Amanda Knox & Meredith Kercher: What Really Happened? Part 1

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going to the ATM emptying your your bank account out I think going to the liquor store to get like a decent amount of liquor I mean $40.00 but it doesn't seem that unusual if she was going on a little trip if she was meeting people she and like it's not like she got she's like one street party she got lucky yeah she got like party drink type stuff like hello everyone welcome back to another double feature true crime video this is a two-part video on a very very well known popular case that I've had requested so many times and that is the famous trial of Amanda Knox if you're not familiar with this trial it is about a young American girl who went over to Italy to spend some time there and ended up getting involved in a murder investigation that lasted a very long time it is such an interesting story I'm really excited to tell you guys about it it's a little different because we are dealing with like the Italian police and the Italian court system and stuff so I'm definitely curious how many of you out there are from Italy yourselves and maybe can understand some of this stuff a little better than I can always appreciate your comments below this is going to be a two-part video so be sure to check out the second part after you watch this one by checking out the link in the description box this is Amanda Marie Knox she was born on July 9th of 1987 in Seattle Washington and she grew up in Seattle with her three younger sisters her mom was a math teacher and her father was a vice president of finance out of local Macy's they ended up getting divorced though when she was only a few years old and her mother got remarried to a man named Chris who was an IT consultant Amanda described herself as being a little Corky a little weird definitely really outgoing extroverted fun she was kind of nerdy she was really into Harry Potter do you like Harry love with Harry Potter I am I'm reading it in German and I'm gonna get the second in Italian and I'm not even gonna be able to read it because I could even do it telling it but what kind of girl was she in high school she's a little different she's not heavy into being into the popular crowd even though she lives a huge you know app athlete and could have kind of joined that kind of crowd in high school you know she didn't tend to do a huge amount of socializing in high school except in those small groups you know she didn't go to the football games and hang out a lot because that wasn't interesting for her but working on a music roll or spending hours working on musicals Amanda's the kindest person I know and she'll do anything to make people happy and she cares about everyone else before herself and Amanda was a very adventurous girl so when she got a little older she decided that she wanted to do some traveling and Amanda also loved Italy she had a dream of spending time in Italy because she had gone there when she was 15 years old and visited Rome Kisa and the ruins of Pompeii and she fell in love with the city that's your David oh dude I swear to God I don't know what it is about people who think that guys are not attractive physically but in 2005 Amanda graduated from high school and went on to study linguistics at the University of Washington and she was a really good student actually in 2007 she made the university's dean list while amanda was in college she felt like she needed to find herself and I think a lot of people go through this I know I definitely went through this period of just self-discovery in college and a lot of people feel the need to kind of push themselves to discover more about themselves she decided the best way for her to you know find who she is is to travel and I actually really agree with this I think traveling gives you an excellent perspective of the world and really changed me as a person I first left the country just a few years ago and just leaving America was very eye-opening for me and really changed my life in a lot of ways she really wanted to go back to Italy and she went there when she was 15 and so she decided to work three different jobs save up a ton of money and send herself to Italy so in September of 2007 she packed up all her stuff and headed to Italy Amanda was gonna be living in a flat in Perugia she actually lived in a valley on this hill in a beautiful house on Via della pergolas she had three other flatmates Orb roommates two of them were Italian trainee lawyers and the third was a woman from South London named Meredith Kercher and their apartment her flat is one of those that was split so the bottom level someone else lived in and then they had the top level and they shared it as soon as Amanda got to Italy she decided to get a job she ended up getting a job at a pub called lay she the owner of the club was a man named Patrick Lumumba he was a musician from the Congo and he thought that hiring Amanda would bring in customers he mentioned that Amanda was a good employee for the most part - she did sometimes get a little distracted but as soon as he'd remind her to you know pay attention she would and he had no complaints about her Meredith was born on December 28th of 1985 in South Park New London Meredith had two older brothers John and Lyle and an older sister named Stephanie in August of 2007 Meredith was getting ready to attend her freshman year at the University of Perugia Italy she was going to be studying European politics and Meredith also went to Italy when she was 15 and also fell in love with it I