The Delphi Murders With Kelsi German Interview

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HMD_086 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I admire Kelsi. She's open and honest, and she's a very effective advocate for Libby and Abby.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/StupidizeMe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/essemh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

There were three or four facts that were said that were not true or were wrong. If you do a podcast on a case like this, with a family member, you really need to keep your facts straight. I enjoy her show, but this one left me a little upset.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Limbowski πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sorry for straying folks, but has anyone ever done a clean sweep of every news report from the 13th and 14th Im sure there might be one or two things that pop up that might who knows be of interest,

Given ive only a mobile device its hard to trawl through everything.

Im looking for anything of the searchers on the day.

Also the reporter outside the police station and someone strolls in with a blue jacket in the background his face was obscured so no danger of libelling.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

A great interview. Thanks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wiser4u πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This may be the one around the 1:30 minute.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ocval πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is way too edited to watch. It’s entirely too jerky.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FrankieHellis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Stop using jump cuts. It should be a crime

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DelewareJ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome to another family involved true crime video it's been a while since I've done one of these I love getting to work with an actual family member I feel like it just elevates things and really helps me tell the story from their perspective because often times things are reported incorrectly that's why I love when I have the opportunity to have a family member work with me look over my research and then also get to partake in the video itself I have done this with several different families if you have not seen any of those videos I will link my family involved playlist below today I'm going to be telling you about something known as the Delphi murders or the snapchat murders and today I have Kelsey German joining me for this video who is the sister of Libby German who is one of the victims in the case I'm about to tell you about I am Kelsey German I am Liberty Germans older sister at the time the girls were murdered I was 17 years old and I am now 19 at the beginning of all of this I wanted to go into communications I wanted to be the person that interviews families rather than the person that works with families even truly though I found my passion and victims advocacy and I started meeting families that were going through what I was going through and I lost myself in it I was so passionate for helping these people it was crazy so since then I have decided to major in psychology and minoring in forensics and waad Society alright so now that you have been introduced to Kelsey let's go ahead and start talking about this case so Delphi is a town in Indiana that is northwest of Indianapolis and it's a pretty small town under 3000 people are currently living there and the town is mostly farming area with a lot of land and plains and Delphi is considered to be a pretty safe area I mean all the time you hear this in true crime cases like it was so safe no one was expecting this and then something happened and that's why I always say even in the safest of air you have to be vigilant it's just you know part of living in the modern world but this was a community that is known for leaving doors unlocked and you know letting kids roam around without a lot of adult supervision like there was a sense of safety in this community a lot of families are actually attracted to Delphi to raise their children in because it's a farming area it's gorgeous it's mellow and safe and because it's in the country it's considered to be a really safe area with very little commotion and not much going on living in Delphi is the most small-town experience you could ever have the school is so small I only graduated with like 96 people if that kind of tells you how small we are and I know there's smaller places but compared to like the college I go to now like 96 is nothing and it's great because you know everybody and everybody knows you and that can be a bad thing sometimes but I think the fact that we all know each other kind of added to the fact that we all loved each other and cared so much when the news on the girls broke because we are such a tight-knit close community everybody was able to come together and help us search and everybody wanted to be there to help mainly because it was such a small town field it's definitely not the same now now it's a lot scarier people don't leave their doors unlocked anymore or go outside without parents or go to the trails without supervision we used to be able to go to the trails whenever we wanted and not be scared that something was gonna happen we were able to leave our doors unlocked to not be scared that somebody was gonna come in and rob us we were not worried about not having a gun in the house it was just not a scary place to live and I think now after the girls it's just gotten a lot scarier for people to live there but we're still all super close and we still all love each other and we're taking back our community one step at a time