WEST MEMPHIS 3! What Really Happened?

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hey guys welcome back to my channel today I have a very interesting true crime case for you guys and this is one of the most popular cases in US history so it's taken me a long time to do research on it and I'm very excited to get into it find me a long video but before we get started today net neutrality was repealed by the FCC and if you have not heard me talk about it you should follow me on Twitter because I talk about it almost every day I've done two videos on it if you don't know what it is I'll link them below if you want to watch it but this is so so important guys especially two channels like mine this is the beginning of censorship it is so vitally important this is not a right or a left wing issue this isn't everyone in Shu this is the people against control and everyone needs to step up it is not over yet the FCC now has to take this vote to Congress for them to vote on it so it is now more important than ever to contact your representatives and tell them to save net neutrality I will leave ways to do that as well as petitions below but I just wanted to say that before we get started I cannot say enough how important this is especially to people who use the internet everyday or their job is to be on the Internet and I really encourage you guys to ask your favorite content creators to talk about the issue on their channel or their platform it's so important we get the word out and the more people that speak and fight back against this the better so anyway let's get into our video so today we are going to be talking about the case of the West Memphis Three and this is one of the most famous cases of all times got a ton of publicity and it happened back in 1993 but it stayed relevant even to this day because the people who were convicted of the crime there's three guys that were conviction of this crime have now been found to be innocent or at least not guilty so there's so much controversy there are so many people that think they did it and there's so many people that think they didn't do it and someone else did it if you're confused I'll explain it all there's so much anger and hostility over this case on the internet it's insane I want to make it clear that I have no opinion when it comes to this I am truly I don't know it could have been anybody I am truly at the point of I don't know I would just encourage people who have differing opinions in the comments to please be respectful when doing so and remember that the end of the day this case is about three children young children who were murdered and the important thing is to figure out who did it not to fight with each other over who didn't do it so I just wanted to say that so our story takes place in 1993 in West Memphis Arkansas this was a very small town area right in the Bible Belt so very conservative community Christian community mainly yeah this was very strange thing to happen in that area and it really shook the community and there were three boys involved in this case the first victim is Steve Edward Brad shorter November 26 of 1984 and then there was Christopher Mark Byers he was born on June 23rd of 1984 and James Michael Moore who was also born in summer of 84 July 27 and all three of these boys died on May 5th of 1993 so let's go to that day so these three boys were Cub Scouts I believe they were about the second grade and they were best friends and this community was considered relatively safe so they were able to just go play and one of their favorite places to play was somewhere called Robin Hood Hills and that's where they went to go play that day now there's so much confusion about what happened that night the timeline there's so many different witnesses and different stories that people have that no one has been able to fully piece together when exactly this all happened the boys were last seen around 6:30 p.m. and they believe that the crime was committed between about then and about 8:00 p.m. so the boys never came back that night and all their families freaked out they were already searching the area absolute panic and you know as anyone would be when it's after dark and your kids still haven't turned up and no one can find them no one knows where they are obviously you'd be very panicked so they called the police obviously police came they started doing a search they didn't really get the search like a real search going until the next day as anyone can imagine it was just agony for this community to not know where these boys were you're 19 Mike my name is Mark Byers okay has your son has ever happened before none of the boys have ever gone off anywhere none of the three have ever been missing or taken off ever before what's what's going through your mind as a parent I'm scared to death that's you know plain and simple I'm scared for the safety and welfare of all three boys and on May 6 the following day after doing a full search a parole officer actually named Steve Jones was looking in this area and in area of Robin Hood Hills and he saw sneaker and it looks like a young boy sneaker so he went in there into the actual Creek where the sneaker was floating and when he put his foot down he actually got kind of caught along one of the bodies he couldn't get his foot back out of the water and that is when the bodies were found all three of the boys were found there's actual video of this I'm not going to serve you I don't ever put in videos or pictures of dead people in my videos I can get so disrespectful but there is video of it in fact there's several movies made about this this is one of the most popular cases that Hollywood actually you ever heard the movies Paradise Lost there is three Paradise Lost movies