heard it's pretty hard not to fall in love with Italy never had the chance to go there myself but I would love to one day she also felt like she wanted to spend some time there and kind of you know self develop so she was so excited to be studying abroad once she got to Perugia she settled into her new home and met her roommates now there is a lot of hearsay and rumours in this case so I'm not really completely sure on this or what Amanda would say but apparently there was a little bit of awkwardness between them just because they were so different Meredith was pretty straight-laced very like professional proper a good girl and amanda was a little more on the wild side a little more sexually experienced and definitely more of a partier just kind of like more of a free spirit so they were like kind of polar opposites on October 25th Amanda and Meredith decided to go to a classical music concert together and while they were there Amanda met a guy named Rafael Sollecito Raphael was known to be a very sweet smart and charming man he was from Bari Italy and was studying IT and Raphael and Amanda clicked very quickly they became instantly best friends they immediately started hanging out and she said she had never been in love before but she was falling for Raphael I soon as she would get out of class she would instantly meet up with him they were spending literally 24/7 together all of their time but they only had about a week of this honeymoon period I guess you could call it on November 1st Amanda got a text from her boss Patrick saying that she didn't need to come into work that day so her and Raphael decided to have a really mellow night together cooking dinner watching movies smoking a joint and then Amanda woke up the next day around 10:00 a.m. they lived very close together so she could walk back to her place so around that time she left and headed back to her place Amanda said when she was walking into her house the first thing she noticed is that the door was wide open I would be very concerned if that were me that is not good but she decided to go into the house didn't think anything was out of the ordinary until she went to the bathroom and she saw a few drops of blood in the sink no at first she did not think anything of this either but she thought it was something like someone had cut themselves with razor and just had a little blood in the sink didn't clean it up nothing to freak out about but I mean now the doors open there's blood in the sink it's looking a little weird but she decided to go ahead and take a shower but after she got out of the shower she noticed a big bloody footprint on the bath mat for some reason amanda thought that this still was not a big deal that someone probably had just cut themselves and stepped on the bath mat so she just went ahead and started blow-drying her hair now this seems really weird to me because if I saw a huge bloody footprint and my door was open and there was blood in the sink I would definitely be concerned at this point I'd probably be out of the apartment already seeking help or seeking police cuz that is not good but while she was blow-drying her hair she happened to look over in the toilet and notice that someone had taken a [ __ ] and did not flush it only then was she freaked out enough to realize that something was going on she realized that maybe there was someone else in the house and that just sparked her to run out of the house and go back to Raphael's house she got there told him that she was really freaked out that maybe there was someone in her house she didn't know where Meredith was so he walked back there with her and the two of them went and together when they were walking through the house they noticed that Meredith's bedroom door was locked they tried knocking on the door they tried calling her cellphone she wasn't answering so they started to get really concerned about her that maybe she was on the other side of the door especially if there's blood maybe she injured herself I mean no one knows what could be happening at this point so they were just really scared Amanda started to kind of freak out and Raphael tried to kick the door down but he could not break the door down now this is kind of weird but randomly two police officers from the civilian police force which is like a low-key police department kind of showed up at their house because they had discovered a cell phone not belonged to Meredith that they think it had been thrown out of a car into someone's backyard and someone called the police and the police are guys enough to like bring it back to her so it was kind of random they didn't call the police they just kind of showed up there and when they got there realized kind of what was going on they called the military police in campus phenomena Venus every Tatiana when the military police got there they told everyone to get out of the house so they could go look through it and when they knocked down her door they discovered Meredith's body and she had been killed and there was blood everywhere seriously everywhere Meredith's body was laying naked on the ground covered in a blanket and there was evidence that she had been held down kind of restrained and she had a bunch of different wounds on her body and then a really severe gash on her neck so definitely not a pretty sight so Meredith's body was obviously taken in for an autopsy now jumping forward a little bit let's talk about the autopsy when the results came in it was reported that Meredith was sexually assault now often times when you find a naked victim you kind of assume