every day is another day closer to where we can live knowing that we are safe in Delphi because it's such a great community and such great people live there now this is Abigail Williams and is Libby German they both lived in Delphi they were in middle school Abbi was actually 13 and Libby was 14 Libby's full name was Liberty German and Abi's full name is Abigail Williams the girls met in school and they were best friends they actually both played the saxophone in the school band together and that was something that brought them really close together and they also played a variety of sports together such as volleyball and we're actually going to be on the same softball team that year both of the girls were considered to be very close with their families Libby was known to be a lot more outgoing than Abbie was Abbie was very quiet and reserved while Libby was a lot more outspoken and outgoing and in that way they complemented each other and they were best friends they both were really creative really loves to do arts and crafts the night before this all happened they actually spent the evening painting together well I can start I was saying both girls were amazing everybody loved being around them they were friends with so many different people their personalities were very different but because of that they were so close and it was such an amazing bond to watch them grow as friends together so Libby was involved in everything she could possibly be involved in she did every single sport that Dolf I ever let you do volleyball soccer swimming softball and then on top of that she was in the band she loved art she was just an all-around great person and Abbie was the same way she loved art and band and forts her and Libby ran to volleyball together and was later going to play softball with Libby Libby was more of an outgoing person she loved spending time with her friends and family she loved going on rides at the park and she loved playing with whoever it was she loved children she had two dogs she just loved people that's how she was raised that's how she became the amazing woman that she was turning into Abbie was a saxophone player she loved volleyball she spent a lot of time with her family she loved her family and her cat she was a very outdoorsy kind of person and that's kind of how both girls were - one thing where both girls really shared was photography and art the night before they were actually painting in their room after having a girls night we all kind of go downstairs remember watching movies with some of my friends and it was a really good night and that's kind of how it always was when Abby was over so let's go to February 13th 2017 at 1:45 Kelsey actually was going to be taking the girls to moanin high bridge Trail which is part of the Delphi historic trails and it has this old train track bridge over going this Creek and it's really rickety looking it is not safe you're not supposed to go on this bridge but this whole area is just a gorgeous place it's really known for its beauty a lot of people go there to go hiking fishing to spend time outdoors as well as take pictures people take like prom pictures there and wedding pictures there so it's a beautiful area so it was a Monday and that Monday morning the girls had school off and they were super excited to have school off I mean I'm sure all of you or some of you that are still in school love when you have a day off of school especially on a Monday nothing better right so that day it was kind of a last-minute idea for the girls to go to the high bridge a hybrid is a part of our trail system that a lot of people go and they spend time there that's where we would go to take pictures we would go there just to see the beautiful scenery that's around today they had the day off and they knew that they wanted to do something but they didn't know what whether it would stay home or go with me somewhere they they didn't know so that morning they actually helped my grandma with some business stuff and they had painted a little bit and my dad and made them breakfast that morning and while I was getting ready Libby came upstairs and asked me what I was doing that day um and when I told her I had to work and I was going to chase his house I told her I couldn't go with her but she wanted me to take her and so I told her no not that day maybe another day a little while later I had told her that I would take her she could get a ride home and grandma said yes so she was asking Gamla and she was asking my dad and they had both said it was okay and that my dad would pick her up later and so that's kind of what led up to her going was the fact that they wanted to do something on their day off they just wanted to do something fun they wanted to get out of the house they didn't want to be there all stuck in the house on the day off of school it was a nice day girls wanted to go to that area because they wanted to take pictures what else do middle-school girls love to do they all have snapchat and everything social media so they wanted to like take pictures of each other out in this beautiful landscape another thing I remember was eating breakfast with her that morning my dad had made banana pancakes and we'd sat there and we ate and that was our last meal together there and I'll never forget yeah so to be exact Kelsey dropped the girls off at 1:35 and then she left because she had plans with her boyfriend so that day I dropped the girls off and around 135 I watched Libby walk away after telling her I loved her she set it back and I made sure they both had sweatshirts so they continued to walk and I drove away after I dropped them off I called chase and told him that I was on my way chase left a little bit before I did he had to work at four and I was working at 4:30 so it was a little bit of a gap and so I had a little time to