We're never doing this again... Roblox Expedition Antarctica!

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[Music] see i saved myself because i am a strong independent mountain climber oh this is the slippery oh i fell i fell like that oh don't rush me i have to die funny i have to do it you have to do it for the gram oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it doesn't work guys wait up i'm behind gold you went up the wrong side of the ladder i need to bring this person to the end we're not leaving without them let's go we are brought back here to roblox expedition antarctica because we hit 100 000 likes thank you guys so much thank you are you ready no we can fly now we can do this i am ready yeah we have wings guys please wish us luck um see this cookie right here smash like and don't forget to subscribe if you're loving this type of content and yeah time to get the crew family let's do this we leave now woo all right everyone's in here follow us we got it 2 30. setting off bottle of the play yes time to fly let's go look at this it's epic i see some people are hardcore and they're uh everyone hold that flag so many canadian flags so messy let's go don't fall in the water guys it's cold no some people already fell down it's freezing we got this we already played this once [Music] easy i love how rushed everyone looks look at this we all have skill i hope you guys train you look so epic and so many of us are still you guys didn't know but in the past months all of us we've been training for this moment we've been playing hobbies no i'm kidding oh yeah breakfast expedition lunch expedition dinner also it also takes into play that we went to a real-life glacier so we we're gonna know how cold it is and we can really feel this in and out oh yeah totally log expedition i think they all left you oh this is awkward um oh hey proof i'm serious selfie funny other funny fan girl okay epic everyone made it past we got it good we can't leave nobody behind you got this you got this come on yeah oh man they're way more pro than us this is embarrassing oh my gosh they're up ahead of us they're like they're probably like why are you guys taking selfies this is a matter of life or death oh no no the ice who's down's ever gonna melt who's down there is that rainbow i don't know i'm here no it's not it's another pink haired girl this is what happens i guess oh no oh so far there's too many people on here how come it took us so long to do this last time it's because we weren't prepared it was a cause no it's because we have this time let's go climb up this these wings are actually helping us a lot where to look at everyone go oh we said we're pro but we're in the back of the now we're in the middle front uh we're actually in the back oh someone just took damage rainbow can you heal people no how much health plate no heels no heel he must preserve it oh okay i am not a search and rescue today we will try to win oh no expedition rainbow it's okay it's okay i'll just climb back up does she's waiting oh oof man some people are falling behind come on wings are distracting sorry we can't stop for nobody we have to get there by five to second base or else it's going to turn out oh time is accelerating whoa what happened wait excuse me it's 5 30. guys come on there's a selfie logo we've got to make it to base one gold you've got your selfies the first time yeah i agree no more selfies okay you left me behind draco should we swing people across or no no no we don't have time okay we don't have time to goof around you have to save someone's dying in the water hello jack are you gonna save that person i cannot oh no look at dude you're gonna save them though oh they'll just jump down okay i will jacob come on help help there you go come on you have to save proof and you have to swim over here come here come on oh oh they're dead oh that was sad it's okay they could recrawl it won't take them that long yeah oh not this first oh rainbow come on oh yes good job everyone everyone's like you can do it all right speed run this clearly crew femme has been training for this well we have not and there's an avalanche bunny that crew fam at the front is an expert they're an expert they've expeditioned 23 times what you know what it says on their head that's insane we've got an expert in here we've got someone wait i think someone just fell down the hall no no they didn't eyes on the prize we're in good hands you guys luna where you at how is she so front i'm turning on my storm goggles it is getting a little too foggy for me wait i think i just saw someone holding them lunar i think you're starting to see things yeah come back twins come back wait where are we going guys over here advanced jump whoa i don't think climbing the walls that safe guys one at a time remember we're not pushing anyone off yeah you push one at a time we should be killed good job good job i love this i love the attitude everyone is working together oh this is so cool wait did we