We went to a SECRET Arcade in Roblox!

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we are on arcade island there are a ton of arcade games to play spin spin spin [Music] [Applause] spin spin spin come on this is rigged gold if we win this we can get the giant teddy bear prize it's not that easy rainbow come on let's go 500 tickets jackpot no he's not working boo give me the prize give me the prize come on do it [Music] yes yes this has to be the easiest arcade machine to win jackpot guys watch i just put in a quarter it slides down and then it just lands on jackpot nope it missed jackpot yeah okay 15 tickets that's okay i want the game with the most tickets hey let's go right here one oh whoa guys this one's called black hole white i don't know how it works let's see it costs three chips though that's so expensive three chips i don't even know how this works whoa i think you're gonna have to do that you have to go up i think it just stops randomly oh yeah if you don't go up you get sucked into the black hole oh okay i get it i mean not that bad that was a waste of chips though do you guys want to see the prize booth this is the prize maybe we should see what prize we should get first so 40 000 tickets for a flying unicorn that flies you around that's pretty cool what's the cheapest item cheaper s'mores oh a s'more okay that's our goal wait how do you have 250 tickets from the spin spin spin hey i got one too wait i have almost 5 000 tickets no wait oops i right or wrong i have 875 tickets no ignore that i read all of ours together you can't combine though this is a waste of money don't buy it fight each other in drag race drag race let's do it where's drag race the drag race fill all the stations to win up to 1 000 tickets pink what okay let's do this four chips i'm putting my chips in let's go for the match-up's accepting racers this is so cool i feel like i'm in a real arc wait does anyone know how to play i just click the drive button right oh like whoever could tap it the fastest i got this yo i'm so good at spamming watch this when crew tells you to like the button like like like like like right yep yeah come on let's introduce our racers yeah lane one lunar yeah she has the lane two funny cake well the car sounds broken shut up play three goals wait gold's car sounds aggressive rainbow sounds broken i'm gonna drive you guys out of this race draco sounds very broken how to play how to play the lighting on your station will move rapidly press drive to stop moving the light and drive the car closer to the center you stop the light the faster the car will move oh wow no this is hard i wasn't on your marks get ready started set go how do i do this oh oh no so i have to stop at the center of the line okay this is hard this is harder than i expected wait someone just got a boost no this is i want to go to first person because i want to like do anything come on i'm in the lead i'm in the league i'm so bad at this i got this i just got to be chill and collective come on blue car looter's really fast she's catching up to me no track was there come on i'll be scared turbo booster who keeps getting super boost it's me this is a game of reflexes uh-oh it's like a surprise who's gonna win luna and i on our tie right now that's not good really i keep paying attention come on we gotta beat luna no she's in this i'll beat you come on no lunar luna's really cool oh i'm in i'm head-to-head with luna oh luna's gonna take the w she's gonna take the win guys i got this oh okay that was cool did she get 500 tickets for real yes yes whatever luna i'm going to roast star what's this what if you play by yourself and win 500 tickets okay let me put in the chips gold is gonna try by herself i got 175 chips left who knew we could actually play an arcade in roblox how awesome stop i love arcade is that right um uh oh does it fit through hey where's number one did you oh oh did you ask are you for real no way how do you play you got nothing hey didn't give me my prize oh these games are red oh wait i got it wait what are you talking about i just want this switch wow you should try row cube it's way harder oh does anyone think they're pro enough i know right okay let's see row cube is where you just got to stick the cube in easy i hate these games even at real arcades i feel like they're rigged when should i stop i really want the dog here let's see if we can rig this let's just go up like this we gotta stop it for the dog oh for the dog y'all stop it now it's too early oh you're too late you should have listened to me oh draco you know what jack will be my guest go ahead okay okay i'll get the doge watch this drago dragon step it down step it down draco meow meow too late too late oh you he wants the dog come on you got to stop it i got it i got a strategy you gotta be calm and collective draco [Music] you're gonna miss uh-oh dude it's so it's off it's way more often [Music] it's red i didn't get it you gotta get it to the nearest pixel get ready okay it's three two oh wow this is impossible um i think gold's trying to earn 500 tickets by herself over here i don't think you win 500 if you um play by yourself well tell us if this is successful do you actually no way wait let's see come on gold are you gonna win i did it did i do it the winner is gold obviously i mean look at the audience hey that's pretty