sit down and watch a movie with his dad and hang out until it was my turn at 2:07 Libby posted a picture of Abby on snapchat of her on the bridge and then she also saved a video of a man walking towards them now this picture went pretty viral back in February 2017 I remember seeing it when this happened and people frantically searching for whoever this could be in fact it led to a lot of false accusations like people in the Internet just being like oh it kind of looks like this guy in this guy and comparing pictures and the police even had to make a statement actually saying like chill out guys the girls were supposed to only be hanging out there for a few hours they were supposed to be picked up by Libby's dad at a certain location at 30 p.m. how everyone 3:30 rolled around Derek came to pick them up at the exact spot they were supposed to be and they were nowhere to be found Derek tried to call living multiple times figuring you know maybe they're just taking too long they're just really into their photo session and they didn't realize what time it was around 4:12 I got a couple calls from my grandma I didn't hear my phone go off the first time so the second time it went off I knew something must have been wrong because my god whatever calls multiple times unless she really need something especially if he knows that I have to go to work that day so I picked up my phone and I called my grandpa back and the first thing she said was have you heard from Livie and that was the hardest moment I think of that particular day after we heard I called my work and told him I was going to help search for my sister I got in my car and drove to Highbridge at the moment I called my grandma and told her I was on my way I could hear the scared Miss in her voice be amount of hurt that she was feeling just knowing that something was wrong and that's kind of when I knew like there's something happening like I don't know where the girls are I don't know where Libby is I haven't heard from her I was confused and I didn't know what to think I didn't know what to feel I didn't know what to say to my family after I had told my grandma it was on my way I arrived at the bridge it was probably around 4:30 I'm assuming based on when I got the phone call we were gonna go to the trails and look and see if we could find the girls ourselves like our main thought was they must have fallen dropped a phone maybe they got lost in the woods they wandered off a little too far and couldn't find their way back so at that time me and my uncle crossed the bridge we got down to the private driving or walking around yelling them names trying to find out where they might be hoping that if they had gotten hurt they would just yell back and say hey we're over here can you help us at that point we hadn't heard anything so we headed back we decided that it was time that we got a hold of the police it was starting to get dark we knew that they needed help every possible situation was going through our brains and we never thought we would end up with the outcome we did we got ahold of the police finally my grandparents went to the police station so police and family decided to search the area together and see if they could find them and they searched till it got very dark in fact they kept the search going until about midnight and then they decided to call it quits for the night knowing the area I knew areas that the girls would have went if they were going there willingly so going around those areas I was able to help them go to spots that like I knew Libby would have been if she wanted to be there soon after that search party started to form of people in the community people were coming from all over to help us they were coming from different cities they were from our community there were people going out there from other states I believe there were just people from all over there searching later on that evening I believe around midnight the search was called off for whatever reason they said it was because of the safety the terrain was really rough and rugged and they just didn't want people to get hurt they didn't want to have to put their resources into helping other people when we needed to find the girls that was really defeating knowing that the search was called off I went home to try to sleep and I didn't get any now at this point the police said that there was no reason to suspect any type of foul play that the girls probably just ran away or got lost or like hiding or something these are two middle school girls so the next day rolled around and there's still no sign of the girls I mean families are just devastated they're tired so they started first thing 7:00 a.m. they all met at a fire station a bunch of people that were searching and they split into groups and went out to look we got up the next morning and we headed out to look again we were all put into groups and then I was put into the group that actually got to cross the bridge and the others stayed behind to look on the wood wooded area that's over on the other side they brought in drones and dogs and they even had a dive team searched that Creek that they were hanging around near the bridge they went to all different parts of the trails throughout the town and we're just looking everywhere possible police obviously tried to track their cellphones but they believed that they were turned off like right after they disappeared tip started coming in there was one woman who said that she was on the bridge right after the time that they believe they went missing and she didn't see anything out of the ordinary but that was really it so it was very very scary for Abbie and Libby's families and then the next day February 14th Valentine's Day their bodies were sadly found and we're looking underneath the bridge and as soon as we've gotten back to the private