The DEADLY Hike in Roblox Mount Kenya

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we've climbed mount everest we've explored antarctica and today our challenge is to climb roblox mount kenya can you hear me over i am not ready to climb mount kenya over i have climbed mount everest i am so ready over did you like and subscribe over thank you we're gonna need it greetings climber you are currently standing at the mount canyon base camp if you somehow don't know mount kenya is the tallest mountain in kenya and second tallest in africa ah that's so cool okay okay but you want to know what's more exciting what what look these players beat mount kenya in under 10 minutes what now that's the hike i'm talking about 10 minutes we could beat this in five minutes what not how's that even possible all right so lunar we all know that you are the only one that climbed mount everest yes and succeeded so you are the leader of this expedition dracco okay i like how swaggy your hat is today you are search and rescue swiggity boy you also have a richie backpack yeah we're gonna go walk up on the mountain trail right there where this is no wait wait i have to get the gear guys don't we need water in this game no it's funny don't you see the sign it's literally 10 minutes no water no food it's just like a stroll in this hiking trip is to never get wet do not touch the water or danger do not get wet do not yeah why does draco have a drone jackal why'd you bring a drone go to the top of the mountain oh i so we don't need to climb we could just use a drone we're very um high tech for this hike okay yes let me see what gear we have so this is the search and rescue gear oh yeah i look ready let me grab this take some binoculars and hurry up buddy the sun's going down hold up i'm trying to get all the stuff and the medic tent i definitely need first aid this backpack matches my aesthetic i need this get rid of this one take this one nah i don't like it it wrecks my outfit i'm taking it off all right i'm ready my gosh where are you going get out of here oh speed line i feel safe look i'm with two medics and search and rescue i'm the climber i would press that button escort the climber where are we going hurry up we gotta climb the mountains you're all slow wait there's a training area over there what now we don't need we don't need training we're back no we go straight to the mountains we've climbed many already i mean i mean you have climbed less scary than uh antarctica and mount everest that's so peaceful what it's literally like a walk in the park i see nothing yes this way it is it's so that water don't wash the water why not get it oh draco truffle you okay what i'm fine i'm fine it's just water luna you're making everything sound scary why are you guys we have a nine minutes let's go nine minutes oh yes do the top this is so challenging let's enjoy the view it's so beautiful i like how there's a paved path you know when there was snow all you see i know it's not even cold i don't see anything animals no this mountain looks pretty barren it is pretty though whoa this giant waterfall we should just swim up the waterfall no i mean if you want a shortcut wait draco where are you going oh this is so easy what if we don't follow the signs i feel like following the signs kate's coming up follow the signs um into the cave look at all those ropes which way oh no uh right stick together wait there's water over there don't worry gold we won't no i we are hikers we shall like did you guys read the guide it said avoid water oh okay i'll read the guide there's nothing down there we're making that up uh oh you guys remember who climbed mount everest luna luna this is not even scary we will just swim up the mountain oh we need to listen to our great leader lunar because she is swim up the waterfall wait let's watch jacob swim up the water whatever let him up the water i like how luna keeps telling us but no one's left the waterfall we go dude this is so cool we were cool guys joining us oh dracula um now it's night time and we've just been thank you five minutes which is goofy you know half of 10 minutes on this mountain did you know going in the water affects your hiking gear oh i have no hiking gear great it's raining don't worry these are just all ugc items they don't affect the game [Music] hey why is draco being the leader i thought we agreed luna to be the leader draco get back here swaggy boy yeah i want to go in the cultural cave oh you'll see too what is this huh it's probably like a scenic um psych spot you know we would climb this in real life no i don't know about that three tribes stay on the mountain i'm saying this wrong and masai why does no one ever pronounce the signs why do i have to do it someone's saying it because you're the narrator no i don't want to be the narrator i messed it up wonder of the world that's cool eighth wonder i love wonders you can read this too funny eighth wonder of the world masai mara is it wait what is masai mara now i want to google it where is it at jaco it's definitely not