even survive this oh man what what's happening this is the thing we need to roam with oh no i'm scared i can't even see no who's jumping what is wrong one at a time go guys bunny protect me i don't think i can protect you i suck at this uh okay just go luna you just go oh they said you must hop they said if you hop it i don't know why what they're gonna happen this is my emergency whistle sorry would i blow it it means yeah just save me rainbow you go you go first rainbow you go i'm gonna hop like her do you think i'll survive yeah just go rainbow you got this oh no oh she's doing it rainbow come on i'm so scared though i'm so scared please oh dude i'm so nervous i'm like the last person okay you got this come on okay flashlight on stress levels through the roof canadian flag ready for fallen i got this i got this just chill just chill just chill oh my gosh watch out do that joe i made it good thank you guys thank you for waiting you're amazing we're making it pass easy right guys easy easy easy we have a pro expeditioner here i think last time we died around the ladder area and it was only me and gold so yep let's not do it like that next time let's just make it oh i have never taken this route is this a new route i don't remember oh do not fall you cannot recover from come back just come back after guys we'll just meet them at camp one they have to go lunar gold whatever you see just guide them come on you got this let's go loony oh so sad for them we must leave one cry did they make this harder i think they did one i don't remember any of them it is harder to go crevices like this i don't remember any of this or you guys just have bad memory roblox expedition antarctica is just one super giant glorified obby that is here to make us cry funny oh no do the music are you why are we here just to suffer to suffer and cry did you die yes uh i'm getting ready to i told you should have traveled at 5am i have made it across the bridge finally that was horrible so apparently everyone is at camp one sorry guys they're all partying i'm a little bit of dead weight um i'm just just gonna having a dance party don't say you need to don't worry i have three lives now i will not die anymore you can't dance forever don't say that okay i'm jinxing myself stay hydrated you hear that guys stay hydrated actually i'm not gonna drink any water right now she's got a good point she does have a good point yeah where is camp one it feels so far away we are almost there remember you have to swim through the glaciers oh my gosh i forgot about i forgot about that we ready to swim guys always up ahead it looks like a bunch of ladders a bunch of deaths about to happen there's a ladder here make sure you don't just drop oh thank you expert guide i don't i think these wings are kind of blocking my vision [Laughter] gold these wings are ridiculous i don't think both of us deserve to wear these because we were too we're not throwing that we should take a normal backpack yeah now we just got to do this look at those glacier winds boom we are approaching a glacier a glacier yeah be careful and apparently one of the pro expert hikers here they said that if we find a penguin with a backpack we must open it and we will get a protein bar there's a treat which penguin has a backpack excuse me wearing backpacks oh i see it right in the center wait where wait where no there's like been on this glacier for too long i don't see any i think they took them all yeah wow look how creepy it's starting to get everything's fogging up take off your helmet oh i see draco my helmet's already off that's the problem i still see oh all of this fog put on your storm goggles storm goggles hold up uh oh man helmet on storm goggles on ew i don't like the storm goggles that made it worse i think well not really we could text we are approaching the dive taking it off for now make sure your wings don't block the string or you'll die they said cat you know where you're going right now we're following draco everyone let's go come on gold um follow closely oh i already know how to do this follow the red line dracco the seahorse mermaid do you see anything i see strings yes we must follow the string before we run out of air how come your wings aren't glowing funny because i didn't want glowing wings because they're cheap hey come on guys we're almost at the top here it is let's go we made it camp one not yet not jacob where's gold i'm almost out of air oh there you go come on let's go hey guys we're finally at camp one i'm out of hot chocolate that took quite a while because of me i see camp one how long you'll see it yes jump jump maybe we could jump to get the faster you guys you see here come join us but click the checkpoint first so you don't die yeah wow thank you guys for waiting you guys look epic we made it to camp one time for breaks because we've been here for quite a while so just grab your water and we continue wait i need to eat first i need to eat and drink water hold up where'd we fill up