drive somebody yelled up the hill that they found his shoe and knowing that I dropped the girls off and I remembered what they were wearing I knew exactly what she was my sister and Abby were both wearing so as soon as the yield up what type of shoe it was I knew exactly whose it was it wasn't long after they told us that they had found the shoe that a searcher found the bodies of the girls the girls bodies were found about a half-mile from the bridge and were also found on the edge of a private property line I was totally defeated that morning I had actually packed a bag with a granola bars and a blanket and then hoping that the girls would need them they would be so happy to have a granola bar after being outside all night so after that the experience is very blurry um I don't remember much up until the funeral to be honest it was countless interrogations countless news reporters coming to the House countless people bringing over bread and pasta and that's what I remember from those days I remember laying in my bed crying and I remember my grandparents crying together and I remember very vividly the day that I asked my grandparents if we could move my bed into their bedroom because I couldn't sleep knowing that there was somebody out there and I wasn't able to talk to anyone about it I was scared to talk to my grandparents I was here to talk to any of my family really um and I think that's mainly because I knew they were hurting too trying to go through something when everybody around you is hurting too you don't want them to hurt like you're hurt and so you just keep quiet it hit the community really really hard there was tons of support for the families they were multiple vigils held for the girls and the school that they attended took a bunch of extra steps to try and make other students feel comforted in such a horrible time you know they offered them counselling it was just a very sad sad time because these two girls had so much life left to live they were such well liked girls too and they're so young and they were just innocently enjoying their day off of school when their lives were tragically stolen from them they did autopsies on their bodies and found that both of these girls were killed in a double homicide so there was definitely foul play involved which i think was so weird that the police instantly ruled that out right off the gate they didn't think that was a possibility in the beginning I trusted the police a lot there are times I got really angry because I felt like they were interrogating me more than anyone else um and at that point they probably were um I was the last person to see the girls and I understand that now but at the time that was the worst part of everything it was so defeating knowing that they wanted to talk to me again knowing that I need to give my DNA to them a third time knowing that they were still questioning whether I knew what happened and now I know that they were doing their job and I still are and everything they're doing is for us and for the girls and they are doing such a tremendous job now I think they've messed up a lot and I think they're making up for that in different ways but I have a lot of faith in them and I know that they're gonna be the reason this is solved in the beginning there were a lot of things they didn't know so now that they know more than I did then they're able to investigate better they're able to use different technology they're able to use resources that they maybe didn't have before so then February 15th they released the shot from snapchat with the picture of the man in the background at first they said that this man someone that they just wanted to speak to to see if they could try to draw him out of the Woodworks but then a few days later on the 19th they announced that he was their suspect in this case this person has never come forward and has never been found and then we found out that on Libby's phone there was a video audio recording saved that you can actually hear a male's voice saying down the hill and they believe that this likely was the man who committed these murders and then police have also apparently found a recording of the girls talking about how some man was following them and so police believe that the girls knew that something was going on right before it happened and that they were starting to take recordings because these girls were actually known for being really into true crime so they were smart enough to take these recordings and photos and try to you know catch their own killer in a way please do believe they did this on purpose and that they were afraid of this man as far as the video of them talking about the man following them they have not released that you know as in all the cases I cover the police are not releasing all the available information and that's just because they're trying to build their case so hopefully they have a reason for keeping certain things from the public they've also indicated that there's additional information on the phone that they have not released in case they have to go to a trial it's been quite some time now since February 2017 and there have been no major leads in this case police have had so many tips though however we're not sure if any have really panned out and they released this sketch based on the pictures that they actually have him which are super grainy they've tried everything to make these you know better quality they're as good as they're gonna get they've also had some people who think they witnessed the man and based on their you know witness statements this is what they have come up with well investigators say they remain confident they will find whoever killed Abby Williams and Libby German as the pictures and notes of thanks lined the investigations headquarters here in Delphi nearly two months later authorities