the lion the lion is not named masai mara oh it's a national reserve thank you in kenya cool so there's lots of beautiful animals that you can see that that's really cool what's over here narabi the capital of kenya oh wow it's so pretty look at all the water so green wait the flamingos wait those aren't flames i can't see through the tiny image the big five and wildlife present around the mountain in the present day which is today are a lion a rhinoceroses an elephant talking about elephants and whoa what's the top left thing i don't know isn't it an ox an ox goat no that is not a goat like a big goat luna that's not a goat can someone leave a comment down below tell us what that is yeah i think it's some sort of ox wait so can we see the big five today here on our client oh that would be cool wait okay do we go off this way yeah that was just a tour pit stop of viewing enough that was amazing i feel like i'm actually hiking all right everyone we will climb up these mountains if i think this is correct single file single file guys can you move faster she just lost health it's her fault out of the way i'm gonna be the top you know what i want to be the tour guide follow me i have an orange puppet jacket today meaning i definitely know the directions i am going we go up the ladder and we go up up up and then we stop we kick everyone off the line you push we push we play hey hey finally jump hey hey hey funny what okay carry me funny this is exactly why we can never finish hikes whatever this way this is a safe hike be careful you walk oh i wonder what happened you just fell down that hole that would be so dangerous don't fold down that gold can you fall down you fall down there you're taking enough uh and you're gonna die gold carefully what are you doing whoa um oh is she dead come rescue me um oh i'm sorry for pushing you jerks we didn't travel that far up gold so you gotta you gotta walk up here it's okay we'll wait for you well i'll tell you something i'm gonna sleep down here in my tent all right draco is dracco is descending to help you gold but he looks pretty dumb oh wait i can descend to help let me unhook this it's kind of too that'd be funny if we unhooked it i'm rescuing you gold search unless you get on thank you thank you for rescuing me after somebody shoved me down the hole i'm sorry i'm sorry gold i'm sorry i took away what was it foreign yeah i just wanted to see how steep the hole was it's always for the floor jaco are you gonna rescue her did you get on you're gonna have to make a risk swing your back it won't go any lower oh all right draco bring her up luna is also trying to help you wasted a nice day because you shoved me down a deep hole i'm laughing wait i just noticed a problem does someone have a raffle you're gonna have to wrap rappel down here and get her from this seat because if i let go of the key she's gonna fall to her death all right girls i don't have a raffle either but um can someone get their um thing over here so she can transfer then you guys you're so bad guys sorry okay i got her i got her don't drop me okay gold gold jump slowly get on to this one this i have an idea someone has to wrap rep um someone has to put funny down on their thing yeah and then funny has to release her thinking from on the thingy to get me kidding me all right luna wait wait we got this it's the power of teamwork and then yeah yeah yeah you gotta lower her i can't right here you're funny you have that equipment i can't bring you any more down [Laughter] no the mission the mission was a failure hey where did you get a grappling hook can i have one um from the game store page oh man why don't you tell me about it hello gold can you hear me over yes over i'm tired of you guys you know what i say just hike it all the way up here it's not that far over it's not worth it you know what i only have one life over gold this is a truce first aid again i will not wash your hands you guys go to the bathroom watch your back funny okay jacko make sure to keep me hot all right let's get on and move on i heard you were scared of hiding i am scared of heights in real life but not in game luck so scary whoa whoa whoa we're a thousand and five hundred meters off i just like to let you know it's not fun walking up these houses wait two days for you to catch up so that's two whole days well how many minutes has it been this is so easy there's like nothing and now walk slower the next time so far so easy like we don't need to drink water in this game we just stroll stroll through the mountains of kenya just a nice stroll and we go up the sound this is a hole right there draco stop trying to beat me whoa i'm trying to be careful this is so slippery mountain is it slippery it's raining yes there's no earthquakes here it's just yellow oh my god it can't save me from anything starting to get pretty steep your eyes on the ground hurry up one more eyes on the prize eyes on them you guys see the sun look at that beautiful yeah the sun's straight into the mountain come on come on uh it's getting quite hard