"Anzacs" Episode 1 - Epic WW1 Australian Mini-Series (1985)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] let him up good a mountain big light a smoke from the Queensland property yes it wouldn't make the Barrington fortune star fat no good pasture bring us a price one of them got dead yeah you money you made your budget they just couldn't see you see you lashes are wrap with a girl how come you back from the University oh it's a long long story it's like that is it what sir Rupert got to say about it well I've been dodging father since I got in last night you'll get away with it you always have you lied yeah I don't know the only one pledging on the bearing right yeah like what do you think this is a bloody picnic [Music] [Applause] [Music] how about you and me got the Queensland property for a few months we'll clear out those scrub apples and put some good flat stock in among them yeah all right you're on with a bit of practice you might like a fair outsider then you want to speak further about hey looks like you got your chance you ready release him okay easy there a shortage of stuffin Boyd you still miss me no breakfast market fund an early ride I see big you know talking about the Queensland I haven't time now see me my study first thing after lunch but Darren boy you can't just walk out of university like that well I have you owe me an explanation father I've had years of schooling it's enough what relevance is a degree in running a cattle property anyway I don't want you as just another farmer secure in his provincialism I had hoped you'd go into my old college at Cambridge but what I want is to learn this trade an unfortunate term just give me some breathing space for a year then if you wish I'll take my degree see dick and I were talking about the Queensland question why there's going to be a war stocking in the outback while our mother country is in peril what on earth are you talking about I mean that war if it happens we'll be 12,000 miles away what's it got to do with us your shallowness astounds me perhaps University what a waste of time Martin we are British and being who I thought we were Australian further and being British carries with it responsibility as well as privilege if the Europeans want to do is no business of ours why goes down how long will this country stand all these are you may have heard but you obviously haven't listened to it [Music] I'm not going back this year I accept that much this year we will have important things to do I may have an interesting surprise for you which will resolve all entities I will talk later when I know trimmer huh ah erotic you like and sin built like a racing tempo well well party Cass Jackson and live 10 McGee hey fake oh that was a long time ago cries it's okay FICA oh okay why didn't you let on it with you I thought you was one of the city Sheila's yes city Sheila well what give us a lift with the luggage that's if your brain can send a message to your limbs [Music] expecting the anger I'm surprised at the herd when generally is it pureed seems to have this great master plan I don't know if I'm ready for it Martin you're his only child it makes it so much harder on him [Music] we were hoping that you'd follow the family tradition and finish at Cambridge haha yes and acquire that all-important veneer of European civilization oh you've no taste for European culture culture I've been tearing each other's throats out of it it's a half a world away mom I'm not running off I'm just going to visit dick for a few days you can come if you like hmm don't see much of your brother either says he's kicked on at the Barrington place bloody rich squatters imitation Tommy's use up the work and people then throw them aside when they're no longer wanted a cottage for life and the pension is probably what I call being thrown aside it doesn't bring your father back larrikin son of a is is home Martin yeah he got kicked out of that fancy University probably swallowed his silver spoon and the Prime Minister sent a cable to London saying indescribable enthusiasm and entire unanimity throughout Australia in support of the Empire war yeah yeah hear hear we have never been so united the whole colony will give iterations further we no longer a colony nation then we are not at war yet ruined we will be at any moment the Russians have been rampaging through Belgium and France for two days now and they are well past the deadline of Britain's ultimatum today's papers report that there's been an exchange of messages between the South the Kaiser and King George those three are cousins one was pray sanity will prevail My dear George you will never change always naive well Rupert if it is naivety to hope that the nations of our great Western civilization can settle their differences like rational people then I am as you say if a simple father like myself can see the thing clearly and surely you as a scholar can whatever the cause whatever the excuse the issue is quite plain Germany is out for world