OJ SIMPSON: The Case of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman?! Part 1

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it doesn't make sense that she was walking up and Josh and I kept trying to walk up our stairs and try to like slip and what would we do your instinct is to fall forward you're not gonna like fly backwards like you slipped on a banana peel I still struggle to see how that could happen from going up the stairs hello everyone welcome back to my channel and welcome to another very very highly requested true-crime video today we are talking about the very famous case of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman and the trial of OJ Simpson I've been wanting to do this video forever anyway was gonna end up being really long it was going to be a lot of editing and I've been putting it on hold because as some of you know if you follow my blog channel or social media or whatever I've been having a lot of health trouble and my main issue has been pain in my upper body especially in my elbow and my hands so I'm currently seeing like a bunch of different doctors trying to figure out what's wrong but basically editing which is the part of the YouTube that I love the most has become really really painful for me and difficult and I just can't do as much of it as I used to so I've put this video and hold hoping that once I get better I can just do it but since I haven't gotten any better in fact I've gotten worse I decided that if I wanted to do these types of topics which I have a bunch of them that are just going to be really long videos and really long editing jobs that I would just skip talk Tuesday on those weeks in order to dedicate all of my time and energy towards that video because for me now editing anything longer than like 30 minutes is just going to destroy me like I basically the next day can barely move out of my bed so I just kind of have to pace myself I really hope you guys understand that and I hope you're excited to get a really really long video this week instead I'm so excited to talk about this case because there are so many different mixed opinions I really want to know what your guys's thoughts are and I know some of you guys kind of on the younger side know nothing about the details behind this case so I'm excited to tell you about it because it is a real Mindbender and today's video is kindly sponsored by our friends over at audible if you haven't heard me talk about audible yet it's something that I actually use all the time in my life and something that I really really love for those of you who have heard me try to read on the podcast it's just a disaster I have learning disabilities I've just always struggled with reading so I have always used audio books as an audible member you get a credit once a month to use towards any book that you want and audible has a huge selection of books a ton of books on true-crime I actually just finished listening to I'll be gone in the dark by Michelle McNamee rrah about the Golden State Killer that's a great one if you find yourself interested in OJ Simpson after watching this video there's a couple great titles that you can check out on audible that will kind of give you a different just look at things one of them is by Marcia Clark who is a prosecutor on the OJ Simpson case and she wrote a book called without a doubt there's another book by the other prosecutor christopher darden and it's called in contempt those are available on audible and audible makes it really convenient to read books when you're just doing other things like laundry or brushing your teeth or taking a shower washing the dishes driving your car locking your dog you can pretty much use audible anywhere which makes it very convenient it's really really comforting to return back to your book like I always can't wait to get back in the car or summer and listen to it again there's actually a really cool promotion going on with audible right now until July 31st if you're a Prime member you can get audible for the first three months for 495 get started with your trial head to audible.com slash Kendall Rea that is a you DIBL e.com slash ke NDA ll r AE or you can text Kendall Rea to five hundred five hundred and they'll get you started with your child that way so this is OG Simpson or orang Thal James Simpson and he was born on July 9th of 1947 in San Francisco California Oh Jay actually grew up repour he was living in the project with his family in a neighborhood in San Francisco and he was always super athletic people said that he was very well-liked very much a charmer but he wasn't so good in school his grades weren't terrible but they definitely weren't good enough to get into any big University so he actually attended a junior college called City College of San Francisco in 1965 OJ's father was a well known drag queen in the San Francisco Bay Area later in life Jimmy Simpson announced that he was gay he ended up dying of AIDS and this was very very difficult for OJ to deal with and on June 24 1967 at age 19 Oh Jay Simpson tied the knot his first wife was named Marguerite L Whitley and together they had three children are now Simpson Jason Simpson and Aaron Simpson and unfortunately in a tragic accident in 1979 Oh Jay lost Aaron in a family pool Oh Jay and his wife ended up fighting a lot death of their son was a big deal for them they were having other kinds of marital issues and it just wasn't working and they ended up getting officially divorced in March of 1979 now obviously OJ is really known for his athletic ability and his skill when it comes to football he was extremely talented Oh Jay ended up being the star running back for University of South Carolina and then the Buffalo Bills actually drafted him first round in 1969 and he had a really good career he was the second leading rusher in NFL history and was indicted in the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985 not only that but he had a lot of fans Oh Jay had a really