right here luxury tent and we definitely need some flares just in case it gets too crazy and someone needs to save my butt i have flares and i'm gonna grab a bunch of these energy bars oh finally oh i can't i'ma eat this guys we're ready let's go all right let's go let's go guys make sure to have energy boss i trust oh they said they have shortcuts you have to follow the girl that's dressed like a penguin right she knows that she's okay we must obey how much can we take of energy bars one well we have one we're ready we got one let's go i have a stack of cookies is that good enough yes that's very good i love this this is so epic avalanche area next mile do not stop we are taking the advanced route why are we going down an avalanche area the moon is up it's so beautiful i see you draco you gonna fall no i'm an advanced dragon rainbow getting carried up yeah i fell and i'm too lazy to do that jump thank you okay we got this where do we go next we just gotta jump up here scale up the wall the glacier oh yeah no big deal uh-huh just jumping on hard ice and now according to this map we don't need a map we have an expert guide let's keep going camp two is pretty far too far we have a pro expedition they're taking us on the pro expedition i feel like the glowing wings really help me differentiate all of you so if i die again i'm gonna get blue i'm a highlighter i feel like batman batman well batman please do not die okay we need you to survive someone fought gold gold i can get you gold i can get you oh did you die all right no oh my god he's not falling everyone is falling why is everyone [ __ ] what am i getting who am i getting grab that person and that person is luna crap grab all of us obviously i don't like you i can get you you guys have to jump on the wall taco you're just eating people yeah luna are you gonna jump no i mean jump behind onto the ladder just get it oh there's a rope luna come on i got it nice thank you oh okay jack will save our other fan yeah save the bouncing one save the bouncing one right now oh the bouncing one must be oh okay god wait is there fire noises yeah someone's using a flare that's ragged i call rigged she died you made that no she's back baby maybe i'm dead can you help me i'm so dead i got it we need search and rescue again do you need a rope see i saved myself because i am a strong independent mountain climber okay funny if you stay there um are crew farms gonna drop the rope oh i got it i got it oh you got it thank you do you have anyone else that needs a rope anyone else uh anyone saved nope let's go oh there's one dead person down there but that's just a dead end pc oh no okay seventy seven percent health my water is full and my stamina is looking at the south pole yet oh they're saying good job rainbow i think we might make it i think this is the day we didn't even get to camp two yet isn't this where we died last time avalanche don't talk about the avalanche oh yeah right before campus yeah it was sad very sad times surprisingly not a lot of avalanches um i don't want to curse ourselves but jinx don't you say it no avalanche this mountain is so easy to climb 10 out of 10. she's going to die it's because she jinxed one and surprisingly comparing this to mount everest we still have a lot of players alive like last time everybody was dead let's get this crew fam is pro yeah they're pro now they spent years of training for this oh stay close it's a avalanche morning oh we're at northridge pass i saw this on the map you almost you've seen everything on the map oh this is the hard part uh-oh uh i don't know wait what guys why is everyone saying oh this is it guys the flashbacks are coming back it's coming back avalanche area don't stop one mile let's go where's everyone i saw everyone now oh this is the slippery oh i fell i fell i fell i fell like that dracula got mad who is this how slippery is it it's very slippery it is slow slippery if you fall you die just jump you have to jump yes guys you gotta jump you gotta jump jump jump jump stop everyone let's go come on hey i wish i got a search and destroy rope totally wasn't gonna switch roles right now wait for real yes i just switched it oh we can help everybody oh no i never bought it i never wait you're supposed to go down what what go down wait okay everyone get on the wall and and slow slowly go down okay this way what are you doing draco what are you doing are you sure yeah i don't think so oh wait no they're up again i'm confused dude it's this way save me i found people wait why did you tell us to go down oh it's right there oh wait they're saying wait i don't need you funny i can follow our pro fan look at me look at you look to your right look to your right jacko for a person who fell off and was screaming i might die look at that i don't need you you were screaming and crying so i'm not oh no our savior is asking for snacks in return okay i will give you snacks okay fine um you can eat my water bottle all right everybody is saved and everybody