domination she has planned it and will not be deterred I say so be it if we must fight we are the British Empire and let's do it now and put the Prussian back in his place quite agree Rupert a summer storm to clear the air over Europe here [Music] Rupert has organized with the cabinet that they telephone him when a decisions been made it's probably only the butcher I say Matt and if it's that will you be going most definitely Oh terrific chuckling oh what a pity you look splendid in one of those red coats no I think they went out the Zulu Wars Lydia nobody told me ladies and gentlemen Great Britain has declared war on Germany mom knock before trial I love Australia New Zealand and Canada have announced they will be raising forces tell the staff to tap the barrel now that could be a nurse you bloody mission then perhaps I could reach the wounded little my dear this will teach those Germans once and for all well better or for worse here's to Australia no matter we shall drink the toast in their proper order the king don't listen the Empire and then the land we love Australia if I may have your attention for one last time now is the time to confess to a gentle conspiracy I had undertaken on martin's behalf in anticipation of the staring news which came tonight i cabled my old comrade the colonel of the rifle brigade that's the English regiment I had the honor to serve with during the Boer War I received the reply from London today the rifle brigade is pleased to accept my son Martin into the regiment with the rank of second lieutenant okay in your own eyes my dick Kate my god vision of loveliness gave me the Farrington wheat barrels down that way do I hear a note of pitchers very likely we shoulder can I cry on neither oh come on me tell all I know I'd rather talk about you they tell me you're a qualified nurse now congratulations Thank You Squire so will you be staying into Lemuel oh not on your life nursing certificate is my passport out of the bush was the bush that bad my point of view it is yes I have two choices here marriage and childbirth or childbirth and marriage all time so come back Oh Mike coming down from B I know I wouldn't want to spoil their little war fever now can we talk to you about Queensland I'm going father likes it or not oh yeah Queensland well there's been a bit of a change of plan what sure idea well me and the boys are gonna join up [Music] I come on Maddy wouldn't want to miss out see a bit of the world I've seen a bit of the world that's why I like it here cuz I reckon we'll be over by Christmas we can go to Queens there next year you gotta be in at night what the hell was that all about having trouble making his first decision [Music] Oh threaten divine a treacherous not even the mother country herself very good but we have had it otherwise it's only an older piece of bunting it's only an old piece of rag but many have died for its honour and shed their life's blood with a flag in the face of 13 years since our nation's birth our own flag sacrifice is it ready for its baptism of fire to step forward to be the first of the new Australian Imperial force it isn't Tong MacArthur [Applause] great up field who's next come on boys step up would to God that I could be with unit mom I figure my boy couldn't miss this let's destroy his first chance to prove something to the rest of the world [Music] take care my dog Maya follow me all the way to Ballarat where's your fine friend Barrington now Martin's alright I didn't ask about his help I ugh where is he right now when he's wanted among his mates Marty can make up his own I think let's go [Music] thank you for dropping in so promptly much sit down we'll miss young Baker he's leaving today I understand yes waste of time of course he'll be back before long the Australian Army in future they're probably only used for gather some duties behind the line well Martina what about you I suppose I'll be off to the Queensland property the Empire's at war blast it you say a fellow's will never get near it so why bother I offered you an honorable alternative English Commission is that all you've got to say about the finest regiments in the British Army it's not for me I don't understand one damn thing about you now except your desire to contradict me at every turn I'm not contradicting you it's my life then I suggest you get on with and it's my decision Laika came to see them off did ya uh-huh yeah too light I will have better get after them and make my farewells it's a lovely day for ride you care to join me [Music] [Music] no point walking our way which way you're heading Queensland I'm going to friends yeah that's where I mean I'm heading to Queens lair in the long way by frogs haha you and I've got an arrangement okay thanks gate seeing it yes probably will you pack your lunch I love this [Music] [Music] boys boys I cannot let this historic moment pass without a few words is your Member of Parliament most of you know me there's either dad keep your hands on your wallets we