to traverse here use those legs come on let's go come on gold how do you go let's get him we're almost at the top come on you gotta like do this no way guys gold is struggling i think she needs a stretcher gold i can't okay here here oh there we have one more life jack was stuff we don't need the stretcher yet oh wait look the moon's over there can we wait to break it's dark no we continue to walk until we see a summit the crew will climb a mountain together wait wait wait wait we need to do our selfie and this is the perfect spot let's do right here oh yeah this is perfect cheese spaghetti all right i don't think we're going to die this is too easy oh yeah this is what there's no avalanches there's no i just ran into a tree as i said that ignore that yeah what if there was an earthquake well isn't this easy because we all selected easy mode no easy mode just means we get extra how's over there what what oh the water what chuckle what are you talking about oh no no no no oh no oh look there's a person bad no that can't be us well that was gold earlier continue to the top go go don't push guys remember don't push chill oh i want to go before funny why always pushing to get people off the ladder no i don't i never hurry up dude i'm hurting i'm hurrying and you move funny she's doing this right now buddy they got it okay you're good funny guys good teamwork what do you mean i was trying to grab you i shouldn't lift you up i'm gonna leave you behind yeah no i was another ladder how scary not really oh it's dangerous up here careful guys i highly doubt in some dress oh no oh no careful careful okay we're good we're good careful did you not wear the right shoes for hiking is that why you keep slipping yeah you guys i see it cap wait no way no way we made it count one civilization um i thought we were at like in this camp i thought we were gonna beat this camp do we call it a night yes i'm too tall for this time oh guys the peak of the mountain's right there we can totally wear this where's the peak speed run i don't know like over there somewhere okay well we travel during dark i've never been here you have rainbow i can see it i can see it with my eyes beware one person at a time nah nah you can't tell us what to do signs woah oh [Applause] okay one at a time one at a time actually just kidding go everyone go we're safe we're good no i ain't going out here i don't want to let go um see this raffle is great look at it dude just cross the bridge already charcoal come on cross the bridge i'm scared i don't want to fall i don't want to go raffle you'll be fine oh my god draco can you just seriously just you don't need a raffle okay just go how did rainbow get over so fast oh i ran panicked there's a bridge speed you're just gonna run lunar scout you've got this lunar [Music] no rope no rope no i need a rope way to ruin way to ruin the bridge for gold okay she only has one catcher just climb this this is thanks for letting me go first you know because draco always shakes out bridge that's true two at a time two at a time two at a time five at a time it's wobbly it's wobbly swively it's wobbly [Applause] i think we just keep moving forward one more sign follow the path walked on because it is dirt oh true i also see ladders over there so that's probably where we go is it me or the nights are longer than the day yeah yeah it only feels like that because it's dark are we gonna see any wild animals oh yeah i think so we probably think scared i think it's almost any time we're the crazy we're too high up in the summit high wrong way i'm not going the wrong way oh what honey bunny you're going the wrong way oh she's going a different way she she made it up the ladder i bet you anything i found a show oh see she's right we um everyone just make sure to keep running it's totally not dangerous or wobbly at all oh no she broke it what did you do break it just go stop being a baby you don't need that oh no oh rainbow just fell rainbow that's like okay barely any of your health bar get you up here rainbow you don't need to heal yeah just go okay having trouble there dracula any minute now got it i got it draco that looks so wobbly okay this is totally safe bringing up rainbow this is fun ow my head you're good rainbow thank you nice yay oh look it's the moon oh that's pretty whoa the moon is over the mountain the thing is does anyone know how much camp bases there are like how many bases we gotta visit no i did not look at the map wow no idea gotta be careful gotta be i feel like we're really close to the top hug the dirt hill wow that's the last ladder right do you guys see that ladder that looks really dangerous oh that's very dangerous wait how are you supposed to walk up there no i walk on the side one at a time people don't know how it is oh no no no this oh no no no wait wait it's starting to get windy go go go what one at a time this is dangerous guys no no no careful it's shaking one two draco stop it you do look he's hooking it onto the mountain and i'm sorry rainbow's really slow funny oh no because i'm