Western Front February 1917. "We only get shot at by arrangement"

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Barrington mm-hmm dorchen you chump you second Lois oh God what's up my feet so clean leftenant Armstrong spittoon that's right take me to him please this ain't good I know suggestions one moment corporal lance corporal what's happening not a lot let's have a look I can see them well of course you can do you think they weren't there get back to it who's on this thing oh well put a couple of bombs over on the 28th from now sir that's have you read me the enemy lands well up a couple yards we'll give them for so you don't understand the German and keep a good lookout dead on what the hell's going on Hanigan will give the major nothing you eat me not a bloody thing what's going on the trench war we were instructed at officers training school to be aggressive at all time you were were you yes sir and if the enemy fires we had a fire backed up at this hell they say war so I'm sending eight will heat a Kaiser you wants to know what's going on you tell him we're very very sorry but we have a new officer that didn't know the rules in Chile gum a student slide above a Harbour Island knowing of its here but I can think not degauss slay mr. Cho now this is not the officers training school mr. venture this is the real war William for each have an arrangement nobody mister and thought nobody fires before 1630 hours now for the past five months we have been shot at every our that God sends now we get shot it by arrangement mr. Owen Shaw you're on a lake of that way we intend to keep it that way so now maybe we can all get some sleep around here right sorry said yeah well it's all right mister I know you want to know what just take it easy there's a lot of time spent as you were see he's gonna learn the hard way
Channel: Reeve McLennan
Views: 2,347,750
Rating: 4.9176641 out of 5
Keywords: World War 1, Western Front, Anzacs
Id: bUilqE2bT_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2017
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