How To wet sand and buff your car

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today were going to answer one of your questions christian remirez asked if i could go into a little more detail about how to wet sand and polish a vehicle so what i've done is set everything up inside so i could show you all the supplies your going to need and uh... were going to start wet sanding ok so were sitting here in my living room and i've kind of set this up on the coffee table for you uh... i've got nominal set of tools here for a small investment uh... you know.. you can get everything you need to be able to wet sanding and buffing for whatever your project is small investment... it really is but just going from left to right i'm going to show you here I have different grades of sand paper this stuff can get a little pricey here some 3000 grit you go to the pro's and what their going to do... and we got 2000, some 1500, Ihad some 800 as well this is 600 usually what your going to do is if your going to sand an area you would uh... probably use the 600 to begin with you can do this by hand or you can get an orbital sander/polisher this is an orbital buffer but you can use it with they make different grades of sand paper that will attach to the back of this you can see it's got a little velcro pad on it which works out really well this is uh... multiple speeds so this is nice you can start out slow and then speed it up I usually set it to about 3 your out 65$ for the orbital polisher these little pads are like 4 dollars this guy is about 13 bucks the super duty rubbing compound thats really cool stuff and thats for 1000 grit or more and this right here is about 25 dollars and then the finnessit this is the most expensive thing it runs about 50$ things your going to go through, your going to go through sand paper, your going to go through those buffing pads but if you spend 50-100 dollars vs spending 700 dollars but now what were going to do is go outside and i'm going to show you how I would. I still have the S-10 sitting out there. I told my son to take my truck to school. and the hood on that I painted previously that hood, i've gone over it a couple of times. but i'm going to use that to show you how to finish a surface or how I would finish a surface. it's really not that hard. so here we go so what i've got here a little bucket full of soapy water i'm going to take a 2000 grit sand paper and get that in there were going to let that soak for a little bit while i'm doing some other things when I come back this will be ready alright so this has been sitting about 15-20 minutes it's good and soft now you really can't see this i'm going to show you guys it's kind of hard to see i've buffed this thing a few times and it feels pretty good uh... there's still a little bit of orange peel in the center and so this is where i'm going to focus my energy and this is where i'm going to show you how to do this take this guy here all i do is... this goes on the pad and... don't dig in just nice and easy move it back and forth this is just my personal way of doing this i'm not trying to dig a hole every now and then i get some more soap. need plenty of lubricant on the hood, on the surface and part of the problem I had here was that this hood was my first attempt at Bondo I tried to patch it and uh... so even though I had the Bondo area real smooth you could still see it and you know... I don't think i'm trying to be a perfectionist so i'm keeping pressure all the way across the pad. what happens is as you go back and forth like this the pad contours to the shape of the hood so i'm evenly spreading the pressure around do this, and this is 2000 so I mean you can feel it once you start to feel it dig in get some more soap so.... finished all that and now move on to the 3000 you get the idea here work in little sections don't try and do it all at once this, because it is such a fine grain i'm pushing a little harder and give it a little more pressure i'm not worried so much about this 3000 grit digging in just going to work this for a while and when your done wipe it all down clean it off come back with the fenessit and show you how to uh... use the orbital polisher alright so now were going to wash it off so if you have a micro fiber towel you want to use that and wipe it down you don't want to scratch the surface alright, so... I've got my finishing pad i'm still using this one you should replace these every time you use one this is off this truck you slap that on there and make sure it is centered because if its not there is going to be a lot of wable also make sure its on there good. if you don't get the right size finishing pad and you get one that is a little bit two small for the polisher what will happen is when you get over here on the side and start doing this. when you apply a little bit of pressure because this is not fully velcro'd on this thing is going to go like this on the side of the truck and its going to go flying and then whats going to happen is you wont realize you did that and the disk is going to go flying and you will hit the car so make sure you get the right size pads for you particular model and right now i'm looking at this and its really smooth I did a really good job of getting all of the orange peel that was still there getting it out and it's very smooth but it's kind of dull so what we are going to do is use the Finessit and i'm going to show you how to do that if the train would go away, if you can hear me over the train oops I gotta open it call my wife and get her to come open it for me. I couldn't open that pen on my last video oh thats good... alright so i'm going to show you what i'm doing here. gonna go around a little bit and then don't just start spinning because your going to through that stuff everywhere kind of wipe it on a little bit get it going kinda dab it, see its still spinning your going to move real gently your going to go up don't push down on it let the wheel do all the work nice and easy back and forth just like that you get over on the edges you don't want the wheel spinning at the edge so what you do is you come down the edge with the wheel spinning to where it is going away from the edge that way you don't wear down this edge right here and tear up the paint on the corner you'll end up having to fix that so, you just go back and forth nice and easy if you sit in one spot your going to burn the paint if you burn through your going to have to re finish it but, if you just keep moving you don't have to move fast just kind of back and forth like you see me doing it's going to clean up real good you can definitely see the difference between here and here sanded with uh... 2000 and this is polished with the finessit probably cannot see over here i mean this is not, not shiny over here but its nothing like this over here now this side nice and smooth, this side is a little tacky and a little bit rough you hear that you can barely hear that so the right side is still pretty tacky the left side is much smoother not to shabby so there you go well there you have it that's how you wet sand and polish um... I started that truck back in june and I kind of let it go for a few months so it was the perfect candidate for this project. on the supplies and on the uh... methods that I used to wet sand and polish so... if you like what you saw here and you want me to do things for you just go ahead and put comments on this, I always try and respond to as many comments as I can. I appreciate you guys giving me a thumbs up, I appreciate when you share the video's So subscribe, support us and we will keep coming back. so until next time good luck with your projects see you guys
Channel: Paul Foster
Views: 437,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wet, Buff (Color), How To wet sand and buff made easy, How to, Paint and body work, paint, body work, Automobile (TV Genre), car, wet sanding, wet sand, sanding
Id: r6YL22RASAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 16 2014
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