this but it was now confirmed there were also traces of an unknown males DNA on her body her body had a total of 40 wounds on it so the autopsy report made police think that maybe there was more than one person involved because 40 wounds is a lot that maybe was some type of sex game or some type of group that does this sort of thing there were already reporters on the crime scene right away there were videos of Raphael and Amanda kind of kissing and comforting each other outside of the apartment this got a lot of flack I guess you could say from the media I'm not looking like you're grieving and what made suspicion bloom even more was when there was a candle light vigil held for Meredith and Amanda and Raphael did not even show up and this person was someone that Minda claimed was her friend she was living with her she was you know was the one that came across her body you to think out of respect you would go to a vigil and instead they were at a friend's house together having dinner on December 14th of 2007 funeral for Meredith was help at Croydon parish church with more than 300 people in attendance from the jump investigators were looking at everything in the house collecting evidence going over things photographing everything and they collected over 400 pieces of evidence from the house no not that like that in two days after the murder happened the police decided to bring Amanda back to the house to see if she could figure out if there was any knives missing from their drawer they thought maybe she would recognize that one was gone and then they would be able to find the murder weapon so when they did this with Amanda she went in there and she said that while she was looking at all the knives it suddenly hit her what had happened that her roommate had been murdered in their apartment brutally someone that she knew and with a knife that was possibly from their place she said she was overcome with emotion instantly went into hysterics and the police thought this was very very strange however at this point she was not a suspect sella turcica vasanthan era with if our dependent hey I know Stifel on November 5th the police called in Raphael for questioning Amanda was actually not asked to be questioned but she decided to come with him and waited in the waiting room and while he was being questioned there were reports that Amanda had super weird behavior in the waiting room people were reporting that she was doing like car wheels exercises stretching yoga I know I've talked about cases where people will do weird things like this and interrogation rooms or something like that and it definitely doesn't prove someone is guilty of anything but Amanda said that it was really blown out of proportion that all she was doing was stretching because she was waiting there for hours and that she did the splits which is a little strange but hey uh yeah amanda was a little strange that's what you're gonna learn about her is she's just kind of weird just like a little quirky ahead a little different so meanwhile Raphael is being questioned and they asked for his version of what happened that night what he was doing that kind of stuff and he started out by saying that him and Amanda were at his apartment the entire night but the police decided that this wasn't a good answer so they decided to continue questioning him at some point Raphael said he started to lose his sense of reality because they questioned him for a really long time now I'm sure many of you if you're a fan of true crime are familiar with cases where interrogation has just gone completely wrong if you're not familiar with this type of thing there's a great documentary on Netflix it's called the confession tapes it's about people giving false confessions under the pressure of the police it happens quite often people are abused or tactics are use that are just not ethical people are tricked and they yell at you for so long that you eventually start to think you did something and this happens a lot these interrogators are literally trained on how to say and how to get under your skin he said that he suddenly became delusional and changed his entire story he said that he had been lying to them the whole time he changed his story and said that Amanda didn't get to his house until 1:00 and after he changed his story they wanted to take a look at Amanda's phone see if there was any proof of where she was that night or see if there is anything to prove that she was at Rafael's house or when she got there and when they were going through her phone they found that text message from her boss saying that she didn't have to come into work that night and she had replied to him saying we will see each other later have a good night and police took this as she was going to be seen Patrick later that night at this point they decided to start interrogating Amanda and Amanda said that she can't remember exactly what happened while she was being interrogated because she was under so much stress she said that the police were screaming at her cursing at her threatening her scaring her saying things like we have stuff that crews that you did this like we already have enough evidence that you're guilty so you might as well confess which is used quite a lot she said that at one point a police officer actually physically assaulted her by smacking her in the back of the head and telling her that she better remember by 1:45 a.m. Amanda said that she was just completely tired she had been questioning and interrogated work hours amanda says that once she had been physically and verbally