are as one on this great issue Australia will defend the mother country to the last man and the last shilling were to God that I could go with you boys fair dinkum daughter this one whose duty lies at the home front I want you boys always to know that Cyril ensure is right behind you yeah 12,000 miles behind you you had one speck of shame you join up I'm gonna join up gonna join your outfit my outfit hey Bay Company B when they go and be here when they come back [Music] joining us are you know might as well comes to a choice between price and the guns ice and our windbags liking I'll take the guns every time that query like we organized a cattle master like this we'd all get the sack the I've seen better organized duck raffles and Country pubs are they never expect with so many volunteers it'll take a master get organized we wrote this out will we know how we'll make it geez I remember a big muster up on the bark ooh that was organisation for you we had what a hundred thousand Wally's coming here we go now a fair dinkum they were coming in from a hundred mile around they kicked up so much dust get the share by lamplight in the middle of the day right you're not on your feet on your feet I said look sharp do any of you blokes know anything about music good you and your mate shift that piano into the officers mess get on your way first lesson we never volunteer for anything excuse me sir can I help what's your name son Rolly Rolly what Rolly : sir ride on your white columns men of number three platoon I am lieutenant Harold Armstrong and I am your platoon officer you have all joined the colors of your own free will for the duration of the war as volunteers you will be treated like intelligent adults Oh battalion the 8th has formed so rapidly but there is a shortage of noncommissioned officers so I have two temporary appointments to make firstly is there any man who feels he has the experience to perform the duties of Mattoon sergeant sir MacArthur sergeant with the afternoon rifles yes MacArthur you will have three weeks trial sergeant Wow volunteer for corporal come come lads the job pays an extra shilling a day I will have that man there do you agree privately Barrington you were a cadet leftenant I understand yes sir if that's what you want sir good then that's settled sergeant McKay ah take them in the way and get some better dressed then give them two hours of close-order drill what are you men let's get to know each other [Music] they all know who I am you may think those high and mighty officers run the army will you be wrong the Army's run by sergeants whistle blowers are kept in motor sergeant what was that I said I should have made you captain sergeant yeah well now I want you to call out your names and tell us what you did in city life you're handsome teddy farmer Johansson dairy farmer well what do we got here two and a half Dutchman not that sergeant Danish carry on eros rasa bot you'll pull me Harris English sergeant I've been watching you Harris you look like you've been in the Army before I was in the Boy Scouts we're not that sir next call ins boot maker Baker Stockman Cleary little white champion on North Queensland all-time champion horse breaker of the Al Abbar coup and breaker of women's hearts everywhere anything else or sometimes I tell lies shut up Cleary next barrington student you're a bit older be in short pants aren't you Barrington what happened they keep you back a couple of grades University student sergeant Oh an educated man well it's real nice to have a silver tile like you in the platoon I thought we joined up to fight the joint what was that come on speak up laddie so we can all hear I said I thought we joined up to fight the German sergeant not each other there's another thing you want to know now that you in the Army you all come under Kings regulations it's a big thick book where they list all the crimes they can think of but their crimes I haven't thought of the offender we'll have to deal with me in person things like having a big mouth query and the penalty might be meeting me behind the tents at night right it makes me good now get back to attention return right turn by the left quick march [Laughter] date rape story of the album dangling right alright fellas put these on your service dress we're off to the firing range hey beauty hey my merry Australia I'm a Queenslander headlock pepper officially Australian now mate oh well it's not so bad for a minute there I thought you're gonna make me a Victorian and what's wrong with Victorians your banana bender have you got a couple of videos no I mean it takes a bleedin boring Europe to make you look understand you all belong to the same country he's right you know oh he's right you know hey Bill your targets rooms [Applause] I think we underestimated these things sergeant ELISA from your regiment dear the Germans have been repulsed outside Paris they won't be able to take much of this should be ours soon yes dear that's what we've said weeks ago but