scared just chill it's getting it's a wonderly bridge no it's so wobbly please [Applause] get on luna get on hey this equipment actually works you're welcome i'll thank you keep going we're almost there i feel it should we look down well i'm slow i'm just look down funny move rainbow funny move i'm gonna fall thank you rainbow okay just go across hurry up come on come on walk let's go i'm scared luna you're giving us too much pressure easy yeah whoa there's a big hole there's a big hole watch where you're walking big hole okay you can't fall down that imagine if they had ice in here we would totally fall down oh yeah so far so good wait where are we going now what's our time right now it's five minutes right um we've been i don't know honestly i wasn't coming down yeah yes there's still more oh wait what's that is that water or i think it's a can of tuna it's a can of food too bad it's not open all right we said it was a can of tuna go across the bridge rainbow the bridge is better cut i can see the top no my can was a can of ham not tuna rainbow you're not supposed to go in the water remember yeah the water is i think it's starting to get chilly wait are you stepping on stuff do you hear that what yeah no we're stepping on ice now oh no i'm not prepared for ice i don't think we're really dressed for the weather either uh oh are we gonna freeze guys let's just go up the mountain i think we're gonna freeze where's rainbow i'm running as fast as i can but i'm really slow so that ladder looks really rusty funny right away funny this way funny nah nah no no i'm following funny i take shortcuts you you can trust me money might be lost at times and oh dangerous and not know what she's doing but i think she knows the way that there's a phony ladder i'm gonna go where i drop away i'm gonna walk the long way i believe in this are you ready funny yeah funny come on danger is my middle name just kidding no it's definitely a death matter dude gold's taking a shortcut shortcuts easy life is my middleweight thank you hi i'm sorry i apologize for making fun of your couch i'm going i'm going to rainbow yeah stop but you can just climb that it's clearly rusty and broken you can't tell me what to do you can't tell me what to do people just take the stretcher rainbow there's a high like there's a higher chance that you are going to climb on the ladder and you're going to fall to your all right whoa all right one two two one two one two one two let's go easy i think this is my favorite hike by far oh yeah nothing to be scared of leisurely is this gonna be the first mountain hike that every single one of us can beat don't think so don't jinx we're not even high up here there's no jinx ooh cotton candy ice gold she's getting still nothing i see the top we're actually going to make it yeah we're making it to the top so easy so easy this is like the most chillest mountain climbing there's rainbow a few deaths um oh okay this is getting quite slippery and chilly this way you go right maybe yes maybe there's a cave right there oh wear a helmet for a long time i know oh oh we have a house right here you just gotta equip it so i don't think i brought my helmet because i'm clicking it up well night vision i got one uh oh i don't see well the cave's not dark because it's morning yeah let's just go through it while still uh morning i'm gonna take a peek through right but i feel like left right looks kind of nervous i think someone's in here maybe there's supposed to be stuff here so we can read maybe or it's just a cave there's a probably a lot of i see what you mean right is there anything over there yeah yeah there's more ropes follow the ropes please we can't be trapped in this tunnel maybe we're supposed to take the weight where we saw the outside i don't know why we went into it here i just wanted to maybe this is the shoulder a shortcut to the top end right guys all of the ends are dead yeah no no this one's not dead this one's not dead okay i bet you that's back to start i know do you hear the wind oh it starts no okay okay oh we must i don't like tunnels at night that's scary just go through just go through draco you're the leader you're south side this better not be the one we started with oh oh do you see that oh this is dangerous you did it okay whoa it's starting you know what we're pretty high up is this camp three three maybe it was a short cut oh dude that's awesome okay camp three guys gold only has one life she needs to get that badge where it's all over let go go first okay gold you can't lose this gold i think this is the last little bit you got this is that another wobbly bridge i think it is i think it is uh draco let gold go first she only has one life no it's okay draco can go first draco can lead the team i will go first just don't wreck the bridge i will test to see if it's wobbly draco can you can you go slower wobbly it's just kind of oh no okay okay good good good good go on that's it i hate these letters they're always guys oh my gosh oh my gosh gold stay stealth gold gold okay somebody catch her my