is okay we can continue there you go huh we're just all super dramatic i'm shaking in my chair right now it's 11 a.m i don't think i should be leading someone are there more icy ladders so for icy ladders you just gotta jump and don't stop this is where you guys died i'm gonna make myself you keep saying that because we died everywhere yeah everyone drink your medicine take your medicine if you need it it has a hundred percent capacity it doesn't immediately disappear i did keep yourself a hundred percent okay it's not windy up here guys no need to jump yeah exactly how did you fall down that lunar uh and it like kind of like slips oh my gosh luna is gone it's too late luna you gotta cut it's okay i can go back she could recline um that was so wait did you like lose all your lives or are you still no no i got two i've got two i'm should we take a moment no no you don't have time for a moment no you must go we didn't even make it to camp too rainbow do you think the south pole waits for moments no the south pole we go there or we cry oh we're just sliding down don't jump don't jump gold oh my god you risky you guys are all giving me batting how come i don't remember uh sliding oh it's because we're taking this advanced shortcut oh huh well thank you advanced player i must give her all my cookies because she is pro oh i see gold in the distance my computer crashed i'm so upset i'm so angry oh great now it's dark now it's harder to do the wall yeah good job you guys took first oh no no no he fell wait we must save him save him we will save you here come here right here nine there you go okay we got this okay there's a jump at the end yeah there's a jump don't just all right easy here we are you're welcome we must save everyone with a draco popsicle right dracco or no i will kill him um this is the dreaded part and there's no one left here to rescue us because we were waiting why'd you lie to the house and it's dark and that makes it hard to see that we might die they said that they'll wait for us at camp too what's the smartphone oh i can't see that rainbow why'd you do that rainbow rainbow i think you should turn that off elsa i would start no rain i'm scared you know what you go first you go first go ahead go cry you jump across the rope you jump across rainbow stop freaking out no no no no they're doing it they're doing it just go down i'm so scared if you fall it is all over there's no way turning back coming back here come on rush me slow in steady rainbow don't rush me how am i going to get across this first person i got it rope oh my god okay careful okay wait rainbow why are you screaming this is the rope i got it please just keep walking don't just look down don't look down if you look down you'll fall and if you fall boom dead wherever jack i'm gonna have to tell you to move because i cannot don't rush me no rushing no rushing no rushing whoosh you see that that's me being i see them come on guys i can see the camp it's literally at the bottom of this ice wall go go go first person it's easier to walk the rope you go i'm scared you go your head's in the way just don't be freaked out just go everyone is taking their time we're gonna make it to the south pole rainbow why are you slipping just go falling off rainbow stuff stop i'm just scared okay come on you glowing winged creatures wow just found rainbow i'm gonna push you i'm gonna have to push you across the road push me i'm running push me don't push me just keep running just keep running oh slide down it's like just keep swimming what i almost fell almost fell almost fell i was being stupid i wanted to push rainbow i told you not to rush my heart is racing right now you guys thank you anxiety died of tragic yeah you've never been so close gold gold funny you know okay you know what gold you've been here i just stopped trash talking because i almost died rainbow what are you doing get down here rainbow stop it's just like parkouring everywhere i made it come on no this way i'm doing my flair down down down we made it we made it i don't think we should be uh wasting supplies like this probably like i've been here ages i've aged a whole 10 years okay i need to drink water now i gotta drink up i need food i hope this camp has lots of food for us there's a luxury tent we just have one more base to go to right and then we made it hold up your nap we're a cat too oh we got to finally see the canada glacier ah yeah yeah yeah i'm so excited oh they're like wow wi-fi over there a wi-fi tower i'm just gonna eat before we uh go do this take a break and out of funness we did it we made it to camp 2 in one piece hey light up it's not working it's morning it is prime time time to go hurry quick wait i need to stuff my pockets with cookies i forgot adventurers don't sleep cookies will make you your puppy go forward no please hot chocolate okay i'm good i'm ready i'm stuffing my pockets the group is gonna leave without you no please i'm ready okay i'm good so our giant group has uh turned