wrapped up so yeah   exciting we're rolling through these  PS pretty fast yeah this is quite the stuff it's uh not George it's not Sam but it's Peak I'll tell you what this uh this 3555 cart is  really awesome it's got scales on it on each tank   you got this beautiful scal meter right there as  well and you got this big arm to shove out the   conveyor and it's all ran by a remote and inside  the cab it's just nice to run it really is nice to   run it's very precise easy to work on easy to  get around and uh makes life a little simpler   that one over there a little bit more persuasion  to get the augur around it's not as easy to take   out the rollers and change and fix and if you got  plugs like this one here you take the cartridges   out it's awesome I love it okay getting ready  yep all right I guess I'll go up on top and he   can start dumping and we'll go from there there  we go let's hold the yellow button there you go don't pull it too fast [Music] all right we'll put a little extra  in the back just to be on the safe side cool bunch of dust came out of that man talking my heads everywhere [Music]  today big bud cab this truck twice so   far see the fumm no the [ __ ] truck Bonk it  there I also bonked it on the big brute this morning I don't know one of  those days I'm just bonking my head all right he's going to guide me back all right now engage the PTO and the hoist  hoist and I'll raise the Box hoist I think that's   how you say it right he's telling me how far they  lifted up I'm looking at him in the mirror looking   at you guys too in just a minute and and clutch  in now let's disengage the PTO leave the Hoist   engaged so it doesn't low let the box down ah  just hit my head again what is up with that   literally getting tender I mean technically  this is a seat tender but my head is getting   tender I don't know whoa [Music] fail there  we go okay all right let's fill this one now [Music] [Applause] got to love it good old KT a used to be  a KT 450 but now it's a kta 525 oh yeah   for those that don't don't know the  difference a KT is a cumin 1150 cumin   uh so it's like a 19 L and the a  stands for after cooler well the KT   didn't have an after tool cooler so yeah  that's a difference all right let's get going let's do five five gear  that seem right five gear all right all right I am getting really close  to being empty in this cart so what I'm   doing right now is I'm watching the scales from  the cart to see how many pounds do I have left   in there the last take says 20 lb which I've been  running for a long time and it's out it just needs   to be recalibrated middle T says I have about  260 lb the front takes us to have 980 lb okay   so what I'm going to do here is I'm not going to  change the speed of my tractor I'm going to keep   seeding along once I see the intelligent egg count  start to dve Dr down that means I'm running out of   the tank too so I'm going to slow the tractor  down then I'm going to increase the percentage   on tank one and that way I can get more product  out of the front tank and keep seating and Seed   it all out now you're probably wondering like  why am I sloting it down well I've got to get   150 lb of material not material but seeds out of  that front tank well if I'm go in the speed that   I'm going those things are going to Whip and try  to keep up and it's like nah we don't need to do   that so right now it's about 500 count uh I've got  900 lb in the front tank 220 in the back and stay tuned sweet made it to the end of the field and I  just have uh 120 lb in the front tank and a little   bit in the middle tank so I'm done seating I'm  going to go over to the truck take this conveyor   swing it underneath the the cart and unload what  I have left into the truck and then I'll leave   my dad to finish it up so he still got seed his  and we'll see how far he can go there's no point   of me putting more in my drill when he's going  to finish it up there's not a whole lot left   on his field but I'm going to say I'm done seed  of peev unless something happens to that other   drill tracker but right now oh I'm done sweet  yeah pounded yeah yeah all right got it perfect   feels good and just so you know that's full  of seeds I went through like half this bag yum okay we're on the last field last day of seaing  peas um the other butt Scott running has run   out of seed um he's going to clean that out  because I just have a little bit left here   probably 10 acres and then I don't know he's  got a little bit left on the other one and   mine might run out we'll have to run back and  get some more seed but it is Springtime seed   early spring time seating uh we've got uh  raindrops raindrops and sometimes some little   sleep uh frozen frozen rain or and then a  little bit of snowflakes um I should know   when I see one cuz you got to be a little  flaky anyway so it's good uh it's good to   be done with this one one crop and then we'll be  starting spring week and then we'll have lamp TOS   sometime in that process so got a good start uh  getting some Acres knocked out and much more to come all right let's roll this  up perfect and there is no way   to shift anything like there we  go all right now let start the truck oh yeah [Music] okay that'll work got the parking  brake Let's uh see what we have left in there make sure the back tank is all out  ow what is up with me hitting my head today there we go all right all right it's about 8:00 at night took a little  longer than I thought to finish that field there   was a little bit more out there you had to get a  little bit more seed uh get a more peas but uh we   got it done so somebody's coming over to pick me  up we're going to leave these here tonight anyway   uh there's a cold area uh front that's moving  in could see some snow tomorrow not much piling   not much accumulation but it's cold right now it  feels like about 38° uh I'm ready to go home and   uh get some of that be in hot water yes I don't  mind being in hot water when in that condition so   ran well I'm glad we got this much done see on the  spring wheat starting in about a couple days okay [Music] [Music]
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 129,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: Nk9MLsydK58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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