strong fan base women really liked him he was pretty good-looking and after he retired from pro football he really kept up with his fame and fortune by becoming a spokesperson for Hertz rental car company I don't need to rent a car fast you did all these commercials for them where he was like running through the airport with suitcases and that's how a lot of people knew him they saw him on TV doing the Hertz commercials nobody does it better than her [Music] first the rest of the days a piece of cake he also was an actor for a brief period of time and not in any stellar roles by any mean but he was in Naked Gun trilogy being weak and back on the force [Music] Norberg me Frank buddy was just really really famous and he loved this he in fact said it several times even when he was way younger before he really got famous that he wanted to be famous he wanted people to know who he was people from his childhood described him as making everything about him always having to be first and everything always meaning to win but Audrey would seriously love it when people would go take pictures with him have him sign autographs for them he he just soaked up that life and he was truly made for it then in 1977 oj met a girl named Nicole Brown she was working at a nightclub called Daisy and this was actually before Oh Jay and his wife were divorced though there was an affair going on with Nicole before he even and it is a marriage with his previous wife but according to them and everyone around them it was truly love at first sight I mean they were head-over-heels for each other she really really was into him he was always really into her Cole was born on May 19 1959 in Frankfurt West Germany and she was really well-liked by her family described as someone who was very active very kind very down-to-earth spiritual but still liked to have a good life and Nicole was actually only 18 years old when she met OJ at the time he was 30 years old and Nicole actually lived with a roommate it was not anything romantic she lived with her friend David LaVon and when she first went on a date with OJ she came back and she said she had a really great night but David noticed that her pants were ripped I looked in her pants had been ripped and I said well what happened she said well he just was a little forceful and you ripped my minute said you're kidding why would you let him do that I was kind of upset and I said I want to talk to him I want it you know and she goes no I think I like him but that is very concerning on a first date to do that to someone and obviously David saw you know a big red flag from day one with OJ but their love continued they dated for quite a while and then they finally tied the knot on February 2nd of 1985 and it was a big beautiful wedding [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I just wanna say it was the happiest day of my life it really was and everybody said it would be and it was very soon after that Nicole gave birth to their first daughter Sydney on October 17th of 1985 and then she gave birth to their son Justin on August 6th of 1988 however they had a lot of trouble in their marriage they fought for years there's all kinds of tumultuous situations her family knew about it and there were some things going on in their marriage that I will you know discuss later in this video but Nicole decided to finally file for divorce from OJ Simpson in 1992 now we're going to jump to June 12th of 1994 that day Nicole had a pretty average day she did a little bit of shopping she got flowers for her daughter Sydney because she was having a dance recital that night and the recital actually started at 4:30 p.m. that day and this was a really big deal the whole family was showing up and OJ arrived late but he did bring flowers for Sydney and he said hi to all of Nicole's family but Nicole completely iced him I wanted to make it clear that she wanted nothing to do with him didn't want to be near him and so he went and sat by himself and there are reports that there was a lot of like tension and anger between the two of them that day when the recital ended at 6:30 Nicole and her family took everyone out for dinner at Mezzaluna and this was a restaurant in Brentwood California and Nicole and brown family made it very clear to OJ that they did not want him to join them for dinner and he was not welcome to be there and around 8:00 p.m. they finished having dinner they left there and they went to an ice-cream shop to get ice cream for all the kids and then at around 9:30 p.m. Judith brown Nicole's mom realized that she left her glasses back at the restaurant so she called Nicole and then it arranged that a man named Ron Goldman who was a waiter at the restaurant and a personal friend of Nicole's he knew her well enough that he offered to take the glasses and bring them to her house so that she could get them back to her mother and so it's just like a completely nice thing to do Ron Goldman was born on July 2nd of 1968 he grew up in the community of Buffalo Grove Illinois near Chicago and he was also a really well-liked guy total family guy loved his parents and he actually met Nicole about six weeks before this when he borrowed her Ferrari they grew increasingly close and no one knows if they had any type of relationship a lot of people suspect that Ron had kind of a crush on Nicole but they would go out to clubs together and we're meeting for coffee and for dinner in the last like month or so police say it was a platonic relationship just friends and we have no way of proving that there was anything more to it so it was around 9:50 p.m. when Ron left Mezzaluna wid the glasses and headed to Nicole Brown's house so let's pause for a second and talk about what OJ did after the recital around nine o'clock that night Oh Jay and his friend Brian Cato were at McDonald's for dinner arrived back at OJ's house around 9:45 meanwhile at about 1055 p.m. a man named Stephen Schwab was walking down Dorothy Street when he came to the corner