good though yeah that's like guaranteed a hundred tickets it is your favorite game is over here blocks machine ai whoa should we try this yes oh yeah see how fast you can click the button do we just click the buttons wait what if we cheat what are we all yeah can everyone just click it so six is okay i see six can we all click it no it's just you yeah it's just you oh wow um i feel like if this was at a real arcade everyone would be hitting the buttons together yep this is pretty cool i never seen an arcade machine like this fetch touch how many tickets do we got come on just let me finish i want to go play other stuff i don't think this is physically possible in real life because look you have to jump oh you got to be a top people for this see gold's climbing on it i'm gonna go who wants to challenge how many tickets did she get three more seconds what do we got wow 30 tickets wow that's awesome oh no no that's not that good by myself it's draco's favorite game block saber can you actually does it actually look like beat saber i'll show you we have the light saber wait it's a lineup let's see yeah is he a vip or something whoa okay okay i will play the hardest map to block silver arcade press start to begin wait you're actually gonna play hard you didn't even play the game yet yeah start start i'm ready oh i made a mistake oh i made a mistake oh i made a mistake oh draco what's happening um i see a lot of misses i would call it click saver this is not like a block saber this is ripoff this is like osu everyone we shouldn't look at this this is sad we're just gonna leave oh whoa wait there's a laser escape game pass place oh um that's my favorite i wanna go here dodge lasers and race the clock in an epic challenge oh we have to purchase a game pass i mean that's worth it let's go yes dracco meet us in the laser maze we're going to earn stuff wow you're leaving me so dracco still wants to be in the beat saver area so let's just go should we do extreme yeah let's go extreme yeah no when possible is the button working we said first time easy oh i have to put my card in oh that's so cool hey select your difficulty impossible exactly everyone stick your card in oh um i don't think it was multiplayer but do you see this oh it's a it's a challenge it's a scoreboard no um you're failing oh my gosh i'm so bad oh i see you you don't see nothing you don't see nothing okay i'm pro what did you do impossible oh i failed i definitely failed well you failed i suggested you guys go in zero you were supposed to remove your hat yeah you have too much hair i'm sorry i didn't rainbow please remove your hat before playing the laser game oh okay it's so you can become pro there you go okay we'll watch you from outside we'll cheer you on through this glass mirror all right whoa what did she pick rainbow why would you choose impossible i picked impossible oh my no oh uh oh no this is embarrassing [Laughter] [Music] oh this is so bad rainbow okay don't don't don't be dumb like me just uh everyone meet up with the prize catcher i'm gonna try getting one of these plushies let's go come on machine go up this looks wrong i don't think i'm gonna pick one up that's definitely oh i only gonna use them one time oh man you're really crazy sad for one no one for zero again try again let's go right and then up and then stop i'm pretty bad at this no oh is it going to get one oh yeah yeah one no you got the tail what i quit someone else try this the plushie is still on its like face it is possible to grab it by the butt jack will grab its tail we need this plushy in our life full concentration beginning beginning now beginning now does draco got this in the bag crane machines like this with the giant plushies oh he's too late hey you're more off than me look at that try again someone needs to grab one of these for us though please i'll try we're not leaving until you get it watch the expert go you must go forward [Music] as you go up and you go down oh luna's got in the bag guys i think she got it oh my gosh so wait do you have a feeling this is kind of rigged i know but just try one more time right there okay i think luna has the best choice come on luna you got this okay fine fine i'll do it again she's like i know i'm good i know i'm good come on luna and then you pick [Music] no i haven't guys i actually think this is rigged it's just rolling around it's not possible whatever how much money do we have oh it's stack 3d i heard gold is good at stack 3d gold take us some tickets yes you can win up to 1 000 tickets let's put our tickets together later and get the biggest prize are you ready for the professional block stacker yes did you like beat a world record or something she's totally lying i am world record block stacker bam oh come on you could have won this is embarrassing i'm leaving i will take the 1000 tickets for i am not a massive robux spender all right let's do this i'll stand up here ow the button hurts me ow stop it button is to prevent cheating ow ow oh you're gonna die you're gonna die oh one heart away from dying that's not good she got higher than gold no she did it i'll show you a real pro whatever draco i think they s uh skip a block i really don't oh i'm higher oh jack was that minor jackpot ah that was pretty good though okay i'm still the highest you've seen claw machines but have you seen giant claw