we've heard of nothing but defeats and retreats [Music] Martin seems to have gotten with a group of amusing young men a man called Cleary has taught him how to play - up what on earth is to up do you remember Bertie Oldfield we met him when we were in London last year yes he was a captain in your regiment wasn't he I'm Tony went with Jones and Sandy Fitzwilliam Bellamy Carew sorry all dead they and 20 other officers of the 2nd battalion and 389 other ranks is the 2nd battalion that offered Martin a commission I'm sorry fear it's the suddenness of it the finest regiment in the British Regular Army destroyed come on boys get yourself settled honest patch to upskill play mr. Linton breath as we are back at the Murrumbidgee keep this rather mini Jaffrey Sports rise head got 20 Quintus I can do it we've got a cover over a pack near Raleigh I don't I can drive I don't want a bit I just wanted to tell you this because we all covered on the side all come and hit in the center all covered all right come in spinner they said to tell you the guy out of the public pubs out of bounds on your alley tell them I'll be there in five minutes mate know why I'm going I'll be Shep well we got that other spinner well you'll be happy enough here bill looks like one of your English pups dime on so long as I serve beer yeah pull up a pumpkin and sit down yeah babe in case sorry after survey area but balloons full of officers with a houseful of sergeants you wouldn't want to make sure then we give us a quiet point to be your landlord nothing spit four beers in a lemon squash night right well I'll sign the pledge I promised my mama wouldn't drink alright four pints of beer and a final lemon squash me I'm 80 where's the cardigan backwards right and furthermore he says all the Sheep bear a remarkable family resemblance [Laughter] neighbors plaster is that where you shut your noise he mouth how'd you be a man works all week and they come back to haunt you after he'll do the look what I won no no I'm gonna put you all on a charge come on you couldn't walk back to camp let alone write out a charge sheet you were coming make it easy side it's my fault I brought him he's off kid why don't you start with someone your own size no chance I tell you what that I'd think twice about tackling him sober we better get out of here the place it's gonna be crawling with Jack's listen Mike we can't just live in New York now you're right garma gotta wake up you know whole lot of you you think it's all a guy but I think it's a game sighs yes you do a big bloody game you poop Bagas are going to a war a bullet and the gadgets the best you can expect like my old man my old man it took him 10 years to die I [Music] heard him every night [Music] look at that we got more important things to do morning sister can I carry a gear for you it certainly can Fritz what are you doing in some city to keep an eye on you can you can carry your own kisses morning sister may I be of assistance mom Thank You private corporate well we're you ladies day but this is what you meant when you said you'd be seeing it's that well I've had my name down on the reserves for months you never told us he never asked that was really good to see you you were he coming to France whistle mm-hmm well France now I can tell you a few stories things down here please corporal oh I see army rules some places are out of bounds to other ranks but you don't understand that wouldn't you just like the big house at Harris it does well one to you madam but I leave in the school what by applying for a commission I wouldn't go that far but I'll get you back [Music] the play in mind you I've always been the top now we sit on that service court so we went for a day trip oh just a day trip my little town called Bologna now a scrub but the beer wasn't much someone said the other day with the French eat frogs legs I don't think I'd like that much hey boys what do you reckon body what's that we're saying in France that we could be eating frogs legs it's not compulsory what say you been then huh life's fairly snapped the young squire today my sisters are left Tennant and Martin Barrington's only a corporal like well I went up the the wild Valley like something you never seen before a great slow river that never runs dry vineyards castles a Sun that never gets too hot any Sheila's the Sheila's you should try Paris well go on Folie Bergere Moulin Rouge baltar on wine women and song right round the clock one soon learns to expect the unexpected in the army on the day our transports were getting ready to leave Australian waters turkey came into the war on Germany site instead of the fields of France it was the sands of Egypt now after five months of training we were heading for a place called Gallipoli Martin said the idea was to attack Germany through the backdoor they even gave us a new name for the occasion Anzac fat says it sounds like a South American Indian tribe but it stands for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps the