Best Car Polishing Tips: How To Wet Sand and Polish BMW 535i

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hey what's going on guys thanks for watching the studio channel uh this is a bit of a behind the scenes I know you're super nerds and you want to understand uh all the ins and outs the step-by-step process and the learning and things like that so I'll put most of it on the studio Channel if you haven't seen this video I'll put a link above the basically we're gonna clean this up and give it away to a deserving person I can hopefully do the rest of the work but on to the nerdy part this part here of the of the car is totally trashed you can see over here it is rusted out and disgusting so it just needs to be replaced so I'm doing a few tests now what I did over here uh was I used 1500 grit then 3000 is that correct not really um but I did it anyways and it actually worked so it's not that big of a deal the more exciting part is I took out 3000 grit with my polishing fluid which you're the first to sort of hear this I've been working on a new polishing fluid that can kind of is a happy medium I would say between using a heavy polish and a light polish and it leaves behind a beautiful finish but it can still cut well so that's the challenge I'm kind of asking it to do a lot we've been in development of it for nine plus months or so and so I'll show you what it can do on a wool pad and then you can use the same exact the idea is to have two pads and one polish that's kind of what we've been working on for quite some time and hopefully it'll come out soon Once I pass a few more tests but anyhow I'm using 1500 you can probably use a thousand then go 1500 then 2000 then 3000 I'm not doing that here it's just basically a piece of scrap metal and it worked I'm using 1500 and 3 000 on the roof S6 inch um I think it's called a Scorpio it's a palm sander unbelievable so show you how to go through those steps right now and I'll walk you through the whole thing again it's a studio video so we're going to try to do it in one take and I'll show you the difference now the problem with this is because it's sat outside like I say in the main video in the big Channel video it sat outside on the third level of a parking structure on the Upper East Side and right next to it was the elevated train now people think Subway it's obviously sub under the ground but in the Upper East Side the train starts out in 125th it'll be above above the ground so when it's above the ground it's super high it's about three floors up this was sitting three floors up Exposed on this really valuable piece of property it's a you know a mechanic shops come in and they get fixed up and they go right back out but they do it real fast and this is where uh this is where accidents happen at the top of the roof had all these cars sitting there so the first thing you did you can see that the whiteness here that's just getting pounded for decades with sun just just basically giving it Sunburn and the second little thing is all these gazillions of little dots not super common I don't see that often if anything I see it like on one area meaning like if there was a you know something that was spraying like somebody sprayed their house over there or whatever but the whole car has been sitting next to a train for like I said 10 12 15 years and it's a New York City train so it's a lot of movement all of that hot iron has burned through the paint so normal polishing isn't going to give you that perfect thing that you guys are looking for on the studio channel here they want to get that last little percentage so I had to sand it down because here's kind of the interesting part people think sanding is can be more dangerous and the truth is yes it can be if done improperly but what's fascinating is if you are wet sanding and using water you're actually decreasing the the temperature and if you watched one of the past episodes about burning the paint heat transfer is a very very big deal so what my point being when I am using uh sanding when I'm doing it wet sanding it's it's cold it's wet so you're not actually introducing a lot of heat I know that's I don't want to say counterintuitive but it's like sometimes sanding is actually the point being sometimes sanding is less aggressive and less dangerous than introducing a lot of heat meaning if I have to go after this and get this out I'm probably going to use a lot of aggressive material a heavy aggressive compound and heavy aggressive foam which I wouldn't really use I'm not a big fan of being aggressive with foam I think it gets it's just too weird or using wool and just grinding the heck out of it you're going to introduce a lot of heat and potentially burn the paint where sanding is actually quicker even though it's scarier and it's less um you're less likely to have heat damage is that hopefully make a lot of sense hope you guys are into Studio Channel stuff where I'll go through the whole process but I'll do it right now I'll show you uh in this one take and I'm gonna obviously do a 50 50 here that's going to come out great because this side came out amazing it's too bad we got to get rid of this Hood though so let me get my stuff together okay so right off the bat you can see I am using the six inch Scorpio I'll have you know with air I'm using uh forgive me rupez but I just happened it literally was the first one I grabbed uh the McGuire's p1500 just because it was close to my hand and I'm using an interface and again it's a Maguire's right so we're going to take this get this thing nice and squared up obviously I'm in the middle of shooting the bigger episode but I love chatting with the super uh the super nerds like me then I'll take my my compressed air plug it in right okay take that off the paint and then I have a little bit of water just a little splash and you can see the pad is relatively clean when I'm done with it though you're going to see it's leaking a little bit of air apparently um you're going to see that that's going to be a little bit white and then I'll go in and I'll clean the pad with water and that's how I do I don't really use air unless it's a dry sanding okay so here we go this thing is super sensitive the trigger for the air is on this side do you see where my thumb is it's right there and so this is off and this is fully on you're going to be somewhere a little bit less than a little bit more than half a little bit less than full and it's pretty sensitive so you want a little bit of rotation going on here [Laughter] you see the slurriness that's what you're looking for that means you're cutting through all the junk and what's interesting about this slurriness is it's a little yellow which is that UV damage normally it's more white from the clear coat but this is just so gross it's easier for me to just sand it quickly than to go through with the machine with the polisher okay so now when we're done