Renovating Friend's House To Luxury Mansion

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let's get started today I'm planning on playing a prank on Mikey it'll be fun I'll sneak into Mikey's house and change all of his things out for more luxurious stuff without getting caught it's night time so let's take a look inside Mikey's out cold I'll sneak in while he's asleep and then I'll spend all night working on this hilarious prank it's gonna be so great all right I'm in now is Mikey still asleep no oh Mikey's asleep so I'll need to be really stealthy what should I start with I need to be careful not to wake up Mikey while I do this see [Applause] I'll start with the things closest to Mikey what's all this these look like Mikey's clothes and hats well phew all right yeah Mikey seems to have a lot of clothes while I'm here I'll make all his clothes fancier for starters sorry about this Mikey but I'm gonna have to get rid of these for now the very first thing is this nice I started by leaving a night suit of iron armor here that's cool wow moving on over here I've left some more modern clothing there are even shoes and accessories in the back and now I'll leave them even more clothing it's definitely a different style of clothes from what Mikey normally wears so maybe it'll be easy for him to notice the changes now what should I renovate next I don't want to stay in Mikey's room for too much longer in case he wakes up oh this must be the kitchen over here he's still asleep now for the kitchen oh there's a cake sitting here hmm yeah that gives me an idea I'd like to renovate the kitchen into the kind of wondrous place that is always full of cakes yeah that's perfect now let's see I've got just the thing and I'll put it right here yeah take a look at that there's so many cakes you'd think it was a bakery I'll put down a sign here too looks great now it really feels like a fancy Bakery with a ton of cakes but there can always be more like on the top of this table maybe over here and some more over here is that good then I'll put some big decorative cakes around here they're really impressive this place is totally decked out in Suites awesome Mikey is gonna love this Bakery one more cake for luck all right now Mikey's kitchen is full of desserts oh how is he doing still asleep perfect he hasn't noticed this was the only cake that was in here before but now there's a whole bunch of cakes around I wonder how Mikey's gonna react I can't wait to see if he realizes that I pranked him all right now then hmm where should I go next I want to renovate some more oh gotta move quietly what's this a game room oh this must be Mikey's game room let's go foreign wow this room is pretty big but it's super super drab it's just a laptop hmm yeah this is a bummer I think I'll renovate it for him let's start over here ah how about a dart board and then I'll put this right next to it can't forget to fill it with equipment and done now we can use a bow and arrow to hit the bullseye hey that's pretty fun now let's add another game over here maybe something cool like this let's see check this out I mean it's the bare minimum to have a foosball table in a game room let's see where should I go next oh I know one here and oops I'll put this in these are cues used for playing pool and then the pool table can go just over here whoa awesome is isn't this a much better game room just look at all this there's a pool table and foosball and even a dart board plus yeah Mikey can still play computer games [Music] that's much more luxurious Mikey's always playing computer games alone so I think it's nice that he'll have options now he might realize that it was me who pranked him when he sees all the changes but I can't wait to see his reaction now is Mikey still asleep I'll go check he's out [Music] what huh what's that it's a suspicious looking lever he's asleep so I'm gonna pull it hmm there's a secret passage Mikey what are you hiding let's find out oh lava that's dangerous what oh hey is that a vault wow that's seriously fancy huh I wouldn't mind taking a look inside could we have an incredible stash of secret Savings in there with a vault this big adore this thick and security well I just have to know I have to know what's inside Mikey's Vault so let's take a look open whoa the inside of it is huge but wow are those pennies he doesn't have any savings at all it's a huge Vault with some spare change oh that just won't do since I'm already in here I might as well fill out Mikey's Vault and add to the prank all right let's pad The Vault out with treasure just like this I'll leave bars of gold and silver all over the place this is a bunch of bars plus let's leave him some gold coins too Mikey only had pennies now he'll have lots of gold doubloons foreign all right that's a lot better look inside Mikey's Vault and it's almost bursting with treasure this is an incredible amount of treasure mm-hmm I'm pretty sure that Mikey will figure out that I've been pranking him once he sees that his vault is full of all this treasure I'm a little worried but oh well for now I need to escape before he catches on to me up we go let's see oh he's still asleep sneaky sneaky all right then wow okay now I'll wait for Mikey to wake up and then we can look through his house together I wonder if Mikey will notice that I pranked him while he slept and made all of his stuff way fancier or maybe not [Music] all right it's morning Mikey should be waking up anytime now well Mikey's awake let's pay him a visit oh morning JJ good morning hey did you just wake up yep I slept a lot thanks for visiting come on in oh thanks let's spend the morning hanging out together that sounds nice I was thinking could you show me around your house like a tour wherever you whoa Mikey have you always had this many clothes yep I have lots of clothes have I always had these hmm weird Mikey these are super super fancy um yeah well I'm really particular about the clothes I wear right like this really cool t-shirt yeah so cool yeah it doesn't seem like he realizes it yet Mikey well I'm feeling a bit hungry do you have anything in your kitchen oh now that you mention it I bought a cake let's eat it together come on this is the kitchen if the clothes didn't tip him off then the kitchen will alright Mikey let's go let's eat huh what what is all this did I buy this many cakes wait what Mikey your kitchen wow it's just like a nice Bakery I'm impressed who'd have thought you'd have had so many cakes wait a sec did you buy all of these because I was coming over well I guess I don't remember buying them though I mean well whatever never mind the details let's eat a Bunchie cake sounds great sure let's not waste them if you insist let's eat hmm these other cakes look good too definitely so I'll try this yummy one awesome JJ this is the best oh thanks Mikey [Music] I'm so full me too notice that I pranked him yum maybe we should try somewhere else uh Mikey I'm full so why don't we play some games that's a good idea but I only have single player games right now that's okay Mikey we can just take turns let's go to your game room now sure it's over here okay sounds good [Music] here it is [Music] um a pool table and a Foosball game and there's a dartboard too wait what's going on here huh what is all of this wow your game room is amazing where did you get so many fun things I mean look at this there are so many options I'm impressed something is weird today huh well it's fine let's just play JJ okay [Music] this is fun I wish Sherry would have realized this was a prank but Mikey still doesn't know oh all right if this didn't work then the final step is to go to the vault Mikey sorry to interrupt but I just had a question does your house have a vault I was thinking that if you had one I'd like to see it oh well I guess that's fine but there's not much in there to be honest oh well that's okay Mikey I'd still really like to check it out if you don't mind [Music] follow me nice let's go okay over here see this it's actually a secret entrance isn't it great whoa come on oh wow oh I'm right behind you I wonder what's inside your vault here it is but like I said there's nothing impressive inside so don't get your hopes up but still Mikey just show me inside okay if you insist uh what where did all this golden treasure come from whoa this is amazing Mikey did you collect all this yourself huh don't remember [Music] seem right oh will he finally figure it out [Music] well JJ this must be a prank if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 804,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: NZ20Q_ek2GQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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