that were all based on this case and getting like literally the first 30 seconds of the Paradise Lost movie you see all three of these boys bodies and I just have to warn people out there because you know if you end up watching those movies because of this I don't want people to be triggered it was very upsetting for me like I had some nightmares over it so just wanted to warn you guys about that Michael Moore was found in this area right here at the bottom of the screen Steve Branch was found just just behind where these trees are in this stream and Christopher Byers was found just below that body right here so these boys were all naked and hogtied like I said with their shoelaces and there's very sad footage of one of the moms actually finding the news about her son I really lost it and loved on such a reality [Music] [Music] so their clothes were found scattered around the creek one of the boys Chris Byers actually had the worst I think of the injuries the visible injuries he actually had issues in his groin area which I will let you look that up on your own if you want to know more it is very graphic and upsetting so I'm not going to talk about that here but he had damage to his genitals and it was very scary he also had several lacerations and wounds all over his body the autopsies actually found that Chris Byers died from knife injuries but the other two boys actually died from drowning they did a luminol test on the ground and figured out that they were likely killed in that spot and there were really like any track marks in the grass in that area around it or anything to indicate the boys were taken to that area they really believe that they were already in this area when they were attacked and murdered all these boys were tied up immediately the police thought there is more than one killer because the knots were tied differently for each boy and it indicates that maybe there were multiple people involved and also to have three boys not be able to escape you know if you're just doing this on your own it would be a lot harder because one of them can run away and get help or scream like I think it would have been a difficult thing to do by yourself although it could have been done a lot of people think there are multiple individuals involved in the killing so with the way that this look that rumors aren't flying immediately that this was some type of satanic killing because of the messing of the genitals like that's anything done in satanic rituals I guess and there were already actually rumors about satanic rituals going on in these woods so people I mean not just spread like wildfire when in reality there isn't any 100% solid evidence that this was anything it could have just been a serial killer or I mean who really knows Oh God why did you let this happen please help us to it God please help us student yeah it's not like they found any like symbols or markings or like anything ritualistic in the area it was just based off of the info that they're you know was this genital mutilation so people in the community were obviously very very freaked out and when the idea of satanic rituals started and people started talking about this people started coming forward with names of people they think could have done something satanic now in this video I'm going to be giving a lot more unbiased information than the documentaries did because these documentaries were done with the idea that these three that were convicted were not guilty and I think they casually glazed over a lot of information that people deserve to know before making their own conclusion someone came forward to the police and mention the name Damien Echols he was a guy in the community that had definitely fit the Satanic you know persona dressed in black was into certain music kind of a dark individual and I'm sure everyone knows someone like this like I know people like this that I love and they're not evil humans and Satanism is really misunderstood I'm not a Satanist and I really cannot explain it or understand it super well but I do think it's very misunderstood I've watched a documentary by Lisa Ling she has an amazing journey of her exploring satanic rituals and the state and it was shocking it mean it's definitely where I see why people get scared of it and some of it I think can be very dicey and strange but there are people that consider themselves Satanists that are definitely good people so you can't like assume everyone that is in this kind of lifestyle is an evil person but obviously since people thought this was something satanic and there's this guy Damien who fit the mold pretty damn well and we're in this and we're in this Christian community this god-fearing community that a Satanist is very scary to them and he was automatically kind of pinned as the first suspect but with the documentary left out that I noticed was they acted like the police randomly just picked them because of rumors that was all a rumor based and everything but it actually wasn't what really made the police bring Damien Echols in and what made them consider him a major suspect was actually an eyewitness call so Damien had a girlfriend named de mini tear her aunt actually was named narleen Hollingsworth and narleen actually called the West Memphis police and actually reported seeing Damien Echols near the crime scene at around 9:00 p.m. and he was covered in mud now this obviously could be hearsay it could have been someone saying these things because maybe the aunt didn't like him I mean who knows but the police had to take this into consideration and I just thought it was so lame how all the movies I watched on is completely glossed over and just act like the police were this giant bias I mean not don't get me wrong I thought the