machines where there are just giant balls let's go why how does this work but just like guarantee a win every round click the red button oh i see it yeah yeah okay let's get a yellow one so many in here you cannot fail this funny i know right if i fail this way get the thousand ticket ball give me this one is that good i feel like that's good oh that's a hundred no no no i need a hundred come on no get that thousand [Music] we should clear the whole machine what it's nice we'll get so many tickets i agree with rainbow let's clear it hey look at this this is ridiculous i want the 1 000 are you showing off your prize you're 100 tickets give me a thousand oh he's being selfish he's trying to get the thousand draco are you crazy give me the 1000. no way grab it grab it no way [Laughter] [Music] dude you broke it i want the 1000 so we can stand here all day watching draco scream at a ball for 1 000 tickets but i don't think it's worth it is fruit slasher a lot easier um freeze okay we got this fruit slasher should be easy we should get enough tickets to earn something amazing i just got slashed i got this look at my mouse you see this i just go like this you can win up to 1 000 tickets let's see about that okay so we're not really slashing the fruits but we're kicking it so i'll take this as a win i will get all the tickets i have like a couple of seconds left how many tickets will i get for almost 300 fruit points oh wait i think i could get exactly 300. it gave me 300 tickets okay draco did you get any luck at the 1000 ball yet i am working on it i will get it in this next play give me it can dracul reach for the 1000 no no no oh no draco you failed now [Laughter] [Music] wow okay i moved it i moved it i can do it again dracco i'm gonna tell the crew fam to get you with the 1000 me they will try to get you it oh draco they're actually doing it the claw machine is kind of shaky though everyone's saying this is a rigged claw machine that's not a thousand [Laughter] okay that's 250. i think they're moving this thing's everyone's seen it oh my gosh wow they're saying why is the music so loud dude it isn't loud i had to put it down ah so close so everyone's saying this is a fake machine i can do it okay oh draco draco's turn my turn chad dracco please please please please don't hit the rail i give up i hate this oh a crew fam said i will do it okay you work on this and we're going to tell the crew fam to work on this catcher right here ah no no no no no no no no someone tried to get this this one's actually rigged though [Laughter] i'm pretty sure we're gonna break the machine but draco i think they're grabbing the 100 for you i don't want the 100 oh my gosh this machine everyone's crying you are wasting your money we guys we are wasting our money and there's no luck anywhere i think we should just go eat yeah i'm hungry guys let's just go eat food see everyone's raging you know what won't rip you off food food can never hurt you in arcades or can it i'm exiting the arcade because we need to get some food what do we got buffalo wings okay guys don't worry we will buy for everyone i've bought the game pass i'm gonna go serve food to everyone oh my gosh i can prepare cheeseburgers that's so cute hello can i take your order can i get a waffle please i want the whole menu for free ayo uh-uh a-o check this place ain't ran by free we don't sell waffles here and you're a fridge you already have food we don't serve fridges no i'm kidding so it looks like everyone wants to speak to the manager it's getting pretty hectic out there rainbow we gotta start sign up they want ketchup chips do we have that no we don't have that oh gosh what do we do we are sold out of everything oh how do i give a cheeseburger line up for food or we eat toss you we must eat this you out of the shop give me the most delish thing on the menu or you're fired okay okay that's stress luna what do we do what are you making tacos i i i don't even know how to give food all right guys how do i make food oh this is tacos drenched in watermelon refresher okay how about we get a job here oh you have to prepare you click this oh that's so cool i'll make cake let's wait we can alert the customers alerting what does this do is this like the oh my gosh how do i do this oh these tacos look amazing oh there's buffalo wings yes please there go food how do we give food hey you take this yeah take food it's how do we give food i guess it's just our food yeah a plate of tacos eu a plate of tacos everyone's saying food food please okay i think we're officially fired so there's a lot of customers we're trying to feed them all but it doesn't look too good please feed them by using food emojis in the comments because i think we're officially fired we have to run guys we have to go hide let's go hide something i don't know we have to hide somewhere let's just hide in the fridge they can't see us i'm lemonade okay [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,853,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox let's play, roblox itsfunneh, roblox krew, roblox funneh, roblox funny moments, roblox story, roblox arcade, roblox arcade island, roblox arcade itsfunneh, roblox arcade funneh, roblox arcade krew, roblox funny arcade
Id: qrbd5qf5mgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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