Wet sand and Buff a Car

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take a look at this 8000 right here I mean it's you can see the reflection on the light already over here you cannot see anything that is brilliant [Applause] [Music] why are you gonna come out here what about the record you just want to see I'm doing the intro alright what's going on everyone and welcome back to another episode of paint society the channel where you learn in the comments and you learn in the videos as well well we got an awesome video today another review coming to right now so let's get started okay so today's video is going to be sure to three am buffing system now the 3m buffing system is fairly new we've been using it for over six months before we used it we had a 3m rep come right out demonstrate the whole process I'm gonna give you the same exact demonstration that he gave us with 3m everything is clean clean clean so let's talk about what we have here before we actually use it on a car the paths that they give for this process is a eight inch and this is purple that's like a polished type of compound you've got a six inch for control and then you have the four inch and you can use that on your little Makita which is good for getting it small areas so this system you only use these pads now on lighter colors are saying that you'll get away with this just this pad but on the darker colors you'll want to finish it up with this okay so what they recommend is you start with a 2,000 grit first you move on to a 3,000 try Zac and then you move on to an 8,000 try Zac now if you want to throw 5,000 in between that's fine they also suggest using the 3m prep pad which is kind of like a soft cushion and then following it up with the interface pad so the only thing that you're gonna have to do which we're going to show you is two thousand three thousand eight thousand polish this is the Polish compound actually it's not a compound it's just a polish it's purple so everything matches two types of buffers you can use the Milwaukee which is good for smaller stuff but we all prefer something a little bit bigger for a hood that's gonna really need a little bit more strength to pull out those scratches even from eight thousand so cars over there let's get started so the first thing I want to do before we hit up the buffing is I just want to protect all this area from getting compound and Mario is going to help me out with that so we're just going to put some tape down and put some paper down kind of as if we were almost going to paint it again and it's just going to help with easy cleanup pull the paper off and be done [Music] okay so before we get started I want to show you kind of I don't know if the cameras gonna pick it up but we got some dirt and it's a little bit a little bit peeling so I don't really think that they're gonna see the peel but we can least show them the process of how to do this so yeah yeah yeah okay okay so the first thing I did is actually went ahead and I sprayed the whole hood with look at the liquid ice this stuff smells amazing kind of why we use it and now that I know the hood is clean what you want to do is I'm gonna just cut off my areas in the middle I'm not gonna do the whole entire hood just my areas I really need to and let the 2,000 grit do the work it will cut it be patient if you have a clean surface and clean paper it will cut so what you want to do is come here you can see closely if you look the little amounts of Peel that's in there and then what they want to do is you want to wipe it off keep it clean Oh what the mm grits gonna help you do help it do is it's going to cut out the tops of the peel and any dirt and this is the most important step because three thousand eight thousand only gonna refine that scratch that's all that's gonna do so let me get the rest of the hood sand it and then we're bringing back for three thousand okay so what we have here is two thousand grit sand it now I will say that the clear was very hard we've been sitting in the Sun for a couple days so I didn't need to hit it up with 1500 and without that interface pad just to kind of open up the clear just a hair but now that it's all good to go I went over the whole thing with two thousand so I'll blow it off now and what I'd like to do in between buffing is I use that quick detailer and kind of just clean up any of the residue that's left inside of these sand scratches it just makes for a nicer finish always turning that microfiber over okay so we're ready to move on to our next step now and we're gonna use a little bit of water so this area is gonna get quite messy so let's put some paper over here just to protect the front of that and so I'm locked and loaded with my 3000 on an interface pad and on the prepping pad and this this pad right here is gonna take away the scratch it's gonna leave for a smoother finish so pretty much I want to be as liberal as I can with the water I want to make sure this is cleaned off anything that gets stuck in this pad is in the transfer right over to the actual finish so I like to just squirt this first get that cleaned up let that drip off and then I'm gonna be very slow with this let the paper do the work okay don't apply too much pressure or else it's not going to be moving gonna go nice even strokes okay so what I want to demonstrate you guys is I'm gonna do half the hood only show you what three thousand then eight thousand looks like before buff so you can kind of see how it starts to take a shine now this is all three thousand and right there in the middle this is just that two thousand so you see that's already starting to take that shine what this means is less buffing for us time-saver a hundred percent so let's do eight thousand and watch what eight thousand does it's pretty amazing okay so take a look at this 8,000 right here I mean it's you can see the reflection of the light already over here you