police sucked in this whole thing just from the standpoint of lack of preservation of evidence and just just bad practices but I really do think they had every right to question damien echols with this witness statement and with his you know whole persona and character fitting this and not only that in the innocence campaign and you know documentaries they worked on how to leave this out but Damien had a very severe history of mental illness like this has been so downplayed I think people do not know how bad this was for him and I'm not saying this is enough to convict him because it certainly is not and I still think that he never should have been convicted in the first place and I'll explain everything but he was very very mentally ill even felt he was so mentally ill that he could not work and he filed for disability himself and when he applied for Social Security disability he explained that he had all these psychiatric issues and he actually described himself as homicidal suicidal manic-depressive schizophrenic and sociopathic he really did have an extensive medical health record it's 500 pages long and in 1992 he was actually sent to a psychiatric hospital by a court order his parents had actually expressed concern previously in his involvement in witchcraft and devil worship and he actually did have a record in school of being violent I mean teachers and other students and one thing that people who believe that these three are innocent like love to bring up is and this is weird that he did like to ingest blood there was a specific instance in which he was in detention and another kid cut his wrists and Damien grabbed his wrist and started sucking his blood now I'm not saying that any of this proves that he killed those boys there is not enough evidence to prove that he did it or he had any involvement in it but it is interesting to note I thought it was interesting that these documentaries completely leave it out it's almost like they don't really want you to know about that so it's just interesting to know and Damien had tons of tattoos and one of them specifically had the words evil put on his knuckles which just didn't help in his case now what's also interesting to note about Damien is that when he was brought into the police he had this like really intense cocky attitude about the whole thing no no he was just being a smartass because he just was so angry at society and had all this anger or if he really did have something to do with it he was brought in to the police he said that he was home at the time of the murders his alibi never held up in court like it's been highly scrutinized he claimed that he had talked to all these different girlfriends on the phone that night but when they were interviewed and even though they were never brought to the stand some of them denied ever talking on the phone with him at this time it was really weird because when he sat down with the police they started interviewing him and the police actually asked him how he thought the person who committed these murders would have felt during it and Damien stated that the person probably felt good about what they had done and felt good that he had the power to do what he had done Damien also said that he figured the killer knew the kids went into the woods and even asked them to come out to the woods he stated that the boys were not big not smart and they would have been easy to control he also felt the killer would not have been too worried about the boys screaming due to the fact that it was in and close to the expressway now it does seem really weird but I have to say I'm playing you know the other side I'm trying to be as unbiased in this whole case as I can I definitely would have been able to say those exact same things in fact there was like a murder in my area and the police interviewed me for whatever reason I probably would have said the same thing because I'm super super into this I feel like I can understand the killer's mind as weird as that sounds because I've I've been researching this stuff for years like I'm so into it and he was also really into this type of stuff and you cannot judge what people are into like that's not enough proof to say they've murdered someone even in court they brought up that he you know read Stephen King books which are classic novels they certainly don't prove someone's a killer and when they ask Damian's grandma where he was at this time since they were not able to confirm where he was based on these phone calls there was no proof that he was actually on these calls his grandma said that he was out at around 8 p.m. from the best of her memory I can definitely see how the police start to think it was him but I do think that even though Damian was a interesting suspect for them the police decided way to assume that he was guilty they decided he probably did this from the beginning and so much of their work after that was just so biased I feel like that was a huge mistake because there are a couple other people that I think definitely had the possibility of being involved in this that we're really not looked into because they were there's so much pressure from the community to get this salt I mean people were freaking the [ __ ] out I think they did a terrible job of looking into all other possibilities they had it so made up in their mind that he did it and along with his twitter friends which i haven't gotten to yet you're probably wondering like why is it the West Memphis Three there was actually three guys that were convicted of these murders the guys that were convicted on these murders were Jessie Misskelley Damien Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin Jessie Misskelley is the main reason these boys ever got nicked it up.this so