mood was quiet the boys knew that all of Australia would be watching us today [Music] what are you breaking up the grateful I was Rolly have you ever been in the bush of course not brought up respectable point you roll now remember less the biscuits the more you have it'll last for three days there's nothing else in this public we turn left once the shore see the beach quickly good luck to you let's like easy feel like Rolly three days rations boys the biscuits on the water [Music] [Music] come on let's get up there so the boats were all mixed up I can't make contact with the company the month doesn't make any sense general I'm Erika second oh yeah baby - the colonel trailer pulls away tomorrow without you I hear that they're on the wrong Beach yellow sleep up until the Turks it's a mistake you bloody tell him Cleary got me rajat module section now can you make it hang on oh son the medical section will be along soon weird what about budget on your food cards will appear stretcher bearers what's your footing takedown [Music] [Music] [Music] bloody pockets Italian [Music] [Music] [Music] okay yeah this is ma'am we're gonna get out of here where's your sergeant Wow [Music] it's not a good mic a lot do you know which way to the waiter about the bush we can't do it you go I'm not down with that you alright alive what are you doing having a picnic she'll be hoping they're taking along this Ridge so you live in a clock we miles short of our objective the home team's got everything that's favor they've got all the high ground they know the bloody country they've got reinforcements coming up I reckon we're in real strife it's not good it's too steep manage little Kenya quick [Music] let go yeah [Music] you know someone said that the main weapon and the floor the shovel a company start Oh something stirring sir yes they're mounting a car attack oh [ __ ] around good luck Martin same to you sir [Music] [Music] it's gonna be a knock at everybody reports the sense of corporal they've retreated sir told you we'd hold him another step back moving up to our necks in salt water it's not over yet mutton yawns I call from officer came ashore as soon as I could well those New Zealanders and Australians of yours bridges done a magnificent job someone made a similar remark after the charge of the Light Brigade you have something to say then say it I believe it's time to seriously consider evacuation good god man do you realize we have been landed in the wrong place we have failed to take any of our objectives our men are clinging to chasms and cliffs if one part of the line breaks the Turks will be on the beach in minutes fellas Raleigh's back to captain scratches but he's alive and kicking Pat told you the kids are born survived got quite a story to tell through haven't you yeah I have I started going back to the beach and saving Charlie dear where's dick he went out to look for those wounded bugs we heard calling for help what are we trying to stop him but you know what he's like come swimming across this gully any minute yep do you realize I have committed my last reserves Walker they what you've been doing taking on the Turks single-handed no sir but I have been a general Brigid summarize of my three brigades one has ceased to exist as a fighting formation the other two have suffered severe casualties and where are you getting your information from from the wounded and men returning to the beach God Almighty one of shocked men and stragglers to say that is accurate it leads me to the conclusion that our fighting spirit that has held up so far will crack under this impossible pressure I believe we should evacuate before this happens an evacuation at night in contact with the enemy that's a recipe for a shambles I would rather stay and die on the beach I have visited a number of the forward companies they're holding well up there the thought of failure hasn't even entered their heads I cannot take responsibility for evacuation and I have a responsibility to the government of Australia and my men signal from the commander-in-chief sir thank you your news is indeed serious there's nothing for it but to dig in and to stick it out evacuation is impossible you have got through the worst of the business all you have to do now is to dig dig dig until you are safe sign Ian Hamilton and commander-in-chief well you know bridges you may have underestimated those Australians of yours it's me I'm coming in watch young beauty like oh wait I knew my mate wouldn't let me down come on old son let's get you comfortable there scores of poor couch out there will never be found get hey Rowley still in the land of the living hey what's up where's Marty got knocked him minutes again dad three the stomach get to the acting corporal dick I'm not gonna take Marcus price what about Bill I want you cry he's a better soldier it's gonna bloody debating society Baker now listen to somebody you cute you think so mr. Armstrong wants you and that's the end of it right right now sort out our