How to Mirror Finish a BAD Paint job

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okay guys this next video just a quick one it's how to fix some poor paint work that's over obviously had a previous respray as you can see there's no shine on it there's no reflection it's really orange peely but it's also dry as well it doesn't look very good at all hopefully we're going to get some shine into it i'm going to make it look a thousand times better you may have this on your car and you want to fix it it's not going to cost a lot relatively quick something you could do at home so yeah just watch the video let's see if we can get some good results okay first thing we're going to need is a bucket a little bit of car shampoo some water [Applause] 1500 wet and dry sandpaper 2 000 wet and dry sandpaper and possibly some 3000. so in this video i'm going to be using a sanding block like this the paint gear sell these in the uk they come as a sanding block kit which also has this this is for good good for it large panels like doors this one's got a it's rigid but it's got a little bit of flex again that's optional you can do it by hand as long as you don't press in too hard with your fingers it should be fine also we're going to need a buffing machine this is a cheap one off amazon some polishing compound first thing i'm going to do is mask off this bit here which we're not sanding or polishing and that's just to protect it so okay let's get on with the sanding okay so i'm going to get my 1500 grit wet and dry that's been soaking in the bucket because i'm using a little block i'm just going to rip it in off you can cut it in half to benito as long as it fits the block make sure the blocks nice and wet and we're just going to try and remove all this texture it's really important to check the work area regularly what you should start to see is some texture appearing now all this texture's rubbing the bumper of any shine so we're gonna have to flat this down to get where we need to be if you've not got a block you can do it by hand we've got to make sure is you don't press your fingers in too hard because it's going to leave marks it's really important to keep the area wet whenever you're sanding not only does it cut a lot better because it's designed to be wet it also loses a better finish and less chance of damaging the paint just have to be more careful and cautious around parking sensor areas and when you're standing it you can even feel the texture with the 1500 grit because we're literally knocking that back as i mentioned while ever that's there you won't get any shine and it's always going to look like it's had a re-spray so you can see where we've been and where we haven't been obviously every paint job is different um i don't want to go too far with it but i'm confident we can knock all this orange peel out um it's it could be described as dry as well it's not necessarily orange peel but it doesn't look it doesn't look very appealing so we're going to sand that and uh yeah get all this 1500 grit done first one thing you've got to be cautious of when you're wet sanding is you don't rub on these edges too much because you don't want to cause a low spot or a burn through same down here with the swageline just be cautious of where you're going with it and that you can also get your buffer in those areas keep checking your work obviously this area here you can see where we've sanded it and where we haven't i like to alternate sometimes between the block and doing it by hand keep checking your work [Music] okay so i'm pretty happy with that um we've been over it all with the 1500 wet and dry soapy water we've alternated between a little rubber block and doing it completely by hand so now what we need to do is go over the whole surface again with a lighter grade sandpaper so we're going to go over it again this time with two thousand so the reason why we do this is um we want to ensure that when we get the buffer on it and the polishing compound we want to ensure that all the sanding marks that we've created trying to flap the texture out can be removed completely removed most of the time it does need another stage ie 2000 and also it might be worthwhile using 3000 obviously the more grades that you you use the more easier it is to buff away the sanding marks and ultimately a better finish so we're just doing exactly the same as what we did with 1500 keep checking your work keep doing a bit checking it make sure everything's all right make sure you're not leaving any texture behind a bit around the parking sensor so okay there we go okay um i don't usually use 3000 um but i perhaps recommend that you do it's just going to make the the polishing stage much easier exactly the same again and now what you'll see is it feels a lot smoother as you're working up the grades keeping it wet at all times watching them edges all right let's wipe that down a lot okay so you can almost see some of the shine coming back as you're using the 3000 personally i'd go over it more than that um [Music] like i said i'm pretty confident that my buffing combination is going to remove the 2000 grit so i was just doing that for demonstration purposes um take your time there's no rush the longer you take ultimately the better it'll look um so yeah i'm gonna get the rest of this 2000 grit and then we'll move on to the buffing stage okay so we've been over the whole area with 1500 grit then we've been over it with 2000 grit and then i've actually ended up going over with 3000 grit um that should be the only sandpaper grades you need you can go 4 000 you can go a bit more but i think most half decent polishing compounds can remove you know 3000 grit um the one i'm using today it's pretty decent at removing um 2000 grit so obviously it doesn't look very good at the minute um because it's all dogs it's been sanded but uh hopefully in a minute you're gonna see some some shine getting back into it which is what we wanted so i bought this machine polisher as a backup a buffing machine it's a rotary one um i've got a more expensive uh