these guys were friends there's no proof that they were together that night and the thing with Jessie Misskelley that people bring up and the films brought up is that he was had a very very low IQ but you are familiar with the Steven Avery case it's similar to how the police interviewed someone who was almost mentally challenged Jason miss Kelly had so many different stories when he was interviewed by police yeah I mean his story was all over the place the timeline everything like and if you are not aware of how much police are able to coerce people into confessions this kind of stuff happens all the time they continue to say things in a way that would almost give you the words like here do you think it was done with a knife and if they said oh it might have been a gun maybe like are you sure it wasn't a knife they kind of like talk people into confessing things like especially people who have been interrogated for ours who are exhausted who are confused who think that the only way to get out of there is to start speaking about stuff and there's a lot of people that think Jessie Misskelley started just making stuff up because on June 3rd he confessed some crazy stuff in Europe what occurred while you were there when I was there I saw Damien hit this room it just woman was real bad that he's done screwing him and stuff you get in front of you I pictures I was taking out the newspaper I believe it's got three boys and these are the three boys that were killed on that date and robbers Atwoods which one of those three boys is it can say Damien hit the third picture which will be this board I have here all right that's the virus boy Christopher that's who you're pointing at so you saw Damien strike Chris Byers in the head what did he get him with a pistol bridge the bottled up the back Jason turn around hit Steve branch okay you start doing the same thing you know took off Michael Moore took off running I chased him and grabbed him and held him they got there inspector Gitchell let's talk about the things that Jesse told you that are just absolutely incorrect now on page nine of his statement inspector Gitchell Jesse says that the murders took place around noon how did you know that was incorrect because they boys were these young boys were still in school did at any time when he was telling you these things that you knew were incorrect did it ever occur to you that what he was telling you was false his entire story was false in Jaycees case I feel like he did tell us a good bit of the truth but then they also lessen their activity in a statement that's just common at least in my 20 years career is it common for the police to simply ignore these big obvious problems and just assume that where everything else that these telling you is got to be correct Jesse simply got confused was actually the first day they really interviewing him and it only took a few hours surprisingly until he said all this so that's what's been the biggest wrench in all this for me is his confession is bizarre and yes there's a lot of proof that he should have had this stuff explain to him better that he possibly could have been the type to be course because he had such a low IQ it's like almost to the point I mean he dropped out of school like he really really was not there fully mentally and people like say he should not have been taken so seriously and later he did where you can't his confession but he confessed he said that at one point one of the boys ran away and he got them and tied them up and he basically watched while Jason Baldwin and Damien Echols actually did the murder I think the documentaries did a bad job of really explaining the truth about this because he didn't just confess this one time he confessed this several times and changed his story very often he was actually given a polygraph test his father said that he could do it gave the permission and he failed the polygraph test now please do not think that I am trying to say that these guys didn't do it because I 100% do not have any theory of who did this I actually have some other people that I think when I start telling you about their stories you're gonna be like oh well they possibly could have done it too I still believe that there's not enough evidence to convict these guys of doing this there was no DNA found at the crime scene of them no I mean there's literally nothing to connect them to the crime scene zero zilch nothing not a hair follicle not a shoe mark not like nothing so Jessie Misskelley said that he was scared of the police during the investigation and felt coerced to give his confession and recanted the whole confession and the interesting thing is Jessie Misskelley actually had a pretty strong alibi the other two guys had zero alibi nothing strong to protect them but Jessie actually did have a pretty strong alibi it was actually in a neighboring town at a wrestling match of some sort and there are many witnesses who saw him there that night and have confirmed his alibi and when you do read the court transcript of the police interrogation it does there's so much proof that they were trying to coach this out of him and I definitely think he could have possibly just made this all up maybe he just got carried away with his story or god knows maybe he actually was head thought he did it but this alibi shows that he wasn't even anywhere near this area they were totally asking him like loaded questions guiding him in the right way he had so much inconsistency it was almost impossible to use his confession because there was just so many things that were just proven to be false like he would just say things that just weren't true and what's interesting is since he confessed and said the other two boys did this with him he is the main thing