tell me roughly ten different agencies remain involved investigation Carroll County Sheriff toad lesson B says they are still awaiting some results and still need to identify the suspect seen in this picture lesson B tells me property owner Ron Logan remains involved with the investigation but they are not calling him a suspect investigators served a search warrant at his home last month meanwhile the number of tips pouring in is now close to 20,000 with roughly 1500 of those still awaiting review so resort back to the fact that we've we have no one arrested or jailed at this point no charges pending against someone so we're somewhat that as we were with day one that you know we accept even new information you know this very day they believe that this man was around 220 pounds and had reddish brown hair in December of 2017 the family got to go on the dr. Phil show and this is the sketch it does look like the picture but this is based on witnesses saying what they saw of a man there at the time in January of 2018 a new law had come into effect in Indiana and this allows police to take DNA samples from anyone who was arrested for a felony case and then those DNA samples are then tested on national databases of DNA such as Jed match definitely opt in on Jed match if you want to see more cases get solved I will leave information of how to do so below so this could be something that helps solve the case so let's talk about some of the persons of interest here in September of 2017 police arrested a man named Daniel Nations Daniel is a registered sex offender from Indiana but he was actually arrested in Woodland Park Colorado and he was actually charged with threatening strangers on a trail with a hatchet up in Monument Colorado so this is a pretty sketchy dude and he had actually been driving around this area with expired plates and police pulled him over they saw that he had an outstanding warrant on his name and the El Paso County Sheriff's Department does say that there are similarities between the two cases but they haven't released too much info about this guy Daniel and that's actually because of the Indiana investigators they do not want too much being released on this guy so it's possible that there might be some potential evidence on this guy on January 5th 2018 Daniel was actually arrested for threatening various members of the public here in Colorado and because he had a warrant out for his arrest he was put in jail On January 24th he was actually transferred to Indiana and was put in custody for failure to register as a sex offender however in February of 2018 police said that they no longer think that he is a suspect in this case then there's Charles Eldridge he was arrested on January 8th 2019 in the Union City Indiana he was actually only alerted to the Indiana detectives because he has a striking similarity to that picture but that was the only reason why they were really looking at him and eventually they also decided that he was not a suspect then there's Thomas Bruce Thomas is actually a pastor but he was charged with fatally shooting a woman and sexually assaulting two others in st. Louis and that happened November 19th of 2018 a lot of people noticed that he had a similar stature to the guy that they suspect in the Delphi murder case he was also dressed really similar to him wearing a flat kind of hat and a navy blue jacket which is very similar to what the guy in the photos is wearing Bruce was charged with 17 felony counts however they have not yet connected him to the Delphi murders or said if they really see any potential that he was involved in that as well and this is when they said that that previously really sketch is a suspect but they actually don't consider him to be the primary suspect the primary suspect actually looks like this the police say that this person may range from his 20s to his 40s but that he looks younger than his true and they also came out saying that they believe that the killer is currently living in Delphi and it's a small town they believe that he either works in the town or has worked in the town or at least visited the town on a regular basis if he didn't actually live there they literally said in the press conference we believe that you were hiding in plain sight maybe even in this room which is interesting the golden state killer actually went to one of his own press conferences I forgot to mention in my last video I was so annoyed that I forgot it but he did actually go to one of the press conferences some criminals like get off on that type of thing and it's interesting that police think that he could even be in the room to the killer who may be in this room we believe you are hiding in plain sight for more than two years you never thought we would shift gears to a different investigative strategy but we have we likely have interviewed you or someone close to you we know that this is about power to you and you want to know what we know when one day you will a question to you what will those closest to you think of when they find out that you brutally murdered two little girls two children only a coward would do such a thing they even said that they believe that they have interviewed someone close to him or have actually interviewed him so police have said that they think they're going to be able to solve this case they do not believe that this case will go cold police also said that there are reports of a car left in a parking lot of an abandoned building in Delphi the same afternoon that the girls were killed police are looking for anyone that may have seen that and could provide descriptions of those cars because they have really no idea one thing that's really interesting about this case to me is it has never been released exactly how the girls died they have sealed their autopsy so we don't know exactly what