cannot see anything that is brilliant eight thousand two thousand and you know not only are you saving your time but you're also saving what its gonna look like down the road okay which is very very important I mean just looking at this and almost looks buffed I mean you think so let's do the three thousand eight thousand to the other side get this all in 8,000 and let's do a little buff so we got our whole hood in eight thousand and man it's kind of shine to it already if you can already see that really amazing so now we're ready for our buffing pad which is the eighth inch now this all is purple the even the Polish compound the one step is purple they call it the perfect it one step finishing material so this is a I believe this is called a spade or Spader correct me if I'm wrong but anyways it's a brush it cleans off the pad [Applause] that way you don't have any Krusty's from the original job that had dried up and it's a smoother pad so we're ready to apply and I'm gonna work in small sections typically what I like to do is divide the hood into four sections so I'll do section a B C D and then I go over the whole entire thing so what we're gonna do right now is I'm going to show you section a we're gonna see how easy it polishes in real time and then we'll head up the time-lapse and buff the rest of it okay so you can see kind of what it looks like give or take I'm sure it already looks like it's been polished on camera and I like to do dots because it doesn't splatter too much kind of like a grid so as I move on I'm catching a little bit as I go and I'd like to give it just a spritz that keeps the Polish wet and consisting because you always want to keep it wet while polishing and I'll just kind of come over it work it in and then I'm just going over it doesn't take much I'm set up to around 900 rpm not too much but you want to use that friction from the pad that create that heat to bring that shine up [Music] okay so that is in real time I'll give it a wipe alright and as you can tell it is pretty much all polished up and that is going to be it's just as good as it gets for a light metallic job just like this now if you're looking for a quick tip on black cars I'm going to show you one right now if you get yourself some wax and grease remover this is going to simulate the car being through the wash a few times and it's going to pull any of those filters out because naturally all products have fillers we try to limit as much as you can when they create these actual products so we're gonna put this on a car or wax and grease remover you're gonna wipe it off and that's going to pull everything off and it's going to show you exactly where you need to buff and you can use that Sun gun to show it to you as well so the whole purpose behind this is to you know use less heat use less friction use less time on the actual panel that way you have less tools less swirls so let's get the rest of it buff [Music] wax and grease remover can remove any of those fillers and then I'll take the Sun gun and see what it looks like and see any spots I missed although it's gonna be pretty difficult on a light color like this alright so what that song gun is gonna do is just highlight I kind of got a look at the side the Sun gun not directly in it if you look right into it obviously it's gonna be bright but if you kind of look to the surrounding areas you might catch a stray stretch 8000 scratch that you're miss but I got to say it's it's looking pretty good okay so in final review we just got done buffing and you know is it a true one set system well you know for the most part it is if you had a darker color you're gonna want to follow it up with the blue and this stuff is really really good it's gonna help take away that morning and he's shrieking something like that and first quickest it takes to do it it's not really a extra step I mean it's just very very subtle a couple quick tips if you find yourself going back to one to remove scratches you're doing it wrong that means that you have not affected love you used to 8,000 either you haven't spent enough time you haven't refined your mm enough or you're using the old paper that's not really doing too much for you so with that said you shouldn't really need this at all okay so my final thoughts guys you know working with the up 3m products everyday the great products there's other great products as well there's a no direct affiliation with 3m and myself just using our products and helping myself out productivity is number one I hate buffing and anything that they can release or anyone for at least to make buffing easier I'm gonna get take a look at it we've been using it for over six months now and you know not only does it make ordering easier and I gotta wonder one thing but you know buff buffing is a breeze now so I'm gonna let you guys take a look at the hood I hope this helps I'll try to link all the part numbers if I can or for the description in the in description box if you want to cop submerge go over to paint society paint dot Society at yahoo.com support your boy if you learned something from the video I'm gonna show you what it looks like in just a moment I just want to remind you listen don't overthink it alright all this stuff it's just paint that's all it is alright and you can learn from me and you can learn from the guys in the comments and everyone else that's involved with this channel I greatly appreciate every single one of you let's check it out I don't see you on the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Paint Society
Views: 85,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polish, wax, buff, 3m, first, how, refinish, new, clean, paint, garage, jdm, mugen, civic, bode, car, auto, fix, repair, can, tire, wheel, toyota, lexus, honda, compound, scratch
Id: 8PoJ9mXCY1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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