that connects these other two boys to this crime scene his false confession that he said he just made up is the main thing that connects the rest of them it's crazy so that following August actually August 4th the boys all pleaded not guilty to this case I think this case was never about justice because they know we didn't do this Fogelman no we did not do this in these trials multiple people confessed to lying on the stand in particular there was one guy who was in jail with Miss Kelly and made up this whole story that he confessed to it to him and told him how he did it and like did all these disgusting things and he testified to this this you know fellow inmate they told me how he dismembered the kid he sucked the blood I remember not knowing why I was doing what I was doing I remembered actually going through my head I would have this this massive illusion in my head and swear to God it was real I mean I could understand why he would never want to see me again or talk to me again but I'm just telling him right now I'm sorry wanted attention maybe you want to be on TV or he confessed that I was on drugs and I just made the whole thing I'm a drug addict I was doing a lot of inhalants LSD I was huffing gas all the time it's bad it takes your whole perspective on life and makes it a dream there was actually other people who said things on a stand that later said they weren't true now the thing about this case that I think a lot of people don't understand is there is no proof 100% proof that this was anything satanic this definitely could have just been a random murder a serial killer someone else that got away with this cuz there are these turtles in the creek where they were found that are known for biting flesh and the marks that these Turtles leave on flesh looked exactly like the marks that were left on these boys sticker this is the bite mark I'm looking for you can already start to see the outline of the jaw it's very possible they were just killed originally and then the additional attacks the damage to the groin area all of that were Turtles you know getting up their dead bodies not realizing they were humans and biting them so that's been you know really up in the air as well to that we don't really know that this was anything satanic you asked me is a single greatest offence committed in this case is what was done by John Fogelman with the knife from the lake was really interesting as well as there was a knife that was found behind Jason Baldwin's trailer park in this like pond Fogelman had divers search a small lake behind the trailer park where Baldwin lived that search produced a knife there's a lot of sketchiness around this whole night we interviewed and have the declaration of the dive he said that he was given a description of the knife and where it would be located the press said they were told and we have the reporter come to the lake we are about to make a discovery the prosecution knew the knife was in the way so there was I think plenty of inconsistency and if I were a juror I never would have convicted these guys of this crime there's just not enough to connect them to the crime there's weird behavior there's mental illness there's all these other things but there's not enough evidence not enough solid evidence to prove that they did this and they were sentenced Jason and Jesse were sentenced to life in prison but damien echols was sentenced to death we the jury find Damien Echols guilty of capital murder in the death of Stevie branch guilty of capital murder in the death of Chris Byers guilty of capital murder and the death of Michael Moore see miss Kelly was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Michael Moore and 40 years for the murders of Steven branch and Christopher Byers the jury have determined that Jason Baldwin shall be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole that a burn inhale they want to worship the devil they let him meet and I hope they do so we the jury have determined that Damien Echols shall be sentenced to death by lethal injection and I think that's shocking considering the lack of evidence that he did so this case got really really famous tons of famous celebrities Eddie Vedder Johnny Depp Peter Jackson people started speaking out against it this is when Paradise Lost was created the three movies there was concerts benefits celebrity were speaking out about this and people really backed them up people from all over the world and that would be you and the people next to you right now coming together to make some real justice happen I would like to read something do you guys I can't remember what it's like to walk as a human being anymore in well over 16 years since I've actually walked anywhere there are times when I've thought surely someone it's gonna put a stop to this does no good to dwell on it I conserve my energy and ply it to small things I can change each small thing connects to make a great big thing and that big thing is to bring those boys [Applause] [Music] will be trans to the saving home Senators Congressmen pc cohn and basically their argument is that they were assumed have done this crime because of their lifestyle and who they are you know there's thousands and thousands of people that kind of live this alternative lifestyle and like to dress in black and like you know to do things or be Satanist or be punk or gothic whatever you want to call it but none of that has any proof that someone committed a murder and honestly when I read a lot of counter arguments for why they are guilty people bring up these satanic things that he was dark it proves it because he was you know into the devil [ __ ] he was into this ninety and these tattoos and to me and none of that holds up as real evidence that's all