kitten my luna kit my turn kit okay okay luna gold tuner i'm at camp three oh i see i see her oh okay here good guys and that's easy like i said before okay golden lunar please make it up whoa making our way up why why cursed cursed slanted like you can send down some help okay someone falls down just for safety just for safety it's just for safety okay luna and we wait look at that cave over there i think that's our final destination there's a sign that's what you guys said three camps ago i know but that's true what does that say swiggity draco where are we going we are swaggity going up here because up this part probably can hold gold what happens i hit my head on the ice how do you give her a first aid kit guys she didn't wear the right shoes she's oh that's a big sign yeah i know how does she keep falling when i like i'm walking up the mountain all chill and i turn around and she's planted on a face come on gold gold get in the middle get in the middle you guys don't touch this it's dangerous touch what i think it's lava lava touch is this a volcano rock fun fact mount kenya is an extinct straddle volcano fun fact mount kenya was the tallest mountain in africa before it erupted and you know lost a little bit of its top because it erupted oh this is out this is out of the world this is out of the world do not get away from back up go jack will come back venture forth let me out let me out let me out oh okay i didn't jump down there i was gonna say you put me on a stretcher i want to see what's down there fine you do what i mean are you sure yes i'm sure i have to to explore i must see science what is inside a volcano get on you better not kill me dude all right bring me down uh i have to move it farther so far i see nothing you know what it's nothing i don't i don't care it's boring whoa almost kill me jack oh draco guys there's nothing let's just keep going mom all right let's move on let's get to the top i think this is actually a point did it say seven thousand that means we're only like halfway through are you for real are you both not no this was definitely not a nine minute hike how did someone do this in nine minutes please i need to see let's just keep climbing skills that's how so if i were to speed run this i just keep going i just keep like running i would run guys we should we could guys we could get on the record board for climbing yes totally you can't because you're exploring and you're shoving people off the email one day gold one day gold that was three peaks ago let it go yeah gold just don't be so pretty she only has one house too many times oh rainbow rainbow come on sorry this isn't that bad luna luna yeah why do you keep jumping off luna right you're pushing me up whoa moving rambo you've got gold i fell oh my god oh my gosh wonderful guys guys what are you doing don't have gold where's kit cool my face planted on the floor again i'm down here rainbow is right you didn't wear the proper shoes i'm gonna go complain and return these shoes they're so slow oh they're not made for i don't have a stretcher by the way i lost it when i fell so like what oh okay hey can i get some medicine please i didn't i don't have anything okay everyone come get healed thank you oh my goodness wait i gotta heal i gotta heal everyone i gotta heal everything how am i supposed to thank you thank you funny thank you dracco honey got back up gold you can do it bring her i was supposed to get there roll do you have to go yeah everyone is dying luna how are you just show us just go uh oh backwards very hard there i push you like that come on gently can you get back up okay you guys have to be very very careful you have to keep like if this is a slow process you gotta like sneak your way out oh my gosh i gotta heal i'm gonna die this is great i mean everyone just gotta really hug the ladder dude seriously i don't need it for that high i could climb up this is a really dangerous trick shot guys okay so oh my gosh i have a better idea why do someone just sends down a stretcher i lost mine sadly i don't have one either so sorry draco all is up to you guys okay got it nope yeah yeah got it got it come on dracula yeah yeah yeah yeah the next one's kind of hard too but you got it all right okay dracula's turn jacko you're just grappling onto pathetic things maybe we could just grab stressful i'm going another way i don't i'm not using those ladders i'm not using those oh my gosh the ladder wasn't even hard yeah pull me in pull me in get in man get in invisible there's invisible wall jack oh i'm out wait no i'm not no there's an invisible wall jackal you can't track oh it's invisible oh yeah it is dracula we can't even go out walk the full plank it's for people who don't want to use the ladder does anyone question why there is a table here for a picture weird yeah i think it's for eden look at it yeah you guys look so i can see the top of the mountain right there 30 summits ago you can see the top sometimes if you just see it in front of your face you just go straight you don't need to take a bunch of