of Dorothy and Bundy Drive and that is where he saw a dog sitting at the corner and this dog was a large white Akita and it ended up being Nicole Brown's dog and actually multiple neighbors reported hearing a dog barking likely hers at around 10:15 and Stephen ended up bringing this dog to another neighbor's house his name was sue crew anything on that you saw [Music] there was red spots on on the dog and what did that red spots look like those red spots look like teeth blotch he started getting concerned so he let the dog lead him back to Nicole's house and the dog led him right to two bodies I've seen a body it was a woman playing down horizontally all the way to the patch there was a lot of blood what did you do I tell my wife that there is a dead person there I should call 9-1-1 it was June 13 1994 minutes after midnight and he had just discovered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in terrible condition in a horrible crime scene laying on the ground covered in blood surrounded by blood right in front of Nicole's house now obviously I never put up pictures of someone's dead body no matter what condition they were in I do understand that some of you want to see the crime scene in order to understand the crime so you can go ahead and google it it'll come up but this was a horrible horrible scene Nicole was found on the steps of her condo with her feet out underneath the wrought iron fence right underneath the mailbox and Ron was found on the ground a couple feet from her in a fetal position and at the scene there was a black beanie like cap the envelope with the glasses some bloody boot prints and most famously a bloody leather glove and what was so terribly sad about this is that at the time the : kids were in the condo sleeping police had to go in there and get them bring them down to the police station and no idea that their mother was just murdered outside of their house and her family was contacted early the next morning next morning I woke up and 6:15 in the morning we got a phone call who who took the call my mother did but all of a sudden I hear a scream and I run back there and he said Nicole's been killed Nicole has been murdered I was home with my parents and I was awakened at 6:30 in the morning now I'm not a morning person at all and I got wakened up by horrific screams I then heard my mom in the kitchen going down the hallway and there was my mom just they get the soul taken out of her white just empty the youngest of four sisters Tanya was 24 when Nicole was murdered she says she couldn't wrap her head around what was happening everything in a world changed quickly the family immediately took Nicole's children Sydney and Justin just nine and six years old at the time community of Brentwood is not very quiet now crowds of the curious gathered to look at a murder scene where go J Simpson's ex-wife Nicole and a 25 year old a parent friend Ron Goldman were killed at night Oh Jay had gotten on a flight at 11:45 p.m. to go to Chicago he was actually out there for something related to hurt it's a rental car company that he was working so closely with by the time Oh Jay was contacted formally about the death of Nicole he was already in Chicago but he voluntarily came right back to LA you think if you were on the phone and you got told that someone who I mean was the mother of your children was close to you at one time was dead you would ask oh my god what happened he didn't ask how she died it could have been a heart attack for all he knew but he said who killed her I think that is the weirdest thing they did an interview with him about 12 hours after the murder at this point I'm Bochy was not a suspect but it wasn't long until detectives started putting the pieces together the night before Jay had ordered a limo to come pick him up to go to Airport and the limo driver said he was there on time in fact a little early he noticed that there were no cars the house was dark at 10:56 the limo driver said that he saw someone who looked like OJ entering OJ's house supplements later around 11:00 p.m. Oh hits back on the intercom and says I'm so sorry I was just taking a shower but I'll be very quick I'll be down and just give me a second I'll be down in the car in a second we can still go to the airport and I'll make my flight and he made his flight at 11:45 he departed Los Angeles for Chicago so in the next several days the media was having a frenzy wondering if AJ was a suspect or not police still refused to discuss the case or reports of incriminating evidence that links OJ Simpson to the murders today's Los Angeles Times reports blood found at the crime scene matches OJ Simpson's blood type and while millions of people share the same blood type the finding could be instrumental in placing Simpson at the scene of the killing since neither victim shared his blood type sophisticated DNA test to determine if the blood matches Simpsons could take as long as two months to complete and when this glove was DNA tested and matched the DNA of OJ Ron and Nicole pretty much no one in the beginning thought that OJ did it the public loved him they did not want to think that he could have been capable of being involved in this at all they figured there was an explanation for him he had a lot of public support wasn't long before authorities started referring to him as a person of interest and he really became a suspect when they realized that he had a cut on his hand but one thing that is very controversial about this case and a lot of people are very bothered by this after they we're checking out the murder scene they went directly to OJ's house at 5:00 a.m. and they said that they were actually going over to OJ's house June 4 that his ex-wife was killed the defense claims that they went to OJ's house to try to pin the murder on him when they got to his house there was a car parked outside his famous white Bronco and detective Fuhrman notice what he thought was blood above the driver's side handle and after