attacked she also became sort of delusional and told the police that Patrick who was the owner of the bar you may remember her boss she said that Patrick did and Amanda claims that in that moment she for some reason thought Patrick really did they were screaming at her so much freaking her out that she somehow concocted a vision in her head that showed Patrick at her house and Meredith screaming Keiko sooner male he premature is to obey video so what's the extent of the police evidence at this point it includes the nut police believed Amanda and they went to Patrick's house and arrested him and then the next day in November six Amanda and Rafael were also arrested and shortly after this amanda actually wrote them a letter saying that she wasn't quite sure about what she said about Patrick that she felt like she was under immense stress and pressure she said she almost felt like she was in a dreamlike state and just felt so uncomfortable and said of things that she doesn't think are true now looking back soon after this Amanda's friends around the town started coming forward saying that amanda was acting really weird after the murder one friend claimed that she had said I hope Meredith didn't suffer badly and Amanda responded her by saying of course she [ __ ] suffered she had her [ __ ] throat cut which I mean yeah duh like she probably did but I think she was more just like frustrated with her saying something like that but they thought it was really weird that someone would say something so nasty so all three of them were placed in the cap and prison and at this point this case had become international news like it had blown up I'm sure most of you out there know the name Amanda Knox and are somewhat familiar with the trial whether you think she's guilty or innocent or based on whatever you know you at least probably know who she is the media following was insane like so many people were tuning in all the time to see the updates it was like nightly news for a lot of stations it was such an interesting story to people you know this American girl gets wrapped up in a murder investigation and could have potentially done it is she guilty is she innocent she's in an Italian prison this is like every parent's worst nightmare when they have a kid who's studying abroad so people were just glued to their TVs and to their media and when they looked at their social media profiles unfortunately they didn't have the best pictures out there and the two pictures that started to be used and you know cycle around the media was a picture of Amanda holding a machine gun while laughing and then Rafaela had a picture of him dressed up as a mummy holding a giant axe so we really couldn't get any worse I mean these are probably the worst possible pictures for you to have because now the media is just going to use them to paint a picture of who you are and in this video we're going to talk a lot about women being shamed for their sexual preferences or how often they have sex or who they have sex or what they do I just want everyone to know my personal opinion is that everyone should be able to have whatever kind of sex they want and I would never you know judge someone based on what they were doing but oftentimes women in the media or women who are being attacked or someone's trying to portray them negatively they will really slut-shame them make them look like a bad person because they are sexually curious or just experienced or you know into something kinky or whatever what-have-you and oftentimes this will be used against a woman now this happened to Amanda insanely bad the whole world started calling her foxy Knoxy which was kind of a nickname that she had back at home but it became a very sexual and degrading name and to make matters worse it was discovered and reported that Amanda and Raphael had gone to like a lingerie shop the day after Meredith was murdered and people that were there said they were talking dirty to each other so three weeks after Patrick the bar owner was arrested a customer actually was able to give the police evidence that showed that he was at his bar at work when the murder happened and giving him an alibi this set him free so moving forward a little bit on December 17th in the courthouse the lead prosecutor Giuliano McMinn II asked Amanda why she blamed Patrick if he wasn't even there and manages to him what I said earlier that she was being you know forced basically by the police to say something and that that is what came to mind and she was just pretty much delusional but they did not believe her they kept telling her that she was lying now this is crazy but when Amanda was admitted into jail they gave her a STD test and this is when she was told that she was HIV positive and was going to get AIDS so she was really upset about this obviously I mean who wouldn't be it's pretty shocking news and she decided to write about this in a diary and in her diary she wrote about how she was shocked she was really scared that she was going to get AIDS and died and that she had always wanted a family but now this was never going to happen for her and this journal somehow got leaked to the media so this became public so now it became you know this girl has AIDS she has STDs she's dirty she's you know painted as whatever they want to say that she is now the worst thing about this is it turns out that she actually did not have HIV they only told her that to [ __ ] with her Amanda's seriously went through so much [ __ ] I mean can you put yourself in her shoes being young and in a country a foreign country that