paths okay we don't need to make our life harder than it already is because we're about to die what somebody make a life motto yeah can someone like me don't make life harder exactly i think i see a path up there without taking the ladder so i'll see you guys oh my gosh you're crazy what the heck did you pay for something no i think that was a glitch that was so cool what was that you just sonic poop everyone off the ladder it must be the blue hair um gold's about to die somebody give her healing all right please gosh you guys one at a time i don't know why the ladder is so fast okay thank you come here for healing medic fun sorry for running all over your heads and some of you fell off but sometimes you gotta step on the path yeah more what these are the worst yeah thank you wait where's everyone else are they trying to take shortcuts i don't know oh my god i don't trust them no i don't see dracula guys just go up you don't see me no you lie i don't see you draco i am i took a shortcut there's an invisible wall isn't there no there isn't look over here where he did he made it where's luna out wait i'm going how did you get up show me lined up a wall a kind of a wall i climbed up this whole wall it looks flat but it isn't because i climbed it okay okay well now we have to climb up there where the next ladder is cue epic music we're gonna be up there in one minute funny this is my path let's see who gets up there faster uh-oh i think that's true stop following me stop following me oh track oh you could check or go you know the rule is just to wiggle you know you just wiggle you can't get up you wiggle and eventually you will get up wiggle oh this is a nice patch can we wiggle our way up here i don't think so funny use your powers boost me and use my powers to cheat over here see we all have different ways to climb the mountain i don't know why is there walls don't have walls yeah that's ridiculous that is the limiter we have no limits wait draco are you freaking out buddy gasping i'm not gonna say uh luna are you here where's luna no wait where did you guys go lunar lunar i'm still watching the mountain what where are you what's up i'm still trying to get out of the mountains where's our leader we're pro luna lunar wait oh my we lost her in the mountains she is gone i have nowhere to be found luna over why didn't you just follow everyone over she did not over up the wall it seems that we were the pros all along over over over over luna you don't even want to come up here over it looks pretty bad over here i see her oh my goodness this is gonna be dangerous it's raining now look up rainbow i think we're at the top gold only has one life guys come on she can't die no one step on the bridge let's walk draco no no morocco okay i made it okay come on guys okay draco don't shake the brakes rainbow i'm not scared right now did you just see what she just [Laughter] you guys just go all at one time you don't need to go one at a time no rainbow it's raining it's slippery it's very dangerous there's no way okay this is the most dangerous trick crew has ever done will they make it okay everyone is surviving so far and i see the top i will walk while holding the radio across hey oh i'm getting to the top by myself i see it i agree kick her off look we gotta hug it like this and then we gotta do it up bro we are struggling over please get another stretcher over you just hop up you just go like that funny over wiggle i'm wiggling i'm wiggling oh i'm wiggling thank you for the tips drippity drips wiggity draco over you're welcome all right guys do not push each other off the ladder remember crew pro tips if you're ever struggling just wiggle these stupid ladders no it's that is not this ladder hurts me yeah i hate these ladders come on do you see the top yet i'm getting yeah be careful this is holy round there's lots of holes in this holy ground you mean how well i can't fall through holes i don't know it was a trap that was a trap day go back down go back down the ladder is over there there's the batteries there no it's over there i see it there's no way where oh there it's over here i'll follow luna where are we going i'm following luna what goals where's maybe we should stick with them um because gold's being a darp in the other mountain no lunar we gotta stick together we lost gold already gold is not getting closer you have no health left oh yeah i know all right gold you're literally gonna die so i'll try my best oh my gosh i almost just fell yeah get in oh no go away oh hold where'd she go can you she's delusional by herself come here right here okay gold this is the stretcher she's right there oh thank you nowhere oh she's gonna die she's gonna die nowhere wait funny you're gonna fall down oh thank you okay save your yes i'm your savior and i'm also the one that pushed you off like multiple times so get out now but next time next time we're making sure that you wear the correct shoes before we yeah gold i am sick of you wearing these improper shoes to go hiking over here over here but don't they look good