reinforcements smartly only three yeah - I'm not coming up name's Richie Warner I'm Flanagan okay you blokes find Cleary Harris and columns one each they'll show you the ropes get goin s'matter with you mate someone pinch your bag of lollies or something it could be handy if you don't get your block knocked off any pain no no much you ever go into the Lottery's by what hey you or - we found the bullet bounced off your ribs ended up near your pelvis missed every vital organ on the way thousand of one shot you're a very lucky fella family trouble Guinean down we didn't get it out don't worry it's less dangerous that way oh thanks anyway yeah that's all part of the service father reminds me I've been little for you good on you Thanks let's see you're in the eighth hmm as nurses that came over with the eighth we'll be moving up here next month uh-huh anyone in particular yeah sister Baker do you know do I doesn't everybody what are you doing I'll let you know dear Martin the news came through at last that you were alive and recovering it sure lifted the spirits of the old platoon particularly dick and mr. Armstrong it was a real pleasure to see them back to their old self again not there's many of the old faces left just eleven things have been pretty lively over here I can tell you well even the generals aren't safe general bridges our commanding general was killed the other day a few of the new reinforcements showed up well particularly a bloke called Flanagan thought he saw a white bill and Paden away he's got a nose for trouble and can they anticipate I know you'll like most of us have had a few more Nick's including yours Phil here but nothing serious on the Sun furphy about some big attacks our stay in hospital fats is only mud live here best from all the boys even MacArthur yours Raleigh [Music] [Music] Martin [Music] Martin any way to treat your wounded hero have you got any drains or searches oh oh healed up headaches well this to sum up be Anzac Corps will launch a series of attacks here at zero nine hundred hours the Nick in Lone Pine these will cover the landing of the two english divisions at Suvla Bay do you have any comments commander-in-chief sir bloody murder I beg your pardon bloody murder could you put it into language that I can convey to the commander in chief right in what you ask us to commit tired troops against a well dug in determined enemy to every inch of that ground is swept by fire three the objective is to draw the Turkish reserves on us while you land two divisions at Suvla now this can easily be accomplished by means of raids and diversions without the slaughter of a full-blown attack tab tikkun I would have been in Queensland now it's a real man's world isn't it not impressed huh no that's why I lift the bush in the first place that's why I like it here like the war I like what it gives me a chance to run my own life come on you got everyone from captains to generals running your life you missed the point nobody here gives a hoot Who I am or where I came from they're only interested in how I measure up in my job you try that as a woman in a country town what if you had good reason to go back one day such as no I don't know what say you and I got married Martin it never happened people like me become mistresses to people like you not wives I know this war is going to sweep away all at nonsense is it Martin the senior doctor tells me he could get you to a convalescent camp in Egypt no way I'm going back to Anzac what for God's sake look after the big for one thing Oh blow dick he can look after himself who's gonna look after you [Music] just a dash of our boy rusty impossible tamp it down and detonate refuse hold on laddie Marvis the greatest empire in the world the best I can do first minister homemade bomb in a jam keep him away from a detonator your eyes wait a second we got a scoop Murdock hello do you beg already Martin isn't it that's right what did you for a convalescence yeah well someone's gonna look after these blokes Oh seeing around no doubt yeah straight down that way thank you Keith Murdoch auto reporter black he's not your ordinary before did I tell you I made him on limb not supposed to be looking into a postal arrangements of the truth but there's more to him than meets the eye a little bad he's on our side you picked a good time to come back make the knobs are planning something big well always was the lucky one will not hey mind I've written a poem do you want to hear it yeah I think the kids got a bit of teller get all a box a box hey listen up Polly's honest we're forgotten all our manners and our talk is full of slang because you haven't got time for grammar when you hear the rifles bang I won't go on the heat and flies and lice and things let's drive us nearly Barney so we pulled off all that clobber and we're cool the naked army [Applause] [Music] warning little wife running Murdock how are your inquiries coming along never grazie thank you we have a signal from the commander-in-chief