where they're speaking other languages and you don't have your family and not only that you get put into jail and then you're treated like terribly told that you have AIDS your Diaries leak the media is coming after you mean can you imagine what Amanda was going through and how horrible this was on her and it was horrible for her whole family as well they were pretty shocked by everything that was going on couldn't believe it was happening to their daughter hello I'm Elizabeth Marcus and welcome to 2020 in touch all week were going to be taking a look at a murder mystery that is making international headlines an American college student studying abroad is now behind bars in Italy suspected in the brutal murder of her roommate did a night of sex and drugs turn into violence or is she an innocent abroad so anyway in the investigation they went to Raphael's house and went through all of his kitchen tools and they found a knife that matched the murder weapon I think this basically means that they were able to match up a weapon shape to the shape of the cuts and after running a DNA test on this apparently Amanda's DNA was found on the handle of the knife and Meredith's DNA was found on the blade Amanda said she had no idea why either of their DNA was on it and she really questioned the police and all of this and she said it was basically impossible for Meredith's DNA to be over at Raphael's house forty days into the investigation they found a clip from Meredith's bra just like a tiny little Brocklin they did DNA tests on the bra clip and they found that Raphael's DNA was on it and I don't know how they missed this the first time but they also found a fingerprint on Meredith's pillow that was underneath her body and when they ran this DNA they found a match they matched it to a man named rudy herman weed they also did a DNA test by reading his apartment that he was staying in and get da-rae office toothbrush and it turns out that his DNA was found on her bra strap the sleeve of her sweatshirt and on her body no it's crazy as Rudy had been convicted of Breaking and Entering before not only that people in the community said that he was known for being kind of a sketchball but by the time the police made this discovery Rudy was already headed out of the country to Germany on November 20th of 2007 an international arrest warrant was issued for Rudy when they finally got a hold of him he told them that he met Amanda and Meredith when he was playing basketball with the people that lived on the bottom floor of their apartment Rudy said that he actually met Meredith the night before she died and he also says that the next day he went to Meredith's house and it started getting physical but they didn't have sex and that would explain why his DNA was on her Rudy says he then went to the bathroom and while he was in there he heard screaming when he came out of the bathroom he says he's I a man standing over Meredith Rudy says that the men then tried to attack him cutting his hand with the knife and then running out of the house he claims that then he saw Meredith bleeding with her throat slashed and and he tried to help the bleeding by using towels from inside their house and that is how he left a thumbprint on her pillow he said then the bleeding started to get way worse and he started to panic and just ran out of the house and he said that he now regrets not calling 911 so if you're like me you're like ding ding this is [ __ ] there's no way you would see a situation like that and not tell anyone right like come on so this guy probably did it for the past year this quiet community in central Italy has been riveted by the death of Meredith Kercher Kircher was a British student found dead from stab wounds in an apartment she shared with American college student Amanda Knotts prosecutors allege the Kircher died during what began as a sex game with Knox stabbing her in the neck Knox's boyfriend Raffaele a stiletto held kertzer from behind and a third suspect rudy Gay day tried to sexually assault her Tuesday gay day was convicted of murder and sentenced to 30 years in after his defense requested a fast-tracked trial the judge then ordered Knox and her ex-boyfriend to stand trial for murder in early December all three suspects have denied wrongdoing although Knox and her ex-boyfriend have not been formally charged they've been in custody for about a year lawyers for the two had asked that their clients be granted house arrest if invited the judge hasn't ruled on that but a decision is expected in the coming days at a press conference following Tuesday's proceeding Kercher's family said they were pleased by the judge's decision but he did say that Amanda had nothing to do with it and that she wasn't even there so you may think okay this case must be ending now there's a probable suspect they have a lot of evidence a trial is going to begin so what happens amanda probably goes free well that is not what happened this only gets crazier this story is insane so head over to part two there's a link in the description box and I'll see you guys over there you
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 1,688,649
Rating: 4.9229231 out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, true, story, educational, interesting, news, amanda, knox, meredith kercher, danelle hallan, bella fiori, shane dawson, documentary, solved, unsolved, where is, italy crime, true crime, crime, law enforcement, case, criminal
Id: kkurYz_U1Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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