really flimsy hearsay and rumors or so much rumors so much gossip in 1996 they are first denied for the first time in the summer of 1996 the movie started coming out there's a lot more public support and this really became a crowdfunded mission to get these guys out of jail and they were refused over and over again for years I mean 1987 they tried again in 1999 they were denied again no let me tell you about some of the other possibilities for who could have done this crime before we just decided that it was them first of all mark Byers and a few years after this it all happened his wife who was on the TV all the time everyone saw her randomly died of unknown causes she showed up at the hospital the doctors were never able to figure it out and nobody knows what happened so I think that definitely makes him look a little bit sketchy and this is really strange but there were bite marks on one of the bodies and he mark Byers got his teeth removed and replaced so he has a completely different genre now so it's very possible he got that changed just in case he was ever brought forward as a suspect and this is this is where people are angry is the police did such a [ __ ] job of looking into all these other options there's a lot more about him I'm linking tons of sources because I can't go into everything but one person I really really think could have done this is Terry Hobbs it was a stepfather of Stevie branch and he has quite the history of aggression and abuse the accused teenagers and it became undeniable that the brutal murders had been part of a satanic ritual back with us today Pam and Terry Hobbs I mean all murderers horrible is the manner of his specific manner in which he died is that something that will always haunt you yeah I'll go to my grave with it thinking about it I realized my son um this is actually one of the reasons why these guys were definitely given another trial is because they later in 2007 they found evidence DNA evidence that linked Terry Hobbs to the crime scene there was a hair found in one of the shoelaces like a hair tied it in there which tied up the boys I can't remember if it was an investigator or a journalist but someone went to Terry Hobbs house to talk to him about all this and they grabbed one of his cigarette butts and they were able to do DNA testing and matched him to that sample so there's DNA evidence that he was at the crime well there is ZERO DNA evidence that Jason Jessie and Damien were at the crime zero but there's evidence that Terry Hobbs was not only not the Terry Hobbs was the last person to be seen with these boys after interviewing the family of Stevie branch Stevie was absolutely terrified of this guy Terry hated his stepfather was very very afraid of him and Stevie's sister was also afraid of him and now she's really [ __ ] up she's on drugs believe she may have been molested by him she says she has no memory of her childhood and there's all these blank spots and she thinks she was traumatized and literally blanked out those moments attached her to is exhibit 1 pages from Amanda Hobbes's journal in her handwriting you know I think I'm the only 19 year old that can't remember what happened in my life 10 years ago was I traumatized as a child that I had to turn to drugs to forget about it I used to tell my mom my dad messed with me but he used to buckle and it left him well probably that thick cross the whole back and it was purple I know Steve he asked me about two weeks before was murdered to leave Terry and I asked him why and he said he loves Amanda buddy don't love me till I come up putting the pieces of the puzzle together and I'm so scared and this is probably the most damning evidence of all there's a woman named Mildred French who knew Terry Hobbs and lived near him Terry went into this woman's house while she was taking a bath unannounced broke into her house went into her bathroom she quickly got out of the bathtub was like what are you doing in my house and he started trying to shush her and then he grabbed her breasts started screaming at him he tried to get her to keep quiet and when she wouldn't he ran the police were called not only that but he also had past aggravated assault against his brother so this guy has a history of violence and aggression it had it said multiple times that he was angry with his wife he he would beat her he backhanded her a few times and he would do this because he was angry that Stevie would get more attention than he did that her kids were getting more attention than she gave him a man named reports of him holding Stevie by his hair pulled above Brown pull it and beating him I mean this guy is like clearly violent Stevie was afraid of him and he was the last one seen with him and his DNA was found at the crime scene I mean to me it's like come on like there's no way he could be ruled out at least definitely not ruled out Chris Byers he was also considered a suspect like they said you know he's one as T Kenan said outside the courtroom he called Terry Hobbs a baby killer it didn't get there boss Moses David to Kobe's hair was there Harry Potter's fellow for Terry Hobbs he was there there's no other two ways about Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks actually went after Terry Hobbs a few times she started speaking about this whole thing she really believed that the West Memphis Three were innocent Terry was so mad about this he actually sued her what she never ever implicated that he did it he she just spoke against you know the innocence and pointed out you know we need to look more into Terry and he tried to sue her and he he thought he was gonna make like millions of dollars off of this I guess and he didn't get Jack Shetty lost the lawsuit but I think it's really interesting