down to this not that much people is this the canada glacier oh it's slippy i recommend jumping a lot okay come on you will not fall in the water realistically water equals death slippy you will freeze to death come on south pole i can see who i fell in the water that wasn't good for me what what ah you didn't see nothing beautiful snow i think we're finally making it we're so close um oh just a couple of ladders a push no big deal no big deal it's just a lot of triangle they said this way is easier okay i will take the easy way she literally said this way was easier no funny don't take that way you'll die funny i have to die funny i have to do it you have to do it for the gram oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it doesn't work it doesn't work it's cold no jump spinning flippy lighter slippy ladder slippy ladder slippery ladder everyone is slipping luna come on get out of there what are you doing spam jump guys crew fam said i'm suing [Laughter] i'm drinking this good luck suing ice yeah yeah i'm pretty sure you can't sue ice good job keep going guys all right i have no more help still venture on it looks like the canada glacier is very big it's so big the crew has never made it this isn't canada this is antarctica today we will well they called it the canada glacier on the map funny you went the wrong route the wrong way dude it's same thing look she went wrong it is not the same thing what is the same thing penguin no no they all still jump what what look at me your root leads somewhere else huh see did it oh is everyone good here oh careful my face is breaking no no no just get off oh my gosh okay we have to jump we have to follow i'm staying back no no she's jumping on everything how am i supposed to [Applause] [Music] oh wait is this a canadian glacier oh my gosh it's you know what i'm taking a hole that no one's taking ah no all the ice is melting freezing it's refreezing i'm waiting i'm waiting i'm in my own i'm going down this hole tunnel hey what's up guys i'm on the left side oh we must always follow the purple flag if we don't follow the purple oh did someone just die no i think so i don't know i should help them i don't know put it down put it down put it down come on don't worry we got you we got you here just come up here oh man we'll kill you sister detach them i don't have any more health packs this health kit doesn't work yeah i think the health thing doesn't work either i was trying it's broken it didn't do anything oh whatever isn't it working rainbow come on it's glitched oh ooh i don't like this like this ice climbing with a bunch of i mean this ice cave looks pretty cool it is very pretty cool for death ah what's that noise where does this lead to oh that must have been the other way guys wait up i'm behind [Music] [Laughter] wrong way jack jacob hurry up no jocko i don't wanna swim i don't wanna stop freaking out jacko come on toes are freezing i'm gonna drink some magic what does she mean ladders plus what what do they mean ladders plus i don't we don't have ladders plus no oh you have to jump you gotta jump that oh my god [Music] can we get a big clap for what's her name username guys can we get a big clap for i'm the best cookie yeah we must supplies potato give you all our cookies yes and for all our very proud who stayed with us this long yes and the other crew fam at base camp who are probably just hearing us dancing all of you are yes yes we appreciate you we loved you guys and that's why we will climb to the top yes [Music] look money she said wow i love like day us too every day as leg day i stay mountain day this is like six leg days what happened why did she fall wait did our guide fall no no no no don't tell me was the guide no i don't know how to get past here you guys please don't tell me it was the guide please don't tell me it was the guide please please we're not going to make it gold you went up the wrong side of the ladder oh is everyone going to go up this slide funny there's no point everyone's dead everybody did anyone fall or die no wait everyone everyone falled or died no they went on a pee break bunny's lying everyone died this is all that's left jk they dead no let's keep moving they're dead we'll come back for them wait what's up there how many camps are there lunar gold just please make it back you gotta make it to the top i try it's gonna feel real good so apparently they said it's easy to catch up [Applause] wait what's that is that another penguin crossing um is it a pain according to this map we're still not at camp three wait what's that is that is it looks old though it might have been like a long time ago count three is right over that's can three you made you guys you can't make it oh my gosh so easy to get to you already made it to camp yeah what the heck camp three no guys after that easy sailing don't say that don't say it's easy selling please easy sailing oh count three have three let me eat some chocolate to celebrate this time people we lost yes it is