gold but i love you you need that stable ladder that won't wiggle whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it's good it's still wiggling and funny just push drago on oh i didn't count i'm so proud sorry dracco i don't have a stretcher where are you are you on the left that go why do i have to rescue everyone i did not sign up for this but you did pay robux for it time when do i uh drop the stretcher draco drop the stretcher so evil this is for all the times you beat me at all the roblox games it's finally my turn find yourself is now your savior do i drop you get out all right and then heal draco heal me heal me dude i already healed you i like the medkit it's really easy to use okay now now where do we go uh right i think the right right really yeah oh there's a drop there's a drop you can drop down there dracula you let us see nothing wait no way no way no way that's too intense that's too much i told you we were supposed to go to the left side no stop going oh no i did it right now she jumped rainbow oh wait a minute draco led us the wrong way i told you you're bad you're bad you're bad no you're supposed to drop over here you're supposed to drop over here oh it's kind of too late dude dude you're making oh wait you guys okay we can get back up just follow his pass why do we have to make that jump gold can you handle that jump gold she's going for it this jump no no the one where jackal's at oh so you're just gonna run run really fast run really fast and then straight on to that i can't jump that just oh oh no you don't just walk oh come on it's okay squeegee rainbow come on go go go go go go nice got it nice okay nice come on turn day time already i know it's it's too dark i want to go back to daytime where i can see everything what do we climb squiggle people squiggle i like ice ice makes us go fast yeah i'm just going to step on the ice zoom this makes us zoom behind us good thing there's no avalanches in this game it's just chill and calm yep and ice climbing the mountain climbing in the mountain climbing the mountain what's at the top nothing jacka why you hugging the wall over there the top try climbing it i like how we're all trying to race i want to touch the flag first this is kind of a race i'm gonna touch the flag first all right shortcut why is there invisible walls i want to walk over the ice how fast i'm going wait funny's going really fast dude that's so lame there's invisible walls no this isn't this is where did you learn to squeegee like this squishy who taught you to wiggle like jackal always wiggle wiggle wiggle he's just he's like wiggling up the mountain wait we can make it to the top before daytime this is gonna look so sick so i wanna see the sun rise this is a true race jackal wait up i have a surprise for you clothes why is it okay congratulations congratulations you are now at the third highest peak in africa third we made it no this isn't the highest though oh it's the second highest mountain so we just need to go up one more peak okay i can't imagine hiking this in real life i think that's so crazy we're not ready for this we're no i don't think i don't think we're mentally and physically ever ready for this this would be on roblox you would have to like sleep in the mountains eat in the mountains become the mountain that's right in the mountains this has to be the top right but i still kind of don't believe this whole thing for nine minutes oh what no way no way there it is get it all together congratulations you are now at the second highest peak in africa second i wanted to be the father first now kenya's summit is 5199 meters cool i want to touch the flag kenya we did it yes look at this view yeah we gotta stand here and like take a picture all right yeah this inside the flag which way this way this way which way looks this way this way is the perfect way yeah let's do that we are crew and with the power of teamwork teamwork we did you made it to the top yes now we have to see if we can get back down in one piece let's jump in no no we're going back down what how do we have to no no i need to go back down the other side let's just look there's the campsite all the way down there we climbed so far up what are you looking at i don't see nothing we're too high up nah i see it oh i see all the fog all right time to test the real science we will go off onto the other end of the world there's probably a wall i'm a bird i can fly oh wait wait we could go down this way oh it's like a slide well let's see what's back here bet you there's an easter egg so this is what a back of a mountain looks like and we just keep going down yep you just keep walking and walking and walking so cool
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,628,073
Rating: 4.9404874 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox krew, roblox funny, roblox mountain, roblox mount kenya
Id: dzK5F6GOTvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 11sec (3011 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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