rotary machine that well it broke and then i've replaced it and in the meantime i picked this up and it wasn't a lot of money and i thought you know if it breaks after a couple of weeks a month it don't really matter but it's actually ended up surviving um nearly a year now so yeah i can't really fault it to be fair um it was off amazon um i'll put a link to it in the description so yeah you don't need expensive tools um nowadays these cheap rotary polishers they're they're pretty decent so just thought i'd mention that bit okay so we're gonna crack on with the polishing so today i'm using freckler g360 which is the modern equivalent of the old g3 paste what we all used to use if he was in the trade um which was good it was just messy so they've kind of updated it now and this is this is the system that they use now um i'll put a link in the description to some polishes compounds so you know they're accessible to everybody nowadays it's not just exclusively to painters and people in the trade anyone can buy you know some of these and they often come in smaller bottles now so again it's not a massive outlay and it's just something useful to have in the garage and if you ever need to polish the scratch out or anything or do anything like this um they're absolutely ideal okay so i've obviously got a polishing pad on there they're normally stiff pads you know the less dense they are the more lighter they are at polishing so you want pretty a pretty stiff pad on there again i'll put some links in the description it's all easily accessible nowadays so there's different ways of applying the polish sometimes from being lazy i'll uh put a bead on like that and then you know dab it around but um perhaps recommend what you do which is what detailers do and stuff like you know just get just get some on there okay so we're going to start polishing it now with the compound and just use a speed use a low speed at first most of these machines now have variable speed so just keep it low and get a feel for it until you're comfortable [Applause] so [Music] so instantly you can see that's made a hell of a difference um it's gone from completely dull to nice and shiny with plenty of clarity and gloss which is what you want um i probably should mention at this point i'm using a rotary polisher if you've got a d a then that's absolutely fine you don't often get the same amount of cut from a da that you do a rotary which yes makes it safer but also um you know it can't heat up and as fast as what the rotary does and it just doesn't work in the same manner it kind of oscillates like that which makes it a lot safer as i said but um i'd probably definitely recommend using a 3000 grit sandpaper before you're trying to remove the marks with a d a i just thought i'd point that out for the minute um it might be easier for you if you're beginner to use a da you might already have a d a this could all be done with a d a so that's uh that's worth mentioning okay so i'm just going to polish this area up now [Applause] [Music] when you're polishing always keep the buffer moving uh where people hit problems is probably they've kept the polisher on on one spot and ultimately that's going to get red up and it because it could cause a snag on the paint uh and that's obviously you've you've ruined you've ruined the panel then at that point it needs re-spray anyway so it's always worth you know keeping it a comfortable speed uh always moving the buffer or da about so so you don't hit them problems where you know it especially with bumpers they tend to get really hot so um if you're doing it in direct sunlight that's that's not recommendable um try and do it in the shade keep the buffer moving and keep it at a comfortable speed don't try and rush things that's that's when you will hit problems also on these edges you know just be can obviously be aware that you know it's kind of a weak spot yeah so sometimes it's just worth just tilting the buffer up a bit keeping it moving a bit quicker uh just a couple of tips when polishing as you can see that's looking really good so much better so much more clarity and it doesn't look like it's even been painted now so yeah i'm going to continue to polish the rest of it [Music] okay so just as a finisher um it's looking really good at the minute uh and this is optional you might be happy with how that is which i am um i'm just gonna use a finishing polish again i bought this years ago it doesn't really matter there's plenty on the internet i'll put some links in the description to some um that you can buy yourself again they come in they come in much smaller bottles nowadays for the diy so that's good okay so just a little bit of that often finishing polishes they spread a lot further and they've obviously got a lot less cut in them but they have more shine so they just add a bit of something to the finish whether it's a new paint job or an old paint job um it'll just stop any swirl marks that have been created so it's probably a worthwhile you know part of the process but again some of you may not have have a finishing polish on you um so uh you know we've got a decent finish before that so you might just happy to leave it at that there we go anyway [Applause] so as you can see that's made such a difference you know with a few pounds or dollars if you've already got a buffer or da even better and that's just changed completely changed the panel it's completely changed the finish you know it's something that can be done in an hour two hours for a very small amount of cost like i mentioned uh minimal tools and it's so worth doing and it's it's completely changed it so uh really happy with that um i think it's a really useful video usual tutorial thanks for watching [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: CVR POV
Views: 112,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paintwork, sanding, wet sanding, cutting, bodywork, bodyshop, tutorial, diy, smart repair, bumper
Id: KV1pccs7ozI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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