they saw the blood they were worried that Oh J himself was a victim so they went to try to go find him they went inside the property started knocking on his front door and at 5:50 a.m. Kato who is OJ's friend who is staying there opened the door he told them that when he was lying in the guest house he was in bed talking to his girlfriend on the phone when he heard these loud thumps on the wall I said I didn't know if this is like a big thing but I heard these thumps they spooky and the picture moved and with a picture moved I said I think we just had an earthquake it's back behind this wall and that's what they found the glove it went outside and that is where they found a bloody leather so that is right folks there was a bloody leather glove at the crime scene and a bloody leather glove at bojay Simpson's house if you were trying to committed murder that doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do but by 6:30 a.m. several people were there at the house observing this bloody trail that went from OJ's car through his gate around his house and up into his house one of the detectives found four to five little droplets of blood on the walkway in the foyer of OJ's house and he found a bloody sock and at that point the OJ Simpson's house was also declared a crime scene they cleared everyone from the house and got a search warrant so obviously at this point all the evidence is starting to point back to a jay Simpson there is blood inside his Bronco on his driveway in two of his bathrooms and a bloody sock in a Jays bedroom and not only that but the blood on his Bronco matched Ron and Nicole and the blood on the sock matched Nicole and the bloody glove that they found on the side of his house also had blonde hairs on it Ron Goldman had a 20 for defense wounds like cuts scratches on his hands Ron and OJ were exactly the same height but Ron was 20 years younger than AJ and was also trained in self-defense so it seems like he put up quite a fight no I was weird about this as you'd expect the murderer to also have cuts and scratches on their hand and OJ's body was examined and he only had that one cut on his left hand he'd also expected the murderer would have a lot of blood on them since there's so much blood at the crime scene but no J's Bronco didn't have that much blood in it I mean there was blood but not like a ton of blood and it's not like OJ himself was covered in blood either there also weren't that many drops of blood found in OJ's house but like at the end of the day why was there blood in his house at all should have been there at all they ended up retracing OJ's steps in an attempt to find the murder weapon they searched the plane that he flew on to Chicago that night searched his hotel that he had stayed in briefly while he was there Angeles Police detectives arrived in Chicago last night to examine a hotel room Simpson checked into the morning after the murders also arriving in Chicago today an independent forensics expert hired by OJ Simpson's attorney to examine evidence Chicago police removed from the hotel room and they even looked in the walls of the hotel he had stayed in and weren't able to find a nut so as I mentioned in my Kardashian's fears there is video last week Robert Kardashian kris Jenner's ex-husband and father of Kim Kourtney maybe Chloe was Robert Kardashian and he was extremely involved in this trial not only that he was one of Jays best friends Kris and Robert hung out with OJ and Nicole all the time several pictures of them all together I think this has been a really tough year you know to have 15 months for all of us not only have we lost Nicole we've lost OJ - Chris was actually pregnant with kendall Jenner Lee now a world-famous model how long six more weeks six more weeks six weeks a little girl and here she is Chris shared this portrait of her newborn daughter Kendall's middle name it's actually Nicole a tribute to Christian or slain best friend however Chris and Robert were divorced at this point before their divorce Chris Robert and their four children spent many happy days and family vacations with OJ his wife Nicole Brown Simpson and their two children Sydney and Justin so she kind of took the side of Nicole's because she's very concerned about her friends she had heard Nicole express time where she was scared for her life he's gonna kill me and he's gonna get away with it your children used to call Oh J uncle JJ and Aunty Nicole it was tough and it was there was a lot of tension and the kids probably suffered as a result of it I think they felt like everybody was on my side for a while so they felt the need to maybe go to daddy's side a little bit and it was a lot of confusion but he fell he needed to be there for his friend and he wanted to be a loyal friend and that's exactly who Robert was Robert Kardashian was there the day after the murders at OJ's house and that day he walked out of OJ house with a big suitcase a garment bag as it was referred to most of the time and his bag definitely looks like there's something in it possibly a weapon of some sort words some type of evidence they were ordered not to touch that bag not to take anything out of it and hand it over to the court but when the bag was given to the court it was completely empty now tell me from the looks of this photo does it look empty to you here because to me it looks like there's 100,000% something in that bag so to this day no one knows what was inside of that bag so obviously they wanted to interview Robert Kardashian about what was in this bag however they couldn't because he was Oh J Simpson's defense attorney and attorney-client privilege blocks them from getting any of that information from him On June 16 1994 Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman or laid to rest let's get right to it our top story at four o'clock funeral services for the victims of a double murder both ceremonies were emotional farewells this afternoon attended by hundreds of mourners out in Brentwood