see the slurriness now that slurriness is usually a little bit more um white but it's hard probably to see on camera this is very um this is very can you see that it's a little more yellow than I would consider it uh White and that's the that's the UV coming off of it so then you take a towel and you wipe it down all right now you have 1500 yeah you could totally see that now can you see that against the red that is super yellowy junky gross that is sunburn that's super cool um from my perspective so let's take this off you don't have to go super nuts here either it's a little wet it's fine then I'm going to take this pad off it's hard to do this by yourself and film take this pad off and then I'm going to put this pad on this is the p300 again pick your I have a ton of rupees too I just happened to grab this one so it is what it is so put this one on okay now this one I didn't clean off the last time you see a little stuff there so I'm going to do this I can't really do it on camera but you got the gist I'm gonna go and spray that down here we go so I want my pad to be nice and clean quick skirts there we go now we have 3000 Grit come in here oh that's way too fast I bumped it this little trigger is really sensitive so if you're moving it around like putting pads on there's a chance that you're gonna bump that red thing they put it so you can move it your thumb see my thumb right here and move it on the fly but you also bump it too [Music] [Applause] foreign you see afterwards see how it's a little bit more white why because now we're really playing with the clear and less with the yellow that was all burned off I got that off with a 3000 grit come back in with your towel this scoop bunch of that up it might be a little bit wet but the idea is just to get any of the grit off of there don't use the same towel that you're going to use on the next one so even though so I'll show you that's that one's kind of gone this one will be for my polishing now I have my wool pad if you look at that wool pad closely do you see how they're mat right there it's all matted out right there that's because I didn't blow it out yet right so you don't want to start any polishing with something that looks like this your fibers aren't sticking up at that point so there's nowhere to go in and slap around and slap around now they're flat so you're just going to like hydroplane over it right so I'm going to take my air and I gotta disconnect it from the uh the Scorpio I don't know if you can see on air can you see over here I'm gonna blow it out now this is the part that you'd want a mask on but I can't have the mask on and talk to you but you see how the fibers are sticking up right now you see that then I'm going to take polishing fluid which is crazy because this is 3000 grit it's pretty it's pretty good that a Polish can take that out with a dual action polisher in the in the days in the past you'd be doing this with a the Rotary so you know what I'm going to take my mask off because it's probably hitting the hitting the microphone sorry people's normally you guys know I'd be wearing my mask but I can't do that right now okay so you put this on I'm on about three ish a little bit more than three come in turn around and you're not gonna go like wild I'm gonna cut this into at least two different blowout sessions okay [Music] put this on the table put my blow out okay take this one wipe it off okay that is as show car as you can get in a few minutes and so it's totally possible to do that at home if you have the right tools Etc um it just basically what you're doing is polishing the paint three or four times metaphorically speaking meaning you're spending that much time three or four times you got to do the the 1500 or whatever it is two thousand one thousand whatever once and then the second one twice to set it up um for the the wool pad so it's basically three steps the first sanding the second sanding and then the wheel pad sanding let me grab the camera and show you the difference the difference that's what happens when you step on compressed air apparently okay I'm behind the camera let's get the iso right so this is after the 1500 and the 3000 you can see original just messy original let's just slop original after 1500 and 3000 even look at the circles there see they're the less um right right here they're kind of bouncing all over the place right here they are as well but it's uniform see it's very uniform I guess is the right word and then this is after I mean this is again this is junk paint and look what we could do so the reason I shot this video is especially for the studio folks look what you can do like you can do it I just showed you how to do it it's not that super complicated and there's a decent amount of paint but there's not a ton of paint on this there's probably six mil so it's it's very average normal paint and this is what I did over here and I'm gonna try to do my best because I don't want to spend all day doing this because he might repaint it or whatever he's going to do but I want to at least present this in a way that is respectful to the car and the gentleman uh is gonna whose happens to be a marine is picking this up and he's going to work on it with his kids so it's good man this is going to be super fun to to give this to uh to somebody and to go and and play with it but you can see there's he's gonna have some work there's just rust here and things but interior is actually pretty pretty badass if you look at it oh the door's locked I gotta get the key but it's really clean on the inside now that we just finished everything up and the wheels are sick look at those the wheels are probably the most valuable part of the car and the hubcaps which are over there look really good anyhow if you guys have any questions from a studio perspective uh shoot me an email or just reach out but yeah you can you can definitely uh sand the paint and have it look great and I think the takeaway from this is a wool pad a wool foam pad and this is a special one I've been working on straight cut super cool with my special wool and with one that's polished that's not that's not a compound that's a Polish you're able to get this result that's insane you'd only be able to do that with like 50 steps years ago with a rotary but anyhow hope this is uh helpful behind the scene guys talk to you soon and thanks for supporting and watching all the big Channel and this channel as well I'll talk to you bye
Views: 51,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AMMO NYC, Car detailing, How to clean car, Disgusting car cleaning, Gross car interior, First wash in 44 years, First wash in, Larry Kosilla, AMMO Reflex Pro, Satisfying Car Cleaning, Satisfying cleaning, Paint Protection, AMMO Detailing, AMMO NYC Products, Paint Coatings
Id: dheUtoBoTK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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