a good day gotta fight did you ever think we could make it this far nope for real going into this i was like we're so gonna die there's no way we're gonna live wings i think it's the wings that are helping us everyone is nervous we got our pockets filled with cookies final stretch final stretch i got a good big zero life left i'm scared for you gold let's go why wouldn't we want to follow your weight you might not want to follow my way through what i don't know i will do it we ready yes i'm not ready aye aye captain why are they saying that so suspiciously are they extreme i'm extreme let's go extreme glacier beard more glacier meet your maker one at a time [Music] there's a jump there's a jump there's a jump coming out jump jump i can literally smell right here what is that please what is that noise it says making it these avalanche gods do not rain rocks on me we are so close oh it sounds like gurgling intense jump whoa no no whoa they did a drop what whoa what they slid down ah oh man where are we going rainbow around here come on guys come on down here over here over here slid in here over here come on jump jump i think we're lost this is so intense uh-oh where did she go oh no oh god go oh she went up she's like we're lost oh everyone come out i like how all of us are relying on her like where is she we're dead it's so fun that we're making it out i love the guide i love her okay can we get her um expedition yeah we need to give her all our cookies at the end okay yeah okay stop talking don't worry she wasn't here we would definitely uh yeah all of us super dead gold are you ready you have to survive we're going to take the most epic selfie at the top yeah yeah you have to yeah i'm going to do it for this study oh man another drop just chill drop just chill bros we gotta chill hug the wall hug the wall hug the wall another's wrong on the wall and cry oh and another drop how does she know this there's no pose oh my god goodness no it's insane that she knows oh she went up this side there we go up here up here come on climb climb climb keep going down up up this is intense yeah and then up up up [Music] wait wait did someone get left behind yeah this is the end i got you wait a second jump up the wall oh you went to somebody hold up i need to bring this person to the end we're not leaving without them let's go dude just jump come on you gotta have the wire go don't go back in you'll lose your way we can't we can't nobody is getting left behind let's go let's go i'll light up someone oh i don't have a flag is that the end guys down this way wait wait down yes oh come on i was just gonna jump and die do not jump down here it's safe come on no way no way no no no no no way no way no way no way we're almost there home stretch oh i'm so excited can you feel why don't i see anything epic in the horizon we have to put epic music guys i'm literally crying this day would come i'm tearing up i'm really slow i feel like this is such a huge achievement this is so cool all five crew members finishing an expedition with chris yep and we will never see this again no it's the flags i'm gonna cry i'm gonna cry let's hold our flags the flags who sees the flags i see him i see him it's so big made it to the pole this is the south pole guys look around i can't wait to have the number one gosh this is dude i love this selfie oh my gosh i don't know the feeling right now is amazing everyone did it we must take epic group selfies take the best selfie guys that was so amazing and that's all thanks to the crew fam smash like if you want to see more conquests don't forget to subscribe if you're new thank you so much for watching we are crew and we'll see you on the next one bye bye yeah the five canadians finally did something there's a cool way to die to go back to camp we made it i must see this for now it is time to return back home to go all the way back i would like to thank adventure cookie my mom and dad who never came from the store god okay that got dark oh well i would like to also thank cookie for being an amazing guide and now yeah they're showing us how to die so we can go back to camp one and meet up with the others this is at the end of oh wait they said line up why not all right why are we all just going to like float off like penguins yes together i'm ready together watch your flags count down oh this looks so cool well i'll jump at the same time oh yeah okay three two one [Music] we did it and we're greeted with a dinosaur man look at these epic people at the spot i feel like a dog on a leash or something run those little legs [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,074,256
Rating: 4.9415817 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox funnehcake, roblox expedition antarctica, roblox expedition antarctica itsfunneh, roblox mount everest itsfunneh, roblox mount everest, roblox mount everest krew
Id: k-XTtwZyudk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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