he was mad enough to sue her so they kept trying 2008 they were denied again for a trial 2010 they were denied again and then luckily on November 4th the state Supreme Court unanimously ordered a new Circuit Court evidentiary hearing for Baldwin Echols and miss Kelly so they scheduled this hearing and actually in a rare plea agreement and this is the Alford plea if you watched my last video about James Earl Ray the man who killed Martin Luther King he was also confessed with with an Alford plea and this basically allows you to plead guilty to the crime while also maintaining your innocence it's really rare bizarre and nonsensical what an Alford plea means is you're accepting a guilty plea and maintaining your innocence at the same time the reason it exists is so that it sort of brings closure to a case and it prevents the state from being held responsible for what they've done they don't have to compensate you in any sort of way released now we turn to the three men who are free tonight for the first time in 18 years released after serving half their lives in an Arkansas prison the men who came to be known as the West Memphis Three have always insisted they did not commit a brutal triple murder there is Damien Echols nearly two decades after they were convicted of murdering three Boy Scouts hogtied and left in a ditch and four years after ABC news first broke word of DNA evidence that could exonerate them today the West Memphis Three walked free it's been an absolute living hell and since the trial witnesses had changed their testimony amid claims that an initial confession was coerced a new trial likely an odd deal was struck the men could tell the judge they were innocent but prosecutors would only let them go free if they agreed to enter a guilty plea confusing some and the victims families who now think the real murderer isn't large I'm still standing and fighting for justice because they're innocent they did not kill my son Damien Echols had been in solitary confinement on death row for ten years and was three weeks from execution back in 1994 they decided that the time they'd already served in prison was enough and they were set free now this caused a wave across the country of celebration panic confusion sadness I mean just about everything there's so many people that think that these three got off and got away with murder there's a lot of people that really questioned the behavior of Damien Echols I mean I've seen an interview with him he seemed like a nice guy to me but I don't know who did this I seriously think it could have been some random person that's unknown I definitely don't think this had any real proof that this was satanic I think Terry hogs is extremely sketchy and Mark Byers is also sketchy I mean there's just not enough no matter what you want to fight about like seeing so many people argue they should have stayed in prison they should there is not enough proof to have ever convicted these guys a period end of discussion I'm not saying they're innocent but there's not enough to prove that they did it and there's plenty of other reasons to think that it could have been one of these other suspects I mean just as much I think there's just as much evidence on Terry Hobbs as there is on Damien Echols and you know Jesse and Jason I think there is on them a lot of anger about this because at the end of the day three boys were murdered three eight-year-old beautiful boys with bright futures ahead of them were murdered and no one knows who did it so naturally when something like that happens people want a solution they want an end to this they want to know who did it they want someone to serve and to pay the consequence for this and no one is doing that so people are naturally feeling angry and I think a lot of people really were happy that they were you know originally booked and convicted because it gave them an end to this case and now it's back to the point where no one knows what happened and I think a lot of people are angry about that please don't make your decision on what you think happened based on a documentary or any certain bias source I'm going to leave some sources below some of them are definitely biased but some of them aren't and if you're really into this type of stuff I really challenge you to look more into the case as a whole there's so much so much information to go through I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments section please do not attack each other for someone else's opinions if someone thinks they're guilty that's okay that's their opinion if someone thinks they're innocent that's okay that's their opinion we do not need to attack each other it adds so much more negativity and none unnecessary confusion and fighting towards this that's because you believe in something does not make it true no one has any idea what truly happened it's completely up in the air I just want people to remember at the end of the day that even though there's so much to fight about argue about that three boys were murdered three young boys were murdered so much of this case is fogged over like the boys have almost been forgotten about but like I said I do want to know your thoughts on this and any other information that you want to share in the comments with other people like I said I can get to everything today but I did my best to kind of give a full overview of everything but that's it for me today guys I hope you're having a great day and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 2,286,709
Rating: 4.9038243 out of 5
Keywords: west, memphis, kendall rae, mystery, interesting, documentary, informative, unsolved
Id: 13lMkwsI8aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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