request to depart today requests or orders that level it's the same thing he's aware I imagine that I'm here at the behest of the Australian government I heard the British High Command is not much preoccupied with the wishes of the Australian government they are quite willing to use our troops I should like to stay at least until after the big attack it's not like you to be so quiet good it's not part of my job to supply information to civilians no but it is mine and to government's I think the commander-in-chief is aware of that particularly your conversations with the Times correspondent I see the high command's intelligence is good I only hope they've generalship he's up to the same standard there was a rumor the general Walker is strongly against the attack he regards it as an unnecessary sacrifice of Australians and New Zealanders as a soldier you don't expect me to answer it yeah but as a civilian you don't expect me not to ask take Murdock they want a date and they shall have one sooner or later good morning mrs. mrs. Baker's wife from me mrs. Baker please I only want to have a word with you know you're like the crows you want to come round when there's something dead in the panic this is Baker please you've got Namie telegram on you haven't you no I don't have any telegrams with me today but I do have some news of your son dick I thought you'd like to know I gather you haven't had a letter yet kite she runs like clockwork but did he's not one of the pennants well Martin Barrington's letters have been coming through in here right so much about being come on then oh please Reverend well four stars appears your son is doing very well in the army they've already made him a corporal yeah okay okay that's a hell of a fight boys in the Turkish trenches hmm it's like a mind gone mad run of tunnels and things running all over the place just a bloody luck to be a caring party while the other blokes do love fighting suits me just fine so you had a long talk to Kate huh yeah laughs I told you I'll do the right thing by wait what the hell was that supposed to mean well you like generally get what you want now okay oh I was doing that into me she's my sister and she's got a future I don't want to headed in the wrong direction that's all yeah and you mean my direction that depends on what you got in mind that's a crazy subject know who bomb carries Lord of the Dead go straight out the Sam sergeant I'll tell you where to go come on Marty sorry come back and won't you [Music] [Music] you I'd be giving any more directions no boy [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] what the bloody hell is happening I don't know you stay here mate I'll have a squeezy round the corner hey take it easy dick take it easy I'll be right mate dick sweet as a bun we just aren't sweet nice huh I had my hands full [Music] bombs body take it easy [Music] keep it gone Marty only seconds to the final bell night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right we heard your little shindig it doesn't look like you need us now is all his work Jeezy must have been a goer I was supposed to be protecting his back made of yours was he come on pal go back to your own mob you've done your share by the way the boys have taken Lone Pine [Music] huh I have a gum just in case no it's likewise funny I looked around no I've seen as much depth as you have I know how random the chances are we'll be the same man gonna be the same after all this it's my face up to it now [Music] how did you want this Harry Armstrong bessemer I have to go back to my gives us some time everything's measured in hours these days that gave me a bandit of money to buy up every luxury on the island you've come to the right woman I have this friendly Greek merchant no matter it's enough mr. lloyd-george will steal now sir I mean mr. burdock how good take the time to visit me the other way around I think minister no not at all I bring greetings from my Prime Minister he says you and he have much in common apparently you both had the good fortune to be born Welsh good fortune is it I sometimes wonder if he's not a cross still your mr. Hughes has the Celtic fire in his Billie's who I'm told I wish some of my cabinet colleagues had a touch of it you were nobbled by the military I hear military intelligence he'd acepted me at Marseilles and relieve me of a letter I was asked to deliver from Gallipoli it was written by the Times correspondent and a number of officers it was highly critical of the conduct of the campaign PT it might have pierced the fog of military dispatches strange dispatches our generals write they conceal what they should reveal like the clothes of a virtuous woman but I do have another letter very like it [Applause] missed opportunities chaotic supply lines confusion in the medical Arrangements incompetent staff work well this is very good very good and we have it circulated as a cabinet document very good good because it will jolt some of my colleagues good because some of