happened to them we don't know if they were assaulted we don't know how they actually passed and it's interesting there are a lot of mixed opinions on this there's a lot of people who think it's good that they didn't release that there's a lot of people that think that it could potentially lead to this case being solved and that the more information the better so I'm curious about what you guys think the reward has now been bumped up to $200,000 for any information that leads to them arresting the person who is responsible for the murders of Abbi and Libby in May of this year was announced that there will be 1.2 million dollars of funding going towards rehabbing the Monona hybrids trail and in August of 2017 the families announced their plans to build a million-dollar Sports Complex for Delphi and memory of the girls so the park is what we are creating to remember the girls both girls were really into arts they were really active in sports they were really active in their school in the band and all of this different kind of extracurricular activities that they were into and so we wanted to create something to keep their memory alive and to honor the people and hobbies they loved and to keep the memories of others alive as well and in this park there will be three softball fields and amphitheater and a walking trail we will also have a memorial path going through the park in this we are gonna have the names of victims of family members of loved ones that we just want to remember though right now what I am been doing for the girls is more social media advocacy and what I've been doing is sharing on Twitter different articles about the girls but also about other families I've been involved in helping other people and so I would really encourage you to follow me on my Twitter which is at Liberty G underscore sister as well as follow my family on the brainstorming for Abby and Libby on Facebook these are two super important social media outlets that we use that allow us to connect with people all over the world that want to help us share the word about the girls and just get these stories out there that deserve to be heard I wasn't involved in the beginning I didn't want people to see my face I didn't want to put my face out there I didn't want my voice out there I was scared I didn't want to talk to people I didn't want people to come up to me and say oh my gosh I can't imagine what you're going through oh my goodness it has to hurt like I don't I can't imagine what your I didn't want to hear that and I still don't really want to hear that because you're right you might not be able to imagine it but there are 200,000 families that can't imagine it that is one of the things that drives me most both families are hurting just as much as my family knowing that I can help them is what drives me to stay so involved in other cases but for our case the thing that drives me most is my sister sometimes I think back of like fights that we got into and I'm like oh my gosh I shouldn't have been such a bad sister I shouldn't have been so mean to her I shouldn't have said no so many times taking her to McDonald's to get french fries I should have just taken her to the movies I should have just went to that game I should have just went to high bridge with her that day all of these things that go through your brain and you're like wow I should have just been a better sister and this could wouldn't have happened and that feeling right there that feeling of the what if the what if that hits you so hard every day that is what drives me to keep going that is what makes me continue to fight for my sister please follow me on Twitter please follow the Abby and Libby brainstorming group thanks so much for all your support we couldn't do this without you continue to share the fire continue to share the story of these amazing girls because we are going to get justice someday very soon I hope and you're going to be part of it no thank you the family is also asked that if you are able to please make a quick post anywhere on social media about this and use the hashtag Abby and Libby I really do think there's a chance that this could be solved and I would love to see justice for Abby and Libby especially because they you know really tried to capture this guy they had a bad feeling about him or something may have happened that they noticed and they decided to start filming which is really incredible and I would love to see that actually go somewhere and for this to be solved because they took that extra step it's getting very dark in my house the Sun is almost setting I forgot how dark it's getting so early these days it is falling guys hello but I hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know if you would like to see more videos including family members like Kelsey telling their side of things by giving this video a thumbs up be sure to subscribe if you are not already and definitely about all the information in the description box for ways to help the family but that's it for me today guys I hope you're having a great day stay safe and I will talk to you next time [Music] where'd you go logica [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 1,532,839
Rating: 4.947269 out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, kendall rae, kendall rae vlogs, kendaily, abby and libby, true crime, indiana, delphi indiana, liberty german, libby german, monon high bridge, bridge guy, abby williams, crime, libby and abby, sketches, abigail williams, hln, unsolved, cold case, news, mystery, mile higher podcast, investigation, paranormal, crime watch daily, unsolved mysteries, mysteries, mile higher, unsolved mystery, buzzfeed, investigative, unexplained, delphi case, dateline
Id: eVmMn9T-Qls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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