at Nicole Simpson's private service many friends and family members embraced each other before entering a Catholic Church that was filled to capacity meantime Channel 4 News has learned that investigators are examining new key evidence that links OJ Simpson to the crime Oh J Simpson's former attorney Howard Weitzman his current attorney Bob Shapiro former footballer Bob Chandler among many all greeted by OJ Simpson's close close friend and former teammate al cowlings the win that Kame poof Oh Jay was gone this is when the search for OJ Simpson started if you in any way our assistant mr. Simpson in avoiding justice mr. Simpson is a fugitive of Justice right now there was so much media coverage about this this became a major hot topic if this was today this would be the number one trending thing on Twitter everyone was wondering where's OJ Simpson because it doesn't look good to not show up you know if you're innocent you should show up right but at this point Robert Kardashian actually found a note from OJ and this is what it said I had nothing to do with Nicole's murder I loved her always have and always will if we had a problem it's because I love her I loved her so much recently we came to the understanding that for now we were not right for each other at least for now despite our love we were different and that's why we mutually agreed to go our separate ways it was tough splitting for a second time when we both knew it was for the best inside I had no doubt that in the future we would be close friends or more I did not plead no contest for any other reason but to protect our privacy and was advised it would end the press hype I know you have a job to do but as a last wish please please please leave my children in peace my mama taught me to do unto others I treated people the way I wanted to be treated all this press talk about a rocky relationship was no more than that then I'm sorry no more than what every long-term relationship experiences at times I have felt like a battered husband tore boyfriend don't feel sorry for me I've had a great life great friends please think of the real oj and not this lost person thanks for making my life special I hope I helped yours mr. Shapiro can you tell us what if anything in addition to that letter o J might have said or did or you do exist to us to us no concerns from Tuesday on he has been extremely depressed he has been under doctor's care medicated and sedated and we have had a very real concern that this might be an avenue that he would choose has there been any communication from him whatever white Bronco was spotted with OJ inside and he was on le Interstate five and talk to him and hopefully have him just pull over it right now I don't see the police doing anything real radical at this point because right now there's nobody in dangerous moments in American history so many people were glued to their TV watching this this was the most wild thing I'm sure some of you remember this but OJ was driving in the car with a gun to his head his car was actually thought to be registered to his longtime friend and teammate at USC al cowlings and al eventually got on the phone with a dispatcher [Music] we're gonna do that just throw the gun out the window thank you we're not gonna body we're gonna let you go up there just throw it out the window please you scared everybody the police decided to let him go back to his house but begged him to throw the gun out at the car window and he didn't and meanwhile there are tons of people lining the streets at this point holding up signs like people really loved OJ most of the signs we're supporting the OJ go Jay free OJ because at this point I have to remind people that a lot of the evidence wasn't known I mean for a while a lot of people thought that OJ was innocent even towards the end of the trial there was many people who believed he was innocent this has seemed to change a lot I personally ran a poll on my own Twitter this was the results so obviously people overwhelmingly think that he's guilty but back then people really really liked him and just couldn't imagine that he could do something like this so there were tons of people out lining the streets supporting him he finally got off at Sunset Boulevard and went to his house the chase lasted over two hours when OJ pulled him to his house his son Jason who was from his previous marriage came running out and looks to be yelling at his dad cops pulled him away and this is where they were finally able to negotiate with J and on June 22nd of 1994 OJ was arraigned in the LA Superior Court where he would wait for his trial to start mister sentence understand at this time you wish you had her plead guilty or not guilty Your Honor at this time we would we have an area here as soon as possible [Music] one of the things that's extremely important to note about this case and you just can't talk about it without talking about this at the time there was a ton of distress with the police as there is today especially with people of color because as we know people of color get [ __ ] over and over and over again in our justice system and this was at a very heated time this was right around the LA riot many people just did not trust the police and they believed that Oh Jay could have been set up by the police with some type of racial motivation and the majority of people of color at that time believe like sixty percent believe that OJ was innocent the country was absolutely divided on this case and the defense really ran with that and made the case that Oh Jay really was set up by the police said that the real killer was out there one thing that's really weird to know is that underneath Nicole's fingernails there was DNA of someone who wasn't Ron and wasn't OJ
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 1,275,962
Rating: 4.9325075 out of 5
Keywords: Kendall rae, storytime
Id: oLtXhzLkGYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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