us believe that our energies should not be directed into bungle side shows like Gallipoli but bad too bad for the British cause we will win this war we have to win this war but it will not be won by foxhunting fools or generals whose military imagination is fossilized after chasing a few ragged farmers around the South African veldt sir may I report this conversation to the Australian Prime Minister write to him to him he has asked me to keep him informed on developments in London you know Murdoch I think you and I are going to get along very well together yeah if blacks have never eaten all this before let me tell you and of course me paster resistance do you ever start with raisins smothered with apricot jam what a dog yeah yeah will show you city blokes now we live like kings up the wood mmm all that's missing is attend a little legged jumbo I heard that and if I recognize the voice [Laughter] [Music] ten-yard to the drought-stricken Baku for this whole bloody rotten flyblown Peninsula Daniel over here we'll all be little bit bloody army evacuation we are expected to get 40,000 men off Anzac in full sight of the enemy you're being less than the Chatterbox today white come on man tell me is the British Army expected to slink away like thieves in the night the quieter the better I've been working on a feasibility study on how he just might avoid casualties this will need to be good right this is the third time this week we've had a silence done what's it about there's no firing not even any shooting back I don't know Roley I'll tell you what my guess is we're leaving leaf and Gallipoli not quitting living to fight another day come on Marty just back up and go why not cuz we don't bloody quit that's why not who said anything about quitting we try this back door to Germany nonsense another help Tommy went in the front door France [Music] after seven months on the peninsula we were as keen as their heads to break the stalemate we thought something funny was going on when we were ordered to play cricket on the only bit of flat ground at Anza we were also acutely aware that this place was under observation by the Turks well it wasn't called shale green for nothing sergeant MacArthur as usual took the whole thing very seriously we noticed he picked all the best cricketers for his team leaving Martin with the auto around like me he also made Pat the umpire which turned out to be the worst decision he'd made for some time I think Pat would have preferred to get his famous - up school-going Sergeant MacArthur turned out to be a very fast bowler but he seemed to think it was a grudge match between himself and Martin [Applause] my ball who do you mean that ball Tiber Septim I cry Lisa puts on my boy uh not argue with the humble nibel okay okay how's that this time Pat no Paul last time fire you're not the umpire anymore gone go and kill off my cards see that line it's not there no no balls [Music] [Music] Wow 3000 off tonight sir was it there when they usually send over at this time 20,000 still to go next two nights like clincher is it really possible we can get my weight from under their very noses you've ever wondered here's the plan we can never been done before you know ten or fin it's simple [Music] the regard commander is on the bridge in position sir [Music] mr. Armstrong okay [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for letting the originals be the last to leave sir nobody could have done better boy my body could have led us better hurry right sir well it's time [Music] Thanks well I can't hear us leaving dear feel like a bloody team guys sneaking around the dock by settled by Christmas we can go to Queens I next year [Music] whoa Mike [Applause] [Music] look have you thought of all the good blokes that we've lost through this manner you'd go crazy there's a stuff up from the start [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] all parties on the beach now sir and only to casual organization and planning after nine months in Gallipoli our only achievement is the way we left this must never happened again [Music] who was that likely general white yeah well I hope you can practice what he preaches when we get to France real war [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] you
Channel: LionHeart FilmWorks
Views: 200,823
Rating: 4.8528557 out of 5
Keywords: anzac day (holiday), gallipoli campaign (military conflict), australian and new zealand army corps (military unit), australian TV movie, mini-series, historical series, world war one, WW1, the great war, commonwealth forces, anzacs, australian tv movies, australian tv movies 1980s, mini series full episodes, historical series on tv, world war one history, ww1 movies, gallipoli, paul hogan, andrew clarke, jon blake, british and commonwealth forces, western front, 1917, 1914
Id: euCOkI7BgpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 53sec (5813 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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